コード例 #1
def localize(request=None, response=None, crosswalk=None, resource_type=None):

    rewrite_list = build_rewrite_list(crosswalk)
    host_path = get_host_url(request, resource_type)[:-1]

    text_in = get_response_text(fhir_response=response)

    return post_process_request(request, host_path, text_in, rewrite_list)
コード例 #2
def fhir_conformance(request, via_oauth=False, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Pull and filter fhir Conformance statement

    BaseStu3 = "CapabilityStatement"

    :param request:
    :param via_oauth:
    :param args:
    :param kwargs:
    crosswalk = None
    resource_router = get_resourcerouter()
    call_to = FhirServerUrl()

    if call_to.endswith('/'):
        call_to += 'metadata'
        call_to += '/metadata'

    pass_params = {'_format': 'json'}

    encoded_params = urlencode(pass_params)
    pass_params = prepend_q(encoded_params)

    r = request_call(request, call_to + pass_params, crosswalk)

    text_out = ''
    host_path = get_host_url(request, '?')

    if r.status_code >= 300:
        logger.debug("We have an error code to deal with: %s" % r.status_code)
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(r._content),

    rewrite_url_list = build_rewrite_list(crosswalk)
    text_in = get_response_text(fhir_response=r)

    text_out = post_process_request(request, host_path, text_in,

    od = conformance_filter(text_out, resource_router)

    # Append Security to ConformanceStatement
    security_endpoint = build_oauth_resource(request, format_type="json")
    od['rest'][0]['security'] = security_endpoint
    # Fix format values
    od['format'] = ['application/json', 'application/fhir+json']

    return JsonResponse(od)
コード例 #3
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: shihuaxing/hhs_oauth_server
def read_search(request,
    Read from remote FHIR Server

    :param request:
    :param interaction_type:
    :param resource_type:
    :param id:
    :param vid:
    :param args:
    :param kwargs:

    # Example client use in curl:
    # curl  -X GET


                 'INTERACTION_TYPE: %s' % interaction_type)

    # Get the users crosswalk
    cx = get_crosswalk(request.user)

    # cx will be the crosswalk record or None
    rr = get_resourcerouter(cx)

    # Check if this interaction type and resource type combo is allowed.
    deny = check_access_interaction_and_resource_type(resource_type,
                                                      interaction_type, rr)
    if deny:
        # if not allowed, return a 4xx error.
        return deny

    srtc = check_rt_controls(resource_type, rr)
    # We get back a Supported ResourceType Control record or None
    # with earlier if deny step we should have a valid srtc.

    if srtc.secure_access and request.user.is_anonymous():
        return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource access is controlled.'
                           ' Login is required:'
                           '%s' % (resource_type, request.user.is_anonymous()))
        # logger.debug('srtc: %s' % srtc)

    if (cx is None and srtc is not None):
        # There is a srtc record so we need to check override_search
        if srtc.override_search:
            # If user is not in Crosswalk and srtc has search_override = True
            # We need to prevent search to avoid data leakage.
            return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource is access controlled.'
                               ' No records are linked to user:'******'%s' % (resource_type, request.user))

    # Now we should have sorted out all the bounces
    # Now to structure the call to the back-end

    # construct the server address, path and release
    # Get the crosswalk.fhir_source = ResourceRouter

    # Build url from rr.server_address + rr.server_path + rr.server_release

    target_url = rr.fhir_url

    # add resource_type + '/'
    target_url += srtc.resourceType

    target_url += "/"

    # Analyze the _format parameter
    # Sve the display _format

    input_parameters = request.GET

    # requested_format = 'json' | 'xml' | 'html'
    requested_format = save_request_format(input_parameters)

    format_mode = eval_format_type(requested_format)

    # prepare the back-end _format setting
    back_end_format = set_fhir_format(format_mode)

    # remove the oauth parameters
    payload = strip_oauth(request.GET)

    # Get payload with oauth parameters removed
    # Add the format for back-end
    payload['_format'] = back_end_format

    # remove the srtc.search_block parameters
    payload = block_params(payload, srtc)

    # print("id:%s" % str(id))
    # move resource_id to _id=resource_id
    id_dict = set_resource_id(srtc, id, cx.fhir_id)
    # id_dict['query_mode'] = 'search' | 'read'
    # id_dict['url_id'] = '' | id
    # id_dict['_id'] = id  | ''
    # id_dict['patient'] = patient_id | ''

