コード例 #1
def process_ws(ws_fc, zone_name):

    # generate new zone ids
    DM.AddField(ws_fc, 'zoneid', 'TEXT', field_length=10)
    DM.CalculateField(ws_fc, 'zoneid', '!lagoslakeid!', 'PYTHON')
    ws_fc_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(ws_fc)

    # multipart
    DM.AddField(ws_fc, 'ismultipart', 'TEXT', field_length=2)
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(ws_fc, ['ismultipart', 'SHAPE@']) as u_cursor:
        for row in u_cursor:
            if row[1].isMultipart:
                row[0] = 'Y'
                row[0] = 'N'

    print("Edge flags...")
    # add flag fields
    DM.AddField(ws_fc, 'onlandborder', 'TEXT', field_length = 2)
    DM.AddField(ws_fc, 'oncoast', 'TEXT', field_length = 2)

    # identify border zones
    border_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(LAND_BORDER, 'border_lyr')
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation(ws_fc_lyr, 'INTERSECT', border_lyr)
    DM.CalculateField(ws_fc_lyr, 'onlandborder', "'Y'", 'PYTHON')
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(ws_fc_lyr, 'SWITCH_SELECTION')
    DM.CalculateField(ws_fc_lyr, 'onlandborder' ,"'N'", 'PYTHON')

    # identify coastal zones
    coastal_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(COASTLINE, 'coastal_lyr')
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation(ws_fc_lyr, 'INTERSECT', coastal_lyr)
    DM.CalculateField(ws_fc_lyr, 'oncoast', "'Y'", 'PYTHON')
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(ws_fc_lyr, 'SWITCH_SELECTION')
    DM.CalculateField(ws_fc_lyr, 'oncoast' ,"'N'", 'PYTHON')

    print("State assignment...")
    # States
    state_geo = r'D:\Continental_Limnology\Data_Working\LAGOS_US_GIS_Data_v0.6.gdb\Spatial_Classifications\state'
    find_states(ws_fc, STATES_GEO)
    # glaciation status?
    calc_glaciation(ws_fc, 'zoneid')

    # preface the names with the zones
    DM.DeleteField(ws_fc, 'ORIG_FID')
    fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(ws_fc, '*') if f.type not in ('OID', 'Geometry') and not f.name.startswith('Shape_')]
    for f in fields:
        new_fname = '{zn}_{orig}'.format(zn=zone_name, orig = f).lower()
            DM.AlterField(ws_fc, f, new_fname, clear_field_alias = 'TRUE')
        # sick of debugging the required field message-I don't want to change required fields anyway

    # cleanup
    lyr_objects = [lyr_object for var_name, lyr_object in locals().items() if var_name.endswith('lyr')]
    for l in lyr_objects:
コード例 #2
    def outputPMP(type, area, outPath):
        desc = arcpy.Describe(basin)
        basinName = desc.baseName
        pmpPoints = env.scratchGDB + "\\PMP_Points"  # Location of 'PMP_Points' feature class which will provide data for output

        outType = type[:1]
        outArea = str(int(round(area, 0))) + "sqmi"
        outFC = outType + "_" + outArea  #I don't think I need this.....
        arcpy.AddMessage("\nCopying PMP_Points feature class to " + outFC +
                         "...")  #outFC might be replaced with outpath...
            pmpPoints, outPath
        )  # merge the scratch feature layer(s) of vector grid cells into the outputs

        arcpy.AddMessage("\nCreating Basin Summary Table...")
        tableName = type + "_PMP_Basin_Average" + "_" + outArea
        tablePath = env.scratchGDB + "\\" + tableName
        dm.CreateTable(env.scratchGDB, tableName)  # Create blank table
        cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(
            "*")  # Create Insert cursor and add a blank row to the table
        del cursor

        dm.AddField(tablePath, "STORM_TYPE", "TEXT", "", "", 10,
                    "Storm Type")  # Create "Storm Type" field
        dm.CalculateField(tablePath, "STORM_TYPE", "'" + type + "'",
                          "PYTHON_9.3")  # populate storm type field

        i = 0
        for field in arcpy.ListFields(
                pmpPoints, "PMP_*"
        ):  # Add fields for each PMP duration and calculate the basin average
            fieldName = field.name
            fieldAve = basinAve(
                basin, fieldName
            )  # Calls the basinAve() function - returns the average (weighted or not)
            dm.AddField(tablePath, fieldName, "DOUBLE", "",
                        2)  # Add duration field
            dm.CalculateField(tablePath, fieldName, fieldAve,
                              "PYTHON_9.3")  # Assigns the basin average

            i += 1
        arcpy.AddMessage("\nSummary table complete.")


コード例 #3
def educ_to_xy(layer, out_dir, scaling_factor):
    levels = ["less_than_hs", "high_school", "some_college", "bachelors", "graduate"]
    for level in levels:
        trunc_level = level[0:10]
        # Add and calculate the new field
        field_name = level + str(scaling_factor)
        mg.AddField(layer, field_name, "SHORT")
        expr = "!{}! / {}".format(trunc_level, scaling_factor)
        mg.CalculateField(layer, field_name, expr)
        # Generate the dots
        out_dots = level + str(scaling_factor)
        mg.CreateRandomPoints(out_path = out_dir, out_name = out_dots, 
                              constraining_feature_class = layer, 
                              number_of_points_or_field = field_name)
コード例 #4
def georeference_lakes(
    Evaluate water quality sampling point locations and either assign the point to a lake polygon or flag the
    point for manual review.
    :param lake_points_fc:
    :param out_fc:
    :param lake_id_field:
    :param lake_name_field:
    :param lake_county_field:
    :param state:
    :param master_gdb: Location of master geodatabase used for linking
    master_lakes_fc = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_LAKES_FC)
    master_lakes_lines = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_LAKES_LINES)
    master_streams_fc = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_STREAMS_FC)
    master_xwalk = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_XWALK)

