コード例 #1
ファイル: part_main.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
 class FiltForm(Form):
     filt_proj = SelectMultipleField(choices=[['', '']] + database.GetAll(
         "SELECT projid,concat(title,' (',cast(projid AS VARCHAR),')') FROM projects where projid in (select projid from part_projects) ORDER BY lower(title)"
     filt_uproj = SelectMultipleField(choices=[['', '']] + database.GetAll(
         "SELECT pprojid,concat(ptitle,' (',cast(pprojid AS VARCHAR),')') FROM part_projects ORDER BY lower(ptitle)"
     gpr = SelectMultipleField(
         choices=[("cl%d" % i, "# l-1 %02d : " % i +
                   GetClassLimitTxt(PartRedClassLimit, i))
                  for i in range(1, 16)] +
         [("bv%d" % i,
           "BV %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartRedClassLimit, i))
          for i in range(1, 16)])
     gpd = SelectMultipleField(
         choices=[("cl%d" % i, "# l-1 %02d : " % i +
                   GetClassLimitTxt(PartDetClassLimit, i))
                  for i in range(1, 46)] +
         [("bv%d" % i,
           "BV %02d : " % i + GetClassLimitTxt(PartDetClassLimit, i))
          for i in range(1, 46)])
     ctd = SelectMultipleField(
         choices=sorted([(k, v) for v, k in CTDFixedCol.items()],
     filt_proftype = SelectField(
         choices=[['', 'All'], ['V', 'Vertical'], ['H', 'Horizontal']])
コード例 #2
ファイル: taxomain.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def routetaxodel():
    txt = ""
        taxoid = int(gvp('id'))
        params = dict(id=taxoid)
        UsedTaxon = database.GetAll(
            """select 1 from taxonomy t where id=(%s)
          and (
              exists(select 1 from taxonomy p where p.parent_id=t.id)
          or  exists(select 1 from obj_head where classif_id=t.id) )
        """, [taxoid])
        if len(UsedTaxon) > 0:
            return appli.ErrorFormat(
                "This Taxon is used locally, you cannot remove it")
        database.ExecSQL("delete from taxonomy t where id=%s", [taxoid])

        j = request_withinstanceinfo("/deltaxon/", params)
        if j['msg'] != 'ok':
            return appli.ErrorFormat("deltaxon Error :" + j['msg'])
        txt = """<script> DoSync(); At2PopupClose(0); </script>"""
        return txt
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
        tb_list = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)
        return appli.FormatError("Saving Error : {}\n{}", e,
コード例 #3
ファイル: services.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxoserver
def CheckInstanceSecurity():
    id_instance = gvp('id_instance', '')
    if not id_instance.isdigit():
        abort(jsonify(msg="invalid instance id format"))
    Instance = database.GetAll(
        "select sharedsecret from ecotaxainst WHERE id=%s", [int(id_instance)])
    if len(Instance) != 1:
        abort(jsonify(msg="invalid instance"))
    if Instance[0]['sharedsecret'] != gvp('sharedsecret'):
        abort(jsonify(msg="invalid instance secret"))

    g.ecotaxa_version = gvp('ecotaxa_version')
    g.ecotaxa_version_int = 0
    re_match = re.match(r"(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)", g.ecotaxa_version)
    if re_match:
        g.ecotaxa_version_int = int(re_match.group(1)) * 10000 + int(
            re_match.group(2)) * 100 + int(re_match.group(3))
        abort(jsonify(msg='invalid version'))
    g.MsgVersion = "ok"
    if g.ecotaxa_version_int < 20000:
        g.MsgVersion = "Current Ecotaxa version is 2.0.0 it's recommanded to upgrade your version (%s.%s.%s) ." % (
            re_match.group(1), re_match.group(2), re_match.group(3))
    if g.ecotaxa_version_int < 20000:
        abort(jsonify(msg='Your Ecotaxa version is too old, you must upgrade'))
コード例 #4
ファイル: services.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxoserver
def routegettaxon():
    sql = """select t.id,t.parent_id,t.name,t.taxotype,t.display_name,t.id_source,t.source_url,t.source_desc
          ,to_char(t.creation_datetime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') creation_datetime
          ,to_char(t.lastupdate_datetime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') lastupdate_datetime,t.id_instance,t.taxostatus,t.rename_to 
          from taxonomy t where 1=1 """
    sqlparam = {}
    filtertype = gvp('filtertype')
    if filtertype == 'id':
        sql += " and id=%(id)s "
        sqlparam['id'] = int(gvp('id'))
    elif filtertype == 'since':
        sql += """ and lastupdate_datetime>=to_timestamp(%(startdate)s,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 
        # and (taxostatus!='N' or id_instance=%(id_instance)s)     ==> Désactivé dans un premier temps
        sqlparam['startdate'] = gvp('startdate')
        # sqlparam['id_instance']=gvp('id_instance')
        return jsonify(msg='filtertype required')
    sql += " order by lastupdate_datetime "
    res = database.GetAll(sql,
    if len(res) == 0 and filtertype == 'id':
        return jsonify(msg='no data found')
    return jsonify(res)
コード例 #5
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def searchusers():
    if len(term)<2:
        return "[]"
    res = database.GetAll("SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE  name ILIKE %s and active=true order by name limit 1000", (term,),debug=False)
    return json.dumps([dict(id=r[0],text=r[1]) for r in res])
コード例 #6
ファイル: prj.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def part_prj_vpgraph(PrjId,offset):
    Prj=GetAll("""select pp.* from part_projects pp where pprojid=%s""",(PrjId,))
    if len(Prj)!=1:
        return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Project doesn't exists"))
    if Prj['ownerid']!=current_user.id and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel):
        return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied"))
    g.headcenter="<h4>Particle Project %s : %s</h4><a href='/part/prj/%s'>Project home</a>"%(Prj['projid'],Prj['ptitle'],Prj['pprojid'],)
    dbsample = database.GetAll("""select psampleid,filename from part_samples s where pprojid=%s
          ORDER BY filename desc limit 50 OFFSET %s 
          """ % (PrjId,offset))
    .idepth,.ipart {height: auto}
    <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(50);'>50%</button>
    <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(75);'>75%</button>
    <button class='btn' onclick='dozoom(100);'>100%</button>
    function dozoom(z) {
    for s in dbsample:
        txt+="""<p class='ghead'>Graph for {psampleid} - {filename} - </p>
          <img src='/vault/{idepth}' class='idepth'> <img src='/vault/{ipart}' class='ipart'>
                     ,ipart =uvp_sample_import.GetPathForImportGraph(s['psampleid'],'particle',True))
    return PrintInCharte(txt)
コード例 #7
ファイル: prj.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def part_prj_main(PrjId):
    # Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(pprojid=PrjId).first()
    Prj=GetAll("""select pp.*
                    ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_visibility_deferral_month) visibility_date  
                    ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_partexport_deferral_month) partexport_date 
                    ,oldestsampledate+make_interval(0,public_zooexport_deferral_month) zooexport_date 
                    from part_projects pp where pprojid=%s""",(PrjId,))
    if len(Prj)!=1:
        return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Project doesn't exists"))
    if Prj['ownerid']!=current_user.id and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel):
        return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied"))
    g.headcenter="<h4>Particle Project %s : %s</h4><a href='/part/'>Particle Module Home</a>"%(Prj['projid'],Prj['ptitle'])
    dbsample = database.GetAll("""select profileid,psampleid,filename,stationid,firstimage,lastimg,lastimgused,sampleid
          ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinedet
          ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinereduit
          ,(select count(*) from part_histocat where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinetaxo
          ,(select count(*) from part_ctd where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinectd
          from part_samples s
          where pprojid=%s
          ORDER BY filename desc
          """ % (PrjId))
    if MinSampleDate is not None :
        VisibilityText +="""<br> Oldest sample date is {0:%Y-%m-%d}, Visibility date is {1}
          , Particule export date is {2}, Zooplankton classification export date is {3} 
                     , "Not Defined" if Prj['visibility_date'] is None else Prj['visibility_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                     , "Not Defined" if Prj['partexport_date'] is None else Prj['partexport_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                     , "Not Defined" if Prj['zooexport_date'] is None else Prj['zooexport_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") )

