arcpy.AddJoin_management('FrontLyr', fc[:-4] + 'APN', 'BackLyr', fc[:-4] + 'APN') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', fc + "_Back.Proc IS NOT NULL") arcpy.CalculateField_management('FrontLyr', fc + '_Front.BackYard_Area', 'getVal(!' + fc + '_Back.Shape_Area!)', 'PYTHON_9.3', codeblock) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.RemoveJoin_management('FrontLyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('BackLyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', "Proc IS NULL") arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion('BackLyr', output, fc + '_noFYBack') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('BackLyr', 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(output + '\\' + fc + '_noFYBack', 'NoFYBack_Lyr') arcpy.Append_management('NoFYBack_Lyr', 'FrontLyr', 'NO_TEST') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', 'BackYard_Area IS NULL') arcpy.CalculateField_management('FrontLyr', 'BackYard_Area', 'getVal(!Shape_Area!)', 'PYTHON_9.3', codeblock) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('NoFYBY_Lyr', 'FrontLyr', 'NO_TEST') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', "FrontYard_Area IS NULL AND BackYard_Area IS NULL") arcpy.CalculateField_management('FrontLyr', 'NA_Area', 'getVal(!Shape_Area!)', 'PYTHON_9.3', codeblock) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('FrontLyr', 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.AddField_management('FinalOut', 'SUM_SUM_FRONT_YD', 'DOUBLE') arcpy.AddField_management('FinalOut', 'SUM_SUM_BACK_YD', 'DOUBLE') arcpy.AddField_management('FinalOut', 'SUM_SUM_NA_YD', 'DOUBLE')
def parcelFlag(reviewName, reviewType, sourceFC, fieldCalculation, whereClause, outputFC, workspace, parcels, parcelDict): reviewLayer = reviewType + '_' + reviewName reviewField = 'CODE' if reviewType == zonB else 'OVERLAY_NAME' if reviewType == zonO else reviewName + 'ReviewReason' print reviewField if '_Buffer' in reviewName: print('Buffering') arcpy.Buffer_analysis(sourceFC, reviewLayer, '500 Feet') else: print('Creating Local FC for ' + reviewName) arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( sourceFC, workspace, reviewLayer, whereClause) # All FCs except for Zoning are copied to LIGISDB if outputFC: print('Copying FC to GISLNI') arcpy.AddField_management(reviewLayer, reviewField, 'TEXT') arcpy.CalculateField_management(reviewLayer, reviewField, fieldCalculation) arcpy.AddField_management(reviewLayer, 'REVIEW_TYPE', 'TEXT', field_length=2000) arcpy.CalculateField_management(reviewLayer, 'REVIEW_TYPE', '"' + reviewName + '"') arcpy.DeleteRows_management(outputFC) arcpy.Append_management(reviewLayer, outputFC, 'NO_TEST') """ print('Performing Intersect') #Create polygons where review polygons overlap with parcels arcpy.Intersect_analysis([parcels]+[reviewLayer], IntersectOutput, 'ALL') print('Intersect Complete') """ arcpy.Delete_management(reviewLayer) """ #To ensure no slivers are included a thiness ratio and shape area are calculated for intersecting polygons actualFields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(IntersectOutput)] print actualFields arcpy.AddField_management(IntersectOutput, 'ThinessRatio', 'FLOAT') arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(IntersectOutput, 'AREA', Area_Unit='SQUARE_FEET_US') arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(IntersectOutput, 'PERIMETER_LENGTH', 'FEET_US') arcpy.CalculateField_management(IntersectOutput, 'ThinessRatio', "4 * 3.14 * !POLY_AREA! / (!PERIMETER! * !PERIMETER!)", 'PYTHON_9.3') fieldList = ['PARCELID', 'ADDRESS', 'DISTRICT', 'Corner', 'GROSS_AREA', 'POLY_AREA', 'ThinessRatio', reviewField] IntersectCursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(IntersectOutput, fieldList) countin = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(IntersectOutput).getOutput(0)) count = 0 print('Found ' + str(countin) + ' records in input table') breaks = [int(float(countin) * float(b) / 100.0) for b in range(10, 100, 10)] for row in IntersectCursor: count += 1 if count in breaks: print('Parsing Intersect FC ' + str(int(round(count * 100.0 / countin))) + '% complete...') #Only polygons with a thiness ratio of over 0.3 and a parcel coverage of more than 3% are included in analysis if row[1] != '' and row[1] is not None and row[7] != '': #and row[6] > 0.3 and (row[5] / float(row[4])) > 0.03 : #If parcel has not made it into dictionary, parcel gets a new entry added if row[0] not in parcelDict and reviewType != zonB and reviewType != zonO: tempDict = {'Address': row[1], 'PAC': [], 'PCPC': [], 'TempPCPC': [], 'PHC': [], 'PWD': [], 'SteepSlope': 0, 'Floodplain': 0, 'CornerProp': row[3], 'ParcelArea': row[4], 'BaseZoning': [], 'OverlayZoning': [], 'District': row[2]} tempDict[reviewType] = [row[7]] if fieldCalculation == '"100 Year Flood Plain"': tempDict['Floodplain'] = 1 if fieldCalculation == '"Steep Slope"': tempDict['SteepSlope'] = 1 parcelDict[row[0]] = tempDict #If parcel already exists, its current dictionary entry is appended with new review information elif row[0] in parcelDict: tempDict = parcelDict.get(row[0]) oldList = tempDict.get(reviewType) #The set function removes all duplicates from list tempDict[reviewType] = list(set([row[7]] + oldList)) if fieldCalculation == '"100 Year Flood Plain"': tempDict['Floodplain'] = 1 if fieldCalculation == '"Steep Slope"': tempDict['SteepSlope'] = 1 parcelDict[row[0]] = tempDict arcpy.Delete_management(IntersectOutput) """ return parcelDict
in_file = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) out_file = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) ##in_file = 'g:/beijing/summer' ##out_file = 'g:/beijing/summer/convert' if os.path.exists(out_file) == False: os.makedirs(out_file) gg = os.listdir(in_file) ff = [] for f in gg: if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.kml' or os.path.splitext[f][1] == '.kmz': ff.append(f) arcpy.AddMessage(ff) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_file, 'result.shp', 'POLYGON') arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join(out_file, 'result.shp'), 'Name', 'TEXT') out_feature = os.path.join(out_file, 'result.shp') for i in range(len(ff)): in_file1 = os.path.join(in_file, ff[i]) arcpy.KMLToLayer_conversion(in_file1, out_file) arcpy.AddMessage(ff[i] + 'has been succesfully converted') arcpy.Append_management( os.path.join( os.path.join(out_file, os.path.splitext(ff[i])[0] + '.gdb'), 'Placemarks_polygon'), out_feature, 'NO_TEST') arcpy.AddMessage(ff[i] + 'has been succesfully added to the result feature')
def main(config_file, *args): # Set overwrite output option to True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True if isfile(config_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: print "INI file not found." sys.exit() # Config File localaddresses = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localaddresses') communityaddresseslocalcopy = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'communityaddresseslocalcopy') localfips = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localfips') SiteAddressID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'siteaddressid') AddressPointID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addresspointid') AddressNumberPrefix = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressnumberprefix') AddressNumberSuffix = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressnumbersuffix') FullAddressNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fulladdressnumber') AddressRange = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressrange') AddressUnitType = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressunittype') AddressUnitNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressunitnumber') AlternateAddressUnitType = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'alternateaddressunittype') AlternateAddressUnitNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'alternateaddressunitnumber') FullRoadName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fullroadname') FullAddress = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fulladdress') PlaceName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'placename') MunicipalityName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'municipalityname') USNGCoordinate = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'usngcoordinate') Description = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'description') Location = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'siteaddressid') CaptureMethod = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'capturemethod') Status = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'status') print "Loading Configuration File" arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Configuration File") if arcpy.Exists(localaddresses) == False: print "Please specify a input address feature class (localaddresses=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if communityaddresseslocalcopy == "": print "Please specify a input community parcel layer (communityaddresslocalcopy=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() # Delete existing dataset that matches the community parcel schema print "Cleaning up local address data" # Append new parcels into the community addresses schema, field map your data into the community schema. Add local data field names after the "#" in the list. # For example, for STATEAREA "STATEAREA" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,LocalParcels,TotalAcres,-1,-1; The local Parcels field name from STATEDAREA (community parcels schema) is TotalAcres. common_vars = "true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #" if SiteAddressID == "": new_field = """SITEADDID 'Site Address ID' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """SITEADDID 'Site Address ID' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, SiteAddressID) field_map = "{}".format(new_field) if AddressPointID == "": new_field = """ADDPTKEY 'Address Point ID' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDPTKEY 'Address Point ID' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressPointID) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressNumberPrefix == "": new_field = """PREADDRNUM 'Address Number Prefix' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PREADDRNUM 'Address Number Prefix' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressNumberPrefix) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressNumberSuffix == "": new_field = """ADDRNUMSUF 'Address Number Suffix' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRNUMSUF 'Address Number Suffix' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressNumberSuffix) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullAddressNumber == "": new_field = """ADDRNUM 'Full Address Number' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRNUM 'Full Address Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullAddressNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressRange == "": new_field = """ADDRRANGE 'Address Range' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRRANGE 'Address Range' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressRange) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressUnitType == "": new_field = """UNITTYPE 'Address Unit Type' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """UNITTYPE 'Address Unit Type' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressUnitType) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressUnitNumber == "": new_field = """UNITID 'Address Unit Number' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """UNITID 'Address Unit Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressUnitNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AlternateAddressUnitType == "": new_field = """ALTUNITTYPE 'Alternate Address Unit Type' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ALTUNITTYPE 'Alternate Address Unit Type' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AlternateAddressUnitType) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AlternateAddressUnitNumber == "": new_field = """ALTUNITID 'Alternate Address Unit Number' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ALTUNITID 'Alternate Address Unit Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AlternateAddressUnitNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullRoadName == "": new_field = """FULLNAME 'Full Road Name' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """FULLNAME 'Full Road Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullRoadName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullAddress == "": new_field = """FULLADDR 'Full Address' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """FULLADDR 'Full Address' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullAddress) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if PlaceName == "": new_field = """PLACENAME 'Place Name' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PLACENAME 'Place Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, PlaceName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if MunicipalityName == "": new_field = """MUNICIPALITY 'Municipality Name' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """MUNICIPALITY 'Municipality Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, MunicipalityName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if USNGCoordinate == "": new_field = """USNGCOORD 'USNG Coordinate' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """USNGCOORD 'USNG Coordinate' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, USNGCoordinate) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Description == "": new_field = """ADDRCLASS 'Description' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRCLASS 'Description' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Description) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Location == "": new_field = """POINTTYPE 'Location' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """POINTTYPE 'Location' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Location) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if CaptureMethod == "": new_field = """CAPTUREMETH 'Capture Method' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CAPTUREMETH 'Capture Method' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, CaptureMethod) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Status == "": new_field = """STATUS 'Status' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """STATUS 'Status' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Status) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if localfips == "": new_field = """localfips 'Local FIPS code' true true false 300 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """localfips 'Local FIPS code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, localfips) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) arcpy.Append_management(localaddresses, communityaddresseslocalcopy, "NO_TEST", field_map) print "Mapping Local Address data to Community Address Schema" print "Loading Addresses to Community Addresses dataset" arcpy.AddMessage("Mapping Local Address data to Community Address Schema") arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Addresses to Community Addresses dataset") # Calculate the Last Update field arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "LASTUPDATE", "time.strftime(\"%m/%d/%Y\")", "PYTHON", "") print "Calculating Last Update" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Update") #Calculate Last Editor Field calc0 = '"{0}"'.format(localfips) arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "LASTEDITOR", calc0) print "Calculating Last Editor" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Editor") # Calculate the LOCALFIPS to the County/City Name calc = '"{0}"'.format(localfips) arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "localfips", calc, "VB", "") print "Set FIPS Code information" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating 'FIPS' Code Information")
def insertar_registros(data): arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326) db = 'CPV_SEGMENTACION_GDB' ip = '' usuario = 'sde' password = '******' path_conexion = "Database Connections/{}.sde".format(db) #path_conexion = "d:/conexion/{}.sde".format(db) #path_conexion=conx.conexion_arcgis(db,ip,usuario,password) arcpy.env.workspace = path_conexion segm_ruta = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.SEGM_U_RUTA".format(db=db) segm_aeu = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.SEGM_U_AEU".format(db=db) segm_subzona = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.SEGM_U_SUBZONA".format(db=db) segm_seccion = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_U_SECCION".format( db=db) segm_rutas_lineas = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_LINEAS".format( db=db) segm_rutas_lineas_multi = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_LINEAS_MULTIFAMILIAR".format( db=db) segm_rutas_puntos = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_PUNTOS".format( db=db) segm_frentes_1 = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_1".format( db=db) segm_frentes_2 = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_2".format( db=db) segm_frentes_3 = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_3".format( db=db) segm_sitios_interes = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.URBANO/{db}.SDE.SEGM_SITIOS_INTERES".format( db=db) segm_vivienda_u = path_conexion + "/{db}.SDE.SEGM_U_VIV".format(db=db) #list_capas_ini = [tb_viviendas_ordenadas_dbf, tb_rutas, tb_aeus, tb_secciones, tb_subzonas, tb_rutas_lineas,tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar] #list_capas_fin = [segm_vivienda_u, segm_ruta, segm_aeu, segm_seccion, segm_subzona, segm_rutas_lineas,segm_rutas_lineas_multi] list_capas = [ [tb_viviendas_ordenadas_dbf, segm_vivienda_u, 2], [tb_rutas, segm_ruta, 2], [tb_aeus, segm_aeu, 2], [tb_subzonas, segm_subzona, 2], [tb_secciones, segm_seccion, 1], [tb_rutas_lineas, segm_rutas_lineas, 1], [tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar, segm_rutas_lineas_multi, 1], [tb_frentes_1, segm_frentes_1, 1], [tb_frentes_2, segm_frentes_2, 1], [tb_frentes_3, segm_frentes_3, 1], [tb_sitios_interes, segm_sitios_interes, 1], [tb_rutas_puntos, segm_rutas_puntos, 1], ] if arcpy.Exists(tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar): list_capas.append( [tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar, segm_rutas_lineas_multi, 1]) #tb_rutas, tb_aeus, tb_secciones, tb_subzonas, tb_rutas_lineas] #for i,el in enumerate(list_capas_ini): #dir = os.path.split(el) #formato = dir[1].split(".")[1] #dir_copia = os.path.join(dir[0], "final_{}".format(dir[1])) #print dir_copia #for i, el in enumerate(list_capas_ini): # dir = os.path.split(el) # dir_copia = os.path.join(dir[0], "final_{}".format(dir[1])) # print dir_copia # # formato = dir[1].split(".")[1] # # if el == tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar: # if arcpy.Exists(tb_rutas_lineas_multifamiliar): # list_capas.append([dir_copia, segm_rutas_lineas_multi, 1]) # # # else: # # if formato == 'shp': # list_capas.append([dir_copia, list_capas_fin[i], 1]) # else: # list_capas.append([dir_copia, list_capas_fin[i], 2]) # conn = conx.Conexion2() cursor = conn.cursor() for el in data: ubigeo = el[0] zona = el[1] sql_query = """ DELETE {db}.SDE.SEGM_U_RUTA where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' DELETE {db}.SDE.SEGM_U_AEU where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_U_VIV where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_U_SECCION where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_U_SUBZONA where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_LINEAS where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_LINEAS_MULTIFAMILIAR where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_1 where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_2 where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_FRENTES_3 where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_SITIOS_INTERES where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' delete {db}.SDE.SEGM_RUTAS_PUNTOS where ubigeo='{ubigeo}' and zona='{zona}' """.format(ubigeo=ubigeo, zona=zona, db=db) print sql_query cursor.execute(sql_query) conn.commit() conn.close() print list_capas i = 0 for el in list_capas: print el[0] i = i + 1 if (int(el[2]) > 1): a = arcpy.MakeTableView_management( el[0], "a{}".format(i), ) else: a = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(el[0], "b{}".format(i)) cant_el = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(a).getOutput(0)) print 'cantidad de elementos: ', cant_el arcpy.Append_management(a, el[1], "NO_TEST")