    # resource_id = id_dict['url_id']

    # Add the srtc.search_add parameters
    # added_params = add_params(srtc,
    #                           patient_id=id_dict['patient'],
    #                           key=id_dict['url_id'])

    # print("Added Params:%s" % added_params)

    params_list = search_add_to_list(srtc.search_add)

    # print("Params_List:%s" % params_list)

    payload = payload_additions(payload, params_list)

    # print('id_dict:%s' % id_dict)
    # print("what have we got?:%s" % id_dict)
    if id_dict['_id']:
        # add rt_id into the search parameters
        if id_dict['_id'] is not None:
            payload['_id'] = id_dict['_id']

    if resource_type.lower() == 'patient':
        # print("Working resource:%s" % resource_type)
        payload['_id'] = id_dict['patient']
        if payload['patient']:
            del payload['patient']

    for pyld_k, pyld_v in payload.items():
        if pyld_v is None:
        elif '%PATIENT%' in pyld_v:
            # replace %PATIENT% with cx.fhir_id

            payload = payload_var_replace(payload,
    # print("post futzing:%s" % id_dict)
    # add the _format setting
    payload['_format'] = back_end_format

    # Make the request_call
    r = request_get_with_parms(request,

    # Now we process the response from the back-end

    # if 'status_code' in r:
    #     r_status_code = r.status_code
    # else:
    #     r_status_code = 500

    rewrite_list = build_rewrite_list(cx)
    host_path = get_host_url(request, resource_type)[:-1]

        text_in = r.text
        text_in = ""

    text_out = post_process_request(request, back_end_format, host_path,
                                    text_in, rewrite_list)

    if resource_type.lower() == 'patient':
        display_key = id_dict['patient']
        display_key = id
    od = build_output_dict(request, OrderedDict(), resource_type, display_key,
                           vid, interaction_type, requested_format, text_out)

    # Now display the result
    ikey = ''
        ikey = find_ikey(r.text)
        ikey = ''

    if ikey is not '':

        save_url = get_target_url(target_url, resource_type)
        # print("Store target_url:%s but only: %s" % (target_url,save_url))
        content = {
            'fhir_to': save_url,
            'rwrt_list': rewrite_list,
            'res_type': resource_type,
            'intn_type': interaction_type,
            'key': display_key,
            'vid': vid,
            'resource_router': rr.id
        sesn_var = write_session(request, ikey, content, skey=SESSION_KEY)
        if sesn_var:
            logger.debug("Problem writing session variables."
                         " Returned %s" % sesn_var)

    if format_mode == 'xml':
        # logger.debug('We got xml back in od')
        return HttpResponse(r.text,
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)
        # return HttpResponse(tostring(dict_to_xml('content', od)),
        #                     content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    elif format_mode == 'json':
        # logger.debug('We got json back in od')
        return HttpResponse(pretty_json(od['bundle']),
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())
    if "xml" in requested_format:
        # logger.debug("Sending text_out for display: %s" % text_out[0:100])
        div_text = get_div_from_xml(text_out)
        # print("DIV TEXT returned:[%s]%s" % (type(div_text), div_text))
        return render(
            request, 'bluebutton/default_xml.html', {
                'output': text_out,
                'content': {
                    'parameters': query_string,
                    'resource_type': resource_type,
                    'request_method': "GET",
                    'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                    'div_texts': [
                    'source': cx.fhir_source.name

        text_out = pretty_json(od['bundle'])
        div_text = get_div_from_json(od['bundle'])

    # logger.debug('We got a different format:%s' % requested_format)
    return render(
        request, 'bluebutton/default.html', {
            'output': text_out,
            'content': {
                'parameters': query_string,
                'resource_type': resource_type,
                'request_method': "GET",
                'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                'div_texts': div_text,
                'source': cx.fhir_source.name
コード例 #4
def generic_read(request,
    Read from remote FHIR Server

    :param request:
    :param interaction_type:
    :param resource_type:
    :param id:
    :param vid:
    :param args:
    :param kwargs:

    # Example client use in curl:
    # curl  -X GET

    Process flow:

    Is it a valid request?