    return PrintInCharte(
        render_template('part/prj_index.html', PrjId=PrjId, dbsample=dbsample, Prj=Prj,VisibilityText=VisibilityText))
コード例 #8
def ajaxorganisationlist():
    LstOrga = database.GetAll(
        "select * from (select distinct organisation from users where organisation ilike %(term)s)q order by upper(organisation)",
            'term': '%' + gvg('term', '') + '%'
    return json.dumps([o['organisation'] for o in LstOrga])
コード例 #9
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def searchannot(PrjId):
    projid = str(int(PrjId))
    res = database.GetAll("""Select id,name 
          from users
          where id in ( SELECT distinct classif_who FROM obj_head WHERE  projid ={0} ) order by name""".format(projid))
    # if gvg("format",'J')=='J': # version JSon par defaut
    #     return json.dumps([dict(id=r[0],text=r[1]) for r in res])
    return render_template('search/annot.html', samples=res)
コード例 #10
def ajaxcoutrylist():
    Lst = database.GetAll(
        "select countryname from countrylist where countryname ilike %(term)s order by countryname",
            'term': '%' + gvg('term', '') + '%'
    res = [{'id': o['countryname'], 'text': o['countryname']} for o in Lst]
    res.append({'id': 'Other', 'text': 'Other'})
    return json.dumps({"results": res})
コード例 #11
def JinjaGetManagerList(sujet=""):
    LstUsers=database.GetAll("""select distinct u.email,u.name,Lower(u.name)
FROM users_roles ur join users u on ur.user_id=u.id
where ur.role_id=2
and u.active=TRUE and email like '%@%'
order by Lower(u.name)""")
    if sujet:
    return " ".join(["<li><a href='mailto:{1}{0}'>{2} ({1})</a></li> ".format(sujet,*r) for r in LstUsers ])
コード例 #12
ファイル: part_main.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def GetFilteredSamples(Filter=None,
    sqlparam = {}
    if Filter is None:  # si filtre non spécifié on utilise GET
        Filter = request.args
    sqlvisible, sqljoin = GetSQLVisibility()
    sql = "select s.psampleid,s.latitude,s.longitude,cast (" + sqlvisible + """ as varchar(2) ) as visibility,s.pprojid,pp.ptitle
    from part_samples s
    JOIN part_projects pp on s.pprojid=pp.pprojid
    LEFT JOIN projects p on pp.projid=p.projid """
    sql += sqljoin
    sql += " where 1=1 "

    if Filter.get("MapN", '') != "" and Filter.get(
            "MapW", '') != "" and Filter.get("MapE", '') != "" and Filter.get(
                "MapS", '') != "":
        sql += " and s.latitude between %(MapS)s and %(MapN)s   "
        sqlparam['MapN'] = Filter.get("MapN")
        sqlparam['MapS'] = Filter.get("MapS")
        sqlparam['MapW'] = float(Filter.get("MapW"))
        sqlparam['MapE'] = float(Filter.get("MapE"))
        if sqlparam['MapW'] < sqlparam['MapE']:
            sql += " and s.longitude between %(MapW)s and %(MapE)s  "
            sql += " and  (s.longitude between %(MapW)s and 180 or s.longitude between -180 and %(MapE)s   )"

    if Filter.get("filt_fromdate", '') != "":
        sql += " and s.sampledate>= to_date(%(fromdate)s,'YYYY-MM-DD') "
        sqlparam['fromdate'] = Filter.get("filt_fromdate")
    if Filter.get("filt_todate", '') != "":
        sql += " and s.sampledate< to_date(%(todate)s,'YYYY-MM-DD')+1 "
        sqlparam['todate'] = Filter.get("filt_todate")
    if Filter.get("filt_proj", '') != "":
        sql += " and p.projid in (%s) " % (','.join(
            [str(int(x)) for x in request.args.getlist("filt_proj")]))
    if Filter.get("filt_uproj", '') != "":
        sql += " and pp.pprojid in (%s) " % (','.join(
            [str(int(x)) for x in request.args.getlist("filt_uproj")]))
    if Filter.get("filt_instrum", '') != "":
        sql += " and lower(pp.instrumtype)=lower(%(instrum)s) "
        sqlparam['instrum'] = Filter.get("filt_instrum")
    if Filter.get("filt_proftype", '') != "":
        sql += " and organizedbydeepth = %s " % (True if Filter.get(
            "filt_proftype", '' if ForceVerticalIfNotSpecified == False else
            'V') == 'V' else False)

