コード例 #1
    def index(self):
        # Retrieve the apps
        apps = appstorage.get_my_apps()[::-1]

        return self.render('user/profile-apps.html',
コード例 #2
def adapt_create(adaptor_type):
    Loads the form for creating new adaptor apps and the list of adaptor apps from a specific type.
    @return: The app unique id.

    def build_edit_link(app):
        return url_for("adapt.adapt_edit", appid=app.unique_id)

    if adaptor_type not in ADAPTORS:
        flash("Invalid adaptor type", "error")
        return render_template('composers/adapt/create.html', apps=[], adaptor_type=adaptor_type,

    app_plugin = ADAPTORS[adaptor_type]

    apps = appstorage.get_my_apps(adaptor_type=adaptor_type)

    # If a get request is received, we just show the new app form and the list of adaptor apps
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template('composers/adapt/create.html', apps=apps, adaptor_type=adaptor_type,

    # If a post is received, we are creating an adaptor app.
    elif request.method == "POST":

        # Protect against CSRF attacks.
        if not verify_csrf(request):
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                   message="Request does not seem to come from the right source (csrf check)"), 400

        # We read the app details provided by the user
        name = request.form["app_name"]
        app_description = request.form["app_description"]

        if not name:
            flash("An application name is required", "error")
            return render_template("composers/adapt/create.html", name=name, apps=apps, adaptor_type=adaptor_type,

        if not app_description:
            app_description = ""

        # Build the basic JSON schema of the adaptor app
        data = {
            'adaptor_version': '1',
            'name': unicode(name),
            'description': unicode(app_description),
            'adaptor_type': unicode(adaptor_type)

        # Fill with the initial structure

        # URL was originally added in a later stage in case it could be changed, but not anymore.
        # TODO: The app_plugin["initial"] seems to tend to contain an url field set to NULL. This is why we
        # initialize the URL here instead of the first data initialization. This should be tidied up to be
        # less confusing.
        appurl = unicode(request.values.get("appurl"))
        data['url'] = appurl

        #Dump the contents of the previous block and check if an app with the same name exists.
        # (TODO): do we force different names even if the apps belong to another adaptor type?
        app_data = json.dumps(data)

        print "INITIAL DATA: " + app_data

            # This is where the App object itself is created.
            app = appstorage.create_app(name, 'adapt', appurl, app_data, description=app_description)
            appstorage.add_var(app, 'adaptor_type', unicode(adaptor_type))
        except appstorage.AppExistsException:
            flash("An App with that name already exists", "error")
            return render_template("composers/adapt/create.html", name=name, apps=apps, adaptor_type=adaptor_type,

        return redirect(url_for("adapt.adapt_edit", appid=app.unique_id))
コード例 #3
    def index(self):
        # Retrieve the apps
        apps = appstorage.get_my_apps()[::-1]

        return self.render('user/profile-apps.html', apps=apps, build_edit_link=build_edit_link,
                           build_delete_link=build_delete_link, build_duplicate_link=build_duplicate_link, composers=COMPOSERS)