コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, jid, password, configuration, name, auto_register=True, auto_reconnect=True):
        The constructor of the class.
        @type jid: string
        @param jid: the jid of the client.
        @type password: string
        @param password: the password of the JID account.
        @type configuration: Config object
        @param configuration: the configuration object
        @type name: string
        @param name: the name of the entity
        @type auto_register: Boolean
        @param auto_register: if rTue, entity will try to create a XMPP account if needed
        @type auto_reconnect: Boolean
        @param auto_reconnect: if True, entity will try to reconnect if disconnected
        self.name                   = name
        self.xmppstatus             = None
        self.xmppstatusshow         = None
        self.xmppclient             = None
        self.vCard                  = None
        self.password               = password
        self.jid                    = jid
        self.resource               = self.jid.getResource()
        self.roster                 = None
        self.roster_retreived       = False
        self.configuration          = configuration
        self.auto_register          = auto_register
        self.auto_reconnect         = auto_reconnect
        self.messages_registrar     = []
        self.isAuth                 = False
        self.loop_status            = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
        self.pubsubserver           = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "xmpp_pubsub_server")
        self.log                    = TNArchipelLogger(self)
        self.pubSubNodeEvent        = None
        self.pubSubNodeLog          = None
        self.entity_type            = "not-defined"
        self.permission_center      = None
        self.plugins                = [];

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):
            TNHookableEntity.__init__(self, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNAvatarControllableEntity):
            TNAvatarControllableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNTaggableEntity):
            TNTaggableEntity.__init__(self, self.pubsubserver, self.jid, self.xmppclient, self.permission_center, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNRosterQueryableEntity):
            TNRosterQueryableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)

        if self.name == "auto":
            self.name = self.resource

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):

            ## recover/create pubsub after connection
            self.register_hook("HOOK_ARCHIPELENTITY_XMPP_AUTHENTICATED", self.recover_pubsubs)

        self.log.info("jid defined as %s" % (str(self.jid)))

        ip_conf = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "machine_ip")
        if ip_conf == "auto":
            self.ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
            self.ipaddr = ip_conf
コード例 #2
class TNArchipelEntity (object):
    this class represent a basic XMPP Client

    def __init__(self, jid, password, configuration, name, auto_register=True, auto_reconnect=True):
        The constructor of the class.
        @type jid: string
        @param jid: the jid of the client.
        @type password: string
        @param password: the password of the JID account.
        @type configuration: Config object
        @param configuration: the configuration object
        @type name: string
        @param name: the name of the entity
        @type auto_register: Boolean
        @param auto_register: if rTue, entity will try to create a XMPP account if needed
        @type auto_reconnect: Boolean
        @param auto_reconnect: if True, entity will try to reconnect if disconnected
        self.name                   = name
        self.xmppstatus             = None
        self.xmppstatusshow         = None
        self.xmppclient             = None
        self.vCard                  = None
        self.password               = password
        self.jid                    = jid
        self.resource               = self.jid.getResource()
        self.roster                 = None
        self.roster_retreived       = False
        self.configuration          = configuration
        self.auto_register          = auto_register
        self.auto_reconnect         = auto_reconnect
        self.messages_registrar     = []
        self.isAuth                 = False
        self.loop_status            = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
        self.pubsubserver           = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "xmpp_pubsub_server")
        self.log                    = TNArchipelLogger(self)
        self.pubSubNodeEvent        = None
        self.pubSubNodeLog          = None
        self.entity_type            = "not-defined"
        self.permission_center      = None
        self.plugins                = [];

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):
            TNHookableEntity.__init__(self, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNAvatarControllableEntity):
            TNAvatarControllableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNTaggableEntity):
            TNTaggableEntity.__init__(self, self.pubsubserver, self.jid, self.xmppclient, self.permission_center, self.log)
        if isinstance(self, TNRosterQueryableEntity):
            TNRosterQueryableEntity.__init__(self, configuration, self.permission_center, self.xmppclient, self.log)

        if self.name == "auto":
            self.name = self.resource

        if isinstance(self, TNHookableEntity):

            ## recover/create pubsub after connection
            self.register_hook("HOOK_ARCHIPELENTITY_XMPP_AUTHENTICATED", self.recover_pubsubs)

        self.log.info("jid defined as %s" % (str(self.jid)))

        ip_conf = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "machine_ip")
        if ip_conf == "auto":
            self.ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
            self.ipaddr = ip_conf

    def initialize_modules(self, group):
        this will initializes all plugins
        @type group: string
        @param group: the name of the entry point group to load
        excluded_plugins = []
        loading_module_policy = self.configuration.get("GLOBAL", "module_loading_policy")
        if not loading_module_policy in ('restrictive', 'permissive'):
           self.log.error("PLUGIN: loading_module_policy in configuration must be set to 'restrictive' or 'permissive'. Consider this as a major failure.")
        for factory_method in iter_entry_points(group=group, name="factory"):
            method              = factory_method.load()
            plugins             = method(self.configuration, self, group)
            for plugin in plugins:
                plugin_info     = plugin["info"]

                if loading_module_policy == "restrictive":
                    if not self.configuration.has_option("MODULES", plugin_info["identifier"]):
                        self.log.info("PLUGIN: plugin %s has not been loaded as it is not desfined in configuration and loading mode is restrictive" % plugin_info["identifier"])
                elif loading_module_policy == "permissive":
                    if self.configuration.has_option("MODULES", plugin_info["identifier"]):
                        if not self.configuration.getboolean("MODULES", plugin_info["identifier"]):
                            self.log.info("PLUGIN: plugin %s has not been loaded as it is excluded by configuration" % plugin_info["identifier"])
                if plugin_info["configuration-section"]:
                    if not self.configuration.has_section(plugin_info["configuration-section"]):
                        self.log.error("PLUGIN: plugin %s needs configuration section with name [%s]" % (plugin_info["identifier"], plugin_info["configuration-section"]))
                    for needed_token in plugin_info["configuration-tokens"]:
                        if not self.configuration.has_option(plugin_info["configuration-section"], needed_token):
                            self.log.error("PLUGIN: plugin %s needs configuration option with name %s" % (plugin_info["identifier"], needed_token))
                self.log.info("PLUGIN: loaded plugin %s " % plugin_info["identifier"])

    def get_plugin(self, identifier):
        return the plugin object with given identifier
        @type identifier: string
        @param identifier: the identifier of the plugin
        @rtype: object
        @return: the requested plugin or None
        for plugin in self.plugins:
            if plugin["info"]["identifier"] == identifier:
                return plugin["plugin"]
        return None

    def check_acp(self, conn, iq):
        check is iq is a valid ACP and return action. it it's not valid,
        the will terminate the stanza processing and will return to the origin
        client a standard Archipel error IQ
        @type conn: xmpp connection
        @param conn: the current current XMPP connection
        @type iq: xmpp.Iq
        @param iq: the iq to check
        @rtype: string or none
        @return: if the ACP is valid, it will return the requested action.
        otherwise it'll send ARCHIPEL_NS_ERROR_QUERY_NOT_WELL_FORMED iq to the sender
        and raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed
            action = iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getAttr("action")
            self.log.info("acp received: from: %s, type: %s, namespace: %s, action: %s" % (iq.getFrom(), iq.getType(), iq.getQueryNS(), action))
            return action
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_NS_ERROR_QUERY_NOT_WELL_FORMED)
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed

    ### vocabulary

    def init_vocabulary(self):
        initialize the vocabulary
        if isinstance(self, TNRosterQueryableEntity):

    ### Permissions

    def init_permissions(self):
        Initializes the permissions
        overrides this to add custom permissions
        self.log.info("initializing permissions of %s" % self.jid)
        if isinstance(self, TNTaggableEntity):
        if isinstance(self, TNAvatarControllableEntity):
        self.permission_center.create_permission("all", "All permissions are granted", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("presence", "Authorizes users to request presences", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("message", "Authorizes users to send messages", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("permission_get", "Authorizes users to get all permissions", True)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("permission_getown", "Authorizes users to get only own permissions", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("permission_list", "Authorizes users to list existing", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("permission_set", "Authorizes users to set all permissions", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("permission_setown", "Authorizes users to set only own permissions", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("subscription_add", "Authorizes users add others in entity roster", False)
        self.permission_center.create_permission("subscription_remove", "Authorizes users remove others in entity roster", False)
        self.log.info("permissions of %s initialized" % self.jid)

