def getEveryRecordForSingleDCAValue(featureClass, DCAValue, scratchWorkspace): '''Returns a dictionary with key values representing the historic ADS data's Original OBJECTID and values of TPA, DCA, HOST and ACRES for each unique DCAValue ''' DCADict = {} outputTableName = 'DCA{}'.format(DCAValue) outputTableNamePath = os.path.join(scratchWorkspace, outputTableName) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( featureClass, outputTableNamePath, 'DCA1 = {0} OR DCA2 = {0} OR DCA3 = {0}'.format(DCAValue)) convertNonDCAValuesToNull(outputTableName, DCAValue) for number in range(1, 4): fields = [ 'ADS_OBJECTID', 'TPA{}'.format(number), 'DCA{}'.format(number), 'HOST{}'.format(number), 'DMG_TYPE{}'.format(number), 'ACRES' ] cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outputTableName, fields) for row in cursor: if row[0] not in DCADict.keys() and row[2] == DCAValue: DCADict[row[0]] = [] DCADict[row[0]].append( [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]]) elif row[0] in DCADict.keys() and row[2] == DCAValue: DCADict[row[0]].append( [row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]]) return DCADict
def fracciona_tabla(tabla, base): nombre_tabla = arcpy.Describe(tabla).name table_view = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tabla, nombre_tabla).getOutput(0) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(tabla).getOutput(0)) > 1000000: arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(in_table=table_view, out_table=os.path.join( base, nombre_tabla + "_px_1"), where_clause="OBJECTID <= 1000000") arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(in_table=table_view, out_table=os.path.join( base, nombre_tabla + "_px2_2"), where_clause="OBJECTID > 1000000") else: arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(in_table=table_view, out_table=os.path.join(base, nombre_tabla))
def load_table_in_memory(): # Copy Rows arcpy.env.workspace = "in_memory" arcpy.CopyRows_management(All_ID_Mapping_Original_csv, All_ID_Mapping_Original_Copy, "") # Table Select if choose_standard == "B2": arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( All_ID_Mapping_Original_Copy, All_ID_Mapping_Sel_10_char, "(CHAR_LENGTH ( \"LegacyKey\" ) = 10) AND (\"Standard\" <> 'C') OR \"Standard\" IS Null" ) else: arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( All_ID_Mapping_Original_Copy, All_ID_Mapping_Sel_10_char, "(CHAR_LENGTH ( \"LegacyKey\" ) = 10) AND (\"Standard\" <> 'B2') OR \"Standard\" IS Null" ) # Load filter_codes_table to in_memory workspace arcpy.CopyRows_management(filter_codes_table, filter_codes_table_Copy, "")
def tb_stats(): outSheet = outWorkbook.add_worksheet(tb[0:30]) outSheet.set_column(0, 4, 15) totalRows = arcpy.GetCount_management(tb) fields = arcpy.ListFields(tb) stats_fields = [] output = "memory" + "\\" + str(tb) outSheet.write(0, 0, "NAME") outSheet.write(0, 1, tb) outSheet.write(1, 0, "TYPE") outSheet.write(1, 1, "Table") outSheet.write(2, 0, "GCS name") outSheet.write(2, 1, "N/A") outSheet.write(3, 0, "GCS type") outSheet.write(3, 1, "N/A") outSheet.write(4, 0, "ROWS") outSheet.write(4, 1, int(str(totalRows))) outSheet.write(5, 0, "FIELDS") outSheet.write(5, 1, int(str(len(fields)))) outSheet.write(6, 0, "GEOM ERROR") outSheet.write(6, 1, "N/A") outSheet.write(8, 0, "FIELD") outSheet.write(8, 1, "ALIAS") outSheet.write(8, 2, "TYPE") outSheet.write(8, 3, "COUNT NULL") outSheet.write(8, 4, "COUNT BLANK") for field in fields: if field.type not in ("OID", "Geometry"): outSheet.write(fields.index(field) + 8, 0, outSheet.write(fields.index(field) + 8, 1, field.aliasName) outSheet.write(fields.index(field) + 8, 2, field.type) stats_fields.append([, "COUNT"]) if field.type not in ("OID", "Geometry", "Double", "Integer", "SmallInteger", "Single"): out_tb = "memory" + "\\" + str(tb) + "_" + str( expression = str( + ' IN (\'\', \' \')' arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(tb, out_tb, expression) totalBlank = arcpy.GetCount_management(out_tb) if int(str(totalBlank)) > 0: outSheet.write( fields.index(field) + 8, 4, int(str(totalBlank))) arcpy.Statistics_analysis(tb, output, stats_fields) fieldsOutput = arcpy.ListFields(output) for field in fieldsOutput: with SearchCursor(output, []) as cursor: for row in cursor: if fieldsOutput.index(field) > 1: outSheet.write( fieldsOutput.index(field) + 7, 3, int(totalRows[0]) - row[0])
def createTdlEnodeb(): sourceTdlEnodebTable = ArcCatalogPath + "\\WangYouGis_Oracle97.sde\\WANGYOU.GIS_TDL_CM_ENODEB" targetTdlTemp = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.DBO.GIS_LTE_ENODEB_TEMP" targetTdlEnodebFeature = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.DBO.GIS_LTE_ENODEB" + yestday.strftime( '%Y%m%d') print "delete exists targetTdlEnodebFeature" if (arcpy.Exists(targetTdlEnodebFeature)): arcpy.Delete_management(targetTdlEnodebFeature, "FeatureClass") targetTdlEnodebFeature = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( os.path.dirname(targetTdlEnodebFeature), os.path.basename(targetTdlEnodebFeature), "Point", targetTdlTemp, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)) print "筛选当天的LTE基站生成要素""筛选当天的LTE基站生成要素") lteEnobedFields = arcpy.ListFields(sourceTdlEnodebTable) LTE_ENOBED_ALL = arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( sourceTdlEnodebTable, "in_memory/LTE_ENOBED_ALL", "TIME = TO_DATE('" + currentDoTimeStr + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')") createFeatureFromXY(LTE_ENOBED_ALL, "LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE", targetTdlEnodebFeature, lteEnobedFields)
def createGsmBts(): sourceGsmBtsTable = ArcCatalogPath + "\\WangYouGis_Oracle97.sde\\WANGYOU.GIS_GSM_CM_BTS" targetGsmTemp = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.DBO.GIS_GSM_BTS_TEMP" targetGsmBtsFeature = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.DBO.GIS_GSM_BTS" + yestday.strftime( '%Y%m%d') print "delete exists targetGsmBtsFeature" if (arcpy.Exists(targetGsmBtsFeature)): arcpy.Delete_management(targetGsmBtsFeature, "FeatureClass") targetGsmBtsFeature = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( os.path.dirname(targetGsmBtsFeature), os.path.basename(targetGsmBtsFeature), "Point", targetGsmTemp, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)) print "筛选当天的GSM基站生成要素""筛选当天的GSM基站生成要素") gsmBtsFields = arcpy.ListFields(sourceGsmBtsTable) GSM_BTS_ALL = arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( sourceGsmBtsTable, "in_memory/GSM_BTS_ALL", "TIME = TO_DATE('" + currentDoTimeStr + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')") createFeatureFromXY(GSM_BTS_ALL, "LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE", targetGsmBtsFeature, gsmBtsFields)
def onClick(self): # Importa tabela Excel para ArcGIS arcpy.ExcelToTable_conversion(r'path\to\matriz_impacto.xls', r'path\to\save.dbf', 'nome') # Seleciona localizacoes = [1, 2, 3, 4] e separa impactos por area for i in range(1,5): arcpy.TableSelect_analysis('nome', r'path\to\split' + str(i) + '.dbf', '"Localizaca" = ' + str(i)) # Conta numero de linhas das tabelas criadas count=arcpy.GetCount_management('split' + str(i)) # Copia shapes das localizacoes for j in range(0,int(count[0])): arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(['ADA_SIRGAS','AID_SIRGAS','AII_SIRGAS','AAR_SIRGAS'][i-1], r'path\to\copy'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), '#', '0', '0', '0') arcpy.TableSelect_analysis('split' + str(i), r:'path\to\split'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), '"OID" = '+str(j)) arcpy.JoinField_management('copy'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), 'Valor', 'split'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), 'LOCALIZACA', '#') arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion('copy'+str(i)+'_'+str(j), 'SIGNIFICAN', r'path\to\impacto'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.tif', 'CELL_CENTER', 'NONE','0,0001')
def JoinImpacts( space, Dtlst, Flds, Sdbf ): ###### This where Impact Shapefiles are created based of forecast dates join to zipcode shapfile OldZipFile = r"W://Accu_Internal_Resources//ArcMap_ArcGIS//Features//Shapefiles.gdb//USA_ZIPS_HD" CopyName = "ZIPCODES.shp" CopyZipFile = os.path.join(space, CopyName) env.workpace = space ShpList = [] for row in Dtlst: Name = 'Impact_' + row.replace('/', '_') + '.dbf' TempShp = 'Imp_' + row.replace('/', '_') + '.shp' Newshp = 'Imp_' + row.replace('/', '_') + '_prj.shp' NewImpact = os.path.join(env.workspace, Name) NewZipshp = os.path.join(env.workspace, Newshp) Where_Clause = '"DATES"' + '=' + "'" + row + "'" CopyShp = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(OldZipFile, CopyZipFile) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(Sdbf, NewImpact, Where_Clause) Location = space Join_Table = arcpy.JoinField_management(CopyShp, "POSTCODE", NewImpact, "POSTCODES", Flds) NewFields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(Join_Table)] print NewFields Feat_Clause = '"POSTCODES"' + '<>' + "' '" arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(Join_Table, Location, TempShp, Feat_Clause) Newshp = arcpy.Project_management( TempShp, NewZipshp, r"W:\\Lamar_Projects\\Repository_Codes\\Temp\\WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere.prj" ) arcpy.Delete_management(Join_Table) DBFTables = arcpy.ListTables() ShpList.append(NewZipshp) print DBFTables print Flds return ShpList
def unique_values(table, field): with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, [field]) as cursor: return sorted({str(row[0]) for row in cursor}) myRPSUIDs = unique_values(pointFc, str(updateRPSUID)) for RPSUID in myRPSUIDs: # for RPSUID in myRPSUIDs: arcpy.AddMessage(RPSUID) tbl = os.path.join("in_memory", "tbl") if arcpy.Exists(tbl): arcpy.Delete_management(tbl) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(joinFc, tbl, where_clause=sourceRPSUID + ' =' + RPSUID + " and " + joinValFld + " " + whereClause) #create dictionary #Key: join field #Value: field with value to be transferred valueDi = dict([ (key, val) for key, val in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tbl, [joinIdFld, joinValFld]) ]) # convert dictionary keys and values to update fc field types f1 = arcpy.ListFields(pointFc, wild_card=updateFld)[0] f2 = arcpy.ListFields(pointFc, wild_card=IdFld)[0] # convert dictionary values
out_name="FACILITIES_TABLE", out_path=defaultgdb)"FACILITIES_TABLE", fields="FACILITY_ID") if arcpy.Exists("TCHD_ADDRESS"): arcpy.Delete_management("TCHD_ADDRESS") arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(in_rows=TCHD_ADDRESS, out_name="TCHD_ADDRESS", out_path=defaultgdb) ############################################################################### # SELECT ROWS WITH NULL LAT OR LON and vice versa # CREATE TARGET FACILITIES FC IF DOESN'T EXIST ALREADY IN OUTPUT GDB AND (ONLY ROWS WITH LAT AND LON) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( in_table="FACILITIES_TABLE", out_table="nullGeoRows", where_clause= "(GIS_LATITUDE IS NULL OR GIS_LONGITUDE IS NULL ) AND (Upper(NAME) NOT LIKE '%DO NOT USE%') AND (Upper(STREET_NAME) NOT LIKE '%Mobile%')" ) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( in_table="FACILITIES_TABLE", out_table="FACILITIESw_GEOM", where_clause= "(GIS_LATITUDE IS NOT NULL) AND (GIS_LONGITUDE IS NOT NULL ) AND (Upper(NAME) NOT LIKE '%DO NOT USE%')" ) ############################################################################### # GEOCODE NECESSARY ROWS #address_fields = "Street ConcatAddress;ZIP ZIP" address_fields = "'Street or Intersection' ConcatAddress VISIBLE NONE;'City or Placename' CITY VISIBLE NONE;State STATE VISIBLE NONE;'ZIP Code' ZIP VISIBLE NONE" if arcpy.Exists("GeocodedAddresses"): arcpy.Delete_management("GeocodedAddresses")
def efficient_merge(feature_class_or_table_list, output_fc, filter=''): fc_count = len(feature_class_or_table_list) all_exist_test = all( arcpy.Exists(fct) for fct in feature_class_or_table_list) # EXECUTE # Start with FC containing largest extent to prevent spatial grid errors description = arcpy.Describe(feature_class_or_table_list[0]) if description.dataType == "FeatureClass": descriptions = [ arcpy.Describe(fc).extent for fc in feature_class_or_table_list ] fc_areas = [ int(d.XMax - d.XMin) * int(d.YMax - d.YMin) for d in descriptions ] index = [i for i, x in enumerate(fc_areas) if x == max(fc_areas)] first_fc = feature_class_or_table_list[index[0]] feature_class_or_table_list.remove(first_fc) else: first_fc = feature_class_or_table_list.pop(0) # This is a fast and stable merge method for this number of features compared to arcpy Merge if all_exist_test: print( "Beginning merge of {} feature classes, copying first feature class to output..." .format(fc_count)) if description.dataType == "FeatureClass": arcpy.Select_analysis(first_fc, output_fc, filter) else: arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(first_fc, output_fc, filter) arcpy.SetLogHistory = False # speeds up iterative updates, won't write to geoprocessing for every step cursor_fields = list(arcpy.da.SearchCursor(output_fc, ['*']).fields) if description.dataType == "FeatureClass": cursor_fields.append('SHAPE@') insertRows = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(output_fc, cursor_fields) for fc in feature_class_or_table_list: counter = 0 searchRows = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, cursor_fields, filter) for searchRow in searchRows: insertRows.insertRow(searchRow) counter += 1 try: del searchRow, searchRows except: print( "Merged NO features from {}; filter eliminated all features" .format(fc)) print("Merged {0} features from {1}".format(counter, fc)) del insertRows arcpy.SetLogHistory = True # Rebuild indexes try: arcpy.AddIndex_management(output_fc, 'Permanent_Identifier', 'IDX_Permanent_Identifier') arcpy.AddIndex_management(output_fc, 'nhd_merge_id', 'IDX_nhd_merge_id') except: arcpy.AddWarning( 'Could not build Permanent_Identifier index because there is no such field.' ) return arcpy.Describe(output_fc).catalogPath else: print( "ERROR: One or more feature class paths is not valid. Merged feature class not created." ) return False
CellThiessYunHW = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + SITEDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.dbo.GIS_RASTER_TSS_GSM_HW" CellThiessYunLL = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + SITEDBPath + "\\WangYouSite.dbo.GIS_RASTER_TSS_GSM_LL" CellShanXing = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouCellThiess.dbo.GIS_OBJECT_GSMSX" + yestday.strftime( '%Y%m%d') zhiBiaoTableMOrg = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + DataSourcePath + "\\WANGYOU.HF_PM_CELL_DAY_2G_M" zhiBiaoTableWOrg = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + DataSourcePath + "\\WANGYOU.HF_PM_CELL_DAY_2G_W" zhiBiaoTableGisM = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouCellThiess.dbo.HF_PM_CELL_DAY_2G_M" zhiBiaoTableGisW = ArcCatalogPath + "\\" + GISDBPath + "\\WangYouCellThiess.dbo.HF_PM_CELL_DAY_2G_W" print "delete exists zhiBiaoTableGis""delete exists zhiBiaoTableGis") if (arcpy.Exists(zhiBiaoTableGis)): arcpy.Delete_management(zhiBiaoTableGis) print "筛选当天的指标数据" arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( zhiBiaoTableOrg, zhiBiaoTableGis, "TIME_STAMP = TO_DATE('" + currentDoTimeStr + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')") if (curDay == 3): print "生成月平均" print "delete exists zhiBiaoTableGisM""delete exists zhiBiaoTableGisM") if (arcpy.Exists(zhiBiaoTableGisM)): arcpy.Delete_management(zhiBiaoTableGisM) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( zhiBiaoTableMOrg, zhiBiaoTableGisM, "TIME_STAMP = TO_DATE('" + lastMonthEnd.strftime('%Y-%m-01 00:00:00') + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')") if (curWeekDay == 3): print "生成周平均" print "delete exists zhiBiaoTableGisW""delete exists zhiBiaoTableGisW")
def mainFunction(updateFolder,fileName,updateMode,geodatabase): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Get the arcgis version arcgisVersion = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['Version'] # If a specific file is provided if (fileName): latestFile = os.path.join(updateFolder, fileName) # Otherwise get the latest file in a folder else: # Get the newest zip file from the update folder latestFile = max(glob.iglob(updateFolder + r"\*.zip"), key=os.path.getmtime) # Setup geodatabase to load data into in temporary workspace tempFolder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1())) arcpy.AddMessage("Copying datasets...") # Extract the zip file to a temporary location zip = zipfile.ZipFile(latestFile, mode="r") zip.extractall(str(tempFolder)) # Loop through the files in the extracted folder for file in os.listdir(str(tempFolder)): # If it's a shapefile if file.endswith(".shp"): # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file)) eachFeatureclass = file.replace(".shp","") # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "", "0", "0", "0") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join(str(tempFolder), file), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "", "0", "0", "0") else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # If it's a FGDB if file.endswith(".gdb"): # Assign the geodatabase workspace and load in the datasets to the lists arcpy.env.workspace = file featureclassList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tableList = arcpy.ListTables() # Load the feature classes into the geodatabase if at least one is in the geodatabase provided if (len(featureclassList) > 0): # Loop through the feature classes for eachFeatureclass in featureclassList: # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(eachFeatureclass) # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachFeatureclass) # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating feature class - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, eachFeatureclass), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachFeatureclass) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachFeatureclass + " is empty and won't be copied...") if (len(tableList) > 0): # Loop through of the tables for eachTable in tableList: # Get count of the source dataset datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(eachTable) # Check Dataset record count is more than 0 if (long(str(datasetCount)) > 0): # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachTable) # If update mode is then copy, otherwise delete and appending records if (updateMode == "New"): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") # Copy table into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # If dataset exists in geodatabase, delete features and load in new data if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)): # Logging arcpy.AddMessage("Updating table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Updating table - " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + "...") arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)) arcpy.Append_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, eachTable), os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable), "NO_TEST", "", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable)) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: # Log warning arcpy.AddWarning("Warning: " + os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning(os.path.join(geodatabase, eachTable) + " does not exist. Copying over...") # Copy table into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") #################### Custom code for WCRC and BDC #################### # For WCRC data updates if "wcrc" in updateFolder.lower(): # For the property details view from WCRC if "vw_propertydetails" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy property details view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_WCRCPropertyDetails"), "") # Copy property spatial view into file geodatabase and dissolve on valuation ID arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwWCRCProperty"), os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "ValuationID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "Property")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For BDC data updates if "bdc" in updateFolder.lower(): # For the property match table from BDC and WCRC if "matchtable" in eachTable.lower(): # Update the West Coast match table # WCRC match table - Copy table and tidy up the fields arcpy.TableSelect_analysis("D:\Data\FTP\WCRC\WCRCPropertyToParcel.csv", os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "") arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ParcelID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID", "!ValRef_Formatted!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "ParcelID", "!Parcel_ID!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "QPID;Roll;Assessment;Suffix;ValRef_Formatted;Apportionment;Category;Building_Floor_Area;Building_Site_Cover;Parcel_ID;Physical_Address;Physical_Suburb;Physical_City;Legal_Description") # BDC match table - Tidy up the fields arcpy.AddField_management(eachTable, "ValuationID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(eachTable, "ParcelID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(eachTable, "ValuationID", "!val_id!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(eachTable, "ParcelID", "!PAR_ID!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(eachTable, "PERIMETER;LEGAL_ID;PAR_ID;LEGAL;HOW;ASSESS;FLAG;COMMENT;POLYGONID;Edited_By;Edit_Date;Descriptio;OBJECTID_12;LEGAL_1;OBJECTID_12_13;val_id;val1;root_val_id;ra_unique_id;POINT_X;POINT_Y") # Copy out the WCRC match table arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(os.path.join("D:\Data\WCRC.gdb", "CoreLogic_PropertyToParcel"), "in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "") # Join the Buller match table arcpy.JoinField_management("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "ValuationID", eachTable, "ValuationID", "ValuationID") # Select out the non-Buller records arcpy.TableSelect_analysis("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel", "in_memory\\PropertyToParcel_NoBDC", "ValuationID_1 IS NULL") # Merge Buller match table with the WCRC match table arcpy.Merge_management("in_memory\\PropertyToParcel_NoBDC;" + eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "PropertyToParcel"), "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "PropertyToParcel"), "ValuationID_1") # For the property view from BDC if "vwproperty" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy property view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCProperty"), "") # Copy property spatial view into file geodatabase and dissolve on valuation ID arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCProperty"), os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property"), "ValuationID", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "PropertyParcel"), "ValuationID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Property")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the resource consent view from BDC if "vwresourceconsent" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy resource consent view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCResourceConsent"), "") # Copy resource consent spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCResourceConsent"), "in_memory\ResourceConsent", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\ResourceConsent", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent"), "ConsentID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent"), "ConsentID", "in_memory\ResourceConsent", "ConsentID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "ResourceConsent")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the building consent view from BDC if "vwbuildingconsent" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy building consent view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCBuildingConsent"), "") # Copy building consent spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCBuildingConsent"), "in_memory\BuildingConsent", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\BuildingConsent", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent"), "ConsentID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent"), "ConsentID", "in_memory\BuildingConsent", "ConsentID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "BuildingConsent")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the licence view from BDC if "vwlicence" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy licence view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCLicence"), "Valuation_No <> ''") # Copy licence spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCLicence"), "in_memory\Licence", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\Licence", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence"), "LicenceNo", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence"), "LicenceNo", "in_memory\Licence", "LicenceNo", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "Licence")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) # For the LIM view from BDC if "vwlim" in eachTable.lower(): # Copy lim view into enterprise geodatabase arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vw_BDCLIM"), "") # Copy lim spatial view into file geodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM") + "...") if (enableLogging == "true"):"Copying over feature class - " + os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM") + "...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\Database Connections\GISData@WCCHCGIS1 (gisadmin).sde", "vwBDCLIM"), "in_memory\LIM", "", "0", "0", "0") arcpy.Dissolve_management("in_memory\LIM", os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM"), "RecordID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") arcpy.JoinField_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM"), "RecordID", "in_memory\LIM", "RecordID", "") # Get dataset count datasetCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join("D:\Data\BDC.gdb", "LIM")) arcpy.AddMessage("Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) if (enableLogging == "true"):"Dataset record count - " + str(datasetCount)) else: arcpy.AddWarning("Dataset " + eachTable + " is empty and won't be copied...") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Dataset " + eachTable + " is empty and won't be copied...") # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: # If ArcGIS desktop installed if (arcgisDesktop == "true"): arcpy.SetParameter(1, output) # ArcGIS desktop not installed else: return output # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message # If many arguments if (e.args): for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') # Else just one argument else: errorMessage = e printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
def mainFunction(featureClasses,tables,outputFolder,backupName,uniqueID): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Setup geodatabase to load data into in temporary workspace if (uniqueID == "true"): backupName = backupName + "-" + str(uuid.uuid1()) tempFolder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, backupName) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempFolder, "Data", "CURRENT") geodatabase = os.path.join(str(tempFolder), "Data.gdb") arcpy.AddMessage("Copying datasets...") # Load the feature classes and tables into a list if input values provided if (len(featureClasses) > 0): # Remove out apostrophes featureclassList = string.split(str(featureClasses).replace("'", ""), ";") # Loop through the feature classes for eachFeatureclass in featureclassList: # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachFeatureclass) # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") if (len(tables) > 0): tableList = string.split(str(tables).replace("'", ""), ";") # Loop through of the tables for eachTable in tableList: # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachTable) # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") # Check input datasets are provided before zipping up if ((len(featureClasses) > 0) or (len(tables) > 0) or (len(csvFiles) > 0)): arcpy.AddMessage("Zipping data...") # Setup the zip file zipFile = os.path.join(outputFolder, backupName + ".zip") zippedFolder = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFile, "w", allowZip64=True) # Zip up the geodatabase root_len = len(os.path.abspath(str(tempFolder))) # For each of the directories in the folder for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(tempFolder)): archive_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:] # For each file for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(root, f) archive_name = os.path.join(archive_root, f) zippedFolder.write(fullpath, archive_name) # Close zip file zippedFolder.close() # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: # If ArcGIS desktop installed if (arcgisDesktop == "true"): arcpy.SetParameter(1, output) # ArcGIS desktop not installed else: return output # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message # If many arguments if (e.args): for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') # Else just one argument else: errorMessage = e printMessage(errorMessage,"error") # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logMessage.flush() logMessage.close() logger.handlers = [] if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
print "delete exists CellThiessCache""delete exists CellThiessCache") if (arcpy.Exists(CellThiessCache)): arcpy.Delete_management(CellThiessCache, "FeatureClass") print "delete exists PointInCache""delete exists PointInCache") if (arcpy.Exists(PointInCache)): arcpy.Delete_management(PointInCache, "FeatureClass") XiaoQuFields = arcpy.ListFields(infc) PointInCache = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( os.path.dirname(PointInCache), os.path.basename(PointInCache), "Point", PointTemplate, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)) print "筛选室内站生成要素" ShiNeiCell_LTE_ALL = arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( infc, "in_memory/ShiNeiCell_LTE_ALL", "HONEYCOMB_TYPE='室内' and TIME_STAMP = TO_DATE('" + currentDoTimeStr + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')") createFeatureFromXY(ShiNeiCell_LTE_ALL, "LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE", PointInCache, XiaoQuFields) print "生成室内站圆形" arcpy.Buffer_analysis(PointInCache, CellShanXing, "30 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "NONE", "") CellThiessFinal = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( os.path.dirname(CellThiessFinal), os.path.basename(CellThiessFinal), "Polygon", CellThiessFinalTemp, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)) arcpy.AddIndex_management(CellThiessFinal, "CI;CITY_NAME", "CCNIndex", "NON_UNIQUE", "NON_ASCENDING") arcpy.AddIndex_management(CellThiessFinal, "TIME_STAMP",
Input_Join_Field = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) Target_dataset = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) Geometria = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) Feature_Layer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6) # Local variables: Osite = Laskenta_puusto Output_Table = Laskenta_puusto Geomteria_join = Output_Table Output_Features = Geomteria_join # Process: Iterate Osite Values arcpy.IterateFieldValues_mb(Laskenta_puusto, Osite_field, "String", "true", "false", "0") # Process: Remove Join arcpy.RemoveJoin_management("", "XFOREST_SOSLASPSTO_TableSele") # Process: Table Select arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(Laskenta_puusto, Output_Table, "\"%Osite field%\"=%Osite%") # Process: Add Join arcpy.AddJoin_management(Geometria, Input_Join_Field, Output_Table, Output_Join_Field, "KEEP_COMMON") # Process: Append arcpy.Append_management("''", Target_dataset, "TEST", "", "")
def crashReportLRS(GDBspot, csv, fatalwt, seriouswt, nonseriouswt, possiblewt, IntersectionThreshold, SegmentThreshold): # workspace= "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Safety.gdb" # Input parameters # GCAT file/location GCATfile = csv # csv created after mapping fields with schemaCleaner # Intermediate file/location? # Intersection polygon file/location # IntersectionFeatures = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # IntersectionFeatures = "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Crash_Report_Script_Tool.gdb/Fed_Aid_2010_LucWoo_Intersection_Buffer_Dissolve" IntersectionFeatures = "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Crash_Report_Script_Tool.gdb/LMW_intersection_250ft_buffer_5Jul2017_3857" psFeatures = "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Crash_Report_Script_Tool.gdb/CS_IP_Merge_copy_clip_16june2017_LMW_3857" psThreshold = str(0) countyFeatures = "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Crash_Report_Script_Tool.gdb/County_FLOWHHMS_Clipped_3857" # Segment polygon file/location # SegmentFeatures = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) SegmentFeatures = "Z:/fullerm/Safety Locations/Crash_Report_Script_Tool.gdb/LMW_segments_70ft_buffer_5Jul2017_3857" # output file name/location for the spatial join # GDBspot = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # user input location for gdb and result excel tables # psThreshold = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) # output file name/location for excel table # TableFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) # rdinv = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) rdinv = "C:/Users/fullerm/Documents/ArcGIS/Projects/Safety Report Script/Safety Report Script.gdb/Road_Inventory_CopyFeatures" # create geodatabase TimeDate = TimeDateStr = "CrashLocations" + TimeDate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') + "_LRS" outputGDB = arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(GDBspot, TimeDateStr) arcpy.env.workspace = str(outputGDB).replace('/', '\\') # I kept getting errors because arcmap sets the field type based on first dozen features and some ids were numeric '''fldmppng = arcpy.FieldMappings() fldmppng.addTable(GCATfile) nameFI = fldmppng.findFieldMapIndex("LOCAL_REPORT_NUMBER_ID") fldmp = fldmppng.getFieldMap(nameFI) fld = fldmp.outputField = "LOCAL_REPORT_NUMBER_ID" fld.aliasName = "LOCAL_REPORT_NUMBER_ID" fld.type = "String" fldmp.outputField = fld fldmppng.replaceFieldMap(nameFI,fldmp)''' # convert GCAT txt file to gdb table and add to map NewTable = arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(GCATfile, outputGDB, "OHMI_data") arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(NewTable, "oh_table", '"NLF_COUNTY_CD" <> \'Monroe\' ') ohTable = arcpy.CopyRows_management("oh_table", "ohTable") arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(NewTable, "mi_table", '"NLF_COUNTY_CD" = \'Monroe\' ') miTable = arcpy.CopyRows_management('mi_table', 'miTable') # arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(NewTable,"CLEAR_SELECTION") rdlyr = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(rdinv, "rdlyr") rtloc = os.path.join( GDBspot, "Road_Inventory3456_CreateRoutes" + TimeDateStr + ".shp") lrs = arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(rdlyr, "NLF_ID", rtloc, "TWO_FIELDS", "CTL_BEGIN", "CTL_END") event_props = "NLFID POINT COUNTY_LOG_NBR" PointFile = arcpy.MakeRouteEventLayer_lr(lrs, "NLF_ID", ohTable, event_props, "Crash_Events") # creating this extra feature class and working from it instead of the event layer # decreased script tool runtime from ~8 min to ~2 min arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(PointFile, "clear_selection") pointOH = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( PointFile, outputGDB, "GCAT_LUCWOO_lrs_points_" + TimeDateStr) # pointOH = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(PointFile, "LRS_Events_copy") mi_points = milocationsxy(miTable, outputGDB) pointcopy = arcpy.Merge_management([pointOH, mi_points], 'miohpointsmerge') dict = { 'fatalities_count': "ODPS_TOTAL_FATALITIES_NBR<>0", 'incapac_inj_count': "Incapac_injuries_NBR<>0 and ODPS_TOTAL_FATALITIES_NBR=0", 'non_incapac_inj_count': "non_incapac_injuries_NBR<>0 and ODPS_TOTAL_FATALITIES_NBR=0 and incapac_injuries_nbr=0", 'possible_inj_count': "possible_injuries_nbr<>0 and ODPS_TOTAL_FATALITIES_NBR=0 and non_incapac_injuries_nbr=0 and incapac_injuries_nbr=0" } fld_lst = [ 'SEVERITY_BY_TYPE_CD', 'fatalities_count', 'incapac_inj_count', 'non_incapac_inj_count', 'possible_inj_count' ] # add fields for point layer for key in dict: arcpy.AddField_management(pointcopy, key, "LONG") '''arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(PointFile, "NEW_SELECTION", dict[key]) arcpy.CalculateField_management(PointFile, key, 1) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(PointFile, "Switch_selection") arcpy.CalculateField_management(PointFile, key, 0)''' # fillCountFields(pointcopy, fld_lst) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(pointcopy, fld_lst) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] == 'Fatal Crashes': row[1] = 1 row[2] = 0 row[3] = 0 row[4] = 0 elif row[0] == 'Incapacitating Injury Crashes': row[1] = 0 row[2] = 1 row[3] = 0 row[4] = 0 elif row[0] == 'Non-Incapacitating Injury Crashes': row[1] = 0 row[2] = 0 row[3] = 1 row[4] = 0 elif row[0] == 'Possible Injury Crashes': row[1] = 0 row[2] = 0 row[3] = 0 row[4] = 1 else: row[1] = 0 row[2] = 0 row[3] = 0 row[4] = 0 cursor.updateRow(row) # Clear Selected Features arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(PointFile, "clear_selection") # PointFeatures2 = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(PointFeatures,os.path.join(GDBspot, TimeDateStr + ".gdb\PointFeatures2")) PointFeatures = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( pointcopy, outputGDB, "ohmi_points_copy" + TimeDateStr) ftype = { 'Intersection': [IntersectionThreshold, IntersectionFeatures], 'Segment': [SegmentThreshold, SegmentFeatures], 'Subdivision': [psThreshold, psFeatures] } # field map and merge rules attchmnt = [] writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(GDBspot, "Top_Locations.xlsx"), engine='xlsxwriter') for f in ftype: # Create a new fieldmappings and add the two input feature classes. fieldmappings = arcpy.FieldMappings() fieldmappings.addTable(ftype[f][1]) fieldmappings.addTable(PointFeatures) # First get the fieldmaps. POP1990 is a field in the cities feature class. # The output will have the states with the attributes of the cities. Setting the # field's merge rule to mean will aggregate the values for all of the cities for # each state into an average value. The field is also renamed to be more appropriate # for the output. addSumFlds(fieldmappings) # Run the Spatial Join tool, using the defaults for the join operation and join type loc = os.path.join(GDBspot, TimeDateStr + ".gdb\\" + f + "Join_LRS") Join = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(ftype[f][1], PointFeatures, loc, "Join_one_to_one", "keep_all", fieldmappings) arcpy.AddField_management(Join, "PDO_", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(Join, "EPDO_Index", "DOUBLE") # CRLRS_EPDO_index(Join) CursorFlds = [ 'PDO_', 'EPDO_Index', 'Join_Count', 'sum_fatalities_count', 'sum_incapac_inj_count', 'sum_non_incapac_inj_count', 'sum_possible_inj_count' ] # determine PDO and EPDO Index/Rate with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(Join, CursorFlds) as cursor: for row in cursor: try: row[0] = row[2] - int(row[3]) - int(row[4]) - int( row[5]) - int(row[6]) except: row[0] = 0 # null or divide by zero are the major exceptions we are handling here try: row[1] = (float(row[3]) * fatalwt + float(row[4]) * seriouswt + float(row[5]) * nonseriouswt + float(row[6]) * possiblewt + float(row[0])) / float(row[2]) except: row[1] = 0 # null or divide by zero are the major exceptions we are handling here cursor.updateRow(row) # delete unnecessary fields keepFlds = [ 'OBJECTID', 'Shape', 'Shape_Area', 'Shape_Length', 'Name', 'NAMELSAD', 'COUNTY', 'COUNTY_NME', 'Join_Count', 'sum_fatalities_count', 'sum_incapac_inj_count', 'sum_non_incapac_inj_count', 'sum_possible_inj_count', 'PDO_', 'EPDO_Index', 'Fed_Aid_Buffer_Segments_2_Name', 'Length_ft', 'County' ] # lstFlds = arcpy.ListFields(Join) dropFlds = [ for x in arcpy.ListFields(Join) if not in keepFlds ] # delete fields arcpy.DeleteField_management(Join, dropFlds) # select high crash locations JoinLayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management( Join, os.path.join(GDBspot, TimeDateStr + ".gdb\\" + f + "JoinLayer")) arcpy.AddMessage("{}".format(type(JoinLayer))) # arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(JoinLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", "Join_Count >=" + ftype[f][0]) fld_nmes = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(JoinLayer)] fld_nmes.remove( 'Shape' ) # I think this field kept causing an exception: Data must be 1 dimensional arcpy.AddMessage("{}".format(fld_nmes)) arcpy.AddMessage("{}".format( type( os.path.join(GDBspot, TimeDateStr + ".gdb\\" + f + "JoinLayer")))) # do this because political sud # fields can be list or tuple, list works when 'Shape' field removed n = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(JoinLayer, fld_nmes, where_clause="Join_Count >=" + ftype[f][0], skip_nulls=False, null_value=0) df = pandas.DataFrame(n) CRLRS_excel_export(df, f, writer) return os.path.join(GDBspot, "Top_Locations.xlsx")
def mainFunction(propertyTitlesFeatureClass,memorialsTable,suburbsFeatureClass,mortgageFeatureClass,mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Set the banks banks = ["Auckland Savings Bank","Australia and New Zealand Banking Group","Australian Mutual Provident Society","Bank of New Zealand","Heartland Bank","Kiwibank","New Zealand Home Loans","PGG Wrightson","Rabobank","Southland Building Society","Sovereign","Taranaki Savings Bank","The Co-Operative Bank","Wairarapa Building Society","Welcome Home Loan","Westpac","Other"] # Copy property titles and select out current mortgage data arcpy.AddMessage("Extracting mortgage data...") arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(memorialsTable, os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Mortgage"), "instrument_type = 'Mortgage' AND current = 'T'") arcpy.Select_analysis(propertyTitlesFeatureClass, os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "PropertyTitles"), "") arcpy.AddMessage("Creating mortgage feature class...") # Join property titles and mortgage data arcpy.MakeQueryTable_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "PropertyTitles") + ";" + os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Mortgage"), "PropertyTitlesMortgageLayer", "USE_KEY_FIELDS", "", "", "PropertyTitles.title_no = Mortgage.title_no") arcpy.Select_analysis("PropertyTitlesMortgageLayer", mortgageFeatureClass, "") # Cleaning up fields arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaning up fields...") arcpy.AddField_management(mortgageFeatureClass, "mortgage_provider", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Calculating mortgage provider field from memorial text arcpy.CalculateField_management(mortgageFeatureClass, "mortgage_provider", "changeValue(!memorial_text!)", "PYTHON_9.3", "def changeValue(var):\\n if \"ANZ\" in var:\\n return \"Australia and New Zealand Banking Group\"\\n if \"National Bank of New Zealand\" in var:\\n return \"Australia and New Zealand Banking Group\"\\n if \"Post Office Bank\" in var:\\n return \"Australia and New Zealand Banking Group\"\\n if \"Westpac\" in var:\\n return \"Westpac\"\\n if \"Home Mortgage Company\" in var:\\n return \"Westpac\"\\n if \"Trust Bank New Zealand\" in var:\\n return \"Westpac\"\\n if \"ASB\" in var:\\n return \"Auckland Savings Bank\"\\n if \"Bank of New Zealand\" in var:\\n return \"Bank of New Zealand\"\\n if \"Kiwibank\" in var:\\n return \"Kiwibank\"\\n if \"TSB\" in var:\\n return \"Taranaki Savings Bank\"\\n if \"Southland Building Society\" in var:\\n return \"Southland Building Society\"\\n if \"AMP\" in var:\\n return \"Australian Mutual Provident Society\"\\n if \"Rabobank\" in var:\\n return \"Rabobank\"\\n if \"Rabo Wrightson\" in var:\\n return \"Rabobank\"\\n if \"Countrywide\" in var:\\n return \"Australia and New Zealand Banking Group\"\\n if \"Mortgage Holding Trust\" in var:\\n return \"Sovereign\"\\n if \"Co-operative Bank\" in var:\\n return \"The Co-Operative Bank\"\\n if \"Co-Operative Bank\" in var:\\n return \"The Co-Operative Bank\"\\n if \"PSIS\" in var:\\n return \"The Co-Operative Bank\"\\n if \"New Zealand Home Lending\" in var:\\n return \"New Zealand Home Loans\"\\n if \"Wairarapa Building Society\" in var:\\n return \"Wairarapa Building Society\"\\n if \"PGG Wrightson\" in var:\\n return \"PGG Wrightson\"\\n if \"Heartland Bank\" in var:\\n return \"Heartland Bank\"\\n if \"Heartland Building Society\" in var:\\n return \"Heartland Bank\"\\n if \"Housing New Zealand\" in var:\\n return \"Welcome Home Loan\"\\n if \"Housing Corporation of New Zealand\" in var:\\n return \"Welcome Home Loan\"\\n else:\\n return \"Other\"") arcpy.DeleteField_management(mortgageFeatureClass, "id;spatial_extents_shared;OBJECTID_1;id_1;title_no_1;land_district_1") arcpy.AddField_management(mortgageFeatureClass, "land_area", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(mortgageFeatureClass, "land_area", "!SHAPE_Area!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") # Copy suburbs data arcpy.Select_analysis(suburbsFeatureClass, os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Suburb"), "") # Spatially join suburb info arcpy.AddMessage("Analysing mortgages by suburb...") arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(mortgageFeatureClass, os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Suburb"), os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbs"), "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", "", "INTERSECT", "", "") # Summary stats for suburbs arcpy.Statistics_analysis(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbs"), os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStats"), "mortgage_provider COUNT", "SUBURB_4THORDER;mortgage_provider") # Add the banks count fields for bank in banks: arcpy.AddField_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStats"), bank.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_"), "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStats"), bank.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_"), "0", "PYTHON_9.3", "") # Get the banks fields for count,value in enumerate(banks): banks[count] = value.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_").replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_") fields = ["SUBURB_4THORDER","mortgage_provider","FREQUENCY"] + banks with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStats"), fields) as cursor: # For each row for row in cursor: suburb = row[0] mortgageProvider = row[1] mortgageProvider = mortgageProvider.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_").replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_") count = row[2] # Update the mortgage provider row with its count row[fields.index(mortgageProvider)] = count cursor.updateRow(row) # Dissolve the stats arcpy.Statistics_analysis(os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStats"), os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStatsDissolved"), "FREQUENCY SUM;Auckland_Savings_Bank SUM;Australia_and_New_Zealand_Banking_Group SUM;Australian_Mutual_Provident_Society SUM;Bank_of_New_Zealand SUM;Heartland_Bank SUM;Kiwibank SUM;New_Zealand_Home_Loans SUM;PGG_Wrightson SUM;Rabobank SUM;Southland_Building_Society SUM;Sovereign SUM;Taranaki_Savings_Bank SUM;The_Co_Operative_Bank SUM;Wairarapa_Building_Society SUM;Welcome_Home_Loan SUM;Westpac SUM;Other SUM;", "SUBURB_4THORDER") # Create mortgage suburbs feature class arcpy.AddMessage("Creating mortgage suburbs feature class...") arcpy.Select_analysis(suburbsFeatureClass, mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "") arcpy.AddField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "land_area", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "land_area", "!SHAPE_Area!", "PYTHON_9.3", "") # Join on mortgages suburb data arcpy.JoinField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "SUBURB_4THORDER", os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "MortgageSuburbsStatsDissolved"), "SUBURB_4THORDER", "") arcpy.DeleteField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "FREQUENCY;SUBURB_1STORDER;SUBURB_2NDORDER;SUBURB_3RDORDER") arcpy.AlterField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "SUBURB_4THORDER", "Suburb", "", "TEXT", "60", "NULLABLE", "false") arcpy.AlterField_management(mortgageSuburbsFeatureClass, "SUM_FREQUENCY", "SUM_ALL", "", "DOUBLE", "8", "NULLABLE", "false") # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, output) # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: # Python version check if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # Python 3.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + str(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') else: # Python 2.x errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
# Process: Join Field (5) arcpy.JoinField_management(pipeconn, "TREKK_ID", pipeconn_size_mismatch_check, "TREKK_ID", "COUNT_pipe_size_") # Process: Summary Statistics (2) arcpy.Statistics_analysis(pipeconn, pipeconn_material_mismatch_check, "pipe_material_ COUNT", "TREKK_ID;pipe_material_") # Process: Join Field (4) arcpy.JoinField_management(pipeconn, "TREKK_ID", pipeconn_material_mismatch_check, "TREKK_ID", "COUNT_pipe_material_") # Process: Table Select (2) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(pipeconn__2_, pipeconn_could_not_draw, "latitude_1 IS NULL OR latitude_12 IS NULL") # Process: Table Select (3) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( pipeconn__2_, pipeconn_to_draw_out, "(direction_ = 'Out ' AND latitude_1 IS NOT NULL AND latitude_12 IS NOT NULL)" ) # Process: XY To Line (2) arcpy.XYToLine_management( pipeconn_to_draw_out, pipeconn_lines_out, "longitude_1", "latitude_1", "longitude_12", "latitude_12", "0", "fulcrum_id", "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8.98315284119522E-09;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision" ) # Process: Table Select
tmpPoly = "in_memory/tmpPoly" arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(subPatchRaster,tmpPoly,"NO_SIMPLIFY") dslvPoly = "in_memory/dslvPoly" arcpy.Dissolve_management(tmpPoly,dslvPoly,"grid_code") # Convert the subpatch polygons to a coverage msg("Converting subpatch zones to an Arc/Info coverage") arcpy.FeatureclassToCoverage_conversion("%s POLYGON" %dslvPoly,subpatchCov) subpatchCovPoly = arcpy.SelectData_management(subpatchCov,"polygon").getOutput(0) subpatchCovArc = arcpy.SelectData_management(subpatchCov,"arc").getOutput(0) # Select records into tmpTable msg("Creating connectitivty table") subPatchEdgeTbl = "in_memory/subPatchEdgeTbl" selString = r'"$LEFTPOLYGON" > 1 AND "$RIGHTPOLYGON" > 1' arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(subpatchCovArc,subPatchEdgeTbl,selString) # Join ID codes to the subPatchedgeTable msg("Joining IDs to connecitivty table") arcpy.JoinField_management(subPatchEdgeTbl, "LEFTPOLYGON", subpatchCovPoly, "SUBPATCHPOLY#", "GRID_CODE") arcpy.JoinField_management(subPatchEdgeTbl, "RIGHTPOLYGON", subpatchCovPoly, "SUBPATCHPOLY#", "GRID_CODE") # Initialize output edge list edgeList = open(edgeListFN, 'w') edgeList.write("FromID, ToID\n") # Write values to an edge list msg("Writing edge list to %s" %edgeListFN) rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(subPatchEdgeTbl,'"GRID_CODE" > 0 AND "GRID_CODE_1" > 0') row = while row:
GeoTweet_dbf__6_ = GeoTweet_dbf__5_ GeoTweet_dbf__8_ = GeoTweet_dbf__6_ GeoTweet_dbf__9_ = GeoTweet_dbf__8_ GeoTweet_dbf__12_ = GeoTweet_dbf__9_ GeoTweet_dbf__7_ = GeoTweet_dbf__12_ GeoTweet_dbf__11_ = GeoTweet_dbf__7_ GeoTweet_dbf__14_ = GeoTweet_dbf__11_ GeoTweet_dbf__13_ = GeoTweet_dbf__14_ GeoTweet_dbf__10_ = GeoTweet_dbf__13_ GeoTweet_dbf__18_ = GeoTweet_dbf__10_ GeoTweet_dbf__16_ = GeoTweet_dbf__18_ GeoTweet_dbf__15_ = GeoTweet_dbf__16_ GeoTweet_Layer = GeoTweet_dbf__15_ # Process: Select Geo Tweet arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(Tweet, GeoTweet_dbf, "\"TWEETLAT\" <> '0.0 ' AND \"TWEETLAT\" <> '0.0'") # Process: Add X Field arcpy.AddField_management(GeoTweet_dbf, "X", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Process: Add Y Field arcpy.AddField_management(GeoTweet_dbf__2_, "Y", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Process: Calculate X arcpy.CalculateField_management(GeoTweet_dbf__3_, "X", "[TWEETLON]", "VB", "") # Process: Calculate Y arcpy.CalculateField_management(GeoTweet_dbf__4_, "Y", "[TWEETLAT]", "VB", "")
import arcpy # Input excel file excel = "T:/GIS_Tools/ITS/Quintile/Res_Quintile_05152019.xlsx/Sheet 1$" # Input parcels from Enterprise parcels = "C:/Users/laurens/AppData/Roaming/ESRI/Desktop10.6/ArcCatalog/GISENT.sde/GISENT.GIS.Parcels_All" # Output quintiles from Enterprise #quintiles = "C:/Users/laurens/AppData/Roaming/ESRI/Desktop10.6/ArcCatalog/GISENT.sde/GISENT.ASSESS.Quintiles" quintiles = "T:/GIS_Tools/ITS/Quintile/ASSESS@GISENT_dc.sde/GISENT.ASSESS.Quintiles" # Process to get Quintile Year feature print "Creating Features..." arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(excel, "in_memory/QuintileTable") arcpy.MakeTableView_management("in_memory/QuintileTable", "Quintile_lyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(parcels, "parcels_lyr") arcpy.AddJoin_management("parcels_lyr", "PID_NO", "Quintile_lyr", "GIS_Number", "KEEP_COMMON") arcpy.Dissolve_management("parcels_lyr", "in_memory/QuintileDissolve", "QuintileTable.Quintile_Year") arcpy.AlterField_management("in_memory/QuintileDissolve", "QuintileTable_Quintile_Year", "Quintile_Year", "Quintile_Year") # Store current year for updating attributes import datetime now = current_year = now.year # Calculate the next review year as a new field
def deduplicate_nhd(in_feature_class, out_feature_class='', unique_id='Permanent_Identifier'): """ Returns an single feature class for all NHD features with no duplicated identifiers in it. :param in_feature_class: A feature class resulting from merging features from NHD datasets staged by subregion. :param out_feature_class: Optional. The feature class which will be created. :param unique_id: Optional. The identifier that needs to be unique in the output. :return: """ # SETUP if out_feature_class: arcpy.AddMessage("Copying initial features to output...") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(in_feature_class, out_feature_class) else: out_feature_class = in_feature_class # EXECUTE # Delete full identicals first--these come from overlaps in staged subregion data before_count = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(out_feature_class).getOutput(0)) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleting full identicals...") # Check for full identicals on original *attribute fields*, excluding the one we specifically created to make them distinct # Also excluding object ID since that is obviously distinct excluded_fields = [ 'Shape', 'Shape_Length', 'Shape_Area', 'OBJECTID', 'nhd_merge_id' ] check_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(out_feature_class) if not in excluded_fields ] arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(out_feature_class, check_fields) after_full_count = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(out_feature_class).getOutput(0)) arcpy.AddMessage( "{0} features were removed because they were full identicals to remaining features." .format(before_count - after_full_count)) # Delete duplicated IDs by taking the most recent FDate--these come from NHD editing process somehow arcpy.AddMessage("Deleting older features with duplicated identifiers...") # Get a list of distinct IDs that have duplicates arcpy.Frequency_analysis(out_feature_class, "in_memory/freqtable", unique_id) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis("in_memory/freqtable", "in_memory/dupeslist", '''"FREQUENCY" > 1''') count_dupes = int( arcpy.GetCount_management("in_memory/dupeslist").getOutput(0)) #If there are any duplicates, remove them by keeping the one with the latest FDate if count_dupes > 0: dupe_ids = [ row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor("in_memory/dupeslist", ( unique_id)) ] dupe_filter = ''' "{}" = '{{}}' '''.format(unique_id) for id in dupe_ids: dates = [ row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor( out_feature_class, ["FDate"], dupe_filter.format(id)) ] with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_feature_class, [unique_id, "FDate"], dupe_filter.format(id)) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[1] == max(dates): pass else: cursor.deleteRow() after_both_count = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(out_feature_class).getOutput(0)) arcpy.AddMessage( "{0} features were removed because they were less recently edited than another feature with the same identifier." .format(after_full_count - after_both_count)) arcpy.Delete_management("in_memory/freqtable") arcpy.Delete_management("in_memory/dupeslist")
