コード例 #1
def CompareSpatialRef(in_Data, in_Template):
    sr_In = arcpy.Describe(in_Data).spatialReference
    sr_Out = arcpy.Describe(in_Template).spatialReference
    srString_In = sr_In.exporttostring()
    srString_Out = sr_Out.exporttostring()
    gcsString_In = sr_In.GCS.exporttostring()
    gcsString_Out = sr_Out.GCS.exporttostring()

    if srString_In == srString_Out:
        reproject = 0
        transform = 0
        geoTrans = ""
        reproject = 1

    if reproject == 1:
        if gcsString_In == gcsString_Out:
            transform = 0
            geoTrans = ""
            transList = arcpy.ListTransformations(sr_In, sr_Out)
            if len(transList) == 0:
                transform = 0
                geoTrans = ""
                transform = 1
                geoTrans = transList[0]

    return (sr_In, sr_Out, reproject, transform, geoTrans)
コード例 #2
ファイル: task_utils.py プロジェクト: voyagerbot/voyager-py
def get_clip_region(clip_area_wkt, out_coordinate_system=None):
    """Creates and returns an extent representing the clip region from WKT.

    :param clip_area_wkt: Well-known text representing clip extent
    :param out_coordinate_system: The coordinate system of the output extent
    :rtype : arcpy.Extent
    import arcpy
    # WKT coordinates for each task are always WGS84.
    gcs_sr = get_spatial_reference(4326)
    clip_area = from_wkt(clip_area_wkt, gcs_sr)
    if not clip_area.area > 0:
        clip_area = from_wkt(
            'POLYGON ((-180 -90, -180 90, 180 90, 180 -90, -180 -90))', gcs_sr)
    if out_coordinate_system:
        out_sr = get_spatial_reference(int(out_coordinate_system))
        if not out_sr.name == gcs_sr.name:
                geo_transformation = arcpy.ListTransformations(gcs_sr,
                clip_area = clip_area.projectAs(out_sr, geo_transformation)
            except AttributeError:
                clip_area = clip_area.projectAs(out_sr)
            except IndexError:
                clip_area = clip_area.projectAs(out_sr)
    return clip_area.extent
コード例 #3
def reprojectGeoDEM(inputDEM, outputDEM):

    from LUCI_SEEA.lib.external import utm

    log.info("DEM has geographic coordinate system. Reprojecting...")

    DEMSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).SpatialReference
    DEMExtent = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).extent

    # Find midpoint of raster
    midPointX = DEMExtent.XMin + (DEMExtent.XMax - DEMExtent.XMin) / 2
    midPointY = DEMExtent.YMin + (DEMExtent.YMax - DEMExtent.YMin) / 2

    # Find out which UTM zone the DEM should be projected to
    northing, easting, zone, letter = utm.from_latlon(midPointY, midPointX)
    if letter >= "N":
        northSouth = "N"
        northSouth = "S"

    # Create the new projected coordinate system
    projSpatRef = arcpy.SpatialReference("WGS 1984 UTM Zone " + str(zone) + northSouth)

    # Obtain the transformation string to transform from GCS to PCS
    transformation = arcpy.ListTransformations(DEMSpatRef, projSpatRef, DEMExtent)[0]

    # Reproject DEM to Projected Coord System
    arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(inputDEMRaster, outputDEM, projSpatRef, geographic_transform=transformation)

    # Update coord system
    DEMSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(outputDEM).SpatialReference
    log.info("DEM coordinate system is now " + DEMSpatRef.Name)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Helper.py プロジェクト: VANatHeritage/LandCover
def ProjectToMatch(in_Feats, in_Template, out_Feats):
    '''Check if input features and template data have same spatial reference.
   If so, make a copy. If not, reproject features to match template.
   in_Feats = input features to be reprojected or copied
   in_Template = dataset used to determine desired spatial reference
   out_Feats = output features resulting from copy or reprojection

    srFeats = arcpy.Describe(in_Feats).spatialReference
    srTemplate = arcpy.Describe(in_Template).spatialReference

    if srFeats.Name == srTemplate.Name:
            'Coordinate systems for features and template data are the same. Copying...'
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(in_Feats, out_Feats)
        printMsg('Reprojecting features to match template...')
        # Check if geographic transformation is needed, and handle accordingly.
        if srFeats.GCS.Name == srTemplate.GCS.Name:
            geoTrans = ""
            printMsg('No geographic transformation needed...')
            transList = arcpy.ListTransformations(srFeats, srTemplate)
            geoTrans = transList[0]
        arcpy.Project_management(in_Feats, out_Feats, srTemplate, geoTrans)
    return out_Feats
コード例 #5
def find_transformation(spatialReference, projectedReference):
    """Figure out a valid transformation from the spatialReference to the desired one"""
        # don't use extent because this gives the same first option as picking in Project Raster tool
        list = arcpy.ListTransformations(spatialReference, projectedReference)
        # if no transformations then assum that this means no transformation required
        return list[0] if len(list) > 0 else ""
        # HACK: assume no transformation if we can't find one
        return ""
コード例 #6
 def __get_transformation(self, from_sr, to_sr, extent=None):
     Returns the primary transformation covering a specified extent.
     parameters = {'from_sr': from_sr, 'to_sr': to_sr, 'extent': extent}
     transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(**parameters)
     if transformations:
         return transformations[0]
         return None
コード例 #7
def ProjectExtent(extent, outSystem):
    sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(extent.spatialReference.wkid)
    srOut = arcpy.SpatialReference(outSystem)

    ex = arcpy.Extent(extent.xmin, extent.ymin, extent.xmax, extent.ymax)

    xfers = arcpy.ListTransformations(sr, srOut)

    max = ProjectPoint(extent.xmax, extent.ymax, sr, srOut)
    min = ProjectPoint(extent.xmin, extent.ymin, sr, srOut)

    projExtent = "{},{},{},{}".format(min.X, min.Y, max.X, max.Y)

    if "nan" in projExtent:
        projExtent = "-180, -90, 180, 90"

    return projExtent
コード例 #8
ファイル: conversion.py プロジェクト: Baohong/ATtILA2
def getTransformMethod(inDataset1, inDataset2):
    """ Checks to see if a transformation method is needed to project geodatasets. If so, returns the most likely. """

    import arcpy
    # Determine if a transformation method is needed to project datasets (e.g. different datums are used).
    desc1 = arcpy.Describe(inDataset1)
    desc2 = arcpy.Describe(inDataset2)
    spatial1 = desc1.spatialReference
    spatial2 = desc2.spatialReference
    transformList = arcpy.ListTransformations(spatial1, spatial2, desc2.extent)
    if len(transformList) == 0:
        # if no list is returned; no transformation is required
        transformMethod = ""
        # default to the first transformation method listed. ESRI documentation indicates this is typically the most suitable
        transformMethod = transformList[0]

    return transformMethod
コード例 #9
def theProjectWay():
    This function is currently not used. It is an alternative to the create feature class/append approach
    currently being used. It is slower because the entire dataset is projected first, and it is less
    straightforward because it adds the transform method that append seems to know how to handle already.
    It is better though because it will actually raise trappable errors while Append fails silently...
    The solution in the other function is to count the resulting records and report issues.
    if targetRef != '':
        if arcpy.Exists(targetName):
        inttable = workspace + os.sep + targetName + "_prj"
        arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
        xform = None
        desc = arcpy.Describe(sourceLayer)
        xforms = arcpy.ListTransformations(desc.spatialReference, targetRef,
        #if sourceRef.exportToString().find("NAD_1983") > -1 and targetRef.exportToString().find("WGS_1984") > -1:
        xform = xforms[0]
        #for xform in xforms:
        dla.addMessage("Transform: " + xform)
            res = arcpy.Project_management(sourceLayer,
            err = "Unable to project the data to the target spatial reference, please check settings and try projecting manually in ArcGIS"
            return False
        dla.addMessage("Features projected")
        view = dla.makeFeatureViewForLayer(dla.workspace, inttable, viewName,
                                           whereClause, xmlFields)
        dla.addMessage("View Created")
        #    arcpy.AddError("Unabled to create feature View " + viewName)
        count = arcpy.GetCount_management(view).getOutput(0)
        dla.addMessage(str(count) + " source rows")
        #sourceRef = getSpatialReference(xmlDoc,"Source")
        #res = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(workspace,targetName,template=sourceLayer,spatial_reference=targetRef)
        res = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(view, targetName)
        dla.addMessage("Features copied")
コード例 #10
ファイル: layer.py プロジェクト: wri/gfw-sync2
    def transformation(self, t):