    Get the target server info

    Get the request modifiers

    Construct the call

    Make the call

    Check result for errors

    Deliver the formatted result

    # DONE: Fix to allow url_id in url for non-key resources.
    # eg. Patient is key resource so replace url if override_url_id is True
    # if override_url_id is not set allow url_id to be applied and check
    # if search_override is True.
    # interaction_type = 'read' or '_history' or 'vread' or 'search'
                 'INTERACTION_TYPE: %s' % interaction_type)

    # Get the users crosswalk
    cx = get_crosswalk(request.user)

    # cx will be the crosswalk record or None
    rr = get_resourcerouter(cx)

    # Check if this interaction type and resource type combo is allowed.
    deny = check_access_interaction_and_resource_type(resource_type,
                                                      interaction_type, rr)
    if deny:
        # if not allowed, return a 4xx error.
        return deny

    srtc = check_rt_controls(resource_type, rr)
    # We get back a Supported ResourceType Control record or None
    # with earlier if deny step we should have a valid srtc.

    if srtc.secure_access and request.user.is_anonymous():
        return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource access is controlled.'
                           ' Login is required:'
                           '%s' % (resource_type, request.user.is_anonymous()))
    # logger.debug('srtc: %s' % srtc)

    if cx is None:
        logger.debug('Crosswalk for %s does not exist' % request.user)

    if (cx is None and srtc is not None):
        # There is a srtc record so we need to check override_search
        if srtc.override_search:
            # If user is not in Crosswalk and srtc has search_override = True
            # We need to prevent search to avoid data leakage.
            return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource is access controlled.'
                               ' No records are linked to user:'******'%s' % (resource_type, request.user))

    # Need to check if user is logged in.
    # request.user.is_anonymous()
    # if request.user.is_anonymous():

    # Request.user = user
    # interaction_type = read | _history | vread
    # resource_type = 'Patient | Practitioner | ExplanationOfBenefit ...'
    # id = fhir_id (potentially masked)
    # vid = Version Id

    # Check the resource_type to see if it has a url
    # Check the resource_type to see if masking is required
    # Get the FHIR_Server (from crosswalk via request.user)
    # if masked get the fhir_id from crosswalk
    # if search_override strip search items (search_block)
    # if search_override add search keys

    fhir_url = ''
    # change source of default_url to ResourceRouter

    default_path = get_default_path(srtc.resource_name, cx=cx)
    # get the default path for resource with ending "/"
    # You need to add resource_type + "/" for full url

    if srtc:
        # logger.debug('SRTC:%s' % srtc)

        fhir_url = default_path + resource_type + '/'

        if srtc.override_url_id:
            fhir_url += cx.fhir_id + "/"

        # logger.debug('fhir_url:%s' % fhir_url)
        logger.debug('CX:%s' % cx)
        if cx:
            fhir_url = cx.get_fhir_resource_url(resource_type)
            # logger.debug('FHIRServer:%s' % FhirServerUrl())
            fhir_url = FhirServerUrl() + resource_type + '/'

    # #### SEARCH

    if interaction_type == 'search':
        key = None
        key = masked_id(resource_type, cx, srtc, id, slash=False)

        print("\nMasked_id-key:%s from r_id:%s "
              "and cx-fhir_id:%s\n" % (key, id, cx.fhir_id))

        # add key to fhir_url unless already in place.
        fhir_url = add_key_to_fhir_url(fhir_url, key)

    logger.debug('FHIR URL with key:%s' % fhir_url)


    # Now we get to process the API Call.

    # Internal handling format is json
    # Remove the oauth elements from the GET
    pass_params = strip_oauth(request.GET)

    # Let's store the inbound requested format
    # We need to simplify the format call to the backend
    # so that we get data we can manipulate
    requested_format = request_format(pass_params)

    # now we simplify the format/_format request for the back-end
    pass_params = strip_format_for_back_end(pass_params)
    if "_format" in pass_params:
        back_end_format = pass_params['_format']
        back_end_format = "json"

    # #### SEARCH

    if interaction_type == 'search':
        if cx is not None:
            # logger.debug("cx.fhir_id=%s" % cx.fhir_id)
            if cx.fhir_id.__contains__('/'):
                id = cx.fhir_id.split('/')[1]
                id = cx.fhir_id
            # logger.debug("Patient Id:%s" % r_id)

    if resource_type.lower() == "patient":
        key = cx.fhir_id
        key = id

    pass_params = build_params(pass_params, srtc, key, patient_id=cx.fhir_id)