def mainFunction( geodatabase ): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Setup logging logger, logMessage = setLogging(logFile) # Log start of process"Process started.") # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Get a list of the feature datasets in the database arcpy.env.workspace = geodatabase featureDatasetList = arcpy.ListDatasets("", "Feature") # Loop through the datasets datasetList = [] for dataset in featureDatasetList: datasetList = datasetList + arcpy.ListFeatureClasses( "", "", dataset) # Get a list of the feature classes in the database featureClassList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() # Get a list of the tables in the database tableList = arcpy.ListTables() # Get the full list of datasets in the database fullDatasetList = featureClassList + tableList # Connect directly to SQL server sqlConnection = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(geodatabase) # Compress the database arcpy.Compress_management(geodatabase) # Loop through the list of datasets for dataset in fullDatasetList: # If dataset is an orphaned dataset - "_H" suffix if (dataset[-2:].upper() == "_H"): # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"):"Orphaned archive dataset found - " + dataset + "...") arcpy.AddMessage("Orphaned archive dataset found - " + dataset + "...") baseDataset = dataset[:-2] # If the base dataset exists for the orphaned archive if arcpy.Exists(baseDataset): # Describe the properties of the dataset desc = arcpy.Describe(baseDataset) # If a feature class if (desc.dataType.lower() == "featureclass"): # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(baseDataset) # Add GUID to the datasets and load current records from archived dataset to base dataset arcpy.AddField_management(baseDataset, "GUID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(baseDataset + "_H", "GUID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management( baseDataset + "_H", "GUID", "CalcGUID()", "PYTHON_9.3", "def CalcGUID():\\n import uuid\\n return '{' + str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() + '}'" ) arcpy.Select_analysis( baseDataset + "_H", "in_memory\\currentRecords", "GDB_TO_DATE >= '9999-12-31 00:00:00'") arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\currentRecords", baseDataset, "NO_TEST", "", "") # Create a copy of the base dataset arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(baseDataset, baseDataset + "_Current") # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(baseDataset) # If a table if (desc.dataType.lower() == "table"): # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteRows_management(baseDataset) # Add GUID to the datasets and load current records from archived dataset to base dataset arcpy.AddField_management(baseDataset, "GUID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.AddField_management(baseDataset + "_H", "GUID", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") arcpy.CalculateField_management( baseDataset + "_H", "GUID", "CalcGUID()", "PYTHON_9.3", "def CalcGUID():\\n import uuid\\n return '{' + str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() + '}'" ) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( baseDataset + "_H", "in_memory\\currentRecords", "GDB_TO_DATE >= '9999-12-31 00:00:00'") arcpy.Append_management("in_memory\\currentRecords", baseDataset, "NO_TEST", "", "") # Create a copy of the base dataset arcpy.CopyRows_management(baseDataset, baseDataset + "_Current", "") # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteRows_management(baseDataset) # If archive rename already exists if arcpy.Exists(baseDataset + "_Archive"): # Delete the archive rename arcpy.Delete_management(baseDataset + "_Archive") # Rename the archive dataset arcpy.Rename_management(dataset, baseDataset + "_Archive", "") # Load all records from archive dataset into the base dataset arcpy.Append_management(baseDataset + "_Archive", baseDataset, "NO_TEST", "", "") # Check archiving is enabled isArchived = desc.IsArchived # Enable Archiving if it is not already enabled if isArchived == False: # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"):"Enabling archiving - " + baseDataset + "...") arcpy.AddMessage("Enabling archiving - " + baseDataset + "...") # Enable archiving arcpy.EnableArchiving_management(baseDataset) # If a feature class if (desc.dataType.lower() == "featureclass"): # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(baseDataset) # If a table if (desc.dataType.lower() == "table"): # Delete all records in the base dataset arcpy.DeleteRows_management(baseDataset) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): "Loading in orphaned archive dataset records - " + dataset + "...") arcpy.AddMessage( "Loading in orphaned archive dataset records - " + dataset + "...") # Update the dates in the new archive dataset from the old archive dataset based on GUID sqlQuery = "UPDATE " + dataset + " SET " + dataset + ".GDB_FROM_DATE = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GDB_FROM_DATE, " + dataset + ".GDB_TO_DATE = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GDB_TO_DATE FROM " + dataset + " INNER JOIN " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + " ON " + dataset + ".GUID = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GUID" sqlResult = sqlConnection.execute(sqlQuery) # Delete the current records from the archive dataset (those with year of "9999") sqlQuery = "DELETE FROM " + dataset + " WHERE GDB_TO_DATE >= convert(datetime, '9999-12-31 00:00:00',20)" sqlResult = sqlConnection.execute(sqlQuery) # Load all records from current base dataset into the base dataset arcpy.Append_management(baseDataset + "_Current", baseDataset, "NO_TEST", "", "") # Update the dates in the new archive dataset from the old archive dataset based on GUID sqlQuery = "UPDATE " + dataset + " SET " + dataset + ".GDB_FROM_DATE = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GDB_FROM_DATE, " + dataset + ".GDB_TO_DATE = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GDB_TO_DATE FROM " + dataset + " INNER JOIN " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + " ON " + dataset + ".GUID = " + baseDataset + "_Archive" + ".GUID" sqlResult = sqlConnection.execute(sqlQuery) # Rename the current dates from 9999-12-31 23:59:59 (Oracle format) to 9999-12-31 00:00:00 (SQL server format) otherwise it won't finish a record when editing and will end up with a duplicate record sqlQuery = "UPDATE " + dataset + " SET GDB_TO_DATE = convert(datetime, '9999-12-31 00:00:00',20) WHERE GDB_TO_DATE = convert(datetime, '9999-12-31 23:59:59',20)" sqlResult = sqlConnection.execute(sqlQuery) # Delete datasets not needed any longer arcpy.Delete_management(baseDataset + "_Archive") arcpy.Delete_management(baseDataset + "_Current") # Delete GUID field that is not needed anymore arcpy.DeleteField_management(baseDataset, "GUID") elif isArchived == False: # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("Archiving is already enabled - " + baseDataset + "...") arcpy.AddWarning("Archiving is already enabled - " + baseDataset + "...") # Delete/Rename datasets not needed any longer arcpy.Rename_management(baseDataset + "_Archive", baseDataset + "_H", "Feature Class") arcpy.Delete_management(baseDataset + "_Current") # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # else: # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.warning("No base dataset found - " + baseDataset + "...") arcpy.AddWarning("No base dataset found - " + baseDataset + "...") # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, output) # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) pass # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode( e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
S = (1000.0 / CN) - 10.0 Ia = 0.2 * S runoffDepth = (prcpInches - Ia)**2 / (prcpInches - Ia + S) runoffVolume = (runoffDepth * 0.0254) * A runoffAcc = FlowAccumulation(fdrPu, runoffVolume, 'FLOAT') del CN, S, Ia, runoffDepth arcpy.BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(sinkLarge, True) ZonalStatisticsAsTable(sinkLarge, "VALUE", runoffAcc, runoffTable, "DATA", "MAXIMUM") ZonalStatisticsAsTable(sinkLarge, "VALUE", storageVolume, storageTable, "DATA", "SUM") arcpy.JoinField_management(runoffTable, 'VALUE', storageTable, 'VALUE') arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(runoffTable, trueSinkTable, '"SUM" > "MAX"') trueSinks = [] rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(trueSinkTable, '', '', 'Value') for row in rows: trueSinks.append(row.Value) del row, rows seeds =, 'VALUE IN ' + str(tuple(trueSinks))) nca = Watershed(fdrPu, seeds) env.extent = pus del seeds arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(nca, ncaRaw, False, 'Value') # pull out LL features
arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management("", Property_type, "") # Process: Add Field arcpy.AddField_management("", "viewable_pct", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Process: Add Field (2) arcpy.AddField_management(sites_morans_Ar_Merge__5_, "not_viewable_pct", "LONG", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Process: Iterate Rasters arcpy.IterateRasters_mb(location_of_site_viewshed_files, "f*", "", "NOT_RECURSIVE") # Process: Select Layer By Attribute arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(sites_morans_Ar_Merge__2_, "NEW_SELECTION", "\"feature_no\" = '%Name%'") # Process: Table Select arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(cumcost4016, f4016_TableSelect, "") # Process: Get Field Value arcpy.GetFieldValue_mb(f4016_TableSelect, "visibility_pct", "String", "0") # Process: Calculate Field (2) arcpy.CalculateField_management(sites_morans_Ar_Merge__3_, "not_viewable_pct", Value, "PYTHON_9.3", "") # Process: Calculate Field (3) arcpy.CalculateField_management(sites_morans_Ar_Merge, "viewable_pct", "1- [not_viewable_pct]", "VB", "") # Process: Divide"", N_of_cells_in_raster, Divide_f40165) #step 11: # Import arcpy module