    def check_perm(self, conn, stanza, action_name, error_code=-1, prefix=""):
        check if given from of stanza has a given permission
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type stanza: xmpp.Node
        @param stanza: the original stanza
        @type action_name: string
        @param action_name: the name of action to check permission
        @type error_code: int
        @param error_code: the return code of permission denied
        @type prefix: string
        @param prefix: the prefix of action_name (for example if permission if health_get and action is get, you can give 'health_' as prefix)
        self.log.info("checking permission for action %s%s asked by %s" % (prefix, action_name, stanza.getFrom()))
        if not self.permission_center.check_permission(str(stanza.getFrom().getStripped()), "%s%s" % (prefix, action_name)):
            conn.send(build_error_iq(self, "Cannot use '%s': permission denied" % action_name, stanza, code=error_code, ns=ARCHIPEL_NS_PERMISSION_ERROR))
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed

    ### Server connection

    def connect_xmpp(self):
        Initialize the connection to the the XMPP server
        exit on any error.
        @rtype: Boolean
        @return: True in case of success
        self.xmppclient = xmpp.Client(self.jid.getDomain(), debug=[]) #debug=['dispatcher', 'nodebuilder', 'protocol'])
        if self.xmppclient.connect() == "":
            self.log.error("unable to connect to XMPP server")
            if self.auto_reconnect:
                self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_RESTART
                return False
        self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_ON
        self.log.info("sucessfully connected")
        return True

    def auth_xmpp(self):
        Authentify the client to the XMPP server
        self.log.info("trying to authentify the client")
        if self.xmppclient.auth(self.jid.getNode(), self.password, self.resource) == None:
            self.isAuth = False
            if (self.auto_register):
                self.log.info("starting registration, according to propertie auto_register")
            self.log.error("bad authentication. exiting")
        self.log.info("sucessfully authenticated")
        self.isAuth = True
        self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_ON
        self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()

    def connect(self):
        Connect and auth to XMPP Server
        if self.xmppclient and self.xmppclient.isConnected():
            self.log.warning("trying to connect, but already connected. ignoring")
        if self.connect_xmpp():

    def disconnect(self):
        Close the connections from XMPP server
        if self.xmppclient and self.xmppclient.isConnected():
            self.isAuth = False
            self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
            self.log.warning("trying to disconnect, but not connected. ignoring")

    ### Pubsub

    def recover_pubsubs(self, origin, user_info, arguments):
        create or get the current hypervisor pubsub node.
        arguments here are used to be HOOK compliant see @register_hook
        TNTaggableEntity.recover_pubsubs(self, origin, user_info, arguments)
        # creating/getting the event pubsub node
        eventNodeName = "/archipel/" + self.jid.getStripped() + "/events"
        self.pubSubNodeEvent = archipelcore.pubsub.TNPubSubNode(self.xmppclient, self.pubsubserver, eventNodeName)
        if not self.pubSubNodeEvent.recover(wait=True):
            archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_ACCESS_MODEL: archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_ACCESS_MODEL_OPEN,
            archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION: 1,
            archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_PERSIST_ITEMS: 0,
            archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_NOTIFY_RECTRACT: 0,
            archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_DELIVER_PAYLOADS: 1,
        }, wait=True)
        # creating/getting the log pubsub node
        logNodeName = "/archipel/" + self.jid.getStripped() + "/logs"
        self.pubSubNodeLog = archipelcore.pubsub.TNPubSubNode(self.xmppclient, self.pubsubserver, logNodeName)
        if not self.pubSubNodeLog.recover(wait=True):
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_ACCESS_MODEL: archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_ACCESS_MODEL_OPEN,
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION: 1,
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_MAX_ITEMS: self.configuration.get("LOGGING", "log_pubsub_max_items"),
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_PERSIST_ITEMS: 1,
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_NOTIFY_RECTRACT: 0,
                archipelcore.pubsub.XMPP_PUBSUB_VAR_DELIVER_PAYLOADS: 1,
        }, wait=True)

    def remove_pubsubs(self):
        delete own entity pubsubs
        self.log.info("removing pubsub node for log")
        self.log.info("removing pubsub node for events")

