def generateCHComponent(dts, componentFile): if dts.fileSource.isArchive: return import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst file = io.StringIO(''' <nsmap> <Component/> </nsmap> ''') from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts, None) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=parser, base_url=componentFile) file.close() for componentElt in xmlDocument.iter(tag="Component"): break # use presentation relationships for broader and narrower concepts arcrole = XbrlConst.parentChild # sort URIs by definition linkroleUris = [] relationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(arcrole) if relationshipSet: for linkroleUri in relationshipSet.linkRoleUris: modelRoleTypes = dts.roleTypes.get(linkroleUri) if modelRoleTypes: roledefinition = (modelRoleTypes[0].genLabel(strip=True) or modelRoleTypes[0].definition or linkroleUri) else: roledefinition = linkroleUri linkroleUris.append((roledefinition, linkroleUri)) linkroleUris.sort() # for each URI in definition order for roledefinition, linkroleUri in linkroleUris: elt = etree.SubElement(componentElt, "Network", attrib={ "identifier": linkroleUri, "label": roledefinition }) linkRelationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(arcrole, linkroleUri) for rootConcept in linkRelationshipSet.rootConcepts: genConcept(dts, elt, rootConcept, None, arcrole, linkRelationshipSet, set()) fh = open(componentFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close() "info:saveCHComponentFile", _("Component file for %(entryFile)s in file %(componentOutputFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, componentOutputFile=componentFile)
def generateCHComponent(dts, componentFile): if dts.fileSource.isArchive: return import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst file = io.StringIO(''' <nsmap> <Component/> </nsmap> ''' ) from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts,None) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=parser,base_url=componentFile) file.close() for componentElt in xmlDocument.iter(tag="Component"): break # use presentation relationships for broader and narrower concepts arcrole = XbrlConst.parentChild # sort URIs by definition linkroleUris = [] relationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(arcrole) if relationshipSet: for linkroleUri in relationshipSet.linkRoleUris: modelRoleTypes = dts.roleTypes.get(linkroleUri) if modelRoleTypes: roledefinition = (modelRoleTypes[0].genLabel(strip=True) or modelRoleTypes[0].definition or linkroleUri) else: roledefinition = linkroleUri linkroleUris.append((roledefinition, linkroleUri)) linkroleUris.sort() # for each URI in definition order for roledefinition, linkroleUri in linkroleUris: elt = etree.SubElement(componentElt, "Network", attrib={ "identifier": linkroleUri, "label": roledefinition}) linkRelationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(arcrole, linkroleUri) for rootConcept in linkRelationshipSet.rootConcepts: genConcept(dts, elt, rootConcept, None, arcrole, linkRelationshipSet, set()) fh = open(componentFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close()"info:saveCHComponentFile", _("Component file for %(entryFile)s in file %(componentOutputFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, componentOutputFile=componentFile)
def generateUpdatedTableLB(dts, updatedTableLinkbaseFile): import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst from arelle.ViewUtil import viewReferences, referenceURI from arelle.ModelRenderingObject import ModelEuAxisCoord if dts.fileSource.isArchive: dts.error("genTblLB:outFileIsArchive", _("Updated Table Linkbase file cannot be an archive: %(tableLBOutputFile)s."), modelObject=dts, tableLBOutputFile=updatedTableLinkbaseFile) return tblAxisRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euTableAxis) axisMbrRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euAxisMember) if len(tblAxisRelSet.modelRelationships) == 0: dts.error("genTblLB:noInputTables", _("DTS does not contain Eurofiling 2010 tables and axes: %(entryFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri) return file = io.StringIO(''' <nsmap> <link:linkbase xmlns:label="" xmlns:gen="" xmlns:df="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:reference="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:link="" xmlns:table="" xmlns:formula="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> </link:linkbase> </nsmap> <!-- Generated by Arelle(r) --> ''' ) from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts,None) from lxml import etree xmlDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=parser,base_url=updatedTableLinkbaseFile) file.close() nsmapElt = xmlDocument.getroot() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for lbElement in xmlDocument.iter(tag="{}linkbase"): break class DocObj: # fake ModelDocument for namespaces def __init__(self): self.xmlRootElement = lbElement self.xmlDocument = xmlDocument docObj = DocObj() numELRs = 0 numTables = 0 def copyAttrs(fromElt, toElt, attrTags): for attr in attrTags: if fromElt.get(attr): toElt.set(attr, fromElt.get(attr)) def generateTable(newLinkElt, newTblElt, srcTblElt, tblAxisRelSet, axisMbrRelSet, visited): if srcTblElt is not None: for rel in tblAxisRelSet.fromModelObject(srcTblElt): srcAxisElt = rel.toModelObject if isinstance(srcAxisElt, ModelEuAxisCoord): visited.add(srcAxisElt) newAxisElt = etree.SubElement(newLinkElt, "{}ruleAxis") copyAttrs(srcAxisElt, newAxisElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}label")) newAxisElt.set("abstract", "true") # always true on root element newArcElt = etree.SubElement(newLinkElt, "{}axisArc") copyAttrs(rel, newArcElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}from", "{}to", "order")) newArcElt.set("{}arcrole", XbrlConst.tableBreakdown) newArcElt.set("axisDisposition", rel.axisDisposition) generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisElt, srcAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited) visited.discard(srcAxisElt) def generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisParentElt, srcAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited): for rel in axisMbrRelSet.fromModelObject(srcAxisElt): tgtAxisElt = rel.toModelObject if isinstance(tgtAxisElt, ModelEuAxisCoord) and tgtAxisElt not in visited: visited.add(tgtAxisElt) newAxisElt = etree.SubElement(newLinkElt, "{}ruleAxis") copyAttrs(tgtAxisElt, newAxisElt, ("id", "abstract", "{}type", "{}label")) if tgtAxisElt.primaryItemQname: newRuleElt = etree.SubElement(newAxisElt, "{}concept") newQnameElt = etree.SubElement(newRuleElt, "{}qname") newQnameElt.text = XmlUtil.addQnameValue(docObj, tgtAxisElt.primaryItemQname) for dimQname, memQname in tgtAxisElt.explicitDims: newRuleElt = etree.SubElement(newAxisElt, "{}explicitDimension") newRuleElt.set("dimension", XmlUtil.addQnameValue(docObj, dimQname)) newMbrElt = etree.SubElement(newRuleElt, "{}member") newQnameElt = etree.SubElement(newMbrElt, "{}qname") newQnameElt.text = XmlUtil.addQnameValue(docObj, memQname) newArcElt = etree.SubElement(newLinkElt, "{}axisArc") copyAttrs(rel, newArcElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}from", "{}to", "order")) newArcElt.set("{}arcrole", XbrlConst.tableAxisSubtree) generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisElt, tgtAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited) visited.discard(tgtAxisElt) # sort URIs linkroleUris = sorted([linkroleUri for linkroleUri in tblAxisRelSet.linkRoleUris]) firstNewLinkElt = None roleRefUris = set() for linkroleUri in linkroleUris: numELRs += 1 newLinkElt = etree.SubElement(lbElement, "{}link") newLinkElt.set("{}type", "extended") newLinkElt.set("{}role", linkroleUri) if firstNewLinkElt is None: firstNewLinkElt = newLinkElt # To do: add roleRef if needed tblAxisRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euTableAxis, linkroleUri) axisMbrRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euAxisMember, linkroleUri) for srcTblElt in tblAxisRelSet.rootConcepts: if srcTblElt.tag == "{}table": numTables += 1 newTblElt = etree.SubElement(newLinkElt, "{}table") newTblElt.set("aspectModel", "dimensional") copyAttrs(srcTblElt, newTblElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}label")) generateTable(newLinkElt, newTblElt, srcTblElt, tblAxisRelSet, axisMbrRelSet, set()) if linkroleUri not in roleRefUris: srcRoleRefElt = XmlUtil.descendant(srcTblElt.getroottree(),, "roleRef", "roleURI", linkroleUri) if srcRoleRefElt is not None: roleRefUris.add(linkroleUri) newRoleRefElt = etree.Element("{}roleRef") copyAttrs(srcRoleRefElt, newRoleRefElt, ("roleURI", "{}type", "{}href")) firstNewLinkElt.addprevious(newRoleRefElt) fh = open(updatedTableLinkbaseFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close()"info:updateTableLinkbase", _("Updated Table Linkbase of %(entryFile)s has %(numberOfLinkroles)s linkroles, %(numberOfTables)s tables in file %(tableLBOutputFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberOfLinkroles=numELRs, numberOfTables=numTables, tableLBOutputFile=updatedTableLinkbaseFile)
def generateSkos(dts, skosFile): try: import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst from arelle.ViewUtil import viewReferences, referenceURI skosNs = "" rdfNs = "" dts.modelManager.showStatus("initializing SKOS document") file = io.StringIO(''' <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF> <nsmap> <rdf:RDF xmlns="urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:XBRL:201204#" xml:base="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:CGI:XBRL:201204" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:owl2xml="" xmlns:p1="#" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xbrl-201204="urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:XBRL:201204#" xmlns:skos=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="" /> <!-- Annotation properties --> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Object Properties --> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Data properties --> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Classes --> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- Individuals --> </rdf:RDF></nsmap> <!