def main(infc, sampling, mask, outfc, trim): try: if 'shp' in outfc: arcpy.AddError('Output parameter must be saved in a geodatabase') sys.exit() dname = os.path.dirname(outfc) fname = os.path.basename(outfc) if mask: arcpy.Intersect_analysis([sampling, mask], "in_memory\\lines", "ONLY_FID", "", "") arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management("in_memory\\lines", "in_memory\\lines_sp") sampling = "in_memory\\lines_sp" dfields = [] for field in arcpy.ListFields(sampling): if not field.required: dfields.append( arcpy.DeleteField_management(sampling, dfields) curfields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(sampling)] if 'Sample_No_' not in curfields: arcpy.AddField_management(sampling, 'Sample_No_', 'DOUBLE') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(sampling, ['OID@', 'Sample_No_']) as cursor: for feature in cursor: try: feature[1] = feature[0] cursor.updateRow(feature) except Exception, e: #No Connection? arcpy.AddError('%s' % (e)) continue del cursor, feature arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(sampling, "in_memory\\start", "START") sources = {} with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("in_memory\\start", ['SHAPE@', 'Sample_No_']) as cursor: for feature in cursor: start = feature[0].firstPoint start = (round(start.X, 4), round(start.Y, 4)) sources[feature[1]] = start del cursor, feature infields = [(, f.type) for f in arcpy.ListFields(infc)] arcpy.Intersect_analysis([sampling, infc], "in_memory\\int", "", "", "POINT") arcpy.SplitLineAtPoint_management(sampling, "in_memory\\int", outfc, 1) curfields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(outfc)] if 'Distance' not in curfields: arcpy.AddField_management(outfc, 'Distance', "DOUBLE") if 'Count' not in curfields: arcpy.AddField_management(outfc, 'Count', "SHORT") edges = {} points = [] arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management("in_memory", "point", "POINT", '', 'ENABLED', '', infc) arcpy.AddMessage('Calculating Edges') with arcpy.da.InsertCursor("in_memory\\point", ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor2: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outfc, ['SHAPE@', 'Sample_No_']) as cursor: for feature in cursor: start = feature[0].firstPoint end = feature[0].lastPoint pnts1, pnts2 = [(round(start.X, 4), round(start.Y, 4)), (round(end.X, 4), round(end.Y, 4))] Length = feature[0].length ID = feature[1] if ID in edges: edges[ID].add_edge(pnts1, pnts2, weight=Length) else: G = nx.Graph() G.add_edge(pnts1, pnts2, weight=Length) edges[ID] = G if pnts1 not in points: points.append(pnts1) cursor2.insertRow([pnts1]) if pnts2 not in points: points.append(pnts2) cursor2.insertRow([pnts2]) del cursor, cursor2, feature, G arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis("in_memory\\point", infc, "in_memory\\sj", "", "KEEP_COMMON") data = {} fields = [] for field, ftype in infields: if field != 'SHAPE@' and ftype != 'OID' and field not in curfields: arcpy.AddField_management(outfc, field, ftype) fields.append(field) fields.append('Shape@') with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("in_memory\\sj", fields) as cursor: for feature in cursor: d = {} start = feature[-1].firstPoint start = (round(start.X, 4), round(start.Y, 4)) for enum, field in enumerate(fields[:-1]): d[field] = feature[enum] data[start] = d del cursor, feature Lengths = {} fields.extend(['Distance', 'Sample_No_', 'Count']) arcpy.AddMessage('Updating Features') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(outfc, fields) as cursor: for feature in cursor: try: start = feature[-4].firstPoint end = feature[-4].lastPoint startx, starty = (round(start.X, 4), round(start.Y, 4)) endx, endy = (round(end.X, 4), round(end.Y, 4)) ID = feature[-2] if ID not in Lengths: G = edges[ID] Source = sources[ID] Length, Path = nx.single_source_dijkstra( G, Source, weight='weight') Index = max(Length, key=Length.get) Lengths[ID] = [Length] Length, Path = nx.single_source_dijkstra( G, Source, weight='weight') G.clear() Lengths[ID].append(Length) L = [ Lengths[ID][0][(endx, endy)], Lengths[ID][0][(startx, starty)] ] feature[-3] = max(L) feature[-1] = 1 v = L.index(max(L)) if v == 1: FID = (startx, starty) else: FID = (endx, endy) if FID in data: d = data[FID] for enum, field in enumerate(fields[:-4]): if field in d: feature[enum] = d[field] cursor.updateRow(feature) except Exception, e: #No Connection? arcpy.AddError('%s' % (e)) break
def generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC, descInput, zerodate=False): def attHelper(row): # helper function to get/set field attributes for output gpx file pnt = row[1].getPart() valuesDict["PNTX"] = str(pnt.X) valuesDict["PNTY"] = str(pnt.Y) Z = pnt.Z if descInput.hasZ else None if Z or ("ELEVATION" in cursorFields): valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(Z) if Z else str( row[fieldNameDict["ELEVATION"]]) else: valuesDict["ELEVATION"] = str(0) valuesDict["NAME"] = row[ fieldNameDict["NAME"]] if "NAME" in fields else " " valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] = row[ fieldNameDict["DESCRIPT"]] if "DESCRIPT" in fields else " " if "DATETIMES" in fields: row_time = row[fieldNameDict["DATETIMES"]] formatted_time = row_time if row_time else " " elif zerodate and "DATETIMES" not in fields: formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0)) else: formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(0)) if zerodate else " " valuesDict["DATETIMES"] = formatted_time return #-------------end helper function----------------- def getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields): previousPartNum = 0 startTrack = True # Loop through all features and parts with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inputFC, cursorFields, spatial_reference="4326", explode_to_points=True) as searchCur: for row in searchCur: if descInput.shapeType == "Polyline": for part in row: try: newPart = False if not row[ 0] == previousPartNum or startTrack is True: startTrack = False newPart = True previousPartNum = row[0] attHelper(row) yield "trk", newPart except: arcpy.AddWarning( "Problem reading values for row: {}. Skipping." .format(row[0])) elif descInput.shapeType == "Multipoint" or descInput.shapeType == "Point": # check to see if data was original GPX with "Type" of "TRKPT" or "WPT" trkType = row[fieldNameDict["TYPE"]].upper( ) if "TYPE" in fields else None try: attHelper(row) if trkType == "TRKPT": newPart = False if previousPartNum == 0: newPart = True previousPartNum = 1 yield "trk", newPart else: yield "wpt", None except: arcpy.AddWarning( "Problem reading values for row: {}. Skipping.". format(row[0])) # ---------end get values function------------- # Get list of available fields fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(inputFC)] valuesDict = { "ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": "", "DESCRIPT": "", "DATETIMES": "", "TYPE": "", "PNTX": 0, "PNTY": 0 } fieldNameDict = { "ELEVATION": 0, "NAME": 1, "DESCRIPT": 2, "DATETIMES": 3, "TYPE": 4, "PNTX": 5, "PNTY": 6 } cursorFields = ["OID@", "SHAPE@"] for key, item in valuesDict.items(): if key in fields: fieldNameDict[key] = len(cursorFields) # assign current index cursorFields.append(key) # build up list of fields for cursor else: fieldNameDict[key] = None for index, gpxValues in enumerate(getValuesFromFC(inputFC, cursorFields)): if gpxValues[0] == "wpt": wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, 'wpt', { 'lon': valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat': valuesDict["PNTY"] }) wptEle = ET.SubElement(wpt, "ele") wptEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"] wptTime = ET.SubElement(wpt, "time") wptTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"] wptName = ET.SubElement(wpt, "name") wptName.text = valuesDict["NAME"] wptDesc = ET.SubElement(wpt, "desc") wptDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] else: #TRKS if gpxValues[1]: # Elements for the start of a new track trk = ET.SubElement(gpx, "trk") trkName = ET.SubElement(trk, "name") trkName.text = valuesDict["NAME"] trkDesc = ET.SubElement(trk, "desc") trkDesc.text = valuesDict["DESCRIPT"] trkSeg = ET.SubElement(trk, "trkseg") trkPt = ET.SubElement(trkSeg, "trkpt", { 'lon': valuesDict["PNTX"], 'lat': valuesDict["PNTY"] }) trkPtEle = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "ele") trkPtEle.text = valuesDict["ELEVATION"] trkPtTime = ET.SubElement(trkPt, "time") trkPtTime.text = valuesDict["DATETIMES"]