    # Add the call type ( READ = nothing, VREAD, _HISTORY)
    # Before we add an identifier key
    pass_to = fhir_call_type(interaction_type, fhir_url, vid)

    logger.debug('\nHere is the URL to send, %s now add '
                 'GET parameters %s' % (pass_to, pass_params))

    if pass_params is not '':
        pass_to += pass_params

    logger.debug("\nMaking request:%s" % pass_to)

    # Now make the call to the backend API

    if interaction_type == "search":
        r = request_call(request,
        r = request_call(request, pass_to, cx, reverse_lazy('home'))


    # logger.debug("r returned: %s" % r)

    # Check for Error here
        error_check = r.text
        logger.debug("We got r.text back:%s" % r.text[:200] + "...")
        error_check = "HttpResponse status_code=502"
        logger.debug("Something went wrong with call to %s" % pass_to)
    logger.debug("Checking for errors:%s" % error_check[:200] + "...")
    if 'status_code' in error_check:
        # logger.debug("We have a status code to check: %s" % r)
        if r.status_code in ERROR_CODE_LIST:
            logger.debug("\nError Status Code:%s" % r.status_code)
            return error_status(r, r.status_code)
    elif 'status_code=302' in error_check:
        return error_status(r, 302)
    elif 'status_code=502' in error_check:
        return error_status(r, 502)
        logger.debug("Status Code:%s " "in:%s" % (r.status_code, r))

    # We should have a 200 - good record to deal with
    # We can occasionaly get a 200 with a Connection Error. eg. Timeout
        if "ConnectionError" in r.text:
            logger.debug("Error:%s" % r.text)
            return error_status(r, 502)

    text_out = ''
    # if 'text' in r:
    #     logger.debug('r:%s' % r.text)
    #     logger_debug.debug('r:%s' % r.text)
    # else:
    #     logger.debug("r not returning text:%s" % r)
    #     logger_debug.debug("r not returning text:%s" % r)
    #     logger.debug("r.json: %s" % json.dumps(r.json))

    # logger.debug('Rewrite List:%s' % rewrite_url_list)

    host_path = get_host_url(request, resource_type)[:-1]
    # logger.debug('host path:%s' % host_path)

    # Add default FHIR Server URL to re-write
    rewrite_url_list = build_rewrite_list(cx)
    # print("Starting Rewrite_list:%s" % rewrite_url_list)

    # ct_detail = get_content_type(r)
    # logger.debug('Content-Type:%s \n work with %s' % (ct_detail,
    #                                                   back_end_format))

        text_in = r.text
        text_in = ""

    text_out = post_process_request(request, back_end_format, host_path,
                                    text_in, rewrite_url_list)

    od = build_output_dict(request, OrderedDict(), resource_type, key, vid,
                           interaction_type, requested_format, text_out)

    # write session variables if _getpages was found
    ikey = ''
        ikey = find_ikey(r.text)
        ikey = ''

    if ikey is not '':

        save_url = get_target_url(fhir_url, resource_type)
        # print("Store fhir_url:%s but only: %s" % (fhir_url,save_url))
        content = {
            'fhir_to': save_url,
            'rwrt_list': rewrite_url_list,
            'res_type': resource_type,
            'intn_type': interaction_type,
            'key': key,
            'vid': vid,
            'resource_router': rr.id
        sesn_var = write_session(request, ikey, content, skey=SESSION_KEY)
        if sesn_var:
            logger.debug("Problem writing session variables."
                         " Returned %s" % sesn_var)
    if requested_format == 'xml':
        # logger.debug('We got xml back in od')
        return HttpResponse(r.text,
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)
        # return HttpResponse(tostring(dict_to_xml('content', od)),
        #                     content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    elif requested_format == 'json':
        # logger.debug('We got json back in od')
        return HttpResponse(pretty_json(od['bundle']),
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())
    if "xml" in requested_format:
        # logger.debug("Sending text_out for display: %s" % text_out[0:100])
        div_text = get_div_from_xml(text_out)
        # print("DIV TEXT returned:[%s]%s" % (type(div_text), div_text))
        return render(
            request, 'bluebutton/default_xml.html', {
                'output': text_out,
                'content': {
                    'parameters': query_string,
                    'resource_type': resource_type,
                    'request_method': "GET",
                    'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                    'div_texts': [
                    'source': cx.fhir_source.name

        text_out = pretty_json(od['bundle'])
        div_text = get_div_from_json(od['bundle'])

    # logger.debug('We got a different format:%s' % requested_format)
    return render(
        request, 'bluebutton/default.html', {
            'output': text_out,
            'content': {
                'parameters': query_string,
                'resource_type': resource_type,
                'request_method': "GET",
                'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                'div_texts': div_text,
                'source': cx.fhir_source.name
コード例 #5
def generic_read(request,
    Read from remote FHIR Server

    :param request:
    :param interaction_type:
    :param resource_type:
    :param id:
    :param vid:
    :param args:
    :param kwargs:

    # Example client use in curl:
    # curl  -X GET

    Process flow:

    Is it a valid request?

