コード例 #1
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def policies_show(request, id, title, render_callback=None):
    # Get request context
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-policies', title='')
    c['policy_uid'] = id

    # Get the budget breakdown
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['programme'])
    c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        ['chapter', 'article', 'heading'])
    c['funding_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['source', 'fund'])
    c['institutional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        [_year_tagged_section, _year_tagged_department])
    get_budget_breakdown("fc.policy = %s and e.level = 'comunidad'", [id], [
        c['functional_breakdown'], c['economic_breakdown'],
        c['funding_breakdown'], c['institutional_breakdown']

    # Additional data needed by the view
    show_side = 'expense'
    populate_years(c, 'functional_breakdown', 'comunidad')
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['functional', 'funding', show_side])
    _populate_csv_settings(c, 'policy', id)
    _set_show_side(c, show_side)
    _set_full_breakdown(c, True)

    c['name'] = c['descriptions']['functional'].get(c['policy_uid'])
    c['title_prefix'] = c['name']

    return render(c, render_callback, 'policies/show.html')
コード例 #2
ファイル: entities.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def entities_compare(request, c, entity_left, entity_right):
    c['entity_left'] = entity_left
    c['entity_right'] = entity_right

    # Get the budget breakdowns
    # XXX: No good functional data at this level so far
    # c['functional_breakdown_left'] = BudgetBreakdown(['policy'])
    c['economic_breakdown_left'] = BudgetBreakdown(['chapter', 'article'])
    get_budget_breakdown("e.name = %s and ec.chapter <> 'X'",
                         [entity_left.name], [c['economic_breakdown_left']])

    c['economic_breakdown_right'] = BudgetBreakdown(['chapter', 'article'])
    get_budget_breakdown("e.name = %s and ec.chapter <> 'X'",
                         [entity_right.name], [c['economic_breakdown_right']])

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_level(c, entity_left.level)
    populate_entity_stats(c, entity_left, 'stats_left')
    populate_entity_stats(c, entity_right, 'stats_right')
    populate_entity_descriptions(c, entity_left)
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['income', 'expense'])
    populate_comparison_years(c, 'economic_breakdown_left',
    populate_entities(c, entity_left.level)

    return render_to_response('entities/compare.html', c)
コード例 #3
ファイル: entities.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def entities_show(request, c, entity, render_callback=None):
    # Prepare the budget breakdowns
    c['financial_expense_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown()
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['policy', 'programme'])
    if entity.level == 'comunidad':
        c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['article', 'heading'])
        # Small entities have a varying level of detail: often we don't have any breakdown below
        # chapter, so we have to start there. Also, to be honest, the heading level doesn't add
        # much to what you get with articles.
        c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['chapter', 'article'])

    get_budget_breakdown("e.id = %s and fc.area <> 'X'", [entity.id], [],
    get_budget_breakdown("e.id = %s and ec.chapter <> 'X'", [entity.id],

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_level(c, entity.level)
    populate_entity_stats(c, entity)
    populate_entity_descriptions(c, entity)
    populate_years(c, 'economic_breakdown', entity.level)
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['functional', 'income', 'expense'])
    c['display_functional_view'] = True
    _set_full_breakdown(c, entity.level == 'comunidad')
    c['entity'] = entity

    return render(c, render_callback, 'entities/show.html')
コード例 #4
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def programmes_show(request, id, title, render_callback=None):
    # Retrieve the entity to display from the given slug
    main_entity = Entity.objects.main_entity()

    # Get request context
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-policies', title='')
    c['programme_id'] = id
    c['programme'] = FunctionalCategory.objects.filter(
        budget__entity=main_entity, programme=id)[0]
    c['policy'] = FunctionalCategory.objects.filter(

    # Ignore if possible the descriptions for execution data, they are truncated and ugly
    programme_descriptions = {}

    def _populate_programme_descriptions(column_name, item):
        if not item.actual or not item.uid() in programme_descriptions:
            programme_descriptions[item.uid()] = getattr(item, 'description')