def assign_phyregs_to_naipqq(): ''' This function adds the phyregs field to the NAIP QQ shapefile and populates it with physiographic region IDs that intersect each NAIP tile. This function needs to be run only once, but running it multiple times would not hurt either other than wasting computational resources. ''' phyregs_layer = canopy_config.phyregs_layer phyregs_area_sqkm_field = canopy_config.phyregs_area_sqkm_field naipqq_layer = canopy_config.naipqq_layer naipqq_phyregs_field = canopy_config.naipqq_phyregs_field # calculate phyregs_area_sqkm_field fields = arcpy.ListFields(phyregs_layer, phyregs_area_sqkm_field) for field in fields: if == phyregs_area_sqkm_field: arcpy.DeleteField_management(phyregs_layer, phyregs_area_sqkm_field) break arcpy.AddField_management(phyregs_layer, phyregs_area_sqkm_field, 'DOUBLE'), [[phyregs_area_sqkm_field, 'AREA']], '', 'SQUARE_KILOMETERS') # calculate naipqq_phyregs_field fields = arcpy.ListFields(naipqq_layer, naipqq_phyregs_field) for field in fields: if == naipqq_phyregs_field: arcpy.DeleteField_management(naipqq_layer, naipqq_phyregs_field) break arcpy.AddField_management(naipqq_layer, naipqq_phyregs_field, 'TEXT', field_length=100) # make sure to clear selection because most geoprocessing tools use # selected features, if any arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(naipqq_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') # initialize the phyregs field to , arcpy.CalculateField_management(naipqq_layer, naipqq_phyregs_field, '","') # for each physiographic region with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(phyregs_layer, ['NAME', 'PHYSIO_ID']) as cur: for row in sorted(cur): name = row[0] print(name) phyreg_id = row[1] # select the current physiographic region arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, where_clause='PHYSIO_ID=%d' % phyreg_id) # select intersecting naip qq features arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(naipqq_layer, select_features=phyregs_layer) # append phyreg_id + , so the result becomes ,...,#, arcpy.CalculateField_management(naipqq_layer, naipqq_phyregs_field, '!%s!+"%d,"' % (naipqq_phyregs_field, phyreg_id), 'PYTHON_9.3') # clear selection again arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(naipqq_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') print('Completed')
import os, sys import arcpy src = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)# r"D:\OMM_GIS\Projects\DoP_InterCensus_2019\01_EA\EA_copiled"NPT_EA_116(export).shp" srcField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # Field to get attribute value eg. "VTCODE" outDir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # output directory to save new files eg. r"C:\TempGIS\DOP\export" preffix = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) # option for prefix for new file name. if not provided, field name will be use. if not preffix: preffix = srcField preffix = preffix + "_" #fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(src) setAttr = [] row_count = 0 # verify field type as string or integer for where clause construction fields = arcpy.ListFields(src) for field in fields: if == srcField: if field.type == "String": where_clause_template = '"{}" = \'{}\'' elif field.type=="Integer": where_clause_template = '"{}" = {}' else: print ("You have differnt data type other than \"string & numeric\" data types. \nScript stopped" ) sys.exit() # fetch field value and make unique list with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(src,[srcField]) as cursor: for row in cursor: setAttr.append(row[0]) row_count += 1
## Este script comprueba si un campo existe, y si no lo crea ## # Modulos import arcpy, os # Variables de entorno ruta = 'C:\\...' env.workspace = ruta env.overwriteOutput = True # Variables locales nuevo_campo = 'nombre_campo' capa = 'nombre_capa.shp' listaCampos = arcpy.ListFields(capa) existencia = 0 # Comprobar si existe for campo in listaCampos: if == nuevo_campo: existencia = 1 # Si existe no hacer nada if existencia == 1: print('El campo ' + nuevo_campo + ' ya existe') # Si no existe crearlo else: arcpy.AddField_management(capa,nuevo_campo,tipo...) print('El campo ' + nuevo_campo + ' ha sido creado')
def SLEM(Line, Distance, Output, TempFolder, TF): CopyLine = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(Line, "%ScratchWorkspace%\CopyLine") fieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(CopyLine)] #/identification of the polyline type : raw, UGOs, sequenced UGOs, or AGOs k = 0 if "Rank_AGO" in fieldnames : k = 3 elif "Order_ID" in fieldnames : k = 2 elif "Rank_UGO" in fieldnames : k = 1 arcpy.AddMessage(k) ################################ ########## Raw polyline ######## ################################ # if k == 0 : #/shaping of the segmented result arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "Rank_UGO", "!"+fieldnames[0]+"!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "0", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "!shape.length!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") #/conversion in routes LineRoutes = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(CopyLine, "Rank_UGO", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\LineRoutes", "TWO_FIELDS", "From_Measure", "To_Measure") #/creation of the event table PointEventTEMP = arcpy.CreateTable_management("%ScratchWorkspace%", "PointEventTEMP", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Distance", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "To_M", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(LineRoutes) rowslines = arcpy.SearchCursor(LineRoutes) rowsevents = arcpy.InsertCursor(PointEventTEMP) for line in rowslines: tempdistance = float(0) while (tempdistance < float(line.Shape_Length)): row = rowsevents.newRow() row.Rank_UGO = line.Rank_UGO row.To_M = tempdistance + float(Distance) row.Distance = tempdistance rowsevents.insertRow(row) tempdistance = tempdistance + float(Distance) del rowslines del rowsevents #/creation of the route event layer MakeRouteEventTEMP = arcpy.MakeRouteEventLayer_lr(LineRoutes, "Rank_UGO", PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO LINE Distance To_M", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\MakeRouteEventTEMP") Split = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(MakeRouteEventTEMP, "%ScratchWorkspace%\\Split", "", "0", "0", "0") Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Split, Output, [["Rank_UGO", "ASCENDING"], ["Distance", "ASCENDING"]]) arcpy.DeleteField_management(Sort, "To_M") #/calculation of the "Distance" field UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(Sort) rows1 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) rows2 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) line2 = line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) nrows = int(str(arcpy.GetCount_management(Sort))) n = 0 for line1 in rows1 : line2 = if n == nrows-1 : break if n == 0 : line1.Distance = 0 if line2.Rank_UGO == line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = line1.Distance + line1.Shape_Length rows2.updateRow(line2) if line2.Rank_UGO != line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) n+=1 #/deleting of the temporary files if str(TF) == "true" : arcpy.Delete_management(Split) arcpy.Delete_management(CopyLine) arcpy.Delete_management(LineRoutes) arcpy.Delete_management(PointEventTEMP) ################## ###### UGO ####### ################## if k == 1 : #/shaping of the segmented result arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "0", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "!shape.length!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") #/conversion in routes LineRoutes = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(CopyLine, "Rank_UGO", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\LineRoutes", "TWO_FIELDS", "From_Measure", "To_Measure") #/creation of the event table PointEventTEMP = arcpy.CreateTable_management("%ScratchWorkspace%", "PointEventTEMP", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Distance", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "To_M", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(LineRoutes) rowslines = arcpy.SearchCursor(LineRoutes) rowsevents = arcpy.InsertCursor(PointEventTEMP) for line in rowslines: tempdistance = float(0) while (tempdistance < float(line.Shape_Length)): row = rowsevents.newRow() row.Rank_UGO = line.Rank_UGO row.To_M = tempdistance + float(Distance) row.Distance = tempdistance rowsevents.insertRow(row) tempdistance = tempdistance + float(Distance) del rowslines del rowsevents #/creation of the route event layer MakeRouteEventTEMP = arcpy.MakeRouteEventLayer_lr(LineRoutes, "Rank_UGO", PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO LINE Distance To_M", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\MakeRouteEventTEMP") Split = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(MakeRouteEventTEMP, "%ScratchWorkspace%\\Split", "", "0", "0", "0") Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Split, Output, [["Rank_UGO", "ASCENDING"], ["Distance", "ASCENDING"]]) arcpy.DeleteField_management(Sort, "To_M") #/calculation of the "Distance" field UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(Sort) rows1 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) rows2 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) line2 = line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) nrows = int(str(arcpy.GetCount_management(Sort))) n = 0 for line1 in rows1 : line2 = if n == nrows-1 : break if n == 0 : line1.Distance = 0 if line2.Rank_UGO == line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = line1.Distance + line1.Shape_Length rows2.updateRow(line2) if line2.Rank_UGO != line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) n+=1 #/deleting of the temporary files if str(TF) == "true" : arcpy.Delete_management(Split) arcpy.Delete_management(CopyLine) arcpy.Delete_management(LineRoutes) arcpy.Delete_management(PointEventTEMP) ################################ ######### Sequenced UGO ######## ################################ if k == 2 : #/shaping of the segmented result arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "0", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "!Shape_Length!