def stream_crosswalk(in_fc, HUC2_Lowr48, LYR_dir, DBF_dir, HUCdict, NoNHD, csvpath): arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(HUC2_Lowr48, "HUC48_lyr") # each row is a species # for each species first the HUC 2s are identified then the stream in each HUC are select and export to one master # table for the species # output is all streams for a species across all HUC2 for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(in_fc): lyr = file_type + "_{0}_lyr".format( row.EntityID) # layer name for selected features out_layer = LYR_dir + os.sep + lyr + ".lyr" table = "{1}_Streams_{0}.dbf".format(row.EntityID, file_type) temptable = os.path.join(DBF_dir, table) if arcpy.Exists(temptable): continue # NOTE NOTE HARD CODE TO ENTITYID entid = "{0}".format(row.EntityID) # Extract entity ID number if entid not in species_to_run: # skips species not in list continue if not arcpy.Exists(out_layer): whereclause = "EntityID = '%s'" % entid print whereclause # Makes a feature layer that will only include current entid using whereclause arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_fc, lyr, whereclause) print "Creating layer {0}".format(lyr) arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management(lyr, out_layer, "ABSOLUTE") print "Saved layer file" if not arcpy.Exists(temptable): spec_location = str(out_layer) # check for HUC a species occurs in arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("HUC48_lyr", "INTERSECT", spec_location) arcpy.Delete_management("slt_lyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("HUC48_lyr", "slt_lyr") # saves all HUC2 to a list this will have duplicates they are removed using the set below with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("slt_lyr", HUC2Field) as cursor: HUC2list = sorted({row[0] for row in cursor}) print HUC2list # for each value in the HUC2 set will select all stream that are with species file, and save to a master # species table, one table per species will include all values counter = 0 try: for z in HUC2list: print z huc_fc = HUCdict[z] print huc_fc arcpy.Delete_management("huc_lyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(huc_fc, "huc_lyr") # NOTE NOTE would a different selection type be better or should multople be used? arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management( "huc_lyr", "INTERSECT", out_layer, "", "NEW_SELECTION") count = arcpy.GetCount_management("huc_lyr") print str(count) + " selected features" tableview = "tbl_view_" + str(counter) arcpy.Delete_management(tableview) arcpy.MakeTableView_management("huc_lyr", tableview) count = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(tableview).getOutput(0)) print str(count) + " Tableview" if count < 1: print 'Zero' filename = str(lyr) if filename not in NoNHD: NoNHD.append(filename) continue # NOTE NOTE if the script is stop and a table was start but not completed for a species it # must be deleted before starting the script again.If a table has been created the script will # move to the next species if counter == 0: # This will be for first HUC (counter =0) for the species the table is created if count != 0: filename = str(lyr) arcpy.TableToTable_conversion( tableview, DBF_dir, table) print "created table: " + str(temptable) counter += 1 if filename in NoNHD: NoNHD.remove(filename) else: # remaining results for additional HUC selection values will be appened to table arcpy.Append_management(tableview, temptable, "NO_TEST", "", "") counter += 1 print "table {0} completed. Located at {1}".format( temptable, DBF_dir) except Exception as err: print(err.args[0]) arcpy.Delete_management(temptable) print 'Deleted partial table {0}'.format(temptable) else: print "Stream Crosswalk for {0}".format( lyr) + " previously populated" arcpy.Delete_management("HUC48_lyr") create_outtable(NoNHD, csvpath) return NoNHD
def append_results(): print("Copying latest results into Main GDB") #"D:\Work\waze_analysis\download\82c3be4239be45d68adad412a721432f.gdb\Waze_Ellipses", r"D:\Work\waze_analysis\wazeForPublish.gdb\WazeClusters", "TEST", None, None, "CLUSTER_ID > 0") arcpy.Append_management("Waze_Ellipses", r"..\..\wazeForPublish.gdb\WazeClusters", "TEST", None, None, "CLUSTER_ID > 0")
"[ImputedDis]", "VB") # Process: Delete Field arcpy.DeleteField_management( TransInfoTempOut, "GIS_ID2;SUM_DistFl;StartDt2;EndDt2;DistFlown2;AvgConditi;ACWSD2;ACWSDrepor;WindArea2;MissingTra;ImputedDis" ) # Process: Sort arcpy.Sort_management( TransInfoTempOut, TransInfoTempOut2, "SurveyNbr ASCENDING;Transect ASCENDING;Replicate ASCENDING;Crew ASCENDING;Seat ASCENDING;Obs ASCENDING", "UR") # Process: Append arcpy.Append_management(TransInfoTempOut2, TransInfoOut, "TEST", "", "") # Process: Sort arcpy.Sort_management( TransInfoOut, TransInfoTempOut, "SurveyNbr ASCENDING;Transect ASCENDING;Replicate ASCENDING;Crew ASCENDING;Seat ASCENDING;Obs ASCENDING", "UR") # Process: Sort arcpy.Sort_management( TransInfoTempOut, TransInfoOut, "SurveyNbr ASCENDING;Transect ASCENDING;Replicate ASCENDING;Crew ASCENDING;Seat ASCENDING;Obs ASCENDING", "UR") # Process: Delete arcpy.Delete_management(ObsFileTempOut)
def append_table_to_db(self, input_table, target_table): # type: (str, str) -> None field_mappings = self._create_field_map_for_sde_db(input_table) arcpy.Append_management(input_table, target_table, "NO_TEST", field_mappings) arcpy.Delete_management(input_table)
arcpy.AddMessage("Step 7: Reporting non-matched driver photos to table") # Cleanup matched Photos (intermediate data) arcpy.DeleteField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "IN_FID;NEAR_FID;NEAR_DIST") arcpy.Delete_management(NEAR) arcpy.AddField_management(PhotoFeatureClass2, "Path2", "TEXT", "", "", "150", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(PhotoFeatureClass2, "Path2", "!Path!", "PYTHON", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "Path2", "TEXT", "", "", "150", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "Path2", "!Path!", "PYTHON", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(PhotoFeatureClass2, "Path") arcpy.DeleteField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "Path") arcpy.AddField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "REVERSE", "TEXT", "", "", "5", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(PhotoFeatureClass3, "REVERSE", "\"NO\"", "PYTHON", "") arcpy.Append_management(PhotoFeatureClass2, PhotoFeatureClass3, "NO_TEST", "", "") #Create Photo Attachments ParcelPointClassHelper = Geodatabase + "\\PointsTemp" ParcelPointHelper = Geodatabase + "\\PhotoPoints" arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(TemplateFC,Geodatabase,"PhotoPoints") arcpy.DefineProjection_management(ParcelPointHelper, SRHelper) arcpy.AddField_management(ParcelPointHelper, ParcelPIN, "TEXT", "", "", "50", ParcelPIN, "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED") arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(ParcelsFeatureClass, ParcelPointClassHelper, "INSIDE") else: pass if CameraInput == 'Associate Geotagged Photo with Point (photo has location)': # ______________________________________________________________________________#
### For the append, set the workspace environment and list the feature classes/tables in the Input GDB ### dirName = os.listdir(cleveImport) for file in dirName: gdb = cleveImport + '\\' + file arcpy.env.workspace = gdb ### Append tables into GDB ### appendTableList = arcpy.ListTables() print('\nAppending Tables:') for table in appendTableList: try: arcpy.Append_management(table, cle3GIS + '\\' + table, 'NO_TEST') print(table) except: print('***UNABLE TO APPEND ' + str(table)) print(arcpy.GetMessages()) ### Append feature classes into GDB ### appendFeatureList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() print('\nAppending Feature Classes:') for fc in appendFeatureList: try: arcpy.Append_management(fc, cle3GIS + "\\" + fc, 'NO_TEST') print(fc)
def sbdd_ProcessAddress (myFD, myFL): arcpy.AddMessage(" Begining Address Processing") theFields = ["FRN","PROVNAME","DBANAME","TRANSTECH","MAXADDOWN","MAXADUP", "TYPICDOWN","TYPICUP","Provider_Type","ENDUSERCAT"] chkFC = ["Address_frq","Address"] for cFC in chkFC: if arcpy.Exists(cFC): arcpy.Delete_management(cFC) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(myFD + "/" + myFL).getOutput(0)) > 1: arcpy.Frequency_analysis(myFD + "/" + myFL, "Address" + "_frq", theFields, "") #open a cursor loop to get all the distinct values myCnt = 1 theQ = "(MAXADDOWN = '3' OR MAXADDOWN = '4' OR MAXADDOWN = '5' OR MAXADDOWN = '6' OR " + \ " MAXADDOWN = '7' OR MAXADDOWN = '8' OR MAXADDOWN = '9' OR MAXADDOWN = '10' OR MAXADDOWN = '11') AND " + \ "(MAXADUP = '2' OR MAXADUP = '3' OR MAXADUP = '4' OR MAXADUP = '5' OR MAXADUP = '6' OR " + \ " MAXADUP = '7' OR MAXADUP = '8' OR MAXADUP = '9' OR MAXADUP = '10' OR MAXADUP = '11' )" for row in arcpy.SearchCursor("Address" + "_frq", theQ): theProviderType=row.getValue("Provider_Type") theEndUserCat=row.getValue("ENDUSERCAT") theProvName = row.getValue("PROVNAME").replace("'","") theDBA = row.getValue("DBANAME").replace("'","") theFRN = row.getValue("FRN") theTransTech = row.getValue("TRANSTECH") theAdUp = row.getValue("MAXADUP") theAdDown = row.getValue("MAXADDOWN") theTyUp = row.getValue("TYPICUP") theTyDown = row.getValue("TYPICDOWN") theTyUpQ = "" theTyDownQ = "" if theTyUp == "ZZ": theTyUp = "ZZ" #used for naming / logic on calculating theTyUpQ = "TYPICUP = 'ZZ'" #used as a selection set elif theTyUp == None: theTyUp = "IsNull" #used for naming / logic on calculating theTyUpQ = "TYPICUP Is Null" #used as a selection set elif theTyUp == " ": theTyUp = "IsNull" theTyUpQ = "TYPICUP = ' '" else: theTyUp = str(abs(int(theTyUp))) theTyUpQ = "TYPICUP = '" + theTyUp + "'" if theTyDown == "ZZ": theTyDown = "ZZ" #used for naming / logic on calculating theTyDownQ = "TYPICDOWN = 'ZZ'" #used as a selection set elif theTyDown == None: theTyDown = "IsNull" theTyDownQ = "TYPICDOWN Is Null" elif theTyDown == " ": theTyDown = "IsNull" theTyDownQ = "TYPICDOWN = ' '" else: theTyDown = str(abs(int(theTyDown))) theTyDownQ = "TYPICDOWN = '" + theTyDown + "'" theQry = "FRN = '" + theFRN + "'" theQry = theQry + " AND TRANSTECH = " + str(theTransTech) theQry = theQry + " AND MAXADDOWN = '" + theAdDown + "' AND MAXADUP = '" theQry = theQry + theAdUp + "' AND " + theTyUpQ + " AND " + theTyDownQ myFLName = theFRN + str(theTransTech) + theAdUp + theAdDown + theTyUp + theTyDown arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(myFD + "/" + myFL, myFLName, theQry) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(myFLName).getOutput(0)) > 0 : #originally 1 for the raster case outPT = theST + theFRN + "_" + str(theTransTech) + "_" + theAdDown + "_" + \ theAdUp + "_" + theTyDown + "_" + theTyUp + "_x" #the selection of points outRT = theST + theFRN + "_" + str(theTransTech) + "_" + theAdDown + "_" + \ theAdUp + "_" + theTyDown + "_" + theTyUp + "_g" #the raster grid inPly = theST + theFRN + "_" + str(theTransTech) + "_" + theAdDown + "_" + \ theAdUp + "_" + theTyDown + "_" + theTyUp + "_p" #the output of grid poly bfPly = theST + theFRN + "_" + str(theTransTech) + "_" + theAdDown + "_" + \ theAdUp + "_" + theTyDown + "_" + theTyUp + "_pb" #the output of buffer chkFC = [outPT, outRT, inPly, bfPly] for cFC in chkFC: if arcpy.Exists(cFC): arcpy.Delete_management(cFC) del cFC, chkFC #first create a feature class of the selected points arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(myFLName, thePGDB, outPT) arcpy.RepairGeometry_management(outPT) arcpy.Delete_management(myFLName) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(outPT).getOutput(0)) > 50: #arcpy.AddMessage(" processing by raster point: " + outPT) #second covert the selection to a grid data set (e.g. raster) arcpy.PointToRaster_conversion(outPT, "FRN", outRT, "", "", 0.0028) theH = arcpy.Describe(outRT).Height theW = arcpy.Describe(outRT).Width if int(theH) > 2 and int(theW) > 2: #third convert the rasters back to a polygon arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(outRT, inPly, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "") arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "FRN", "TEXT", "", "", 10) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "PROVNAME", "TEXT", "", "", 200) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "DBANAME", "TEXT", "", "", 200) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "TRANSTECH", "SHORT", "", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "MAXADDOWN", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "MAXADUP", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "TYPICDOWN", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "TYPICUP", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "State", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "Provider_Type", "SHORT", "", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management (inPly, "ENDUSERCAT", "TEXT", "", "", 2) arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "FRN", "'" + theFRN + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "PROVNAME", r"'" + theProvName + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "DBANAME", r"'" + theDBA + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "TRANSTECH", theTransTech, "PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "MAXADDOWN", "'" + theAdDown + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "MAXADUP", "'" + theAdUp + "'" ,"PYTHON") #arcpy.AddMessage("theProvider_type: " + str(theProviderType)) if theTyDown <> "IsNull": arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "TYPICDOWN", "'" + theTyDown + "'" ,"PYTHON") if theTyUp <> "IsNull": arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "TYPICUP", "'" + theTyUp + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "State", "'" + theST + "'" ,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "Provider_Type", theProviderType,"PYTHON") arcpy.CalculateField_management(inPly, "ENDUSERCAT", "'" + theEndUserCat + "'" ,"PYTHON") #arcpy.AddMessage("theProvider_type: " + str(theProviderType)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(inPly, bfPly, "100 Feet", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", theFields) if myCnt == 1: #this is the first time through, rename the bfPly to Address arcpy.Rename_management(bfPly,"Address") else: #otherwise append it to the first one through arcpy.Append_management([bfPly], "Address") del theH, theW #then buffer them else: arcpy.AddMessage(" processing by buffering: " + outPT) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(outPT, bfPly, "500 Feet", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", theFields) if myCnt == 1: #this is the first time through, rename the bfPly to Address arcpy.Rename_management(bfPly,"Address") else: #otherwise append it to the first one through arcpy.Append_management([bfPly], "Address") chkFC = [outPT, outRT, inPly, bfPly] for cFC in chkFC: if arcpy.Exists(cFC): arcpy.Delete_management(cFC) del outPT, outRT, inPly, bfPly, cFC, chkFC myCnt = myCnt + 1 del theProvName, theDBA, theFRN, theTransTech, theAdUp, theAdDown, theTyUp, \ theTyUpQ, theTyDown, theTyDownQ, theQry, myFLName, theProviderType,theEndUserCat sbdd_ExportToShape("Address") arcpy.Delete_management("Address_frq") del row, myCnt, theFields, theQ, myFL, myFD return ()
'Extruded' ] for item in del_fields: arcpy.DeleteField_management(results_FC, item) #remove processing layers for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df): if'_')[-1] == "Projected": arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr) #find and remove problematic feature class names by appending to other FC's or renaming arcpy.env.workspace = results_dataset for FC in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): Append = False Rename = False with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(FC, ['Name', 'FolderPath']) as SC: row = next(SC) Slash_Count = row[0].count('/') if Slash_Count <> 0: FC_correct_name = results_dataset + '\\' + row[1].split("/")[ -1 - Slash_Count].replace(' ', '_') if arcpy.Exists(FC_correct_name): Append = True else: Rename = True if Append: arcpy.Append_management(FC, FC_correct_name) arcpy.Delete_management(FC) if Rename: arcpy.Rename_management(FC, FC_correct_name)
def arcAppendFeatures(wd,inList,outName,template="template.shp"): import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = wd dsc = arcpy.Describe(template) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(wd, outName, dsc.shapeType, inList[0], 'DISABLED', 'DISABLED', dsc.spatialReference) arcpy.Append_management(inList,outName)
def run(self): communities = self.folders.get_table('Zentren') ws_tmp = arcpy.env.scratchGDB sel_comm = os.path.join(ws_tmp, 'sel_comm') feat_buffered = os.path.join(ws_tmp, 'feat_buffered') markets_table = self.folders.get_table(self._markets_table, check=False) markets_tmp = self.folders.get_table('markets_tmp', check=False) markets_buffer = self.folders.get_table('markets_buffer', check=False) markets_buffer_output = self.folders.get_table(self._markets_buffer, check=False) markets_com = os.path.join(ws_tmp, 'markets_com') def del_tmp(): for f in [ sel_comm, feat_buffered, markets_buffer, markets_tmp, markets_com ]: arcpy.Delete_management(f) del_tmp() arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(communities, ws_tmp, os.path.split(sel_comm)[1], where_clause='Auswahl<>0') # ToDo: buffer -> multi_poly -> markets -> markets in selected communities -> remove those from markets in multi_poly -> to db arcpy.AddMessage('Analysiere Pufferbereich...') # create buffer area arcpy.Buffer_analysis(sel_comm, feat_buffered, self.par.radius_markets.value, dissolve_option='NONE') try: self.output.remove_layer(self._out_layer_name) except: pass arcpy.Delete_management(markets_buffer_output) arcpy.Dissolve_management(feat_buffered, markets_buffer_output, "", "", "SINGLE_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") multi_poly = minimal_bounding_poly(feat_buffered) epsg = self.parent_tbx.config.epsg multi_poly = [[Point(p.X, p.Y, epsg=epsg) for p in poly] for poly in multi_poly] reader = OSMShopsReader(epsg=epsg) markets = [] arcpy.AddMessage('Ermittle Märkte im Randgebiet...') count = 1000 for poly in multi_poly: m = reader.get_shops(poly, count=count - len(markets)) markets += m if len(markets) > 0: # pro license only #arcpy.SymDiff_analysis(feat_buffered, sel_comm, buffer_diff) #self.parent_tbx.delete_rows_in_table(self._markets_table, #where='is_buffer=1') arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(os.path.split(markets_tmp)[0], os.path.split(markets_tmp)[1], template=markets_table) ids = [ id for id, in self.parent_tbx.query_table(markets_table, ['id']) ] start_id = max(ids) + 1 if ids else 0 markets = self.parse_meta(markets) self.markets_to_db(markets, tablename=os.path.split(markets_tmp)[1], is_buffer=True, start_id=start_id, is_osm=True) arcpy.Clip_analysis(markets_tmp, feat_buffered, markets_buffer) arcpy.Clip_analysis(markets_buffer, sel_comm, markets_com) cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(markets_com, ['id']) in_com_ids = [str(id) for id, in cursor] del (cursor) where = 'id IN ({})'.format(','.join(in_com_ids)) self.parent_tbx.delete_rows_in_table(markets_buffer, where) arcpy.Append_management(markets_buffer, markets_table) arcpy.AddMessage('Entferne Duplikate...') n = remove_duplicates(markets_table, 'id', match_field='id_kette', where='is_buffer=1', distance=50) arcpy.AddMessage('{} Duplikate entfernt...'.format(n)) self.set_ags() del_tmp()
arcpy.DeleteField_management(inputfc, ########################################################################### deleteeditfields(facilitiesstaging) clearWSLocks(StagingGDB) deleteeditfields(violationsstaging) if not arcpy.Exists(facilitiesfinal): arcpy.Copy_management(facilitiesstaging, facilitiesfinal) if not arcpy.Exists(violationsfinal): arcpy.Copy_management(violationsstaging, violationsfinal) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(facilitiesfinal) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(violationsfinal) ffieldmappings = arcpy.FieldMappings() ffieldmappings.addTable(facilitiesfinal) arcpy.Append_management(facilitiesstaging, facilitiesfinal, schema_type="NO_TEST", field_mapping=ffieldmappings) vfieldmappings = arcpy.FieldMappings() vfieldmappings.addTable(violationsfinal) arcpy.Append_management(violationsstaging, violationsfinal, schema_type="NO_TEST", field_mapping=vfieldmappings) ############################################################################### # CREATE RELATIONSHIP CLASS IF NOT EXISTS if not arcpy.Exists(facilitiesviolations_relationship): arcpy.CreateRelationshipClass_management( origin_table=facilitiesfinal, destination_table=violationsfinal, out_relationship_class=facilitiesviolations_relationship, = (outfield2) input2.outputField = output2 # Set the Name of the Field output from this field map. # output3 = input3.outputField = (outfield3) input3.outputField = output3 # Set the Name of the Field output from this field map. # output4 = input4.outputField = (outfield4) input4.outputField = output4 # Add the custom fieldmaps into the fieldmappings object. # fieldmappings.addFieldMap(input1) fieldmappings.addFieldMap(input2) fieldmappings.addFieldMap(input3) fieldmappings.addFieldMap(input4) try: print "Appending data. . ." # Process: Append the feature classes into the empty feature class arcpy.Append_management(inFC, outFC, schemaType, fieldmappings, subtype) except: # If an error occurred while running a tool print the messages print arcpy.GetMessages() print "Append data to " + featureclassout + " " + " complete. . ."
