コード例 #1
def Precip(watershed_poly):
    # Local variables
    precipchago = r'D:\Jackson\StorageCapacity\ToolData\precipchago'
    precip_raster = Raster(precipchago)
    prec_table = 'prec_table'
    prec_table_avg = 'prec_table_avg'

    if precipchago == '#' or not precipchago:
        precipchago = "precipchago"  # provide a default value if unspecified

    # Process
    arcpy.AddMessage("Extract precipitation values from raster to table")
    arcpy.ExtractValuesToTable_ga(watershed_poly, precip_raster, prec_table,
                                  "", "true")
    arcpy.AddField_management(watershed_poly, "Prec_ID", "SHORT", "", "", "",
                              "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(watershed_poly, "Prec_ID", 1, "PYTHON", "")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Determine Average precipitation across watershed")
    arcpy.Statistics_analysis(prec_table, prec_table_avg, "Value MEAN", "")
    arcpy.AddField_management(prec_table_avg, "Av_Prec", "DOUBLE", "", "", "",
                              "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED")
    arcpy.AddField_management(prec_table_avg, "ID")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(prec_table_avg, "ID", 1, "PYTHON")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(prec_table_avg, "Av_Prec", "!MEAN_Value!",
                                    "PYTHON", "")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(watershed_poly, "Prec_ID", prec_table_avg, "ID",
コード例 #2
def extractValues():
    '''Extract values of daily rainfall data to csv table based on household 
       point shapefile. Add option to output table with names of input rasters
    env.workspace = pathlist[0]  # Set workplace for CHIRPS daily rasters
    raslist = arcpy.ListRasters()  # create raster list of all rasters
    outname = "CHIRPS_tanz.dbf"
    arcpy.ExtractValuesToTable_ga(pathlist[2] + "BalancedGeoVars.shp", raslist,
                                  pathlist[1] + outname,
                                  pathlist[1] + "rasnames.dbf", "FALSE")
    print "Completed extracting values on", outname
def calcstats(mydir):
    lTIFs = [
    ]  # Create a blank list that would be populated by input geotiff files later
    for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(mydir):
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n" + 'Processing Folder ' + mydir + "\n")
        for name in files:
            if fnmatch(name, pattern):
                TIF = os.path.join(path, name)
        # Loop through each raster file and calculate statistics
        for tif in lTIFs:
            tifpath, tifname = os.path.split(tif)  # Split filenames and paths
            tbloutfield = tifname.split('.')[
                0]  # Get output csv filname without extension
            tbloutfield = tbloutfield.replace('prate_',
                                              '')  # Strip _pt from name
            outcsv = tbloutfield + '.csv'
            tbloutfield = "d" + tbloutfield[
                1:]  # Replace first char of date(year) by "d" to overrule a restriction

            ## Definition of variables related to Point Shapefile Processing ##

            ptout = tif.replace(
                '.tif', '.dbf')  # Full name & Path of temp output point shp

            ## Start process to calulate statistics for point shapefile ##

            # Skip if output table already exists
            if not os.path.exists(ptout):

                arcpy.AddMessage('Processing ' + tifname)
                    arcpy.ExtractValuesToTable_ga(ptshp, tif, ptout, "", "")
                    fmap = '{} \\\"'.format(
                    ) + tbloutfield + "\\\" " + "true true false 19 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + ptout + ",Value,-1,-1;SrcID_Feat \\\"SrcID_Feat\\\" true true false 10 Long 0 10 ,First,#," + ptout + ",SrcID_Feat,-1,-1"
                    arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(ptout, tifpath, outcsv, "",
                                                  fmap, "")

                    # Define local variables for calculating statistics
                    if ptinter == True:

                    arcpy.AddMessage('Error in processing ' + tifname)
                arcpy.AddMessage('Skipping ' + tifname + " (Already Exists)")

            del ptout, tif, tbloutfield, fmap, outcsv
        lTIFs = []
コード例 #4
def Find_Slope(watershed_poly):
    # Local variables
    watershed_dem = 'watershed_dem'
    slope1 = 'slope1'
    slope_table = 'slope_table'
    slope_stats = 'slope_stats'

    # Extract slope raster by watershed polygon
    arcpy.AddMessage("clip DEM to watershed polygon")
    arcpy.gp.ExtractByMask_sa(filled_dem, watershed_poly, watershed_dem)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Calculate slope for watershed")
    arcpy.gp.Slope_sa(watershed_dem, slope1, "PERCENT_RISE", "1")
    arcpy.ExtractValuesToTable_ga(watershed_poly, slope1, slope_table)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Find average slope across the watershed")
    arcpy.Statistics_analysis(slope_table, slope_stats, "Value MEAN")
    arcpy.AddField_management(slope_stats, "Slope_Avg", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(slope_stats, "Slope_Avg", "!MEAN_Value!", "PYTHON", "")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Join field to polygon")
    arcpy.AddField_management(slope_stats, "Prec_ID")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(slope_stats, "Prec_ID", 1, "PYTHON")
    arcpy.JoinField_management(watershed_poly, "Prec_ID", slope_stats, "OBJECTID", "Slope_Avg")
コード例 #5
ファイル: automation_python.py プロジェクト: ermian98-uw/GIS
    # Mask Hillshade with Cloudless LST pixels
    masked_hillshade_raster = Con(
            + the_date + ".tif"),
            + the_date + ".tif"))
        + the_date + ".tif")

    # Extract Values to Table (surface temp)
        + the_date + ".tif",
        + the_date + ".txt", "", "")

    # Extract Values to Table (masked hillshade status)
        + the_date + ".tif",
        + the_date + "_shadestatus.txt", "", "")

# Step THREE: Establish the "hot" and "cold" spots for eight groups (see 'ex' variable in code block)