        if type(self.source) is list:
            s = self.source
            esri_output = self.esri_service_output.split(',')

        elif r"projects/wri-datalab" in self.source or len(self.source) == 0:
            s = []

            s = [self.source]
            esri_output = [self.esri_service_output]

        for dataset in s:
            from_desc = arcpy.Describe(dataset)
            from_srs = from_desc.spatialReference

            if esri_output[0]:
                to_srs = arcpy.Describe(esri_output[0]).spatialReference

                if from_srs.GCS != to_srs.GCS:
                    if not t:
                        logging.debug("No transformation defined")
                        extent = from_desc.extent
                        transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(
                            from_srs, to_srs, extent)
                        if self.transformation not in transformations:
                                "Transformation {0!s}: not compatible with in- and output "
                                "spatial reference or extent".format(

                            t = None

                del from_desc
                del to_srs
                t = None

        self._transformation = t
コード例 #11
 def _get_extent(self, raster):
     import arcpy
     from arcpy import Raster, RasterToNumPyArray, SpatialReference
         transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(
             raster.spatialReference, arcpy.SpatialReference(4326))
         if len(transformations) > 0:
             transformation = transformations[0]
             transformation = None
         extent = json.loads(
         if extent["spatialReference"]["wkid"] is not None:
             return extent
             raise Exception(f"{extent} contains invalid spatial reference")
     except Exception as e:
         log.debug("Handled exception on inferring extent w/ arcpy engine")
         return None
コード例 #12
ファイル: Helper.py プロジェクト: VANatHeritage/RCL-Tools
def ProjectToMatch(fcTarget, csTemplate):
    """Project a target feature class to match the coordinate system of a template dataset"""
    # Get the spatial reference of your target and template feature classes
    srTarget = arcpy.Describe(
        fcTarget).spatialReference  # This yields an object, not a string
    srTemplate = arcpy.Describe(csTemplate).spatialReference

    # Get the geographic coordinate system of your target and template feature classes
    gcsTarget = srTarget.GCS  # This yields an object, not a string
    gcsTemplate = srTemplate.GCS

    # Compare coordinate systems and decide what to do from there.
    if srTarget.Name == srTemplate.Name:
        printMsg('Coordinate systems match; no need to do anything.')
        return fcTarget
            'Coordinate systems do not match; proceeding with re-projection.')
        if fcTarget[-3:] == 'shp':
            fcTarget_prj = fcTarget[:-4] + "_prj.shp"
            fcTarget_prj = fcTarget + "_prj"
        if gcsTarget.Name == gcsTemplate.Name:
                'Datums are the same; no geographic transformation needed.')
            arcpy.Project_management(fcTarget, fcTarget_prj, srTemplate)
                'Datums do not match; re-projecting with geographic transformation'
            # Get the list of applicable geographic transformations
            # This is a stupid long list
            transList = arcpy.ListTransformations(srTarget, srTemplate)
            # Extract the first item in the list, assumed the appropriate one to use
            geoTrans = transList[0]
            # Now perform reprojection with geographic transformation
            arcpy.Project_management(fcTarget, fcTarget_prj, srTemplate,
        printMsg("Re-projected data is %s." % fcTarget_prj)
        return fcTarget_prj
コード例 #13
def main():

    env.workspace = 'C:\\Temp'

    #create new folder (if it does not exist already) where to store all processed layers
    newFold = 'Layers'
    newpath = os.path.join(env.workspace, 'Layers')
    if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath)

    #or r'C:\Temp' if you use a single '\' do not forget to add 'r' before the string
    #or 'C:/Temp'

    # Allow output to overwrite
    arcpy.gp.overwriteOutput = True

    # Local variables:
    Target_lyr = 'water_Broward.shp'
    Termite_loc = 'PreTreat03_NoDup2003.shp'
    LULC_lyr = 'd4_lu_gen_2010.shp'
    Roads_lyr = 'navteq_broward_streets.shp'
    TA_Multinet_lyr = 'teleatlas_broward_land_use.shp'

    #A SpatialReference can be easily created from existing datasets and PRJ files:
    #(1) Use a PRJ file as an argument to the SpatialReference class:
    #prjFile = os.path.join(arcpy.GetInstallInfo()["InstallDir"],
    #                     "Coordinate Systems/Geographic Coordinate Systems/North America/NAD 1983.prj")
    #spatialRef = arcpy.SpatialReference(prjFile)
    #(2) Manually define a .prj string
    #prjFile = 'PROJCS[...]'
    #spatialRef = arcpy.SpatialReference(prjFile)
    #(3) Describe a dataset and access its spatialReference property:
    #TargetCS = arcpy.Describe(Water_lyr).spatialReference
    #Geographic transformation -
    #transformation = 'NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1'
    #If ALL FEATURES need a datum transformation OR NONE of them needs one then
    #    res = arcpy.BatchProject_management(arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*'), env.workspace, TargetCS, '',
    #                                       transformation) OR '' instead of transformation
    #        print 'projection of all datasets successful'
    #    else:
    #        print 'failed to project one or more datasets'
    #    print res.getMessages()


        # Define a common target coordinate system
        desc = arcpy.Describe(Target_lyr)
        TargetSR = desc.spatialReference

        # If target layer has no projection defined print a message and stop
        if TargetSR.Name == "Unknown":

                Target_lyr +
                "is used as target layer but has Unknown Projection!")
            sys.exit('Target Layer Has Unknown Projection!')

        # Use ListFeatureClasses to generate a list of inputs
        for inputFC in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*'):

            if inputFC != Target_lyr:

                # Strip name and extension from a feature class
                # fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(inputFC)

                # Input spatial reference
                inputFC_SR = arcpy.Describe(inputFC).spatialReference

                # Determine if the input has a defined coordinate system
                if inputFC_SR.Name == "Unknown":
                    print 'Projecting ' + inputFC + '...'
                    arcpy.DefineProjection_management(inputFC, TargetSR)
                    outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                    # Make a copy of the current layer into the new folder
                    arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputFC, outFC)
                    print 'Projected ' + inputFC + ' from Unknown ' + \
                        ' to ' + TargetSR.Name

                # Check if current layer and target layer are same TYPE
                #(i.e. projected and geographic or viceversa)
                if inputFC_SR.type == TargetSR.type:

                    #SAME TYPE...Check if same projection name:

                    #CASE (1) SAME NAME..create copy and continue
                    if inputFC_SR.Name == TargetSR.Name:
                        outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputFC, outFC)

                    #CASE (2) DIFFERENT NAME..check if SAME DATUM OR NOT
                        # if they have different names check their datum
                        # (GCS method new in 10.1)
                        if inputFC_SR.GCS.datumName == TargetSR.GCS.datumName:
                            print 'Projecting ' + inputFC + '...'
                            # if datum are the same just project without any transformation
                            outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                            arcpy.Project_management(inputFC, outFC, TargetSR)
                            print 'Projected ' + inputFC + ' from ' + inputFC_SR.Name + \
                                    ' to ' + TargetSR.Name
                            # if datum are NOT the same then get transformations
                            # available for your specific study area (based on extent)
                            print 'Projecting ' + inputFC + '...'
                            outlist = arcpy.ListTransformations(
                                inputFC_SR, TargetSR,
                            transformation = outlist[0]
                            outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                            arcpy.Project_management(inputFC, outFC, TargetSR,
                            print 'Projected ' + inputFC + ' from ' + inputFC_SR.Name + \
                                    ' to ' + TargetSR.Name + '\nDatum Transformation: ' + transformation


