arcpy.AddMessage("Finished Downsampling Data!") # convert from mm to inches of ppt ischecked4 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) if str(ischecked4) == 'true': env.workspace = outplace calcFileList = arcpy.ListRasters() for calcFile in calcFileList: if int(calcFile[1:-1]) >= (int(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8)) * 100 + int(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9))): # Overwrite pre-existing files arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True calcFileName = os.path.splitext(calcFile)[0] calcFile1 = outplace + '/' + 'a' + calcFileName[1:-1] arcpy.Times_3d(calcFile, 0.0393701, calcFile1) arcpy.AddMessage("Converted " + calcFileName + ' to inches') # Add Metadata Input ischecked5 = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) if str(ischecked5) == 'true': env.workspace = outplace metaFileList = arcpy.ListRasters('a*') for metafile in metaFileList: if int(metafile[1:-1]) >= (int(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8)) * 100 + int(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9))): metaplace = outplace + '/' + metafile metadata = md.MetadataEditor(metaplace) metadata.title.set('PRISM precipitation data (inches) ' + metafile[-3:-1] + ' ' + metafile[1:-3]) #
"IMG_Mosaic.tif", pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT", cellsize="", number_of_bands="1") else: print "Maybe Reconsider the Source that you got your data" print "Mosaic All Done" # Now lets use the times tool to put the DEM into feet if its not already print "Now we are changing the DEM from Meters to Feet" arcpy.CheckOutExtension( "3D" ) #This will check out the 3d-Analyst extension so that we can run the times tool arcpy.Times_3d("IMG_Mosaic.tif", "0.3048", "..\Final_Proj\IMG_Times.tif" ) #This is how to convert the DEM which comes in meters to feet # Now lets make a hillshade out of the DEM #We are going to try to make a swiss hillshade Divide_By = "5" #This is the amount that we will divide the original dem by in order to combine it and make something cool DEM_div_5 = "Divide_DEM" #This is going to be the DEM we create when we divide by 5 Default_Hillshade = "HillSha_1" #This is creating a variable for our Hillshade we are about to create arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") #Check out the Spatial Analyst Tools "..\Final_Proj\IMG_Times.tif", Divide_By, DEM_div_5) #This is giving us the Original DEM divided by a factor of 5 print "DEM Division Done""..\Final_Proj\IMG_Times.tif", Default_Hillshade, "315", "45", "NO_SHADOWS",
dirYmj = "F:\shuju\ymj"#叶面积文件夹路径 arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial")#使用 CheckInExtension 函数将许可归还给许可管理器,以便其他应用程序使用 files = os.listdir(dirJsl)#获取降水量文件夹下所有的文件 for file in files:#遍历文件 if file.endswith('tif'):#判断是否为tif文件 if not(os.path.exists('F:/temp')):#判断'F:/temp'零时文件夹路径是否存在 os.makedirs('F:/temp')#不存在则创建零时文件夹 if not(os.path.exists('F:/out')):#判断输出文件夹是否存在 os.makedirs('F:/out')#不存在则创建输出文件夹 name = file.decode("gbk").encode("utf-8")#吧文件名转成UTF-8编码 jslFullName = dirJsl+"\\" + name#降水量的tif文件 ymjFullName = dirYmj+"\\"+name[:6]+"_clip_001.tif"#叶面积的tif文件 rasterJsl = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion(jslFullName)#叶面积的tif文件转成float以便计算 rasterYmj = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion(ymjFullName) print "开始计算" arcpy.Times_3d(0.17,rasterJsl,"F:/temp/1.tif") raster1 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/1.tif") arcpy.Times_3d(0.35,rasterYmj,"F:/temp/2.tif") raster2 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/2.tif") arcpy.Times_3d(0.35,rasterYmj,"F:/temp/3.tif") raster3 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/3.tif") arcpy.Divide_3d(rasterJsl,raster3,"F:/temp/4.tif") raster4 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/4.tif") arcpy.Times_3d(-1,raster4,"F:/temp/5.tif") raster5 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/5.tif") expData ="F:/temp/6.tif") raster6 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/6.tif") arcpy.Minus_3d(1,raster6,"F:/temp/7.tif") raster7 = arcpy.RasterToFloat_conversion("F:/temp/7.tif") arcpy.Times_3d(raster2,raster7,"F:/temp/8.tif")
stage_name_for_table) arcpy.CreateTin_3d(TIN, spatial_ref, expression, "CONSTRAINED_DELAUNAY") # TIN to Raster arcpy.AddMessage("Converting TIN to raster for {0}".format(stage)) input_cell_size = "CELLSIZE {0}".format(Cell_Size) arcpy.TinRaster_3d(TIN, RasterFromTIN, "FLOAT", "LINEAR", input_cell_size, "1") # Raster subtraction arcpy.AddMessage( "Subtracting the raster from TIN with the input DEM for {0}".format(stage)) arcpy.Minus_3d(RasterFromTIN, DEM, Subtracted) # Reverse values depth_grid_name = "{0}_Normalized".format(stage) arcpy.Times_3d(Subtracted, -1, depth_grid_name) # Slice DEM arcpy.Slice_3d(depth_grid_name, "Hypsometry", 100, "EQUAL_INTERVAL", 1) # Percent of elevation arcpy.AddField_management("Hypsometry", "Percent_Elevation", "FLOAT", 2, "", "", "Percent_Elevation") arcpy.CalculateField_management("Hypsometry", "Percent_Elevation", "!Value! * 0.01", "PYTHON_9.3") # Cummulative Area arcpy.AddField_management("Hypsometry", "Cumulative", "LONG", 9, "", "", "Cumulative") freq = 0 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Hypsometry", ("COUNT", "CUMULATIVE")) as cursor:
"shp") #subwatershed map created by Hydrotel_Raven code arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = workspace ############################################################################################################### print('section 1') arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") #activating spetial analyst module # Transforming altitude, soil type, landuse and slope raster maps to polygon #cellsize = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management("altitude.tif","CELLSIZEX") #Extracting the raster cell size #cellsize1 = float(cellsize.getOutput(0)) #cellarea = cellsize1*cellsize1/1000000.0 slope1 = Slope("altitude.tif", 'DEGREE') # SLOPE IN DEGREE"slope_in_deg.tif") const = 100.0 arcpy.Times_3d("slope_in_deg.tif", "100.0", "times.tif") intslope = Int("times.tif") # aspect1 = Aspect( "altitude.tif" ) # ATTENTION: Aspect in Arcgis is calculated clockwise so East is 90. in Raven's manual Aspect is assumed to be counterclockwise i.e., west 90"aspect") ############################################################################################################# print('section 2') # converting landuse, slope, and soil rasters to feature class and overlaying the created feature classes arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion("type_sol.tif", 'soil_poly', "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE") arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion("occupation_sol.tif", 'LU_poly', "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE")