def test_enumerate_file_names(self): meta_data = CollectionMetaData('col') self.assertListEqual(meta_data.enumerate_data_fnames(None), ['data1.bin', 'data2.bin'])
class CleaningThread(Thread): """ Class to handle the cleaning of the deleted documents. When deleting a document, it's replaced by an empty document and the index still unchanged. This class (run in a separated thread) will check those empty documents, remove them and update the indexes consequently. """ def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.item = CleaningStack.get_instance().pop() self.col_meta_data = CollectionMetaData(self.item['collection']) self.incoming_line = self.item['line'] def run(self): try: CollectionLocker.lock_col(self.col_meta_data) self.swift_data_docs() self.update_indexes_file() self.update_remaining_cleanings() CollectionLocker.unlock_col(self.col_meta_data) except Exception as e: print(f'Cleaning thread failed with {e}') def swift_data_docs(self): """ Method to move documents from a data file to a previous data file. The data files must have a constant file length (except the last). When removing a document from the middle of a data file, we must add another document at the end, this document must come from the beginning of the next data file. """ doc_to_move = None fnames = self.col_meta_data.enumerate_data_fnames(None) for i, fname in zip(count(len(fnames) - 1, -1), reversed(fnames)): if self.incoming_line >= (i + 1) * DatabaseContext.MAX_DOC_PER_FILE: # the incoming line is in a higher data file continue if self.incoming_line < i * DatabaseContext.MAX_DOC_PER_FILE: # the incoming line is in a lower data file line_to_pop = 0 elif self.incoming_line < (i + 1) * DatabaseContext.MAX_DOC_PER_FILE and self.incoming_line >= i * DatabaseContext.MAX_DOC_PER_FILE: # the incoming line is in the present data file line_to_pop = self.incoming_line % DatabaseContext.MAX_DOC_PER_FILE pname = DatabaseContext.DATA_FOLDER + self.col_meta_data.collection + '/' + fname with open(pname, 'rb+') as file: docs = pickle.load(file) file.truncate() if doc_to_move is not None: docs.append(doc_to_move) doc_to_move = docs.pop(line_to_pop) file.write(pickle.dumps(docs)) if len(docs) == 0: self.col_meta_data.remove_last_data_file() FilesReader.get_instance().invalidate_file_content(pname) def update_indexes_file(self): """ Method to update the new line of each doc in the indexes file. After swifting the documents because of a deleting, each document will be placed in a lower line. """ for field in self.col_meta_data.indexes.keys(): pname = DatabaseContext.DATA_FOLDER + self.col_meta_data.collection + '/' + self.col_meta_data.get_index_fname(field) with open(pname, 'rb+') as file: values = pickle.load(file) file.truncate() updated_values = {} for k, lines in values.items(): updated_lines = [] for l in lines: if l > self.incoming_line: updated_lines.append(l - 1) elif l != self.incoming_line: updated_lines.append(l) if len(updated_lines) > 0: updated_values[k] = updated_lines file.write(pickle.dumps(updated_values)) FilesReader.get_instance().invalidate_file_content(pname) self.col_meta_data.add_or_update_index_count(field, self.col_meta_data.indexes[field] - 1) def update_remaining_cleanings(self): """ Method to update the line reference of the incoming cleaning requests. The case: two or more documents were deleted at same time; the first removed document was completly removed, the rest of the documents swifted and the lines updated; the other removed documents had their lines updated in the index files but we also have to update the cleaning stack as it's pointing to an old location. """ for i in CleaningStack.get_instance().stack: if i['collection'] == self.col_meta_data.collection and i['line'] > self.incoming_line: i['line'] -= 1