                    #DIFFERENT TYPE...Check if same projection name:
                    #...check if SAME DATUM OR NOT
                    #(GCS method new in 10.1)
                    if inputFC_SR.GCS.datumName == TargetSR.GCS.datumName:
                        print 'Projecting ' + inputFC + '...'
                        #if datum are the same just project without any transformation
                        outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                        arcpy.Project_management(inputFC, outFC, TargetSR)
                        print 'Projected ' + inputFC + ' from ' + inputFC_SR.Name + \
                                ' to ' + TargetSR.Name
                        # if datum are NOT the same then get transformations
                        # available for your specific study area (based on extent)
                        print 'Projecting ' + inputFC + '...'
                        outlist = arcpy.ListTransformations(
                            inputFC_SR, TargetSR,
                        transformation = outlist[0]
                        outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                        arcpy.Project_management(inputFC, outFC, TargetSR,
                        print 'Projected ' + inputFC + ' from ' + inputFC_SR.Name + \
                             ' to ' + TargetSR.Name + '\nDatum Transformation: ' + transformation

                # if current layer is the same as target layer make a copy and
                #skip to next iteration
                outFC = os.path.join(newpath, inputFC)
                arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputFC, outFC)

            print '\n'

        #END OF LOOP!

        print 'Calculating centroid of point cloud...'

        fc = os.path.join(newpath, Termite_loc)
        shapefieldname = arcpy.Describe(fc).ShapeFieldName
        # Create search cursor
        Rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(Termite_loc)

        # Initialize local variables
        X_temp = 0.0
        Y_temp = 0.0
        counter = 0

        # Enter for loop for each feature/row
        for row in Rows:
            counter = counter + 1
            # Create the geometry object 'feat'. Identify the geometry field.
            feat = row.getValue(shapefieldname)
            # Use getPart() to return an array of point objects for a particular part of the geometry
            pnt = feat.getPart()
            X_temp = X_temp + pnt.X
            Y_temp = Y_temp + pnt.Y

        # Calculate centroid of point cloud
        X_centroid = X_temp / counter
        Y_centroid = Y_temp / counter

        # Create an empty feature class from point coords
        # Set local variables
        Centroid_pnt = arcpy.Point(X_centroid, Y_centroid)
        Centroid_pntGeometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(Centroid_pnt, TargetSR)
        out_name1 = os.path.join(newpath, 'Centroid_buffer.shp')
        out_name2 = os.path.join(newpath, 'Centroid_buffer_sq.shp')
        # Specify desired distance
        distance = '10000 Meters'
        # Create round buffer
        print 'Creating round buffer around centroid...'
        Centroid_buffer = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(Centroid_pntGeometry,
                                                out_name1, distance)
        # Create square buffer
        print 'Creating square buffer around centroid...'
        Centroid_buffer_sq = arcpy.FeatureEnvelopeToPolygon_management(
            Centroid_buffer, out_name2)
        # Delete the circle buffer...no need to keep it anymore
        arcpy.Delete_management(Centroid_buffer, '')
        print '\n'

        # CLIP ALL FEATURES with the squared buffer area

        env.workspace = newpath
        # Loop through a list of feature classes in the desired folder
        for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*'):
            if fc == 'Centroid_buffer_sq.shp' or fc == Termite_loc: continue
            # Strip name and extension from a feature class
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fc)
            outFC = os.path.join(newpath, fileName + '_Clip' + fileExtension)
            #Clip each input feature class in the list
            print 'Clipping ' + fc + ' to square buffer area...'
            fc_clipped = arcpy.Clip_analysis(fc, Centroid_buffer_sq, outFC,
            #delete original...just keep clipped one
            arcpy.Delete_management(fc, '')
            # Rename the clipped file to standard name
            arcpy.Rename_management(fc_clipped, fc)

        #END OF LOOP!
        print '\n'


        # Make a layer from the feature class (temporary layer)
        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(LULC_lyr, 'LC_Agric')
        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(TA_Multinet_lyr, 'TA_Airport')
        arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(Roads_lyr, 'NAVTEQ_buff')

        # Select only those attributes with class agricultural fields (i.e. DESCRIPT = 'AGRICULTURAL')
        print 'Selecting agricultural features from ' + LULC_lyr
            'LC_Agric', "NEW_SELECTION", " \"DESCRIPT\" = 'AGRICULTURAL' ")

        # Select only those attributes with feature type Airport Ground (9732) OR Airport Runway (9776)
        print 'Selecting airport ground & runway features from ' + TA_Multinet_lyr
            'TA_Airport', "NEW_SELECTION", " \"FEATTYP\" in (9732,9776) ")

        # Write the selected features to a new featureclass
        # Strip name and extension from a feature class
        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(LULC_lyr)
        LC_Agric = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(
            'LC_Agric', os.path.join(fileName + '_temp' + fileExtension))

        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(TA_Multinet_lyr)
        TA_Airport = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(
            'TA_Airport', os.path.join(fileName + '_temp' + fileExtension))

        # Make buffer around streets (10 m)
        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(Roads_lyr)
        linearDist = '10 Meters'
        print 'Creating buffer of ' + linearDist + ' for layer ' + Roads_lyr
        NAVTEQ_buff10 = arcpy.Buffer_analysis(
            Roads_lyr, os.path.join(fileName + '_temp' + fileExtension),
            linearDist, 'FULL', 'ROUND', 'ALL', '')

        arcpy.Delete_management(LULC_lyr, '')
        arcpy.Delete_management(TA_Multinet_lyr, '')
        arcpy.Delete_management(Roads_lyr, '')

        # Rename the clipped file to standard name
        LC_out = 'LC_Agric.shp'
        TA_out = 'TA_Airport.shp'
        NAVTQ_out = 'NAVTEQ_buff10.shp'
        Water_out = 'water_Broward.shp'
        arcpy.Rename_management(LC_Agric, 'LC_Agric.shp')
        arcpy.Rename_management(TA_Airport, 'TA_Airport.shp')
        arcpy.Rename_management(NAVTEQ_buff10, 'NAVTEQ_buff10.shp')
        print '\n'

        print 'Creating Union of unsuitable habitat layers...'
        inFeatures = [LC_out, TA_out, NAVTQ_out, Water_out]
        outFeatures = 'UnsuitHab_Union'
        clusterTol = 0.001
        UnsuitHab_Union = arcpy.Union_analysis(inFeatures, outFeatures,
                                               "ONLY_FID", clusterTol)

        #to have a final suitable habitat vectory layer to use as polygon mask for our rasters
        print 'Creating suitable habitat polygon mask...'
        eraseOutput = 'Habitat_mask.shp'
        xyTol = "0.1 Meters"
        arcpy.Erase_analysis(Centroid_buffer_sq, UnsuitHab_Union, eraseOutput,
        print '\n'

        #change workspace to raster folder
        env.workspace = 'C:\\Temp\\Raster'

        #simulation years (based on rasters)
        start_yr = 2003
        end_yr = 2018
        sim_yrs = range(
            start_yr, end_yr + 1
        )  #when using range remember to add 1 to the last year to include it

        #Monte Carlo envelopes
        MC_envel = [0, 50, 100]

        counter = 0

        #create list of labels (maybe better way to do it...but it works!)
        etiq = ['NA'] * len(sim_yrs) * len(MC_envel)
        mask_etiq = ['NA'] * len(sim_yrs) * len(MC_envel)

        for yr in sim_yrs:
            s = 'RS_' + str(yr) + '_'
            s_mask = 'Mask_' + str(yr) + '_'
            for m in MC_envel:
                s2 = str(m) + '.img'
                label = s + s2
                etiq[counter] = label
                label_mask = s_mask + s2
                mask_etiq[counter] = label_mask
                counter += 1

        etiq = sorted(etiq)
        mask_etiq = sorted(mask_etiq)

        counter = 0

        #loop through each raster in the folder
        for rast in arcpy.ListRasters('*'):

            #RESAMPLE ALL RASTERS DOWN TO 5meters (from 100m original) so that the
            #masking operation is more precise on the rasters

            # Determine the new output feature class path and name
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(rast)
            # resampling cell size
            cell_size = '5'
            resampling_type = 'NEAREST'
            outRast = etiq[counter]
            print 'Resampling ' + rast + ' to ' + cell_size + ' meters...'
            arcpy.Resample_management(rast, outRast, cell_size,

            # Execute ExtractByMask
            inMaskData = os.path.join(newpath, 'Habitat_mask.shp')
            out_rast_masked = os.path.join(env.workspace, mask_etiq[counter])
            print 'Extracting ' + rast + ' by mask with ' + inMaskData + ' ...'
            outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(outRast, inMaskData)
            # Save the output
            print 'Saved mask to ' + out_rast_masked

            counter += 1

            arcpy.Delete_management(rast, '')
            arcpy.Delete_management(outRast, '')

        #END OF LOOP!