    Get the target server info

    Get the request modifiers
    - change url_id
    - remove unwanted search parameters
    - add search parameters

    Construct the call

    Make the call

    Check result for errors

    Deliver the formatted result

    # DONE: Fix to allow url_id in url for non-key resources.
    # eg. Patient is key resource so replace url if override_url_id is True
    # if override_url_id is not set allow id to be applied and check
    # if search_override is True.
    # interaction_type = 'read' or '_history' or 'vread' or 'search'
                 'INTERACTION_TYPE: %s - Via Oauth:%s' %
                 (interaction_type, via_oauth))

    # if via_oauth we need to call crosswalk with
    if via_oauth:
        # get crosswalk from the resource_owner
        cx = get_crosswalk(request.resource_owner)
        # Get the users crosswalk
        cx = get_crosswalk(request.user)

    # cx will be the crosswalk record or None
    rr = get_resourcerouter(cx)

    # Check if this interaction type and resource type combo is allowed.
    deny = check_access_interaction_and_resource_type(resource_type,
                                                      interaction_type, rr)
    if deny:
        # if not allowed, return a 4xx error.
        return deny

    srtc = check_rt_controls(resource_type, rr)
    # We get back a Supported ResourceType Control record or None
    # with earlier if deny step we should have a valid srtc.

    if not via_oauth:
        # we don't need to check if user is anonymous if coming via_oauth
        if srtc.secure_access and request.user.is_anonymous():
            return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource access is controlled.'
                               ' Login is required:'
                               '%s' %
                               (resource_type, request.user.is_anonymous()))
        # logger.debug('srtc: %s' % srtc)

    if cx is None:
        logger.debug('Crosswalk for %s does not exist' % request.user)

    if (cx is None and srtc is not None):
        # There is a srtc record so we need to check override_search
        if srtc.override_search:
            # If user is not in Crosswalk and srtc has search_override = True
            # We need to prevent search to avoid data leakage.
            return kickout_403('Error 403: %s Resource is access controlled.'
                               ' No records are linked to user:'******'%s' % (resource_type, request.user))

    # TODO: Compare id to cx.fhir_id and return 403 if they don't match for
    # Resource Type - Patient
    fhir_url = ''
    # change source of default_url to ResourceRouter

    default_path = get_default_path(srtc.resource_name, cx=cx)
    # get the default path for resource with ending "/"
    # You need to add resource_type + "/" for full url

    if srtc:
        # logger.debug('SRTC:%s' % srtc)

        fhir_url = default_path + resource_type + '/'

        if srtc.override_url_id:
            fhir_url += get_fhir_id(cx) + "/"

        # logger.debug('fhir_url:%s' % fhir_url)
            fhir_url += id + "/"

        logger.debug('CX:%s' % cx)
        if cx:
            fhir_url = cx.get_fhir_resource_url(resource_type)
            # logger.debug('FHIRServer:%s' % FhirServerUrl())
            fhir_url = FhirServerUrl() + resource_type + '/'

    # #### SEARCH

    if interaction_type == 'search':
        key = None
        key = masked_id(resource_type, cx, srtc, id, slash=False)

        # print("\nMasked_id-key:%s from r_id:%s "
        #       "and cx-fhir_id:%s\n" % (key, id, cx.fhir_id))

        # add key to fhir_url unless already in place.
        fhir_url = add_key_to_fhir_url(fhir_url, key)

    logger.debug('FHIR URL with key:%s' % fhir_url)


    # Now we get to process the API Call.

    # Internal handling format is json
    # Remove the oauth elements from the GET

    pass_params = request.GET

    # Let's store the inbound requested format
    # We need to simplify the format call to the backend
    # so that we get data we can manipulate

    # if format is not defined and we come in via_oauth
    # then default to json for format
    requested_format = request_format(pass_params)
    if requested_format == "html" and via_oauth:
        requested_format = "json"

