from numpy import arange, sin, pi from scipy.fftpack import fftfreq from araucaria.xas import ftwindow, xftf_kwin, xftr_kwin nfft = 2048 # number of points for FFT ks = 0.05 # delta k (angstrom^-1) f1 = 0.5 # freq1 (angstrom) k = arange(0, 10, ks) wink = ftwindow(k, x_range=(0, 10), dx1=0.5, win='sine') chi = 0.5 * sin(2 * pi * k * f1) chir = xftf_kwin(wink * chi, nfft=nfft, kstep=ks) freq = fftfreq(nfft, ks)[:nfft // 2] chiq = xftr_kwin(chir, nfft=nfft, kstep=ks)[:len(k)] print(chiq.dtype) # complex128 # plotting reverse FFT signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template fig, ax = fig_xas_template(panels='re', fig_pars={'kweight': 0}) line = ax[0].plot(freq, abs(chir)) xlim = ax[0].set_xlim(0, 2) xlab = ax[0].set_xlabel('$R/\pi$ [$\AA$]') line = ax[1].plot(k, chiq) text = ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$q(\AA^{-1})$') text = ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\chi(q)$') fig.tight_layout()
from numpy import arange import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from araucaria.xas import ftwindow from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template k = arange(0, 10.1, 0.05) k_range = [2,8] windows = ['hanning', 'parzen', 'welch', 'gaussian', 'sine', 'kaiser'] dk = 1.0 fig_kws = {'sharex' : True} fig, axes = fig_xas_template(panels='ee/ee/ee', **fig_kws) for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()): win = ftwindow(k, k_range, dk, win= windows[i]) line = ax.plot(k, win, label=windows[i]) for val in k_range: line = ax.axvline(val - dk/2, color='gray', ls=':') line = ax.axvline(val + dk/2, color='gray', ls=':') leg = ax.legend() text = ax.set_ylabel('') text = ax.set_xlabel('') fig.tight_layout()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template pars = { 'e_range': (0, 100), 'mu_range': (0, 1.5), 'k_range': (0, 15), 'r_range': (0, 6) } fig, axes = fig_xas_template('dx/er', fig_pars=pars)
from araucaria import Group from araucaria.testdata import get_testpath from import read_xmu from araucaria.stats import rebin from araucaria.utils import check_objattrs fpath = get_testpath('xmu_testfile.xmu') # extracting mu and mu_ref scans group_mu = read_xmu(fpath, scan='mu') bins = 600 # number of bins regroup = group_mu.copy() # rebinning copy of group rebin = rebin(regroup, bins=bins, update=True) attrs = ['energy', 'mu', 'mu_ref', 'rebin_stats'] check_objattrs(regroup, Group, attrs) # [True, True, True, True] # plotting rebinned spectrum from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figpars = {'e_range' : (11850, 11900)} # energy range fig, ax = fig_xas_template(panels='x', fig_pars=figpars) stdev = regroup.rebin_stats['mu_std'] # std of rebinned mu line = ax.plot(,, label='original') line = ax.errorbar(,, yerr=stdev, marker='o', capsize=3.0, label='rebinned') leg = ax.legend(edgecolor='k') lab = ax.set_ylabel('abs [a.u]')
from araucaria.testdata import get_testpath from araucaria import Group from import read_dnd from araucaria.xas import pre_edge, autobk, xftf, xftr from araucaria.utils import check_objattrs kw = 2 k_range = [2, 10] r_range = [0.5, 2] fpath = get_testpath('dnd_testfile1.dat') group = read_dnd(fpath, scan='mu') # extracting mu and mu_ref scans pre = pre_edge(group, update=True) autbk = autobk(group, update=True) fft = xftf(group, k_range=k_range, kweight=kw, update=True) rft = xftr(group, r_range=r_range, update=True) attrs = ['rwin', 'q', 'chiq', 'chiq_mag', 'chiq_re', 'chiq_im'] check_objattrs(group, Group, attrs) # [True, True, True, True, True, True] # plotting forward FFT signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template fig, ax = fig_xas_template(panels='rq', fig_pars={'kweight': kw}) line = ax[0].plot(group.r, group.chir_mag) line = ax[0].plot(group.r, group.rwin, color='firebrick') xlim = ax[0].set_xlim(0, 6) line = ax[1].plot(group.k, group.k**kw * group.chi) line = ax[1].plot(group.q, group.chiq_re) xlim = ax[1].set_xlim(0, 12) fig.tight_layout()
from araucaria import Group from import read_dnd from araucaria.xas import deglitch, pre_edge, autobk from araucaria.utils import check_objattrs fpath = get_testpath('dnd_glitchfile.dat') group = read_dnd(fpath, scan='fluo') # extracting fluo and mu_ref scans cgroup = group.copy() degli = deglitch(cgroup, update=True) attrs = ['index_glitches', 'energy_glitches', 'deglitch_pars'] check_objattrs(cgroup, Group, attrs) # [True, True, True] allclose(cgroup.energy_glitches,[cgroup.index_glitches]) # True print(cgroup.energy_glitches) # [7552.2789 7548.1747 7390.512 7387.2613] # plotting original and deglitched spectrum from araucaria.plot import fig_xas_template import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for g in [group, cgroup]: pre = pre_edge(g, update=True) autbk = autobk(g, update=True) fig, ax = fig_xas_template(panels='xe') line = ax[0].plot(, group.norm, label='original', color='tab:red') line = ax[0].plot(, cgroup.norm, label='degliched', color='k') line = ax[1].plot(group.k, group.k**2 * group.chi, color='tab:red') line = ax[1].plot(cgroup.k, cgroup.k**2 * cgroup.chi, color='k') leg = ax[0].legend() fig.tight_layout()