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") #/conversion in routes LineRoutes = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(CopyLine, "Rank_UGO", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\LineRoutes", "TWO_FIELDS", "From_Measure", "To_Measure") arcpy.AddField_management(LineRoutes, "Order_ID", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Line, "%ScratchWorkspace%\\Sort", [["Rank_UGO", "ASCENDING"]]) rows1 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(LineRoutes) rows2 = arcpy.SearchCursor(Sort) for line1 in rows1 : line2 = line1.Order_ID = line2.Order_ID rows1.updateRow(line1) #/creation of the event table PointEventTEMP = arcpy.CreateTable_management("%ScratchWorkspace%", "PointEventTEMP", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "To_M", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Order_ID", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Distance", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(LineRoutes) rowslines = arcpy.SearchCursor(LineRoutes) rowsevents = arcpy.InsertCursor(PointEventTEMP) for line in rowslines: tempdistance = float(0) while (tempdistance < float(line.Shape_Length)): row = rowsevents.newRow() row.To_M = tempdistance + float(Distance) row.Order_ID = line.Order_ID row.Rank_UGO = line.Rank_UGO row.Distance = tempdistance rowsevents.insertRow(row) tempdistance = tempdistance + float(Distance) del rowslines del rowsevents MakeRouteEventTEMP = arcpy.MakeRouteEventLayer_lr(LineRoutes, "Rank_UGO", PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO LINE Distance To_M", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\MakeRouteEventTEMP") Split = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(MakeRouteEventTEMP, "%ScratchWorkspace%\\Split", "", "0", "0", "0") Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Split, Output, [["Rank_UGO", "ASCENDING"], ["Distance", "ASCENDING"]]) arcpy.DeleteField_management(Sort, "To_M") #/calculation of the "Distance" field UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(Sort) rows1 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) rows2 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Sort) line2 = line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) nrows = int(str(arcpy.GetCount_management(Split))) n = 0 for line1 in rows1 : line2 = if n >= nrows-1 : break if n == 0 : line1.Distance = 0 if line2.Rank_UGO == line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = line1.Distance + line1.Shape_Length rows2.updateRow(line2) if line2.Rank_UGO != line1.Rank_UGO : line2.Distance = 0 rows2.updateRow(line2) n+=1 #/deleting of the temporary files if str(TF) == "true" : arcpy.Delete_management(Split) arcpy.Delete_management(CopyLine) arcpy.Delete_management(LineRoutes) arcpy.Delete_management(PointEventTEMP) ############# #### AGO #### ############# if k == 3 : #/shaping of the segmented result arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "From_Measure", "0", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.AddField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") try : arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "!shape.length!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") except : arcpy.CalculateField_management(CopyLine, "To_Measure", "!forme.length!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") #/conversion in routes LineRoutes = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(CopyLine, "Rank_AGO", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\LineRoutes", "TWO_FIELDS", "From_Measure", "To_Measure") arcpy.AddField_management(LineRoutes, "Order_ID", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(LineRoutes, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(LineRoutes, "AGO_Val", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(LineRoutes) Ext.Export(CopyLine,TempFolder,"ExportTable") fichier = open(TempFolder+"\\ExportTable.txt", 'r') Order_ID = [] Rank_UGO = [] Dist = [] Rank_AGO = [] AGO_Val = [] head = fichier.readline().split('\n')[0].split(';') iOrder_ID = head.index("Order_ID") iRank_UGO = head.index("Rank_UGO") iRank_AGO = head.index("Rank_AGO") iAGO_Val = head.index("AGO_Val") for l in fichier: Order_ID.append(int(l.split('\n')[0].split(';')[iOrder_ID])) Rank_UGO.append(int(l.split('\n')[0].split(';')[iRank_UGO])) Rank_AGO.append(float(l.split('\n')[0].split(';')[iRank_AGO])) AGO_Val.append(float(l.split('\n')[0].split(';')[iAGO_Val].replace(',','.'))) p=0 rows1 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(LineRoutes) for line1 in rows1 : line1.Order_ID = Order_ID[p] line1.Rank_UGO = Rank_UGO[p] line1.Rank_AGO = Rank_AGO[p] line1.AGO_Val = AGO_Val[p] rows1.updateRow(line1) p+=1 #/creation of the event table PointEventTEMP = arcpy.CreateTable_management("%ScratchWorkspace%", "PointEventTEMP", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Distance_From_Start", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "To_M", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Order_ID", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Rank_UGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "Rank_AGO", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(PointEventTEMP, "AGO_Val", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") rowslines = arcpy.SearchCursor(LineRoutes) rowsevents = arcpy.InsertCursor(PointEventTEMP) for line in rowslines: tempdistance = float(0) while (tempdistance < float(line.Shape_Length)): row = rowsevents.newRow() row.Distance_From_Start = tempdistance row.To_M = tempdistance + float(Distance) row.Order_ID = line.Order_ID row.Rank_UGO = line.Rank_UGO row.Rank_AGO = line.Rank_AGO row.AGO_Val = line.AGO_Val rowsevents.insertRow(row) tempdistance = tempdistance + float(Distance) del rowslines del rowsevents MakeRouteEventTEMP = arcpy.MakeRouteEventLayer_lr(LineRoutes, "Rank_AGO", PointEventTEMP, "Rank_AGO LINE Distance_From_Start To_M", "%ScratchWorkspace%\\MakeRouteEventTEMP") Split = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(MakeRouteEventTEMP, "%ScratchWorkspace%\\Split", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.AddField_management(Split, "Distance", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(Split, "Distance", "!Distance_From_Start!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(Split, ["To_M","Distance_From_Start"]) Sort = arcpy.Sort_management(Split, Output, [["Order_ID", "ASCENDING"], ["Rank_UGO", "ASCENDING"], ["Rank_AGO", "ASCENDING"], ["Distance", "ASCENDING"]]) UPD_SL.UpToDateShapeLengthField(Sort) #/deleting of the temporary files if str(TF) == "true" : arcpy.Delete_management(Split) arcpy.Delete_management(CopyLine) arcpy.Delete_management(LineRoutes) arcpy.Delete_management(PointEventTEMP) return Sort
def to_featureclass(geo, location, overwrite=True, validate=False): """ Exports the DataFrame to a Feature class. =============== ==================================================== **Argument** **Description** --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- location Required string. This is the output location for the feature class. This should be the path and feature class name. --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- overwrite Optional Boolean. If overwrite is true, existing data will be deleted and replaced with the spatial dataframe. --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- validate Optional Boolean. If true, the export will check if all the geometry objects are correct upon export. =============== ==================================================== :returns: string """ out_location= os.path.dirname(location) fc_name = os.path.basename(location) df = geo._data old_idx = df.index df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if is None: raise ValueError("DataFrame must have geometry set.") if validate and \ geo.validate(strict=True) == False: raise ValueError(("Mixed geometry types detected, " "cannot export to feature class.")) if HASARCPY: # 1. Create the Save Feature Class # columns = df.columns.tolist() join_dummy = "AEIOUYAJC81Z" columns.pop(columns.index( dtypes = [(join_dummy, np.int64)] if overwrite and arcpy.Exists(location): arcpy.Delete_management(location) elif overwrite == False and arcpy.Exists(location): raise ValueError(('overwrite set to False, Cannot ' 'overwrite the table. ')) notnull = geo._data[geo._name].notnull() idx = geo._data[geo._name][notnull].first_valid_index() sr = geo._data[geo._name][idx]['spatialReference'] gt = geo._data[geo._name][idx].geometry_type.upper() null_geom = { 'point':{'x' : None, 'y': None, 'spatialReference' : sr}), 'polyline' :{'paths' : [], 'spatialReference' : sr}), 'polygon' :{'rings' : [], 'spatialReference' : sr}), 'multipoint' :{'points' : [], 'spatialReference' : sr}) } sr = geo._data[geo._name][idx].spatial_reference.as_arcpy null_geom = null_geom[gt.lower()] fc = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_location, spatial_reference=sr, geometry_type=gt, out_name=fc_name, )[0] # 2. Add the Fields and Data Types oidfld = da.Describe(fc)['OIDFieldName'] for col in columns[:]: if col.lower() in ['fid', 'oid', 'objectid']: dtypes.append((col, np.int32)) elif df[col]'datetime64[ns'): dtypes.append((col, '<M8[us]')) elif df[col] == 'object': try: u = type(df[col][df[col].first_valid_index()]) except: u = pd.unique(df[col].apply(type)).tolist()[0] if issubclass(u, str): mlen = df[col].str.len().max() dtypes.append((col, '<U%s' % int(mlen))) else: try: if df[col][idx] is None: dtypes.append((col, '<U254')) else: dtypes.append((col, type(df[col][idx]))) except: dtypes.append((col, '<U254')) elif df[col] == 'int64': dtypes.append((col, np.int64)) elif df[col] == 'bool': dtypes.append((col, np.int32)) else: dtypes.append((col, df[col].dtype.type)) array = np.array([], np.dtype(dtypes)) arcpy.da.ExtendTable(fc, oidfld, array, join_dummy, append_only=False) # 3. Insert the Data fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc) icols = [ for fld in fields \ if fld.type not in ['OID', 'Geometry'] and \ in df.columns] + ['SHAPE@JSON'] dfcols = [ for fld in fields \ if fld.type not in ['OID', 'Geometry'] and\ in df.columns] + [] with da.InsertCursor(fc, icols) as irows: dt_fld_idx = [irows.fields.index(col) for col in df.columns \ if df[col]'datetime64[ns')] def _insert_row(row): row[-1] =[-1]) for idx in dt_fld_idx: if isinstance(row[idx], type(pd.NaT)): row[idx] = None irows.insertRow(row) q = df[geo._name].isna() df.loc[q, 'SHAPE'] = null_geom # set null values to proper JSON np.apply_along_axis(_insert_row, 1, df[dfcols].values) df.loc[q, 'SHAPE'] = None # reset null values df.set_index(old_idx) return fc elif HASPYSHP: if fc_name.endswith('.shp') == False: fc_name = "%s.shp" % fc_name if SHPVERSION < [2]: res = _pyshp_to_shapefile(df=df, out_path=out_location, out_name=fc_name) df.set_index(old_idx) return res else: res = _pyshp2(df=df, out_path=out_location, out_name=fc_name) df.set_index(old_idx) return res elif HASARCPY == False and HASPYSHP == False: raise Exception(("Cannot Export the data without ArcPy or PyShp modules." " Please install them and try again.")) else: df.set_index(old_idx) return None
# checks if all shps in a folder have the same field names and order # ArcPy ListFields documentation # import arcpy # folder path arcpy.env.workspace = r"PATH" # takes first shp in a folder and codes field names to a list for s in arcpy.ListFiles('*.shp'): fields = arcpy.ListFields(s) f_list = [] for f in fields: f_list.append( break c = 0 x = 0 # loops through folder coding field names to a new list and checking it against the original list # if it doesn't match, it breaks the loop and prints a message for s in arcpy.ListFiles('*.shp'): print s fields = arcpy.ListFields(s) f_s_list = [] for f in fields: print f_s_list.append( if f_list != f_s_list:
# arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") for i in range(len(raster_files)): in_value_raster=raster_files[i] raster_name=raster_names[i] tmp_table=results_dir+area_type+" "+ raster_name + " zone stats.dbf" out_table=results_dir+area_type+" "+ raster_name + " zone stats.csv" (shapefile_file, shapefile_col, in_value_raster, tmp_table) import arcpy,csv table =tmp_table outfile = out_table #--first lets make a list of all of the fields in the table fields = arcpy.ListFields(table) field_names = [ for field in fields] fields = arcpy.ListFields(table) field_names = [ for field in fields] with open(outfile,'wb') as f: w = csv.writer(f) #--write all field names to the output file w.writerow(field_names) #--now we make the search cursor that will iterate through the rows of the table for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(table): field_vals = [row.getValue( for field in fields] w.writerow(field_vals) del row
if flow != None or flow != ' ': time += flow # return the total time for the path and the path return [time, mergePath] try: # Name of geometric network sdnNet = workspace + '\\SDN\\STORMDRAINNET_NET' # Feature class to be used as flags in tracing the geometric network flags = 'CatchBasin' # Add flow time field to catch basins if not already present fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(flags)] newField = ['FlowTime'] for field in newField: if field not in fields: arcpy.AddField_management(flags, field, 'FLOAT') print field + ' added to ' + flags + '...' # Start an edit session. Must provide the worksapce. edit = arcpy.da.Editor(workspace) # Edit session is started without an undo/redo stack for versioned data # (for second argument, use False for unversioned data) # For fgdbs, use settings below. edit.startEditing(False, False)
# print print "*********************: SUMMARIZATION :*********************" print # Create variables for the input and output feature classes #inBld1 = ("C:/LiDAR/Base_map/"+str(cityq)+str("_2d_buildings")+str(".shp")) import arcpy outFolderP2 = (str(dPath)+str(cityq)+"/Summary") outName2 = "summary.gdb" arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(outFolderP2, outName2) inBld1 = inMaskData inBld2 = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inBld1, "bldg_lyr") inBld3 = (str(dPath)+str(cityq)+"/Summary/summary.gdb/bldg") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inBld2,inBld3) dField = ["id","AREA_M2","AVGHT_M","MINHT_M","MAXHT_M","BASE_M","LEN","WID","ORIENT8"] fList = arcpy.ListFields(inBld3) nameList = [] for f in fList: nameList.append( for f in nameList: for f2 in dField: if f == f2: arcpy.DeleteField_management(inBld3,f2) #print "Processed step 35, Minimum boundary Geometry created for city:" +str(cityq) print "Processed step 35, copied Feature Class for Minimum boundary Geometry creation" #inBld = (str(dPath)+str(cityq)+"/Combine/"+str("bldg")+str(".shp")) ######## needs to creat for every city######################## outmbg1 = (str(dPath)+str(cityq)+"/Summary/summary.gdb/minboundgeom") # Use MinimumBoundingGeometry function to get a convex hull area #for each cluster of trees which are multipoint features arcpy.MinimumBoundingGeometry_management(inBld3, outmbg1, "CONVEX_HULL", "ALL") #Output, minboundgeom
'#', '#', fDef[3], '#', transDict[fDef[2]]) else: arcpy.AddField_management(thisFC, fDef[0], transDict[fDef[1]], '#', '#', '#', '#', transDict[fDef[2]]) cp2Fields.append(fDef[0]) except: addMsgAndPrint('Failed to add field ' + fDef[0] + ' to feature class ' + featureClass) addMsgAndPrint(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) # if labelPoints specified ## add any missing fields to centerPoints2 if arcpy.Exists(labelPoints): lpFields = arcpy.ListFields(labelPoints) for lpF in lpFields: if not in cp2Fields: addMsgAndPrint(lpF.type) if lpF.type in ('Text', 'STRING', 'String'): arcpy.AddField_management(centerPoints2,, 'TEXT', '#', '#', lpF.length) else: if lpF.type in typeTransDict: arcpy.AddField_management(centerPoints2,, typeTransDict[lpF.type]) # append labelPoints to centerPoints2 if arcpy.Exists(labelPoints): arcpy.Append_management(labelPoints, centerPoints2, 'NO_TEST') #if inPolys are to be saved, copy inpolys to savedPolys
def RotateFeatureClass(inputFC, outputFC, angle=0, pivot_point=None): """Rotate Feature Class inputFC Input features outputFC Output feature class angle Angle to rotate, in degrees pivot_point X,Y coordinates (as space-separated string) Default is lower-left of inputFC As the output feature class no longer has a "real" xy locations, after rotation, it no coordinate system defined. """ def RotateXY(x, y, xc=0, yc=0, angle=0, units="DEGREES"): """Rotate an xy cooordinate about a specified origin x,y xy coordinates xc,yc center of rotation angle angle units "DEGREES" (default) or "RADIANS" """ import math x = x - xc y = y - yc # make angle clockwise (like Rotate_management) angle = angle * -1 if units == "DEGREES": angle = math.radians(angle) xr = (x * math.cos(angle)) - (y * math.sin(angle)) + xc yr = (x * math.sin(angle)) + (y * math.cos(angle)) + yc return xr, yr # temp names for cleanup env_file = None lyrFC, lyrTmp, lyrOut = [None] * 3 # layers tmpFC = None # temp dataset Row, Rows, oRow, oRows = [None] * 4 # cursors try: # process parameters try: xcen, ycen = [float(xy) for xy in pivot_point.split()] pivot_point = xcen, ycen except: # if pivot point was not specified, get it from # the lower-left corner of the feature class ext = arcpy.Describe(inputFC).extent xcen, ycen = ext.XMin, ext.YMin pivot_point = xcen, ycen angle = float(angle) # set up environment env_file = arcpy.CreateScratchName("xxenv", ".xml", "file", os.environ["TEMP"]) arcpy.SaveSettings(env_file) # Disable any GP environment clips or project on the fly arcpy.ClearEnvironment("extent") arcpy.ClearEnvironment("outputCoordinateSystem") WKS = env.workspace if not WKS: if os.path.dirname(outputFC): WKS = os.path.dirname(outputFC) else: WKS = os.path.dirname(arcpy.Describe(inputFC).catalogPath) env.workspace = env.scratchWorkspace = WKS # Disable GP environment clips or project on the fly arcpy.ClearEnvironment("extent") arcpy.ClearEnvironment("outputCoordinateSystem") # get feature class properties lyrFC = "lyrFC" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inputFC, lyrFC) dFC = arcpy.Describe(lyrFC) shpField = dFC.shapeFieldName shpType = dFC.shapeType FID = dFC.OIDFieldName # create temp feature class tmpFC = arcpy.CreateScratchName("xxfc", "", "featureclass") arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(os.path.dirname(tmpFC), os.path.basename(tmpFC), shpType) lyrTmp = "lyrTmp" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tmpFC, lyrTmp) # set up id field (used to join later) TFID = "XXXX_FID" arcpy.AddField_management(lyrTmp, TFID, "LONG") arcpy.DeleteField_management(lyrTmp, "ID") # rotate the feature class coordinates # only points, polylines, and polygons are supported # open read and write cursors Rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(lyrFC, "", "", "%s;%s" % (shpField, FID)) oRows = arcpy.InsertCursor(lyrTmp) arcpy.AddMessage("Opened search cursor") if shpType == "Point": for Row in Rows: shp = Row.getValue(shpField) pnt = shp.getPart() pnt.X, pnt.Y = RotateXY(pnt.X, pnt.Y, xcen, ycen, angle) oRow = oRows.newRow() oRow.setValue(shpField, pnt) oRow.setValue(TFID, Row.getValue(FID)) oRows.insertRow(oRow) elif shpType in ["Polyline", "Polygon"]: parts = arcpy.Array() rings = arcpy.Array() ring = arcpy.Array() for Row in Rows: shp = Row.getValue(shpField) p = 0 for part in shp: for pnt in part: if pnt: x, y = RotateXY(pnt.X, pnt.Y, xcen, ycen, angle) ring.add(arcpy.Point(x, y, pnt.ID)) else: # if we have a ring, save it if len(ring) > 0: rings.add(ring) ring.removeAll() # we have our last ring, add it rings.add(ring) ring.removeAll() # if only one, remove nesting if len(rings) == 1: rings = rings.getObject(0) parts.add(rings) rings.removeAll() p += 1 # if only one, remove nesting if len(parts) == 1: parts = parts.getObject(0) if dFC.shapeType == "Polyline": shp = arcpy.Polyline(parts) else: shp = arcpy.Polygon(parts) parts.removeAll() oRow = oRows.newRow() oRow.setValue(shpField, shp) oRow.setValue(TFID, Row.getValue(FID)) oRows.insertRow(oRow) else: raise Exception, "Shape type {0} is not supported".format(shpType) del oRow, oRows # close write cursor (ensure buffer written) oRow, oRows = None, None # restore variables for cleanup # join attributes, and copy to output arcpy.AddJoin_management(lyrTmp, TFID, lyrFC, FID) env.qualifiedFieldNames = False arcpy.Merge_management(lyrTmp, outputFC) lyrOut = "lyrOut" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outputFC, lyrOut) # drop temp fields 2,3 (TFID, FID) fnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(lyrOut)] dropList = ";".join(fnames[2:4]) arcpy.DeleteField_management(lyrOut, dropList) except MsgError, xmsg: arcpy.AddError(str(xmsg))
def RemoveAndAddFeatures(self, url, pathToFeatureClass, id_field, chunksize=1000): """Deletes all features in a feature service and uploads features from a feature class on disk. Args: url (str): The URL of the feature service. pathToFeatureClass (str): The path of the feature class on disk. id_field (str): The name of the field in the feature class to use for chunking. chunksize (int): The maximum amount of features to upload at a time. Defaults to 1000. Raises: ArcRestHelperError: if ``arcpy`` can't be found. """ fl = None try: if arcpyFound == False: raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": "ArcPy required for this function" }) arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True tempaddlayer = 'ewtdwedfew' if not arcpy.Exists(pathToFeatureClass): raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": "%s does not exist" % pathToFeatureClass }) fields = arcpy.ListFields(pathToFeatureClass, wild_card=id_field) if len(fields) == 0: raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": "%s field does not exist" % id_field }) strFld = True if fields[0].type != 'String': strFld = False fl = FeatureLayer(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler) id_field_local = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(pathToFeatureClass, id_field) idlist = [] print( arcpy.GetCount_management( in_rows=pathToFeatureClass).getOutput(0) + " features in the layer") with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pathToFeatureClass, (id_field)) as cursor: allidlist = [] for row in cursor: if (strFld): idlist.append("'" + row[0] + "'") else: idlist.append(row[0]) if len(idlist) >= chunksize: allidlist.append(idlist) idlist = [] if len(idlist) > 0: allidlist.append(idlist) for idlist in allidlist: idstring = ' in (' + ','.join(idlist) + ')' sql = id_field + idstring sqlLocalFC = id_field_local + idstring results = fl.deleteFeatures(where=sql, rollbackOnFailure=True) if 'error' in results: raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": results['error'] }) elif 'deleteResults' in results: print("%s features deleted" % len(results['deleteResults'])) for itm in results['deleteResults']: if itm['success'] != True: print(itm) else: print(results) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(pathToFeatureClass, tempaddlayer, sqlLocalFC) results = fl.addFeatures(fc=tempaddlayer) if 'error' in results: raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": results['error'] }) elif 'addResults' in results: print("%s features added" % len(results['addResults'])) for itm in results['addResults']: if itm['success'] != True: print(itm) else: print(results) idlist = [] if 'error' in results: raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "RemoveAndAddFeatures", "line": inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno, "filename": 'featureservicetools', "synerror": results['error'] }) else: print(results) except arcpy.ExecuteError: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "create_report_layers_using_config", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, "arcpyError": arcpy.GetMessages(2), }) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "AddFeaturesToFeatureLayer", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, }) finally: gc.collect()
for shp in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): # check if singlepart if sum(1 for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(shp, "*")) > 1: # prep for creating new shp new_shp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(shp), os.path.basename(shp).split(".")[0]+"_2.shp") # if so, run dissolve tool arcpy.Dissolve_management(shp, new_shp) # add route num field arcpy.AddField_management(new_shp, "ROUTE_NM", "TEXT", field_length=50) # populate w/ shapefile name with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(new_shp, "ROUTE_NM") as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = os.path.basename(shp).split(".")[0] cursor.updateRow(row) continue if "ROUTE_NM" in [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(shp)]: continue else: arcpy.AddField_management(shp, "ROUTE_NM", "TEXT", field_length=50) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(shp, "ROUTE_NM") as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = os.path.basename(shp).split(".")[0] cursor.updateRow(row) # finally, merge all shps into one, and preserve route num field (field mapping) field_map = arcpy.FieldMappings() merge_shps = arpcy.ListFeatureClasses("*_2*") arcpy.Merge_management(merge_shps, arcpy.env.workspace + "SystemRoutes", field_map)
def esri_field_exists(in_tbl, field_name): fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(in_tbl)] if field_name in fields: return True else: return False
def detruireDomaineAttribut(self, workspace): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Permet de détruire tous les domaines existants dans la Géodatabase. Paramètres: ----------- workspace : Nom de la géodatabase ou les domaines seront détruits. """ #Envoyer un message arcpy.AddMessage(" ") arcpy.AddMessage("- Détruire tous les domaines existants dans les classes de la Géodatabase") #Définir le workspace par défaut arcpy.env.workspace = workspace #Extraire la description de la Géodatabase #for fc in classe.split(","): for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): #Extraire les fields fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc) #Traiter tous les fields for field in fields: #Vérifier la présence d'un domaine if len(field.domain) > 0: #Vérifier si l'attribut est présent dans la liste des attribut #if in attribut: #Afficher le message arcpy.AddMessage(" RemoveDomainFromField_management('" + fc + "', '" + + "')") #Détruire un domaine dans un attribut d'une classe arcpy.RemoveDomainFromField_management(fc, #Envoyer un message arcpy.AddMessage(" ") arcpy.AddMessage("- Détruire tous les domaines existants dans la Géodatabase") #Extraire la description de la Géodatabase desc = arcpy.Describe(workspace) #Extraire tous les domaines existants de la Géodatabase domains = #Traiter tous les domaines for domain in domains: #Vérifier si c'est un domaine #if "DOM_" in domain: #Afficher le message arcpy.AddMessage(" DeleteDomain_management('" + workspace + "', '" + domain + "')") try: #Détruire un domaine arcpy.DeleteDomain_management(workspace, domain) #Gestion des erreurs except Exception, err: #Afficher l'erreur arcpy.AddWarning(err.message)
arcpy.CalculateField_management( in_table=ri_layer_name, field="SIDEWALK_EITHER_MILES", expression="[CENTERLINE_MILES] * [SIDEWALK_EITHER]", expression_type="VB", code_block="#") arcpy.AddMessage("Completed step 17.") # STEP 18: summary statistics: sum of CENTERLINE_MILES, sum of SIDEWALK_EITHER_MILES; # case fields: TOWN_ID, TOWN arcpy.Statistics_analysis( in_table=ri_name, out_table=output_table_name, statistics_fields="CENTERLINE_MILES SUM;SIDEWALK_EITHER_MILES SUM", case_field="TOWN_ID;TOWN") arcpy.AddMessage("Completed step 18.") # Step 19: Export output file GDB table to CSV file. # Source: fields = arcpy.ListFields(output_table_name) field_names = [ for field in fields] with open(output_csv_file, 'wb') as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(field_names) for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(output_table_name): field_vals = [row.getValue( for field in fields] w.writerow(field_vals) del row arcpy.AddMessage("Completed step 19.") arcpy.AddMessage("Tool completed execution.")