def main_func(): start = err_msg = None global emailAttachments try: log_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'logs') log, logfile = etgLib.create_log(log_path, log_name) if log == None: exit_sys(log, "can't create a log file", start) emailAttachments = [logfile] lbl_gdb = os.path.join(wkgFolder, labelGDBname) # set workspace arcpy.env.workspace = lbl_gdb etgLib.log_start(log) etgLib.log_info(log, "script parameters:") etgLib.log_info(log, "------------------------") etgLib.log_info(log, "working folder: {0}".format(wkgFolder)) etgLib.log_info(log, "prepSPOWNpath: {0}".format(prepSPOWNpath)) etgLib.log_info(log, "label gdb: {0}".format(lbl_gdb)) ## ======================================== ## Process: copy data from labels.gdb to SPOWN in pre-prod ## ======================================== etgLib.log_info( log, 'copy Connect_Property from labels.gdb to SPOWN in pre-prod', True) # copy Connect_Property to *_o in SPOWN sde etgLib.log_info(log, 'copy Connect_Property to *_o in SPOWN sde ...') inFCpath = os.path.join(prepSPOWNpath, spown_property_connect) if arcpy.Exists(inFCpath): out_fc_name = spown_property_connect + "_o" outFCpath = os.path.join(prepSPOWNpath, out_fc_name) etgLib.log_info( log, 'Copying: {0} to {1}'.format(spown_property_connect, out_fc_name)) arcpy.Copy_management(inFCpath, outFCpath, "FeatureClass") # truncate and append etgLib.log_info(log, 'truncate Connect_Property in SPOWN sde ...') arcpy.TruncateTable_management(inFCpath) # build the FieldMappings etgLib.log_info(log, 'build the FieldMappings ...') list_fields_to_map = [] list_fields_to_map.append( ('PROPERTY_ID', 'tempDsslvID_TP_PROPERTY_LINK_PROPERTY_ID')) list_fields_to_map.append( ('LEGAL_DESCRIPTION', 'TP_PROPERTY_LEGAL_DESCRIPTION')) list_fields_to_map.append(('TITLE_NO', 'TP_PROPERTY_TITLE_NO')) list_fields_to_map.append( ('SUBADDRESS_ID', 'TP_PROPERTY_SUBADDRESS_ID')) list_fields_to_map.append( ('ADDRESS_SOURCE', 'TP_PROPERTY_ADDRESS_SOURCE')) list_fields_to_map.append( ('COUNT_PARCEL_ID', 'tempDsslvID_COUNT_TP_PROPERTY_LINK_PARCEL_ID')) inFCpath = os.path.join(lbl_gdb, labels_property_connect) outFCpath = os.path.join(prepSPOWNpath, spown_property_connect) fieldmappings = etgLib.get_field_mapping(inFCpath, outFCpath, list_fields_to_map) # appendinng data from labels.gdb to SPOWN preprod sde etgLib.log_info( log, 'appendinng data from labels.gdb to SPOWN preprod sde ...') arcpy.Append_management([inFCpath], outFCpath, "NO_TEST", field_mapping=fieldmappings) except Exception as e: err_msg = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) etgLib.log_close(log, start) print("Finished!!! Please check the result in ArcMap or ArcCatalog") if sendMail: if err_msg != None: emailSubject = 'Run {} - Failed'.format(script_name) else: emailSubject = 'Run {} - Successful'.format(script_name) etgLib.send_email(emailFrom, emailTo, emailSubject, emailText, emailAttachments, smtpServer)
# define field names targetFields = [ "Strasse", "Hausnummer", "Zusatz", "Stadt", "PLZ", "addressID", "geoSource" ] sourceFields = [ "Strasse", "Hausnummer", "Zusatz", "Stadt", "PLZ", "addressID", "geoSource" ] # build field mappings useFieldmappings = createFieldMappings(targetFields, interm, sourceFields) # append point coordinates arcpy.Append_management(interm, addressShp, "NO_TEST", useFieldmappings) if arcpy.Exists(interm): arcpy.Delete_management(interm) except: print("Unable to add " + str(thisAdd)) except: arcpy.AddMessage( "Unable to append additional points to house address data.") # delete intermediate data if arcpy.Exists(interm): arcpy.Delete_management(interm)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main() # Import arcpy module import arcpy from arcpy import env arcpy.env.workspace = "D:\\projects\\ak_fire\\gis\\data\\temp2" # Set to overwrite arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True file_list = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() target_shp = "allpolys.shp" ##min_n = 3501 ##max_n = 4179 ##target_shp = "allpolys" + str(min_n) + "_" + str(max_n) + ".shp" arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("poly1.shp", target_shp) print "list of files:" + str(file_list) for f in file_list: print f arcpy.Append_management([f], target_shp, "NO_TEST") print "Done!"
desc = arcpy.Describe(current_buffer) current_fishnet=os.path.join(env.workspace,naming+"current_fishnet") arcpy.CreateFishnet_management(current_fishnet,str(desc.extent.lowerLeft),str(desc.extent.XMin) + " " + str(desc.extent.YMax + 10),"","","2", "1","","NO_LABELS", current_buffer,'POLYGON') #clip current end point buffer by top half of fishnet #select top half of fishnet top_net=arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(current_fishnet,"top_net.lyr","OID=2") clip_buffer=os.path.join(env.workspace,naming+"clipped_buffer") arcpy.Clip_analysis(current_buffer, top_net, clip_buffer) #if this is first buffer if row[0]==1: #create the clipped buffer feature class clipped_buffer_fc=arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(env.workspace, naming+"_clipped_buffer_fc", "POLYGON",clip_buffer,"DISABLED", "DISABLED", clip_buffer) #append clipped buffer to clipped buffer fc arcpy.Append_management(clip_buffer,clipped_buffer_fc) del search #mask the DEM by the clipped buffers ##arcpy.AddMessage("\t\tMasking DEM...") masked_dem = ExtractByMask(dem, clipped_buffer_fc),naming+"_maskedraster")) #calculate the zonal minimum elevation in each clipped buffer outZonalStats = ZonalStatistics(clipped_buffer_fc, "OBJECTID", masked_dem,"MINIMUM","DATA"),naming+"endpoint_min_by_zones")) #vectorize min zone rasters min_points=os.path.join(env.workspace,naming+"min_points") arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(outZonalStats, min_points, "Value")
def perennialNetwork(nhd_orig_flowline_path, nhd_area_path, nhd_waterbody_path, outpath): # environment settings arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 'TRUE' # -- make copy of original nhd flowlines nhd_flowlines = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(nhd_orig_flowline_path, 'in_memory/nhd_flowlines') # add source field to track which part of workflow perennial network flowline was added arcpy.AddField_management(nhd_flowlines, 'Source', 'TEXT', '', '', 75) # --perennial coded lines-- # select lines from original nhd that are coded as perennial arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(nhd_flowlines, 'nhd_flowlines_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46006 """) flowline_per = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/flowline_per') # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = "1. Perennial Code" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add missing major rivers-- # --subsetted artificial coded lines that are in perennial nhd area polygons-- # select perennial coded nhd area polygons arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(nhd_area_path, 'nhd_area_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_area_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46006 """) # select and dissolve artificial coded nhd lines that are within perennial nhd area polygons arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 55800 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'WITHIN', 'nhd_area_lyr', '', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') flowline_art_code = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/flowline_art_code', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') # remove short lines (< 50 m) that act as artificial connectors to flowlines outside perennial nhd area polygons arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'nhd_area_lyr', '1 Meters', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" <> 55800 """) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flowline_art_code, 'flowline_art_code_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_art_code_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'nhd_flowlines_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor('flowline_art_code_lyr', ['SHAPE@Length']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] < 50: cursor.deleteRow() # remove lines that end where canal starts mr_end_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_art_code, 'in_memory/mr_end_pt', "END") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(mr_end_pt, 'mr_end_pt_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 33600 OR "FCODE" = 3601 OR "FCODE" = 3603""") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'INTERSECT', flowline_art_code, '1 Meters', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') canal_start_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/canal_start_pt', "START") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('mr_end_pt_lyr', 'INTERSECT', canal_start_pt, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_art_code_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'mr_end_pt_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management('flowline_art_code_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', flowline_art_code, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') # add selected flowlines to the perennial stream shp arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "2. Major Artifical in Perennial Area Polygon" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add missing flowlines in marshes-- # --artificial coded lines that are perennial gaps in marsh waterbody polygons-- # select nhd waterbodys that: # - are coded as marshes (ftype 466) # - intersect perennial stream start and end (i.e., are perennial stream inlet AND outlet) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(nhd_waterbody_path, 'nhd_waterbody_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FTYPE" = 466 """) marshes = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'in_memory/marshes') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(marshes, 'marshes_lyr') per_start_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_start_pt', "START") per_end_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_end_pt', "END") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('marshes_lyr', 'INTERSECT', per_start_pt, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('marshes_lyr', 'INTERSECT', per_end_pt, '', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') # select and dissolve nhd flowlines that: # - are coded as artificial # - fall within selected marsh waterbodies # - are not already part of perennial stream network arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 55800 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'WITHIN', 'marshes_lyr', '', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', flowline_per, '', 'REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION') marsh_lines = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/marsh_lines', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') marsh_gap_lines = findGaps(marsh_lines, flowline_per) # add selected flowlines to the perennial stream shp arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', marsh_gap_lines, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "3. Artificial Network Gap in Marsh Waterbody" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add missing flowlines in smaller lakes and ponds-- # select nhd waterbodys that: # - are coded as lakes/ponds (ftype 390) # - area <= .03 sq km # - are not named # - intersect perennial stream start and end (i.e., are perennial stream inlet AND