def _linkHandler(self, url): if url == "study":"review") elif url == "anki": print "anki menu" elif url == "opts": elif url == "cram": deck ="'deck:%s'" % deck['name']) elif url == "refresh": elif url == "empty": elif url == "decks":"deckBrowser") elif url == "review": openLink(aqt.appShared+"info/%s?v=%s"%(self.sid, self.sidVer)) elif url == "limits": self.onLimits() else: openLink(url)
def __init__(self): if not mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False): # First run of the Plugin we did not save the access key yet client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='scriptkiddi-2682', consumer_secret='965f1873e4df583c', sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) showInfo("We will open a Evernote Tab in your browser so you can allow access to your account") openLink(url) oauth_verifier = getText(prompt="Please copy the code that showed up, after allowing access, in here")[0] secret_key = getText(prompt="protect your value with a password, it will be asked each time you import your notes")[0] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token.get('oauth_token'), request_token.get('oauth_token_secret'), oauth_verifier) mw.col.conf[SETTING_TOKEN] = encode(secret_key, auth_token) else: secret_key = getText(prompt="password")[0] auth_token_encoded = mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False) auth_token = decode(secret_key, auth_token_encoded) self.token = auth_token self.client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=False) self.noteStore = self.client.get_note_store()
def __init__(self): if USE_APPLESCRIPT is False: if not mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False): # First run of the Plugin we did not save the access key yet client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key='scriptkiddi-2682', consumer_secret='965f1873e4df583c', sandbox=False ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) showInfo("We will open a Evernote Tab in your browser so you can allow access to your account") openLink(url) oauth_verifier = getText(prompt="Please copy the code that showed up, after allowing access, in here")[0] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token.get('oauth_token'), request_token.get('oauth_token_secret'), oauth_verifier) mw.col.conf[SETTING_TOKEN] = auth_token else: auth_token = mw.col.conf.get(SETTING_TOKEN, False) self.token = auth_token self.client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=False) self.noteStore = self.client.get_note_store()
def _linkHandler(self, url): if url == "study":"review") if == "overview": tooltip(_("No cards are due yet.")) elif url == "anki": print "anki menu" elif url == "opts": elif url == "cram": deck ="'deck:%s'" % deck['name']) elif url == "refresh": elif url == "empty": elif url == "decks":"deckBrowser") elif url == "review": openLink(aqt.appShared+"info/%s?v=%s"%(self.sid, self.sidVer)) elif url == "studymore": self.onStudyMore() elif url.lower().startswith("http"): openLink(url)
def setup_client(self): auth_token = SETTINGS.EVERNOTE.AUTH_TOKEN.fetch() if not auth_token: # First run of the Plugin we did not save the access key yet secrets = {'holycrepe': '36f46ea5dec83d4a', 'scriptkiddi-2682': '965f1873e4df583c'} client = EvernoteClient( consumer_key=EVERNOTE.API.CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=secrets[EVERNOTE.API.CONSUMER_KEY], sandbox=EVERNOTE.API.IS_SANDBOXED ) request_token = client.get_request_token('') url = client.get_authorize_url(request_token) showInfo("We will open a Evernote Tab in your browser so you can allow access to your account") openLink(url) oauth_verifier = getText(prompt="Please copy the code that showed up, after allowing access, in here")[0] auth_token = client.get_access_token( request_token.get('oauth_token'), request_token.get('oauth_token_secret'), oauth_verifier) else: client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=EVERNOTE.API.IS_SANDBOXED) self.token = auth_token self.client = client log("Set up Evernote Client", 'client')
def onViewPage(self): addon = self.onlyOneSelected() if not addon: return if re.match(r"^\d+$", addon): openLink(aqt.appShared + "info/{}".format(addon)) else: showWarning(_("Add-on was not downloaded from AnkiWeb."))
def display_next_tip(): (tip, link) = chinese_support_config.get_next_tip() if tip: if link: if askUser(tip): openLink(link) else: showInfo(tip)
def _onHeight(self, qvar): if qvar is None: from aqt import mw openLink("") return height = math.ceil(qvar*self.zoomFactor()) self.setFixedHeight(height)
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url, navType, isMainFrame): if not isMainFrame: return True from aqt import mw # ignore href=# if url.toString().startswith(mw.serverURL()): return False # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False
def _linkHandler(self, url): if url == "ans": self._showAnswer() elif url.startswith("ease"): self._answerCard(int(url[4:])) elif url == "edit": elif url == "more": self.showContextMenu() elif url.startswith("typeans:"): (cmd, arg) = url.split(":", 1) self.typedAnswer = arg else: openLink(url)
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url, navType, isMainFrame): if not isMainFrame: return True # data: links generated by setHtml() if url.scheme() == "data": return True # catch buggy <a href='#' onclick='func()'> links from aqt import mw if url.matches(QUrl(mw.serverURL()), QUrl.RemoveFragment): print("onclick handler needs to return false") return False # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False
def askAndUpdate(mw, ver): baseStr = _("""<h1>Anki Updated</h1>Anki %s has been released.<br><br>""") % ver msg = QMessageBox(mw) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText(baseStr + _("Would you like to download it now?")) button = QPushButton(_("Ignore this update")) msg.addButton(button, QMessageBox.RejectRole) msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) ret = msg.exec_() if msg.clickedButton() == button: # ignore this update["suppressUpdate"] = ver elif ret == QMessageBox.Yes: openLink(aqt.appWebsite)
def _linkHandler(self, url): print "link", url if url == "study":"review") elif url == "anki": print "anki menu" elif url == "opts": elif url == "refresh": elif url == "decks":"deckBrowser") elif url == "review": openLink(aqt.appShared+"info/%s?v=%s"%(self.sid, self.sidVer))
def _linkHandler(self, url): print "link", url if url == "study":"review") elif url == "anki": print "anki menu" elif url == "cram": return showInfo("not yet implemented")"review") elif url == "opts": elif url == "decks":"deckBrowser") elif url == "review": openLink(aqt.appShared+"info/%s?v=%s"%(self.sid, self.sidVer))
def onPrint(): path = os.path.join(, "print.html") ids = sortFieldOrderCids(mw.col.decks.selected()) def esc(s): # strip off the repeated question in answer if exists #s = re.sub("(?si)^.*<hr id=answer>\n*", "", s) # remove type answer s = re.sub("\[\[type:[^]]+\]\]", "", s) return s def upath(path): if isWin: prefix = u"file:///" else: prefix = u"file://" return prefix + unicode( urllib.quote(path.encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") buf = open(path, "w") buf.write("<html><head>" + '<meta charset="utf-8">' + getBase(mw.col).encode("utf8") + "</head><body>") buf.write("""<style> img { max-width: 100%; } tr { page-break-after:auto; } td { page-break-after:auto; } td { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; } </style><table cellspacing=10 width=100%>""") first = True mw.progress.start(immediate=True) for j, cid in enumerate(ids): if j % CARDS_PER_ROW == 0: if not first: buf.write("</tr>") else: first = False buf.write("<tr>") c = mw.col.getCard(cid) cont = u"<td><center>%s</center></td>" % esc(c._getQA(True, False)['a']) buf.write(cont.encode("utf8")) if j % 50 == 0: mw.progress.update("Cards exported: %d" % (j+1)) buf.write("</tr>") buf.write("</table></body></html>") mw.progress.finish() buf.close() openLink(upath(path))