def to_table(geo, location, overwrite=True): """ Exports a geo enabled dataframe to a table. =========================== ==================================================================== **Argument** **Description** --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- location Required string. The output of the table. --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- overwrite Optional Boolean. If True and if the table exists, it will be deleted and overwritten. This is default. If False, the table and the table exists, and exception will be raised. =========================== ==================================================================== :returns: String """ out_location= os.path.dirname(location) fc_name = os.path.basename(location) df = geo._data if location.lower().find('.csv') > -1: geo._df.to_csv(location) return location elif HASARCPY: columns = df.columns.tolist() join_dummy = "AEIOUYAJC81Z" try: columns.pop(columns.index( except: pass dtypes = [(join_dummy, np.int64)] if overwrite and arcpy.Exists(location): arcpy.Delete_management(location) elif overwrite == False and arcpy.Exists(location): raise ValueError(('overwrite set to False, Cannot ' 'overwrite the table. ')) fc = arcpy.CreateTable_management(out_path=out_location, out_name=fc_name)[0] # 2. Add the Fields and Data Types # oidfld = da.Describe(fc)['OIDFieldName'] for col in columns[:]: if col.lower() in ['fid', 'oid', 'objectid']: dtypes.append((col, np.int32)) elif df[col] == 'datetime64[ns]': dtypes.append((col, '<M8[us]')) elif df[col] == 'object': try: u = type(df[col][df[col].first_valid_index()]) except: u = pd.unique(df[col].apply(type)).tolist()[0] if issubclass(u, str): mlen = df[col].str.len().max() dtypes.append((col, '<U%s' % int(mlen))) else: try: dtypes.append((col, type(df[col][0]))) except: dtypes.append((col, '<U254')) elif df[col] == 'int64': dtypes.append((col, np.int64)) elif df[col] == 'bool': dtypes.append((col, np.int32)) else: dtypes.append((col, df[col].dtype.type)) array = np.array([], np.dtype(dtypes)) arcpy.da.ExtendTable(fc, oidfld, array, join_dummy, append_only=False) # 3. Insert the Data # fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc) icols = [ for fld in fields \ if fld.type not in ['OID', 'Geometry'] and \ in df.columns] dfcols = [ for fld in fields \ if fld.type not in ['OID', 'Geometry'] and\ in df.columns] with da.InsertCursor(fc, icols) as irows: for idx, row in df[dfcols].iterrows(): try: irows.insertRow(row.tolist()) except: print("row %s could not be inserted." % idx) return fc return
def fc_to_pd_df(feature_class, field_list=None, skip_nulls=False, null_value=-999): ''' This function converts a feature class to a pandas dataframe. The default returns all fields but you may supply a list of fields to extract. Fields with the "Geometry" datatype like the "Shape" field of most FC are removed because they are not 1-dimensional and Pandas can't deal with that data type. Note that very large feature classes may not work due to memory limitations, especially if using 32bit python, which applies to ArcMap users. You may try supplying a list of only the fields you require to get past the memory limitations. ArcPro has 64bit python 3.0. This script has not been tested with that version. Written: 7/17/2019 GD :param feature_class: Input ArcGIS Feature Class :param field_list: Fields for input (optional), default is all fields :return: Pandas dataframe object ''' # Generate a list of fields to import. field_list_temp = [] all_fields = [] fields = arcpy.ListFields(feature_class) for field in fields: # If a list of fields is not supplied import all fields, check for and exclude geometry data types if field_list is None: if field.type != 'Geometry': field_list_temp.append( else: print( "Field \"{0}\" is of data type \"{1}\" and will not be imported into the pandas dataframe." .format(, field.type)) # If a list is supplied we will check if any of the requested fields are of geometry data type, remove, and warn user else: all_fields.append( ) # Append fields to a list that will be used to check if user requested fields exist in the feature class if (field.type != 'Geometry') & ( in field_list): field_list_temp.append( elif (field.type == 'Geometry') & ( in field_list): print( "Field \"{0}\" is of data type \"{1}\" and will not be imported into the pandas dataframe." .format(, field.type)) # If field_list is set, check if requested fields exist in the FC if field_list is not None: for field in field_list: if not in all_fields: raise ValueError( "Requested field \"{0}\" was not found in the feature class!" .format( # Set field list to the list of verified field names to extract field_list = field_list_temp # Convert FC to numpy array with field list np_array = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_table=feature_class, field_names=field_list, skip_nulls=skip_nulls, null_value=null_value) return pd.DataFrame(np_array)
def fieldList(layer, type=None): '''Returns a list of field names of the specified layer attributes.''' if type is None: return [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(layer)] else: return [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(layer, '', type)]
def create_other_point(featuredata): cur = None try: cur = arcpy.InsertCursor(featuredata) fldname = [ for fldn in arcpy.ListFields(featuredata)] for i in range(1, nrows): L1 = table_coor.cell( getRowIndex( table_coor, table.cell( i, getColumnIndex( table, "POINTNUMBER")).value, "POINTNUMBER"), getColumnIndex( table_coor, "X")).value B1 = table_coor.cell( getRowIndex( table_coor, table.cell( i, getColumnIndex( table, "POINTNUMBER")).value, "POINTNUMBER"), getColumnIndex( table_coor, "Y")).value H1 = table_coor.cell( getRowIndex( table_coor, table.cell( i, getColumnIndex( table, "POINTNUMBER")).value, "POINTNUMBER"), getColumnIndex( table_coor, "Z")).value row = cur.newRow() if L1: point = arcpy.Point( round( float(L1), 8), round( float(B1), 8), float(H1)) row.shape = point for fldn in fldname: for j in range(0, ncols): #print 112 if fldn == (str(table.cell(0, j).value).strip()).upper(): # print table.cell(i, j).ctype if table.cell(i, j).ctype == 3: # print table.cell(i, j).ctype date = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple( table.cell(i, j).value, 0) # print(date) tt = datetime.datetime.strftime( datetime.datetime(*date), "%Y-%m-%d") try: row.setValue(fldn, tt) except Exception as e: print e else: try: row.setValue(fldn, table.cell(i, j).value) except Exception as e: print e cur.insertRow(row) except Exception as e: print e print "\t 请检查表:%s 是否表头没有删除中文字段及注释部分" % filename arcpy.AddMessage(e) else: print "导入数据表{0} {1}条数据".format(featuredata, nrows-1) finally: if cur: del cur
arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion([ 'Stillaguamish_Subwatershed', 'Stillaguamish_Catchment', 'FishStream', 'ForestRoad' ], out_gdb_path) print("FC to geodatabase conversion completed") ##----------------Alter miles field name for ForestRoad and FishStream------------------------------ ## Change workspace file path as required. arcpy.env.workspace = "B:/GIS_Projects/421/Lab_4/Data/Still_Outputs.gdb" arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "100%" ## These are the target feature classes. Change them as necessary to suit your analysis. stream_road = ['FishStream', 'ForestRoad'] fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() print(fclist) for fc in fclist: if fc == stream_road[0]: fieldlist = arcpy.ListFields(fc) print("%s fields:\n" % (fc)) for field in fieldlist: print( ## Change "Miles" field to "Stream_Miles" to be more descriptive. if == 'Miles': print("Changing %s to Stream_Miles" % (field)) arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, 'Stream_Miles', 'Fish Stream Miles') print("%s now contains Stream_Miles" % (fc)) else: () elif fc == stream_road[1]: fieldlist = arcpy.ListFields(fc) print("%s fields:\n" % (fc)) for field in fieldlist:
### Preliminary processing # load parameters with open("code/parameters/general.toml") as conffile: general_params = toml.loads( with open("code/parameters/omit-areas.toml") as conffile: omit_areas_params = toml.loads( # set environmental variables arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = general_params['threads'] arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True ### Main processing ## parse expression # parse fields in shapefile file_fields = [ for file in arcpy.ListFields(sys.argv[1])] for i in range(len(file_fields)): file_fields[i] = file_fields[i].encode('utf8') # loop over fields in toml file expression = "" if 'omit character data' in omit_areas_params.keys(): omit_fields = omit_areas_params['omit character data'] for omit_field in omit_fields.keys(): # parse field if omit_field in file_fields: if omit_fields[omit_field].__class__.__name__ == 'list': if len(omit_fields[omit_field]) > 1: expression += '"' + omit_field + '" NOT IN (' for value in omit_fields[omit_field]: expression += "'" + value + "'" + ','
def execute(self, pParams): """ pParams=(gdbSource, gdbTarget, gdbBackup, lTables) """ sMsg = "" sOK = apwrutils.C_OK ds = time.clock() try: (gdbSource, gdbTarget, gdbBackup, lTables) = pParams pGDBSource = GDBOp(gdbSource) pGDBBackup = GDBOp(gdbBackup) pGDBTarget = GDBOp(gdbTarget) if ((self.DebugLevel & 1) == 1): sMsg = apwrutils.Utils.getcmdargs(pParams) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) #..make sure the target gdb has the tables, if not copy them. for i, sTable in enumerate(lTables): sTableNameT = pGDBTarget.getSDETableName(sTable) tbTarget = os.path.join(gdbTarget, sTableNameT) if (arcpy.Exists(tbTarget) == False): sTableNameS = pGDBSource.getSDETableName(sTable) tbSource = os.path.join(gdbSource, sTableNameS) arcpy.Copy_management(tbSource, os.path.join(gdbTarget, sTable)) if (self.DebugLevel & 1) == 1: arcpy.AddMessage("{}. Copy {} -> {}".format( i, tbSource, tbTarget)) #..Copy the tables from target to the backup gdb hd = "X_{}".format(apwrutils.Utils.GetDateTimeString()) for i, sTable in enumerate(lTables): tbSource = os.path.join(gdbTarget, pGDBTarget.getSDETableName(sTable)) tbTarget = os.path.join(gdbBackup, "{}_{}".format(hd, sTable)) arcpy.Copy_management(tbSource, tbTarget) if (self.DebugLevel & 1) == 1: arcpy.AddMessage("{}. Copy {} -> {}".format( i, tbSource, tbTarget)) for i, sTable in enumerate(lTables): sTableS = pGDBSource.getSDETableName(sTable) sTableT = pGDBTarget.getSDETableName(sTable) tbTarget = os.path.join(gdbTarget, sTableT) tbSource = os.path.join(gdbSource, sTableS) nCnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(tbSource)[0]) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(tbTarget) arcpy.Append_management(tbSource, tbTarget, "NO_TEST") if (tbTarget.endswith("Max")): #..trying to copy the field of Max_TS... if (len(arcpy.ListFields(tbTarget, FN_MaxTSTimeDT)) > 0): try: arcpy.CalculateField_management( tbTarget, FN_MaxTSTimeDT, "!{}!".format(flooddsconfig.FN_ForecastTime), "PYTHON_9.3") except: pass if (len(arcpy.ListFields(tbTarget, FN_MaxTSTimeDT)) > 0): try: arcpy.CalculateField_management( tbTarget, FN_MaxTSTime, "!{}!".format(flooddsconfig.FN_TSTIME), "PYTHON_9.3") except: pass if (self.DebugLevel & 1) == 1: arcpy.AddMessage("{}. Copy {} recs, {} -> {}".format( i, nCnt, tbSource, tbTarget)) except: sMsg = trace() arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) sOK = apwrutils.C_NOTOK finally: pass return (sOK, gdbBackup, sMsg)
