コード例 #1
def _handle_response(res, stype, gis, as_dict):
    Handles returning the data in the proper format

    ================    ===============================================================
    **Argument**        **Description**
    ----------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    res                 Required Dict.  The response dictionary from the query call.
    ----------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    stype               Required String. The search type to find. This tells the
                        internal method what type of return object should be used.
    ----------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    gis                 Required GIS. The connection object.
    ----------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
    as_dict             Required Boolean. If True, the response comes back as a dictionary.
    ================    ===============================================================

    :returns: List

    if as_dict:
        return res['results']
    elif str(stype).lower() in {"content", "item", "items", "group_content"}:
        return [Item(itemid=r['id'], itemdict=r, gis=gis) for r in res['results']]
    elif str(stype).lower() in ["user", "users", "accounts", "account"]:
        return [User(gis=gis, username=r['username'], userdict=res) for r in res['results']]
    elif str(stype).lower() in ["groups", 'group']:
        return [Group(groupdict=r, groupid=r['id'], gis=gis) for r in res['results']]
    return res['results']
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, workbook: Item) -> None:
     self._item_data = workbook.get_data()
     self._url = workbook.url
     self._owner = workbook.owner
     self._id = workbook.name
     self._workbook = workbook
コード例 #3
def get_project(project_id, gis):
    """ Loads and returns a workforce project.
        :param gis: An authenticated arcigs.gis.GIS object.
        :param project_id: The project's id.
        :returns: workforce.Project
    item = Item(gis, project_id)
    return workforce.Project(item)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, gis, itemid, itemdict=None, userdict=None):
        """Does not acount for cases where their are more than one search result"""

        self.item = Item(gis, itemid, itemdict=itemdict)
        if self.item.layers:
            self.lyr = self.item.layers[0]
            self.properties = self.lyr.properties
            self.fields = self.properties.fields
コード例 #5
    def result(self):
        Return the value returned by the call. If the call hasn't yet completed
        then this method will wait.

        :returns: object
        from arcgis.gis import Item
        if self.cancelled():
            return None
        res = self._future.result()
        if 'result' in res:
            if 'itemId' in res['result']:
                from arcgis.gis import Item
                return Item(gis=self._gis, itemid=res['result']['itemId'])
            elif 'itemsImported' in res['result']:
                return_result = {}
                return_result['itemsImported'] = [
                    Item(itemid=i['itemId'], gis=self._gis)
                    for i in res['result']['itemsImported'] if 'itemId' in i
                return_result['itemsSkipped'] = [
                    Item(i['itemId'], gis=self._gis)
                    for i in res['result']['itemsSkipped'] if 'itemId' in i
                return_result['itemsFailedImport'] = [
                    Item(i['itemId'], gis=self._gis)
                    for i in res['result']['itemsFailedImport']
                    if 'itemId' in i
                return return_result
            elif 'services' in res['result']:
                return [
                    Item(self._gis, t['serviceItemId'])
                    for t in res['result']['services'] if 'serviceItemId' in t
                return res

        return res
コード例 #6
def update_picklists(item_id, sql_schema, table_name, field_map):
    """Updates hosted csv file which is used by Survey123 in select_from_file questions.

    Updates the csv file hosted in ArcGIS Online / Portal. CSV linking must be used for
    'select_x_from_file' question types in the form, and content linking must be enabled on these
    forms. The field map dictionary shoould be constructed using the format {input_field: output_field}.
    Output tables must contain 'name' and 'label' fields at a minimum. Additional optional
    fields may be included to drive cascading select type questions. ArGIS Online or Portal
    login credentials must be saved in the Window Credential Manager as 'Generic Credentials'.
    Note: linked content csvs are currently only supported by the field application. Any changes
    made to picklists contained in linked content csv files will not be reflected in a Survey123 web

    item_id : str
        The item id of the target hosted .csv
    sql_schema : str
        String which represents the name of the schema which owns the SQL table
    table_name : str
        String which represents the name of the SQL table
    field_map : dict
        Dictionary of input SQL field names and their corresponding output csv field names

    portal_url = r'https://nps.maps.arcgis.com'  # Change to portal URL once migrated
    # Windows credentials will need to be updated as well. Maybe make variable?
    agol_credentials = get_credential(portal_url, 'GRCA_GIS')

    # Code to initiate connection to SQL server
    # Update to correct windows credentials. Maybe make variable?
    sql_credential = get_credential('sql_login', 'postgres')
    conn_dict = {
        'drivername': 'postgresql',  # Change drivername to correct driver for target platform
        'username': sql_credential.username,
        'password': sql_credential.password,
        'host': '',  # set to host IP or path
        'port': '5432'
    conn_url = URL.create(**conn_dict)
    engine = create_engine(conn_url)

    # Fetch item from AGOL/portal
    gis = GIS(url=portal_url,
    item = Item(gis, item_id)

    # Construct query string
    field_qry_list = []
    for key, value in field_map.items():
        field_qry_list.append(f'{key} AS {value}')
    field_string = ', '.join(field_qry_list)

    # Query SQL table
    sql_query = f'''SELECT {field_string} FROM {sql_schema}.{table_name};'''
    updated_table = read_sql_query(sql_query, engine)
    # Save to disk. Potential optimization is to use in-memory csv serialization, but I can't get it to work
    output = 'temp_csv.csv'
    updated_table.to_csv(output, index=False)
    # Push table to AGOL
    # Delete temporary csv file
コード例 #7
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:


        # if the invocation method is OPTION, just respond with 200 to let the client know the endpoint is working
        if req.method == 'OPTIONS':
            return func.HttpResponse(headers={
                'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS, POST, GET',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
                'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'

        # otherwise, if the request method is POST, get to work!
        elif req.method == 'POST':

            # extract the Object ID from the submitted feature
            req_str = req.get_body().decode('utf-8')
            req_dict = json.loads(req_str)
            feature_oid = req_dict['feature']['result']['objectId']

            logging.info(f'Feature Object ID: {feature_oid}')

            # retrieve values from environment file
            gis_url = os.getenv('GIS_URL')
            gis_username = os.getenv('GIS_USERNAME')
            gis_password = os.getenv('GIS_PASSWORD')
            feature_service_item_id = os.getenv('SURVEY_LAYER_ITEM_ID')
            feature_service_detection_field = os.getenv(
            feature_service_tags_field = os.getenv(
            azure_key = os.getenv('AZURE_KEY')
            azure_region_code = os.getenv('AZURE_REGION_CODE')
            tag_search_lst = ast.literal_eval(os.getenv('OBJECT_TAGS'))

            # connect to the web gis, and create a layer using the item ID
            gis = GIS(gis_url, username=gis_username, password=gis_password)
            lyr_pt = Item(gis, feature_service_item_id).layers[0]

            logging.info(f'Using layer {lyr_pt.url}')

            # get the image from the attachment list and create a url to access it
            attachment_lst = lyr_pt.attachments.get_list(feature_oid)
            attachment_id = attachment_lst[0]['id']
            image_url = f'{lyr_pt.url}/{feature_oid}/attachments/{attachment_id}?token={gis._con.token}'

                'Successfully processed JSON, now sending to computer vision.')
            logging.info(f'Image url: {image_url}')

            # determine if a weapon exists using computer vision, and format the responses
            vision = ComputerVision(azure_key, azure_region_code)
            tag_match_dict = vision.get_image_tag_match(
                image_url, tag_search_lst)
            detection_status = tag_match_dict['match_status']
            tags_assigned = ', '.join(tag_match_dict['tag_list'])

                f'Tags assigned by Azure Computer Vision: {tags_assigned}')
            logging.info(f'Object Detection Status: {detection_status}')

            # geat a feature object, modify the attribute to reflect the status, and push the results to ArcGIS Online
            feat = lyr_pt.query(object_ids=f'{feature_oid}').features[0]
            feat.attributes[feature_service_detection_field] = detection_status
            feat.attributes[feature_service_tags_field] = tags_assigned
            update_resp = lyr_pt.edit_features(updates=[feat])

            # if the process was successful, return success code
            if update_resp['updateResults'][0]['success']:

                    'Successfully processed image and updated feature service.'

                return func.HttpResponse(
                    'Successfully processed image and updated feature service.',

            # otherwise, let the user know not so great

                    'Although the image was successfully categorized, updating the feature service failed.'

                return func.HttpResponse(
                    'Although the image was successfully categorized, updating the feature service failed.',

        # if it isn't an OPTIONS or POST request, homie don't play 'dat.
            return func.HttpResponse(
                f'Request must be either a OPTIONS or POST. You submitted a {req.method}, which is unacceptable.',

    except ValueError as err:


        return func.HttpResponse(
            f'Request Data Type - {type(req)}\n' +
            f'Request Body Type - {type(req.get_body())}\n' +
            f'Request Body Decoded - {req_body}\n' +
            f'Request Body - {req.get_body()}\n' +
            f'Headers:\n {req.headers.__dict__["__http_headers__"]}\n' +
            f'Request Parameters - {req.params}\n' +
            f'Request Route Params - {req.route_params}\n' +
            f'\nError Message:\n\n{err}',
コード例 #8
def get_item_usage(gis_object, item_id, date_range='24H', as_df=False):
    item = Item(gis=gis_object, itemid=item_id)
    return item.usage(date_range=date_range, as_df=as_df)
コード例 #9
def update_maps(q, old_id, new_layer):
    # for each map on the server,
    # Find a reference to the new layer
    # In the map,
    #   Find the old layer
    #   Remove it
    #   Insert the new layer in the same place