    sql = """select s.*,case when substr(visibility,1,1)>='%s' and substr(visibility,2,1)>='%s' then true end as visible 
            from (%s ) s """ % (RequiredPartVisibility, RequiredZooVisibility,
    if GetVisibleOnly:
        sql = "select * from (" + sql + ") s where visible=true "
    sql += """ order by s.psampleid     """
    return database.GetAll(sql, sqlparam)
コード例 #13
ファイル: prj.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def GlobalTaxoCompute():
    # Sample Particule sans liens etabli avec Zoo qui sont liables
    Samples=database.GetAll("""select ps.psampleid,pp.projid from samples
            join part_samples ps on samples.orig_id=ps.profileid
            join part_projects pp on ps.pprojid = pp.pprojid and samples.projid=pp.projid
            where ps.sampleid is null""")
    for S in Samples:
        logging.info("Matching %s %s",S['psampleid'],ComputeZooMatch(S['psampleid'],S['projid']))
    # sample ayant un objet qui à été classifié depuis le dernier calcul de l'histogramme
    Samples=database.GetAll("""select psampleid, daterecalculhistotaxo
                from part_samples ps
                where ps.sampleid is not null
                and (
                      exists (select 1 from obj_head where obj_head.sampleid=ps.sampleid and obj_head.classif_when>ps.daterecalculhistotaxo)
                or ps.daterecalculhistotaxo is null 
                or exists (select 1 from part_histocat_lst hc where hc.psampleid=ps.psampleid and classif_id not in (select id from taxonomy)) 
    for S in Samples:
コード例 #14
def RecomputePart(ProjectID, What, User, Email):
    if 'C' in What:
        if User is None or Email is None:
            print("-u and -e options are required for CTD import")
    with app.app_context(
    ):  # Création d'un contexte pour utiliser les fonction GetAll,ExecSQL qui mémorisent
        g.db = None
        import appli.part.database as partdatabase
        import appli.part.prj as prj
        import appli.part.common_sample_import as common_import
        Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
        Samples = database.GetAll(
            "select psampleid,profileid from part_samples where pprojid=(%s)",
        for S in Samples:
            print("Processing particle sample %s:%s" %
                  (S['psampleid'], S['profileid']))
            if 'D' in What:
                      prj.ComputeHistoDet(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype))
            if 'R' in What:
                      prj.ComputeHistoRed(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype))
            if 'M' in What:
                print("Match=", prj.ComputeZooMatch(S['psampleid'],
            if 'C' in What:
                    "CTD=", "Imported" if common_import.ImportCTD(
                        S['psampleid'], User, Email) else 'CTD No file')
        Samples = database.GetAll(
            "select psampleid,profileid,sampleid from part_samples where pprojid=(%s)",
        for S in Samples:
            if 'T' in What and S['sampleid']:
                    "Zoo for particle sample %s:%s=" %
                    (S['psampleid'], S['profileid']),
コード例 #15
ファイル: services.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxoserver
def checktaxon(taxotype: str, name: str, parent='', updatetarget=''):
    Check if a Taxon name follows rules
    :param taxotype: Taxon Type P or M
    :param name:  Taxon Name
    :param parent:  Parent ID
    :param updatetarget: ID of the updated taxon, used to avoid duplicate error when you update yourself
    :return: "ok" or Error message
    if len(name) < 3:
        return "Name too short 3 characters min."
    if parent:
        if len(database.GetAll("select id from taxonomy where id=%s",
                               [parent])) != 1:
            return "invalid parent, doesn't exists in database"
    if taxotype == 'P':  # Phylo
        # if not re.match(r"^[A-Z][a-z+\-']{2,} ?[a-z+\-']*$", name):
        if not re.match(r"^[A-Z][a-z+\-']{2,}( [a-z+\-']+)*$", name):
            return "Must contains only letters and -+' and not more than 1 consecutive whitespace, Start with a Uppercase"
        sql = "select count(*) from taxonomy where lower(name)=lower( (%s) ) "
        if updatetarget and int(updatetarget) > 0:
            sql += " and id!={}".format(int(updatetarget))
        Nbr = int(database.GetAll(sql, [name])[0][0])
        if Nbr != 0:
            return "duplicate name"
    elif taxotype == 'M':  # Morpho
        if not re.match(r"^[a-z+\-']{3,}( [a-z+\-']+)*$", name):
            return "Must contains only letters and -+' and not more than 1 consecutive whitespace, be lowercase only"
        if not parent:
            return "You must specify a parent to check morpho type"
        sql = "select count(*) from taxonomy where lower(name)=lower( (%s) ) and parent_id={}".format(
        if updatetarget and int(updatetarget) > 0:
            sql += " and id!={}".format(int(updatetarget))
        Nbr = int(database.GetAll(sql, [name])[0][0])
        if Nbr != 0:
            return "duplicate child for this parent"
        return "Invalid taxotype"
    return "ok"
コード例 #16
ファイル: prj.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def ComputeZooMatch(psampleid, projid):
    if projid is not None:
        ecosample = database.GetAll("""select samples.sampleid from samples
                                        join part_samples ps on psampleid=%s
                                        where samples.projid=%s and samples.orig_id=ps.profileid""",
                                    ( psampleid,int(projid)))
        if len(ecosample) == 1:
            database.ExecSQL("update part_samples set sampleid=%s where psampleid=%s",
                             (ecosample[0]['sampleid'], psampleid))
            return " Matched"
            return " <span style='color: orange;'>No match found in Ecotaxa</span>"
        return " <span style='color: red;'>Ecotaxa sample matching impossible if Particle project not linked to an Ecotaxa project</span>"
コード例 #17
def GenerateReducedParticleHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme particulaire détaillé (45 classes) et réduit (15 classes) à partir de l'histogramme détaillé
    :param psampleid:
    if database.GetAll(
            "select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=" +
            str(psampleid))[0][0] <= 0:
        return "<span style='color: red;'>Reduced Histogram can't be computer without Detailed histogram</span>"
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=" +
    sql = """insert into part_histopart_reduit(psampleid, lineno, depth,datetime,  watervolume
    , class01, class02, class03, class04, class05, class06, class07, class08, class09, class10, class11, class12, class13, class14, class15
    , biovol01, biovol02, biovol03, biovol04, biovol05, biovol06, biovol07, biovol08, biovol09, biovol10, biovol11, biovol12, biovol13, biovol14, biovol15
    select psampleid, lineno, depth,datetime,  watervolume,
      coalesce(class01,0)+coalesce(class02,0)+coalesce(class03,0) as c1, 
      coalesce(class04,0)+coalesce(class05,0)+coalesce(class06,0) as c2, 
      coalesce(class07,0)+coalesce(class08,0)+coalesce(class09,0) as c3,
      coalesce(class10,0)+coalesce(class11,0)+coalesce(class12,0) as c4,
      coalesce(class13,0)+coalesce(class14,0)+coalesce(class15,0) as c5,
      coalesce(class16,0)+coalesce(class17,0)+coalesce(class18,0) as c6,
      coalesce(class19,0)+coalesce(class20,0)+coalesce(class21,0) as c7,
      coalesce(class22,0)+coalesce(class23,0)+coalesce(class24,0) as c8,
      coalesce(class25,0)+coalesce(class26,0)+coalesce(class27,0) as c9,
      coalesce(class28,0)+coalesce(class29,0)+coalesce(class30,0) as c10,
      coalesce(class31,0)+coalesce(class32,0)+coalesce(class33,0) as c11,
      coalesce(class34,0)+coalesce(class35,0)+coalesce(class36,0) as c12,
      coalesce(class37,0)+coalesce(class38,0)+coalesce(class39,0) as c13,
      coalesce(class40,0)+coalesce(class41,0)+coalesce(class42,0) as c14, 
      coalesce(class43,0)+coalesce(class44,0)+coalesce(class45,0) as c15,
      coalesce(biovol01,0)+coalesce(biovol02,0)+coalesce(biovol03,0) as bv1, 
      coalesce(biovol04,0)+coalesce(biovol05,0)+coalesce(biovol06,0) as bv2, 
      coalesce(biovol07,0)+coalesce(biovol08,0)+coalesce(biovol09,0) as bv3,
      coalesce(biovol10,0)+coalesce(biovol11,0)+coalesce(biovol12,0) as bv4,
      coalesce(biovol13,0)+coalesce(biovol14,0)+coalesce(biovol15,0) as bv5,
      coalesce(biovol16,0)+coalesce(biovol17,0)+coalesce(biovol18,0) as bv6,
      coalesce(biovol19,0)+coalesce(biovol20,0)+coalesce(biovol21,0) as bv7,
      coalesce(biovol22,0)+coalesce(biovol23,0)+coalesce(biovol24,0) as bv8,
      coalesce(biovol25,0)+coalesce(biovol26,0)+coalesce(biovol27,0) as bv9,
      coalesce(biovol28,0)+coalesce(biovol29,0)+coalesce(biovol30,0) as bv10,
      coalesce(biovol31,0)+coalesce(biovol32,0)+coalesce(biovol33,0) as bv11,
      coalesce(biovol34,0)+coalesce(biovol35,0)+coalesce(biovol36,0) as bv12,
      coalesce(biovol37,0)+coalesce(biovol38,0)+coalesce(biovol39,0) as bv13,
      coalesce(biovol40,0)+coalesce(biovol41,0)+coalesce(biovol42,0) as bv14, 
      coalesce(biovol43,0)+coalesce(biovol44,0)+coalesce(biovol45,0) as bv15
    from part_histopart_det where psampleid=""" + str(psampleid)
    return " reduced Histogram computed"
コード例 #18
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def searchsamples():
    if gvg("projid")!="":
    if gvg("projid[]")!="":
        projid=",".join([str(int(x)) for x in request.args.getlist("projid[]")])
    if projid=="":
        return "[]"
    res = database.GetAll("""SELECT sampleid, orig_id 
                      FROM samples 
                      WHERE  projid in ({0}) and orig_id like %s order by orig_id limit 2000""".format(projid), (term,))
    if gvg("format",'J')=='J': # version JSon par defaut
        return json.dumps([dict(id=r[0],text=r[1]) for r in res])
    return render_template('search/samples.html', samples=res)
コード例 #19
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def searchgettaxomapping():
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=int(gvg("projid"))).first()
    classifsettings = DecodeEqualList(Prj.classifsettings)
    if PostTaxoMapping!='':
        res['mapping'] = {el[0].strip(): el[1].strip() for el in
                           [el.split(':') for el in PostTaxoMapping.split(',') if el != '']}
        sql = """SELECT tf.id, tf.name||case when p1.name is not null and tf.name not like '%% %%'  then ' ('||p1.name||')' else ' ' end as name
                 FROM taxonomy tf
                left join taxonomy p1 on tf.parent_id=p1.id
                WHERE  tf.id = any (%s) 
                order by tf.name limit 2000"""
        res['taxo'] = {x[0]:x[1] for x in database.GetAll(sql,([int(x) for x in res['mapping'].values()],))}

