コード例 #1
    def getFile(self):
        @param: self
        @brief: Obtiene los datos del MXD seleccionado
        @return: None

        # Diálogo nativo para elegir fichero
        dlg = QFileDialog()
        # Solo mostrar archivos con extensión shp
        dlg.setFilter("shapefile (*.shp)")

        if dlg.exec_():
            # Obtenemos la ruta del archivo
            filepath = map(str, list(dlg.selectedFiles()))[0]

            # Eliminamos las capas (que hayan) en los dataframes

            # Mostramos la ruta en el label

            # Creamos la capa a partir de la ruta
            layer = mapping.Layer(filepath)

            # Añadimos la capa a los dataframes

            # Actualizamos la simbología de las capas del dataframe
                mapping.UpdateLayer(df, l, self.GRADUATED_COLORS)
                for df in self.dataframes
                for l in mapping.ListLayers(self.mxd, '', df)

            # Creamos una variable de clase que contendrá las capas
            self.layers = mapping.ListLayers(self.mxd)

            # Obtenemos los campos de la capa
            fieldnames = map(lambda x: x.name,
            # print fieldnames

            # Limpiamos los valores que haya en los comboboxes
            [combo.clear() for combo in self.comboboxes]
            # Añadimos los valores de los campos del shapefile
            [combo.addItems(fieldnames) for combo in self.comboboxes]
            #print self.mxd, self.dataframes, self.layers

            # Activamos los checkboxes
            [check.setEnabled(True) for check in self.checkboxes]
コード例 #2
type = "Erosion"  #Type of vector (Erosion or Deposition) user determined
layerLoc = (path + "15_Layers/" + vectorType + "_" + type + ".lyr")
source = mapping.Layer(layerLoc)
#target = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,'Vectors_' + type + '*',df)

for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
    if (
            df.name == 'ElevationChange'
    ):  #This is a user controlled variable - its whatever the dataframe you put the vectors into is called
        targets = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, 'Vectors_' + type + '*', df)
        for layer in targets:
            print("Updating " + layer.name)
            test = mapping.UpdateLayer(
                df, layer, source, True
            )  #make this a variable and call it in and see if its working

#For use in the python window in ArcMap - this saves time if you have more than 2 comparisons, otherwise manually changing is faster. You have to change the .lyr name and the targets name when switching to tidal and total. If you've already separated te vetors into individual data frames - then do not include line 46 and make the target layer more specific ex: 'Vectors_Erosion_Dune*', this will do a search through all the dataframes you have.

#>>> import arcpy.mapping as mapping
#>>> mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
#>>> source = mapping.Layer(r"M:\01_NPS\01_Gateway\01_SHU\05_Projects\KingmanMills\KM_2012-2019\15_Layers\Dune_erosion.lyr")
#>>> for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
#...     if (df.name == 'ElevationChange'):
#...         targets = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,'Vectors_Erosion*',df)
#...         for layer in targets:
#...             mapping.UpdateLayer(df,layer,source,True)
コード例 #3
                print "Saving as %s" % backup_mxd

                #shutil.copy(mapdoc, backup_mxd)

                # update and insert layer
                main_df = mp.ListDataFrames(mxd)[1]
                main_lyrs = mp.ListLayers(mxd, "", main_df)

                for lyr in main_lyrs:
                    lyr_name = lyr.name

                    if "Sea" in lyr_name:
                        lyr.transparency = 0
                    elif "Contours" in lyr_name:
                        print "Updating %s" % lyr_name
                        mp.UpdateLayer(main_df, lyr, ref_lyr)
                    elif "Bathymetry" in lyr_name:
                        print "Removing %s" % lyr_name
                        mp.RemoveLayer(main_df, lyr)
                        #print 'no'