    ### Basic handlers

    def register_handler(self):
        this method have to be overloaded in order to register handler for
        XMPP events
        if isinstance(self, TNTaggableEntity):
        if isinstance(self, TNAvatarControllableEntity):
        self.xmppclient.RegisterHandler('presence', self.process_presence)
        self.xmppclient.RegisterHandler('message', self.process_message, typ="chat")
        self.xmppclient.RegisterHandler('iq', self.process_permission_iq, ns=ARCHIPEL_NS_PERMISSIONS)
        self.xmppclient.RegisterHandler('iq', self.process_subscription_iq, ns=ARCHIPEL_NS_SUBSCRIPTION)
        for plugin in self.plugins:
            self.log.info("PLUGIN: registering stanza handler for plugin %s" % plugin["info"]["identifier"])
        self.log.info("handlers registred")

    ### Presence Management

    def process_presence(self, conn, presence):
        process presence stanzas
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type presence: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param presence: the received IQ
        if presence.getFrom().getStripped() == self.jid.getStripped():
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed
        if not presence.getType() in ("subscribe", "unsubscribe"):
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed
        self.log.info("presence stanza received from %s: %s" % (presence.getFrom(), presence.getType()))
        # update roster is necessary
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()
        typ = presence.getType()
        jid = presence.getFrom()
        self.log.info("managing subscribtion request with type %s" % presence.getType())
        # check permissions
        if not self.permission_center.check_permission(jid.getStripped(), "presence"):
            if typ == "subscribe":
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed
        # if everything is all right, process request
        if typ == "subscribe":
        elif typ == "unsubscribe":
        raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed

    ### Subscription Management

    def process_subscription_iq(self, conn, iq):
        process presence iq with namespace ARCHIPEL_NS_SUBSCRIPTION.
        this allows to ask entity to subscribe to others users
        it understands:
            - add
            - remove
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type presence: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param presence: the received IQ
        reply = None
        action = self.check_acp(conn, iq)
        self.check_perm(conn, iq, action, -1, prefix="subscription_")
        if action == "add":
            reply = self.iq_add_subscription(iq)
        elif action == "remove":
            reply = self.iq_remove_subscription(iq)
        if reply:
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed

    def iq_add_subscription(self, iq):
        add a JID in the entity roster
        @type iq: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param iq: the IQ containing the request
            reply = iq.buildReply("result")
            jid = xmpp.JID(iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getAttr("jid"))
            self.log.info("add jid %s into %s's roster" % (str(jid), str(self.jid)))
            self.permission_center.grant_permission_to_user("presence", jid.getStripped())
            self.push_change("permissions", "set")
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION)
        return reply

    def iq_remove_subscription(self, iq):
        remove a JID from the entity roster
        @type iq: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param iq: the IQ containing the request
            reply = iq.buildReply("result")
            jid = xmpp.JID(iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getAttr("jid"))
            self.permission_center.revoke_permission_to_user("presence", jid.getStripped())
            self.push_change("permissions", "set")
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION)
        return reply

    ### XMPP Utilities

    def change_presence(self, presence_show=None, presence_status=None):
        change the presence of the entity
        @type presence_show: string
        @param presence_show: the value of the XMPP show
        @type presence_status: string
        @param presence_status: the value of the XMPP status
        self.xmppstatus     = presence_status
        self.xmppstatusshow = presence_show
        self.log.info("status change: %s show:%s" % (self.xmppstatus, self.xmppstatusshow))
        pres = xmpp.Presence(status=self.xmppstatus, show=self.xmppstatusshow)

    def change_status(self, presence_status):
        change only the status of the entity
        @type presence_status: string
        @param presence_status: the value of the XMPP status
        self.xmppstatus = presence_status
        pres = xmpp.Presence(status=self.xmppstatus, show=self.xmppstatusshow)

    def push_change(self, namespace, change):
        push a change using archipel push system.
        this system will change with inclusion of pubsub
        @type namespace: string
        @param namespace: the namespace of the push. it will be prefixed with @ARCHIPEL_NS_IQ_PUSH
        @type change: string
        @param change: the change value (can be anything, like 'newvm' in the context of the namespace)
        ns = ARCHIPEL_NS_IQ_PUSH + ":" + namespace
        self.log.info("PUSH : pushing %s->%s" % (ns, change))
        push = xmpp.Node(tag="push", attrs={"date": datetime.datetime.now(), "xmlns": ns, "change": change})

    def shout(self, subject, message):
        send a message to everybody in roster
        @type subject: string
        @param subject: the xmpp subject of the message
        @type message: string
        @param message: the content of the message
        for barejid in self.roster.getItems():
            if self.jid.getStripped() == barejid:
            resources = self.roster.getResources(barejid)
            if len(resources) == 0:
                broadcast = xmpp.Message(body=message, typ="headline", to=barejid)
                self.log.info("SHOUTING : shouting message to %s" % (barejid))
                for resource in resources:
                    broadcast = xmpp.Message(body=message, typ="headline", to=barejid + "/" + resource)
                    self.log.info("SHOUTING : shouting message to %s" % (barejid))

    ### XMPP Roster

    def add_jid(self, jid, groups=[]):
        Add a jid to the VM Roster and authorizes it
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to add
        self.log.info("adding JID %s to roster of %s" % (str(jid), str(self.jid)))
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()
        self.roster.setItem(jid=jid.getStripped(), groups=groups)
        self.push_change("subscription", "added")

    def remove_jid(self, jid):
        Remove a jid from roster and unauthorizes it
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to remove
        self.log.info("%s is removing jid %s from it's roster" % (str(self.jid), str(jid)))
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()
        self.push_change("subscription", "removed")

    def subscribe(self, jid):
        perform a subscription. we do not user the xmpp.roster.Subscribe()
        because it doesn't support the name
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to remove
        self.log.info("%s is subscribing to jid %s" % (str(self.jid), str(jid)))
        presence = xmpp.Presence(to=jid, typ='subscribe')
        if self.name:
            presence.addChild(name="nick", namespace="http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", payload=self.name)

    def unsubscribe(self, jid):
        perform a unsubscription.
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to remove
        self.log.info("%s is unsubscribing from jid %s" % (str(self.jid), str(jid)))
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()

    def authorize(self, jid):
        authorize the given JID
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to remove
        self.log.info("%s is authorizing jid %s" % (str(self.jid), str(jid)))
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()

    def unauthorize(self, jid):
        unauthorize the given JID
        @type jid: xmpp.JID
        @param jid: this jid to remove
        self.log.info("%s is authorizing jid %s" % (str(self.jid), str(jid)))
        if not self.roster:
            self.roster = self.xmppclient.getRoster()

    def is_subscribed(self, jid):
        Check if the JID is authorized or not
        @type jid: string
        @param jid: the jid to check in policy
        @rtype : boolean
        @return: False if not subscribed or True if subscribed
            subs = self.roster.getSubscription(str(jid))
            self.log.info("stanza sent form authorized JID %s" % jid)
            if subs in ("both", "to"):
                return True
            return False
        except KeyError:
            self.log.info("stanza sent form unauthorized JID %s" % jid)
            return False

    ### VCARD management

    def manage_vcard(self):
        retrieve vCard from server
        self.log.info("asking for own vCard")
        node_iq = xmpp.Iq(typ='get')
        node_iq.addChild(name="vCard", namespace="vcard-temp")
        self.xmppclient.SendAndCallForResponse(stanza=node_iq, func=self.did_receive_vcard)

    def did_receive_vcard(self, conn, vcard):
        callback of manage_vcard()
        self.vCard = vcard.getTag("vCard")
        if self.vCard and self.vCard.getTag("PHOTO"):
            self.b64Avatar = self.vCard.getTag("PHOTO").getTag("BINVAL").getCDATA()
        self.log.info("own vcard retrieved")