outlet) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'INTERSECT', flowline_per, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', """ "FTYPE" = 390 AND "AREASQKM" <= 0.03 AND "GNIS_NAME" = '' """) sm_lakes_ponds = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'in_memory/sm_lakes_ponds') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(sm_lakes_ponds, 'sm_lakes_ponds_lyr') per_start_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_start_pt', "START") per_end_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_end_pt', "END") arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('sm_lakes_ponds_lyr', 'INTERSECT', per_start_pt, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('sm_lakes_ponds_lyr', 'INTERSECT', per_end_pt, '', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') # select nhd flowlines that: # - fall within selected waterbodies # - intersect a perennial streams (i.e., are gaps on perennial network) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'WITHIN', 'sm_lakes_ponds_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') flowline_wbody_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/flowline_wbody_dissolve', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flowline_wbody_dissolve, 'flowline_wbody_dissolve_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_wbody_dissolve_lyr', 'INTERSECT', flowline_per, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') # add selected flowlines to the perennial stream shp arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', 'flowline_wbody_dissolve_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "4. Network Gap in Small Lake/Pond Waterbody" cursor.updateRow(row) # --remove flowlines where 2 lines end but none start (indicate 'false perennial tribs')-- per_start_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_start_pt', "START") per_end_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/per_end_pt', "END") per_end_pt_join = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(per_end_pt, per_end_pt, 'in_memory/per_end_pt_join', 'JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE', 'KEEP_ALL', '', 'INTERSECT') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(per_end_pt_join, 'per_end_pt_join_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('per_end_pt_join_lyr', 'INTERSECT', per_start_pt, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('per_end_pt_join_lyr', 'SWITCH_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('per_end_pt_join_lyr', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', """ "Join_Count" >= 2 """) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flowline_per, 'flowline_per_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_per_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'per_end_pt_join_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management('flowline_per_lyr') # --add named intermittent and connector flowlines that are directly downstream of perennial stream-- # create perennial end pts shp (use to find intermittent that starts where perennial ends) flowline_per_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/flowline_per_dissolve', '', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') per_end_pt = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_per_dissolve, 'in_memory/per_end_pt', "END") # select named intermitent and connector flowlines arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46003 OR "FCODE" = 33400 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', """ "GNIS_NAME" <> '' """) # dissolve selected flowlines by name flowline_int_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/flowline_int_dissolve', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') # create points at start of dissolved intermittent and connector flowlines int_start_pts = arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(flowline_int_dissolve, 'in_memory/int_start_pts', "START") # select perennial end points that overlap intermittent/connector start points arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(per_end_pt, 'per_end_pt_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('per_end_pt_lyr', 'INTERSECT', int_start_pts, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') # select dissolved intermitent and connector flowlines that intersect selected perennial end points # (these lines are directly downstream of perennial stream) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flowline_int_dissolve, 'flowline_int_dissolve_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_int_dissolve_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'per_end_pt_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') # add selected flowlines to the perennial stream shp arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', 'flowline_int_dissolve_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "5. Named Intermittent/Connector Directly Downstream of Network Line" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add named intermittent flowlines that fall on gaps in the perennial network-- # select intermittent flowlines that aren't part of perennial network up to this point # these are potential network gap lines arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46003 OR "FCODE" = 33400 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', """ "GNIS_NAME" <> '' """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', flowline_per, '', 'REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION') int_lines = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/int_lines') # find gaps on all selected lines int_gap_lines = findGaps(int_lines, flowline_per) # add itermittent gap to the perennial stream shp with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(flowline_per, ["SHAPE@"]) as iCursor: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(int_gap_lines, ["SHAPE@"]) as sCursor: for row in sCursor: iCursor.insertRow([row[0]]) # find gaps on dissolved lines (grabs lines that may be split by trib and otherwise wouldn't be selected) int_lines_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/int_lines_dissolve', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') int_gap_lines_dissolve = findGaps(int_lines_dissolve, flowline_per) # add itermittent gap to the perennial stream shp arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', int_gap_lines_dissolve, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "6. Named Intermittent/Connector Network Gap" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add intermittent flowlines that fall on gaps in the perennial network-- # select intermittent flowlines that aren't part of perennial network up to this point # these are potential network gap lines arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46003 OR "FCODE" = 33400 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'ARE_IDENTICAL_TO', flowline_per, '', 'REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION') int_lines_all = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/int_lines_all') int_gap_lines_all = findGaps(int_lines_all, flowline_per) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', int_gap_lines_all, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46003 OR "FCODE" = 33400 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'ARE_IDENTICAL_TO', flowline_per, '', 'REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION') int_lines_all_dissolve = arcpy.Dissolve_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/int_lines_all_dissolve', 'GNIS_NAME', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') int_gap_lines_all_dissolve = findGaps(int_lines_all_dissolve, flowline_per) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', int_gap_lines_all_dissolve, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "7. Unnamed Intermittent/Connector Network Gap" cursor.updateRow(row) # --add artifical flowlines that fall on gaps in the perennial network-- # --these are potential network gap lines-- # select artificial coded flowlines that aren't part of perennial network up to this point arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 55800 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', flowline_per, '', 'REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION') # create search aoi from perennial area polygons and marsh waterbody polygons arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FTYPE" = 466 """) marshes = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_waterbody_lyr', 'in_memory/marshes') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('nhd_area_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "FCODE" = 46006 """) per_area = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_area_lyr', 'in_memory/per_area') art_gap_aoi = arcpy.Merge_management([marshes, per_area], 'in_memory/art_gap_aoi') # subset selection to flowlines that flow throw search aoi arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'WITHIN', art_gap_aoi, '', 'SUBSET_SELECTION') art_lines = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'in_memory/art_lines') art_gap_lines = findGaps(art_lines, flowline_per, 'True') # add artificial gap to the perennial stream shp arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', art_gap_lines, '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.Append_management('nhd_flowlines_lyr', flowline_per) # populate source field with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(flowline_per, ['Source']) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] is None: row[0] = "8. Artificial Network Gap" cursor.updateRow(row) # --remove isolated (i.e., only intersect themselves), short (< 300 m) line segments-- flowline_per_dissolve2 = arcpy.Dissolve_management(flowline_per, 'in_memory/flowline_per_dissolve2', '', '', 'SINGLE_PART', 'UNSPLIT_LINES') flowline_per_join = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(flowline_per_dissolve2, flowline_per_dissolve2, 'in_memory/flowline_per_join', 'JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE', 'KEEP_ALL', '', 'INTERSECT') arcpy.AddField_management(flowline_per_join, 'Length', 'DOUBLE') arcpy.CalculateField_management(flowline_per_join, 'Length', "!SHAPE.LENGTH@Meters!", 'PYTHON_9.3') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flowline_per_join, 'flowline_per_join_lyr') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('flowline_per_join_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', """ "Length" < 300 AND "Join_Count" <= 1 """) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('flowline_per_lyr', 'SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH', 'flowline_per_join_lyr', '', 'NEW_SELECTION') arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management('flowline_per_lyr') # --select and save final perennial shp-- arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('flowline_per_lyr', 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(flowline_per, outpath) arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(outpath, ['Shape'])