                #save mapdoc

                #export map
                map_name = os.path.join(out_dir, mdoc_name)
                print "Exporting %s" % mapdoc
                mp.ExportToPNG(mxd, map_name, resolution=250)
コード例 #4
import arcpy.mapping as ma
mxd = ma.MapDocument("CURRENT")
df = ma.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
lyrs = ma.ListLayers(mxd, "IceUV*")
for i in range(len(lyrs)):
    ma.UpdateLayer(df, lyrs[i], lyrs[-1])
コード例 #5
ファイル: Experiment_one.py プロジェクト: JMbaozi/absorb
import arcpy.mapping as mapping

mxd = mapping.MapDocument(
df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
layer = mapping.Layer(
mapping.AddLayer(df, layer, "AUTO_ARRANGE")
# (2)插入图层
import arcpy.mapping as mapping

mxd = mapping.MapDocument(
df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0]
refLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Burg*", df)[0]  # 指定图层
insertLayer = mapping.Layer(
mapping.InsertLayer(df, refLayer, insertLayer, "BEFORE")

# 9 更新图层的符号系统
import arcpy.mapping as mapping

mxd = mapping.MapDocument(
df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0]
updateLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Crime Density by School District",
sourceLayer = mapping.Layer(
mapping.UpdateLayer(df, updateLayer, sourceLayer, True)
コード例 #6
# Set up loop for adding raster layers to MXD
for ras in rasList2:
    rasName2 = os.path.basename(ras[:-4])
    if "Per" in rasName2:
        outLyr = outlyrDir + rasName2 + ".lyr"
        tmpLyr = outlyrDir + rasName2
        rasProj = rasDir2 + rasName2 + "wbMerc.tif"
        ap.ProjectRaster_management(ras, rasProj, spatialRef)
        ap.MakeRasterLayer_management(rasProj, tmpLyr)
        ap.SaveToLayerFile_management(tmpLyr, outLyr)
        wrkLyr = mp.Layer(outLyr)
        # Update the symbology of the layers added
        if "fldext" in rasName2:
            wrkLyr.name = os.path.basename(rasProj[:-4])
            mp.UpdateLayer(df, wrkLyr, fldext_srcLyr, True)
        elif "wd" in rasName2:
            wrkLyr.name = os.path.basename(rasProj[:-4])
            mp.UpdateLayer(df, wrkLyr, wd_srcLyr, True)
        elif "fv" in rasName2:
            wrkLyr.name = os.path.basename(rasProj[:-4])
            mp.UpdateLayer(df, wrkLyr, fv_srcLyr, True)
        elif "crit" in rasName2:
            wrkLyr.name = os.path.basename(rasProj[:-4])
            mp.UpdateLayer(df, wrkLyr, crit_srcLyr, True)
        mp.AddLayer(df, wrkLyr)

# Create the vector to loop through
lyrVec = mp.ListLayers(df)

# To be safe, start by hiding all of the layers
コード例 #7
# Purpose:
# Author:      Eric
# Created:     05/04/2018
# Copyright:   (c) Eric 2018
# Licence:     <your licence>

# script uses UpdateLayer() function to update a number of layer properties,
# and save a file to a layer file (.lyr)

# import the module
import arcpy.mapping as mapping

# reference the currently active map document
mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")

# get a reference to the crime data frame
df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0]

# define the layer that will be updated
updateLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Crimes2009", df)[0]

# define the layer that will be used to update the properties
sourceLayer = mapping.Layer(r"C:\ArcpyBook\data\BurglariesNoForcedEntry.lyr")

# call the updatelayer() function to update the symbology
mapping.UpdateLayer(df, updateLayer, sourceLayer, "False")

## UpdateMxd.py
## results script without pseudocode

## Step 1
import arcpy.mapping as MAP

mxd = MAP.MapDocument(r"C:\Student\PYTH\Map_production\CorvallisMeters.mxd")
df = MAP.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]

## Step 2
updateLayer = MAP.ListLayers(df, "ParkingMeters")[0]
sourceLayer = MAP.Layer(r"C:\Student\PYTH\Map_production\ParkingMeters.lyr")
MAP.UpdateLayer(df, updateLayer, sourceLayer, True)

addLayer = MAP.Layer(r"C:\Student\PYTH\Map_production\Schools.lyr")
MAP.AddLayer(df, addLayer)

refLayer = MAP.ListLayers(df, "Schools")[0]