    def set_vcard(self, params={}):
        allows to define a vCard type for the entry
        set the vcard of the entity
        @type params: dict
        @param params: the parameters of the vCard
            self.log.info("vcard making started")
            node_iq     = xmpp.Iq(typ='set', xmlns=None)
            type_node   = xmpp.Node(tag="ROLE")
            payload     = []
            if self.name:
                name_node = xmpp.Node(tag="FN")
            if self.configuration.getboolean("GLOBAL", "use_avatar"):
                if not self.b64Avatar:
                    if params and params["filename"]:
                node_photo_content_type = xmpp.Node(tag="TYPE")
                node_photo_data = xmpp.Node(tag="BINVAL")
                node_photo = xmpp.Node(tag="PHOTO", payload=[node_photo_content_type, node_photo_data])
            node_iq.addChild(name="vCard", payload=payload, namespace="vcard-temp")
            self.xmppclient.SendAndCallForResponse(stanza=node_iq, func=self.send_update_vcard)
            self.log.info("vcard information sent with type: %s" % self.entity_type)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.log.error("error during setting vcard (set_vcard) using stanza: %s EXCEPTION IS: %s" % (str(node_iq), str(ex)))

    def send_update_vcard(self, conn, presence, photo_hash=None):
        this method is called by set_vcard_entity_type when the update of the
        vCard is OK. It will send the presence stanza to indicates the update of
        the vCard
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type presence: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param presence: the received IQ
        @type photo_hash: string
        @param photo_hash: the SHA-1 hash of the photo that changes (optionnal)
        node_presence = xmpp.Presence(status=self.xmppstatus, show=self.xmppstatusshow)
        if photo_hash:
            node_photo_sha1 = xmpp.Node(tag="photo")
        node_presence.addChild(name="x", namespace='vcard-temp:x:update')
        self.log.info("vcard update presence sent")

    ### Inband registration management

    def inband_registration(self):
        Do a in-band registration if auth fail
        if not self.auto_register:
        self.log.info("trying to register with %s to %s" % (self.jid.getNode(), self.jid.getDomain()))
        iq = (xmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=self.jid.getDomain()))
        payload_username = xmpp.Node(tag="username")
        payload_password = xmpp.Node(tag="password")
        iq.setQueryPayload([payload_username, payload_password])
        self.log.info("registration information sent. wait for response")
        resp_iq = self.xmppclient.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq)
        if resp_iq.getType() == "error":
            self.log.error("unable to register : %s" % str(resp_iq))
        elif resp_iq.getType() == "result":
            self.log.info("the registration complete")
            self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_RESTART

    def inband_unregistration(self):
        Do a in-band unregistration
        self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_REMOVE_USER

    def process_inband_unregistration(self):
        perform the inband unregistration. The account will be removed
        from the server, and so, the loop will be interrupted
        self.log.info("trying to unregister")
        iq = (xmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=self.jid.getDomain()))
        remove_node = xmpp.Node(tag="remove")
        self.log.info("unregistration information sent. waiting for response")
        resp_iq = self.xmppclient.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq)
        if resp_iq.getType() == "result":
            self.log.info("account removed")
            self.log.error("unable to remove account: %s" % str(resp_iq))
        self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF

    ### XMPP Message registrars

    def process_message(self, conn, msg):
        Handler for incoming message.
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type msg: xmpp.Protocol.Message
        @param msg: the received message
            self.log.info("chat message received from %s to %s: %s" % (msg.getFrom(), str(self.jid), msg.getBody()))
            reply_stanza = self.filter_message(msg)
            reply = None
            if reply_stanza:
                if self.permission_center.check_permission(str(msg.getFrom().getStripped()), "message"):
                    reply = self.build_reply(reply_stanza, msg)
                    reply = msg.buildReply("I'm sorry, my parents aren't allowing me to talk to strangers")
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = msg.buildReply("Cannot process the message: error is %s" % str(ex))
        if reply:

    def add_message_registrar_item(self, item):
        Register a method described in item
        the item use the following form:
        {  "commands" :     ["command trigger 1", "command trigger 2"],
            "parameters":   [
                                {"name": "param1", "description": "the description of the first param"},
                                {"name": "param2", "description": "the description of the second param"}
            "method":       self.a_method_to_launch,
            "permissions":   "the permissions in a array you need to process the command",
            "description":  "A general description of the command"
        The "method" key take any method with type (string)aMethod(raw_command_message). The return string
        will be sent to the requester
        @type item: dictionnary
        @param item: the dictionnary describing the registrar item
        self.log.debug("module have registred a method %s for commands %s" % (str(item["method"]), str(item["commands"])))

