def get_version_by_title(cls, issue, project_id): version_title = issue.fields.fixVersions[ 0].name if issue.fields.fixVersions else None if version_title is None: # raise CannotFindObjectException(f'issue {issue} does not have fixVersion ! please check the issue !') current_app.logger.warning( f'issue {issue} does not have fixVersion ! please check the issue !' ) return None version = Version.query.filter( Version.title == version_title, Version.project_id == project_id).first() if version: version_id = else: fix_version = jira.version(issue.fields.fixVersions[0].id) start_time = fix_version.startDate if fix_version and hasattr( fix_version, "startDate") else None end_time = fix_version.releaseDate if fix_version and hasattr( fix_version, "releaseDate") else None VersionBusiness.version_create( title=version_title, project_id=project_id, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, description="jira create", creator=1, ) # 默认的 版本创建人 1 version_id = cls.get_version_by_title(issue, project_id) return version_id
def get_version_by_title(cls, issue, project_id): version_title = issue.fields.fixVersions[0].name if issue.fields.fixVersions else None if version_title is None: raise CannotFindObjectException(f'issue {issue} does not have fixVersion ! please check the issue !') version = Version.query.filter(Version.title == version_title, Version.project_id == project_id).first() if version: version_id = else: VersionBusiness.version_create(title=version_title, project_id=project_id, start_time=None, end_time=None, description="jira create", creator=1,) # 默认的 版本创建人 1 version_id = cls.get_version_by_title(issue, project_id) return version_id
def version_add_handler(): """ @api {post} /v1/version/ 新增版本 @apiName CreateVersion @apiGroup 项目 @apiDescription 新增版本 @apiParam {string} title 标题 @apiParam {int} project_id 项目ID @apiParam {string} start_time 版本开始时间 @apiParam {string} end_time 版本结束时间 @apiParam {int} creator 创建人 @apiParam {int} publish_status 发布状态0:未发布1:已发布 @apiParam {string} description 描述 @apiParam {string} comment 备注 @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example: { "title": "str", "project_id": 1, "start_time": "2018-11-11", "end_time": "2018-11-11", "creator": 1, "publish_status": 1, "description": "str", "comment": "str" } @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "code":0, "data":[], "message":"ok" } """ title, project_id, start_time, end_time, description = parse_json_form('versioncreate') ret = VersionBusiness.version_create(title, project_id, start_time, end_time, description) return json_detail_render(ret)