    # setup
    state = state.upper()
    if state not in STATES:
        raise ValueError('Use the 2-letter state code abbreviation')
    arcpy.env.workspace = 'in_memory'
    out_short = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out_fc))[0]
    join1 = '{}_1'.format(out_short)
    join2 = '{}_2'.format(out_short)
    join3 = '{}_3'.format(out_short)
    join3_select = join3 + '_select'
    join4 = '{}_4'.format(out_short)
    join5 = '{}_5'.format(out_short)
    joinx = '{}_x'.format(out_short)

    county_name_results = arcpy.ListFields(
        lake_points_fc, '{}*'.format(lake_county_field))[0].name
    if lake_county_field and not lake_county_field in county_name_results:
        print('{} field does not exist in dataset.'.format(lake_county_field))
        raise Exception

    point_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(lake_points_fc)]

    # update the lake id to a text field if not already
    lake_id_field_type = arcpy.ListFields(lake_points_fc,
    if lake_id_field_type != 'String':
        temp_id_field = '{}_t'.format(lake_id_field)
        arcpy.AddField_management(lake_points_fc, '{}_t'.format(lake_id_field),
                                  'TEXT', '255')
        expr = '!{}!'.format(lake_id_field)
        arcpy.CalculateField_management(lake_points_fc, temp_id_field, expr,
        arcpy.DeleteField_management(lake_points_fc, lake_id_field)

    # Try to make some spatial connections and fulfill some logic to assign a link
    join1 = AN.SpatialJoin(lake_points_fc,
    join2 = AN.SpatialJoin(join1,
    join3 = AN.SpatialJoin(join2,
                           search_radius='10 meters')
    join4 = AN.SpatialJoin(join3,
                           search_radius='100 meters')

    # setup for editing lake assignment values
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Auto_Comment', 'TEXT', field_length=100)
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Manual_Review', 'SHORT')
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Shared_Words', 'TEXT', field_length=100)
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Linked_lagoslakeid', 'LONG')
    DM.AddField(join4, 'GEO_Discovered_Name', 'TEXT', field_length=255)
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Duplicate_Candidate', 'TEXT', field_length=1)
    DM.AddField(join4, 'Is_Legacy_Link', 'TEXT', field_length=1)

    update_fields = [
        MASTER_GNIS_NAME,  # 0m match
        'GNIS_NAME_1',  # stream match
        MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_1',
        MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12',  # 10m match
        MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12',
        MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12_13',  # 100m match

    # use a cursor to go through each point and evaluate its assignment
    cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join4, update_fields)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating link status...")
    for row in cursor:
        id, name, mid_0, mname_0, stream_id, streamname_0, mid_10, mname_10, mid_100, mname_100, comment, review, words, lagosid = row
        if mid_0 is not None:  # if the point is directly in a polygon
            if name and mname_0:
                words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name,
            comment = 'Exact location link'
            lagosid = mid_0
            review = -1
        elif mid_0 is None and mid_10 is not None:  # if the point is only within 10m of a lake
            if name and mname_10:
                words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name,
            if words:
                comment = 'Linked by common name and location'
                lagosid = mid_10
                review = -1
                comment = 'Linked by common location'
                lagosid = mid_10
                review = 1
        elif mid_0 is None and mid_10 is None:
            if stream_id is not None:  # if there is a stream match
                comment = 'Not linked because represented as river in NHD'
                review = 2
                if mid_100 is not None:  # if the point is only within 100m of lake(s)
                    if name and mname_100:
                        words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(
                            name, mname_100, exclude_lake_words=True)
                # TODO: Frequency check
                    if words:
                        comment = 'Linked by common name and location'
                        lagosid = mid_100
                        review = 1
                        comment = 'Linked by common location'
                        lagosid = mid_100
                        review = 2
            (id, name, mid_0, mname_0, stream_id, streamname_0, mid_10,
             mname_10, mid_100, mname_100, comment, review, words, lagosid))

    # # So I haven't been able to get the county logic to work and it hasn't been that important yet, ignore for now
    # Select down to a minimum set because we're about to join on county, which will create lots of duplicate matches
    # Then join calculated results back to full set
    # if lake_county_field:
    #     join5 = AN.Select(join4, join5, 'Manual_Review IS NULL')
    #     lakes_state = AN.Select(MASTER_LAKES_FC, 'lakes_state', "{0} = '{1}'".format(MASTER_STATE_NAME, state))
    #     lakes_state_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(lakes_state, 'lakes_state_lyr')
    #     join5_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(join5, 'join5_lyr')
    #     DM.AddJoin(join5_lyr, lake_county_field, lakes_state_lyr, MASTER_COUNTY_NAME)
    #     join5_with_county = DM.CopyFeatures(join5_lyr, 'join5_with_cty')
    #     j5 = 'DEDUPED_CA_SWAMP_data_linked_5.'
    #     county_update_fields = [j5 + lake_id_field, j5 + lake_name_field, j5 + lake_county_field,
    #                             'lakes_state.' + MASTER_LAKE_ID, 'lakes_state.' + MASTER_GNIS_NAME, 'lakes_state.' + MASTER_COUNTY_NAME,
    #                             j5 + 'Auto_Comment', j5 + 'Manual_Review', j5 + 'Shared_Words',
    #                             j5 + 'Linked_lagoslakeid']
    #     with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join5_lyr, county_update_fields) as cursor:
    #         for row in cursor:
    #             id, name, county, mid_cty, mname_cty, mcounty, comment, review, words, lagosid = row
    #             if county is not None and mcounty is not None:
    #                 if name and mname_cty:
    #                     words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name, mname_cty, exclude_lake_words=True)
    #                 if words:
    #                     comment = 'PRELIMINARY: Linked by common name and location'
    #                     lagosid = mid_cty
    #                     review = 2
    #             cursor.updateRow((id, name, county, mid_cty, mname_cty, mcounty, comment, review, words, lagosid))
    #     DM.RemoveJoin(join5_lyr)
    #     join5_with_county = DM.CopyFeatures(join5_lyr, 'join5_with_county')
    #     # join5 = DM.JoinField(join5, lake_county_field, lakes_state, MASTER_COUNTY_NAME,
    #                          fields = [MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, MASTER_LAKE_ID, MASTER_GNIS_NAME])
    #     # This is a long way to make a join
    #     join_dict = {}
    #     with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lakes_state, [MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, MASTER_LAKE_ID, MASTER_GNIS_NAME]) as cursor:
    #         for row in cursor:
    #             join_value, val1, val2 = row
    #             join_dict[join_value] = [val1, val2]
    #     arcpy.AddField_management(join5, MASTER_LAKE_ID + 'cntyj', 'LONG')
    #     arcpy.AddField_management(join5, MASTER_GNIS_NAME + 'cntyj', 'TEXT', 255)
    #     with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(join5, [lake_county_field, MASTER_LAKE_ID + 'cntyj', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + 'cntyj']) as cursor:
    #         for row in cursor:
    #             key_value = row[0]
    #             words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words()
    #             if join_dict.has_key(key_value):
    #                 row[1] = join_dict[key_value][0]
    #                 row[2] = join_dict[key_value][1]
    #             else:
    #                 row[1] = None
    #                 row[2] = None
    #             cursor.updateRow(row)
    #     county_update_fields = [lake_id_field, lake_name_field, lake_county_field,
    #                 MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12_13_14', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12_13',  MASTER_COUNTY_NAME + '_12_13', # county
    #                  'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review', 'Shared_Words',
    #                  'Linked_lagoslakeid']
    #     cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join5, county_update_fields)
    #     for row in cursor:
    #         id, name, county, lagosid_cty, lagosname_cty, mcounty, comment, mreview, words, linked_lagosid = row
    #         if mcounty is not None:
    #             words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words()
    # else:
    #     join5 = join4

