def set_status_to_compilation_failed(self, error_message=None): utils.console( "Setting the status to compilation_failed for program with id %s" % str(self._id)) if Program.Status.authorized_status_change( self.status, Program.Status.compilation_failed): self._status = Program.Status.compilation_failed.value if error_message is not None and type(error_message) == str: self._error_message = error_message
def set_status_to_broken(self, user, now): if now > app.config['FINAL_DEADLINE']: return if Program.Status.authorized_status_change(self.status, Program.Status.broken): self._status = Program.Status.broken.value if self._timestamp_first_break is None: self._timestamp_first_break = now self._timestamp_strawberries_next_update = now # + app.config['NBR_SECONDS_PER_DAY'] whitebox_break = WhiteboxBreak.create(user, self, now, self._strawberries_last) db.session.add(whitebox_break) else: utils.console("Could NOT set status to broken")
def set_status_to_unbroken(self): if Program.Status.authorized_status_change(self.status, Program.Status.unbroken): now = int(time.time()) if now > app.config['FINAL_DEADLINE']: utils.console("Submission rejected after final deadline") self.set_status_to_compilation_failed( "Submission rejected after final deadline") return self._status = Program.Status.unbroken.value if self._timestamp_published is None: self._timestamp_published = now self.update_strawberries(now) self._funny_name = get_funny_name(self._id)
def clean_programs_timeout_to_compile_or_test(): for _ in range(5): try: utils.console( 'Try to clean programs timeout to compile or test...') Program.clean_programs_which_timeout_to_compile_or_test() db.session.commit() return True except: utils.console('Exception catched, trying again in 2sec') print_exc() time.sleep(2) utils.console('Could not clean programs which failed to compile or test') return False
def compile_and_test(): utils.console('Starting compile and test') if not clean_programs_timeout_to_compile_or_test(): return "" client = docker.from_env() api_client = docker.APIClient(app.config['SOCK']) if utils.service_runs_already( client, app.config['NAME_OF_COMPILE_AND_TEST_SERVICE']): utils.console( 'A program is currently being compiled or tested. Exiting.') return "" retry_count = 0 while True: try: utils.console('Looking for a program to compile and test.') program_to_compile_and_test = Program.get_next_program_to_compile() except: retry_count += 1 if retry_count < 5: utils.console('Exception catched, trying again in 2sec') time.sleep(2) continue else: utils.console( 'Could not look for a program to compile and test.') utils.console('Exception:') print_exc() return "" break if program_to_compile_and_test is None: utils.console('There is no program to compile and test. Exiting') return "" basename = os.path.splitext(program_to_compile_and_test.filename)[0] key_string = program_to_compile_and_test.key compiler = program_to_compile_and_test.compiler # Make sure the key can be converted in a 16-byte string try: key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(key_string) if len(key_bytes) != 16: raise except: utils.console("The key is invalid, setting the status to test failed.") program_to_compile_and_test.set_status_to_test_failed() db.session.commit() return "" utils.console('Preparing to compile and test a program (basename=%s)' % basename) retry_count = 0 while True: try: utils.console('Generating nonce') nonce = program_to_compile_and_test.generate_nonce() db.session.commit() except: retry_count += 1 if retry_count < 5: utils.console('Exception catched, trying again in 2sec') time.sleep(2) continue else: utils.console('Could not generate nonce.') utils.console('Exception:') print_exc() return "" break # TODO: add more constraints on the service, use https instead of http, do not hardcode the urls restart_policy = docker.types.RestartPolicy(condition='on-failure', max_attempts=1) mem_limit = 2**20 * max( app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_COMPILATION_IN_MB'], app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_EXECUTION_IN_MB']) # in Bytes resources = docker.types.Resources(mem_limit=mem_limit) networks = [app.config['COMPILE_AND_TEST_SERVICE_NETWORK']] env = [ 'UPLOAD_FOLDER=/uploads', 'FILE_BASENAME=%s' % basename, 'COMPILER=%s' % compiler, 'URL_TO_PING_BACK=%s' % 'http://launcher:5000/compile_and_test_result/%s/%s/' % (basename, nonce), 'URL_FOR_FETCHING_PLAINTEXTS=%s' % 'http://launcher:5000/get_plaintexts/%s/%s' % (basename, nonce), 'CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_COMPILATION_IN_MB=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_COMPILATION_IN_MB'], 'CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_COMPILATION_IN_SECS=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_COMPILATION_IN_SECS'], 