def get_banks(): try: ifsc = request.args.get('ifsc') if not ifsc: return jsonify({ "msg": "ifsc param is missing" }), 400 # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) # get the entire results banks = bank_details_service(ifsc) # paginate and display results = get_paginated_results(banks, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def run(self): try: self.result = self.func(*self.args) # unwrap the arguments, "returned => ", self.result) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) self.result = -1
def get_branches_details(): try: bank_name = request.args.get('bank_name') city = request.args.get('city') if not city: return jsonify({ "msg": "city param is missing" }), 400 if not bank_name: return jsonify({ "msg": "bank_name param is missing" }), 400 # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) # get the entire results branches = bank_branches_in_city_service(bank_name, city) # paginate and display results = get_paginated_results(branches, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def sec_exception(e): """ SecExcpetion """ try: addr = request.remote_addr logger.error("{}: {}:".format(session.get('username'), addr), exc_info=1) except Exception as ec: logger.exception(ec) resp = make_response(Resp(Resp.ERROR, str(e)).to_json(), 200) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json" return resp
def verify_token(token): try: payload = jwt.decode(str(token).encode("utf-8"), config['SECRET_KEY']) result = get_user_credentials(payload["sub"]) if result: return 1 return 0 except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError as e: logger.exception(e) return -1 except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError as e: logger.exception(e) return -2
def get_all_students(): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) students = get_all_student_names() results = get_paginated_results(students, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def students_who_attended(class_id): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) students_enrolled = get_students_enrolled(class_id) results = get_paginated_results(students_enrolled, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def studentwise_performance(class_id): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) classwise_performance = get_student_performance_in_class(class_id) results = get_paginated_results(classwise_performance, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def final_grade_sheet(class_id): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) results = final_grade_sheet_service(class_id) if "status" in results.keys(): return jsonify({"msg": results["msg"]}), results["status"] results = get_paginated_results(results, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def classwise_performance_of_a_student(student_id): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) performance_classwise = get_classes_performance(student_id) if "status" in performance_classwise.keys(): return jsonify({"msg": performance_classwise["msg"] }), performance_classwise["status"] results = get_paginated_results(performance_classwise, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def classes_taken_by(student_id): try: # reading the request arguments offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) limit = request.args.get('limit', 10) classes_taken = get_classes_taken(student_id) # if the given student id does not exist in DB if "status" in classes_taken.keys(): return jsonify({"msg": classes_taken["msg"]}), classes_taken["status"] # if the given student_id exists in DB results = get_paginated_results(classes_taken, request.base_url, int(offset), int(limit)) return jsonify(results), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def login(): try: if request.authorization: if authenticate_user(request.authorization["username"], request.authorization["password"]): return jsonify({ "token": generate_token(request.authorization["username"]) }), 200 else: return jsonify({ "msg": "The login credentials are either wrong or unavailable in the users database." }), 403 else: return jsonify( {"msg": "Username/Password not found in authorization header"}), 400 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def register_new_user(): try: body = request.json if not body: return jsonify({"msg": "request json not found"}), 400 if "username" not in body: return jsonify({"msg": "username not present in request body"}), 400 if "password" not in body: return jsonify({"msg": "password not present in request body"}), 400 result = register_user(body["username"], body["password"]) return jsonify(result), 201 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)
def available_apis(): try: # if pagination is disabled then do not show the common params if config['PAGINATE_RESULTS'] in ['off', '0', 'false', 'False']: common_params = "switched off" else: common_params = [{ "offset": "<int> to start the results from the provided offset(DEFAULT: 0)" }, { "limit": "<int> results in a batch(DEFAULT: 10)" }] # if authentication is disabled then do not show the auth params if config['AUTHENTICATION'] in ['off', '0', 'false', 'False']: auth_endpoints = "switched off" else: auth_endpoints = { 1: "JWT tokens are used to authenticate the api.", 2: { "Login": "******", "path": "/auth/login", "description": "Existing users can login into the application by" " passing <username> and <password> in the request Authorization." "GET the request token from this API and use it as a part of the Authorization header in " "all other APIs" }, 3: { "Register": "To register a new user", "path": "/auth/register", "description": "pass a json body {username: <username>, password:<password>} to the POST request" } } return jsonify({ "api_endpoints": [{ "Students": "/students", "description": "GET list of all the students" }, { "Classes Taken By a Student": "/student/<student_id>/classes", "description": "GET list of all the classes taken by a given student_id" }, { "Studentwise Total marks": "/student/{student_id}/performance", "description": "GET list of classes its performance taken by a student by student_id" }, { "Classes": "/classes", "description": "GET list of all classes which are taken by any student" }, { "Students Enrolled": "/class/<class_id>/student", "description": "GET list of students who enrolled for the given class_id" }, { "Classwise Total marks": "/class/<class_id>/performance", "description": "GET the total marks of each student enrolled in the given class_id" }, { "Final-Grade-Sheet": "/class/<class_id>/final-grade-sheet", "description": "GET the final-grade-sheet of all the students who took a particular class" }, { "Student + Class Type 1": "/class/<class_id>/student/<student_id>", "description": "GET the student_id, student_name, class_id and marks " "obtained by the student in the given class by its class_id" }, { "Student + Class Type 2": "/student/<student_id>/class/<class_id>", "description": "GET the student_id, student_name, class_id and marks " "obtained by the student in the given class by its class_id" }], "common_params": common_params, "auth": auth_endpoints }), 200 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) abort(500)