コード例 #1
    def test_adding_duckietown_tag_info(self):
        self.setup()  # Setup the node

        # Publish a tag with id=1
        tags_msg = AprilTagDetectionArray()
        tag = AprilTagDetection()
        tag.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
        tag.id = 1

        # Wait for the message to be received
        timeout = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(5) # Wait at most 5 seconds for the node to reply
        while not self.msg_received and not rospy.is_shutdown() and rospy.Time.now() < timeout:
        self.assertLess(rospy.Time.now(), timeout, "Waiting for apriltag detection timed out.")

        # Check that the result has the same id
        tag_in = self.tags_msg.detections[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_in.id, 1)

        # Check that the result is a stop sign
        tag_info = self.tags_msg.infos[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_info.tag_type, TagInfo.SIGN)
        self.assertEqual(tag_info.traffic_sign_type, TagInfo.STOP)
コード例 #2
ファイル: poseFilter.py プロジェクト: jimjing/MAndM
    def talker(self):
        pub = rospy.Publisher('tag_detections_merged', AprilTagDetectionArray, queue_size=10)
        rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            detection_array = AprilTagDetectionArray()
            for tag in self.tag_list:
                detections_from_cameras = []
                for topic in self.camera_data.keys():
                    if (tag in self.camera_data[topic].keys()):
                        if (self.camera_data[topic][tag] != None):
                            self.camera_data[topic][tag] = None

                if (len(detections_from_cameras)>0):
                    merged_detection = AprilTagDetection()
                    merged_detection.id = tag
                    merged_detection.size = detections_from_cameras[0].size
                    merged_detection.pose.header = detections_from_cameras[0].pose.header

                    pose_list = [d.pose.pose for d in detections_from_cameras]
                    merged_detection.pose.pose = self.averagePose (pose_list)


コード例 #3
    def test_transform_to_duckiebot_frame(self):
        self.setup()  # Setup the node

        # Publish a point that should lie on the floor in front of duckiebot
        scale_z = rospy.get_param("apriltags_postprocessing_node/scale_z")
        camera_theta = rospy.get_param("apriltags_postprocessing_node/camera_theta")
        camera_z = rospy.get_param("apriltags_postprocessing_node/camera_z")
        z = camera_z/(math.sin(camera_theta*math.pi/180.0)*scale_z) # Find the distance to floor in camera frame

        tags_msg = AprilTagDetectionArray()
        tag = AprilTagDetection()
        tag.pose.pose.position.z = z
        tag.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
        tag.id = 1

        # Wait for the message to be received
        timeout = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(5) # Wait at most 5 seconds for the node to reply
        while not self.msg_received and not rospy.is_shutdown() and rospy.Time.now() < timeout:
        self.assertLess(rospy.Time.now(), timeout, "Waiting for apriltag detection timed out.")

        # Check that the result has the same id
        tag_in = self.tags_msg.detections[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_in.id, 1)

        # Check that the result is on the floor (z=0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(tag_in.pose.pose.position.z, 0)
コード例 #4
    def test_adding_duckietown_tag_info(self):
        self.setup()  # Setup the node

        # Publish a tag with id=1
        tags_msg = AprilTagDetectionArray()
        tag = AprilTagDetection()
        tag.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
        tag.id = 1

        # Wait for the message to be received
        timeout = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(
            5)  # Wait at most 5 seconds for the node to reply
        while not self.msg_received and not rospy.is_shutdown(
        ) and rospy.Time.now() < timeout:
        self.assertLess(rospy.Time.now(), timeout,
                        "Waiting for apriltag detection timed out.")

        # Check that the result has the same id
        tag_in = self.tags_msg.detections[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_in.id, 1)

        # Check that the result is a stop sign
        tag_info = self.tags_msg.infos[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_info.tag_type, TagInfo.SIGN)
        self.assertEqual(tag_info.traffic_sign_type, TagInfo.STOP)
コード例 #5
    def test_transform_to_duckiebot_frame(self):
        self.setup()  # Setup the node

        # Publish a point that should lie on the floor in front of duckiebot
        scale_z = rospy.get_param("apriltags_postprocessing_node/scale_z")
        camera_theta = rospy.get_param(
        camera_z = rospy.get_param("apriltags_postprocessing_node/camera_z")
        z = camera_z / (math.sin(camera_theta * math.pi / 180.0) * scale_z
                        )  # Find the distance to floor in camera frame

        tags_msg = AprilTagDetectionArray()
        tag = AprilTagDetection()
        tag.pose.pose.position.z = z
        tag.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
        tag.id = 1

        # Wait for the message to be received
        timeout = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(
            5)  # Wait at most 5 seconds for the node to reply
        while not self.msg_received and not rospy.is_shutdown(
        ) and rospy.Time.now() < timeout:
        self.assertLess(rospy.Time.now(), timeout,
                        "Waiting for apriltag detection timed out.")

        # Check that the result has the same id
        tag_in = self.tags_msg.detections[0]
        self.assertEqual(tag_in.id, 1)

        # Check that the result is on the floor (z=0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(tag_in.pose.pose.position.z, 0)
コード例 #6
def maketag(
    xIn, yIn, zIn
):  #to use, do something like tagCoords = getAprilTagDetection(arguments here); myTag = maketag(tagCoords[0], tagCoords[1], tagCoords[2])
    h = std_msgs.msg.Header()  #std_msgs.msg.
    h.stamp = rospy.Time.now(
    )  # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work
    p = Point()  #geometry_msgs.

    p.x = xIn
    p.y = yIn
    p.z = zIn
    q = Quaternion()
    q.x = 0
    q.y = 0
    q.z = 0
    q.w = 0

    poseU = Pose(p, q)
    poseS = PoseStamped(h, poseU)

    tag = AprilTagDetection()
    tag.size = 0.163513  #default from the launch file
    tag.id = 1  #the tad number I believe
    tag.pose = poseS
    atda = AprilTagDetectionArray()
    atda.detections = [tag]

    return atda
コード例 #7
    def process_tag_pose(self):
        ''' Get the position and orientation of detected april tags from the iOS device. '''
        for tags in self.april_tags:
            ar = tags.split(",")
            current_tag = AprilTagDetection()
            current_tag.id = int(ar[0])
            current_tag.size = 0.165
            current_tag.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(float(self.ios_clock_offset) + float(ar[17]))
            current_tag.pose.header.frame_id = "camera"
            tag = [float(x) for x in ar[1:17]]
            mat = np.matrix([tag[0:4], tag[4:8], tag[8:12], tag[12:16]])
            new_mat = mat.A
            trans = translation_from_matrix(new_mat)
            quat = quaternion_from_matrix(new_mat)
            current_tag.pose.pose.position.x = trans[0]
            current_tag.pose.pose.position.y = trans[1]
            current_tag.pose.pose.position.z = trans[2]

            current_tag.pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            current_tag.pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            current_tag.pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            current_tag.pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
コード例 #8
def maketagSpecifyHeader(x, y, z, h):

    p = Point()  #geometry_msgs.

    p.x = xIn
    p.y = yIn
    p.z = zIn
    q = Quaternion()
    q.x = 0
    q.y = 0
    q.z = 0
    q.w = 0

    poseU = Pose(p, q)
    poseS = PoseStamped(h, poseU)

    tag = AprilTagDetection()
    tag.size = 0.163513  #default from the launch file
    tad.id = 1  #the tad number I believe
    tag.pose = poseS
    atda = AprilTagDetectionArray()
    atda.detections = [tag]

    return atda
コード例 #9
# set the *_max values below to control max values
# currenty left and right are scaled.
# lights and vertical are the actual values used
left_motor_max = 10.0
right_motor_max = 10.0
lights_max = 80.0
vertical_motor_max = 70.0
current_time = 14.8
command_time = 0.9

left_motor_cmd = 0
right_motor_cmd = 0
vertical_motor_cmd = 0
lights_max_cmd = 0

last_tag_msg = AprilTagDetection()
last_robot_msg = RobotStatus()

heading_setpoint = 0
vert_setpoint = 0
forward_setpoint = 0

vert_kP = vertical_motor_max / 2.0  # max vertical thrust when 2 meters above / below
forward_kP = left_motor_max / 5.0  # max forward thrust when 5 meters away
heading_kP = left_motor_max / (3.14)  # max turning when 180 deg off

def store_tag_info(data):
    global last_tag_msg
    last_tag_msg = data