def _tri_tool(): """Triangulation for tool """ in_fc = sys.argv[1] tri_type = sys.argv[2] out_fc = sys.argv[3] xtent = sys.argv[4] desc = Describe(in_fc) SR = desc['spatialReference'] flds = ['SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y'] allpnts = False z = FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, flds, "", SR, allpnts) a = np.zeros((z.shape[0], 2), dtype='<f8') a[:, 0] = z['SHAPE@X'] a[:, 1] = z['SHAPE@Y'] # if tri_type == 'Delaunay': tweet("Delaunay... clip extent {}".format(xtent)) t = tri_pnts(a, True) # must be a list of list of points polys = poly(t, SR) if Exists(out_fc): Delete(out_fc) CopyFeatures(polys, "in_memory/temp") MakeFeatureLayer("in_memory/temp", "temp") if xtent not in ("", None): Clip("temp", xtent, out_fc, None) else: CopyFeatures("temp", out_fc) else: tweet("Voronoi... clip extent {}".format(xtent)) c = infinity_circle(a, fac=10) aa = np.vstack((a, c)) v = vor_pnts(aa, testing=False) polys = poly([v], SR) if Exists(out_fc): Delete(out_fc) CopyFeatures(polys, "in_memory/temp") MakeFeatureLayer("in_memory/temp", "temp") if xtent not in ( "", None, ): Clip("temp", xtent, out_fc, None) else: CopyFeatures("temp", out_fc)
def execute_ChannelCorrection(demras, boundary, riverbed, rivernet, breachedmnt, messages): arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = demras.spatialReference env.snapRaster = demras ends = CreateScratchName("loob", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") CopyFeatures(boundary, ends) AddField(ends, "dummy", "LONG", field_alias="dummy", field_is_nullable="NULLABLE") CalculateField(ends, "dummy", "1", "PYTHON") endsras = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolylineToRaster(ends, "dummy", endsras, "MAXIMUM_LENGTH", cellsize=demras) statpts = FocalStatistics(endsras, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MAXIMUM", "DATA") env.extent = demras rasterbed = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolygonToRaster(riverbed, arcpy.Describe(riverbed).OIDFieldName, rasterbed, "CELL_CENTER", cellsize=demras) rasterline = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolylineToRaster(rivernet, arcpy.Describe(rivernet).OIDFieldName, rasterline, cellsize=demras) streambed = Con(IsNull(rasterline), Con(IsNull(rasterbed) == 0, 1), 1) bedwalls = FocalStatistics(streambed, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MAXIMUM", "DATA") env.extent = bedwalls chanelev = Con(streambed, demras) chanmax = chanelev.maximum chanwalls = chanelev.minimum - 100 switchtemp = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) switchelev = -1 * (Con(IsNull(streambed), Con(bedwalls, Con(IsNull(statpts), chanwalls)), chanelev) - chanmax) Delete(statpts) Delete(chanelev) switchfilled = Fill(switchtemp) Delete(switchtemp) env.extent = demras breachedtemp = Con(IsNull(streambed), demras, (-1*switchfilled) + chanmax) Delete(bedwalls) Delete(endsras) Delete(rasterline) Delete(rasterbed) Delete(switchfilled) return
def tri_poly(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind, constrained=True): """Return the Delaunay triangulation of the poly* features.""" tmp = MultipartToSinglepart(in_fc, r"memory\in_fc_temp") # in_fc = tmp g, oids, shp_kind, k, m, SR = _in_(tmp, info="triangulate") out = g.triangulate(as_one=False, as_polygon=True) x, y = g.LL g0 = out.translate(dx=x, dy=y) if constrained: tmp_name = temp_fc(g0, "tmp", shp_kind, SR) # make temp featureclass tmp_lyr = MakeFeatureLayer(tmp_name) SelectLayerByLocation(tmp_lyr, "WITHIN", tmp, None, "NEW_SELECTION", "NOT_INVERT") out_name = gdb.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + name CopyFeatures(tmp_lyr, out_name) else: _out_(g0, gdb, name, shp_kind, SR) return