    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
        print arcpy.GetMessages(2)
    except Exception as e:
        print e.args[0]
        print arcpy.GetMessages()
コード例 #14
def clip_data(input_items, out_workspace, out_coordinate_system, gcs_sr, gcs_clip_poly, out_format):
    """Clips input results."""
    clipped = 0
    errors = 0
    skipped = 0
    fds = None
    global processed_count
    global layer_name
    global existing_fields
    global new_fields
    global field_values

    for ds, out_name in input_items.items():
            if not isinstance(out_name, list):
                out_name = ''
            # -----------------------------------------------
            # If the item is a service layer, process and continue.
            # -----------------------------------------------
            if ds.startswith('http'):
                    if out_coordinate_system == 0:
                        service_layer = task_utils.ServiceLayer(ds)
                        wkid = service_layer.wkid
                        out_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(wkid)
                        arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = out_sr
                        out_sr = task_utils.get_spatial_reference(out_coordinate_system)
                        arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = out_sr

                    if not out_sr.name == gcs_sr.name:
                            geo_transformation = arcpy.ListTransformations(gcs_sr, out_sr)[0]
                            clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly.projectAs(out_sr, geo_transformation)
                        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                                clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly.projectAs(out_sr)
                            except AttributeError:
                                clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly
                        except ValueError:
                            clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly
                        clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly

                    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
                    service_layer = task_utils.ServiceLayer(ds, clip_poly.extent.JSON, 'esriGeometryEnvelope')
                    oid_groups = service_layer.object_ids
                    out_features = None
                    g = 0.
                    group_cnt = service_layer.object_ids_cnt
                    for group in oid_groups:
                        g += 1
                        group = [oid for oid in group if oid]
                        where = '{0} IN {1}'.format(service_layer.oid_field_name, tuple(group))
                        url = ds + "/query?where={}&outFields={}&returnGeometry=true&f=json".format(where, '*', eval(clip_poly.JSON))
                        feature_set = arcpy.FeatureSet()
                        if not out_name:
                            out_name = service_layer.service_layer_name
                        except Exception:
                        if not out_features:
                            out_features = arcpy.Clip_analysis(feature_set, clip_poly, out_name)
                            clip_features = arcpy.Clip_analysis(feature_set, clip_poly, 'in_memory/features')
                            arcpy.Append_management(clip_features, out_features, 'NO_TEST')
                            except arcpy.ExecuteError:
                        status_writer.send_percent(float(g) / group_cnt, '', 'clip_data')
                    processed_count += 1.
                    clipped += 1
                    status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Clipped: {0}').format(ds), 'clip_data')
                except Exception as ex:
                    status_writer.send_state(status.STAT_WARNING, str(ex))
                    errors_reasons[ds] = ex.message
                    errors += 1

            # -----------------------------------------------
            # Check if the path is a MXD data frame type.
            # ------------------------------------------------
            map_frame_name = task_utils.get_data_frame_name(ds)
            if map_frame_name:
                ds = ds.split('|')[0].strip()

            # -------------------------------
            # Is the input a geometry feature
            # -------------------------------
            if isinstance(out_name, list):
                for row in out_name:
                        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
                        name = os.path.join(out_workspace, arcpy.ValidateTableName(ds, out_workspace))
                        if out_format == 'SHP':
                            name += '.shp'
                        # Clip the geometry.
                        geo_json = row['[geo]']
                        geom = arcpy.AsShape(geo_json)
                        if not arcpy.Exists(name):
                            if arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem:
                                arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_workspace, os.path.basename(name), geom.type.upper())
                                arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = 4326
                                arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_workspace, os.path.basename(name), geom.type.upper())

                            layer_name = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(name, 'flayer')
                            existing_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(layer_name)]
                            new_fields = []
                            field_values = []
                            for field, value in row.iteritems():
                                valid_field = arcpy.ValidateFieldName(field, out_workspace)
                                    arcpy.AddField_management(layer_name, valid_field, 'TEXT')
                                except arcpy.ExecuteError:
                                    arcpy.DeleteField_management(layer_name, valid_field)
                                    arcpy.AddField_management(layer_name, valid_field, 'TEXT')
                            if not geom.type.upper() == arcpy.Describe(name).shapeType.upper():
                                name = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(os.path.basename(name), out_workspace)
                                if arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem:
                                    arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_workspace, os.path.basename(name), geom.type.upper())
                                    arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = 4326
                                    arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_workspace, os.path.basename(name), geom.type.upper())

                                layer_name = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(name, 'flayer')
                                existing_fields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(layer_name)]
                                new_fields = []
                                field_values = []
                                for field, value in row.items():
                                    valid_field = arcpy.ValidateFieldName(field, out_workspace)
                                    if not valid_field in existing_fields:
                                            arcpy.AddField_management(layer_name, valid_field, 'TEXT')
                                        except arcpy.ExecuteError:
                                            arcpy.DeleteField_management(layer_name, valid_field)
                                            arcpy.AddField_management(layer_name, valid_field, 'TEXT')

                        clipped_geometry = arcpy.Clip_analysis(geom, gcs_clip_poly, arcpy.Geometry())
                        if clipped_geometry:
                            with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(layer_name, ["SHAPE@"] + new_fields) as icur:
                                icur.insertRow([clipped_geometry[0]] + field_values)
                        status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Clipped: {0}').format(row['name']), 'clip_data')
                        processed_count += 1
                        clipped += 1
                    except KeyError:
                        processed_count += 1
                        skipped += 1
                        status_writer.send_state(_(status.STAT_WARNING, 'Invalid input type: {0}').format(ds))
                        skipped_reasons[ds] = 'Invalid input type'
                    except Exception as ex:
                        processed_count += 1
                        errors += 1
                        errors_reasons[ds] = ex.message

            dsc = arcpy.Describe(ds)
                if dsc.spatialReference.name == 'Unknown':
                    status_writer.send_state(status.STAT_WARNING, _('{0} has an Unknown projection. Output may be invalid or empty.').format(dsc.name))
            except AttributeError:

            # --------------------------------------------------------------------
            # If no output coord. system, get output spatial reference from input.
            # --------------------------------------------------------------------
            if out_coordinate_system == 0:
                    out_sr = dsc.spatialReference
                    arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = out_sr
                except AttributeError:
                    out_sr = task_utils.get_spatial_reference(4326)
                    arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = out_sr
                out_sr = task_utils.get_spatial_reference(out_coordinate_system)
                arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = out_sr

            # -------------------------------------------------
            # If the item is not a file, project the clip area.
            # -------------------------------------------------
            if dsc.dataType not in ('File', 'TextFile'):
                if not out_sr.name == gcs_sr.name:
                        geo_transformation = arcpy.ListTransformations(gcs_sr, out_sr)[0]
                        clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly.projectAs(out_sr, geo_transformation)
                    except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                            clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly.projectAs(out_sr)
                        except AttributeError:
                            clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly
                    except ValueError:
                        clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly
                    clip_poly = gcs_clip_poly
                extent = clip_poly.extent

