コード例 #1
def normalize_config(config):
    """Take a 'loose' config and return a new config that conforms to the
    DSConfig format.

    Current transforms:

    - server instances (e.g. 'TangoTest/1') are split into a server
      level and an instance level (e.g. 'TangoTest' -> '1'). This is to
      convert "v1" format files to the "v2" format.

    - "devices" toplevel; allows to change *existing* devices by just
      adding them directly to a "devices" key in the config, instead
      of having to list out the server, instance and class (since this
      information can be gotten from the DB.)

    old_config = expand_config(config)
    new_config = SetterDict()
    if "servers" in old_config:
        new_config.servers = old_config["servers"]
    if "classes" in old_config:
        new_config.classes = old_config["classes"]
    if "devices" in old_config:
        db = PyTango.Database()
        for device, props in old_config["devices"].items():
                info = db.get_device_info(device)
            except PyTango.DevFailed as e:
                sys.exit("Can't reconfigure device %s: %s" %
                         (device, str(e[0].desc)))
            srv, inst = info.ds_full_name.split("/")
            new_config.servers[srv][inst][info.class_name][device] = props

    return new_config.to_dict()
コード例 #2
def get_db_data(db, patterns=None, class_properties=False, **options):

    # dump TANGO database into JSON. Optionally filter which things to include
    # (currently only "positive" filters are possible; you can say which
    # servers/classes/devices to include, but you can't exclude selectively)
    # By default, dserver devices aren't included!

    dbproxy = PyTango.DeviceProxy(db.dev_name())
    data = SetterDict()

    if not patterns:
        # the user did not specify a pattern, so we will dump *everything*
        servers = get_servers_with_filters(
            dbproxy, **options)
        if class_properties:
            classes = get_classes_properties(dbproxy)
        # go through all patterns and fill in the data
        for pattern in patterns:
            prefix, pattern = pattern.split(":")
            kwargs = {prefix: pattern}
            servers = get_servers_with_filters(dbproxy, **kwargs)
            if class_properties:
                classes = get_classes_properties(dbproxy,  server=pattern)
    return data.to_dict()
コード例 #3
ファイル: tangodb.py プロジェクト: hayg25/lib-maxiv-dsconfig
def get_dict_from_db(db, data, narrow=False, skip_protected=True):

    """Takes a data dict, checks if any if the definitions are already
    in the DB and returns a dict describing them.

    By default it includes all devices for each server+class, use the
    'narrow' flag to limit to the devices present in the input data.

    # This is where we'll collect all the relevant data
    dbdict = SetterDict()
    moved_devices = defaultdict(list)

    # Devices that are already defined somewhere else
    for server, inst, clss, device in get_devices_from_dict(
            data.get("servers", {})):
            devinfo = db.get_device_info(device)
            srvname = "%s/%s" % (server, inst)
            if devinfo.ds_full_name.lower() != srvname.lower():
                moved_devices[devinfo.ds_full_name].append((clss, device))

        except PyTango.DevFailed:

    # Servers
    for srvr, insts in data.get("servers", {}).items():
        for inst, classes in insts.items():
            for clss, devs in classes.items():
                devs = CaselessDictionary(devs)
                if narrow:
                    devices = devs.keys()
                    srv_full_name = "%s/%s" % (srvr, inst)
                    devices = db.get_device_name(srv_full_name, clss)
                for device in devices:
                    new_props = devs.get(device, {})
                    db_props = get_device(db, device, new_props, skip_protected)
                    dbdict.servers[srvr][inst][clss][device] = db_props

    # Classes
    for class_name, cls in data.get("classes", {}).items():
        props = cls.get("properties", {}).keys()
        for prop, value in db.get_class_property(class_name, props).items():
            if value:
                value = [str(v) for v in value]
                dbdict.classes[class_name].properties[prop] = value

        attr_props = cls.get("attribute_properties")
        if attr_props:
            dbprops = db.get_class_attribute_property(class_name,
            for attr, props in dbprops.items():
                props = dict((prop, [str(v) for v in values])
                             for prop, values in props.items())
                dbdict.classes[class_name].attribute_properties[attr] = props

    return dbdict.to_dict(), moved_devices
コード例 #4
def get_changes(data, calls):
    """Combine a list of database calls into "changes" that can
    be more easily turned into a readable representation"""

    devices = get_devices_from_dict(data["servers"])
    device_mapping = CaselessDict(
        (device, (server, instance, clss))
        for server, instance, clss, device in devices)
    classes = data.get("classes", {})

