コード例 #1
class ClusterSlave(object):

    API_VERSION = 'v1'

    def __init__(self, port, host, num_executors=10):
        :param port: The port number the slave service is running on
        :type port: int
        :param host: The hostname at which the slave is reachable
        :type host: str
        :param num_executors: The number of executors this slave should operate with -- this determines how many
            concurrent subjobs the slave can execute.
        :type num_executors: int
        self.port = port
        self.host = host
        self.is_alive = True
        self._slave_id = None
        self._num_executors = num_executors
        self._logger = log.get_logger(__name__)

        self._idle_executors = Queue(maxsize=num_executors)
        self.executors_by_id = {}
        for executor_id in range(num_executors):
            executor = SubjobExecutor(executor_id)
            self.executors_by_id[executor_id] = executor

        self._master_url = None
        self._network = Network(min_connection_poolsize=num_executors)
        self._master_api = None  # wait until we connect to a master first

        self._project_type = None  # this will be instantiated during build setup
        self._current_build_id = None
        self._build_teardown_coin = None

    def api_representation(self):
        Gets a dict representing this resource which can be returned in an API response.
        :rtype: dict [str, mixed]
        executors_representation = [executor.api_representation() for executor in self.executors_by_id.values()]
        return {
            'is_alive': self.is_alive,
            'master_url': self._master_url,
            'current_build_id': self._current_build_id,
            'slave_id': self._slave_id,
            'executors': executors_representation,

    def get_status(self):
        Just returns a dumb message and prints it to the console.
        return 'Slave service is up. <Port: {}>'.format(self.port)

    def setup_build(self, build_id, project_type_params, build_executor_start_index):
        Usually called once per build to do build-specific setup. Will block any subjobs from executing until setup
        completes. The actual setup is performed on another thread and will unblock subjobs (via an Event) once it

        :param build_id: The id of the build to run setup on
        :type build_id: int
        :param project_type_params: The parameters that define the project_type this build will execute in
        :type project_type_params: dict
        :param build_executor_start_index: How many executors have alreayd been allocated on other slaves for
        this build
        :type build_executor_start_index: int
        self._logger.info('Executing setup for build {} (type: {}).', build_id, project_type_params.get('type'))
        self._current_build_id = build_id
        self._build_teardown_coin = SingleUseCoin()  # protects against build_teardown being executed multiple times

        # create an project_type instance for build-level operations
        self._project_type = util.create_project_type(project_type_params)

        # verify all executors are idle
        if not self._idle_executors.full():
            raise RuntimeError('Slave tried to setup build but not all executors are idle. ({}/{} executors idle.)'
                               .format(self._idle_executors.qsize(), self._num_executors))

        # Collect all the executors to pass to project_type.fetch_project(). This will create a new project_type for
        # each executor (for subjob-level operations).
        executors = list(self._idle_executors.queue)
            args=(executors, project_type_params, build_executor_start_index)

    def _async_setup_build(self, executors, project_type_params, build_executor_start_index):
        Called from setup_build(). Do asynchronous setup for the build so that we can make the call to setup_build()

        :type executors: list[SubjobExecutor]
        :type project_type_params: dict
        :type build_executor_start_index: int
        self._base_executor_index = build_executor_start_index
            for executor in executors:

        except SetupFailureError as ex:
            self._logger.info('Notifying master that build setup has failed for build {}.', self._current_build_id)

            self._logger.info('Notifying master that build setup is complete for build {}.', self._current_build_id)

    def teardown_build(self, build_id=None):
        Called at the end of each build on each slave before it reports back to the master that it is idle again.

        :param build_id: The build id to teardown -- this parameter is used solely for correctness checking of the
            master, to make sure that the master is not erroneously sending teardown commands for other builds.
        :type build_id: int | None
        if self._current_build_id is None:
            raise BadRequestError('Tried to teardown a build but no build is active on this slave.')

        if build_id is not None and build_id != self._current_build_id:
            raise BadRequestError('Tried to teardown build {}, '
                                  'but slave is running build {}!'.format(build_id, self._current_build_id))

    def _async_teardown_build(self):
        Called from teardown_build(). Do asynchronous teardown for the build so that we can make the call to
        teardown_build() non-blocking. Also take care of posting back to the master when teardown is complete.
        while not self._idle_executors.full():

    def _do_build_teardown_and_reset(self, timeout=None):
        Kill any currently running subjobs. Run the teardown_build commands for the current build (with an optional
        timeout). Clear attributes related to the currently running build.

        :param timeout: A maximum time in seconds to allow the teardown process to run before killing
        :type timeout: int | None
        # Kill all subjob executors' processes. This only has an effect if we are tearing down before a build completes.
        for executor in self.executors_by_id.values():

        # Order matters! Spend the coin if it has been initialized.
        if not self._build_teardown_coin or not self._build_teardown_coin.spend() or not self._project_type:
            return  # There is no build to tear down or teardown is already in progress.

        self._logger.info('Executing teardown for build {}.', self._current_build_id)
        # todo: Catch exceptions raised during teardown_build so we don't skip notifying master of idle/disconnect.
        self._logger.info('Build teardown complete for build {}.', self._current_build_id)
        self._current_build_id = None
        self._project_type = None

    def _send_master_idle_notification(self):
        if not self._is_master_responsive():
            self._logger.notice('Could not post idle notification to master because master is unresponsive.')