    # Get the budget breakdown.
    # The functional breakdown is an empty one, as we're at the deepest level, but since
    # we're going to be displaying this data in the policy page we send a blank one
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown([])
    c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        ['chapter', 'article', 'heading', 'uid'])
    c['funding_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['source', 'fund'])
    c['institutional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        [_year_tagged_section, _year_tagged_department])
    get_budget_breakdown("fc.programme = %s and e.level = 'comunidad'", [id], [
        c['economic_breakdown'], c['funding_breakdown'],
    ], _populate_programme_descriptions)

    # Note we don't modify the original descriptions, we're working on a copy (of the hash,
    # which is made of references to the hashes containing the descriptions themselves).
    c['descriptions'] = Budget.objects.get_all_descriptions(
    c['descriptions']['expense'] = programme_descriptions
    c['name'] = c['descriptions']['functional'].get(c['programme_id'])
    c['title_prefix'] = c['name']

    # Additional data needed by the view
    show_side = 'expense'
    populate_years(c, 'institutional_breakdown', 'comunidad')
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['functional', 'funding', show_side])
    _populate_csv_settings(c, 'programme', id)
    _set_show_side(c, show_side)
    _set_full_breakdown(c, True)

    return render(c, render_callback, 'policies/show.html')
コード例 #5
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def articles_show(request, id, title, show_side, render_callback=None):
    # Retrieve the entity to display from the given slug
    main_entity = Entity.objects.main_entity()

    # Get request context
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-policies', title='')
    c['article_id'] = id
    c['article'] = EconomicCategory.objects.filter(
        expense=(show_side == 'expense'))[0]

    # Ignore if possible the descriptions for execution data, they are truncated and ugly
    article_descriptions = {}

    def _populate_article_descriptions(column_name, item):
        if not item.actual or not item.uid() in article_descriptions:
            article_descriptions[item.uid()] = getattr(item, 'description')

    # Get the budget breakdown.
    # The functional one is used only when showing expenses.
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['policy', 'programme'])
    c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['heading', 'uid'])
    c['funding_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['source', 'fund'])
    c['institutional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        [_year_tagged_section, _year_tagged_department])
    get_budget_breakdown("ec.article = %s and e.level = 'comunidad'", [id], [
        c['functional_breakdown'], c['economic_breakdown'],
        c['funding_breakdown'], c['institutional_breakdown']
    ], _populate_article_descriptions)

    # Note we don't modify the original descriptions, we're working on a copy (of the hash,
    # which is made of references to the hashes containing the descriptions themselves).
    c['descriptions'] = Budget.objects.get_all_descriptions(
    c['descriptions'][show_side] = article_descriptions
    c['name'] = c['descriptions'][show_side].get(c['article_id'])
    c['title_prefix'] = c['name']

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_years(c, 'institutional_breakdown', 'comunidad')
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['functional', 'funding', show_side])
    _populate_csv_settings(c, 'article', id)
    _set_show_side(c, show_side)
    _set_full_breakdown(c, True)

    return render(c, render_callback, 'policies/show.html')
コード例 #6
ファイル: budgets.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def budgets(request):
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-counties', title='')

    # Income/expense breakdown
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['policy', 'programme'])
    c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['article', 'heading'])
    for item in BudgetItem.objects.each_denormalized("e.level = %s",
        column_name = year_column_name(item)
        if not item.is_financial():
            c['functional_breakdown'].add_item(column_name, item)
            c['economic_breakdown'].add_item(column_name, item)

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_years(c, 'functional_breakdown')

    return render_to_response('budgets/index.html', c)
コード例 #7
def tax_receipt(request):
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-tax-receipt', title='')

    # Get latest budget data
    c['default_income'] = 30000

    # Get the budget breakdown
    c['breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['policy', 'programme'])
    for item in BudgetItem.objects.each_denormalized("b.id = %s",
        c['breakdown'].add_item(c['latest_budget'].name(), item)

    return render_to_response('tax_receipt/index.html', c)
コード例 #8
ファイル: welcome.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def welcome(request):
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-welcome', title='Inicio')
    c['formatter'] = add_thousands_separator

    # Retrieve front page examples
    c['featured_programmes'] = (FunctionalCategory.objects.filter(
            programme__in=['24121', '24221', '35131']))

    # Calculate subtotals for the selected programmes
    c['breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['programme'])
    for programme in c['featured_programmes']:
        for item in programme.budgetitem_set.all():
            c['breakdown'].add_item(c['latest_budget'].year, item)

    return render_to_response('welcome/index.html', c)
コード例 #9
ファイル: entities.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def entities_index(request, c, level, render_callback=None):
    # Get the budget breakdown
    c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['name'])
    # The top level entity has a nicely broken down budget, where each item is classified across
    # 4 dimensions. For smaller entities, however, we have two separate breakdowns as input,
    # that are loaded separately, with dummy values ('X') assigned to the three unknown dimensions.
    # To avoid double counting, we must calculate breakdowns along a dimension including only
    # those items for which we know the category (i.e. not 'X')
    get_budget_breakdown("e.level = %s and ec.chapter <> 'X'", [level],

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_level(c, level)
    populate_level_stats(c, level)
    populate_years(c, 'economic_breakdown', level)
    populate_entities(c, level)

    # XXX: The percentage format in pages listing entities is tricky and confusing, partly because
    # we have many gaps in the data which vary each year, so I'm hiding the drop-down option for now.
    c['hide_percentage_format'] = True

    return render(c, render_callback, 'entities/index.html')
コード例 #10
ファイル: entities.py プロジェクト: jjelosua/presupuesto
def entities_show_article(request,
    # Get request context
    c = get_context(request, css_class='body-policies', title='')
    c['article_id'] = id
    c['is_chapter'] = len(id) <= 1
    if c['is_chapter']:
        c['article'] = EconomicCategory.objects.filter(
            expense=(show_side == 'expense'))[0]
        c['article'] = EconomicCategory.objects.filter(
            expense=(show_side == 'expense'))[0]

    # Ignore if possible the descriptions for execution data, they are truncated and ugly
    article_descriptions = {}

    def _populate_article_descriptions(column_name, item):
        if not item.actual or not item.uid() in article_descriptions:
            article_descriptions[item.uid()] = getattr(item, 'description')

    # Get the budget breakdown.
    # The functional breakdown is an empty one because our small entity data is not fully broken,
    # down but since we're going to be displaying this data in the policy page we send a blank one
    c['functional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown([])
    if c['is_chapter']:
        # XXX: Some entities combine different levels of data detail along the years. Trying
        # to display detailed categories (articles, headings) looks bad on the visualization,
        # because some years just 'disappear'. So we take the 'safe route', just visualizing
        # the chapter total.
        c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['chapter', 'article'])
        query = "ec.chapter = %s and e.id = %s"
        c['economic_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['heading', 'uid'])
        query = "ec.article = %s and e.id = %s"
    c['funding_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(['source', 'fund'])
    c['institutional_breakdown'] = BudgetBreakdown(
        [_year_tagged_section, _year_tagged_department])
    get_budget_breakdown(query, [id, entity.id], [
        c['economic_breakdown'], c['funding_breakdown'],
    ], _populate_article_descriptions)

    # Note we don't modify the original descriptions, we're working on a copy (of the hash,
    # which is made of references to the hashes containing the descriptions themselves).
    c['descriptions'] = Budget.objects.get_all_descriptions(entity).copy()
    c['descriptions'][show_side] = article_descriptions
    c['name'] = c['descriptions'][show_side].get(c['article_id'])
    c['title_prefix'] = c['name'] + ' - ' + entity.name

    # Additional data needed by the view
    populate_level(c, entity.level)
    populate_entity_stats(c, entity)
    populate_years(c, 'institutional_breakdown', entity.level)
    populate_area_descriptions(c, ['functional', 'funding', show_side])
    _populate_csv_settings(c, 'article', id)
    _set_show_side(c, show_side)
    _set_full_breakdown(c, False)
    c['entity'] = entity

    return render(c, render_callback, 'policies/show.html')