## This is the tricky step.  The order of the arguments appears to be backwards.
MAP.MoveLayer(df, refLayer, updateLayer, "BEFORE")

## Step 3
mxd.title = "Corvallis Meters Map"
elemList = MAP.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT")

for elem in elemList:
    if elem.name == "Corvallis Meters":
コード例 #9
    # Check if there is yk_adp in the new layers. If there is adp will be labeled turn off the labels for sp
    if 'yk_Address_Points' in fc_list and 'Surveyed_Parcels' in fc_list:
        sp_lyr = mp.ListLayers(mxd, 'Surveyed_Parcels', df)[0]
        sp_lyr.showLabels = False

    # Change the symbology of select base map layers to match adjusted settings
    for l_path in gms_base_symb_change:
        lyr = mp.Layer(l_path)
        lyr_name = os.path.split(l_path)[1].split('.')[0]

        map_lyr = mp.ListLayers(mxd, lyr_name, df)

        if len(map_lyr) == 0:

        mp.UpdateLayer(df, map_lyr[0], lyr)
        del lyr

    # Replace lyr data sources with project mdb's
    mxd.replaceWorkspaces(ATLAS_gdb, 'FILEGDB_WORKSPACE', working_mdb_path,
    mxd.replaceWorkspaces(yk_adp_GDB, 'FILEGDB_WORKSPACE', working_mdb_path,

    print 'Exporting Map'
    # Required variables
    base_name = os.path.split(f)[1].split('.')[0]
    mxd_out_file = os.path.join(out_directory,
                                '{}.mxd'.format(base_name))  # MXD out path
    # Save files logic
コード例 #10
def CreateMXD(srcMXD, srcSHPDirs, targetDir, srcLyrDirs, srcGeo, srcStyleName, srcXlsxWB, srcSubjects, srcLogo):
	mxd = amp.MapDocument(srcMXD)
	mxdDF0 = amp.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Main")[0]
	mxdDF1 = amp.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Index")[0]

	prCode = srcGeo['prCode']
	coCode = srcGeo['coCode']
	ciCode = srcGeo['ciCode']

	shpCity = srcSHPDirs['shpCity']
	shpCounty = srcSHPDirs['shpCounty']
	shpCounties = srcSHPDirs['shpCounties']
	shpRegion = srcSHPDirs['shpRegion']

	lyrCity = srcLyrDirs['lyrCity']
	lyrCounty = srcLyrDirs['lyrCounty']
	lyrCounties = srcLyrDirs['lyrCounties']

	srcLyrCity = amp.Layer(lyrCity)
	srcLyrCounty = amp.Layer(lyrCounty)
	srcLyrCounties = amp.Layer(lyrCounties)

	mxdLayer00 = amp.Layer(shpRegion)
	mxdLayer10 = amp.Layer(shpCity)
	mxdLayer11 = amp.Layer(shpCounty)
	mxdLayer12 = amp.Layer(shpCounties)

	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF0, mxdLayer00, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer12, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer11, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer10, "TOP")

	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[0]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCity, True)
	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[1]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCounty, True)
	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[2]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCounties, True)

	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF0)[0]
	fields = arcpy.ListFields(shpRegion)
	for field in fields:
		fieldName = field.name
		fieldCategory = fieldName[0:3]
		if fieldCategory in srcSubjects:
			lyrRegion = srcLyrDirs['lyrRegion'][fieldCategory]
			srcLyrRegion = amp.Layer(lyrRegion)
			amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrRegion, True)

			if addLayer.supports("LABELCLASSES"):
				for labelClass in addLayer.labelClasses:
					labelClass.showClassLabels = True
					labelClass.expression = "\"<CLR red = '0' green = '0' blue = '0'><FNT size = '10' name = 'B Yekan'>\" & [areaCode] & \"</FNT></CLR>\""
					addLayer.showLabels = True