    def add_message_registrar_items(self, items):
        register an array of item see @add_message_registrar_item
        @type item: array
        @param item: an array of messages_registrar items
        for item in items:

    def filter_message(self, msg):
        this method filter archipel push messages and archipel service messages
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the message
        @type msg: xmpp.Protocol.Message
        @param msg: the received message
        if not msg.getType() == ARCHIPEL_NS_SERVICE_MESSAGE and not msg.getType() == ARCHIPEL_NS_IQ_PUSH and not msg.getType() == "error" and msg.getBody():
            self.log.info("message received from %s (%s)" % (msg.getFrom(), msg.getType()))
            reply = msg.buildReply("not prepared")
            me = reply.getFrom()
            return reply
            self.log.info("message ignored from %s (%s)" % (msg.getFrom(), msg.getType()))
            return False

    def build_reply(self, reply_stanza, msg):
        parse the registrar and execute commands if necessary
        @type reply_stanza: xmpp.Node
        @param reply_stanza: the stanza to use to reply
        @type msg: xmpp.Protocol.Message
        @param msg: the received message
        body = "%s" % msg.getBody().lower()
        reply_stanza.setBody("I'm sorry, I've not understood what you mean. You can type 'help' to get all command I understand")
        if body.find("help", 0, len("help")) >= 0:
            loop = True
            for registrar_item in self.messages_registrar:
                for cmd in registrar_item["commands"]:
                    if body.find(cmd, 0, len(cmd)) >= 0:
                        granted = True
                        if "permissions" in registrar_item:
                            granted = self.permission_center.check_permissions(msg.getFrom().getStripped(), registrar_item["permissions"])
                        if granted:
                            m = registrar_item["method"]
                            resp = m(msg)
                            reply_stanza.setBody("Sorry, you do not have the needed permission to execute this command.")
                        loop = False
                if not loop:
        return reply_stanza

    def build_help(self, msg):
        build the help message according to the current registrar
        @type msg: xmpp.Protocol.Message
        @param msg: the received message
        @return the string containing the help message
        for registrar_item in self.messages_registrar:
            if not "ignore" in registrar_item:
                granted = True
                if "permissions" in registrar_item:
                    granted = self.permission_center.check_permissions(msg.getFrom().getStripped(), registrar_item["permissions"])
                if granted:
                    cmds = str(registrar_item["commands"])
                    desc = registrar_item["description"]
                    params = registrar_item["parameters"]
                    params_string = ""
                    for p in params:
                        params_string += "%s: %s\n" % (p["name"], p["description"])
                    if params_string == "":
                        params_string = "No parameters"
                        params_string = params_string[:-1]
                    resp += "%s: %s\n%s\n\n" % (cmds, desc, params_string)
        return resp

    ### Permission IQ

    def process_permission_iq(self, conn, iq):
        this method is invoked when a ARCHIPEL_NS_PERMISSIONS IQ is received.
        it understands IQ of type:
            - list
            - get
            - set
        @type conn: xmpp.Dispatcher
        @param conn: ths instance of the current connection that send the stanza
        @type iq: xmpp.Protocol.Iq
        @param iq: the received IQ
        reply = None
        action = self.check_acp(conn, iq)
        if not action == "getown":
            self.check_perm(conn, iq, action, -1, prefix="permission_")
        if action == "list":
            reply = self.iq_list_permission(iq)
        elif action == "set":
            reply = self.iq_set_permission(iq, onlyown=False)
        elif action == "setown":
            reply = self.iq_set_permission(iq, onlyown=True)
        elif action == "get":
            reply = self.iq_get_permission(iq, onlyown=False)
        elif action == "getown":
            reply = self.iq_get_permission(iq, onlyown=True)
        if reply:
            raise xmpp.protocol.NodeProcessed