def askAndUpdate(parent, version=None): version = version['latestVersion'] baseStr = ( _('''<h1>Anki Updated</h1>Anki %s has been released.<br><br>''') % version) msg = QMessageBox(parent) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText(baseStr + _("Would you like to download it now?")) button = QPushButton(_("Ignore this update")) msg.addButton(button, QMessageBox.RejectRole) ret = msg.exec_() if msg.clickedButton() == button: # ignore this update parent.config['suppressUpdate'] = version elif ret == QMessageBox.Yes: openLink(aqt.appWebsite)
def onPrint(): path = os.path.join(QStandardPaths.writableLocation( QStandardPaths.DesktopLocation), "print.html") ids = sortFieldOrderCids(mw.col.decks.selected()) def esc(s): # strip off the repeated question in answer if exists #s = re.sub("(?si)^.*<hr id=answer>\n*", "", s) # remove type answer s = re.sub(r"\[\[type:[^]]+\]\]", "", s) return s buf = open(path, "w", encoding="utf8") buf.write("<html><head>" + '<meta charset="utf-8">' + mw.baseHTML() + "</head><body>") buf.write("""<style> img { max-width: 100%; } tr { page-break-inside:avoid; page-break-after:auto } td { page-break-after:auto; } td { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; } </style><table cellspacing=10 width=100%>""") first = True mw.progress.start(immediate=True) for j, cid in enumerate(ids): if j % config['cardsPerRow'] == 0: if not first: buf.write("</tr>") else: first = False buf.write("<tr>") c = mw.col.getCard(cid) qatxt = c._getQA(True, False)['a'] qatxt = mungeQA(mw.col, qatxt) cont = u'<td width="{1}%"><center>{0}</center></td>'.format( esc(qatxt), 100/config['cardsPerRow']) buf.write(cont) if j % 50 == 0: mw.progress.update("Cards exported: %d" % (j+1)) buf.write("</tr>") buf.write("</table></body></html>") mw.progress.finish() buf.close() openLink(QUrl.fromLocalFile(path))
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url: QUrl, navType: Any, isMainFrame: bool) -> bool: if (not self.open_links_externally or "_anki/pages" in url.path() or url.path() == "/_anki/legacyPageData"): return super().acceptNavigationRequest(url, navType, isMainFrame) if not isMainFrame: return True # data: links generated by setHtml() if url.scheme() == "data": return True # catch buggy <a href='#' onclick='func()'> links from aqt import mw if url.matches(QUrl(mw.serverURL()), cast(Any, QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemoveFragment)): print("onclick handler needs to return false") return False # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False
def load_menu(): dictionaries = [ ('en', _('English')), ('de', _('German')), ('fr', _('French')), (None, _('None')), ] for d, name in dictionaries: add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Set Dictionary', name, partial(config.update, {'dictionary': d}), checkable=True, checked=bool(config['dictionary'] == d), ) for t in transcriptions: add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Set Transcription', t, partial(config.update, {'transcription': t}), checkable=True, checked=bool(config['transcription'] == t), ) for s in speech_engines: add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Set Speech Engine', s, partial(config.update, {'speech': s}), checkable=True, checked=bool(config['speech'] == s), ) add_menu('Chinese::Fill Notes') add_menu_item('Chinese::Fill Notes', _('Fill Hanzi'), bulk_fill_hanzi) add_menu_item('Chinese::Fill Notes', _('Fill Transcription'), bulk_fill_transcript) add_menu_item('Chinese::Fill Notes', _('Fill Definitions'), bulk_fill_defs) add_menu_item('Chinese::Fill Notes', _('Fill Sound'), bulk_fill_sound) add_menu_item('Chinese::Fill Notes', _('Fill Silhouette'), bulk_fill_silhouette) add_menu('Chinese::Help') add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Help', _('Report a bug or make a feature request'), lambda: openLink(CSR_GITHUB_URL + '/issues'), ) add_menu_item('Chinese::Help', _('About...'), showAbout)
def _linkHandler(self, url): if url == "study":"review") elif url == "anki": print "anki menu" elif url == "opts": elif url == "cram": deck ="'deck:%s'" % deck['name']) elif url == "refresh": elif url == "empty": elif url == "decks":"deckBrowser") elif url == "review": openLink(aqt.appShared + "info/%s?v=%s" % (self.sid, self.sidVer)) elif url == "limits": self.onLimits()