-- Generated by the Arelle(r) --> ''' ) from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts,None) from lxml import etree xmlDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=parser,base_url=skosFile) file.close() xmlRootElement = xmlDocument.getroot() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for rdfElement in xmlDocument.iter(tag="{}RDF"): break numSchemes = 0 numConcepts = 0 # use presentation relationships for broader and narrower concepts relationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild) def conceptUri(concept): return concept.qname.namespaceURI + "#" + concept.qname.localName def namespaceUri(qname): return qname.namespaceURI + "#" + qname.prefix priorSchemeSibling = None schemeNamespaces = set() dts.modelManager.showStatus("setting SKOS concepts from XBRL concepts") for qn, concept in sorted(dts.qnameConcepts.items(), key=lambda item:str(item[0])): if concept.modelDocument.targetNamespace not in ( XbrlConst.xbrli,, XbrlConst.xlink, XbrlConst.xl, XbrlConst.xbrldt): if qn.namespaceURI not in schemeNamespaces: # add conceptScheme numSchemes += 1 skosElt = etree.Element("{}ConceptScheme") skosElt.set("{}about", namespaceUri(qn)) elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}type") elt.set("{}resource", "") elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}notation") elt.text = str(qn.prefix) schemeNamespaces.add(qn.namespaceURI) if priorSchemeSibling is not None: priorSchemeSibling.addnext(skosElt) else: rdfElement.append(skosElt) priorSchemeSibling = skosElt numConcepts += 1 skosElt = etree.SubElement(rdfElement, "{}Concept") skosElt.set("{}about", conceptUri(concept)) elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}type") elt.set("{}resource", "") elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}notation") elt.text = str(concept.qname) definition = concept.label(preferredLabel=XbrlConst.documentationLabel, lang="en", strip=True, fallbackToQname=False) if definition: elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = definition else: # if no definition, look for any references references = viewReferences(concept) if references: elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = references linkedReferenceURI = referenceURI(concept) if linkedReferenceURI: # link to reference elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = linkedReferenceURI labelsRelationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.conceptLabel) if labelsRelationshipSet: for modelLabelRel in labelsRelationshipSet.fromModelObject(concept): label = modelLabelRel.toModelObject if label.role == XbrlConst.standardLabel: elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}prefLabel") elt.set("{}lang", label.xmlLang) elt.text = label.text.strip() for rel in relationshipSet.fromModelObject(concept): # narrower elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}narrower") elt.set("{}resource", conceptUri(rel.toModelObject)) for rel in relationshipSet.toModelObject(concept): # broader elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}broader") elt.set("{}resource", conceptUri(rel.fromModelObject)) elt = etree.SubElement(skosElt, "{}inScheme") elt.set("{}resource", namespaceUri(qn)) dts.modelManager.showStatus("saving SKOS file") fh = open(skosFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close()"info:saveSKOS", _("SKOS of %(entryFile)s has %(numberOfConcepts)s concepts in SKOS RDF file %(skosOutputFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberOfConcepts=numConcepts, skosOutputFile=skosFile) dts.modelManager.showStatus("ready", 3000) except Exception as ex: dts.error("exception", _("SKOS generation exception: %(error)s"), error=ex, modelXbrl=dts, exc_info=True)
def create(modelXbrl, type, uri, schemaRefs=None, isEntry=False): normalizedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(uri, None) if isEntry: modelXbrl.uri = normalizedUri modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = normalizedUri modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) for i in range(modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.maxSubmissionSubdirectoryEntryNesting): modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(modelXbrl.uriDir) filepath = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUri) # XML document has nsmap root element to replace nsmap as new xmlns entries are required if type == Type.INSTANCE: # modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) Xml = ('<nsmap>' '<xbrl xmlns=""' ' xmlns:link=""' ' xmlns:xlink="">') if schemaRefs: for schemaRef in schemaRefs: Xml += '<link:schemaRef xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{0}"/>'.format(schemaRef.replace("\\","/")) Xml += '</xbrl></nsmap>' elif type == Type.SCHEMA: Xml = ('<nsmap><schema xmlns="" /></nsmap>') elif type == Type.RSSFEED: Xml = '<nsmap><rss version="2.0" /></nsmap>' elif type == Type.DTSENTRIES: Xml = None else: type = Type.Unknown Xml = '<nsmap/>' if Xml: import io file = io.StringIO(Xml) _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser(modelXbrl,filepath) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=_parser,base_url=filepath) file.close() else: xmlDocument = None if type == Type.RSSFEED: from arelle.ModelRssObject import ModelRssObject modelDocument = ModelRssObject(modelXbrl, type, uri, filepath, xmlDocument) else: modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, type, normalizedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) if Xml: modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.documentEncoding = "utf-8" rootNode = xmlDocument.getroot() rootNode.init(modelDocument) if xmlDocument: for semanticRoot in rootNode.iterchildren(): if isinstance(semanticRoot, ModelObject): modelDocument.xmlRootElement = semanticRoot break if type == Type.INSTANCE: modelDocument.instanceDiscover(modelDocument.xmlRootElement) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: modelDocument.rssFeedDiscover(modelDocument.xmlRootElement) elif type == Type.SCHEMA: modelDocument.targetNamespace = None modelDocument.isQualifiedElementFormDefault = False modelDocument.isQualifiedAttributeFormDefault = False return modelDocument