    if state in LAGOSNE_STATES:
        DM.JoinField(join4, lake_id_field, master_xwalk, 'lagosne_legacyid',
                     ['lagoslakeid', 'lagos_lakename', 'lagos_state'])
        update_fields = [
            MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12_13',
            'lagos_state',  # crosswalk match

        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join4, update_fields) as uCursor:
            for uRow in uCursor:
                id, name, mid_x, mname_x, state_x, comment, review, words, lagosid, legacy_flag = uRow
                # fields are populated already from links above. Revise only if legacy links
                if mid_x is not None:
                    if state == state_x:
                        legacy_flag = 'Y'  # set to Y regardless of whether using legacy comment if state matches
                    if comment != 'Exact location link':
                        review = 1
                        if state != state_x:
                            review = 3  # downgrade if states mismatch--border lakes OK, random common IDs NOT. Check.
                        legacy_flag = 'Y'
                        comment = 'LAGOS-NE legacy link'  # only comment non-exact location matches
                        lagosid = mid_x
                        if name and mname_x:
                            words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(
                                mname_x)  # update words only if legacy comment

                new_row = id, name, mid_x, mname_x, state_x, comment, review, words, lagosid, legacy_flag

        # # Undo the next line if you ever bring this chunk back.
    join5 = join4

    # then re-code the no matches as a 3 and copy comments to the editable field
    # compress the joined lake ids into one field
    # having two fields lets us keep track of how many of the auto matches are bad
    if arcpy.ListFields(join5, 'Comment'):
        comment_field_name = 'Comment_LAGOS'
        comment_field_name = 'Comment'

    DM.AddField(join5, comment_field_name, 'TEXT', field_length=100)
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            join5, ['Manual_Review', 'Auto_Comment', 'Comment']) as cursor:
        for flag, ac, comment in cursor:
            if flag is None:
                flag = 3
                ac = 'Not linked'
            comment = ac
            cursor.updateRow((flag, ac, comment))

    # Re-code points more than 100m into the polygon of the lake as no need to check
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(join5, 'join5_lyr')
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(master_lakes_lines, 'lake_lines_lyr')
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute('join5_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION',
                              "Auto_Comment = 'Exact location link'")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation('join5_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'lake_lines_lyr',
                             '100 meters', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', 'INVERT')
    DM.CalculateField('join5_lyr', 'Manual_Review', '-2', 'PYTHON')
    DM.Delete('join5_lyr', 'lake_lines_lyr')

    # Then make sure to only keep the fields necessary when you write to an output
    copy_fields = point_fields + [
        'Linked_lagoslakeid', 'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review',
        'Is_Legacy_Link', 'Shared_Words', 'Comment', 'Duplicate_Candidate',

    lagosGIS.select_fields(join5, out_fc, copy_fields)

    DM.AssignDomainToField(out_fc, 'Comment', 'Comment')

    DM.AddField(out_fc, 'Total_points_in_lake_poly', 'Short')

    # Remove any duplicates. (These originate from the join3/join4 transition because a point can be both
    # within 10m and 100m of lakes, this code takes the closest lake as true for my current sanity.)
    # Or, in other words, this is a hack solution.
    out_fc_fields = [
        f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(out_fc) if f.name != 'OBJECTID'
    DM.DeleteIdentical(out_fc, out_fc_fields)

    # Get the join_count for each limno lake ID
    # De-dupe anything resulting from limno ID duplicates first before counting
    id_pairs = list(
                                  [lake_id_field, 'Linked_lagoslakeid'])))
    # THEN pull out LAGOS id. Any duplicate now are only due to multiple distinct points within lake
    lagos_ids = [ids[1] for ids in id_pairs]
    sample_ids = [ids[0] for ids in id_pairs]
    lagos_lake_counts = Counter(lagos_ids)
    linked_multiple_lake_counts = Counter(sample_ids)

    # Get the count of points in the polygon
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
        ['Linked_lagoslakeid', 'Total_points_in_lake_poly']) as cursor:
        for lagos_id, join_count in cursor:
            join_count = lagos_lake_counts[lagos_id]
            cursor.updateRow((lagos_id, join_count))

    # Mark any samples linked to more than one lake so that the analyst can select the correct lake in the
    # manual process
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            out_fc, [lake_id_field, 'Duplicate_Candidate']) as cursor:
        for sample_id, duplicate_flag in cursor:
            duplicate_count = linked_multiple_lake_counts[sample_id]
            if duplicate_count > 1:
                duplicate_flag = "Y"
                duplicate_flag = "N"
            cursor.updateRow((sample_id, duplicate_flag))

    # clean up
    DM.AddField(out_fc, 'Note', 'TEXT', field_length=140)
コード例 #5
def process_zone(zone_fc, output, zone_name, zone_id_field, zone_name_field,
                 other_keep_fields, clip_hu8, lagosne_name):
    # dissolve fields by the field that zone_id is based on (the field that identifies a unique zone)
    dissolve_fields = [
        f for f in "{}, {}, {}".format(zone_id_field, zone_name_field,
                                       other_keep_fields).split(', ')
        if f != ''
    dissolve1 = DM.Dissolve(zone_fc, 'dissolve1', dissolve_fields)

