def test_score_agent(config): """Smoke test for score agent to check it runs with some different configs.""" config = dict(config) if "episodes" not in config: config["episodes"] = 1 # speed up tests config[ "render"] = False # faster without, test_experiment already tests with render run = assert run.status == "COMPLETED" outcomes = [run.result[k] for k in ["ties", "win0", "win1"]] assert sum(outcomes) == run.config["episodes"] if config.get("record_traj", False): try: for i in range(2): traj_file_path = os.path.join( config["record_traj_params"]["save_dir"], f"agent_{i}.npz") traj_data = np.load(traj_file_path) assert set(traj_data.keys()).issuperset( ["observations", "actions", "rewards"]) for k, ep_data in traj_data.items(): assert len(ep_data) == config[ "episodes"], f"unexpected array length at '{k}'" os.remove(traj_file_path) finally: os.rmdir(config["record_traj_params"]["save_dir"])
def score_worker(base_config, tune_config, reporter): """Run a aprl.score experiment with specified config, logging to reporter. :param base_config: (dict) default config :param tune_config: (dict) overrides values in base_config :param reporter: (ray.tune.StatusReporter) Ray Tune internal logger.""" common_worker.fix_sacred_capture() # score_ex is not pickleable, so we cannot close on it. # Instead, import inside the function. from aprl.score_agent import score_ex config = dict(base_config) tune_config = common_worker.flatten_config(tune_config) common_worker.update(config, tune_config) # We're breaking the Sacred interface by running an experiment from within another experiment. # This is the best thing we can do, since we need to run the experiment with varying configs. # Just be careful: this could easily break things. observer = observers.FileStorageObserver( osp.join("data", "sacred", "score")) score_ex.observers.append(observer) run = index_keys = config.get("index_keys", []) idx = { k: v for k, v in config.items() if k.startswith("agent") or k == "env_name" or k in index_keys } reporter(done=True, score=run.result, idx=idx)
def test_score_agent_video(): # Confirm that experiment runs properly saving videos to a temp dir none_dir_run = config_updates=SCORE_AGENT_VIDEO_CONFIGS["none_dir"]) assert none_dir_run.status == "COMPLETED" try: # Confirm that the first time you try to save videos to a specified dir, it works properly specified_dir_run = config_updates=SCORE_AGENT_VIDEO_CONFIGS["specified_dir"]) assert specified_dir_run.status == "COMPLETED" # Confirm that the second time you try to save videos to the same specified dir, it fails with pytest.raises(AssertionError): _ = config_updates=SCORE_AGENT_VIDEO_CONFIGS["specified_dir"]) finally: shutil.rmtree(SCORE_AGENT_VIDEO_CONFIGS["specified_dir"] ["video_params"]["save_dir"])