コード例 #1
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def follow(self):
     side_ir = arduino.get_ir()[3] # hard-coded to follow on right
     p = constants.wall_follow_dist - side_ir
     d = (p - self.last_p) if self.last_p else 0
     dd = (d - self.last_d) if self.last_d else 0
     self.last_p, self.last_d = p, d
     if time.time() - self.time_wall_seen > constants.lost_wall_timeout:
         return GoToWall()
     elif ((max(arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]) > constants.wall_follow_limit
            and (time.time() - self.time_wall_absent) > constants.lost_wall_timeout)
            or self.turning_away): # too close in front
         self.turning_away = True
         self.time_wall_seen = time.time()
         drive = 0
         turn = constants.wall_follow_turn * -1
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
         if (max(arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]) < constants.wall_follow_limit and
             side_ir > constants.wall_follow_limit):
             self.turning_away = False
     elif side_ir > constants.wall_follow_limit: # if we see a wall
         self.time_wall_seen = time.time()
         drive = constants.wall_follow_drive
         turn = (constants.wall_follow_kp * p +
                 constants.wall_follow_kd * d +
                 constants.wall_follow_kdd * dd)
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
     else: # lost wall but not timed out, so turn into the wall
         self.time_wall_absent = time.time()
         drive = .2 # TODO kludge
         turn = constants.wall_follow_turn
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
コード例 #2
ファイル: wall_follow_test.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def follow(self):
     side_ir = arduino.get_ir()[3]  # hard-coded to follow on right
     p = constants.wall_follow_dist - side_ir
     d = (p - self.last_p) if self.last_p else 0
     dd = (d - self.last_d) if self.last_d else 0
     self.last_p, self.last_d = p, d
     if time.time() - self.time_wall_seen > constants.lost_wall_timeout:
         return navigation.LookAround()
     elif (
         max(arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]) > constants.wall_follow_limit
         and (time.time() - self.time_wall_absent) > constants.lost_wall_timeout
     ) or self.turning_away:  # too close in front
         self.turning_away = True
         self.time_wall_seen = time.time()
         drive = 0
         turn = constants.wall_follow_turn * -1
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
         # print("A {d: 4.2f} {t: 4.2f} {ir: 4.2f}".format(d=drive, t=turn, ir=side_ir))
         if max(arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]) < constants.wall_follow_limit and side_ir > constants.wall_follow_limit:
             self.turning_away = False
     elif side_ir > constants.wall_follow_limit:  # if we see a wall
         self.time_wall_seen = time.time()
         drive = constants.wall_follow_drive
         turn = constants.wall_follow_kp * p + constants.wall_follow_kd * d + constants.wall_follow_kdd * dd
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
         # print("B {d: 4.2f} {t: 4.2f} {ir: 4.2f}".format(d=drive, t=turn, ir=side_ir))
     else:  # lost wall but not timed out, so turn into the wall
         self.time_wall_absent = time.time()
         drive = 0
         turn = constants.wall_follow_turn
         arduino.drive(drive, turn)
コード例 #3
ファイル: maneuvering.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def __init__(self):
     if arduino.get_bump()[1]:
         self.sign = -1
     elif arduino.get_bump()[0]:
         self.sign = 1
         self.sign = np.sign(arduino.get_ir()[2] - arduino.get_ir()[1])
     self.midtime = time.time() + constants.herp_derp_first_time
コード例 #4
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def default_action(self):
     arduino.drive(0, self.turn * constants.look_around_speed)
     if arduino.get_ir()[self.ir] > constants.wall_follow_limit: # ok because of state C
         if self.turning_away:
             return LookAway(turning_away = False)
             return FollowWall()
コード例 #5
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def on_yellow(self):
     wall = max(kinect.yellow_walls, key = lambda wall: wall['size'])
     offset = constants.yellow_follow_kp * (wall['col'][0] - 80)
     arduino.drive(max(0, constants.drive_speed - abs(offset)), offset)
     if (max(arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]) > constants.dump_ir_threshhold
         and wall['size'] > 3500):
         return maneuvering.DumpBalls(final = abs(wall['col'][0] - 80) <
コード例 #6
ファイル: maneuvering.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def __init__(self):
     variables.ball_attempts += 1
     triggered_bump = np.where(arduino.get_bump())[0]
     triggered_ir = np.where(np.array(arduino.get_ir()) > constants.ir_stuck_threshold)[0]
     if (np.random.rand() < constants.probability_to_use_bump
         or not len(triggered_ir)) and len(triggered_bump):
         # only bump sensors are triggered, or both types are triggered and we randomly chose to look at bump
         choice = random.choice(triggered_bump)
         self.trigger_released = lambda: (not arduino.get_bump()[choice])
         self.escape_angle = constants.bump_sensor_angles[choice] # randomly pick a triggered bump sensor
     elif len(triggered_ir):
         # only IR senors are triggered, or both types are triggered and we randomly chose to look at IR
         choice = random.choice(triggered_ir)
         self.trigger_released = lambda: (arduino.get_ir()[choice] < constants.ir_unstuck_threshold)
         self.escape_angle = constants.ir_sensor_angles[choice] # randomly pick a triggered IR sensor
         self.escape_angle = None # oops, not good style
     if self.escape_angle is not None:
         self.escape_angle += random.triangular(-constants.unstick_angle_offset_range, constants.unstick_angle_offset_range) # add some randomness
         self.unstick_complete = False
         self.stop_time = time.time() + constants.unstick_wiggle_period
コード例 #7
ファイル: maneuvering.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def next(self, time_left): # override next so nothing can interrupt a dump
     fl, fr = arduino.get_ir()[1:-1]
     if min(fl, fr) > constants.dump_ir_final:
         arduino.drive(0, 0)
         if not self.final:
             return ConfirmLinedUp()
             return WaitInSilence()
     elif abs(fl - fr) > constants.dump_ir_turn_tol:
         arduino.drive(0, np.sign(fr - fl) * constants.dump_turn_speed)
         arduino.drive(constants.dump_fwd_speed, 0)
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def next(self, time_left):
     """Superclass method to execute appropriate event handlers and actions."""
     irs = arduino.get_ir()
     if any(arduino.get_bump()[0:2]) or irs[1] > 1 or irs[2] > 1:
         return self.on_block()
     elif any(arduino.get_bump()[2:4]) or irs[0] > 1 or irs[3] > 1:
         return self.on_stuck()
     elif time_left < constants.dump_time and kinect.yellow_walls:
         return self.on_yellow()
     elif (time_left >= constants.dump_time and kinect.balls
           and not variables.ignore_balls
           and not variables.ignore_balls_until_yellow):
         return self.on_ball()
     return self.default_action()
コード例 #9
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: dlaw/maslab
 def default_action(self):
     if max(arduino.get_ir()) > constants.wall_follow_dist:
         arduino.drive(0, 0)
         return FollowWall()
     arduino.drive(constants.drive_speed, 0)