def test_reset_password_post_failure_invalid_input(self): """ Test posting to the password reset form with an anonymous user, a valid token, and an invalid form. Expected result: The password is not updated and the user is shown the reset password form. """ email = '*****@*****.**' password = '******' name = 'John Doe' user_id = 1 user = User(email, name) user.set_password(password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() self.assertEqual(user_id, token_obj = ResetPasswordToken() token_obj.user_id = user_id token = token_obj.create() new_password = '******' response ='/user/reset-password/{token}', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( password=new_password, password_confirmation=new_password + 'ghi' )) data = response.get_data(as_text=True) self.assertIn('Reset Your Password', data) self.assertNotIn('The token is invalid.', data) self.assertNotIn('Your password has successfully been changed.', data) self.assertFalse(user.check_password(new_password)) self.assertTrue(user.check_password(password))
def test_reset_password_post_failure_invalid_token(self): """ Test posting to the password reset form with an anonymous user, an invalid token, and a valid form. Expected result: The password is not updated and the user is shown a 404 error page. """ email = '*****@*****.**' password = '******' name = 'John Doe' user_id = 1 user = User(email, name) user.set_password(password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() self.assertEqual(user_id, new_password = '******' response ='/user/reset-password/just-some-token', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( password=new_password, password_confirmation=new_password )) data = response.get_data(as_text=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_code) self.assertNotIn('Your password has successfully been changed.', data) self.assertFalse(user.check_password(new_password)) self.assertTrue(user.check_password(password))
def test_user_profile_post_name_and_password_and_email(self): """ Test posting to the user profile page with the name, the password, and the email changed. Expected result: The form is shown with the new data. The user's name and password are changed, the email is not, but a mail has been sent to the new address. """ email = '*****@*****.**' name = 'John Doe' password = '******' user = User(email, name) user.set_password(password + '!') with mail.record_messages() as outgoing: user.set_password(password) self.assertEqual(1, len(outgoing)) self.assertIn('Your Password Has Been Changed', outgoing[0].subject) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() user_id ='/user/login', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( email=email, password=password )) new_name = 'Jane Doe' new_password = '******' new_email = '*****@*****.**' with mail.record_messages() as outgoing: response ='/user/profile', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( name=new_name, email=new_email, password=new_password, password_confirmation=new_password )) data = response.get_data(as_text=True) self.assertEqual(2, len(outgoing)) self.assertIn('Change Your Email Address', outgoing[1].subject) self.assertEqual([new_email], outgoing[1].recipients) self.assertIn('User Profile', data) self.assertIn(f'value="{new_name}"', data) self.assertIn(f'value="{email}"', data) self.assertIn('Your changes have been saved.', data) self.assertIn('An email has been sent to the new address', data) user = User.load_from_id(user_id) self.assertEqual(new_name, self.assertEqual(email, user.get_email()) self.assertTrue(user.check_password(new_password))
def test_user_profile_post_only_name(self): """ Test posting to the user profile page with only the name changed. Expected result: The form is shown with the new data. The user's name is changed, everything else is not. """ email = '*****@*****.**' name = 'John Doe' password = '******' user = User(email, name) user.set_password(password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() user_id ='/user/login', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( email=email, password=password )) new_name = 'Jane Doe' with mail.record_messages() as outgoing: response ='/user/profile', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( name=new_name, email=email )) data = response.get_data(as_text=True) self.assertEqual(0, len(outgoing)) self.assertIn('User Profile', data) self.assertIn(f'value="{new_name}"', data) self.assertIn(f'value="{email}"', data) self.assertIn('Your changes have been saved.', data) self.assertNotIn('An email has been sent to the new address', data) user = User.load_from_id(user_id) self.assertEqual(new_name, self.assertEqual(email, user.get_email()) self.assertTrue(user.check_password(password))
def test_reset_password_post_logged_in(self): """ Test posting to the password reset form with a user who is logged in, and a valid token. Expected result: The user is redirected to the home page without changing the password. """ email = '*****@*****.**' password = '******' name = 'John Doe' user_id = 1 user = User(email, name) user.set_password(password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() self.assertEqual(user_id,'/user/login', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( email=email, password=password )) token_obj = ResetPasswordToken() token_obj.user_id = user_id token = token_obj.create() new_password = '******' response ='/user/reset-password/{token}', follow_redirects=True, data=dict( password=new_password, password_confirmation=new_password )) data = response.get_data(as_text=True) self.assertIn('Dashboard', data) self.assertNotIn('The token is invalid.', data) self.assertNotIn('Reset Your Password', data) self.assertNotIn('Your password has successfully been changed.', data) self.assertTrue(user.check_password(password))