    return json.dumps(res)
コード例 #20
ファイル: prj.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def part_prjcalc(PrjId):
    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(pprojid=PrjId).first()
    if Prj.ownerid!=current_user.id and not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel):
        return PrintInCharte(ErrorFormat("Access Denied"))
    for f in request.form:
        if f[0:2] == "s_" and request.form.get(f)=='Y':

    app.logger.info("request.form=%s", request.form)
    app.logger.info("CheckedSampleList=%s", CheckedSampleList)
    app.logger.info("dohistodet=%s,domatchecotaxa=%s,dohistotaxo=%s", gvp('dohistodet'), gvp('domatchecotaxa'), gvp('dohistotaxo'))
    dbsample = database.GetAll("""select profileid,psampleid,filename,sampleid,histobrutavailable
          ,(select count(*) from part_histopart_det where psampleid=s.psampleid) nbrlinedet
          from part_samples s
          where pprojid=%s and psampleid = any (%s)""" , (PrjId,CheckedSampleList))
    for S in dbsample:
        prefix="<br>{profileid} :".format(**S)
        if gvp('delete') == 'Y':
            txt += prefix + " deleted"
        if gvp('dohistodet')=='Y':
            txt += prefix + ComputeHistoDet(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype)
        if gvp('dohistored')=='Y':
            txt += prefix + ComputeHistoRed(S['psampleid'], Prj.instrumtype)
        if gvp('domatchecotaxa') == 'Y':
            txt += prefix +ComputeZooMatch(S['psampleid'],Prj.projid)
        if gvp('dohistotaxo') == 'Y':
            txt += prefix + ComputeZooHisto(S['psampleid'])
            # try:
            #     uvp_sample_import.GenerateTaxonomyHistogram(S['psampleid'])
            #     txt += prefix + " Taxonomy Histogram computed"
            # except Exception as E:
            #     txt += prefix + " <span style='color: red;'>Taxonomy Histogram can't be computed : %s </span>"%(E)
        if gvp('doctdimport') == 'Y':
            if common_import.ImportCTD(S['psampleid'],current_user.name,current_user.email):
                txt += prefix + " CTD imported"
                txt += prefix + " <span style='color: red;'>CTD No file</span>"
    # txt+="CheckedSampleList=%s"%(CheckedSampleList)
    # txt+="<br>dbsample = %s"%(dbsample)
    txt += "<br><br><a href=/part/prj/%s class='btn btn-primary'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left'></span> Back to project samples list</a>"%PrjId
    return PrintInCharte(txt)
コード例 #21
ファイル: manage.py プロジェクト: moi90/ecotaxa_dev
def UpdateSunPos(ProjId):
    will update Sunpos field for object of the given project
    if projid = * all project are updated
    from appli import CalcAstralDayTime
    from astral import AstralError
    with app.app_context(
    ):  # Création d'un contexte pour utiliser les fonction GetAll,ExecSQL qui mémorisent
        g.db = None
        param = []
        sql = """select distinct objdate,objtime,round(cast(latitude as NUMERIC),4) latitude,round(cast(longitude  as NUMERIC),4) longitude
    from obj_head
    where objdate is not null and objtime is not null  and longitude is not null and latitude is not null
        if ProjId != '*':
            sql += " and projid=%s "
        Obj = database.GetAll(sql, param)
        for o in Obj:
            # l=Location()
            # l.latitude=o['latitude']
            # l.longitude = o['longitude']
            # s=l.sun(date=o['objdate'],local=False)
            # dt=datetime.datetime(o['objdate'].year,o['objdate'].month,o['objdate'].day,o['objtime'].hour,o['objtime'].minute,o['objtime'].second,tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
            # if s['sunset'].time()>s['sunrise'].time() \
            #         and dt.time()>=s['sunset'].time(): Result='N'
            # elif dt>=s['dusk']: Result='U'
            # elif dt>=s['sunrise']: Result='D'
            app.logger.info("Process %s %s %s %s", o['objdate'], o['objtime'],
                            o['latitude'], o['longitude'])
                Result = CalcAstralDayTime(o['objdate'], o['objtime'],
                                           o['latitude'], o['longitude'])
                sql = "update obj_head set sunpos=%s where objdate=%s and objtime=%s and round(cast(latitude as NUMERIC),4)=%s and round(cast(longitude  as NUMERIC),4)=%s "
                param = [
                    Result, o['objdate'], o['objtime'], o['latitude'],
                if ProjId != '*':
                    sql += " and projid=%s "
                database.ExecSQL(sql, param)
            except AstralError as e:
                app.logger.error("Astral error : %s", e)
コード例 #22
ファイル: part_main.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def Partgetsamplepopover(psampleid):
    sql = """select s.psampleid,s.profileid,p.ptitle,ep.title,p.cruise,p.ship ,p.projid,p.pprojid
      ,round(cast(s.latitude as NUMERIC),4) latitude,round(cast(s.longitude as NUMERIC),4) longitude
      from part_samples s
      LEFT JOIN part_projects p on s.pprojid=p.pprojid
      left join projects ep on p.projid = ep.projid
      where s.psampleid=%(psampleid)s
    data = database.GetAll(sql, {'psampleid': psampleid})[0]
    txt = """ID : {psampleid}<br>
    Profile ID : {profileid}<br>
    Project : {ptitle} ({pprojid})<br>
    Ship : {ship}<br>
    Cruise : {cruise}<br>
    Ecotaxa Project : {title} ({projid})<br>
    Lat/Lon : {latitude}/{longitude}
    return txt
コード例 #23
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def searchinstrumlist():
    sql="select DISTINCT lower(instrument) from acquisitions where instrument is not null and instrument!='' "
    if gvg("projid")!="":
        sql += " and projid="+str(int(gvg("projid")))
    res = database.GetAll(sql+" order by 1")
    txt="List of available Intruments : <hr><ul id=InstrumList>"
    for r in res:
        txt +="\n<li>{0}</li>".format(r[0])
    txt += """</ul>
    &nbsp;<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-"  onclick="$('#PopupDetails').modal('hide');">Close</button>
    $('#InstrumList li').click(function(){
    return txt
コード例 #24
ファイル: taskclassifauto2.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
    def QuestionProcessScreenSelectSource(self,Prj):
        # Premier écran de configuration, choix du projet de base
        PreviousTxt = self.GetFilterText()
        d = DecodeEqualList(Prj.classifsettings)
        TargetFeatures = set(DecodeEqualList(Prj.mappingobj).values())
        PreviousLS=d.get("baseproject", "")
        if PreviousLS != "":
            BasePrj = GetAll("select projid,title from projects where projid in ({0})".format(PreviousLS))
            if len(BasePrj):
                PreviousTxt += """<a class='btn btn-primary' href='?{0}&src={1}'>
                            USE previous Learning Set :  {2}</a><br><br>OR USE another project<br><br>""".format(
                    request.query_string.decode("utf-8"),PreviousLS, " + ".join(["#{0} - {1}".format(*r) for r in BasePrj]) )
        from flask_login import current_user
        sql = """select projid,title,round(coalesce(objcount,0)*coalesce(pctvalidated,0)/100) objvalid
                ,mappingobj,coalesce(cnn_network_id,'') cnn_network_id 
                from projects where 1=1 """
        if gvp('filt_title'):
            sql += " and title ilike (%s) "
        if gvp('filt_instrum', '') != '':
            sql += " and projid in (select distinct projid from acquisitions where instrument ilike '%%'||(%s) ||'%%' ) "
        sql += " order by title"
        ProjList = database.GetAll(sql,sqlparam,doXSSEscape=True)
        for r in ProjList:
            MatchingFeatures = len(set(DecodeEqualList(r['mappingobj']).values()) & TargetFeatures)
            if MatchingFeatures<int(gvp("filt_featurenbr") if gvp("filt_featurenbr") else 10):
            TblBody += """<tr><td><input type='checkbox' class='selproj' data-prjid='{projid}'></td>
                        <td>#{projid} - {title}</td><td>{objvalid:0.0f}</td><td>{MatchingFeatures}</td><td>{cnn_network_id}</td>
                        </tr>""".format(MatchingFeatures=MatchingFeatures, **r)

        return render_template('task/classifauto2_create_lstproj.html'
コード例 #25
ファイル: services.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxoserver
def UpdateObjectFromForm(taxon):
    taxon.parent_id = gvp('parent_id')
    taxon.name = gvp('name')
    taxon.taxotype = gvp('taxotype')
    taxon.id_source = gvp('id_source')
    taxon.source_url = gvp('source_url')
    taxon.source_desc = gvp('source_desc')
    taxon.creator_email = gvp('creator_email')
    if taxon.taxostatus is None:
        taxon.taxostatus = 'N'
    elif taxon.taxostatus != 'N':
        abort(jsonify(msg="Only non validated status can be updated"))
    elif taxon.id_instance != int(gvp('id_instance')):
        abort(jsonify(msg="Only instance author of a taxon can update it"))
    if taxon.id is None:
        taxon.creation_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        taxon.id_instance = int(gvp('id_instance'))
    taxon.lastupdate_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    if gvp('rename_to') != '':
        if len(
                database.GetAll("select id from taxonomy where id=%s",
                                [int(gvp('rename_to'))])) != 1:
            abort(jsonify(msg="invalid rename_to value"))
    taxon.rename_to = gvp('rename_to') or None
コード例 #26
def GenerateTaxonomyHistogram(psampleid):
    Génération de l'histogramme Taxonomique 
    :param psampleid:
    UvpSample = partdatabase.part_samples.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample is None:
        raise Exception("GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Sample %d missing" %
    Prj = partdatabase.part_projects.query.filter_by(
    if UvpSample.sampleid is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Ecotaxa sampleid required in Sample %d "
            % psampleid)
    pixel = UvpSample.acq_pixel
    EcoPrj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=Prj.projid).first()
    if EcoPrj is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: Ecotaxa project %d missing" %
    objmap = DecodeEqualList(EcoPrj.mappingobj)
    areacol = None
    for k, v in objmap.items():
        if v.lower() == 'area':
            areacol = k
    if areacol is None:
        raise Exception(
            "GenerateTaxonomyHistogram: esd attribute required in Ecotaxa project %d"
            % Prj.projid)
    # app.logger.info("Esd col is %s",areacol)
    DepthOffset = UvpSample.acq_depthoffset
    if DepthOffset is None:
        DepthOffset = Prj.default_depthoffset
    if DepthOffset is None:
        DepthOffset = 0

    # LstTaxo=database.GetAll("""select classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5) tranche,avg({areacol}) as avgarea,count(*) nbr
    #             from objects
    #             WHERE sampleid={sampleid} and classif_id is not NULL and depth_min is not NULL and {areacol} is not NULL and classif_qual='V'
    #             group by classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5)"""
    #                         .format(sampleid=UvpSample.sampleid,areacol=areacol,DepthOffset=DepthOffset))
    LstTaxoDet = database.GetAll(
        """select classif_id,floor((depth_min+{DepthOffset})/5) tranche,{areacol} areacol
                from objects
                WHERE sampleid={sampleid} and classif_id is not NULL and depth_min is not NULL and {areacol} is not NULL and classif_qual='V'
    LstTaxo = {}
    for r in LstTaxoDet:
        cle = "{}/{}".format(r['classif_id'], r['tranche'])
        if cle not in LstTaxo:
            LstTaxo[cle] = {
                'nbr': 0,
                'esdsum': 0,
                'bvsum': 0,
                'classif_id': r['classif_id'],
                'tranche': r['tranche']
        LstTaxo[cle]['nbr'] += 1
        esd = 2 * math.sqrt(r['areacol'] * (pixel**2) / math.pi)
        LstTaxo[cle]['esdsum'] += esd
        biovolume = pow(esd / 2, 3) * 4 * math.pi / 3
        LstTaxo[cle]['bvsum'] += biovolume

    LstVol = database.GetAssoc(
        """select cast(round((depth-2.5)/5) as INT) tranche,watervolume from part_histopart_reduit where psampleid=%s"""
        % psampleid)
    # 0 Taxoid, tranche
    # TblTaxo=np.empty([len(LstTaxo),4])
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histocat_lst where psampleid=%s" %
    database.ExecSQL("delete from part_histocat where psampleid=%s" %
    sql = """insert into part_histocat(psampleid, classif_id, lineno, depth, watervolume, nbr, avgesd, totalbiovolume)
    for r in LstTaxo.values():
        avgesd = r['esdsum'] / r['nbr']
        biovolume = r['bvsum']
        watervolume = 'NULL'
        if r['tranche'] in LstVol:
            watervolume = LstVol[r['tranche']]['watervolume']
                       depth=r['tranche'] * 5 + 2.5,
    database.ExecSQL("""insert into part_histocat_lst(psampleid, classif_id) 
            select distinct psampleid,classif_id from part_histocat where psampleid=%s"""
                     % psampleid)