def loadMenu(): global ui_actions menu = mw.form.menuTools.addMenu("Korean Support") submenu = menu.addMenu(_("Use local dictionary")) for d, d_names in dictionaries: ui_actions["dict_" + d] = add_action( d_names, submenu, set_dict_constructor(d), True ) # submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Use Microsoft Translate')) # for name, code in msTranslateLanguages: # ui_actions['dict_' + code] = add_action( # name, submenu, set_dict_constructor(code), True) submenu = menu.addMenu(_("Text-to-speech")) subsubmenu = submenu.addMenu(_("Set speech engine")) for i in speech_options: ui_actions["speech_" + i] = add_action( i, subsubmenu, set_option_constructor("speech", i), True ) ui_actions["tts_slow"] = add_action( _("Use slow speed"), submenu, toggle_option_constructor("tts_slow"), True ) subsubmenu = submenu.addMenu(_("NAVER Papago Gender")) for name, i in naver_gender_options: ui_actions["naver_tts_gender_" + i] = add_action( name, subsubmenu, set_option_constructor("naver_tts_gender", i), True ) submenu = menu.addMenu(_("Fill incomplete notes")) add_action(_("Fill missing sounds"), submenu, fill_sounds) add_action(_("Fill translation"), submenu, fill_translation) add_action(_("Fill silhouette"), submenu, fill_silhouette) submenu = menu.addMenu(_("Help")) add_action( _("Report a bug or make a feature request"), submenu, lambda: openLink(CSR_GITHUB_URL + "/issues"), ) ui_actions["debug"] = add_action( _("Debug mode"), submenu, toggle_option_constructor("debug"), True ) add_action(_("About..."), menu, showAbout) update_dict_action_checkboxes()
def openInBrowser(self, website, query): """ Setup enviroment for web browser and invoke it """ note = self._currentNote self._lastProvider = website Feedback.log('OpenInBrowser: {}'.format(note)) if cfg.getConfig().useSystemBrowser: target = self._browser.formatTargetURL(website, query) openLink(target) return fieldList = note.model()['flds'] fieldsNames = { ind: val for ind, val in enumerate(map(lambda i: i['name'], fieldList)) } self._browser.infoList = [ 'No action available', 'Required: Text selected or link to image' ] self._browser.setFields(fieldsNames), query)
def __call__(self, url, *args): if url.lower().startswith("http"): return openLink(url) elif url == "domDone": self._onDomDone() return False elif not url.startswith(AMBOSS_LINK_PREFIX): return True _, cmd, *data = url.split(":") if cmd == "login" and len(data) >= 2: userId, token = data[0], data[1] self._loginHandler.login(userId, token) elif cmd == "close": self._loginDialog.accept() return False
def openInBrowser(self, website, query, note, isEditMode=False): """ Setup enviroment for web browser and invoke it """ self._currentNote = note Feedback.log('OpenInBrowser: {} ({})'.format(note, self.isEditing())) if cfg.getConfig().useSystemBrowser: target = self._browser.formatTargetURL(website, query) openLink(target) return if self.isEditing(): fieldList = note.model()['flds'] fieldsNames = { ind: val for ind, val in enumerate(map(lambda i: i['name'], fieldList)) } self._browser.setFields(fieldsNames) else: self._browser.setFields(None) # clear fields, query)
def create_get_help_submenu(parent: QMenu) -> QMenu: submenu_name = "Get Anki Help" menu_options = [ ( "Online Mastery Course", "", ), ("Daily Q and A Support", ""), ("1-on-1 Tutoring", ""), ] submenu = QMenu(submenu_name, parent) for name, url in menu_options: act = QAction(name, mw) act.triggered.connect(lambda _, u=url: openLink(u)) submenu.addAction(act) return submenu
def _linkHandler(self, url): """Support for binding custom actions to text links""" if isinstance(url, QUrl): url = url.toString() if not url.startswith("action://"): return openLink(url) protocol, cmd = url.split("://") if cmd == "debug-toggle": self._toggleDebugging() elif cmd == "debug-open": self._openDebuglog() elif cmd == "debug-copy": self._copyDebuglog() elif cmd == "debug-clear": self._clearDebuglog() elif cmd == "changelog": self._openChangelog()