    # The idea is to first go through all database calls and collect
    # the changes per device. Then we can print it all out in a more
    # readable format since it will all be collected per device.
    # Example of resulting dict:
    # {
    #     "sys/tg_test/1": {
    #         "server": "TangoTest",
    #         "instance": "test",
    #         "device_class": "TangoTest",
    #         "properties": {
    #             # added property has no old_value
    #             "hej": {
    #                 "value": ["a", "b", "c"]
    #             },
    #             # removed property has no value
    #             "svej": {
    #                 "old_value": ["dsaodkasokd"]
    #             },
    #             # changed property has both
    #             "flepp": {
    #                 "old_value": ["1", "3"],
    #                 "value": ["1", "2", "3"]
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }
    # }

    changes = {"devices": SetterDict(), "classes": SetterDict()}

    # Go through all database calls and store the changes
    for method, args, kwargs in calls:

        if method == "put_device_alias":
            device, alias = args
            if device in device_mapping:
                old_alias = get_device_data(device, device_mapping,
                old_alias = None
                {"alias": {
                    "old_value": old_alias,
                    "value": alias

        elif method == "add_device":
            info, = args
            if info.name in device_mapping:
                old_server, old_instance, old_class = device_mapping[info.name]
                changes["devices"][info.name]["old_server"] = "{}/{}".format(
                    old_server, old_instance)
                changes["devices"][info.name]["old_class"] = old_class

        elif method == "delete_device":
            device, = args
            server, instance, clss = device_mapping[device]
            device_data = data["servers"][server][instance][clss]
            properties = device_data.get("properties", {})
                                                  server, instance),

        elif method == "put_device_property":
            device, properties = args
            old_data = get_device_data(device, device_mapping, data)
            caseless_props = CaselessDict(old_data.get("properties", {}))
            if "properties" not in changes["devices"][device]:
                changes["devices"][device]["properties"] = {}
            for name, value in properties.items():
                old_value = caseless_props.get(name)
                if value != old_value:
                        {name: {
                            "value": value,
                            "old_value": old_value

        elif method == "delete_device_property":
            device, properties = args
            old_data = get_device_data(device, device_mapping, data)
            caseless_props = CaselessDict(old_data.get("properties", {}))
            prop_changes = changes["devices"][device].setdefault(
                "properties", {})
            for prop in properties:
                old_value = caseless_props[prop]
                prop_changes[prop] = {"old_value": old_value}

        elif method == "put_device_attribute_property":
            device, properties = args
            attr_props = changes["devices"][device].setdefault(
                "attribute_properties", {})
            old_data = get_device_data(device, device_mapping, data)
            caseless_attrs = CaselessDict(
                old_data.get("attribute_properties", {}))
            for attr, props in properties.items():
                caseless_props = CaselessDict(caseless_attrs.get(attr, {}))
                for name, value in props.items():
                    old_value = caseless_props.get(name)
                    if value != old_value:
                        attr_props[attr] = {
                            name: {
                                "old_value": old_value,
                                "value": value

        elif method == "delete_device_attribute_property":
            device, attributes = args
            prop_changes = attr_props = changes["devices"][device].setdefault(
                "attribute_properties", {})
            old_data = get_device_data(device, device_mapping, data)
            caseless_attrs = CaselessDict(
                old_data.get("attribute_properties", {}))
            for attr, props in attributes.items():
                caseless_props = CaselessDict(caseless_attrs[attr])
                for prop in props:
                    old_value = caseless_props.get(prop)
                    attr_props[attr] = {prop: {"old_value": old_value}}

        elif method == "put_class_property":
            clss, properties = args
            old_data = classes.get(clss, {})
            caseless_props = CaselessDict(old_data.get("properties", {}))
            prop_changes = changes["classes"][clss].setdefault(
                "properties", {})
            for name, value in properties.items():
                old_value = caseless_props.get(name)
                if value != old_value:
                        {name: {
                            "value": value,
                            "old_value": old_value

        elif method == "delete_class_property":
            clss, properties = args
            old_data = classes.get(clss, {})
            caseless_props = CaselessDict(old_data.get("properties", {}))
            prop_changes = changes["classes"][clss].setdefault(
                "properties", {})
            for prop in properties:
                old_value = caseless_props.get(prop)
                prop_changes[prop] = {"old_value": old_value}

        elif method == "put_class_attribute_property":
            clss, properties = args
            attr_props = changes["classes"][clss].setdefault(
                "attribute_properties", {})
            old_data = classes.get(clss, {})
            caseless_attrs = CaselessDict(
                old_data.get("attribute_properties", {}))
            for attr, props in properties.items():
                caseless_props = CaselessDict(caseless_attrs.get(attr, {}))
                for name, value in props.items():
                    old_value = caseless_props.get(name)
                    if value != old_value:
                        attr_props[attr] = {
                            name: {
                                "old_value": old_value,
                                "value": value

        elif method == "delete_class_attribute_property":
            clss, attributes = args
            attr_props = changes["classes"][clss].setdefault(
                "attribute_properties", {})
            old_data = classes.get(clss, {})
            caseless_attrs = CaselessDict(old_data.get("properties", {}))
            for attr, props in attributes.items():
                caseless_props = CaselessDict(caseless_attrs.get(attr, {}))
                for prop in props:
                    old_value = caseless_props.get(prop)
                    attr_props[attr] = {prop: {"old_value": old_value}}

    return {
        "devices": changes["devices"].to_dict(),
        "classes": changes["classes"].to_dict(),
コード例 #5
ファイル: tangodb.py プロジェクト: hayg25/lib-maxiv-dsconfig
def get_servers_with_filters(dbproxy, server="*", clss="*", device="*",
                             properties=True, attribute_properties=True,
                             aliases=True, dservers=False,
                             subdevices=False, uppercase_devices=False,
    A performant way to get servers and devices in bulk from the DB
    by direct SQL statements and joins, instead of e.g. using one
    query to get the properties of each device.

    TODO: are there any length restrictions on the query results? In
    that case, use limit and offset to get page by page.

    server = server.replace("*", "%")  # mysql wildcards
    clss = clss.replace("*", "%")
    device = device.replace("*", "%")

    devices = AppendingDict()

    # Queries can sometimes take more than de default 3 s, so it's
    # good to increase the timeout a bit.
    # TODO: maybe instead use automatic retry and increase timeout
    # each time?

    if properties:
        # Get all relevant device properties
        query = (
            "SELECT device, property_device.name, property_device.value"
            " FROM property_device"
            " INNER JOIN device ON property_device.device = device.name"
            " WHERE server LIKE '%s' AND class LIKE '%s' AND device LIKE '%s'")
        if not dservers:
            query += " AND class != 'DServer'"
        if not subdevices:
            query += " AND property_device.name != '__SubDevices'"
        _, result = dbproxy.command_inout("DbMySqlSelect",
                                          query % (server, clss, device))
        for d, p, v in nwise(result, 3):
            # the properties are encoded in latin-1; we want utf-8
            decoded_value = v.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf8')
            devices[maybe_upper(d, uppercase_devices)].properties[p] = decoded_value

    if attribute_properties:
        # Get all relevant attribute properties
        query = (
            "SELECT device, attribute, property_attribute_device.name,"
            " property_attribute_device.value"
            " FROM property_attribute_device"
            " INNER JOIN device ON property_attribute_device.device ="
            " device.name"
            " WHERE server LIKE '%s' AND class LIKE '%s' AND device LIKE '%s'")
        if not dservers:
            query += " AND class != 'DServer'"
        _, result = dbproxy.command_inout("DbMySqlSelect", query % (server, clss, device))
        for d, a, p, v in nwise(result, 4):
            dev = devices[maybe_upper(d, uppercase_devices)]
            # the properties are encoded in latin-1; we want utf-8
            decoded_value = v.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf8')
            dev.attribute_properties[a][p] = decoded_value

    devices = devices.to_dict()

    # dump relevant servers
    query = (
        "SELECT server, class, name, alias FROM device"
        " WHERE server LIKE '%s' AND class LIKE '%s' AND name LIKE '%s'")

    if not dservers:
        query += " AND class != 'DServer'"
    _, result = dbproxy.command_inout("DbMySqlSelect", query % (server, clss, device))

    # combine all the information we have
    servers = SetterDict()
    for s, c, d, a in nwise(result, 4):
            srv, inst = s.split("/")
        except ValueError:
            # Malformed server name? It can happen!
        devname = maybe_upper(d, uppercase_devices)
        device = devices.get(devname, {})
        if a and aliases:
            device["alias"] = a
        servers[srv][inst][c][devname] = device

    return servers