コード例 #1
    async def create_initial_threads(self):
        kwargs = self.kwargs

        if "threads" in kwargs:
                "Threads directive is deprecated apps - will be pinned. Use total_threads if you want to unpin your apps"

        if "total_threads" in kwargs:
            self.total_threads = kwargs["total_threads"]
            self.auto_pin = False
            apps = await self.AD.app_management.check_config(True, False)
            self.total_threads = int(apps["active"])

        self.pin_apps = True
        utils.process_arg(self, "pin_apps", kwargs)

        if self.pin_apps is True:
            self.pin_threads = self.total_threads
            self.auto_pin = False
            self.pin_threads = 0
            if "total_threads" not in kwargs:
                self.total_threads = 10

        utils.process_arg(self, "pin_threads", kwargs, int=True)

        if self.pin_threads > self.total_threads:
            raise ValueError("pin_threads cannot be > total_threads")

        if self.pin_threads < 0:
            raise ValueError("pin_threads cannot be < 0")

            "Starting Apps with %s workers and %s pins", self.total_threads, self.pin_threads,

        self.next_thread = self.pin_threads

        self.thread_count = 0
        for i in range(self.total_threads):
            await self.add_thread(True)

        # Add thread object to track async
        await self.add_entity(
                "q": 0,
                "is_alive": True,
                "time_called": utils.dt_to_str(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
                "pinned_apps": [],
コード例 #2
ファイル: threading.py プロジェクト: iAutom8/appdaemon
    async def create_initial_threads(self):
        kwargs = self.kwargs

        if "threads" in kwargs:
                     "Threads directive is deprecated apps - will be pinned. Use total_threads if you want to unpin your apps")

        if "total_threads" in kwargs:
            self.total_threads = kwargs["total_threads"]
            self.auto_pin = False
            apps = await self.AD.app_management.check_config(True, False)
            self.total_threads = int(apps["active"])

        self.pin_apps = True
        utils.process_arg(self, "pin_apps", kwargs)

        if self.pin_apps is True:
            self.pin_threads = self.total_threads
            self.auto_pin = False
            self.pin_threads = 0
            if "total_threads" not in kwargs:
                self.total_threads = 10

        utils.process_arg(self, "pin_threads", kwargs, int=True)

        if self.pin_threads > self.total_threads:
            raise ValueError("pin_threads cannot be > total_threads")

        if self.pin_threads < 0:
            raise ValueError("pin_threads cannot be < 0")

        self.logger.info("Starting Apps with %s workers and %s pins", self.total_threads, self.pin_threads)

        self.next_thread = self.pin_threads

        self.thread_count = 0
        for i in range(self.total_threads):
            await self.add_thread(True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: appdaemon.py プロジェクト: foxy82/appdaemon
    def __init__(self, logging, loop, **kwargs):

        # Import various AppDaemon bits and pieces now to avoid circular import

        import appdaemon.utils as utils
        import appdaemon.thread_async as appq
        import appdaemon.utility_loop as utility
        import appdaemon.plugin_management as plugins
        import appdaemon.threading
        import appdaemon.app_management as apps
        import appdaemon.callbacks as callbacks
        import appdaemon.futures as futures
        import appdaemon.state as state
        import appdaemon.events as events
        import appdaemon.services as services
        import appdaemon.sequences as sequences
        import appdaemon.scheduler as scheduler

        self.logging = logging
        self.logger = logging.get_logger()
        self.threading = None
        self.callbacks = None
        self.futures = None
        self.state = None

        self.config = kwargs
        self.booted = "booting"
        self.config["ad_version"] = utils.__version__
        self.check_app_updates_profile = ""

        self.was_dst = False

        self.last_state = None

        self.executor = None
        self.loop = None
        self.srv = None
        self.appd = None
        self.stopping = False
        self.http = None
        self.admin_loop = None

        self.global_vars = {}
        self.global_lock = threading.RLock()

        self.config_file_modified = 0

        self.sched = None
        self.thread_async = None
        self.utility = None
        self.module_debug = kwargs["module_debug"]