def loadMenu(): global ui_actions menu = mw.form.menuTools.addMenu('Chinese Support') submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Use local dictionary')) for d, d_names in dictionaries: ui_actions['dict_' + d] = add_action(d_names, submenu, set_dict_constructor(d), True) # submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Use Microsoft Translate')) # for name, code in msTranslateLanguages: # ui_actions['dict_' + code] = add_action( # name, submenu, set_dict_constructor(code), True) submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Set transcription')) for i in transcriptions: ui_actions['transcription_' + i] = add_action( i, submenu, set_option_constructor('transcription', i), True) submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Set speech engine')) for i in speech_options: ui_actions['speech_' + i] = add_action( i, submenu, set_option_constructor('speech', i), True) submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Fill incomplete notes')) add_action(_('Fill missing sounds'), submenu, fill_sounds) add_action(_('Fill pinyin and color'), submenu, fill_pinyin) add_action(_('Fill translation'), submenu, fill_translation) add_action(_('Fill simplified/traditional'), submenu, fill_simp_trad) add_action(_('Fill silhouette'), submenu, fill_silhouette) submenu = menu.addMenu(_('Help')) add_action(_('Report a bug or make a feature request'), submenu, lambda: openLink(CSR_GITHUB_URL + '/issues')) add_action(_('About...'), menu, showAbout) update_dict_action_checkboxes()
def load_menu(): for k, v in PHONETIC_TARGETS.items(): add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Phonetics', k, partial(config.update, {'target': v}), checkable=True, checked=bool(config['target'] == v), ) for k, v in SPEECH_ENGINES.items(): add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Speech Engine', k, partial(config.update, {'speech': v}), checkable=True, checked=bool(config['speech'] == v), ) add_menu('Chinese::Bulk Fill') add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Hanzi'), bulk_fill_hanzi) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Transcription'), bulk_fill_transcript) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Definitions'), bulk_fill_defs) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Classifiers'), bulk_fill_classifiers) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Sound'), bulk_fill_sound) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Silhouette'), bulk_fill_silhouette) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('Usage'), bulk_fill_usage) add_menu_item('Chinese::Bulk Fill', _('All'), bulk_fill_all) add_menu('Chinese::Help') add_menu_item( 'Chinese::Help', _('Report a bug or make a feature request'), lambda: openLink(CSR_GITHUB_URL + '/issues'), ) add_menu_item('Chinese::Help', _('About...'), showAbout)
def goto_page(page): openLink(page)
def helpRequested(self): openLink('')
def _onShared(self): print "fixme: check & warn if schema modified first" openLink(aqt.appShared+"decks/")
def _openLinksExternally(self, url): openLink(url)
def linkClicked(url): openLink(url)
def onLink(url): openLink(url.toString())
def setup_plugin(): openLink("")
def on_help(): url = "" openLink(url)
def help_plugin(): openLink("")
def onBrowse(self): openLink(aqt.appShared + "addons/")
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url, navType, isMainFrame): # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False
def _onShared(self) -> None: openLink(f"{aqt.appShared}decks/")
def attemptOpenLink(cmd): if cmd.startswith('openLink:'): openLink(cmd[9:])