def unify(directory): print "Unifying lakes from " + directory + "..." # Get licensed if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial"): arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") else: print "No SA licence" exit # Load the environment env.workspace = "C:/Users/hengstam/Desktop/Research/hengst_env" hashlength = 30 disphashlength = 12 # This is where intersection results will be temporarily held output = "/temp/intersection_output.shp" if arcpy.Exists(output): arcpy.Delete_management(output) # This is where we trace lakes over for copying them tracingpaper = "/temp/tracing_output.shp" if arcpy.Exists(tracingpaper): arcpy.Delete_management(tracingpaper) # Get some names masterlakefile = "/master_lakes/master_lake_file.shp" ########################################### ## Define some new types of data structures class bubblebath(object): data = [] def add(self, i): # Add our incoming group to the dataset # Iterate through new things for item in i: membership = [] index = -1 # Work through each group for bubble in index += 1 # Work through each group member for thing in bubble: # If one of our new items matches a group member, remember that group. if item == thing: membership.append(index) # We only need one match per group break # Now we have a list of things we belong to. We may need to merge those. if len(membership) > 1: newbubble = set() # Merge them all for member in membership: newbubble = newbubble |[member] # Flip and reverse it so we don't change our indices while deleting membership.reverse() # Delete the old ones for member in membership: del[member] # Add the new one # And now we repeat for the rest of the items def read(self): # This is what we will eventually spit out out = [] for i in out.append(list(i)) return out def clean(self, size): # Initalize the index and a list of things to get rid of index = -1 remove = [] # Iterate for bubble in index += 1 # Check if it's too small if len(bubble) <= size or size == 0: remove.append(index) # Now flip the remove list remove.reverse() # And delete them all for i in remove: del[i] # Make a clean reader def reader(text): t = str(text) return t[20:22] def iterreader(arr): s = "[" for a in arr: s += reader(a) s += ', ' s = s[:-2] s += ']' return s def twoiterreader(arr): s = "[" for ar in arr: s += '[' for a in ar: s += reader(a) s += ', ' s = s[:-2] s += '], ' s = s[:-3] s += ']' return s #################### ## BEGIN BEGIN BEGIN # Loop through all folder names fns = glob.glob(env.workspace + '/' + directory + '/*.shp') for fn in fns: # Trim the filename to get the directory component newlakes = fn[len(env.workspace):] print "Loading from " + newlakes + "..." ################################################################################ ## Build a database to help us get feature class filenames from the master lakes print "Generating dictionary..." # Make the dictionary refDict = {} # Build a cursor so we can get info on the master lakes tempcursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(masterlakefile, ['FID', 'ref_id']) # Iterate through the cursor results and fill the dictionary for fid, hashname in tempcursor: refDict[fid] = hashname[:hashlength] # Delete the cursor del tempcursor print "Dictionary generated." ###################################### ## Collect all FIDs and hashes from the new lakes newlakeFIDs = {} newRefDict = {} # Build a cursor so we can get the stuff from the new lakes tempcursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(newlakes, ['FID', 'lake_id']) for temprow in tempcursor: # Mark them all good for now newlakeFIDs[temprow[0]] = True # Load this up newRefDict[temprow[0]] = temprow[1] del tempcursor ################################# ## Prepare to resolve lake merges merges = {} ############################################### ## Make lists of lakes which are being modified lakes_to_add = set() lakes_to_remove = set() ########################## ## Check for intersections print "Checking for intersections..." # Make a list of assignments assignments = {} # Run the master intersection arcpy.Intersect_analysis((newlakes, masterlakefile), output, 'ONLY_FID') # Get the names of the two FID fields for the output fields = arcpy.ListFields(output) FID1 = fields[2].baseName FID2 = fields[3].baseName # Build a cursor which will iterate over the output fields cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(output, [FID1, FID2]) # Build feature layers on the new lake feature classe to enable selection of objects arcpy.Delete_management("newlakes_lyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(newlakes, "newlakes_lyr") # Iterate through the new intersection shapes print "Matching new lakes..." for row in cursor: # Get the saved input FIDs of each intesection newlakeFID = row[0] masterlake = row[1] # Lookup the reference in our handy-dandy dictionary lakeRef = '/master_lakes/lakes/' + refDict[masterlake] + '.shp' # This gets either the previous assignments or an empty list and then adds the current assignment to it if str(newlakeFID) in assignments: assignments[str(newlakeFID)].append(lakeRef) else: assignments[str(newlakeFID)] = [lakeRef] # Prepare to check for duplicates eject = False tempcursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lakeRef, ['lake_id']) # Look through the already-saved lakes newRef = newRefDict[newlakeFID] for temprow in tempcursor: existingHash = temprow[0] # Check that we're not adding a duplicate if existingHash == newRef: eject = True break del tempcursor # Is it a duplicate? if eject: print 'Trying to add a duplicate lake ' + newRef[: disphashlength] + '. Ignoring.' # Nope else: # Prepare a partial feature class to copy it over (it's just going to be the one lake) arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( newlakes, env.workspace, tracingpaper, 'FID = ' + str(row[0])) # Add this lake to the new feature class arcpy.Append_management(tracingpaper, lakeRef, "NO_TEST") # Delete the temp shit arcpy.Delete_management(tracingpaper) # This lake needs to be refreshed lakes_to_remove.add(lakeRef) lakes_to_add.add(lakeRef) print 'Added lake ' + newRef[: disphashlength] + ' to ' + lakeRef + '.' # Indicate that this lake has found a home newlakeFIDs[newlakeFID] = False del cursor # Remove the temp file arcpy.Delete_management(output) print "Matching complete." ##################################### ## Make new lakes for new lake shapes # Iterate through all the lakes... cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(newlakes, ['FID', 'lake_id']) for row in cursor: # Check from the dictionary to make sure it's untouched if newlakeFIDs[row[0]]: # Yay! hashID = row[1] hashID = hashID[:hashlength] # Save it to a brand-new feature class myNewLakeFilename = '/master_lakes/lakes/' + hashID + '.shp' if arcpy.Exists(myNewLakeFilename): print "Skipping making a new lake, file already present." else: # Make said brand-new feature class arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( env.workspace, myNewLakeFilename, "POLYGON") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "ID", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "GRIDCODE", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "area", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "centr_x", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "centr_y", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "lake_id", "STRING") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "date", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "loc1", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "loc2", "SHORT") # Prepare a partial feature class to copy it over (it's just going to be the one lake) arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( newlakes, env.workspace, tracingpaper, 'FID = ' + str(row[0])) # Add this lake to the new feature class arcpy.Append_management(tracingpaper, myNewLakeFilename, "NO_TEST") # Delete the temp shit arcpy.Delete_management(tracingpaper) # This needs to be added to the master file lakes_to_add.add(myNewLakeFilename) print "New lake found! Created a whole new file just for it, we'll call it " + hashID[: disphashlength] + '.' # Clean up del cursor ################################################ ## Go through all matched lakes and find mergers print "Merge checking..." # Make our data structure bath = bubblebath() # Load them all in for assingment in assignments: print iterreader( assignments[assingment]) + ' --> ' + twoiterreader( bath.add(assignments[assingment]) # Clean the small things (aka a non-merger) print "Behold the final bubblebath:" bath.clean(1) print twoiterreader( # Merge this stuff for bubble in # Make a new feature class name m = hashlib.sha224() # Mutate hash using lake names for item in bubble: m.update(str(item)) m.update('holla holla') # Export it hashvalue = m.hexdigest() myNewLakeFilename = '/master_lakes/lakes/' + hashvalue[: hashlength] + '.shp' del m if arcpy.Exists(myNewLakeFilename): print myNewLakeFilename print "Collision while trying to merge bubbles!!!" else: print "Bubbles will be merged into " + myNewLakeFilename + "." # Make said brand-new feature class arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(env.workspace, myNewLakeFilename, "POLYGON") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "ID", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "GRIDCODE", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "area", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "centr_x", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "centr_y", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "lake_id", "STRING") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "date", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "loc1", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(myNewLakeFilename, "loc2", "SHORT") for item in bubble: print "Merging " + item + "..." # Append all the other ones arcpy.Append_management(item, myNewLakeFilename, "NO_TEST") # Delete the old feature classes arcpy.Delete_management(item) # This needs to be removed lakes_to_remove.add(item) # Remove duplicate lakes from the unified feature class tempcursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(myNewLakeFilename, ['lake_id']) # Make a list of lake IDs. When we find a duplicate we'll delete the dupe one IDs = set() for row in tempcursor: ID = row[0] if ID in IDs: tempcursor.deleteRow() print "Deleted a duplicate in the merged bubble." else: IDs.add(ID) # Take out the trash del tempcursor, IDs # Make sure to add the new lake lakes_to_add.add(myNewLakeFilename) print "Merge