    def iq_set_permission(self, iq, onlyown):
        set a list of permission
        @type iq: xmpp.Node
        @param iq: the original request IQ
        @type onlyown: Boolean
        @param onlyown: if True, will raise an exception if user trying to set permission for other user
            reply   = iq.buildReply("result")
            errors  = []
            perms   = iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getTags(name="permission")
            if onlyown:
                for perm in perms:
                    if not perm.getAttr("permission_target") == iq.getFrom().getStripped():
                        raise Exception("You cannot set permissions of other users")
            perm_targets = []
            for perm in perms:
                perm_type   = perm.getAttr("permission_type")
                perm_target = perm.getAttr("permission_target")
                perm_name   = perm.getAttr("permission_name")
                perm_value  = perm.getAttr("permission_value")
                if perm_type == "role":
                    if perm_value.upper() in ("1", "TRUE", "YES", "Y"):
                        if not self.permission_center.grant_permission_to_role(perm_name, perm_target):
                            errors.append("cannot grant permission %s on role %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                        if not self.permission_center.revoke_permission_to_role(perm_name, perm_target):
                            errors.append("cannot revoke permission %s on role %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                elif perm_type == "user":
                    if perm_value.upper() in ("1", "TRUE", "YES", "Y", "OUI", "O"):
                        self.log.info("granting permission %s to user %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                        if not self.permission_center.grant_permission_to_user(perm_name, perm_target):
                            errors.append("cannot grant permission %s on user %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                        self.log.info("revoking permission %s to user %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                        if not self.permission_center.revoke_permission_to_user(perm_name, perm_target):
                            errors.append("cannot revoke permission %s on user %s" % (perm_name, perm_target))
                    if perm_name == "presence":
                        if self.permission_center.check_permission(perm_target, "presence"):
                if not perm_target in perm_targets:
            if len(errors) > 0:
                reply = build_error_iq(self, str(errors), iq, ARCHIPEL_NS_PERMISSION_ERROR)
            for target in perm_targets:
                self.push_change("permissions", target)
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_SET_PERMISSIONS)
        return reply

    def iq_get_permission(self, iq, onlyown):
        return the list of permissions of a user
        @type iq: xmpp.Node
        @param iq: the original request IQ
        @type onlyown: Boolean
        @param onlyown: if True, will raise an exception if user trying to set permission for other user
            reply = iq.buildReply("result")
            nodes = []
            perm_type   = iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getAttr("permission_type")
            perm_target = iq.getTag("query").getTag("archipel").getAttr("permission_target")
            if onlyown and not perm_target == iq.getFrom().getStripped():
                raise Exception("You cannot get permissions of other users")
            if perm_type == "user":
                permissions = self.permission_center.get_user_permissions(perm_target)
                if permissions:
                    for perm in permissions:
                        nodes.append(xmpp.Node(tag="permission", attrs={"name": perm.name}))
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_GET_PERMISSIONS)
        return reply

    def iq_list_permission(self, iq):
        return the list of available permission
        @type iq: xmpp.Node
        @param iq: the original request IQ
            reply = iq.buildReply("result")
            nodes = []
            permissions = self.permission_center.get_permissions()
            if permissions:
                for perm in permissions:
                    nodes.append(xmpp.Node(tag="permission", attrs={"name": perm.name, "default": perm.defaultValue, "description": perm.description}))
        except Exception as ex:
            reply = build_error_iq(self, ex, iq, ARCHIPEL_ERROR_CODE_LIST_PERMISSIONS)
        return reply

    ### Loop

    def loop(self):
        This is the main loop of the client
        if self.loop_status == ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_ON:
        while not self.loop_status == ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF:
                if self.loop_status == ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_REMOVE_USER:
                if self.loop_status == ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_ON:
                    if self.xmppclient.isConnected():
                elif self.loop_status == ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_RESTART:
                    if self.xmppclient.isConnected():
            except Exception as ex:
                if str(ex).find('User removed') > -1: # ok, weird.
                    self.log.info("LOOP EXCEPTION: Account has been removed from server")
                    self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
                elif self.auto_reconnect:
                    self.log.error("LOOP EXCEPTION : Disconnected from server. Trying to reconnect in 5 five seconds")
                    t, v, tr = sys.exc_info()
                    self.log.error("TRACEBACK: %s" % traceback.format_exception(t, v, tr))
                    self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_RESTART
                    self.log.error("LOOP EXCEPTION : End of loop forced by exception : %s" % str(ex))
                    t, v, tr = sys.exc_info()
                    self.log.error("TRACEBACK: %s" % traceback.format_exception(t, v, tr))
                    self.loop_status = ARCHIPEL_XMPP_LOOP_OFF
        if self.xmppclient.isConnected():