def getAboutTab(self): tab_4 = QWidget() tab_4.setObjectName("tab_4") tab4vl = QVBoxLayout() miaAbout = QGroupBox() miaAbout.setTitle('Mass Immersion Approach') miaAboutVL = QVBoxLayout() miaAbout.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") miaAboutText = QLabel( "This an original MIA add-on. MIA, or “Mass Immersion Approach,” is a comprehensive approach to acquiring foreign languages. You can learn more <a href=''>here</a>." ) miaAboutText.setWordWrap(True) miaAboutText.setOpenExternalLinks(True) miaAbout.setLayout(miaAboutVL) miaAboutLinksTitle = QLabel("<b>Links<b>") miaAboutLinksMIA = QLabel("MIA:") miaAboutLinksHL1 = QHBoxLayout() miaSiteIcon = self.getSVGWidget('MIA.svg') miaSiteIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaFBIcon = self.getSVGWidget('Facebook.svg') miaFBIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaPatreonIcon = self.getSVGWidget('Patreon.svg') miaPatreonIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaAboutLinksHL1.addWidget(miaAboutLinksMIA) miaAboutLinksHL1.addWidget(miaSiteIcon) miaAboutLinksHL1.addWidget(miaFBIcon) miaAboutLinksHL1.addWidget(miaPatreonIcon) miaAboutLinksHL1.addStretch() miaAboutLinksHL2 = QHBoxLayout() miaAboutLinksHL3 = QHBoxLayout() matt = QLabel("Matt vs. Japan:") mattYT = MIALabel() mattYT = self.getSVGWidget('Youtube.svg') mattYT.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) mattTW = self.getSVGWidget('Twitter.svg') mattTW.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaAboutLinksHL2.addWidget(matt) miaAboutLinksHL2.addWidget(mattYT) miaAboutLinksHL2.addWidget(mattTW) miaAboutLinksHL2.addStretch() yoga = QLabel("Yoga MIA:") yogaYT = self.getSVGWidget('Youtube.svg') yogaYT.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) yogaTW = self.getSVGWidget('Twitter.svg') yogaTW.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(yoga) miaAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(yogaYT) miaAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(yogaTW) miaAboutLinksHL3.addStretch() miaAboutVL.addWidget(miaAboutText) miaAboutVL.addWidget(miaAboutLinksTitle) miaAboutVL.addLayout(miaAboutLinksHL1) miaAboutVL.addLayout(miaAboutLinksHL2) miaAboutVL.addLayout(miaAboutLinksHL3) miaContact = QGroupBox() miaContact.setTitle('Contact Us') miaContactVL = QVBoxLayout() miaContact.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") miaContactText = QLabel( "If you would like to report a bug or contribute to the add-on, the best way to do so is by starting a ticket or pull request on GitHub. If you are looking for personal assistance using the add-on, check out the MIA Patreon Discord Server." ) miaContactText.setWordWrap(True) gitHubIcon = self.getSVGWidget('Github.svg') gitHubIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) miaThanks = QGroupBox() miaThanks.setTitle('A Word of Thanks') miaThanksVL = QVBoxLayout() miaThanks.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") miaThanksText = QLabel( "We would not have been able to develop this add-on without the support our <a href=''>patrons</a>. Special thanks to Harrison D, Rafael C, Isaac, Jean-Felix M, Shaquille G, Zdennis, Tj B, Daniel L, Grinners, Garrett H, Mirzhan I, Matt S, Abdulrazzaq A, Darwish, Stian F, Aaron G, Stephen K, Keith W, Jermal, Jacob R, Renfred H, Luvoir, David L, David J, Stein E, Eric J M, and everyone else who supports MIA on Patreon!" ) miaThanksText.setOpenExternalLinks(True) miaThanksText.setWordWrap(True) miaThanksVL.addWidget(miaThanksText) miaContactVL.addWidget(miaContactText) miaContactVL.addWidget(gitHubIcon) miaContact.setLayout(miaContactVL) miaThanks.setLayout(miaThanksVL) tab4vl.addWidget(miaAbout) tab4vl.addWidget(miaContact) tab4vl.addWidget(miaThanks) tab4vl.addStretch() tab_4.setLayout(tab4vl) miaSiteIcon.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) miaFBIcon.clicked.connect(lambda: openLink( '')) miaPatreonIcon.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) mattYT.clicked.connect(lambda: openLink( '')) mattTW.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) yogaYT.clicked.connect(lambda: openLink( '')) yogaTW.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) gitHubIcon.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) return tab_4
def onBrowse(self): openLink(aqt.appShared + "addons21/2.1")
def onDonate(self): openLink(aqt.appDonate)
def onDonate(self): """Ask the OS to open the donate web page""" openLink(aqt.appDonate)
def _onShared(self): print "fixme: check & warn if schema modified first" openLink(aqt.appShared + "decks/")
def _onShared(self): openLink(aqt.appShared + "decks/")
def invoke_ImageOcc_help(): utils.openLink(image_occlusion_help_link)
def help(self, page=None): if self._help: openLink( 'file:///' + os.path.join(self._help[0], page if page else self._help[1]))
def _onShared(self): openLink(aqt.appShared+"decks/")
def _openLinksExternally(self, url: str) -> None: openLink(url)
def onGiovanni(self): openLink(self._giovanni_link)
def onGlutanimate(self): openLink(self._glutanimate_link)
def getAboutTab(self): tab_4 = QWidget() tab_4.setObjectName("tab_4") tab4vl = QVBoxLayout() migakuAbout = QGroupBox() migakuAbout.setTitle('Migaku') migakuAboutVL = QVBoxLayout() migakuAbout.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") migakuAboutText = QLabel( "This an original Migaku add-on. Migaku seeks to be a comprehensive platform for acquiring foreign languages. The official Migaku website will be published soon!" ) migakuAboutText.setWordWrap(True) migakuAboutText.setOpenExternalLinks(True) migakuAbout.setLayout(migakuAboutVL) migakuAboutLinksTitle = QLabel("<b>Links<b>") migakuAboutLinksHL3 = QHBoxLayout() migakuInfo = QLabel("Migaku:") migakuInfoYT = self.getSVGWidget('Youtube.svg') migakuInfoYT.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) migakuInfoTW = self.getSVGWidget('Twitter.svg') migakuInfoTW.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) migakuPatreonIcon = self.getSVGWidget('Patreon.svg') migakuPatreonIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) migakuAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(migakuInfo) migakuAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(migakuInfoYT) migakuAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(migakuInfoTW) migakuAboutLinksHL3.addWidget(migakuPatreonIcon) migakuAboutLinksHL3.addStretch() migakuAboutVL.addWidget(migakuAboutText) migakuAboutVL.addWidget(migakuAboutLinksTitle) migakuAboutVL.addLayout(migakuAboutLinksHL3) migakuContact = QGroupBox() migakuContact.setTitle('Contact Us') migakuContactVL = QVBoxLayout() migakuContact.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") migakuContactText = QLabel( "If you would like to report a bug or contribute to the add-on, the best way to do so is by starting a ticket or pull request on GitHub. If you are looking for personal assistance using the add-on, check out the Migaku Patreon Discord Server." ) migakuContactText.setWordWrap(True) gitHubIcon = self.getSVGWidget('Github.svg') gitHubIcon.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)) migakuThanks = QGroupBox() migakuThanks.setTitle('A Word of Thanks') migakuThanksVL = QVBoxLayout() migakuThanks.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; } ") migakuThanksText = QLabel( "Thanks so much to all Migaku supporters! I would not have been able to develop this add-on or any other Migaku project without your support!" ) migakuThanksText.setOpenExternalLinks(True) migakuThanksText.setWordWrap(True) migakuThanksVL.addWidget(migakuThanksText) migakuContactVL.addWidget(migakuContactText) migakuContactVL.addWidget(gitHubIcon) migakuContact.setLayout(migakuContactVL) migakuThanks.setLayout(migakuThanksVL) tab4vl.addWidget(migakuAbout) tab4vl.addWidget(migakuContact) tab4vl.addWidget(migakuThanks) tab4vl.addStretch() tab_4.setLayout(tab4vl) migakuPatreonIcon.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) migakuInfoYT.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) migakuInfoTW.clicked.connect( lambda: openLink('')) gitHubIcon.clicked.connect(lambda: openLink( '')) return tab_4
def acceptNavigationRequest(self, url, navType, isMainFrame): if not isMainFrame: return True # load all other links in browser openLink(url) return False
def launch_doc(): utils.openLink(DOCURL)