def remove_proxy_route(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, jhubtoken, username, server_name): app_logger.debug( "uuidcode={} - Remove proxys from server_name, because the original host is not accessable any longer" .format(uuidcode)) hub_header = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(jhubtoken), "uuidcode": uuidcode, "Intern-Authorization": get_jhubtoken() } try:"uuidcode={} - Remove Proxys for {}".format( uuidcode, server_name)) url = app_hub_url_proxy_route if ':' in server_name: server_name = server_name.split(':')[1] url = url + '/' + username if server_name != '': url = url + '/' + server_name app_logger.trace("uuidcode={} - Delete Proxy Route: {} {}".format( uuidcode, url, hub_header)) for i in range(0, 10): with closing( requests.delete(url, headers=hub_header, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 200: "uuidcode={} - Proxy route deletion successful".format( uuidcode)) return True elif r.status_code == 503: "uuidcode={} - Proxy route deletion status_code 503. Try again (Try {}/10)" .format(uuidcode, i + 1)) else: raise Exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not remove proxy route for server_name {}: {} {}" .format(uuidcode, server_name, r.text, r.status_code)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout reached (1800). Could not remove routes from proxy via JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header))) except: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not remove routes from proxy via JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header)))
def token(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, app_hub_url_token, jhubtoken, accesstoken, expire, username, server_name): app_logger.debug( "uuidcode={} - Send new token to JupyterHub".format(uuidcode)) app_logger.trace("uuidcode={} - Access_token: {} , expire: {}".format( uuidcode, accesstoken, expire)) hub_header = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(jhubtoken), "uuidcode": uuidcode, "Intern-Authorization": get_jhubtoken() } hub_json = {"accesstoken": accesstoken, "expire": str(expire)} try: "uuidcode={} - Update JupyterHub Token".format(uuidcode)) url = app_hub_url_token if ':' in server_name: server_name = server_name.split(':')[1] url = url + '/' + username if server_name != '': url = url + '/' + server_name app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Update JupyterHub Token: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, url, hub_header, hub_json)) with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Token Update successful: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) return elif r.status_code == 503: remove_proxy_route(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, jhubtoken, username, server_name) # try again with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r2: if r2.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Token Update successful: {} {} {}". format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) return else: app_logger.warning( "uuidcode={} - Token Update sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, remove_secret(r2.headers))) else: app_logger.warning( "uuidcode={} - Token Update sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, remove_secret(r.headers))) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout reached (1800). Could not send update token to JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header))) except: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not send update token to JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header)))
def cancel(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, app_hub_url_cancel, jhubtoken, errormsg, username, server_name=''): app_logger.debug( "uuidcode={} - Send cancel to JupyterHub".format(uuidcode)) hub_header = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(jhubtoken), "Intern-Authorization": get_jhubtoken(), "uuidcode": uuidcode, "Error": errormsg, "Stopped": "True" } try: url = app_hub_url_cancel if ':' in server_name: server_name = server_name.split(':')[1] url = url + '/' + username if server_name != '': url = url + '/' + server_name app_logger.trace("uuidcode={} - Cancel JupyterHub: {} {}".format( uuidcode, url, hub_header)) with closing( requests.delete(url, headers=hub_header, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 202: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Cancel successful: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) return elif r.status_code == 503: remove_proxy_route(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, jhubtoken, username, server_name) # try again with closing( requests.delete(url, headers=hub_header, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r2: if r2.status_code == 202: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Cancel successful: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) return else: app_logger.warning( "uuidcode={} - JupyterHub.cancel sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, remove_secret(r2.headers))) else: app_logger.warning( "uuidcode={} - JupyterHub.cancel sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, remove_secret(r.headers))) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout reached (1800). Could not send cancel to JupyterHub. Url: {}, Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header))) except: if errormsg != "": cancel(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, app_hub_url_cancel, jhubtoken, "", username, server_name) else: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not send cancel to JupyterHub. Url: {}, Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header)))
def status(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, app_hub_url_status, jhubtoken, status, username, server_name=''): app_logger.debug("uuidcode={} - Send status to JupyterHub: {}".format( uuidcode, status)) hub_header = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(jhubtoken), "uuidcode": uuidcode, "Intern-Authorization": get_jhubtoken() } hub_json = {"Status": status} try: url = app_hub_url_status if ':' in server_name: server_name = server_name.split(':')[1] url = url + '/' + username if server_name != '': url = url + '/' + server_name app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Update JupyterHub Status: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, url, hub_header, hub_json)) with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Status Update successful: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) return elif r.status_code == 503: remove_proxy_route(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, jhubtoken, username, server_name) # try again with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r2: if r2.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Status Update successful: {} {} {}". format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) return elif r2.status_code == 404: "uuidcode={} - JupyterHub doesn't know the spawner." .format(uuidcode)) elif r.status_code == 404: "uuidcode={} - JupyterHub doesn't know the spawner.". format(uuidcode)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout reached (1800). Could not send status update to JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header))) except: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not send status update to JupyterHub. Url: {} Headers: {}" .format(uuidcode, url, remove_secret(hub_header)))
def get_tokens(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, app_hub_token_url, jhubtoken, username, server_name): "uuidcode={} - Get oauth tokens from JupyterHub".format(uuidcode)) hub_header = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(jhubtoken), "uuidcode": uuidcode, "Intern-Authorization": get_jhubtoken() } try: app_logger.trace("uuidcode={} - Header: {}".format( uuidcode, hub_header)) url = app_hub_token_url if ':' in server_name: server_name = server_name.split(':')[1] url = url + '/' + username if server_name != '': url = url + '/' + server_name with closing( requests.get(url, headers=hub_header, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Token Get successful: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) tokens_json = json.loads(r.text) return tokens_json.get('accesstoken'), tokens_json.get( 'refreshtoken'), tokens_json.get('expire') elif r.status_code == 503: "uuidcode={} - Try to remove the proxys for the dead host". format(uuidcode)) remove_proxy_route(app_logger, uuidcode, app_hub_url_proxy_route, jhubtoken, username, server_name) # try again with closing( requests.get(url, headers=hub_header, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r2: if r2.status_code == 201: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Token Get successful: {} {} {}". format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) tokens_json = json.loads(r2.text) return tokens_json.get('accesstoken'), tokens_json.get( 'refreshtoken'), tokens_json.get('expire') else: app_logger.error( "uuidcode={} - Token Get sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) else: app_logger.error( "uuidcode={} - Token Get sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}". format(uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout reached (1800). Could not get token from JupyterHub" .format(uuidcode)) except: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not get token from JupyterHub".format( uuidcode)) raise Exception( "{} - Could not get token from JupyterHub".format(uuidcode))
def get_thread(self, app_logger, uuidcode, request_headers, app_urls, app_database): try: machines = request_headers.get('machines', '').split(' ') h = { "Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": request_headers.get('User-Agent'), "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(request_headers.get('accesstoken')) } unicore = utils_file_loads.get_unicore() xlogins = {} for machine in machines: url = unicore.get(machine, {}).get( 'link', '<no_url_found_for_{}>'.format(machine)) cert = unicore.get(machine, {}).get('certificate', False) try: with closing( requests.get(url, headers=h, verify=cert, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 200: xlogins[machine] = r.json().get('client', {}).get( 'xlogin', {}) app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - {} returned {}".format( uuidcode, machine, xlogins[machine])) else: app_logger.warning( "uuidcode={} - Could not get user information from {}. {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, machine, r.status_code, r.text, r.headers)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Timeout (1800) reached".format( uuidcode)) except: app_logger.exception( "uuidcode={} - Could not get user information from {}". format(uuidcode, machine)) ret = {} resources = utils_file_loads.get_resources() for system, xlogin in xlogins.items(): if system not in ret.keys(): ret[system] = {} for account in xlogin.get('availableUIDs', []): if account == '!!DISCLAIMER!!': continue if account not in ret[system].keys(): ret[system][account] = {} groups = xlogin.get('availableGroups', []) if len(groups) == 0: groups = ["default"] for group in groups: if group not in ret[system][account].keys(): ret[system][account][group] = {} for partition in resources.get(machine, {}).keys(): if partition not in ret[system][account][ group].keys(): ret[system][account][group][partition] = {} # send update to jhub url = app_urls.get('hub', {}).get('url_useraccs', '<No_url_found>') url = url.replace('<user>', request_headers.get('username')) hub_header = { 'uuidcode': uuidcode, 'Intern-Authorization': utils_file_loads.get_jhubtoken() } hub_json = {'useraccs': ret} app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - Send useraccs to jupyterhub: {} {} {}".format( uuidcode, url, hub_header, hub_json)) with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r: if r.status_code == 204: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - User accs sent successfully:{} {} {}". format(uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) elif r.status_code == 503: "uuidcode={} - Try to remove the proxys for the dead host" .format(uuidcode)) remove_proxy_route( app_logger, uuidcode, app_urls.get('hub', {}).get('url_proxy_route', '<no_url_found>'), request_headers.get('jhubtoken'), request_headers.get('username'), '') # try again with closing(, headers=hub_header, json=hub_json, verify=False, timeout=1800)) as r2: if r2.status_code == 204: app_logger.trace( "uuidcode={} - User accs sent successfully:{} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) return else: app_logger.error( "uuidcode={} - Useracc update sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r2.text, r2.status_code, r2.headers)) else: app_logger.error( "uuidcode={} - Usercc update sent wrong status_code: {} {} {}" .format(uuidcode, r.text, r.status_code, r.headers)) except: app_logger.exception("UNICORE/X get failed. Bugfix required") return '', 500 return ret, 200