def main(thisDB, coordSystem, nCrossSections): # create feature dataset GeologicMap addMsgAndPrint(' Creating feature dataset GeologicMap...') try: arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(thisDB, 'GeologicMap', coordSystem) except: addMsgAndPrint(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) # create feature classes in GeologicMap # poly feature classes featureClasses = ['MapUnitPolys'] for fc in ['DataSourcePolys', 'MapUnitOverlayPolys', 'OverlayPolys']: if fc in OptionalElements: featureClasses.append(fc) for featureClass in featureClasses: fieldDefs = tableDict[featureClass] if addLTYPE and fc <> 'DataSourcePolys': fieldDefs.append(['PTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 50]) createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'GeologicMap', featureClass, 'POLYGON', fieldDefs) # line feature classes featureClasses = ['ContactsAndFaults'] for fc in ['GeologicLines', 'CartographicLines', 'IsoValueLines']: if fc in OptionalElements: featureClasses.append(fc) if debug: addMsgAndPrint('Feature classes = ' + str(featureClasses)) for featureClass in featureClasses: fieldDefs = tableDict[featureClass] if featureClass in ['ContactsAndFaults', 'GeologicLines'] and addLTYPE: fieldDefs.append(['LTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 50]) createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'GeologicMap', featureClass, 'POLYLINE', fieldDefs) # point feature classes featureClasses = [] for fc in [ 'OrientationPoints', 'GeochronPoints', 'FossilPoints', 'Stations', 'GenericSamples', 'GenericPoints' ]: if fc in OptionalElements: featureClasses.append(fc) for featureClass in featureClasses: fieldDefs = tableDict[featureClass] if addLTYPE: fieldDefs.append(['PTTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 50]) createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'GeologicMap', featureClass, 'POINT', fieldDefs) # create feature dataset CorrelationOfMapUnits if 'CorrelationOfMapUnits' in OptionalElements: addMsgAndPrint(' Creating feature dataset CorrelationOfMapUnits...') arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(thisDB, 'CorrelationOfMapUnits') fieldDefs = tableDict['CMUMapUnitPolys'] createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'CorrelationOfMapUnits', 'CMUMapUnitPolys', 'POLYGON', fieldDefs) fieldDefs = tableDict['CMULines'] createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'CorrelationOfMapUnits', 'CMULines', 'POLYLINE', fieldDefs) fieldDefs = tableDict['CMUPoints'] createFeatureClass(thisDB, 'CorrelationOfMapUnits', 'CMUPoints', 'POINT', fieldDefs) # create CrossSections if nCrossSections > 26: nCrossSections = 26 if nCrossSections < 0: nCrossSections = 0 # note space in position 0 alphabet = ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' for n in range(1, nCrossSections + 1): xsLetter = alphabet[n] xsName = 'CrossSection' + xsLetter xsN = 'CS' + xsLetter #create feature dataset CrossSectionA addMsgAndPrint(' Creating feature data set CrossSection' + xsLetter + '...') arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(thisDB, xsName) fieldDefs = tableDict['MapUnitPolys'] if addLTYPE: fieldDefs.append(['PTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 100]) fieldDefs[0][0] = xsN + 'MapUnitPolys_ID' createFeatureClass(thisDB, xsName, xsN + 'MapUnitPolys', 'POLYGON', fieldDefs) fieldDefs = tableDict['ContactsAndFaults'] if addLTYPE: fieldDefs.append(['LTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 100]) fieldDefs[0][0] = xsN + 'ContactsAndFaults_ID' createFeatureClass(thisDB, xsName, xsN + 'ContactsAndFaults', 'POLYLINE', fieldDefs) fieldDefs = tableDict['OrientationPoints'] if addLTYPE: fieldDefs.append(['PTTYPE', 'String', 'NullsOK', 100]) fieldDefs[0][0] = xsN + 'OrientationPoints_ID' createFeatureClass(thisDB, xsName, xsN + 'OrientationPoints', 'POINT', fieldDefs) # create tables tables = ['DescriptionOfMapUnits', 'DataSources', 'Glossary'] for tb in [ 'RepurposedSymbols', 'StandardLithology', 'GeologicEvents', 'MiscellaneousMapInformation' ]: if tb in OptionalElements: tables.append(tb) for table in tables: addMsgAndPrint(' Creating table ' + table + '...') try: arcpy.CreateTable_management(thisDB, table) fieldDefs = tableDict[table] for fDef in fieldDefs: try: if fDef[1] == 'String': arcpy.AddField_management(thisDB + '/' + table, fDef[0], transDict[fDef[1]], '#', '#', fDef[3], '#', transDict[fDef[2]]) else: arcpy.AddField_management(thisDB + '/' + table, fDef[0], transDict[fDef[1]], '#', '#', '#', '#', transDict[fDef[2]]) except: addMsgAndPrint('Failed to add field ' + fDef[0] + ' to table ' + table) addMsgAndPrint(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) except: addMsgAndPrint(arcpy.GetMessages()) ### GeoMaterials addMsgAndPrint(' Setting up GeoMaterials table and domains...') # Copy GeoMaterials table arcpy.Copy_management( os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/../Resources/GeMS_lib.gdb/GeoMaterialDict', thisDB + '/GeoMaterialDict') # make GeoMaterials domain arcpy.TableToDomain_management(thisDB + '/GeoMaterialDict', 'GeoMaterial', 'IndentedName', thisDB, 'GeoMaterials') # attach it to DMU field GeoMaterial arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(thisDB + '/DescriptionOfMapUnits', 'GeoMaterial', 'GeoMaterials') # Make GeoMaterialConfs domain, attach it to DMU field GeoMaterialConf arcpy.CreateDomain_management(thisDB, 'GeoMaterialConfidenceValues', '', 'TEXT', 'CODED') for val in GeoMaterialConfidenceValues: arcpy.AddCodedValueToDomain_management(thisDB, 'GeoMaterialConfidenceValues', val, val) arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(thisDB + '/DescriptionOfMapUnits', 'GeoMaterialConfidence', 'GeoMaterialConfidenceValues') #Confidence domains, Glossary entries, and DataSources entry if addConfs: addMsgAndPrint( ' Adding standard ExistenceConfidence and IdentityConfidence domains' ) # create domain, add domain values, and link domain to appropriate fields addMsgAndPrint( ' Creating domain, linking domain to appropriate fields') arcpy.CreateDomain_management(thisDB, 'ExIDConfidenceValues', '', 'TEXT', 'CODED') for item in DefaultExIDConfidenceValues: # items are [term, definition, source] code = item[0] arcpy.AddCodedValueToDomain_management(thisDB, 'ExIDConfidenceValues', code, code) arcpy.env.workspace = thisDB dataSets = arcpy.ListDatasets() for ds in dataSets: arcpy.env.workspace = thisDB + '/' + ds fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in fcs: fieldNames = fieldNameList(fc) for fn in fieldNames: if fn in ('ExistenceConfidence', 'IdentityConfidence', 'ScientificConfidence'): #addMsgAndPrint(' '+ds+'/'+fc+':'+fn) arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management( thisDB + '/' + ds + '/' + fc, fn, 'ExIDConfidenceValues') # add definitions of domain values to Glossary addMsgAndPrint(' Adding domain values to Glossary') ## create insert cursor on Glossary cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor( thisDB + '/Glossary', ['Term', 'Definition', 'DefinitionSourceID']) for item in DefaultExIDConfidenceValues: cursor.insertRow((item[0], item[1], item[2])) del cursor # add definitionsource to DataSources addMsgAndPrint(' Adding definition source to DataSources') ## create insert cursor on DataSources cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(thisDB + '/DataSources', ['DataSources_ID', 'Source', 'URL']) cursor.insertRow(( 'FGDC-STD-013-2006', 'Federal Geographic Data Committee [prepared for the Federal Geographic Data Committee by the U.S. Geological Survey], 2006, FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization: Reston, Va., Federal Geographic Data Committee Document Number FGDC-STD-013-2006, 290 p., 2 plates.', '')) del cursor # if cartoReps, add cartographic representations to all feature classes # trackEdits, add editor tracking to all feature classes and tables if cartoReps or trackEdits: arcpy.env.workspace = thisDB tables = arcpy.ListTables() datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets() for dataset in datasets: addMsgAndPrint(' Dataset ' + dataset) arcpy.env.workspace = thisDB + '/' + dataset fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in fcs: hasReps, repLyr = cartoRepsExistAndLayer(fc) if cartoReps and hasReps: addMsgAndPrint( ' Adding cartographic representations to ' + fc) try: arcpy.AddRepresentation_cartography( fc, fc + '_rep1', 'RuleID1', 'Override1', default, repLyr, 'NO_ASSIGN') """ Note the 1 suffix on the representation name (fc+'_rep1') and the RuleID1 and Override1 fields. If at some later time we wish to add additional representations to a feature class, each will require it's own RuleID and Override fields which may be identified, and tied to the appropriate representation, by suffixes 2, 3, ... Naming representations fc+'_rep'+str(n) should be sufficient to identify each representation in a geodatabase uniquely, and allow for multiple representations within a single feature class. It appears that ArcGIS provides no means of scripting an inventory of representations within feature class or geodatabase. So, the convenience of establishing a coded-value domain that ties representation rule IDs (consecutive integers) to some sort of useful text identifier becomes a necessity for flagging the presence of a representation: One CAN script the inventory of domains in a geodatabase. Run arcpy.da.ListDomains. Check the result for names of the form <featureClassName>_rep??_Rule and voila, you've got a list of representations (and their associated feature classes) in the geodatabase. Moral: If you add a representation, be sure to add an associated coded-value domain and name it appropriately! """ except: addMsgAndPrint(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) if trackEdits: addTracking(fc) if trackEdits: addMsgAndPrint(' Tables ') arcpy.env.workspace = thisDB for aTable in tables: if aTable <> 'GeoMaterialDict': addTracking(aTable)
repName = 'FLOWFLG_0' ruleField = 'RuleID_FLOWFLG_0' overrideField = 'Override_FLOWFLG_0' pctRule = [(.25, '25'), (.33, '33'), (.5, '50'), (1, '100')] else: repName = 'FLOWFLG_1' ruleField = 'RuleID_FLOWFLG_1' overrideField = 'Override_FLOWFLG_1' pctRule = [(.25, '25'), (.33, '33'), (.5, '50'), (.66, '66'), (.75, '75'), (1, '100')] arcpy.SetLayerRepresentation_cartography(cascadeFlowTemplate_lyr, repName) editingOption = 'STORE_CHANGE_AS_OVERRIDE' assignOption = 'NO_ASSIGN' arcpy.AddRepresentation_cartography(cascadeFlowFC, repName, ruleField, overrideField, editingOption, cascadeFlowTemplate_lyr, assignOption) # Execute Calculate Representation Rule for each flow percentage rule txt = 'Execute Calculate Representation Rule for each flow percentage rule ({0})...'.format( cascadeFlowFCname) arcpy.AddMessage(txt) arcpy.env.workspace = outGDB tempCascadeFlow_lyr = cascadeFlowFCname[:7] + ' ' + cascadeFlowFCname[ 7:11] + ' ' + cascadeFlowFCname[11:18] + ' ' + cascadeFlowFCname[19:] arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(cascadeFlowFCname, tempCascadeFlow_lyr) for pct, rule in pctRule: expression = '\"CASC_PCT\" = ' + str(pct) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tempCascadeFlow_lyr, 'NEW_SELECTION', str(expression))