    # now we simplify the format/_format request for the back-end
    pass_params = strip_format_for_back_end(pass_params)
    if "_format" in pass_params:
        back_end_format = pass_params['_format']
        back_end_format = "json"

    # #### SEARCH

    if interaction_type == 'search':
        if cx is not None:
            # logger.debug("cx.fhir_id=%s" % cx.fhir_id)
            if cx.fhir_id.__contains__('/'):
                id = get_fhir_id(cx).split('/')[1]
                id = get_fhir_id(cx)
            # logger.debug("Patient Id:%s" % r_id)

    if resource_type.lower() == "patient":
        key = get_fhir_id(cx)
        key = id

    pass_params = build_params(pass_params,

    # Add the call type ( READ = nothing, VREAD, _HISTORY)
    # Before we add an identifier key
    pass_to = fhir_call_type(interaction_type, fhir_url, vid)

    logger.debug('\nHere is the URL to send, %s now add '
                 'GET parameters %s' % (pass_to, pass_params))

    if pass_params is not '':
        pass_to += pass_params

    logger.debug("\nMaking request:%s" % pass_to)
    query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())

    # Now make the call to the backend API

    if interaction_type == "search":
        r = request_call(request,
        r = request_call(request, pass_to, cx, reverse_lazy('home'))


    # logger.debug("r returned: %s" % r)

    # Check for Error here
    # logger.debug("what is in r:\n#######\n%s\n##########\n" % dir(r))
    logger.debug("status: %s/%s" % (r.status_code, r._status_code))
    # logger.debug("text: %s\n#############\n" % (r.text))

    if r.status_code in ERROR_CODE_LIST:
        logger.debug("We have an error code to deal with: %s" % r.status_code)
        if 'html' in requested_format.lower():
            return render(
                request, 'bluebutton/default.html', {
                    'output': pretty_json(r._content, indent=4),
                    'fhir_id': get_fhir_id(cx),
                    'content': {
                        'parameters': query_string,
                        'resource_type': resource_type,
                        'id': id,
                        'request_method': "GET",
                        'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                        'div_texts': "",
                        'source': get_fhir_source_name(cx)
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(r._content, indent=4),

    text_out = ''
    host_path = get_host_url(request, resource_type)[:-1]
    # logger.debug('host path:%s' % host_path)

    # Add default FHIR Server URL to re-write
    rewrite_url_list = build_rewrite_list(cx)
    # print("Starting Rewrite_list:%s" % rewrite_url_list)

    # ct_detail = get_content_type(r)
    # logger.debug('Content-Type:%s \n work with %s' % (ct_detail,
    #                                                   back_end_format))

    text_in = get_response_text(fhir_response=r)

    text_out = post_process_request(request, back_end_format, host_path,
                                    text_in, rewrite_url_list)

    od = build_output_dict(request, OrderedDict(), resource_type, key, vid,
                           interaction_type, requested_format, text_out)

    # write session variables if _getpages was found
    ikey = ''
        ikey = find_ikey(r.text)
    except Exception:
        ikey = ''

    if ikey is not '':

        save_url = get_target_url(fhir_url, resource_type)
        # print("Store fhir_url:%s but only: %s" % (fhir_url,save_url))
        content = {
            'fhir_to': save_url,
            'rwrt_list': rewrite_url_list,
            'res_type': resource_type,
            'intn_type': interaction_type,
            'key': key,
            'vid': vid,
            'resource_router': rr.id
        sesn_var = write_session(request, ikey, content, skey=SESSION_KEY)
        if sesn_var:
            logger.debug("Problem writing session variables."
                         " Returned %s" % sesn_var)
    if requested_format == 'xml':
        # logger.debug('We got xml back in od')
        return HttpResponse(r.text,
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)
        # return HttpResponse(tostring(dict_to_xml('content', od)),
        #                     content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    elif requested_format == 'json':
        # logger.debug('We got json back in od')
        return HttpResponse(pretty_json(od['bundle']),
                            content_type='application/%s' % requested_format)

    # define query string further up before request_call
    # query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())
    if "xml" in requested_format:
        # logger.debug("Sending text_out for display: %s" % text_out[0:100])
        div_text = get_div_from_xml(text_out)
        # print("DIV TEXT returned:[%s]%s" % (type(div_text), div_text))
        return render(
            request, 'bluebutton/default_xml.html', {
                'output': text_out,
                'fhir_id': get_fhir_id(cx),
                'content': {
                    'parameters': query_string,
                    'resource_type': resource_type,
                    'id': id,
                    'request_method': "GET",
                    'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                    'div_texts': [
                    'source': get_fhir_source_name(cx)

        text_out = pretty_json(od['bundle'])
        div_text = get_div_from_json(od['bundle'])

    # logger.debug('We got a different format:%s' % requested_format)
    logger.debug('id or key: %s/%s' % (id, key))

    return render(
        request, 'bluebutton/default.html', {
            'output': text_out,
            'fhir_id': cx.fhir_id,
            'content': {
                'parameters': query_string,
                'resource_type': resource_type,
                'id': id,
                'request_method': "GET",
                'interaction_type': interaction_type,
                'div_texts': div_text,
                'source': get_fhir_source_name(cx)
コード例 #6
def metadata(request, via_oauth=False, *args, **kwargs):
    Arrive here to do capabilityStatement or Conformance
    aka metadata

    oauth_fhir_conformance sets via_oauth=True
    fhir_conformance sets via_oauth=False

    :param request:
    :param via_oauth:
    :param args:
    :param kwargs:
    cx = None
    rr = get_resourcerouter()
    call_to = FhirServerUrl()

    resource_type = conformance_or_capability(call_to)

    if call_to.endswith('/'):
        call_to += 'metadata'
        call_to += '/metadata'

    pass_params = request.GET
    # pass_params should be an OrderedDict after strip_auth
    # logger.debug("result from strip_oauth:%s" % pass_params)

    # Let's store the inbound requested format
    # We need to simplify the format call to the backend
    # so that we get data we can manipulate
    requested_format = request_format(pass_params)

    # now we simplify the format/_format request for the back-end
    pass_params = strip_format_for_back_end(pass_params)
    back_end_format = pass_params['_format']

    encoded_params = urlencode(pass_params)
    # Add ? to front of parameters if needed
    pass_params = prepend_q(encoded_params)

    # logger.debug("Calling:%s" % call_to + pass_params)

    query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())


    r = request_call(request,
                     call_to + pass_params,


    text_out = ''
    host_path = get_host_url(request, '?')

    if r.status_code in ERROR_CODE_LIST:
        logger.debug("We have an error code to deal with: %s" % r.status_code)
        if 'html' in requested_format.lower():
            return render(
                {'output': pretty_json(r._content, indent=4),
                 'fhir_id': get_fhir_id(cx),
                 'content': {'parameters': query_string,
                             'resource_type': resource_type,
                             'id': id,
                             'request_method': "GET",
                             'interaction_type': "search",
                             'div_texts': "",
                             'source': get_fhir_source_name(cx)}})
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(r._content, indent=4),

    # get 'xml' 'json' or ''
    # fmt = get_search_param_format(request.META['QUERY_STRING'])
    # force to json

    # logger.debug("Format:%s" % back_end_format)

    rewrite_url_list = build_rewrite_list(cx)
    # print("Starting Rewrite_list:%s" % rewrite_url_list)

    text_in = get_response_text(fhir_response=r)
    # print("Capability text: %s\n" % r.text)
    # print("Capability _text: %s\n" % r._text)

    # text_in = r.text
    # if text_in == "":
    #     print("Capability assigning _text: %s\n" % r._text[:100])
    #     text_in = r._text

    text_out = post_process_request(request,
    # define query string further up before request_call
    # query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())

    # logger.debug("Query:%s" % query_string)

    if 'xml' in requested_format:
        # logger.debug('We got xml back in od')

        # logger.debug("is xml filtered?%s" % requested_format)
        xml_dom = xml_to_dom(text_out)

        text_out = dom_conformance_filter(xml_dom, rr)

        # Append Security to ConformanceStatement
        security_endpoint = build_oauth_resource(request,
        text_out = append_security(text_out,

        # logger.debug("Text from XML function:\n%s\n=========" % text_out)
        if 'html' not in requested_format:
            return HttpResponse(text_out,
                                             '/%s' % requested_format)
            # logger.debug("Sending text_out for display: %s" % text_out[0:100])
            return render(
                {'output': text_out,
                 'content': {'parameters': query_string,
                             'resource_type': resource_type,
                             'request_method': "GET",
                             'interaction_type': "metadata",
                             'source': get_fhir_source_name(cx)}})