    # update name field to match our standard
    DM.AlterField(dissolve1, zone_name_field, 'name')

    # original area

    DM.AddField(dissolve1, 'originalarea', 'DOUBLE')
    DM.CalculateField(dissolve1, 'originalarea', '!shape.area@hectares!',

    clip = AN.Clip(dissolve1, MASTER_CLIPPING_POLY, 'clip')
    if clip_hu8 == 'Y':
        final_clip = AN.Clip(clip, HU8_OUTPUT, 'final_clip')
        final_clip = clip

    # calc new area, orig area pct, compactness
    DM.AddField(final_clip, 'area_ha', 'DOUBLE')
    DM.AddField(final_clip, 'originalarea_pct', 'DOUBLE')
    DM.AddField(final_clip, 'compactness', 'DOUBLE')
    DM.JoinField(final_clip, zone_id_field, dissolve1, zone_id_field,

    uCursor_fields = [
        'area_ha', 'originalarea_pct', 'originalarea', 'compactness',
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(final_clip, uCursor_fields) as uCursor:
        for row in uCursor:
            area, orig_area_pct, orig_area, comp, shape_area, shape_length = row
            area = shape_area / 10000  # convert from m2 to hectares
            orig_area_pct = round(100 * area / orig_area, 2)
            comp = 4 * 3.14159 * shape_area / (shape_length**2)
            row = (area, orig_area_pct, orig_area, comp, shape_area,

    # if zones are present with <5% of original area and a compactness measure of <.2 (ranges from 0-1)
    # AND ALSO they are no bigger than 500 sq. km. (saves Chippewa County and a WWF), filter out
    # save eliminated polygons to temp database as a separate layer for inspection

    # Different processing for HU4 and HU8, so that they match the extent of HU8 more closely but still throw out tiny slivers
    # County also only eliminated if a tiny, tiny, tiny sliver (so: none should be eliminated)
    if zone_name not in ('hu4', 'hu12', 'county'):
        selected = AN.Select(
            final_clip, 'selected',
            "originalarea_pct >= 5 OR compactness >= .2 OR area_ha > 50000")
        not_selected = AN.Select(
            final_clip, '{}_not_selected'.format(output),
            "originalarea_pct < 5 AND compactness < .2 AND area_ha < 50000")

        selected = final_clip
    # eliminate small slivers, re-calc area fields, add perimeter and multipart flag
    # leaves the occasional errant sliver but some areas over 25 hectares are more valid so this is
    trimmed = DM.EliminatePolygonPart(selected,
                                      '25 Hectares',

    # gather up a few calculations into one cursor because this is taking too long over the HU12 layer
    DM.AddField(trimmed, 'perimeter_m', 'DOUBLE')
    DM.AddField(trimmed, 'multipart', 'TEXT', field_length=1)
    uCursor_fields = [
        'area_ha', 'originalarea_pct', 'originalarea', 'perimeter_m',
        'multipart', 'SHAPE@'
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(trimmed, uCursor_fields) as uCursor:
        for row in uCursor:
            area, orig_area_pct, orig_area, perim, multipart, shape = row
            area = shape.area / 10000  # convert to hectares from m2
            orig_area_pct = round(100 * area / orig_area, 2)
            perim = shape.length

            # multipart flag calc
            if shape.isMultipart:
                multipart = 'Y'
                multipart = 'N'
            row = (area, orig_area_pct, orig_area, perim, multipart, shape)

    # delete intermediate fields
    DM.DeleteField(trimmed, 'compactness')
    DM.DeleteField(trimmed, 'originalarea')

    print("Zone IDs....")
    # link to LAGOS-NE zone IDs
    DM.AddField(trimmed, 'zoneid', 'TEXT', field_length=40)
    trimmed_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(trimmed, 'trimmed_lyr')
    if lagosne_name:
        # join to the old master GDB path on the same master field and copy in the ids
        old_fc = os.path.join(LAGOSNE_GDB, lagosne_name)
        old_fc_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(old_fc, 'old_fc_lyr')
        if lagosne_name == 'STATE' or lagosne_name == 'COUNTY':
            DM.AddJoin(trimmed_lyr, zone_id_field, old_fc_lyr, 'FIPS')
            DM.AddJoin(trimmed_lyr, zone_id_field, old_fc_lyr,
                       zone_id_field)  # usually works because same source data

        # copy
        DM.CalculateField(trimmed_lyr, 'zoneid',
                          '!{}.ZoneID!.lower()'.format(lagosne_name), 'PYTHON')

    # generate new zone ids
    old_ids = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(trimmed, 'zoneid')]
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(trimmed, 'zoneid') as cursor:
        counter = 1
        for row in cursor:
            if not row[
                    0]:  # if no existing ID borrowed from LAGOS-NE, assign a new one
                new_id = '{name}_{num}'.format(name=zone_name, num=counter)

                # ensures new ids don't re-use old numbers but fills in all positive numbers eventually
                while new_id in old_ids:
                    counter += 1
                    new_id = '{name}_{num}'.format(name=zone_name, num=counter)
                row[0] = new_id
                counter += 1

    print("Edge flags...")
    # add flag fields
    DM.AddField(trimmed, 'onlandborder', 'TEXT', field_length=2)
    DM.AddField(trimmed, 'oncoast', 'TEXT', field_length=2)

    # identify border zones
    border_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(LAND_BORDER, 'border_lyr')
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation(trimmed_lyr, 'INTERSECT', border_lyr)
    DM.CalculateField(trimmed_lyr, 'onlandborder', "'Y'", 'PYTHON')
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(trimmed_lyr, 'SWITCH_SELECTION')
    DM.CalculateField(trimmed_lyr, 'onlandborder', "'N'", 'PYTHON')

