コード例 #1
def test_get_intro_empty_json_result(monkeypatch):
        Test if a exception is raise if corrupted 
        json data from api.

        Also the attribut intro of the ApiManager instatiation
        must be a empty string in this case in order to trigger
        the "no result" bot response buble. 
    # patching for place api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlace)
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")

    # patching for wiki api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetWiki)

    #patching for wiki intro with empty json data.
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestGetWikiIntroEmptyData)

    with pytest.raises(
            match="The intro data from wiki Api is corrupted or empty..."):
        assert search_obj.get_intro()
        assert search_obj.intro == ""
コード例 #2
def test_place_finder_empty_input():
        Test if a exception is raised if
        we give a empty text in input.
    search = api_manager.ApiManager("")
    with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Cannot search place with empty text"):
        assert search.place_finder()
コード例 #3
def test_get_intro_empty_input_raise_exception():
        Test if get_intro() with empty wiki article id
        raise an eception
    search = api_manager.ApiManager("")

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        assert search.get_intro()
コード例 #4
def test_articles_nearby_empty_input():
        Test if a exception is raised if
        we give a empty text in input.
    search = api_manager.ApiManager("")
    with pytest.raises(
            "Cannot search for article id if term of the research is empty"):
        assert search.articles_nearby()
コード例 #5
def test_attributs_exist():
        Test if attribut are created.
    test_object = api_manager.ApiManager("user parsed text")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "parsed_text")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "name")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "address")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "latitude")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "longitude")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "intro")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "link")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "articles_id")
コード例 #6
def test_articles_nearby_corrupted_return(monkeypatch):
        Testing if exception is raised for 
        corrupted json data wiki api return.
    # patching for place api correct data return
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlace)
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")

    # patching for wiki api corrupted data
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetWikiIncorrectReturn)
    with pytest.raises(Exception,
                       match="The data From wikipedia Api are corrupted"):
        assert search_obj.articles_nearby()
コード例 #7
def test_articles_nearby_works(monkeypatch):
        Wikimedia API connection test if correct data sent.

        Using wikimedia action API.
        Return the pageid wikimedia API parameter 
        of the first article's page found.         
    # patching for place api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlace)
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")
    # patching for wiki api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetWiki)

    assert search_obj.articles_id == [
コード例 #8
def test_get_intro_works_correct_data(monkeypatch):
        Test if get_intro() implement ApiManager.intro
        using the first element of ApiManager.articles_id
        and the wiki API
    # patching for place api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlace)
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")

    # patching for wiki api
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetWiki)

    #patching for wiki intro with valids json data.
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestGetWikiIntro)

    assert search_obj.intro == "texte descriptif d'intro"
コード例 #9
def test_place_finder_corrupted_return_raise_Exception(monkeypatch):
        Testing if a exception is raised for corrupted data
        from api json file.

        Also testing if the method return empty string for 
        the attributes name & address.
        And return value 0 for the attributes latitudes & longitude

    # Patching of the corrupted data mock
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlaceEmpty)
    # test
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")
    with pytest.raises(Exception, match="invalid data from Api ... "):
        assert search_obj.place_finder()
        assert search_obj.name == ""
        assert search_obj.address == ""
        assert search_obj.latitude == 0
        assert search_obj.longitude == 0
コード例 #10
def test_methode_place_finder_works(monkeypatch):
        Google Place API connection test if correct data sent.

        The method place_finder must implement the instances attributs
        from the instance attribut parsed_text and the google place API:

            => name
            => address
            => latitude
            => longitude           
    # Patching du monkeypatch pour remplacer méthode requests.get 'app.toolbox.api_manager.requests.get'
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', MockRequestsGetPlace)

    # test de la méthode
    search_obj = api_manager.ApiManager("Elysée")

    assert search_obj.name == "Le Palais de L'Élysée"
    assert search_obj.address == "55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France"
    assert search_obj.latitude == 48.8704156
    assert search_obj.longitude == 2.3167539
コード例 #11
def test_get_intro_exist():
        Test if the method exist
    test_object = api_manager.ApiManager("user parsed text")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "get_intro")
コード例 #12
def test_articles_nearby_exist():
        Test if search_articles_nearby method is created.
    test_object = api_manager.ApiManager("user parsed text")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "articles_nearby")
コード例 #13
def test_place_finder_exist():
        Test if the instance method place_finder exit
    test_object = api_manager.ApiManager("user parsed text")
    assert hasattr(test_object, "place_finder")