コード例 #1
def test_worddict():
    assert type(wordlist_to_dict()) == dict
    assert WORDDICT['happy'] == 8
コード例 #2
# coding=utf-8
""" Testing the functions in this final program."""
from app.YouTubeConnection import YouTubeConnection
from app.sentimentAnalysis import wordlist_to_dict, sentiment, sentiment_analysis
from app.Plotter import list_divider, generate_pie_plots, genereate_hist_plots
from app.detect_lang import LanguageDetector
from gdata.youtube import service
from app import config
import argparse
from app import app

WORDDICT = wordlist_to_dict()
SEARCH_WORD = 'cocio'
TOKENIZED_WORDS = ['but', 'he', 'fails', 'miserably']
COMMENTSLIST = [['Lol I actually thought that was pretty good cause at first I'
                 ' thought it would just be legit cheesy haha']]
NO_WORDS = [['this is test']]
ID_LIST = ['12g34h5T', 'sg09G876', '5A67sD89x']
ID = '-EBSfd3YlKQ'
URL = ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoOHkJYeFDg"]
YTS = service.YouTubeService()
POS_NEG_LIST = [3, 11, 9, 5, 6, 8]
UNKNOWN_LIST = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
POS_NEG_LISTS = [[1, 3, 6, 7], [0, 12, 3, 8, 9]]
LD = LanguageDetector()
developer_key = config.DEVELOPER_KEY
youtube_api_version = config.YOUTUBE_API_VERSION
youtube_api_service_name = config.YOUTUBE_API_SERVICE_NAME
YTC = YouTubeConnection(developer_key, youtube_api_version,