    count = 0
    msg = ''
    maps = gis.content.search(q,
                              item_type="Web Map")
    print("Found %d maps." % len(maps))

    for map in maps:
        i_did_update = False

        map_info = "%s (%s) %s" % (map.title, map.owner, map.type)
        count += 1

        web_map = WEBMAP(map)
        for layer in web_map.layers:

            # I dont care about labels right now because i use a different workflow.
            # They can be directly replaced in Portal.
            #        if layer.layerType == 'VectorTileLayer' and layer.title == old_label_name:
            #           # I see you, old labels.
            #           print("county labels updated")
            #          i_did_update = True
            #           web_map.remove_layer(layer)

                layerId = layer.itemId
                layerType = layer.layerType
            except AttributeError:
                layerId = ''
                layerType = ''

            if layerType == 'ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer' and layerId == old_id:
                msg += map_info + "\n"
                msg += "\ttitle:\"%s\" id:%s itemId:%s\n" % (layer.title,
                                                             layer.id, layerId)

                print("new layer", new_id)

                # ALAS ALAS
                # this puts the "added" layer at the TOP of the layer list.
                # making this script, well, useless

                                  options={"title": "Clatsop County"})
                i_did_update = True
                print("32%s \"%s\" %s" % (layerId, layer.title, layerType))

        if i_did_update:

            # "update" will save changes made to the web map
            # alternatively "save" will create a new copy of the map.
            # Thumbnail can be a local file (to upload) or a URL.

            # UPDATE
            comment = "%s updated by \"%s\"" % (datestamp, myname)
            item = ITEM(gis, web_map.item.id)
            # SAVE
            old_title = web_map.item.title

            # I need to grab the existing thumbnail from Portal
            #watermarked_thumbnail = "thumbnail_" + datestring + ".jpg" 
            #watermark("thumbnail.jpg", watermarked_thumbnail, old_title, (0,200,200,128))
            # comment indicates new map created
            comment = "%s created from \"%s\" by \"%s\"" % (datestamp, web_map.item.title, myname)

            item = web_map.save(item_properties={
                # These are REQUIRED
                    "title":   "CHANGED " +  old_title + ' ' + datestamp, 
                    "snippet": web_map.item.snippet, 
                    "tags":    web_map.item.tags
                #thumbnail = watermarked_thumbnail,
#                folder = "TESTING_Brian"

    return count
コード例 #10
resultSorted = sorted(result)

# Create break values and labels
break0 = int(resultSorted[1])
label0 = "0 - " + str(break0)
break1 = int(resultSorted[2])
label1 = str(break0) + " - " + str(break1)
break2 = int(resultSorted[3])
label2 = str(break1) + " - " + str(break2)
break3 = int(resultSorted[4])
label3 = str(break2) + " - " + str(break3)

# bring webmap
webmapItem = '6ed1633b7839452fbd81455c411d22ab'
item = Item(gisuser, webmapItem, itemdict=None)
totalActionsMap = WebMap(item)

# modify webmap
# breaks
    'renderer']['classBreakInfos'][0]['classMaxValue'] = break0
    'renderer']['classBreakInfos'][1]['classMaxValue'] = break1
    'renderer']['classBreakInfos'][2]['classMaxValue'] = break2
    'renderer']['classBreakInfos'][3]['classMaxValue'] = break3

# labels
コード例 #11
    opsLayers = src.get_data()['operationalLayers']
    mapDestObj = arcgis.mapping.WebMap(des)
    mapDestObj.definition['operationalLayers'] = opsLayers

portal = GIS("https://" + src, src_admin, src_admin_pwd, verify_cert=False)

#loop through dictionary
for i in rollBackList:
    #define variables
    srcId = rollBackList[i]['source']
    desId = rollBackList[i]['destination']
    srcMap = Item(portal, srcId)
    destMap = Item(portal, desId)

    #print actions to check, if destination and source titels are different... you'll be fired
    print(" Source item title:      " + srcMap.title)
    print(" Destination item title: " + destMap.title)
    print("    SOURCE:      " + srcId)
    print("    DESTINATION: " + desId)

    #transfer begins
    if readOnly == False:
        transfer(srcMap, destMap)
        print("    Transfer Complete for this item")