def createUN(jsonFile, outGDB): cfgStr = open(jsonFile, 'r', encoding='gbk').read() unObj = json.loads(cfgStr) unName = unObj["unName"] # 创建un和结构网络 arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(os.path.dirname(outGDB), os.path.basename(outGDB)), unObj["territoryFeaCls"], unObj["feaDS"], unName) # Tips:尽量使用相对路径,如有工具不支持再改用绝对路径 arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(outGDB, unObj["feaDS"]) # 导入fieldDomains,domain是面向GDB级的物理设置 for domain in unObj["fieldDomains"]: dName = domain["name"] if domain.get("dtype") == "RANGE": arcpy.CreateDomain_management(outGDB, dName, domain.get("desc", dName), domain.get("ftype", "SHORT"), "RANGE") arcpy.SetValueForRangeDomain_management(outGDB, dName, domain['min'], domain['max']) continue table ='in_memory', dName)[0] # ?[0] arcpy.AddField_management(table, 'code', domain.get("ftype", "SHORT")) arcpy.AddField_management(table, 'name', 'TEXT', field_length=254) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, ('code', 'name')) as cur: for v in domain["values"]: cur.insertRow((v["code"], v["name"])) arcpy.TableToDomain_management(table, 'code', 'name', outGDB, dName, domain.get("desc", dName), update_option='REPLACE') arcpy.Delete_management(table) # 创建除了structure以外的域网络 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: if dnObj["name"].lower() != "structure": arcpy.AddDomainNetwork_un(unName, dnObj["name"], dnObj["tierDef"], dnObj["controllerType"], dnObj.get("alias")) # 添加TerminalConfiguration,categories,netAttributes,这些是面向整个UN级的逻辑设置 # Tips:需要先创建至少一个域网络,才能添加TerminalConfiguration terminalConfigs = unObj.get("terminalConfigs") if terminalConfigs: for terminalCfg in terminalConfigs: if terminalCfg["dir"] == "DIRECTIONAL": arcpy.AddTerminalConfiguration_un( unName, terminalCfg["name"], "DIRECTIONAL", terminals_directional=terminalCfg["terminals"], valid_paths=terminalCfg["paths"], default_path=terminalCfg.get("default")) else: arcpy.AddTerminalConfiguration_un( unName, terminalCfg["name"], "BIDIRECTIONAL", terminals_bidirectional=terminalCfg["terminals"], valid_paths=terminalCfg["paths"], default_path=terminalCfg.get("default")) # TODO: 网络分组与分层的区别? categories = unObj.get("categories") if categories: ## 为什么加这种判断 for category in categories: arcpy.AddNetworkCategory_un(unName, category) # TODO:网络属性的可选设置有什么作用? netAttributes = unObj.get("netAttributes") if netAttributes: for attrib in netAttributes: arcpy.AddNetworkAttribute_un(unName, attrib["name"], attrib["type"], attrib.get("inline"), attrib.get("apportionable"), attrib.get("domain"), attrib.get("overridable"), attrib.get("nullable"), attrib.get("substitution"), attrib.get("attrToSubstitution")) # 添加子类,创建新字段,指定属性域,指定网络属性,这些是面向Table级的物理设置 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: # 子类已经自动设置为ASSETGROUP字段,添加自定义值 subtypes = dnObj.get("subtypes") if subtypes: for subtype in subtypes: for v in subtype["values"]: arcpy.AddSubtype_management(subtype["feaCls"], v["code"], v["name"]) if subtype.get("default"): arcpy.SetDefaultSubtype_management(subtype["feaCls"], subtype.get("default")) # 添加自定义字段 newFields = dnObj.get("newFields") if newFields: for field in newFields: length = field.get( "length") if field["type"].upper() == "TEXT" else None arcpy.AddField_management(field["feaCls"], field["name"], field["type"], field_length=length, field_alias=field.get("alias")) # 为字段指定属性域 fDomains = dnObj.get("fieldDomains") if fDomains: for fd in fDomains: arcpy.AssignDomainToField_management(fd["feaCls"], fd["fieldName"], fd["domainName"], fd.get("subtypeCodes")) if fd.get("default"): arcpy.AssignDefaultToField_management( fd["feaCls"], fd["fieldName"], fd["default"], fd.get("subtypeCodes")) # 为字段指定网络属性 netAttributes = dnObj.get("netAttributes") if netAttributes: for attribute in netAttributes: for field in attribute["fields"]: fc, fName = field.split("/") fObj = arcpy.ListFields(fc, fName) if fObj: arcpy.SetNetworkAttribute_un(unName, attribute["name"], dnObj["name"], fc, fName) # 为资产指定多项配置:端子配置、分组、边连通性、角色,这些是面向资产级的逻辑设置 with open(unObj.get("assetsCSV", "not exist"), 'r', encoding='gbk') as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp) # 读取列为列表 header = next( reader ) # ['domainNet', 'feaCls', 'assetName', 'categories', 'terminalCfg', 'edgeConnectivity', 'roleType', 'deletionType', 'viewScale', 'splitType'] assetCfg = namedtuple('assetCfg', header) for row in reader: row = assetCfg(*row) asset = row.assetName.split('/') if row.terminalCfg: arcpy.SetTerminalConfiguration_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.terminalCfg) if row.categories: arcpy.SetNetworkCategory_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.categories) if row.edgeConnectivity: # 边联通非空 arcpy.SetEdgeConnectivity_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.edgeConnectivity) if row.roleType: arcpy.SetAssociationRole_un(unName, row.domainNet, row.feaCls, *asset, row.roleType, row.deletionType, row.viewScale, row.splitType) # 创建tier,并设置子网定义,这些是面向子网级的逻辑设置 # TODO: subnetwork_field_name有什么作用?subnetDef还有很多可选设置 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: dnName = dnObj["name"] if dnName.lower() != "structure": # tierGroups tierGroups = dnObj.get("tierGroups") if tierGroups and dnObj["tierDef"] == "HIERARCHICAL": for groupName in tierGroups: arcpy.AddTierGroup_un(unName, dnName, groupName) tiers = dnObj.get("tiers") if tiers: for tier in tiers: if dnObj["tierDef"] == "HIERARCHICAL": arcpy.AddTier_un( unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["rank"], topology_type="MESH", tier_group_name=tier.get("groupName"), subnetwork_field_name=tier["subnetField"]) else: arcpy.AddTier_un(unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["rank"], topology_type=tier["topo"]) arcpy.SetSubnetworkDefinition_un( unName, dnName, tier["name"], tier["disjoint"], tier["devices"], tier["controllers"], tier.get("lines"), tier.get("aggregated"), tier.get("diagrams"), include_barriers=tier.get("barriers"), traversability_scope=tier.get("traverse")) # TODO: 导入rule arcpy.ImportRules_un(unName, "All", "E:/ArcGIS/unnet/rules.csv") # TODO: 导入数据 # 数据导入是基于子类的,把要素类路径写入到子类中,修改了demoUN域网络的子类型值 for dnObj in unObj["domainNetworks"]: subtypes = dnObj.get("subtypes") if subtypes: for subtype in subtypes: for v in subtype["values"]: arcpy.Append_management(subtype["path"], subtype["feaCls"], "NO_TEST", subtype=v["name"])
codeblock) #### Add information to 'Description' field_Description = "Description" codeblock = """ def reclass(name): if name: desc = "PHOTO" return desc else: return None """ expression = "reclass(!{}!)".format(field_Name) arcpy.CalculateField_management(photoLayer, field_Description, expression, "PYTHON3", codeblock) ## 4. Trucnate original point feature layer arcpy.DeleteRows_management(originalFeature) ## Convert to PRS92 copied = "copied_layer" copyL = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(photoLayer, copied) ## 5. Append the new point feature layer to the original arcpy.Append_management(copyL, originalFeature, schema_type='NO_TEST') ## 99. Delete deleteLayer = [photoLayer, copyL] arcpy.Delete_management(deleteLayer)
if out_poly == 'true': arcpy.AddMessage("Converting to Int Raster for polygon generation") arcpy.Int_3d(numpyRaster, tempRaster) fc = Dir + '\\' + pointName + '.shp' fc = fc.replace(" ", "_") arcpy.AddMessage("Converting to Polygon") arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(tempRaster, fc, 'NO_SIMPLIFY', 'Value', 'MULTIPLE_OUTER_PART') arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "Name", "TEXT") arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "FeatureID", "TEXT") arcpy.DeleteField_management(fc, "gridcode") with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, ['Name', 'FeatureID']) as cursor: for row in cursor: row = [pointName, pointFID] print(row) cursor.updateRow(row) print(polygonfc) print(fc) arcpy.AddMessage("Appending to feature class") arcpy.Append_management(fc, polygonfc, 'TEST') arcpy.Delete_management(fc)
except: print "ERROR! You are missing an FQNID - please populate and re-run the tool." exit() num_of_rows = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("csvTableView").getOutput(0)) print str(num_of_rows) + " - NEW RECORDS TO BE APPENDED" print("\n") arcpy.Append_management( inputs="csvTableView", target=sdeTable, schema_type="NO_TEST", field_mapping= 'FQN_ID "FQN_ID" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Segment_Name__FQNID_,-1,-1;CONSTR_START_PLANNED "CONST_START_PLANNED" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Construction_Start_Planned,-1,-1;CONSTR_START_ACTUAL "CONSTR_START_ADATE" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Construction_Start_Actual,-1,-1;CABLE_PLACED_PLANNED "CABLE_PLACED_PDATE" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Cable_Placed_Planned,-1,-1;CABLE_PLACED_ACTUAL "CABLE_PLACED_ADATE" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Cable_Placed_Actual,-1,-1;SPLICE_TEST_PLANNED "SPLICE_TEST_PDATE" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Splice___Test_Planned,-1,-1;SPLICE_TEST_ACTUAL "SPLICE_TEST_ADATE" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",Splice___Test_Actual,-1,-1;OPERATION_TYPE "OPERATION_TYPE" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#;VENDOR_REFERENCE_ID "VENDOR_REFERENCE_ID" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#;CONDUIT_PARTIALLYPLACED_ACTUAL "CONDUIT_PARTIALLYPLACED_ACTUAL" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",CONDUIT_PARTIALLYPLACED_ACTUAL,-1,-1;CONDUIT_PLACED_ESTIMATED "CONDUIT_PLACED_ESTIMATED" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",CONDUIT_PLACED_ESTIMATED,-1,-1;CONDUIT_PLACED_ACTUAL "CONDUIT_PLACED_ACTUAL" true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,"csvTableView",CONDUIT_PLACED_ACTUAL,-1,-1', subtype="") print "... " + (arcpy.GetMessages()) print("\n") ##### Insert an "I" into the newly added rows ##### arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("sdeTableView", "NEW_SELECTION", "OPERATION_TYPE IS NULL") num_of_rows2 = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("sdeTableView").getOutput(0)) arcpy.CalculateField_management("sdeTableView", "OPERATION_TYPE", "'I'",
def main(in_features, date_field, init_date, spatial_band_size, spatial_half, temporal_band_size, temporal_half, probability_type, out_raster, out_polygon, slice_num, pub_polys='', pub_type='', username='', password='', server_url='', poly_url='', *args): """ Generates a raster and series of polygons based on that raster to illustrate the probability of incidents occuring at the current moment in time based on defined algorithms for the decay of spatial and temporal influence of previous incidents. in_features: Point feature class or shapefile showing the location of incidents that have occured recently, and from which predictions will be based. This feature class must have a date field and all features must have date values. date_field: Field in in_features containing the date each incident occurred. Values in this field are used to calculate the decay of temporal influence between when the incident occured and the current date. spatial_band_size: Value in the units of in_features representing the maximum reach of spatial influence of historical incidents. temporal_band_size: Value in days representing the maximum reach of temporal influence of historical incidents. Features in in_features where todays date minus the incident date results in a number of days greater than this value will not be considered when creating the prediction zones. init_date: Initial processing date. All incidents with dates between this date and init_date - temporal_band_size will be included in the report probability_type: 'CUMULATIVE' (default) creates a surface resulting from summing the prediction risks from each incident; 'MAXIMUM' creates a surface representing the maximum risk value from each incident. out_raster: Location for output incident prediction surface raster. Raster name will have timestamp. out_polygon_fc: Output polygon feature class based on classifying the out_raster values into slice_num categories. Polygon boundaries represent the bounds of the prediction zones as defined by the raster slices. slice_num: Integer value representing the number of zones that will be created from the prediction raster. Each zone will represent a range of prediction risk values. pub_polys: booleen option for publishing the polygon features. Service must exist previously. Service will be truncated and the cumulative results from in_features will be appended init_date: initial processing date. pub_type: Choice of publication environments- NONE, ARCGIS_ONLINE, ARCGIS_PORTAL, ARCGIS_SERVER username: administrative username for the service password: corresponding to the username server_url: organization url poly_url: URL to the rest endpoint of the polygon service layer """ try: i = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor("default") arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Initializing...') # Check out spatial analyst extentsion if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available": arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") else: raise Exception("Spatial Analyst license unavailable") now = dt.strftime(, "%y%m%d%H%M%S") # Convert booleen values if not pub_polys == 'True': pub_polys = False # Get init_date value if init_date == 'TODAY': init_date = today elif init_date == 'YESTERDAY': init_date = today - td(days=1) else: try: init_date = dt.strptime(init_date, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: raise Exception( "Invalid date format. Initial Date must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd." ) # Work in an in-memory copy of the dataset to avoid editing the original incident_fc = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( in_features, "in_memory", 'temp_incs') # Get OID field name oidname = arcpy.Describe(incident_fc).oidFieldName # Expand the extents of the dataset by the size of the spatial band # rasters will represent the full extent of risk, # not bound to extents of incidents expand_extents(incident_fc, float(spatial_band_size)) # SelectLayerByAttributes tool requires feature layer incident_lyr = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(incident_fc) # Create in-memory summary raster with max extents d = arcpy.Describe(incident_fc) sr = d.spatialReference arcpy.env.extent = d.extent sum_raster =, data_type='INTEGER', extent=d.extent) # Calculate minimum bounds of accepted time frame date_min = init_date - td(days=int(temporal_band_size)) # Create risk rasters for each incident within temporal reach of today sql = """{0} <= date'{1}' AND {0} > date'{2}'""".format( date_field, init_date, date_min) numrows = 0 with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(incident_fc, "OID@", where_clause=sql) as rows: for row in rows: numrows += 1 with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(incident_fc, ['OID@', date_field], where_clause=sql) as incidents: count = 0 for incident in incidents: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Calculating influence of incident {} of {}...'.format( count + 1, numrows)) # Calculate age of incident try: date_diff = init_date - incident[1].date() except TypeError: date_diff = - incident[1].date() # Build float distance raster for incident sql = """{} = {}""".format(oidname, incident[0]) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(incident_lyr, where_clause=sql) inc_raster = calculate_risk_surface(incident_lyr, date_diff.days, spatial_band_size, float(temporal_half), float(spatial_half)) # Process cumulative risk if probability_type == 'CUMULATIVE': sum_raster += inc_raster # Process maximum risk else: sum_raster = calculate_max_risk(sum_raster, inc_raster) count += 1 if not count: raise Exception('No incidents found between {} and {}'.format( date_min, init_date)) else: arcpy.AddMessage("{} incidents found.".format(count)) # Save final probability raster where values are > 0 arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Saving final raster...') sum_raster =, sum_raster, "Value <= 0") out_raster_name = ''.join([out_raster, os.sep, 'p', now]) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(18, out_raster_name) # Slice raster values into categories and convert to temp polys arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Creating polygons...') temp_polys = convert_raster_to_zones(sum_raster, slice_num, cur_status_field, cur_date_field) # Creat polygon fc if it doesn't exist if not arcpy.Exists(out_polygon): create_zone_fc(temp_polys, sr, out_polygon) # Create status fields if they don't exist add_status_fields_to_lyr(out_polygon) # Set status of all existing features to False sql = """{} <> 'False'""".format(cur_status_field) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_polygon, cur_status_field, where_clause=sql) as rows: for row in rows: row[0] = 'False' rows.updateRow(row) # Append temp poly features to output polygon fc arcpy.Append_management(temp_polys, out_polygon) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(17, out_polygon) # Update polygon services. # If pubtype = NONE or SERVER, no steps necessary if pub_type in ['ARCGIS_ONLINE', 'ARCGIS_PORTAL'] and pub_polys: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Updating polygon feature service...') # connect to incidents service try: fl = connect_to_layer(username, password, server_url, poly_url) except: raise Exception('Could not update service. Please verify ' 'organization URL and service URL are ' 'correct, and the provided username and ' 'password have access to the service.') # Check service for status, creation, risk fields. add if necessary add_status_field_to_service(fl) # Update 'current' features in service to be 'past' field_info = [{ 'FieldName': cur_status_field, 'ValueToSet': 'False' }] out_fields = ['objectid'] for fld in field_info: out_fields.append(fld['FieldName']) sql = """{} = 'True'""".format(cur_status_field) updateFeats = fl.query(where=sql, out_fields=','.join(out_fields)) for feat in updateFeats: for fld in field_info: feat.set_value(fld['FieldName'], fld['ValueToSet']) fl.updateFeature(features=updateFeats) # Add new 'current' features fl.addFeatures(temp_polys) except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Get the tool error messages msgs = arcpy.GetMessages() arcpy.AddError(msgs) print(msgs) except: # Return error messages for use in script tool or Python Window arcpy.AddError(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print("\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + "\n") finally: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Completed.') arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial")
"NEW_SELECTION", slt_qry_down) #may need to make this selection into single feature for population as raster #arcpy.Dissolve_management("catchment_lyr", flood_areaD_clip_single) #select and clip corresponding flood zone arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("flood_zone_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION", where_clause) arcpy.Clip_analysis("flood_zone_lyr", "catchment_lyr", flood_areaD_clip) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(flood_areaD_clip, "flood_zone_down_lyr") arcpy.Dissolve_management("flood_zone_down_lyr", flood_areaD_clip_single) #append to empty clipped set arcpy.Append_management(flood_areaD_clip_single, flood_areaD) clip_rows = arcpy.GetCount_management(flood_areaD) arcpy.AddMessage( "Determine catchments downstream for row {}, of {}".format( clip_rows, site_cnt)) print("Determine catchments downstream for row {}, of {}".format( clip_rows, site_cnt)) arcpy.AddMessage( "Finished reducing flood zone areas to downstream from sites...") print("Finished reducing flood zone areas to downstream from sites...") #step 3C: calculate flood area as benefitting percentage arcpy.AddMessage("Measuring flood zone area downstream of each site...") print("Measuring flood zone area downstream of each site...")
def build_basketball_court(output_gdb, output_feature_class): print('Creating basketball court.') fields = ('SHAPE@', 'NAME') fc = os.path.join(output_gdb, output_feature_class) if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(output_gdb, output_feature_class)): arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(output_gdb, output_feature_class, "POLYGON", "#", "DISABLED", "DISABLED", arcpy.SpatialReference(3857)) arcpy.AddField_management(fc, fields[1], "TEXT", field_length=20) cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, fields) field = [(-250, -52.5), (250, -52.5), (250, 940 - 52.5), (-250, 940 - 52.5)] cursor.insertRow([field, "Court"]) pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0, 190 - 52.5)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\key1", 60) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\key1", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0, 940 - (190 + 52.5))) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\key2", 60) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\key2", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") whole_key = [(-80, -52.5), (80, -52.5), (80, 190 - 52.5), (-80, 190 - 52.5)] cursor.insertRow([whole_key, "Paint Extended"]) whole_key = [(-80, 940 - 52.5), (80, 940 - 52.5), (80, 940 - (190 + 52.5)), (-80, 940 - (190 + 52.5))] cursor.insertRow([whole_key, "Paint Extended"]) paint = [(-60, 940 - 52.5), (60, 940 - 52.5), (60, 940 - (190 + 52.5)), (-60, 940 - (190 + 52.5))] cursor.insertRow([paint, "Paint"]) paint = [(-60, -52.5), (60, -52.5), (60, 190 - 52.5), (-60, 190 - 52.5)] cursor.insertRow([paint, "Paint"]) ## rim = [(-60, -5.5), ## (60, -5.5), ## (60, 19-5.5), ## (-60, 19-5.5)] pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0, 0)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\rim1", 12.5) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\rim1", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0, 835)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\rim2", 12.5) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\rim2", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0, 470 - 52.5)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\midcourt", 60) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\midcourt", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") #pt_geometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(arcpy.Point(0,470-55)) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pt_geometry, "in_memory\\midcourt_inner", 20) arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\midcourt_inner", fc, "NO_TEST", "", "") #cursor.insertRow([paint, "Rim"]) print("Done.")
# Merge individual polygons and tables print ' =====================================================' print ' =====================================================' print 'Total number of processed polygons ' + str(n_poly) # Merge shapes print 'Merging all shapefiles...' # Populate list with 1st element sample_fcs = fcs_list[0] arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(sample_fcs, os.path.join(ws, out_shp_name)) # Iterate through all but 1st list element (already completed) iterfcs = iter(fcs_list) next(iterfcs) for fcs in iterfcs: arcpy.Append_management([fcs], os.path.join(ws, out_shp_name), "NO_TEST") # Clean up print 'Deleting files...' arcpy.Delete_management('in_memory') for fc in fcs_list: arcpy.Delete_management(fc) print 'Done! Files written to: ' print os.path.join(ws, out_shp_name) ts1 = time.time() print 'Time elapsed: ' + str(ts1 - ts0) + ' seconds'