'CHALLENGE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE_IN_MB=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE_IN_MB'], 'CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_EXECUTION_IN_MB=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_EXECUTION_IN_MB'], 'CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_EXECUTION_IN_SECS=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_EXECUTION_IN_SECS'], 'CHALLENGE_NUMBER_OF_TEST_VECTORS=%d' % app.config['CHALLENGE_NUMBER_OF_TEST_VECTORS'], ] # We copy the source file from /uploads to a fresh directory in /compilations dir_for_compilation = basename path_for_compilations = os.path.join('/compilations', dir_for_compilation) if not os.path.exists(path_for_compilations): os.makedirs(path_for_compilations) source_name = basename + '.c' path_to_uploaded_source = os.path.join('/uploads', source_name) path_to_source_for_compilation = os.path.join(path_for_compilations, source_name) if not os.path.exists(path_to_source_for_compilation): shutil.copy(path_to_uploaded_source, path_to_source_for_compilation) # We configure and launch the compile_and_test docker mounts = [ '/whitebox_program_uploads/compilations/%s:/uploads:ro' % dir_for_compilation ] service = image='crx/compile_and_test', mounts=mounts, env=env, constraints=['node.labels.vm == node-sandbox'], name=app.config['NAME_OF_COMPILE_AND_TEST_SERVICE'], restart_policy=restart_policy, labels={'basename': str(basename)}, networks=networks, resources=resources) while len(service.tasks()) == 0: time.sleep(0.1) task = service.tasks()[0] task_id = task['ID'] retry_count = 0 while True: try: utils.console('Setting the program\'s task id to %s' % task_id) program_to_compile_and_test.task_id = task_id db.session.commit() except: retry_count += 1 if retry_count < 5: utils.console('Exception catched, trying again in 2sec') time.sleep(2) continue else: utils.console('Could not set the program task ide.') utils.console('Exception:') print_exc() return "" break utils.console('End of the compile_and_test procedure for the program:') utils.console(str(program_to_compile_and_test)) return "youpi"
def compile_and_test_result(basename, nonce, ret): utils.console( "Entering compile_and_test_result(basename=%s, nonce=%s, ret=%d)" % (basename, nonce, ret)) if not utils.basename_and_nonce_are_valid(basename, nonce) or ret is None: utils.console("Exception takes place ... (0)") return "" program = Program.get(basename) if program.status != Program.Status.submitted: utils.console( "The program %d status is %s. No need to proceed for this program." % (program._id, program.status)) utils.console("Exception takes place ... (1)") return "" # We (try to) remove the compilation directory dir_for_compilation = basename path_for_compilations = os.path.join('/compilations', dir_for_compilation) utils.console('Trying to remove %s' % str(path_for_compilations)) try: shutil.rmtree(path_for_compilations) except: utils.console('Could NOT remove the directory %s' % str(path_for_compilations)) # We process the ret code if ret == ERR_CODE_CONTAININT_FORBIDDEN_STRING: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_preprocess_failed(postdata['error_message']) elif ret == ERR_CODE_COMPILATION_FAILED: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( 'Compilation failed for unknown reason (may be due to an excessive memory usage).' ) utils.console('Compilation failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_BIN_TOO_LARGE: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( 'Compiled binary file size exceeds the limit of %dMB.' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE_IN_MB']) utils.console('Compilation failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_LINK_FAILED: program.set_status_to_link_failed() utils.console('Link failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_EXCEED_RAM_LIMIT: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_execution_failed( "Execution reach memory limitation of %dMB. Memory consumption was %.2fMB." % (app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_EXECUTION_IN_MB'], postdata['ram'])) utils.console( 'Code execution reach memory limit for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_EXCEED_TIME_LIMIT: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_execution_failed( "Execution reach time limitation of %ds. Time used %.2fs" % (app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_EXECUTION_IN_SECS'], postdata['cpu_time'])) utils.console( 'Code execution reach time limit for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_FAILED: program.set_status_to_execution_failed() utils.console('Code execution failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == CODE_SUCCESS: utils.console('Success for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) else: utils.console( "We received an unexpected return code (%s) for file with basename %s" % (str(ret), str(basename))) db.session.commit() if ret != ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_FAILED: client = docker.from_env() utils.remove_compiler_service_for_basename(client, basename, app) if ret != CODE_SUCCESS: utils.console("Failed to compiling ... ") return "" # If we reach this point, the program was successfuly compiled, # we can test the ciphertexts response = request.get_json() size_factor = response['size_factor'] ram_factor = response['ram_factor'] time_factor = response['time_factor'] program.set_performance_factor(size_factor, ram_factor, time_factor) ciphertexts = bytes.fromhex(response['ciphertexts']) number_of_test_vectors = app.config['CHALLENGE_NUMBER_OF_TEST_VECTORS'] if len(ciphertexts) != 16 * number_of_test_vectors: utils.console( "The length of the ciphertexts is %d, we were expecting %d." % (len(ciphertexts), 16 * number_of_test_vectors)) error_message = "The stream of ciphertexts does not have the appropriate length." utils.console(error_message) program.error_message = error_message program.set_status_to_test_failed() db.session.commit() utils.console("Exception take place... (3)") return "" # If we reach this point, the ciphertexts stream has the appropriate length utils.console("We received the appropriate number of ciphertexts.") utils.console( "Testing the plaintexts against the ciphertexts using the announced key..." ) # Retrieve the plaintexts from the saved file path_to_plaintexts_file = os.path.join('/tmp', basename + '.plaintext.bin') plaintexts = b'' with open(path_to_plaintexts_file, 'rb') as f: plaintexts = # Check the ciphertexts against the plaintext and key. # TODO the db should always return the key as 16 bytes key = bytes.fromhex(program.key) try: expected_ciphertexts = utils.compute_ciphertexts( plaintexts, key, number_of_test_vectors) if len(expected_ciphertexts) != 16 * number_of_test_vectors: raise except: error_message = "Could not compute the test vectors for the given key." program.set_status_to_test_failed(error_message) db.session.commit() return "" for i in range(number_of_test_vectors): ciphertext = ciphertexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] expected_ciphertext = expected_ciphertexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] if ciphertext != expected_ciphertext: plaintext = plaintexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] utils.console( "One of the ciphertext failed the test (plaintext=%s, key=%s, ciphertext=%s)." % (plaintext, key, ciphertext)) error_message = '''One of the tests failed: - plaintext %s - key %s - ciphertext %s - expected %s''' % (binascii.hexlify(plaintext).decode(), binascii.hexlify(key).decode(), binascii.hexlify(ciphertext).decode(), binascii.hexlify(expected_ciphertext).decode()) program.set_status_to_test_failed(error_message) db.session.commit() return "" # If we reach this point, all the tests were successful. # We save 10 test vectors for key validation in the database: plaintexts_for_breaking = plaintexts[0:10 * 16] ciphertexts_for_breaking = ciphertexts[0:10 * 16] program.plaintexts = plaintexts_for_breaking program.ciphertexts = ciphertexts_for_breaking # we save one pair for validating inversion plaintext_for_inverting = plaintexts[10 * 16:11 * 16] ciphertext_for_inverting = ciphertexts[10 * 16:11 * 16] program.plaintext_sha256_for_inverting = hashlib.sha256( plaintext_for_inverting).hexdigest() program.ciphertext_for_inverting = ciphertext_for_inverting program.set_status_to_unbroken() db.session.commit() utils.console("The program is unbroken!") # Cleanup try: os.remove(path_to_plaintexts_file) utils.console("We removed the file %s" % path_to_plaintexts_file) except: utils.console("Could NOT remove the file %s" % path_to_plaintexts_file) return ""
def compile_and_test_result(basename, nonce, ret): utils.console(f"Entering compile_and_test_result(basename={basename}, " f"nonce={nonce}, ret={ret})") if not utils.basename_and_nonce_are_valid(basename, nonce) or ret is None: utils.console("Exception takes place ... (0)") return "" program = Program.get(basename) if program.status != Program.Status.submitted: utils.console(f"The program {program._id} status is {program.status}. " "No need to proceed for this program.") utils.console("Exception takes place ... (1)") return "" # We (try to) remove the compilation directory dir_for_compilation = basename path_for_compilations = os.path.join('/compilations', dir_for_compilation) utils.console(f'Trying to remove {path_for_compilations}') try: shutil.rmtree(path_for_compilations) except: utils.console(f'Could NOT remove the dir {path_for_compilations}') # We process the ret code process_compile_and_test_ret(program, request, basename, ret) db.session.commit() if ret != ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_FAILED: client = docker.from_env() utils.remove_compiler_service_for_basename(client, basename, app) if ret != CODE_SUCCESS: utils.console("Failed to compiling ... ") return "" # If we reach this point, the program was successfully compiled, # we get performance factors postdata = request.get_json() size_factor = postdata['size_factor'] ram_factor = postdata['ram_factor'] time_factor = postdata['time_factor'] program.set_performance_factor(size_factor, ram_factor, time_factor) # we can test the signatures signatures = bytes.fromhex(postdata['signatures']) number_of_test_vectors = app.config['CHALLENGE_NUMBER_OF_TEST_VECTORS'] number_of_test_vectors += len(CHALLENGE_TEST_EDGE_CASES) if len(signatures) != 64 * number_of_test_vectors: utils.console(f"The length of the signatures is {len(signatures)}, " f"we were expecting {32*number_of_test_vectors}.") error_message = "The stream of ciphertexts does not have the appropriate length." utils.console(error_message) program.error_message = error_message program.set_status_to_test_failed() db.session.commit() utils.console("Exception take place... (3)") return "" # If we reach this point, the ciphertexts stream has the appropriate length utils.console("We received the appropriate number of signatures.") utils.console("Verify signature for messages using the announced key...") # Retrieve the messages from the saved file path_to_messages_file = os.path.join('/tmp', basename + '.message.bin') with open(path_to_messages_file, 'rb') as f: messages = # Check the signature against the public key and messages. # TODO the db should always return the key as 128 hexdecimal digits pubkey = program.pubkey for i in range(number_of_test_vectors): message = messages[32*i:32*(i+1)].hex() signature = signatures[64*i:64*(i+1)].hex() if not ecdsa_verify_str(pubkey, message, signature): utils.console(f"The {i}-th signature cannot be verified " f"(hash={message}, pubkey={pubkey}, " f"signature={signature}).") error_message = f'''One of the tests failed: - hash {message} - pubkey {pubkey} - signature {signature}''' program.set_status_to_test_failed(error_message) db.session.commit() return "" utils.console(f"All {number_of_test_vectors} signatures verified") # If we reach this point, all the tests were successful. # We save 10 test vectors for in the database messages_for_checking = messages[0:10*32] signatures_for_checking = signatures[0:10*64] program.hashes = messages_for_checking program.signatures = signatures_for_checking program.set_status_to_unbroken() db.session.commit() utils.console("The program is unbroken!") # Cleanup try: os.remove(path_to_messages_file) utils.console("We removed the file %s" % path_to_messages_file) except: utils.console("Could NOT remove the file %s" % path_to_messages_file) return ""
def process_compile_and_test_ret(program, request, basename, ret): if ret == ERR_CODE_CONTAININT_FORBIDDEN_STRING: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_preprocess_failed(postdata['error_message']) elif ret == ERR_CODE_COMPILATION_FAILED: postdata = request.get_json() if postdata: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed(postdata['error_message']) else: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( 'Compilation failed for unknown reason ' '(may be due to an excessive memory usage).') utils.console(f'Compilation failed for file with basename {basename}') elif ret == ERR_CODE_BIN_TOO_LARGE: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( "Compiled binary file size exceeds the limit of " f"{CHALLENGE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE_IN_MB:d}MB.") utils.console(f'Compilation failed for file with basename {basename}') elif ret == ERR_CODE_LINK_FAILED: program.set_status_to_link_failed() utils.console(f'Link failed for file with basename {basename}') elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_EXCEED_RAM_LIMIT: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_execution_failed( "Execution reach memory limitation of " f"{CHALLENGE_MAX_MEM_EXECUTION_IN_MB:d}MB. " f"Memory consumption was {postdata['ram']:.2f}MB.") utils.console("Code execution reach memory limit for file with " f"basename {basename}") elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_EXCEED_TIME_LIMIT: postdata = request.get_json() program.set_status_to_execution_failed( "Execution reach time limitation of " f"{app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_TIME_EXECUTION_IN_SECS']:d}s. " f"Time used {postdata['cpu_time']:.2f}s") utils.console("Code execution reach time limit for file with " f"basename {basename}") elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_FAILED: program.set_status_to_execution_failed() utils.console( f'Code execution failed for file with basename {basename}') elif ret == CODE_SUCCESS: utils.console(f'Success for file with basename {basename}') else: utils.console(f"We received an unexpected return code ({ret}) " f"for file with basename {basename}")
def compile_and_test_result(basename, nonce, ret): utils.console( "Entering compile_and_test_result(basename=%s, nonce=%s, ret=%d)" % (basename, nonce, ret)) if not utils.basename_and_nonce_are_valid(basename, nonce) or ret is None: return "" program = Program.get(basename) # We (try to) remove the compilation directory dir_for_compilation = basename path_for_compilations = os.path.join('/compilations', dir_for_compilation) utils.console('Trying to remove %s' % str(path_for_compilations)) try: shutil.rmtree(path_for_compilations) except: utils.console('Could NOT remove the directory %s' % str(path_for_compilations)) # We process the ret code if ret == ERR_CODE_COMPILATION_FAILED: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( 'Compilation failed for unknown reason (may be due to an excessive memory usage).' ) utils.console('Compilation failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_BIN_TOO_LARGE: program.set_status_to_compilation_failed( 'Compiled binary file size exceeds the limit of %dMB.' % app.config['CHALLENGE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE_IN_MB']) utils.console('Compilation failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_LINK_FAILED: program.set_status_to_link_failed() utils.console('Link failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == ERR_CODE_EXECUTION_FAILED: program.set_status_to_execution_failed() utils.console('Code execution failed for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) elif ret == CODE_SUCCESS: utils.console('Success for file with basename %s' % str(basename)) else: utils.console( 'We received an unexpected return code (%s) for file with basename %s' % (str(ret), str(basename))) db.session.commit() client = docker.from_env() utils.remove_compiler_service_for_basename(client, basename, app) if ret != CODE_SUCCESS: return "" # If we reach this point, the program was successfuly compiled, we can test the ciphertexts ciphertexts = request.get_data() number_of_test_vectors = app.config['CHALLENGE_NUMBER_OF_TEST_VECTORS'] if len(ciphertexts) != 16 * number_of_test_vectors: utils.console( "The length of the ciphertexts is %d, we were expecting %d." % (len(ciphertexts), 16 * number_of_test_vectors)) error_message = "The stream of ciphertexts does not have the appropriate length." utils.console(error_message) program.error_message = error_message program.set_status_to_test_failed() db.session.commit() return "" # If we reach this point, the ciphertexts stream has the appropriate length utils.console("We received the appropriate number of ciphertexts.") utils.console( "Testing the plaintexts against the ciphertexts using the announced key..." ) # Retrieve the plaintexts from the saved file path_to_plaintexts_file = os.path.join('/tmp', basename + '.plaintext.bin') plaintexts = b'' with open(path_to_plaintexts_file, 'rb') as f: plaintexts = # Check the ciphertexts against the plaintext and key. key = bytes.fromhex( program.key) # TODO the db should always return the key as 16 bytes try: expected_ciphertexts = utils.compute_ciphertexts( plaintexts, key, number_of_test_vectors) if len(expected_ciphertexts) != 16 * number_of_test_vectors: raise except: error_message = "Could not compute the test vectors for the given key." program.set_status_to_test_failed(error_message) db.session.commit() return "" for i in range(number_of_test_vectors): ciphertext = ciphertexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] expected_ciphertext = expected_ciphertexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] if ciphertext != expected_ciphertext: plaintext = plaintexts[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] utils.console( "One of the ciphertext failed the test (plaintext=%s, key=%s, ciphertext=%s)." % (plaintext, key, ciphertext)) error_message = '''One of the tests failed: - plaintext %s - key %s - ciphertext %s - expected %s''' % (binascii.hexlify(plaintext).decode(), binascii.hexlify(key).decode(), binascii.hexlify(ciphertext).decode(), binascii.hexlify(expected_ciphertext).decode()) program.set_status_to_test_failed(error_message) db.session.commit() return "" # If we reach this point, all the tests were successful. We save 10 test vectors in the database so that we can test # key candidates in the future. plaintexts = plaintexts[0:10 * 16] ciphertexts = ciphertexts[0:10 * 16] program.plaintexts = plaintexts program.ciphertexts = ciphertexts program.set_status_to_unbroken() db.session.commit() utils.console("The program is unbroken!") # Cleanup try: os.remove(path_to_plaintexts_file) utils.console("We removed the file %s" % path_to_plaintexts_file) except: utils.console("Could NOT remove the file %s" % path_to_plaintexts_file) # Look for another program to compile and test compile_and_test() return ""