        # User Supplied/Defaults

        self.load_distribution = "roundrobbin"
        utils.process_arg(self, "load_distribution", kwargs)

        self.app_dir = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "app_dir", kwargs)

        self.starttime = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "starttime", kwargs)

        self.latitude = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "latitude", kwargs, float=True)

        self.longitude = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "longitude", kwargs, float=True)

        self.elevation = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "elevation", kwargs, int=True)

        self.time_zone = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "time_zone", kwargs)

        self.tz = None
        self.loop = loop

        self.logfile = None
        self.errfile = None

        self.config_file = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "config_file", kwargs)

        self.config_dir = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "config_dir", kwargs)

        self.timewarp = 1
        utils.process_arg(self, "timewarp", kwargs, float=True)

        self.max_clock_skew = 1
        utils.process_arg(self, "max_clock_skew", kwargs, int=True)

        self.thread_duration_warning_threshold = 10

        self.threadpool_workers = 10
        utils.process_arg(self, "threadpool_workers", kwargs, int=True)

        self.endtime = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "endtime", kwargs)

        self.loglevel = "INFO"
        utils.process_arg(self, "loglevel", kwargs)

        self.api_port = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "api_port", kwargs)

        self.utility_delay = 1
        utils.process_arg(self, "utility_delay", kwargs, int=True)

        self.admin_delay = 1
        utils.process_arg(self, "admin_delay", kwargs, int=True)

        self.max_utility_skew = self.utility_delay * 2
        utils.process_arg(self, "max_utility_skew", kwargs, float=True)

        self.check_app_updates_profile = False
        utils.process_arg(self, "check_app_updates_profile", kwargs)

        self.production_mode = False
        utils.process_arg(self, "production_mode", kwargs)

        self.invalid_yaml_warnings = True
        utils.process_arg(self, "invalid_yaml_warnings", kwargs)

        self.missing_app_warnings = True
        utils.process_arg(self, "missing_app_warnings", kwargs)

        self.log_thread_actions = False
        utils.process_arg(self, "log_thread_actions", kwargs)

        self.qsize_warning_threshold = 50
        utils.process_arg(self, "qsize_warning_threshold", kwargs, int=True)

        self.qsize_warning_step = 60
        utils.process_arg(self, "qsize_warning_step", kwargs, int=True)

        self.qsize_warning_iterations = 10
        utils.process_arg(self, "qsize_warning_iterations", kwargs, int=True)

        self.internal_function_timeout = 10
        utils.process_arg(self, "internal_function_timeout", kwargs, int=True)

        self.namespaces = {}
        utils.process_arg(self, "namespaces", kwargs)

        self.exclude_dirs = ["__pycache__"]
        if "exclude_dirs" in kwargs:
            self.exclude_dirs += kwargs["exclude_dirs"]

        self.stop_function = None
        utils.process_arg(self, "stop_function", kwargs)

        if not kwargs.get("cert_verify", True):
            self.certpath = False

        if kwargs.get("disable_apps") is True:
            self.apps = False
            self.logging.log("INFO", "Apps are disabled")
            self.apps = True

        # Set up services
        self.services = services.Services(self)

        # Set up sequences
        self.sequences = sequences.Sequences(self)

        # Set up scheduler
        self.sched = scheduler.Scheduler(self)

        # Set up state
        self.state = state.State(self)

        # Set up events
        self.events = events.Events(self)

        # Set up callbacks
        self.callbacks = callbacks.Callbacks(self)

        # Set up futures
        self.futures = futures.Futures(self)

        if self.apps is True:
            if self.app_dir is None:
                if self.config_dir is None:
                    self.app_dir = utils.find_path("apps")
                    self.config_dir = os.path.dirname(self.app_dir)
                    self.app_dir = os.path.join(self.config_dir, "apps")

            utils.check_path("appdir", self.logger, self.app_dir)

            # Initialize Apps

            self.app_management = apps.AppManagement(
                self, kwargs.get("app_config_file", None))

            # threading setup

            self.threading = appdaemon.threading.Threading(self, kwargs)

        self.stopping = False

        # Set up Executor ThreadPool
        if "threadpool_workers" in kwargs:
            self.threadpool_workers = int(kwargs["threadpool_workers"])

        self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(

        # Initialize Plugins

        if "plugins" in kwargs:
            args = kwargs["plugins"]
            args = None

        self.plugins = plugins.Plugins(self, args)

        # Create thread_async Loop

        self.logger.debug("Starting thread_async loop")

        if self.apps is True:
            self.thread_async = appq.ThreadAsync(self)

        # Create utility loop

        self.logger.debug("Starting utility loop")

        self.utility = utility.Utility(self)