    # identify coastal zones
    coastal_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(COASTLINE, 'coastal_lyr')
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation(trimmed_lyr, 'INTERSECT', coastal_lyr)
    DM.CalculateField(trimmed_lyr, 'oncoast', "'Y'", 'PYTHON')
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(trimmed_lyr, 'SWITCH_SELECTION')
    DM.CalculateField(trimmed_lyr, 'oncoast', "'N'", 'PYTHON')

    print("State assignment...")
    # State?
    DM.AddField(trimmed, "state", 'text', field_length='2')
    state_center = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(
    state_intersect = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(trimmed,
    state_center_dict = {
        row[0]: row[1]
        for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(state_center, ['ZoneID', 'STUSPS'])
    state_intersect_dict = {
        row[0]: row[1]
        for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(state_intersect, ['ZoneID', 'STUSPS'])
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(trimmed, ['ZoneID', 'state']) as cursor:
        for updateRow in cursor:
            keyValue = updateRow[0]
            if keyValue in state_center_dict:
                updateRow[1] = state_center_dict[keyValue]
                updateRow[1] = state_intersect_dict[keyValue]

    # glaciation status?
    # TODO as version 0.6

    # preface the names with the zones
    DM.DeleteField(trimmed, 'ORIG_FID')
    fields = [
        f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(trimmed, '*')
        if f.type not in ('OID',
                          'Geometry') and not f.name.startswith('Shape_')
    for f in fields:
        new_fname = '{zn}_{orig}'.format(zn=zone_name, orig=f).lower()
            DM.AlterField(trimmed, f, new_fname, clear_field_alias='TRUE')
        # sick of debugging the required field message-I don't want to change required fields anyway

    DM.CopyFeatures(trimmed, output)

    # cleanup
    lyr_objects = [
        lyr_object for var_name, lyr_object in locals().items()
        if var_name.endswith('lyr')
    temp_fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*')
    for l in lyr_objects + temp_fcs:
コード例 #6
# loop through all binary (0/1) grids, build the hypergrid
# with info stored in a single text column
for i in range(start, len(codeL)):
    elem = codeL[i]
    rasName = elem + "_c.tif"
    if rasName in rasL:
        if i == 0:
            inRas = inPath + "/" + rasName
            curHyp = wrk + "/hyp" + str(i)
            print("working on " + rasName)
            man.CopyRaster(inRas, curHyp)
            man.AddField(curHyp, "spp0", "TEXT", "", "", 251)
            man.AddField(curHyp, "temp", "SHORT", 1)
            expr = "str( !Value! )"
            man.CalculateField(curHyp, "spp0", expr, "PYTHON")
            iminus = i - 1
            prevHyp = wrk + "/hyp" + str(iminus)
            print("working on " + elem + ", " + str(i) + " of " + str(listLen))
            curHyp = Combine([prevHyp, rasName])
            curHyp.save(wrk + "/hyp" + str(i))
            man.AddField(curHyp, "spp0", "TEXT", "", "", 251)
            jval = "hyp" + str(iminus)
            man.JoinField(curHyp, jval, prevHyp, "VALUE", ["spp0"])
            rasNoDot = rasName[0:rasName.find(".")]
            newCol = rasNoDot[0:11].upper()
            expr = "str(!spp0_1!) + str(!" + newCol + "!)"
            man.CalculateField(curHyp, "spp0", expr, "PYTHON")
            #clean up
コード例 #7
    def basinAve(aoiBasin, pmpField):
        pmpPoints = env.scratchGDB + "\\PMP_Points"  # Path of 'PMP_Points' scratch feature class
        if weightedAve:
            arcpy.AddMessage("\tCalculating basin average for " + pmpField +
            vectorGridClip = env.scratchGDB + "\\VectorGridClip"  # Path of 'PMP_Points' scratch feature class
            sumstats = env.scratchGDB + "\\SummaryStats"

                home + "\\Input\Non_Storm_Data.gdb\\Vector_Grid",
                "vgLayer")  # make a feature layer of vector grid cells
                "vgLayer", "INTERSECT", aoiBasin
            )  # select the vector grid cells that intersect the aoiBasin polygon

            an.Clip("vgLayer", aoiBasin,
                    vectorGridClip)  # clips aoi vector grid to basin
                pmpPoints, "WEIGHT", "DOUBLE"
            )  # adds 'WEIGHT' field to PMP_Points scratch feature class
                vectorGridClip, "vgClipLayer"
            )  # make a feature layer of basin clipped vector grid cells
                pmpPoints, "pmpPointsLayer"
            )  # make a feature layer of PMP_Points feature class

            dm.AddJoin("pmpPointsLayer", "ID", "vgClipLayer",
                       "ID")  # joins PMP_Points and vectorGridBasin tables
                "pmpPointsLayer", "WEIGHT", "!vectorGridClip.Shape_Area!",
            )  # Calculates basin area proportion to use as weight for each grid cell.
            dm.RemoveJoin("pmpPointsLayer", "vectorGridClip")

            an.Statistics(pmpPoints, sumstats, [["WEIGHT", "SUM"]], "")
            stats = arcpy.SearchCursor(sumstats)
            pmpWgtAve = pmpField + "_WgtAve"

            for row in stats:
                calc = row.getValue("SUM_WEIGHT")
                express = "(!WEIGHT!/{})* !{}!".format(calc, pmpField)
                i = 0
                for field in arcpy.ListFields(pmpPoints, pmpField):
                    dm.AddField(pmpPoints, pmpWgtAve, "DOUBLE", 2)
                    dm.CalculateField(pmpPoints, pmpWgtAve, express,
                    i += 1
                del stats, row

            an.Statistics(pmpPoints, sumstats, [[pmpWgtAve, "SUM"]], "")
            sumwgtave = "SUM_" + pmpWgtAve
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sumstats, sumwgtave) as stats:
                for row in stats:
                    wgtAve = row[0]
                    return round(wgtAve, 2)