        # Notify master that this slave is finished with teardown and ready for a new build.
        self._logger.info('Notifying master that this slave is ready for new builds.')

    def _disconnect_from_master(self):
        Perform internal bookkeeping, as well as notify the master, that this slave is disconnecting itself
        from the slave pool.
        self.is_alive = False

        if not self._is_master_responsive():
            self._logger.notice('Could not post disconnect notification to master because master is unresponsive.')

        # Notify master that this slave is shutting down and should not receive new builds.
        self._logger.info('Notifying master that this slave is disconnecting.')

    def connect_to_master(self, master_url=None):
        Notify the master that this slave exists.

        :param master_url: The URL of the master service. If none specified, defaults to localhost:43000.
        :type master_url: str | None
        self.is_alive = True
        self._master_url = master_url or 'localhost:43000'
        self._master_api = UrlBuilder(self._master_url)
        connect_url = self._master_api.url('slave')
        data = {
            'slave': '{}:{}'.format(self.host, self.port),
            'num_executors': self._num_executors,
        response = self._network.post(connect_url, data=data)
        self._slave_id = int(response.json().get('slave_id'))
        self._logger.info('Slave {}:{} connected to master on {}.', self.host, self.port, self._master_url)

        # We disconnect from the master before build_teardown so that the master stops sending subjobs. (Teardown
        # callbacks are executed in the reverse order that they're added, so we add the build_teardown callback first.)
        UnhandledExceptionHandler.singleton().add_teardown_callback(self._do_build_teardown_and_reset, timeout=30)

    def _is_master_responsive(self):
        Ping the master to check if it is still alive. Code using this method should treat the return value as a
        *probable* truth since the state of the master can change at any time. This method is not a replacement for
        error handling.

        :return: Whether the master is responsive or not
        :rtype: bool
        # todo: This method repeats some logic we have in the deployment code (checking a service). We should DRY it up.
        is_responsive = True
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            is_responsive = False

        return is_responsive

    def start_working_on_subjob(self, build_id, subjob_id, subjob_artifact_dir, atomic_commands):
        Begin working on a subjob with the given build id and subjob id. This just starts the subjob execution
        asynchronously on a separate thread.

        :type build_id: int
        :type subjob_id: int
        :type subjob_artifact_dir: str
        :type atomic_commands: list[str]
        :return: The text to return in the API response.
        :rtype: dict[str, int]
        if build_id != self._current_build_id:
            raise BadRequestError('Attempted to start subjob {} for build {}, '
                                  'but current build id is {}.'.format(subjob_id, build_id, self._current_build_id))

        # get idle executor from queue to claim it as in-use (or block until one is available)
        executor = self._idle_executors.get()

        # Start a thread to execute the job (after waiting for setup to complete)
            args=(build_id, subjob_id, executor, subjob_artifact_dir, atomic_commands),
            name='Bld{}-Sub{}'.format(build_id, subjob_id),

        self._logger.info('Slave ({}:{}) has received subjob. (Build {}, Subjob {})', self.host, self.port, build_id,
        return {'executor_id': executor.id}

    def _execute_subjob(self, build_id, subjob_id, executor, subjob_artifact_dir, atomic_commands):
        This is the method for executing a subjob asynchronously. This performs the work required by executing the
        specified command, then does a post back to the master results endpoint to signal that the work is done.

        :type build_id: int
        :type subjob_id: int
        :type executor: SubjobExecutor
        :type subjob_artifact_dir: str
        :type atomic_commands: list[str]
        subjob_event_data = {'build_id': build_id, 'subjob_id': subjob_id, 'executor_id': executor.id}

        analytics.record_event(analytics.SUBJOB_EXECUTION_START, **subjob_event_data)
        results_file = executor.execute_subjob(build_id, subjob_id, subjob_artifact_dir, atomic_commands,
        analytics.record_event(analytics.SUBJOB_EXECUTION_FINISH, **subjob_event_data)

        results_url = self._master_api.url('build', build_id, 'subjob', subjob_id, 'result')
        data = {
            'slave': '{}:{}'.format(self.host, self.port),
            'metric_data': {'executor_id': executor.id},
        files = {'file': ('payload', open(results_file, 'rb'), 'application/x-compressed')}

        self._idle_executors.put(executor)  # work is done; mark executor as idle
        self._network.post(results_url, data=data, files=files)  # todo: check return code

        self._logger.info('Build {}, Subjob {} completed and sent results to master.', build_id, subjob_id)

    def _notify_master_of_state_change(self, new_state):
        Send a state notification to the master. This is used to notify the master of events occurring on the slave
        related to build execution progress.

        :type new_state: SlaveState
        state_url = self._master_api.url('slave', self._slave_id)
        self._network.put_with_digest(state_url, request_params={'slave': {'state': new_state}},
                                      secret=Secret.get(), error_on_failure=True)

    def kill(self):
        Exits without error.