            # -----------------------------
            # Check the data type and clip.
            # -----------------------------

            # Feature Class or ShapeFile
            if dsc.dataType in ('FeatureClass', 'ShapeFile', 'Shapefile'):
                if out_name == '':
                    name = arcpy.ValidateTableName(dsc.name, out_workspace)
                    name = task_utils.create_unique_name(name, out_workspace)
                    name = arcpy.ValidateTableName(out_name, out_workspace)
                    name = task_utils.create_unique_name(name, out_workspace)
                # Does the input exist in a feature dataset? If so, create the feature dataset if it doesn't exist.
                ws = os.path.dirname(ds)
                if [any(ext) for ext in ('.gdb', '.mdb', '.sde') if ext in ws]:
                    if os.path.splitext(ws)[1] in ('.gdb', '.mdb', '.sde'):
                        arcpy.Clip_analysis(ds, clip_poly, name)
                        fds_name = os.path.basename(ws)
                        if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(out_workspace, fds_name)):
                            arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(out_workspace, fds_name, dsc.spatialReference)
                        arcpy.Clip_analysis(ds, clip_poly, os.path.join(out_workspace, fds_name, os.path.basename(ds)))
                    arcpy.Clip_analysis(ds, clip_poly, name)

            # Feature dataset
            elif dsc.dataType == 'FeatureDataset':
                if not out_format == 'SHP':
                    fds_name = os.path.basename(task_utils.create_unique_name(dsc.name, out_workspace))
                    fds = arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(out_workspace, fds_name)
                arcpy.env.workspace = ds
                for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
                        if not out_format == 'SHP':
                            arcpy.Clip_analysis(fc, clip_poly, task_utils.create_unique_name(fc, fds.getOutput(0)))
                            arcpy.Clip_analysis(fc, clip_poly, task_utils.create_unique_name(fc, out_workspace))
                    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
                arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace

            # Raster dataset
            elif dsc.dataType == 'RasterDataset':
                if out_name == '':
                    name = task_utils.create_unique_name(dsc.name, out_workspace)
                    name = task_utils.create_unique_name(out_name, out_workspace)
                ext = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, extent.XMax, extent.YMax)
                arcpy.Clip_management(ds, ext, name, in_template_dataset=clip_poly, clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry")

            # Layer file
            elif dsc.dataType == 'Layer':
                task_utils.clip_layer_file(dsc.catalogPath, clip_poly, arcpy.env.workspace)

            # Cad drawing dataset
            elif dsc.dataType == 'CadDrawingDataset':
                arcpy.env.workspace = dsc.catalogPath
                cad_wks_name = os.path.splitext(dsc.name)[0]
                for cad_fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
                    name = task_utils.create_unique_name('{0}_{1}'.format(cad_wks_name, cad_fc), out_workspace)
                    arcpy.Clip_analysis(cad_fc, clip_poly, name)
                arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace

            # File
            elif dsc.dataType in ('File', 'TextFile'):
                if dsc.catalogPath.endswith('.kml') or dsc.catalogPath.endswith('.kmz'):
                    name = os.path.splitext(dsc.name)[0]
                    kml_layer = arcpy.KMLToLayer_conversion(dsc.catalogPath, arcpy.env.scratchFolder, name)
                    group_layer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, '{0}.lyr'.format(name)))
                    for layer in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(group_layer):
                        if layer.isFeatureLayer:
                                                task_utils.create_unique_name(layer, out_workspace))
                    # Clean up temp KML results.
                    arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, '{0}.lyr'.format(name)))
                    del group_layer
                    if out_name == '':
                        out_name = dsc.name
                    if out_workspace.endswith('.gdb'):
                        f = arcpy.Copy_management(ds, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_workspace), out_name))
                        f = arcpy.Copy_management(ds, os.path.join(out_workspace, out_name))
                    processed_count += 1.
                    status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Copied file: {0}').format(dsc.name), 'clip_data')
                    status_writer.send_state(_('Copied file: {0}').format(dsc.name))
                    clipped += 1
                    if out_format in ('LPK', 'MPK'):

            # Map document
            elif dsc.dataType == 'MapDocument':
                task_utils.clip_mxd_layers(dsc.catalogPath, clip_poly, arcpy.env.workspace, map_frame_name)
                processed_count += 1.
                status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Invalid input type: {0}').format(ds), 'clip_data')
                status_writer.send_state(status.STAT_WARNING, _('Invalid input type: {0}').format(ds))
                skipped += 1
                skipped_reasons[ds] = _('Invalid input type: {0}').format(dsc.dataType)

            processed_count += 1.
            status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Clipped: {0}').format(dsc.name), 'clip_data')
            status_writer.send_status(_('Clipped: {0}').format(dsc.name))
            clipped += 1
        # Continue. Process as many as possible.
        except Exception as ex:
            processed_count += 1.
            status_writer.send_percent(processed_count / result_count, _('Skipped: {0}').format(os.path.basename(ds)), 'clip_data')
            status_writer.send_status(_('FAIL: {0}').format(repr(ex)))
            errors_reasons[ds] = ex.message
            errors += 1
    return clipped, errors, skipped
    def updateParameters(self):
        """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal
    validation is performed.  This method is called whenever a parameter
    has been changed."""
        def list_fcs(input_gdb):

            arcpy.env.workspace = input_gdb
            gdb_work = arcpy.env.workspace
            datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets(feature_type='feature')
            datasets = [''] + datasets if datasets is not None else []
            for ds in datasets:
                in_features = [
                    str(os.path.join(input_gdb, fc))
                    for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=ds)

                return in_features

        if self.params[0].value is not None and self.params[4] is not None:
            fc_list = list_fcs(self.params[0].valueAsText)
            desc = arcpy.Describe(fc_list[0]).spatialReference
            extent = arcpy.Describe(fc_list[0]).extent

            sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()
            to_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr.factoryCode)

            transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(desc, to_sr, extent)

            self.params[5].value = transformations[0]

        if self.params[1].value is not None and self.params[4] is not None:
            shp_list = [
                os.path.join(self.params[1].valueAsText, f)
                for f in os.listdir(self.params[1].valueAsText)
                if f.endswith(".shp")
            desc = arcpy.Describe(shp_list[0]).spatialReference
            extent = arcpy.Describe(shp_list[0]).extent

            sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()
            to_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr.factoryCode)

            transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(desc, to_sr, extent)

            self.params[5].value = transformations[0]

        if self.params[2].value is not None and self.params[4] is not None:
            desc = arcpy.Describe(self.params[2].value).spatialReference
            extent = arcpy.Describe(self.params[2].value).extent

            sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()

            to_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr.factoryCode)
            transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(desc, to_sr, extent)
            self.params[5].value = transformations[0]

        if self.params[3].value is not None and self.params[4] is not None:
            desc = arcpy.Describe(self.params[3].valueAsText).spatialReference
            extent = arcpy.Describe(self.params[3].valueAsText).extent

            sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()

            to_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr.factoryCode)
            transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(desc, to_sr, extent)
            self.params[5].value = transformations[0]

コード例 #16
    lyr_names = sorted([str(lyr.name)
                        for lyr in new_layers])  # Get a list of lyr names

    fc_list = []
    # Add layers in new_layers to copied mdb and then create a list of the layers to then add to the map
    # Project the layers so that the sr's match
    sr = df.spatialReference
    print 'Adding layers to map mdb and projecting them in the maps projection'
    for lyr in new_layers:
        fc = os.path.join(workingGDB,
                          lyr.name + '_up')  # Convert to unprojected version
        arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(lyr, workingGDB,
                                                    lyr.name + '_up')
        fc_sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
        geo_transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(fc_sr, sr)
        fc_name = lyr.name  # For getting style guide reference
        prj_fc = os.path.join(working_mdb_path,
                              fc_name)  # Path to projected fc

        if len(geo_transformations) > 0:
            # If there is a geo transformation required use it
            arcpy.Project_management(fc, prj_fc, sr, geo_transformations[0],
        # If no geo transformation required go ahead
        arcpy.Project_management(fc, prj_fc, sr)