##            na = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(pmpPoints,(pmpField, 'WEIGHT'))                                 # Assign pmpPoints values and weights to Numpy array (na)
##            wgtAve = numpy.average(na[pmpField], weights=na['WEIGHT'])                                         # Calculate weighted average with Numpy average
##            del na
##            return round(wgtAve, 2)

            arcpy.AddMessage("\tCalculating basin average for " + pmpField +
                             "(not weighted)...")
            sumstats = env.scratchGDB + "\\SummaryStats"
            an.Statistics(pmpPoints, sumstats, [[pmpField, "MEAN"]], "")
            mean = "MEAN_" + pmpField
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sumstats, mean) as stats:
                for row in stats:
                    fieldAve = row[0]
                    return round(fieldAve, 2)
コード例 #8
 # don't assume i is the class level -- extract class here
 classLevel = hypZ[i][-1:]
 curZo = wrk + "/zon_C" + classLevel
 # cycle through each edm
 for j in range(len(rasL)):
     if j == 0:
         inRas = inPath + "/" + rasL[j] + "_c.tif"
         curZoT_out = wrk + "/zonTab_C" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)
         print(".. zoning " + rasL[j])
         curZoT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(hypZ[i], "Value", inRas,
                                         curZoT_out, "DATA", "MAXIMUM")
         man.CopyRaster(hypZ[i], curZo)
         man.AddField(curZo, "spp0", "TEXT", "", "", 251)
         man.JoinField(curZo, "Value", curZoT, "VALUE", ["MAX"])
         expr = "str( !MAX! )"
         man.CalculateField(curZo, "spp0", expr, "PYTHON")
         man.DeleteField(curZo, "MAX")
         #jminus = j-1
         inRas = inPath + "/" + rasL[j] + "_c.tif"
         print(".. zoning " + rasL[j])
         curZoT_out = wrk + "/zonTab_C" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)
         curZoT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(hypZ[i], "Value", inRas,
                                         curZoT_out, "DATA", "MAXIMUM")
         man.JoinField(curZo, "Value", curZoT, "VALUE", ["MAX"])
         expr = "str(!spp0!) + str(!MAX!)"
         man.CalculateField(curZo, "spp0", expr, "PYTHON")
         man.DeleteField(curZo, "MAX")
 # expand information out to one col for each spp.
コード例 #9
def classify_lakes(nhd,
    if debug_mode:
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        temp_gdb = cu.create_temp_GDB('classify_lake_connectivity')
        arcpy.env.workspace = temp_gdb
        arcpy.AddMessage('Debugging workspace located at {}'.format(temp_gdb))

        arcpy.env.workspace = 'in_memory'

    if arcpy.Exists("temp_fc"):
        print("There is a problem here.")
        raise Exception

    # Tool temporary feature classes
    temp_fc = "temp_fc"
    csiwaterbody_10ha = "csiwaterbody_10ha"
    nhdflowline_filtered = "nhdflowline_filtered"
    dangles = "dangles"
    start = "start"
    end = "end"
    startdangles = "startdangles"
    enddangles = "enddangles"
    non_artificial_end = "non_artificial_end"
    flags_10ha_lake_junctions = "flags_10ha_lake_junctions"
    midvertices = "midvertices"
    non10vertices = "non10vertices"
    non10junctions = "non10junctions"
    all_non_flag_points = "all_non_flag_points"
    barriers = "barriers"
    trace1_junctions = "trace1_junctions"
    trace1_flowline = "trace1_flowline"
    trace2_junctions = "trace2junctions"
    trace2_flowline = "trace2_flowline"

    # Clean up workspace in case of bad exit from prior run in same session.
    this_tool_layers = [
        "dangles_lyr", "nhdflowline_lyr", "junction_lyr", "midvertices_lyr",
        "all_non_flag_points_lyr", "non10vertices_lyr", "out_fc_lyr", "trace1",
    this_tool_temp = [
        temp_fc, csiwaterbody_10ha, nhdflowline_filtered, dangles, start, end,
        startdangles, enddangles, non_artificial_end,
        flags_10ha_lake_junctions, midvertices, non10vertices, non10junctions,
        all_non_flag_points, barriers, trace1_junctions, trace1_flowline,
        trace2_junctions, trace2_flowline
    for item in this_tool_layers + this_tool_temp:

    # Local variables:
    nhdflowline = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "NHDFLowline")
    nhdjunction = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "HYDRO_NET_Junctions")
    nhdwaterbody = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "NHDWaterbody")
    network = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "HYDRO_NET")

    # Get lakes, ponds and reservoirs over a hectare.
    #csi_population_filter = '''"AreaSqKm" >=0.01 AND\
    #"FCode" IN (39000,39004,39009,39010,39011,39012,43600,43613,43615,43617,43618,43619,43621)'''
    all_lakes_reservoirs_filter = '''"FType" IN (390, 436)'''

    # Can't see why we shouldn't just attribute all lakes and reservoirs
    # arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, "csiwaterbody", lake_population_filter)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Initializing output.")
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.CopyFeatures(out_feature_class, temp_fc)
        arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, temp_fc,

    # Get lakes, ponds and reservoirs over 10 hectares.
    lakes_10ha_filter = '''"AreaSqKm" >= 0.1 AND "FType" IN (390, 436)'''
    arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, csiwaterbody_10ha, lakes_10ha_filter)

    # Exclude intermittent flowlines, if requested
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        flowline_where_clause = '''"FCode" NOT IN (46003,46007)'''
        nhdflowline = arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdflowline, nhdflowline_filtered,

    # Make dangle points at end of nhdflowline
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, dangles, "DANGLE")
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(dangles, "dangles_lyr")

    # Isolate start dangles from end dangles.
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, start, "START")
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, end, "END")

    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("dangles_lyr", "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO", start)
    DM.CopyFeatures("dangles_lyr", startdangles)
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("dangles_lyr", "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO", end)
    DM.CopyFeatures("dangles_lyr", enddangles)

    # Special handling for lakes that have some intermittent flow in and some permanent
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.MakeFeatureLayer(nhdflowline, "nhdflowline_lyr")
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("nhdflowline_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
                                  '''"WBArea_Permanent_Identifier" is null''')
        DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints("nhdflowline_lyr", non_artificial_end,
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("nhdflowline_lyr", "CLEAR_SELECTION")

    arcpy.AddMessage("Found source area nodes.")

    # Get junctions from lakes >= 10 hectares.
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(nhdjunction, "junction_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT", csiwaterbody_10ha,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")

    DM.CopyFeatures("junction_lyr", flags_10ha_lake_junctions)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Found lakes >= 10 ha.")