        """update part_samples set daterecalculhistotaxo=current_timestamp  
            where psampleid=%s""" % psampleid)
コード例 #27
def doimportmassupdate():
    # test avec D:\temp\Downloads\taxoexport_20181228_101007.tsv
    txt = ""
    uploadfile = request.files.get("fichier")
    if uploadfile is None:
        return PrintInCharte(FormatError("You must send a file"))
    app.logger.info('Load file {} by {}'.format(uploadfile.filename,
    #creation d'un fichier temporaire qui s'efface automatiquement
    tmpfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b')
    # app.logger.info('TMP file is {}'.format(tmpfile.name))
    uploadfile.save(tmpfile)  # on copie le contenu dedants
    tmpfile.seek(0)  # on se remet au debut
    f = TextIOWrapper(
        tmpfile, encoding='ascii',
        errors='replace')  # conversion du format binaire au format texte
    rdr = csv.DictReader(
    )  # ouverture sous forme de reader dictionnaire
    champs = rdr.fieldnames
    app.logger.info("Loading file with this columns : %s" % str(champs))
    if 'id' not in champs:
        return PrintInCharte(FormatError("A column named 'id' is required"))
    IdList = {x['id'] for x in database.GetAll("select id from taxonomy")}
    InstanceList = {
        for x in database.GetAll("select id from ecotaxainst")
    rowcount = 0
    Errors = []
    UpdatedTaxon = []
    UpdatableCols = [
        'parent_id', 'name', 'taxotype', 'taxostatus', 'id_source',
        'source_url', 'source_desc', 'creator_email', 'creation_datetime',
        'id_instance', 'rename_to'
    # 'lastupdate_datetime', 'display_name',
    for r in rdr:
        rowcount += 1
        id = int(r['id'])
        taxon = database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if taxon is None:
            Errors.append("id {} does not exists in the database".format(id))
        valueschanged = False
        SkipRow = False
        for c in champs:
            if c in UpdatableCols:
                oldvalue = str(ntcv(getattr(taxon, c))).replace('\r', '')
                newvalue = r[c].replace("\\n", "\n").strip()
                if c in ('parent_id', 'rename_to') and newvalue != '':
                    if int(newvalue) not in IdList:
                            "id {} : {} {} does not exists in the database".
                            format(id, c, newvalue))
                        SkipRow = True
                if c == 'taxotype':
                    if newvalue not in ('P', 'M'):
                        Errors.append("id {} : Invalid taxotype {} ".format(
                            id, newvalue))
                        SkipRow = True
                if c == 'taxostatus':
                    if newvalue not in database.TaxoStatus:
                        Errors.append("id {} : Invalid status {} ".format(
                            id, newvalue))
                        SkipRow = True
                if c == 'id_instance' and newvalue != '':
                    if int(newvalue) not in InstanceList:
                            "id {} : {} is not a valid instance id".format(
                                id, newvalue))
                        SkipRow = True
                if oldvalue != newvalue:
                    valueschanged = True
                    setattr(taxon, c, newvalue)
                    app.logger.info("id {} : update {} to {}".format(
                        id, oldvalue, newvalue))
        if SkipRow:
        if valueschanged:
            # db.session.add(taxon)
            taxon.lastupdate_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        # app.logger.info(str(r))
    if len(UpdatedTaxon) > 0:
    txt += "<p style='color: green'> %s taxon updated </p> " % (
    if len(Errors):
        txt += "<p style='color: red'> %s errors <ul> " % (len(Errors))
        txt += "\n".join("<li>%s</li>" % x for x in Errors)
        txt += "</ul></p> "
    txt += "<a href='/browsetaxo/' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fas fa-arrow-left'></i> Back to Browse Taxonomy</a>"
    g.bodydivmargin = "10px"
    return PrintInCharte(txt)
コード例 #28
ファイル: taxomain.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def DoFullSync():
    txt = ""
        UpdatableCols = [
            'parent_id', 'name', 'taxotype', 'taxostatus', 'id_source',
            'id_instance', 'rename_to', 'display_name', 'source_desc',
            'source_url', 'creation_datetime', 'creator_email'
        MaxUpdate = database.GetAll(
            "select coalesce(max(lastupdate_datetime),to_timestamp('2000-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')) lastupdate from taxonomy"
        MaxUpdateDate = MaxUpdate[0]['lastupdate']

        j = request_withinstanceinfo("/gettaxon/", {
            'filtertype': 'since',
            'startdate': MaxUpdateDate
        if 'msg' in j:
            return appli.ErrorFormat("Sync Error :" + j['msg'])
        NbrRow = len(j)
        NbrUpdate = NbrInsert = 0
        txt += "Received {} rows<br>".format(NbrRow)
        if (NbrRow > 0):
            txt += "Taxo 0 = {}<br>".format(j[0])
        for jtaxon in j:
            taxon = database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(
            lastupdate_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                jtaxon['lastupdate_datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if taxon:
                if taxon.lastupdate_datetime == lastupdate_datetime:
                    continue  #already up to date
                NbrUpdate += 1
                if ntcv(jtaxon['rename_to']) != '':
                    continue  # don't insert taxon that should be renamed
                if ntcv(jtaxon['taxostatus']) == 'D':
                    continue  # don't insert taxon that are deprecated and planned to be deleted
                NbrInsert += 1
                taxon = database.Taxonomy()
                taxon.id = int(jtaxon['id'])

            for c in UpdatableCols:
                setattr(taxon, c, jtaxon[c])
            taxon.lastupdate_datetime = lastupdate_datetime
        # Manage rename_to
        sqlbase = "with taxorename as (select id,rename_to from taxonomy where rename_to is not null) "
        sql = sqlbase + """select distinct projid from obj_head o join taxorename tr  on o.classif_id=tr.id """
        ProjetsToRecalc = database.GetAll(sql)
        sql = sqlbase + """update obj_head o set classif_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_id=tr.id """
        NbrRenamedObjects = ExecSQL(sql)
        sql = sqlbase + """update obj_head o set classif_auto_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_auto_id=tr.id """
        sql = sqlbase + """update objectsclassifhisto o set classif_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_id=tr.id """
        # on efface les taxon qui doivent être renomé car ils l'ont normalement été
        sql = """delete from taxonomy where rename_to is not null """
        sql = """delete from taxonomy t where taxostatus='D' 
                  and not exists(select 1 from projects_taxo_stat where id=t.id) """
        # il faut recalculer projects_taxo_stat et part_histocat,part_histocat_lst pour ceux qui referencaient un
        # taxon renomé et donc disparu
        if NbrRenamedObjects > 0:
            # cron.RefreshTaxoStat() operation trés longue (env 5 minutes en prod, il faut être plus selectif)
            # permet de recalculer projects_taxo_stat
            for Projet in ProjetsToRecalc:
            #recalcul part_histocat,part_histocat_lst

            "Received {} rows,Insertion : {} Update :{}".format(
                NbrRow, NbrInsert, NbrUpdate), "success")
        if gvp('updatestat') == 'Y':
            msg = DoSyncStatUpdate()
            flash("Taxon statistics update : " + msg,
                  "success" if msg == 'ok' else 'error')

        # txt="<script>location.reload(true);</script>" # non car ça reprovoque le post de l'arrivée initiale
        txt = "<script>window.location=window.location;</script>"
        msg = "Error while syncing {}".format(sys.exc_info())
        txt += appli.ErrorFormat(msg)

    return txt
コード例 #29
ファイル: services.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxoserver
def ComputeDisplayName(TaxoList):
    Compute display_name column in database, for the list of provided id
    :param TaxoList: 
    :return: None 
    #     sql="""with duplicate as (select name from taxonomy GROUP BY name HAVING count(*)>1),
    #               nt as (select t.id,case when t.name like '%% %%' or p.id is null then t.name
    #                     when t.taxotype='M' and P.taxotype='M' then concat(p2.name||'>',p.name||'>',t.name)
    #                     when t.name in (select name from duplicate) then concat(p.name||'>',t.name)
    #                     else t.name end
    #                     ||case when t.taxostatus='D' then ' (Deprecated)' else '' end
    #                      newname
    #   from taxonomy t
    #   left JOIN taxonomy p on t.parent_id=p.id
    #   left JOIN taxonomy p2 on p.parent_id=p2.id
    #   where (t.id = any ( %(taxo)s ) or p.id = any ( %(taxo)s ) or p2.id = any ( %(taxo)s ))
    # )
    # update public.taxonomy t set display_name=newname,lastupdate_datetime=to_timestamp(%(ts)s,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    # from nt
    # where nt.id=t.id and display_name IS DISTINCT FROM newname """
    #     # Pour chaque nom on cherche à determiner à quelle hauteur il n'y a plus de doublons
    #     # quand plus de 2 doublons ça peut conduire à une inflation car on va prendre le plus long pour tous
    #     # alors que par forcement necessaire ex : A<B , A<C<D , A<C<E  A<B sera A<B<X inutilement rallongé
    #     sql="""
    #     with duplicate as (
    #     select t.name, count(distinct t.id) cid,
    #       count(distinct concat(t.name,'<'||p.name)) c2,
    #       count(distinct concat(t.name,'<'||p.name,'<'||p2.name)) c3,
    #       count(distinct concat(t.name,'<'||p.name,'<'||p2.name,'<'||p3.name)) c4
    #       from taxonomy t
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p on t.parent_id=p.id
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p2 on p.parent_id=p2.id
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p3 on p2.parent_id=p3.id
    #       group by t.name
    #     having count(distinct t.id)>1 )
    #         ,nt as (select t.id,case when d.name is null then t.name
    #                                  when cid=c2 then concat(t.name,'<'||p.name)
    #                                  when cid=c3 then concat(t.name,'<'||p.name,'<'||p2.name)
    #                                  else  concat(t.name,'<'||p.name,'<'||p2.name,'<'||p3.name)
    #                              end newname
    #       from taxonomy t
    #       left JOIN duplicate d on t.name=d.name
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p on t.parent_id=p.id
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p2 on p.parent_id=p2.id
    #       left JOIN taxonomy p3 on p2.parent_id=p3.id
    #       where (t.id = any ( %(taxo)s ) or p.id = any ( %(taxo)s ) or p2.id = any(%(taxo)s) or p3.id = any(%(taxo)s)  )
    #     )
    #     update public.taxonomy t set display_name=newname
    #     from nt
    #       where nt.id=t.id
    #     """
    #     database.ExecSQL(sql,{'taxo':TaxoList,'ts':datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')})
    # on recalcule tous les doublons + ceux qui n'ont pas de noms + ceux ayant le même nom que ceux demandés dans leur lineage 3.
    sql = """with duplicate as (select lower(name) as name from taxonomy GROUP BY lower(name) HAVING count(*)>1)
          select t.id,t.name tname,p.name pname,p2.name p2name,p3.name p3name,t.display_name,t.taxostatus
          from taxonomy t
          left JOIN duplicate d on lower(t.name)=d.name
          left JOIN taxonomy p on t.parent_id=p.id
          left JOIN taxonomy p2 on p.parent_id=p2.id
          left JOIN taxonomy p3 on p2.parent_id=p3.id
          where d.name is not null or t.display_name is null 
          or lower(t.name) in (select lower(st.name) 
                                  from taxonomy st
                                  left JOIN taxonomy sp on st.parent_id=sp.id
                                  left JOIN taxonomy sp2 on sp.parent_id=sp2.id
                                  left JOIN taxonomy sp3 on sp2.parent_id=sp3.id
                                where (st.id=any(%(taxo)s) or sp.id=any(%(taxo)s) or sp2.id=any(%(taxo)s) or sp3.id=any(%(taxo)s)  )  
    Duplicates = database.GetAll(sql, {'taxo': TaxoList},
    starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
    DStats = {}

    def AddToDefStat(clestat):
        clestat = clestat.lower()
        if clestat in DStats:
            DStats[clestat] += 1
            DStats[clestat] = 1

    for D in Duplicates:
        cle = ntcv(D['tname'])
        cle += '<' + ntcv(D['pname'])
        cle += '<' + ntcv(D['p2name'])
        cle += '<' + ntcv(D['p3name'])

    for i, D in enumerate(Duplicates):
        cle = ntcv(D['tname'])
        if DStats[cle.lower()] == 1:
            Duplicates[i]['newname'] = cle
            cle += '<' + ntcv(D['pname'])
            if DStats[cle.lower()] == 1:
                Duplicates[i]['newname'] = cle
                cle += '<' + ntcv(D['p2name'])
                if DStats[cle.lower()] == 1:
                    Duplicates[i]['newname'] = cle
                    cle += '<' + ntcv(D['p3name'])
                    Duplicates[i]['newname'] = cle
        if D['taxostatus'] == 'D':
            Duplicates[i]['newname'] += " (Deprecated)"

    app.logger.debug("Compute time %s ",
                     (datetime.datetime.now() - starttime).total_seconds())
    starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
    UpdateParam = []
    for D in Duplicates:
        if D['display_name'] != D['newname']:
            UpdateParam.append((int(D['id']), D['newname']))
    if len(UpdateParam) > 0:
        cur = g.db.cursor()
            """UPDATE taxonomy SET display_name = data.pdisplay_name,lastupdate_datetime=to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 
               FROM (VALUES %s) AS data (pid, pdisplay_name)
               WHERE id = data.pid""".format(
                datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')),

    app.logger.debug("Update time %s for %d rows",
                     (datetime.datetime.now() - starttime).total_seconds(),
コード例 #30
ファイル: part_main.py プロジェクト: obs6/ecotaxa_dev
def Partstatsample():
    samples = GetFilteredSamples()
    if len(samples) == 0:
        return "No Data selected"
    sampleinclause = ",".join([str(x[0]) for x in samples])
    data = {
        'nbrsample': len(samples),
        'nbrvisible': sum(1 for x in samples if x['visible'])
    data['nbrnotvisible'] = data['nbrsample'] - data['nbrvisible']
    sqlvisible, sqljoin = GetSQLVisibility()
    data['partprojcount'] = database.GetAll(
        """SELECT pp.ptitle,count(*) nbr,pp.do_email,do_name,qpp.email,qpp.name,pp.instrumtype,pp.pprojid
        ,count(ps.sampleid ) nbrtaxo
        ,p.visible,visibility,uppowner.name uppowner_name,uppowner.email uppowner_email
        from part_samples ps
        --join part_projects pp on ps.pprojid=pp.pprojid        
        join (select pp.*,cast ({1} as varchar(2) ) as visibility
        from part_projects pp
        LEFT JOIN projects p on pp.projid = p.projid
        ) pp on ps.pprojid=pp.pprojid
        left join ( select * from (
            select u.email,u.name,pp.projid,rank() OVER (PARTITION BY pp.projid ORDER BY pp.id) rang
            from projectspriv pp join users u on pp.member=u.id
            where pp.privilege='Manage' and u.active=true ) q where rang=1
          ) qpp on qpp.projid=pp.projid
        LEFT JOIN projects p on pp.projid = p.projid
        LEFT JOIN users uppowner on pp.ownerid=uppowner.id 
        where ps.psampleid in ({0} )
        group by pp.ptitle,pp.do_email,do_name,qpp.email,qpp.name,p.visible,pp.instrumtype,pp.pprojid,visibility,uppowner.name,uppowner.email
        order by pp.ptitle""".format(sampleinclause, sqlvisible, sqljoin))
    data['instrumcount'] = database.GetAll(
        """SELECT coalesce(pp.instrumtype,'not defined') instrum,count(*) nbr
        from part_samples ps
        join part_projects pp on ps.pprojid=pp.pprojid
        where ps.psampleid in ({0} )
        group by pp.instrumtype
        order by pp.instrumtype""".format(sampleinclause))
    data['taxoprojcount'] = database.GetAll(
        """SELECT coalesce(p.title,'not associated') title,p.projid,count(*) nbr
        from part_samples ps
        join part_projects pp on ps.pprojid=pp.pprojid
        left join projects p on pp.projid=p.projid
        where ps.psampleid in ({0} )
        group by p.title,p.projid
        order by p.title""".format(sampleinclause))
    # data['taxostat']=database.GetAll("""select round(100*count(case when nbr=nbrval then 1 end)/count(*),1) pctval100pct
    #       ,round(100*count(case when nbrval>0 and nbr=nbrval then 1 end)/count(*),1) pctpartval
    #       ,round(100*sum(nbrval)/sum(nbr),1) as pctobjval
    #     from (SELECT ps.sampleid,count(*) nbr,count(case when classif_qual='V' then 1 end) nbrval
    #         from part_samples ps
    #         join obj_head oh on oh.sampleid=ps.sampleid
    #         where ps.psampleid in ({0})
    #         group by ps.sampleid )q
    #         having count(*)>0
    #         """.format(sampleinclause))
    # if len(data['taxostat'])==0:
    #     data['taxostat'] ={}
    # else:
    #     data['taxostat']={k: float(v) for k, v in data['taxostat'][0].items()}
    TaxoStat = database.GetAll(
        """SELECT ps.sampleid,count(*) nbr,count(case when classif_qual='V' then 1 end) nbrval,ps.pprojid
            from part_samples ps
            join obj_head oh on oh.sampleid=ps.sampleid
            where ps.psampleid in ({0})
            group by ps.sampleid,ps.pprojid  """.format(sampleinclause))
    ResultTaxoStat = {
        'nbrobj': 0,
        'nbrobjval': 0,
        'pctval100pct': 0,
        'pctpartval': 0,
        'pctobjval': 0
    TaxoStatByProj = {}
    for r in TaxoStat:
        ResultTaxoStat['nbrobj'] += r['nbr']
        ResultTaxoStat['nbrobjval'] += r['nbrval']
        if r['pprojid'] not in TaxoStatByProj:
            TaxoStatByProj[r['pprojid']] = {
                'nbrobj': 0,
                'nbrobjval': 0,
                'pctobjval': 0
        TaxoStatByProj[r['pprojid']]['nbrobj'] += r['nbr']
        TaxoStatByProj[r['pprojid']]['nbrobjval'] += r['nbrval']
        if r['nbr'] == r['nbrval']: ResultTaxoStat['pctval100pct'] += 1
        if r['nbr'] > r['nbrval']: ResultTaxoStat['pctpartval'] += 1
    if len(TaxoStat) > 0:
        ResultTaxoStat['pctval100pct'] = round(
            100 * ResultTaxoStat['pctval100pct'] / len(TaxoStat), 1)
        ResultTaxoStat['pctpartval'] = round(
            100 * ResultTaxoStat['pctpartval'] / len(TaxoStat), 1)
    if ResultTaxoStat['nbrobj'] > 0:
        ResultTaxoStat['pctobjval'] = round(
            100 * ResultTaxoStat['nbrobjval'] / ResultTaxoStat['nbrobj'], 1)
    data['taxostat'] = ResultTaxoStat
    data['taxostatbyproj'] = {}
    for k, r in TaxoStatByProj.items():
        if r['nbrobj']:
            data['taxostatbyproj'][k] = round(
                100 * r['nbrobjval'] / r['nbrobj'], 1)

    data['depthhisto'] = database.GetAll(
        """SELECT coalesce(case when bottomdepth<500 then '0- 500' else trunc(bottomdepth,-3)||'-'||(trunc(bottomdepth,-3)+1000) end,'Not defined') slice
      , count(*) nbr
      from (select ps.psampleid,cast(coalesce(max(depth),ps.bottomdepth) as NUMERIC) bottomdepth
            from part_samples ps
            left join part_histopart_reduit phr on ps.psampleid = phr.psampleid
            where ps.psampleid in ({0})
            group by ps.psampleid) ps
group by slice order by slice""".format(sampleinclause))
    data['taxolist'] = database.GetAll("""
        select classif_id,t.name nom 
     t6.name||'>',t5.name||'>',t4.name||'>',t3.name||'>',t2.name||'>',t1.name||'>',t.name) tree
        from (SELECT distinct hl.classif_id
            from part_samples ps
            join part_histocat_lst hl on ps.psampleid = hl.psampleid
            where ps.psampleid in ({0} ) ) cat
        join taxonomy t on cat.classif_id=t.id
        left join taxonomy t1 on t.parent_id=t1.id
        left join taxonomy t2 on t1.parent_id=t2.id
        left join taxonomy t3 on t2.parent_id=t3.id
        left join taxonomy t4 on t3.parent_id=t4.id
        left join taxonomy t5 on t4.parent_id=t5.id
        left join taxonomy t6 on t5.parent_id=t6.id
        left join taxonomy t7 on t6.parent_id=t7.id
        left join taxonomy t8 on t7.parent_id=t8.id
        left join taxonomy t9 on t8.parent_id=t9.id
        left join taxonomy t10 on t9.parent_id=t10.id
        left join taxonomy t11 on t10.parent_id=t11.id
        left join taxonomy t12 on t11.parent_id=t12.id
        left join taxonomy t13 on t12.parent_id=t13.id
        left join taxonomy t14 on t13.parent_id=t14.id                
        order by tree""".format(sampleinclause))

    return render_template('part/stats.html', data=data, raw=json.dumps(data))