successful." # Now do it for the others #################################################### ## Generate union shapes and update the master files print "Beginning master lake file update..." if len(lakes_to_add) == 0 and len(lakes_to_remove) == 0: print "actually nevermind..." else: #################################################### ## Generate union shapes and update the master files print "Beginning master lake file update..." # Make a new master lake file arcpy.Delete_management(masterlakefile) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(env.workspace, masterlakefile, "POLYGON") arcpy.AddField_management(masterlakefile, "ref_id", "STRING") arcpy.AddField_management(masterlakefile, "n", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(masterlakefile, "n_real", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(masterlakefile, "n_ratio", "SHORT") print "Master lake file reset." # Build an array for the lakes lakearray = [] # Open the shape folder directory os.chdir(env.workspace + "/master_lakes/lakes/") # Iterate through all shapefiles for file in glob.glob("*.shp"): ref_id = file[:-4] # Add to the array lakearray.append(file) # Count how many things the thing has number = arcpy.GetCount_management(file) dates = set() # Iterate through all elements of that lake count_cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(file, ['date']) for crow in count_cursor: dates.add(crow[0]) # Make a union of the thing arcpy.Dissolve_management(file, output) # Get ready to add reference stuff to the thing arcpy.AddField_management(output, "ref_id", "STRING") arcpy.AddField_management(output, "n", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(output, "n_real", "SHORT") arcpy.AddField_management(output, "n_ratio", "SHORT") # This cursor will let up change up that reference id cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( output, ["ref_id", "n", "n_real", "n_ratio"]) # Update that thang for row in cursor: row[0] = ref_id row[1] = int(number[0]) row[2] = len(dates) row[3] = row[1] / row[2] print "Adding lake", ref_id, "to new master lake file. Has", number[ 0], "lake images over", row[2], "dates." cursor.updateRow(row) del cursor # Add it to the master lake file arcpy.Append_management(output, masterlakefile, 'NO_TEST') # Remove the temp file arcpy.Delete_management(output) print "Master lake file updated." print "Success!" # Reset this thing bath.clean(0)
def fasterJoin(fc, fcField, joinFC, joinFCField, fields, fieldsNewNames=None, convertCodes=False): """Custom function for joining feature class data sets, originally written by Marshall Arguments: fc {feature class} -- feature class to be updated fcField {string} -- feature class field for identifying related records in joinFC joinFC {feature class} -- feature class to join joinFCField {string} -- feature class field for identifying related records in fc fields {list} -- list of fields to add to fc from joinFC Keyword Arguments: fieldsNewNames {list} -- list of new names for fields being added (default: {None}) convertCodes {bool} -- flag for converting codes to float values, required for some operations (default: {False}) """ # Create joinList, which is a list of [name, type] for input fields listfields = arcpy.ListFields(joinFC) joinList = [[, k.type] for k in listfields if in fields] if fieldsNewNames: # Replace original names with new names in joinList and append old ones to list for name, typ in joinList: i = fields.index(name) joinList[joinList.index([name, typ])][0] = fieldsNewNames[i] else: fieldsNewNames = fields # As Field object types and AddField types have different names (shrug), # map object types to AddField types for name, typ in joinList: i = joinList.index([name, typ]) if typ == 'Integer': joinList[i] = [name, 'LONG'] elif typ == 'SmallInteger': joinList[i] = [name, 'SHORT'] elif typ == 'String': joinList[i] = [name, 'TEXT'] elif typ == 'Single': joinList[i] = [name, 'FLOAT'] elif typ == 'Double': joinList[i] = [name, 'DOUBLE'] # Add fields with associated names for name, typ in joinList: arcpy.AddField_management(fc, name, typ) joinDict = {} for f in fields: joinDict[f] = {} sFields = (joinFCField, ) + fields with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(joinFC, sFields) as cursor: for row in cursor: for f in fields: if convertCodes: joinDict[f][float(row[0])] = row[fields.index(f) + 1] else: joinDict[f][row[0]] = row[fields.index(f) + 1] uFields = (fcField, ) + fieldsNewNames with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, uFields) as cursor: for row in cursor: for f in fields: row[fields.index(f) + 1] = joinDict[f].get(row[0], None) cursor.updateRow(row)
ScriptUtils.AddMsgAndPrint("\tAdding and calculating new fields...") arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PARCELID", "TEXT", "", "", 12) arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "LRSN", "DOUBLE", 10) arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "CONSIDERATION", "DOUBLE", 10) arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PVA_NEIGHBOR", "LONG", 6) arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PROP_CLASS", "SHORT", 3) arcpy.AddField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "TRANSFER_DATE", "DATE") arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PARCELID", "[ParcelCopy_PARCELID]") arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "LRSN", "[ParcelCopy_LRSN]") fields = arcpy.ListFields("ParcelDBF_Join") for f in fields: if "VSALES_Considerat" in arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "CONSIDERATION", "[{0}]".format( if "VSALES_Neighborho" in arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PVA_NEIGHBOR", "[{0}]".format( if == "VSALES_PC": arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "PROP_CLASS", "[{0}]".format( if "VSALES_Transfer_D" in arcpy.CalculateField_management("ParcelDBF_Join", "TRANSFER_DATE", "[{0}]".format( if not arcpy.Exists(outGDB):
def generate_gtpoints(phyreg_ids, min_area_sqkm, max_area_sqkm, min_points, max_points): ''' This function generates randomized points for ground truthing. It create the GT field in the output shapefile. phyreg_ids: list of physiographic region IDs to process min_area_sqkm: miminum area in square kilometers max_area_sqkm: maximum area in square kilometers min_points: minimum number of points allowed max_points: maximum number of points allowed ''' # fix user errors, if any if min_area_sqkm > max_area_sqkm: tmp = min_area_sqkm min_area_sqkm = max_area_sqkm max_area_sqkm = tmp if min_points > max_points: tmp = min_points min_points = max_points max_points = tmp phyregs_layer = canopy_config.phyregs_layer phyregs_area_sqkm_field = canopy_config.phyregs_area_sqkm_field naipqq_layer = canopy_config.naipqq_layer spatref_wkid = canopy_config.spatref_wkid analysis_year = canopy_config.analysis_year results_path = canopy_config.results_path arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference(spatref_wkid) # make sure to clear selection because most geoprocessing tools use # selected features, if any arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(naipqq_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') # select phyregs features to process arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, where_clause='PHYSIO_ID in (%s)' % ','.join(map(str, phyreg_ids))) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(phyregs_layer, ['NAME', 'PHYSIO_ID', phyregs_area_sqkm_field]) as cur: for row in cur: name = row[0] print(name) # CreateRandomPoints cannot create a shapefile with - in its # filename name = name.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') phyreg_id = row[1] area_sqkm = row[2] # +1 to count partial points; e.g., 0.1 requires one point point_count = int(min_points + (max_points - min_points) / (max_area_sqkm - min_area_sqkm) * (area_sqkm - min_area_sqkm) + 1) print('Raw point count: %d' % point_count) if point_count < min_points: point_count = min_points elif point_count > max_points: point_count = max_points print('Final point count: %d' % point_count) outdir_path = '%s/%s/Outputs' % (results_path, name) shp_filename = 'gtpoints_%d_%s.shp' % (analysis_year, name) tmp_shp_filename = 'tmp_%s' % shp_filename tmp_shp_path = '%s/%s' % (outdir_path, tmp_shp_filename) # create random points arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, where_clause='PHYSIO_ID=%d' % phyreg_id) arcpy.CreateRandomPoints_management(outdir_path, tmp_shp_filename, phyregs_layer, '', point_count) # create a new field to store data for ground truthing gt_field = 'GT' arcpy.AddField_management(tmp_shp_path, gt_field, 'SHORT') # spatially join the naip qq layer to random points to find output # tile filenames shp_path = '%s/%s' % (outdir_path, shp_filename) arcpy.analysis.SpatialJoin(tmp_shp_path, naipqq_layer, shp_path) # delete temporary point shapefile arcpy.Delete_management(tmp_shp_path) # get required fields from spatially joined point layer with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(shp_path, ['SHAPE@XY', gt_field, 'FileName']) as cur2: for row2 in cur2: # read filename filename = row2[2][:-13] # construct the final output tile path cfrtiffile_path = '%s/cfr%s.tif' % (outdir_path, filename) # read the output tile as raster ras = # resolution res = (ras.meanCellWidth, ras.meanCellHeight) # convert raster to numpy array to read cell values ras_a = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(ras) # get xy values of point xy = row2[0] # perform calculate_row_column to get the row and column of # the point rc = calculate_row_column(xy, ras.extent, res) # update the point row2[1] = ras_a[rc] cur2.updateRow(row2) # delete all fields except only those required shp_desc = arcpy.Describe(shp_path) oid_field = shp_desc.OIDFieldName shape_field = shp_desc.shapeFieldName all_fields = arcpy.ListFields(shp_path) required_fields = [oid_field, shape_field, gt_field] extra_fields = [ for x in all_fields if not in required_fields] arcpy.DeleteField_management(shp_path, extra_fields) # clear selection again arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') print('Completed')
if usingInputSR or (inputSR and spatialReference and spatialReference.factoryCode == inputSR.factoryCode): spatialReference = None saveRasters = (saveRasters.lower() == "true") if saveRasters: if not os.path.exists(rasterFolder): os.mkdir(rasterFolder) #may throw an exception (thats ok) else: if not os.path.isdir(rasterFolder): utils.die(rasterFolder + " is not a folder. Quitting.") uniqueValues = None if subsetIdentifier in [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(locationLayer) ]: uniqueValues = UD_Isopleths.GetUniqueValues(locationLayer, subsetIdentifier) if not uniqueValues: utils.die("Could not generate a list of unique values for " + subsetIdentifier + ". Quitting.") # # Calculate smoothing factor(s) # if hRefmethod.lower() == "fixed": hList = [fixedHRef for eachItem in uniqueValues] else: hList = GetSmoothingFactors(subsetIdentifier, uniqueValues, locationLayer, hRefmethod, modifier,