    # Make points shapefile and layer at flowline vertices to act as potential flags and/or barriers.
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, midvertices, "MID")
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(midvertices, "midvertices_lyr")

    # Get vertices that are not coincident with 10 hectare lake junctions.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("midvertices_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("midvertices_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "SWITCH_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("midvertices_lyr", non10vertices)

    # Get junctions that are not coincident with 10 hectare lake junctions.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "SWITCH_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("junction_lyr", non10junctions)

    # Merge non10vertices with non10junctions
    DM.Merge([non10junctions, non10vertices],
             all_non_flag_points)  # inputs both point fc in_memory
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(all_non_flag_points, "all_non_flag_points_lyr")

    # Tests the counts...for some reason I'm not getting stable behavior from the merge.
    mid_n = int(DM.GetCount(non10vertices).getOutput(0))
    jxn_n = int(DM.GetCount(non10junctions).getOutput(0))
    merge_n = int(DM.GetCount(all_non_flag_points).getOutput(0))
    if merge_n < mid_n + jxn_n:
            "The total number of flags ({0}) is less than the sum of the input junctions ({1}) "
            "and input midpoints ({2})".format(merge_n, jxn_n, mid_n))

    # For tracing barriers, select all_non_flag_points points that intersect a 10 ha lake.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("all_non_flag_points_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             csiwaterbody_10ha, XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("all_non_flag_points_lyr", barriers)

    # Trace1-Trace downstream to first barrier (junctions+midvertices in 10 ha lake) starting from flags_10ha_lake_junctions flag points.
    DM.TraceGeometricNetwork(network, "trace1", flags_10ha_lake_junctions,
                             "TRACE_DOWNSTREAM", barriers)

    # Save trace1 flowlines and junctions to layers on disk.
                    trace1_junctions)  # extra for debugging
    DM.CopyFeatures("trace1\NHDFlowline", trace1_flowline)

    # Select vertice midpoints that intersect trace1 flowlines selection for new flags for trace2.
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(non10vertices, "non10vertices_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("non10vertices_lyr", "INTERSECT", trace1_flowline,
                             "", "NEW_SELECTION")

    # Trace2-Trace downstream from midpoints of flowlines that intersect the selected flowlines from trace1.
    DM.TraceGeometricNetwork(network, "trace2", "non10vertices_lyr",

    # Save trace1 flowlines and junctions to layers and then shapes on disk.
    DM.CopyFeatures("trace2\HYDRO_NET_Junctions", trace2_junctions)
                    trace2_flowline)  # extra for debugging
    arcpy.AddMessage("Done tracing.")

    # Make shapefile for seepage lakes. (Ones that don't intersect flowlines)
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        class_field_name = "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent"
        class_field_name = "Lake_Connectivity_Class"
    DM.AddField(temp_fc, class_field_name, "TEXT", field_length=13)
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(temp_fc, "out_fc_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", nhdflowline,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", nhdflowline, "",
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

    # New type of "Isolated" classification, mostly for "permanent" but there were some oddballs in "maximum" too
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", startdangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", enddangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "SUBSET_SELECTION")
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

    # Get headwater lakes.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", startdangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
        "out_fc_lyr", "REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION",
        '''"{}" = 'Isolated' '''.format(class_field_name))
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Headwater'""",

    # Select csiwaterbody that intersect trace2junctions
    arcpy.AddMessage("Beginning connectivity attribution...")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", trace2_junctions,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'DrainageLk'""",

    # Get stream drainage lakes. Either unassigned so far or convert "Headwater" if a permanent stream flows into it,
    # which is detected with "non_artificial_end"
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
                              '''"{}" IS NULL'''.format(class_field_name))
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"{}" = 'Headwater' '''.format(class_field_name))
        DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", non_artificial_end,
                                 XY_TOLERANCE, "SUBSET_SELECTION")
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",

        # Prevent 'upgrades' due to very odd flow situations and artifacts of bad digitization. The effects of these
        # are varied--to avoid confusion, just keep the class  assigned with all flowlines

        # 1--Purely hypothetical, not seen in testing
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Isolated' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" <> 'Isolated' '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

        # 2--Headwater to Drainage upgrade seen in testing with odd multi-inlet flow situation
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Headwater' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" IN ('Drainage', 'DrainageLk') '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Headwater'""",

        # 3--Drainage to DrainageLk upgrade seen in testing when intermittent stream segments were used
        # erroneously instead of artificial paths
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Drainage' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" = 'DrainageLk' '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("out_fc_lyr", "CLEAR_SELECTION")

        # Add change flag for users
        flag_codeblock = """def flag_calculate(arg1, arg2):
            if arg1 == arg2:
                return 'N'
                return 'Y'"""
        expression = 'flag_calculate(!Lake_Connectivity_Class!, !Lake_Connectivity_Permanent!)'
        DM.CalculateField(temp_fc, "Lake_Connectivity_Fluctuates", expression,
                          "PYTHON", flag_codeblock)

    # Project output once done with both. Switching CRS earlier causes trace problems.
    if not exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.CopyFeatures(temp_fc, out_feature_class)
        DM.Project(temp_fc, out_feature_class, arcpy.SpatialReference(102039))

    # Clean up
    if not debug_mode:
        for item in this_tool_layers + this_tool_temp:
            if arcpy.Exists(item):

    if not debug_mode:
    arcpy.AddMessage("{} classification is complete.".format(class_field_name))
コード例 #10
    def stats_area_table(zone_fc=zone_fc,
        def refine_zonal_output(t):
            """Makes a nicer output for this tool. Rename some fields, drop unwanted
                ones, calculate percentages using raster AREA before deleting that
            if is_thematic:
                value_fields = arcpy.ListFields(t, "VALUE*")
                pct_fields = [
                    '{}_pct'.format(f.name) for f in value_fields
                ]  # VALUE_41_pct, etc. Field can't start with number.