            # return HttpResponse( tostring(dict_to_xml('content', od)),
        #                      content_type='application/%s' % fmt)
        # back_end_format == 'json'
        # logger.debug('We got json back in od')
        od = conformance_filter(text_out, back_end_format, rr)

        # Append Security to ConformanceStatement
        security_endpoint = build_oauth_resource(request,
        print("OD:\n%s" % od['rest'])
        od['rest'][0]['security'] = security_endpoint
        print("OD+Security:\n%s" % od)

        text_out = pretty_json(od)
        if 'html' not in requested_format:
            return HttpResponse(text_out,
                                             '%s' % requested_format)
        if 'security' in od:
            print("%s" % pretty_json(od['security'], indent=4))
            print("No security content in Conformance")
            print("od: %s" % pretty_json(od, indent=4))

    # logger.debug('We got a different format:%s' % back_end_format)

    return render(
        {'output': text_out,
         'content': {'parameters': query_string,
                     'resource_type': resource_type,
                     'request_method': "GET",
                     'interaction_type': "metadata"}})
コード例 #7
def fhir_conformance(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Pull and filter fhir Conformance statement

    BaseDstu2 = "Conformance"
    BaseStu3 = "CapabilityStatement"

    metadata call

    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return authenticated_home(request)

        cx = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user)
    except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist:
        cx = None
        # logger.debug('Crosswalk for %s does not exist' % request.user)

    if cx:
        rr = get_resourcerouter(cx)
        call_to = cx.fhir_source.fhir_url
        rr = get_resourcerouter()
        call_to = FhirServerUrl()

    resource_type = conformance_or_capability(call_to)

    if call_to.endswith('/'):
        call_to += 'metadata'
        call_to += '/metadata'

    pass_params = strip_oauth(request.GET)
    # pass_params should be an OrderedDict after strip_auth
    # logger.debug("result from strip_oauth:%s" % pass_params)

    # Let's store the inbound requested format
    # We need to simplify the format call to the backend
    # so that we get data we can manipulate
    requested_format = request_format(pass_params)

    # now we simplify the format/_format request for the back-end
    pass_params = strip_format_for_back_end(pass_params)
    back_end_format = pass_params['_format']

    encoded_params = urlencode(pass_params)
    # Add ? to front of parameters if needed
    pass_params = prepend_q(encoded_params)

    # logger.debug("Calling:%s" % call_to + pass_params)


    r = request_call(request,
                     call_to + pass_params,


    text_out = ''
    host_path = get_host_url(request, '?')

    # get 'xml' 'json' or ''
    # fmt = get_search_param_format(request.META['QUERY_STRING'])
    # force to json

    # logger.debug("Format:%s" % back_end_format)

    rewrite_url_list = build_rewrite_list(cx)
    # print("Starting Rewrite_list:%s" % rewrite_url_list)

    text_out = post_process_request(request,

    query_string = build_querystring(request.GET.copy())
    # logger.debug("Query:%s" % query_string)

    if 'xml' in requested_format:
        # logger.debug('We got xml back in od')

        # logger.debug("is xml filtered?%s" % requested_format)
        xml_dom = xml_to_dom(text_out)
        text_out = dom_conformance_filter(xml_dom, rr)
        # logger.debug("Text from XML function:\n%s\n=========" % text_out)
        if 'html' not in requested_format:
            return HttpResponse(text_out,
                                             '/%s' % requested_format)
            # logger.debug("Sending text_out for display: %s" % text_out[0:100])
            return render(
                {'output': text_out,
                 'content': {'parameters': query_string,
                             'resource_type': resource_type,
                             'request_method': "GET",
                             'interaction_type': "metadata",
                             'source': cx.fhir_source.name}})

            # return HttpResponse( tostring(dict_to_xml('content', od)),
        #                      content_type='application/%s' % fmt)
    elif back_end_format == 'json':
        # logger.debug('We got json back in od')
        od = conformance_filter(text_out, back_end_format, rr)
        text_out = pretty_json(od)
        if 'html' not in requested_format:
            return HttpResponse(text_out,
                                             '%s' % requested_format)
        # let's make sure we have json to deliver:
        od = conformance_filter(text_out, back_end_format, rr)
        text_out = pretty_json(od)

    # logger.debug('We got a different format:%s' % back_end_format)

    return render(
        {'output': text_out,
         'content': {'parameters': query_string,
                     'resource_type': resource_type,
                     'request_method': "GET",
                     'interaction_type': "metadata",
                     'source': cx.fhir_source.name}})