def geometry_fc(a, IFT, p_type=None, gdb=None, fname=None, sr=None): """Form poly features from the list of arrays created by `fc_geometry`. Parameters ---------- a : array or list of arrays Some can be object arrays, normally created by ``pnts_arr`` IFT : list/array Identifies which feature each input belongs to. This enables one to account for multipart shapes p_type : string Uppercase geometry type eg POLYGON. gdb : text Geodatabase path and name. fname : text Featureclass name. sr : spatial reference name or object Returns ------- Singlepart and/or multipart featureclasses. Notes ----- The work is done by ``array_poly``. """ if p_type is None: p_type = "POLYGON" out = array_poly(a, p_type.upper(), sr=sr, IFT=IFT) # call array_poly name = gdb + "/" + fname wkspace = env.workspace = 'memory' # legacy is in_memory CreateFeatureclass(wkspace, fname, p_type, spatial_reference=sr) AddField(fname, 'ID_arr', 'LONG') with InsertCursor(fname, ['SHAPE@', 'ID_arr']) as cur: for row in out: cur.insertRow(row) CopyFeatures(fname, name) return
def Geo_to_fc(geo, gdb=None, name=None, kind=None, SR=None): """Return a FeatureClass from a Geo array.""" SR = SR if kind in (None, 0, 1, 2): print("\n ``kind`` must be one of Polygon, Polyline or Point.") return None # # dx, dy = geo.LL # geo = geo.shift(dx, dy) polys = Geo_to_arc_shapes(geo, as_singlepart=True) out_name = gdb.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + name wkspace = env.workspace = 'memory' # legacy is in_memory tmp_name = "{}\\{}".format(wkspace, "tmp") if Exists(tmp_name): Delete(tmp_name) CreateFeatureclass(wkspace, "tmp", kind, spatial_reference=SR) AddField("tmp", 'ID_arr', 'LONG') with InsertCursor("tmp", ['SHAPE@', 'ID_arr']) as cur: for row in polys: cur.insertRow(row) CopyFeatures("tmp", out_name) return
def process(): class LicenseError(Exception): pass try: if CheckExtension("ImageAnalyst") == "Available": CheckOutExtension("ImageAnalyst") else: # raise a custom exception raise LicenseError # System Parameters tile_name = "FileName" # Begin Script temp_fc = join("in_memory", "temp_fc") CopyFeatures(in_fc, temp_fc) for f in file_names: AddField(temp_fc, f, "TEXT") df = pd.read_excel(in_xlsx, index_col=0) def attribute_tile(in_feature_class, in_tile_name, in_df, in_name, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name): with da.UpdateCursor(in_feature_class, [in_tile_name, in_name]) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: for df_i, df_r in in_df.iterrows(): url = df_r[xlsx_row_name] n = Path(url).stem t_name = fc_r[0] t_n = Path(t_name).stem if n.startswith(in_name) and t_n in n: fc_r[1] = url cursor.updateRow(fc_r) # Attribute the LiDAR Derivatives for n in file_names: attribute_tile(temp_fc, tile_name, df, n) def attribute_tile_lidar(in_feature_class, in_tile_name, in_df, in_name, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name): with da.UpdateCursor(in_feature_class, [in_tile_name, in_name]) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: for df_i, df_r in in_df.iterrows(): url = df_r[xlsx_row_name] n = split(url)[1] t_name = fc_r[0] if n == t_name: fc_r[1] = url cursor.updateRow(fc_r) # Attribute the LiDAR tile now AddField(temp_fc, in_lidar_format, "TEXT") attribute_tile_lidar(temp_fc, tile_name, df, in_lidar_format, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name) ''' # Print Fields for debugging/assessing results of above operations file_names.append(in_lidar_format) print(file_names) with da.SearchCursor(temp_fc, file_names) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: print(fc_r) ''' # Delete Pandas Dataframe from Memory del df # Copy in_memory temporary feature class to output location CopyFeatures(temp_fc, out_fc) # Delete Temporary Feature Class Delete(temp_fc) # Check back in Image Analyst license CheckInExtension("ImageAnalyst") except LicenseError: AddError("ImageAnalyst license is unavailable") print("ImageAnalyst license is unavailable") except ExecuteError: AddError(GetMessages(2)) print(GetMessages(2))