                # add all the new fields needed
                for f, pct_field in zip(value_fields, pct_fields):
                    arcpy.AddField_management(t, pct_field, f.type)

                # calculate the percents
                cursor_fields = ['AREA'] + [f.name
                                            for f in value_fields] + pct_fields
                uCursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(t, cursor_fields)
                for uRow in uCursor:
                    # unpacks area + 3 tuples of the right fields for each, no matter how many there are
                    vf_i_end = len(value_fields) + 1
                    pf_i_end = vf_i_end + len(pct_fields)

                    # pct_values and ha_values are both null at this point but unpack for clarity
                    area, value_values, pct_values = uRow[0], uRow[
                        1:vf_i_end], uRow[vf_i_end:pf_i_end]
                    new_pct_values = [100 * vv / area for vv in value_values]
                    new_row = [area] + value_values + new_pct_values

                for vf in value_fields:
                    arcpy.DeleteField_management(t, vf.name)

            arcpy.AlterField_management(t, 'COUNT', 'CELL_COUNT')
            drop_fields = ['ZONE_CODE', 'COUNT', 'AREA']
            if not debug_mode:
                for df in drop_fields:
                        arcpy.DeleteField_management(t, df)

        # Set up environments for alignment between zone raster and theme raster
        if isinstance(zone_fc, arcpy.Result):
            zone_fc = zone_fc.getOutput(0)
        this_files_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        common_grid = os.path.abspath('../common_grid.tif')
        env.snapRaster = common_grid
        env.cellSize = common_grid
        env.extent = zone_fc

        zone_desc = arcpy.Describe(zone_fc)
        zone_raster = 'convertraster'
        if zone_desc.dataType not in ['RasterDataset', 'RasterLayer']:
            zone_raster = arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(
            print('cell size is {}'.format(env.cellSize))
            zone_size = int(env.cellSize)
            zone_raster = zone_fc
            zone_size = min(
            raster_size = min(
            env.cellSize = min([zone_size, raster_size])
            print('cell size is {}'.format(env.cellSize))

        # I tested and there is no need to resample the raster being summarized. It will be resampled correctly
        # internally in the following tool given that the necessary environments are set above (cell size, snap).
        # # in_value_raster = arcpy.Resample_management(in_value_raster, 'in_value_raster_resampled', CELL_SIZE)
        if not is_thematic:
            arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Zonal Statistics...")
            temp_entire_table = arcpy.sa.ZonalStatisticsAsTable(
                zone_raster, zone_field, in_value_raster, 'temp_zonal_table',
                'DATA', 'MEAN')

        if is_thematic:
            # for some reason env.cellSize doesn't work
            # calculate/doit
            arcpy.AddMessage("Tabulating areas...")
            temp_entire_table = arcpy.sa.TabulateArea(
            # TabulateArea capitalizes the zone for some annoying reason and ArcGIS is case-insensitive to field names
            # so we have this work-around:
            zone_field_t = '{}_t'.format(zone_field)
            expr = '!{}!'.format(zone_field.upper())
            DM.CalculateField(temp_entire_table, zone_field_t, expr, 'PYTHON')
            DM.DeleteField(temp_entire_table, zone_field.upper())

            # replaces join to Zonal Stats in previous versions of tool
            # no joining, just calculate the area/count from what's produced by TabulateArea
            arcpy.AddField_management(temp_entire_table, 'AREA', 'DOUBLE')
            arcpy.AddField_management(temp_entire_table, 'COUNT', 'DOUBLE')

            cursor_fields = ['AREA', 'COUNT']
            value_fields = [
                f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(temp_entire_table, 'VALUE*')
            with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(temp_entire_table,
                                       cursor_fields) as uCursor:
                for uRow in uCursor:
                    area, count, value_fields = uRow[0], uRow[1], uRow[2:]
                    area = sum(value_fields)
                    count = round(
                        area / (int(env.cellSize) * int(env.cellSize)), 0)
                    new_row = [area, count] + value_fields

        arcpy.AddMessage("Refining output table...")

        arcpy.AddField_management(temp_entire_table, 'datacoveragepct',
        arcpy.AddField_management(temp_entire_table, 'ORIGINAL_COUNT', 'LONG')

        # calculate datacoveragepct by comparing to original areas in zone raster
        # alternative to using JoinField, which is prohibitively slow if zones exceed hu12 count
        zone_raster_dict = {
            row[0]: row[1]
            for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(zone_raster,
                                             [zone_field, 'Count'])
        temp_entire_table_dict = {
            row[0]: row[1]
            for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(temp_entire_table,
                                             [zone_field, 'COUNT'])

        sum_cell_area = float(env.cellSize) * float(env.cellSize)
        orig_cell_area = zone_size * zone_size

        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            [zone_field, 'datacoveragepct', 'ORIGINAL_COUNT']) as cursor:
            for uRow in cursor:
                key_value, data_pct, count_orig = uRow
                count_orig = zone_raster_dict[key_value]
                if key_value in temp_entire_table_dict:
                    count_summarized = temp_entire_table_dict[key_value]
                    data_pct = 100 * float((count_summarized * sum_cell_area) /
                                           (count_orig * orig_cell_area))
                    data_pct = None
                cursor.updateRow((key_value, data_pct, count_orig))

        # Refine the output

        # in order to add vector capabilities back, need to do something with this
        # right now we just can't fill in polygon zones that didn't convert to raster in our system
        stats_result = cu.one_in_one_out(temp_entire_table, zone_fc,
                                         zone_field, out_table)

        # Convert "datacoveragepct" and "ORIGINAL_COUNT" values to 0 for zones with no metrics calculated
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
            [zone_field, 'datacoveragepct', 'ORIGINAL_COUNT', 'CELL_COUNT'
             ]) as u_cursor:
            for row in u_cursor:
                # data_coverage pct to 0
                if row[1] is None:
                    row[1] = 0
                # original count filled in if a) zone outside raster bounds or b) zone too small to be rasterized
                if row[2] is None:
                    if row[0] in zone_raster_dict:
                        row[2] = zone_raster_dict[row[0]]
                        row[2] = 0
                # cell count set to 0
                if row[3] is None:
                    row[3] = 0

        # count whether all zones got an output record or not)
        out_count = int(
        in_count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(zone_fc).getOutput(0))
        count_diff = in_count - out_count

        # cleanup
        if not debug_mode:
            for item in [
                    'temp_zonal_table', temp_entire_table, 'convertraster'
            ]:  # don't add zone_raster, orig
        env.workspace = orig_env  # hope this prevents problems using list of FCs from workspace as batch

        return [stats_result, count_diff]