    # Add the layers to the map and add to the top until new order decided
コード例 #17
def exportDataset(xmlDoc, source, workspace, targetName, rowLimit,
    result = True
    xmlFields = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Field")
    dla.addMessage("Exporting Data from " + source)
    whereClause = ""
    if rowLimit != None:
        whereClause = getObjectIdWhereClause(source, rowLimit)

    if whereClause != '' and whereClause != ' ':
        dla.addMessage("Where " + str(whereClause))

    sourceName = dla.getDatasetName(source)
    viewName = sourceName + "_View"

    targetRef = getSpatialReference(xmlDoc, "Target")
    sourceRef = getSpatialReference(xmlDoc, "Source")
    if datasetType == 'Table':
        isTable = True
    elif targetRef != '':
        isTable = False

    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    if source.lower().endswith('.lyrx') and not dla.hasJoin(source):
        view = dla.getLayerFromString(source)
    elif isTable:
        view = dla.makeTableView(dla.workspace, source, viewName, whereClause,
    elif not isTable:
        view = dla.makeFeatureView(dla.workspace, source, viewName,
                                   whereClause, xmlFields)

    dla.addMessage("View Created")
    srcCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(view).getOutput(0)
    dla.addMessage(str(srcCount) + " source rows")
    if str(srcCount) == '0':
        result = False
        dla.addError("Failed to extract " + sourceName + ", Nothing to export")
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        ds = workspace + os.sep + targetName
        currentPreserveGlobalIDs = arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds
        if dla.processGlobalIds(
        ):  # both datasets have globalids in the correct workspace types
            arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = True  # try to preserve
            dla.addMessage("Attempting to preserve GlobalIDs")
            arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = False  # don't try to preserve
            dla.addMessage("Unable to preserve GlobalIDs")
        if isTable:
            spRefMatch = dla.compareSpatialRef(xmlDoc)
            currentRef = arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem  # grab currrent env settings
            currentTrans = arcpy.env.geographicTransformations

            if not spRefMatch:
                arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = targetRef
                transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(
                    sourceRef, targetRef)
                transformations = ";".join(
                )  # concat the values - format change for setting the values.
                arcpy.env.geographicTransformations = transformations


            if not spRefMatch:  # set the spatial reference back
                arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = currentRef
                arcpy.env.geographicTransformations = currentTrans
        arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = currentPreserveGlobalIDs

        )  # don't want to turn nulls into defaultValues in the intermediate data

        # not needed if doing the transformations approach above...
        #    if isTable:
        #        if not createDataset('Table',workspace,targetName,None,xmlDoc,source,None):
        #            arcpy.AddError("Unable to create intermediate table, exiting: " + workspace + os.sep + targetName)
        #            return False

        #    elif not isTable:
        #        geomType = arcpy.Describe(source).shapeType
        #        if not createDataset('FeatureClass',workspace,targetName,geomType,xmlDoc,source,targetRef):
        #            arcpy.AddError("Unable to create intermediate feature class, exiting: " + workspace + os.sep + targetName)
        #            return False
        #    fieldMap = getFieldMap(view,ds)
        #    arcpy.Append_management(view,ds,schema_type="NO_TEST",field_mapping=fieldMap)

        dla.addMessage(arcpy.GetMessages(2))  # only serious errors
        count = arcpy.GetCount_management(ds).getOutput(0)
        dla.addMessage(str(count) + " source rows exported to " + targetName)
        if str(count) == '0':
            result = False
                "Failed to load to " + targetName +
                ", it is likely that your data falls outside of the target Spatial Reference Extent or there is another basic issue"
                "To verify please use the Append and/or Copy Features tool to load some data to an intermediate dataset:"
    return result
コード例 #18
def project_as(input_dataframe: pd.DataFrame, output_spatial_reference: [int, SpatialReference] = 4326,
               input_spatial_reference: [int, SpatialReference] = None,
               transformation_name: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Project input Spatially Enabled Dataframe to a desired output spatial reference, applying a
        transformation if needed due to the geographic coordinate system changing.
        input_dataframe: Valid Spatially Enabled DataFrame
        output_spatial_reference: Optional - Desired output Spatial Reference. Default is
            4326 (WGS84).
        input_spatial_reference: Optional - Only necessary if the Spatial Reference is not
            properly defined for the input data geometry.
        transformation_name: Optional - Transformation name to be used, if needed, to
            convert between spatial references. If not explicitly provided, this will be
            inferred based on the spatial reference of the input data and desired output
            spatial reference.
    Returns: Spatially Enabled DataFrame in the desired output spatial reference.
    # ensure the geometry is set
    geom_col_lst = [c for c in input_dataframe.columns if input_dataframe[c].dtype.name.lower() == 'geometry']
    assert len(geom_col_lst) > 0, 'The DataFrame does not appear to have a geometry column defined. This can be ' \
                                  'accomplished using the "input_dataframe.spatial.set_geometry" method.'

    # save the geometry column to a variable
    geom_col = geom_col_lst[0]

    # ensure the input spatially enabled dataframe validates
    assert input_dataframe.spatial.validate(), 'The DataFrame does not appear to be valid.'

    # if a spatial reference is set for the dataframe, just use it
    if input_dataframe.spatial.sr is not None:
        in_sr = input_dataframe.spatial.sr

    # if a spatial reference is explicitly provided, but the data does not have one set, use the one provided
    elif input_spatial_reference is not None:

        # check the input
        assert isinstance(input_spatial_reference, int) or isinstance(input_spatial_reference, SpatialReference), \
            f'input_spatial_reference must be either an int referencing a wkid or a SpatialReference object, ' \
            f'not {type(input_spatial_reference)}.'

        if isinstance(input_spatial_reference, int):
            in_sr = SpatialReference(input_spatial_reference)
            in_sr = input_spatial_reference

    # if the spatial reference is not set, common for data coming from geojson, check if values are in lat/lon
    # range, and if so, go with WGS84, as this is likely the case if in this range

        # get the bounding values for the data
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = input_dataframe.spatial.full_extent

        # check the range of the values, if in longitude and latitude range
        wgs_range = True if (x_min > -181 and y_min > -91 and x_max < 181 and y_max < 91) else False
        assert wgs_range, 'Input data for projection data must have a spatial reference, or one must be provided.'

        # if the values are in range, run with it
        in_sr = SpatialReference(4326)

    # ensure the output spatial reference is a SpatialReference object instance
    if isinstance(output_spatial_reference, SpatialReference):
        out_sr = output_spatial_reference
        out_sr = SpatialReference(output_spatial_reference)

    # copy the input spatially enabled dataframe since the project function changes the dataframe in place
    out_df = input_dataframe.copy()

    # if arcpy is available, use it to find the transformation
    if arcpy_avail and transformation_name is None:

        # get any necessary transformations using arcpy, which returns only a list of transformation names
        trns_lst = arcpy.ListTransformations(in_sr.as_arcpy, out_sr.as_arcpy)

    # otherwise we will have to use the geometry rest endpoint to find transformations
    elif transformation_name is None:

        # explicitly ensure find_transformations has a gis instance
        gis = active_gis if active_gis else GIS()

        # get any transformations, if needed due to changing geographic spatial reference, as a list of dicts
        trns_lst = find_transformation(in_sr, out_sr, gis=gis)['transformations']

    # apply across the geometries using apply since it recognizes the transformation correctly if transformation
    # is necessary and also tries arcpy first, and if not available, rolls back to rest resources elegantly
    if len(trns_lst) or transformation_name is not None:
        trns = transformation_name if transformation_name is not None else trns_lst[0]
        out_df[geom_col] = out_df[geom_col].apply(lambda geom: geom.project_as(out_sr, trns))

    # otherwise, do the same thing using the apply method since the geoaccessor project method is not working reliably
    # and only if necessary if the spatial reference is being changed
    elif in_sr.wkid != out_sr.wkid:
        out_df[geom_col] = out_df[geom_col].apply(lambda geom: geom.project_as(out_sr))

    # ensure the spatial column is set
    if not len([c for c in out_df.columns if out_df[c].dtype.name.lower() == 'geometry']):

    return out_df
コード例 #19
    def copy_teilflaechen_to_gdb(self, project_name, flaeche):
        """add layer teilflächen to gdb"""
        arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Teilflächen laden')

        tfl = self.folders.get_table('Teilflaechen_Plangebiet',
                                     project=project_name, check=False)
        if arcpy.Exists(tfl):

        # epsg-code or the
        config = self.parent_tbx.config
        sr1 = arcpy.Describe(flaeche).spatialReference
        if not sr1.factoryCode:
            raise Exception(u'Den Teilflächen fehlen Angaben zur Projektion. '
                            u'Bitte definieren Sie die Projektion in der Quelle!')
        sr2 = arcpy.SpatialReference(config.epsg)
        possible_transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(sr1, sr2)
        if not possible_transformations:
            temp_path = self.folders.get_temporary_projectpath()
            temp_shapefile = os.path.join(temp_path, 'tempfile.shp')
            sr0 = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)
            possible_transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(sr1, sr0)
            transform_method = possible_transformations[0]
            arcpy.Project_management(flaeche, temp_shapefile, sr0, transform_method)
            possible_transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(sr0, sr2)
            transform_method = possible_transformations[0]
            arcpy.Project_management(temp_shapefile, tfl, sr2, transform_method)
            transform_method = possible_transformations[0]
            arcpy.Project_management(flaeche, tfl, sr2, transform_method)

        gdbPfad = self.folders.get_db()
        arcpy.env.workspace = gdbPfad

        # Prepare Shapefile for use in RPC

        # delete unused fields
        fieldObjList = arcpy.ListFields(tfl)
        fieldNameList = []
        for field in fieldObjList:
            if not field.required:

        if fieldNameList:
            arcpy.DeleteField_management(tfl, fieldNameList)

        # add needed fields
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "id_teilflaeche", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Name", "TEXT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Beginn_Nutzung", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Aufsiedlungsdauer", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Flaeche_ha", "DOUBLE")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "umfang_meter", "FLOAT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Nutzungsart", "SHORT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "ags_bkg", "TEXT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "gemeinde_name", "TEXT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "validiert", "SHORT")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "WE_gesamt", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "AP_gesamt", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "VF_gesamt", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "ew", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Wege_gesamt", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tfl, "Wege_MIV", "LONG")

        #arcpy.AddField_management(teilfaechen_plangebiet, "Bilanzsumme", "FLOAT")
        return tfl, gdbPfad
コード例 #20
def delinFlowDistBuff(in_Feats, fld_ID, in_FlowDir, out_Feats, maxDist, dilDist = 0, out_Scratch = 'in_memory'):
   '''Delineates buffers based on flow distance down to features (rather than straight distance)'''
   # Get cell size and output spatial reference from in_FlowDir
   cellSize = (arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_FlowDir, "CELLSIZEX")).getOutput(0)
   srRast = arcpy.Describe(in_FlowDir).spatialReference
   linUnit = srRast.linearUnitName
   printMsg('Cell size of flow direction raster is %s %ss' %(cellSize, linUnit))
   printMsg('Flow modeling is strongly dependent on cell size.')

   # Set environment setting and other variables
   arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
   arcpy.env.snapRaster = in_FlowDir
   procDist = 2*maxDist
   # dist = float(cellSize)
   # dilDist = "%s %ss" % (str(dist), linUnit) # decided to make this a user input

   # Check if input features and input flow direction have same spatial reference.
   # If so, just make a copy. If not, reproject features to match raster.
   srFeats = arcpy.Describe(in_Feats).spatialReference
   if srFeats.Name == srRast.Name:
      printMsg('Coordinate systems for features and raster are the same. Copying...')
      arcpy.CopyFeatures_management (in_Feats, out_Feats)
      printMsg('Reprojecting features to match raster...')
      # Check if geographic transformation is needed, and handle accordingly.
      if srFeats.GCS.Name == srRast.GCS.Name:
         geoTrans = ""
         printMsg('No geographic transformation needed...')
         transList = arcpy.ListTransformations(srFeats,srRast)
         geoTrans = transList[0]
      arcpy.Project_management (in_Feats, out_Feats, srRast, geoTrans)

   # Count features and report
   numFeats = countFeatures(out_Feats)
   printMsg('There are %s features to process.' % numFeats)
   # Create an empty list to store IDs of features that fail to get processed
   myFailList = []

   # Set up processing cursor and loop
   flags = [] # Initialize empty list to keep track of suspects
   cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_Feats, [fld_ID, "SHAPE@"])
   counter = 1
   for row in cursor:
      trashList = [] # Empty list for trash collection
         # Extract the unique ID and geometry object
         myID = row[0]
         myShape = row[1]

         printMsg('Working on feature %s with ID %s' % (counter, str(myID)))

         # Process:  Select (Analysis)
         # Create a temporary feature class including only the current feature
         selQry = "%s = %s" % (fld_ID, str(myID))
         tmpFeat = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'tmpFeat'
         arcpy.Select_analysis (out_Feats, tmpFeat, selQry)

         # Convert feature to raster
         printMsg('Converting feature to raster...')
         srcRast = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'srcRast'
         arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion (tmpFeat, fld_ID, srcRast, "MAXIMUM_COMBINED_AREA", fld_ID, cellSize)
         # Clip flow direction raster to processing buffer
         procBuff = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'procBuff'
         printMsg('Buffering feature to set maximum processing distance')
         arcpy.Buffer_analysis (tmpFeat, procBuff, procDist, "", "", "ALL", "")
         myExtent = str(arcpy.Describe(procBuff).extent).replace(" NaN", "")
         printMsg('Extent: %s' %myExtent)
         clp_FlowDir = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'clp_FlowDir'
         printMsg('Clipping flow direction raster to processing buffer')
         arcpy.Clip_management (in_FlowDir, myExtent, clp_FlowDir, procBuff, "", "ClippingGeometry")
         arcpy.env.extent = clp_FlowDir

         # Burn SCU feature into flow direction raster as sink
         printMsg('Creating sink from feature...')
         snk_FlowDir = Con(IsNull(srcRast),clp_FlowDir)
         snk_FlowDir.save(out_Scratch + os.sep + 'snk_FlowDir')
         # Calculate flow distance down to sink
         printMsg('Calculating flow distance to feature...')
         FlowDist = FlowLength (snk_FlowDir, "DOWNSTREAM")
         FlowDist.save(out_Scratch + os.sep + 'FlowDist')
         # Clip flow distance raster to the maximum distance buffer
         clipBuff = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'clipBuff'
         arcpy.Buffer_analysis (tmpFeat, clipBuff, maxDist, "", "", "ALL", "")
         myExtent = str(arcpy.Describe(clipBuff).extent).replace(" NaN", "")
         #printMsg('Extent: %s' %myExtent)
         clp_FlowDist = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'clp_FlowDist'
         printMsg('Clipping flow distance raster to maximum distance buffer')
         arcpy.Clip_management (FlowDist, myExtent, clp_FlowDist, clipBuff, "", "ClippingGeometry")
         arcpy.env.extent = clp_FlowDist
         # Make a binary raster based on flow distance
         printMsg('Creating binary raster from flow distance...')
         binRast = Con((IsNull(clp_FlowDist) == 1),
                  (Con((IsNull(srcRast)== 0),1,0)),
                  (Con((Raster(clp_FlowDist) <= maxDist),1,0)))
         binRast.save(out_Scratch + os.sep + 'binRast')
         printMsg('Boundary cleaning...')
         cleanRast = BoundaryClean (binRast, 'NO_SORT', 'TWO_WAY')
         cleanRast.save(out_Scratch + os.sep + 'cleanRast')
         printMsg('Setting zeros to nulls...')
         prePoly = SetNull (cleanRast, 1, 'Value = 0')
         prePoly.save(out_Scratch + os.sep + 'prePoly')

         # Convert raster to polygon
         printMsg('Converting flow distance raster to polygon...')
         finPoly = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'finPoly'
         arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion (prePoly, finPoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY")

         # If user specifies, coalesce to smooth
         if dilDist == 0:
            printMsg('Final shape will not be smoothed.')
            coalPoly = finPoly
            printMsg('Smoothing final shape...')
            coalPoly = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'coalPoly'
            Coalesce(finPoly, dilDist, coalPoly, 'in_memory')
         # Check the number of features at this point. 
         # It should be just one. If more, the output is likely bad and should be flagged.
         count = countFeatures(coalPoly)
         if count > 1:
            printWrng('Output is suspect for feature %s' % str(myID))
            # Dissolve to create a multipart feature so at least we can finish the job.
            multiPoly = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'multiPoly'
            arcpy.Dissolve_management (coalPoly, multiPoly, "", "", "MULTI_PART")
            coalPoly = multiPoly
         # Use the flow distance buffer geometry as the final shape
         myFinalShape = arcpy.SearchCursor(coalPoly).next().Shape

         # Update the feature with its final shape
         row[1] = myFinalShape
         del row 

         printMsg('Finished processing feature %s' %str(myID))
         # Reset extent, because Arc is stupid.
         arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"
         # Throw out trash after every cycle and compact the scratch GDB periodically. 
         # Grasping at straws here to avoid failure processing large datasets.
         for item in trashList:
            del item
         if counter%25 == 0:
            printMsg('Compacting scratch geodatabase...')
            arcpy.Compact_management (out_Scratch)
         # Update counter
         counter += 1

         # Add failure message and append failed feature ID to list
         printMsg("\nFailed to fully process feature " + str(myID))

         # Error handling code swiped from "A Python Primer for ArcGIS"
         tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
         tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
         pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
         msgs = "ARCPY ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n"


         # Add status message
         printMsg("\nMoving on to the next feature.  Note that the output will be incomplete.")
   if len(flags) > 0:
      printWrng('These features may be incorrect: %s' % str(flags))
   if len(myFailList) > 0:
      printWrng('These features failed to process: %s' % str(myFailList))
   return out_Feats
コード例 #21
def getZonalStats(in_Polys, in_Raster, fld_ID, fld_Stats, type_Stats, out_Polys, out_Scratch = 'in_memory'):
   '''Attaches zonal statistics from a raster to polygons'''
   # Environment settings
   arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
   cellSize = (arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_Raster, "CELLSIZEX")).getOutput(0)   
   arcpy.env.cellSize = cellSize
   printMsg('Cell Size is %s map units' % str(cellSize))
   arcpy.env.snapRaster = in_Raster
   # Check if input polygons and raster have same spatial reference.
   # If so, all good. If not, reproject features to match raster.
   srPolys = arcpy.Describe(in_Polys).spatialReference
   srRast = arcpy.Describe(in_Raster).spatialReference
   if srPolys.Name == srRast.Name:
      printMsg('Coordinate systems for features and raster are the same. Copying...')
      arcpy.CopyFeatures_management (in_Polys, out_Polys)
      printMsg('Reprojecting features to match raster...')
      # Check if geographic transformation is needed, and handle accordingly.
      if srPolys.GCS.Name == srRast.GCS.Name:
         geoTrans = ""
         printMsg('No geographic transformation needed...')
         transList = arcpy.ListTransformations(srPolys,srRast)
         geoTrans = transList[0]
      arcpy.Project_management (in_Polys, out_Polys, srRast, geoTrans)
   # Set up some variables used in loop below
   tmpFeat = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'tmpFeat' # temp feature class 
   tmpTab = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'tmpTab' # temp table 
   mstrTab = out_Scratch + os.sep + 'mstrTab' # master table
   for t in [tmpTab, mstrTab]:
      if arcpy.Exists(t):
   myFailList = [] # empty list to keep track of failures
   # Count features and report
   numFeats = countFeatures(out_Polys)
   printMsg('There are %s features to process.' % numFeats)
   # Set up processing cursor and loop through polygons to get zonal stats. 
   # This is done in a loop instead of all at once to avoid problems if polys overlap.
   cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(out_Polys, '%s' % fld_ID)
   counter = 1
   for row in cursor:
         myID = row[0]
         printMsg('Working on zonal stats for feature %s with ID %s' % (counter, str(myID)))
         # Make temporary feature class
         selQry = "%s = %s" % (fld_ID, str(myID))
         arcpy.Select_analysis (out_Polys, tmpFeat, selQry)
         # Run zonal stats and append to master table
         outTab = ZonalStatisticsAsTable (tmpFeat, fld_ID, in_Raster, tmpTab, 'DATA', 'ALL')
         if arcpy.Exists(mstrTab):
            arcpy.Append_management(tmpTab, mstrTab, 'NO_TEST')
            arcpy.Copy_management(tmpTab, mstrTab)
         # Updates
         del row, outTab
         counter += 1
         # Reset extent, because Arc is stupid.
         arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"
      # Add failure message and append failed feature ID to list
         printMsg("\nFailed to fully process feature " + str(myID))

         # Error handling code swiped from "A Python Primer for ArcGIS"
         tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
         tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
         pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
         msgs = "ARCPY ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n"


         # Add status message
         printMsg("\nMoving on to the next feature.  Note that the output will be incomplete.")
   del cursor
   # For each stats type, manipulate the fields
   printMsg('Appending stats fields to output features')
   polyFldNames = [field.name for field in arcpy.ListFields(out_Polys)]
   for t in type_Stats:
      fldName = fld_Stats + '_' + t
      if fldName in polyFldNames:
         arcpy.DeleteField_management(out_Polys, fldName)
      arcpy.AddField_management (mstrTab, fldName, 'FLOAT')
      expression = '!%s!' % t
         arcpy.CalculateField_management(mstrTab, fldName, expression, 'PYTHON')
         arcpy.JoinField_management(out_Polys, fld_ID, mstrTab, fld_ID, fldName)
         # I put this in a try block b/c certain stats, such as MEDIAN, are apparently only available for integer rasters.
         printWrng('Unable to add %s' %t)

         # Error handling code swiped from "A Python Primer for ArcGIS"
         tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
         tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
         pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
         msgs = "ARCPY ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n"


   return out_Polys
コード例 #22
    arcpy.ASCIIToRaster_conversion(full_path, out_ras)
    print("%s raster created in Climate_Variables.gdb"%(out_ras))
    print("Defining the projection for %s as:\n %s"%(out_ras, coor_sys))
    arcpy.DefineProjection_management(out_ras, coor_sys)
    print("Projection successfully defined! \n")

        #NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_ Washington_South_FIPS_4602
    outworkspace = "F:/GIS_Projects/420/Quarterman_ENVS420_Lab5/Climate_Variables/Climate_Variables_2080_projected_BL.gdb" 
    from_sr = arcpy.Describe(out_ras).spatialReference
    outfc = os.path.join(outworkspace, out_ras) 
    outCS = arcpy.SpatialReference("F:/GIS_Projects/420/Quarterman_ENVS420_Lab5/Sitka_Spruce_Correct_Projection/Sitka_Spruce_Range.prj")
    print("Input spatial reference for %s is:\n %s"%(out_ras, from_sr))
    exte = arcpy.Describe(out_ras).extent
    print("Spatial extent of impot:")
    trans_list = arcpy.ListTransformations(from_sr, outCS, exte)
    print("List of transformations here:")
    trans = trans_list[0]
    print("Projecting: %s  to match the defined projection of Sitka_Spruce_Range" %(out_ras))
    arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(out_ras, outfc, outCS, "BILINEAR", "1000", trans, "#", "#")
    print(out_ras + '   Projected!')        	