# BE CAREFUll : the value threshold is set to 250, but it can maybe less. # The idea is to find the closest point of the basin boundary ! outsetnull = SetNull(outextractmask, outextractmask, "VALUE < 250") StreamToFeature(outsetnull, outsetnull, tmpf + "tmp.shp", "SIMPLIFY") arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(tmpf + "tmp.shp", tmpf + "tmp2.shp", "END") arcpy.PointDistance_analysis(tmpf+"tmp2.shp", path_river+"exu_R"+str(i+1)+".shp", \ env.workspace+"RProfils/R"+str(i+1)+"table_acc_dist"+str(i+1)) # Find FID of the MAX_DISTANCE, arcpy.Statistics_analysis(env.workspace+"/RProfils/R"+str(i+1)+"/table_acc_dist"+str(i+1)+".dbf", \ tmpf+"stats1", [["DISTANCE", "MAX"]]) rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(tmpf + "stats1") row = maxd = row.MAX_DISTANCE arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(tmpf + "stats1", tmpf + "select1", "DISTANCE = " + str(maxd)) rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(tmpf + "select1") row = fidr = row.INPUT_FID # Extract point with the FID of the MAX_DISTANCE ! arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(tmpf + "tmp2.shp", path_river, "src_R" + str(i + 1) + ".shp", "FID = " + str(fidr)) print(" Calcul length of the basin " + str(i + 1)) # Find max length of the basin (not the length of the stream): for each watershed, # compute the distance between the outlet and each cell of the # watershed limit. Take the longest arcpy.PolygonToLine_management(path_river_r+raster_fnme+"_wshed"+str(i+1)+".shp", \ tmpf+raster_fnme+"+_wshed_line"+str(i+1)+".shp") arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(tmpf+raster_fnme+"_wshed_line"+str(i+1)+".shp", \
def mainFunction( featureClasses, tables, csvFiles, csvXYFieldNames, ftpSite, ftpFolder, ftpUsername, ftpPassword, gpService ): # Get parameters from ArcGIS Desktop tool by seperating by comma e.g. (var1 is 1st parameter,var2 is 2nd parameter,var3 is 3rd parameter) try: # --------------------------------------- Start of code --------------------------------------- # # Get the arcgis version arcgisVersion = arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['Version'] # Setup scratch folder differently depending on ArcGIS version if (arcgisVersion == "10.0"): # Setup geodatabase to load data into in temporary workspace arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = r"F:\Temp" tempFolder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management( arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1())) else: # Setup geodatabase to load data into in temporary workspace tempFolder = arcpy.CreateFolder_management( arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1())) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(tempFolder, "Data", "CURRENT") geodatabase = os.path.join(str(tempFolder), "Data.gdb") arcpy.AddMessage("Copying datasets...") # Load the feature classes and tables into a list if input values provided if (len(featureClasses) > 0): # Remove out apostrophes featureclassList = string.split( str(featureClasses).replace("'", ""), ";") # Loop through the feature classes for eachFeatureclass in featureclassList: # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachFeatureclass) # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( eachFeatureclass, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "", "0", "0", "0") if (len(tables) > 0): tableList = string.split(str(tables).replace("'", ""), ";") # Loop through of the tables for eachTable in tableList: # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachTable) # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( eachTable, os.path.join(geodatabase,, "") # If CSV files provided if (len(csvFiles) > 0): csvList = string.split(str(csvFiles).replace("'", ""), ";") # Loop through of the CSVs for eachCSV in csvList: # Create a Describe object from the dataset describeDataset = arcpy.Describe(eachCSV) datasetName = string.split(, ".") # Change CSV name if starts with a digit if datasetName[0].isdigit(): datasetName[0] = "Layer" + datasetName[0] # Create feature layer and convert to feature class csvFields = string.split( str(csvXYFieldNames).replace("'", ""), ",") # Copy feature class into geodatabase using the same dataset name arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management( eachCSV, csvFields[0], csvFields[1], "Layer", "PROJCS['NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator',GEOGCS['GCS_NZGD_2000',DATUM['D_NZGD_2000',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',1600000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',10000000.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',173.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]];-4020900 1900 10000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;0.001;0.001;0.001;IsHighPrecision", "") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( "Layer", os.path.join(geodatabase, datasetName[0]), "", "0", "0", "0") # Check input datasets are provided before zipping up if ((len(featureClasses) > 0) or (len(tables) > 0) or (len(csvFiles) > 0)): arcpy.AddMessage("Zipping data...") # Setup the zip file if (arcgisVersion == "10.0"): zipFile = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1()) + ".zip") else: zipFile = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebData-" + str(uuid.uuid1()) + ".zip") zippedFolder = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFile, "w", allowZip64=True) # Zip up the geodatabase root_len = len(os.path.abspath(str(tempFolder))) # For each of the directories in the folder for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(tempFolder)): archive_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:] # For each file for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(root, f) archive_name = os.path.join(archive_root, f) zippedFolder.write(fullpath, archive_name) # Close zip file zippedFolder.close() # EXTERNAL FUNCTION - Send data to server FTPUpload.mainFunction(zipFile, ftpSite, ftpFolder, ftpUsername, ftpPassword) else: #--------------------------------------------Logging--------------------------------------------# arcpy.AddError("Process stopped: No datasets provided") # Log error if (enableLogging == "true"): logger.error("Process stopped: No datasets provided") #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Call geoprocessing service to update data on server arcpy.AddMessage("Updating data on server...") arcpy.ImportToolbox(gpService, "toolbox") arcpy.DataUpdateFromZip_toolbox("Existing") # --------------------------------------- End of code --------------------------------------- # # If called from gp tool return the arcpy parameter if __name__ == '__main__': # Return the output if there is any if output: arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, output) # Otherwise return the result else: # Return the output if there is any if output: return output # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) pass # If arcpy error except arcpy.ExecuteError: # Build and show the error message errorMessage = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage) # If python error except Exception as e: errorMessage = "" # Build and show the error message for i in range(len(e.args)): if (i == 0): errorMessage = unicode(e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') else: errorMessage = errorMessage + " " + unicode( e.args[i]).encode('utf-8') arcpy.AddError(errorMessage) # Logging if (enableLogging == "true"): # Log error logger.error(errorMessage) # Log end of process"Process ended.") # Remove file handler and close log file logging.FileHandler.close(logMessage) logger.removeHandler(logMessage) if (sendErrorEmail == "true"): # Send email sendEmail(errorMessage)
outPutGDBPath = ADSFunctions.makeNewGDBIfDoesntExist( workingFolder, outPutGDB) individualDCATables = [ os.path.join(adsGDB, table) for table in arcpy.ListTables() ] for individualTable in individualDCATables: print('Working on', table) table = '{}_View'.format(os.path.basename(individualTable)) arcpy.MakeTableView_management(individualTable, table) whereStatement = ADSFunctions.makeDamageCodeWhereStatement( damgeCodesList) if ADSFunctions.checkForDamageCodes(table, whereStatement): selectTableName = '{}_Selected'.format(os.path.basename(table)) selectTablePath = os.path.join(scratchGDB, selectTableName) arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(table, selectTablePath, whereStatement) duplicateIDS = ADSFunctions.returnAllValuesFromField( selectTableName, 'ORIGINAL_ID') arcpy.CalculateField_management(selectTableName, 'DUPLICATE', 'None', 'PYTHON_9.3') duplicateIDS = ADSFunctions.returnDuplicates(duplicateIDS) mergedTableName = '{}_{}'.format( region, table.replace('Expanded', 'Merged').replace('_View', '')) featureClassName = '{}_{}_Merged'.format( region, table.replace('_Expanded', '').replace('_View', '')) if duplicateIDS: arcpy.CalculateField_management( selectTableName, 'DUPLICATE',
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management( Estacao_Vazia, "MdaLongitude", "MdaLatitude", EstAproces, "GEOGCS['GCS_SIRGAS_2000',DATUM['D_SIRGAS_2000',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8,98315284119521E-09;0,001;0,001;IsHighPrecision", "") # Process: Add Join arcpy.AddJoin_management(Est_BI, "IdeRegistroPeriodo", EstAproces, "IdeRegistroPeriodo", "KEEP_ALL") #print ListFields field_names = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(Est_Join)] print field_names # Process: Table Select arcpy.TableSelect_analysis( Est_Join, Per_a_proc, 'Estacao_Vazia_Features.DthInicioPeriodo IS NULL AND StageDW.SFG.StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features.MdaLatitude IS NOT NULL' ) #Make XY Layer de período a processar arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management( Per_a_proc, "StageDW_SFG_StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features_MdaLongitude", "StageDW_SFG_StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features_MdaLatitude", Per_fc, "GEOGCS['GCS_SIRGAS_2000',DATUM['D_SIRGAS_2000',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-400 -400 1000000000;-100000 10000;-100000 10000;8,98315284119521E-09;0,001;0,001;IsHighPrecision", "") #Split by attributes arcpy.SplitByAttributes_analysis( Per_fc, WsPeriodo, "StageDW_SFG_StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features_DthInicioPeriodo;StageDW_SFG_StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features_DthFimPeriodo"