			if addLayer.symbologyType == 'GRADUATED_COLORS':
				addLayer.symbology.valueField = fieldName
				labels = addLayer.symbology.classBreakLabels
					addLayer.symbology.classBreakLabels = createRanges(labels)
					print('Error in Symbology | %s' % fieldName)

			style0 = amp.ListStyleItems("USER_STYLE", "Legend Items", srcStyleName)[0]
			mxd_legend = amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "LEGEND_ELEMENT")[0]
			mxd_legend.title = ""
			mxd_legend.updateItem(addLayer, style0)

			for element in amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "PICTURE_ELEMENT"):
				elementName = element.name
				if elementName == 'Logo':
					element.sourceImage = srcLogo

			variableKeys = srcXlsxWB.sheet_by_index(0).row(0)
			colId = findInCellArray(variableKeys, fieldName)
			mapTitles = srcXlsxWB.sheet_by_index(0).cell_value(1, colId)

			for sheet in srcXlsxWB.sheets():
				sheetName = sheet.name
				if sheetName == 'total':
					countryValue = sheet.cell_value(2, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'province':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(prCode))

					provinceName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					provinceValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'county':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(coCode))
					countyName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					countyValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'city':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(ciCode))

					cityName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					cityName0 = cityName[0: len(cityName) - 1]
					cityName1 = cityName[len(cityName) - 1]
					if (isStrNumber(cityName1)):
						cityName = Utf8ToUnicode('منطقه ') + cityName1 + Utf8ToUnicode('شهر ') + cityName0
						cityName = Utf8ToUnicode('شهر ') + cityName
					cityValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'unit':
					unitText = sheet.cell_value(2, colId)

			for element in amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT"):
				elementName = element.name
				if elementName == 'elLegend':
					mapTitles = maskTitle(" ".join(mapTitles.split()))
					defWidth = 8
					element.fontSize = 16
					element.text = mapTitles

					if element.elementWidth >= defWidth:
						words = mapTitles.split(' ')
						lines = []
						line = []
						tmp = ''
						itr = 0
						while itr < len(words):
							word = words[itr]
							itr += 1
							tmp += word + ' '
							element.text = tmp
							if element.elementWidth >= defWidth:
								line = []
								tmp = ''
								itr = itr - 1
							if itr == len(words):
								count = 0
								for l in lines:
									count += len(l)
								if count < len(words):

						mapTitlesNew = ''
						for jj in range(0, len(lines)):
							lineStr = " ".join(lines[jj])
							mapTitlesNew += lineStr
							if jj < len(lines) - 1:
								mapTitlesNew += "\n"

						element.text = mapTitlesNew

				elif elementName == 'elUnit' or elementName == 'elUnit2':
					element.text = unitText
				elif elementName == 'countryValue':
					element.text = round(countryValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elProvinceTitle':
					element.text = Utf8ToUnicode('مناطق شهری استان ') + provinceName
				elif elementName == 'provinceValue':
					element.text = round(provinceValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elCountyTitle':
					element.text = Utf8ToUnicode('مناطق شهری شهرستان ') + countyName
				elif elementName == 'countyValue':
					element.text = round(countyValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elCityTitle':
					element.text = cityName
				elif elementName == 'cityValue':
					element.text = round(cityValue,2)

				mxd_name = targetDir['mxd'] + "//" + fieldName + ".mxd"
			except arcpy.ExecuteError:

				mxd_jpg_name = targetDir['jpg'] + fieldName + ".jpg"
				amp.ExportToJPEG(mxd, mxd_jpg_name, resolution=300)
				# multiprocessing.freeze_support()
				# p = multiprocessing.Process(target=test, args=(mxd.__getattribute__('filePath'), mxd_jpg_name))
				# p.start()
				# p.join()
			except arcpy.ExecuteError: