def sentiment(bot, update, args): save_history(update) trading_pair = parse_telegram_cryptocurrency_args(args=args, update=update, command='s') if trading_pair: view = sentiment_view(trading_pair) update.message.reply_text(view, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, disable_web_page_preview=True) return
def help(bot, update): save_history(update) update.message.reply_text( dedent(""" *Available commands:* *•* `/itf <cryptocurrency>` - Info about currency. For example: `/itf BTC` or `/itf XRP_ETH`. *•* `/i <cryptocurrency>` - Latest info about price and volume. *•* `/ta <cryptocurrency>` - Latest TA alerts for currency. *•* `/s <cryptocurrency>` - Latest crowd sentiment alert for currency. *•* `/price <cryptocurrency>` - Prices from all exchanges. *•* `/info` - List of supported coins and exchanges. *•* `/help` - List of all commands. To use these commands in your Telegram channel, invite @Intelligent\_Trading\_Info\_Bot to your channel. """), ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def info(bot, update): save_history(update) update.message.reply_text(info_view(update), ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return
def getme(bot, update): "Show username and userid in chat" save_history(update) update.message.reply_text( f"Your username:{update.message.from_user.username} and userId {str(}" )
def start(bot, update): save_history(update) update.message.reply_text("Welcome {}. I'm ITF info bot.".format( update.message.from_user.first_name))