def load(modelXbrl, uri, base=None, referringElement=None, isEntry=False, isDiscovered=False, isIncluded=None, namespace=None, reloadCache=False): if referringElement is None: # used for error messages referringElement = modelXbrl normalizedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(uri, base) if isEntry: modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = normalizedUri # for error loggiong during loading modelXbrl.uri = normalizedUri modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) for i in range(modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.maxSubmissionSubdirectoryEntryNesting): modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(modelXbrl.uriDir) if modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem and \ not normalizedUri.startswith(modelXbrl.uriDir) and \ not modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.hrefValid(normalizedUri): blocked = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.blockDisallowedReferences modelXbrl.error(("EFM.6.22.02", "GFM.1.1.3", "SBR.NL."), _("Prohibited file for filings %(blockedIndicator)s: %(url)s"), modelObject=referringElement, url=normalizedUri, blockedIndicator=_(" blocked") if blocked else "") if blocked: return None if normalizedUri in modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedFiles: mappedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedFiles[normalizedUri] else: # handle mapped paths mappedUri = normalizedUri for mapFrom, mapTo in modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedPaths: if normalizedUri.startswith(mapFrom): mappedUri = mapTo + normalizedUri[len(mapFrom):] break if isEntry: modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = mappedUri # for error loggiong during loading if modelXbrl.fileSource.isInArchive(mappedUri): filepath = mappedUri else: filepath = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(mappedUri, reload=reloadCache) if filepath: uri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(filepath) if filepath is None: # error such as HTTPerror is already logged modelXbrl.error("FileNotLoadable", _("File can not be loaded: %(fileName)s"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=mappedUri) type = Type.Unknown return None modelDocument = modelXbrl.urlDocs.get(mappedUri) if modelDocument: return modelDocument # load XML and determine type of model document modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("parsing {0}").format(uri)) file = None try: if (modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem and modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.validateFileText): file, _encoding = ValidateFilingText.checkfile(modelXbrl,filepath) else: file, _encoding = modelXbrl.fileSource.file(filepath) _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser(modelXbrl,filepath) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=_parser,base_url=filepath) file.close() except (EnvironmentError, KeyError) as err: # missing zip file raises KeyError modelXbrl.error("IOerror", _("%(fileName)s: file error: %(error)s"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=os.path.basename(uri), error=str(err)) type = Type.Unknown if file: file.close() return None except (etree.LxmlError, ValueError) as err: # ValueError raised on bad format of qnames, xmlns'es, or parameters modelXbrl.error("xmlSchema:syntax", _("%(error)s, %(fileName)s, %(sourceAction)s source element"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=os.path.basename(uri), error=str(err), sourceAction=("including" if isIncluded else "importing")) type = Type.Unknown if file: file.close() return None # identify document #modelXbrl.modelManager.addToLog("discovery: {0}".format( # os.path.basename(uri))) modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("loading {0}").format(uri)) modelDocument = None rootNode = xmlDocument.getroot() if rootNode is not None: ln = rootNode.localName ns = rootNode.namespaceURI # type classification if ns == XbrlConst.xsd and ln == "schema": type = Type.SCHEMA elif ns == if ln == "linkbase": type = Type.LINKBASE elif ln == "xbrl": type = Type.INSTANCE elif ns == XbrlConst.xbrli: if ln == "xbrl": type = Type.INSTANCE elif ns == XbrlConst.xhtml and \ (ln == "html" or ln == "xhtml"): type = Type.Unknown if XbrlConst.ixbrl in rootNode.nsmap.values(): type = Type.INLINEXBRL elif ln == "report" and ns == XbrlConst.ver: type = Type.VERSIONINGREPORT elif ln == "testcases" or ln == "documentation": type = Type.TESTCASESINDEX elif ln == "testcase": type = Type.TESTCASE elif ln == "registry" and ns == XbrlConst.registry: type = Type.REGISTRY elif ln == "rss": type = Type.RSSFEED else: type = Type.Unknown nestedInline = None for htmlElt in rootNode.iter(tag="{}html"): nestedInline = htmlElt break if nestedInline is None: for htmlElt in rootNode.iter(tag="{}xhtml"): nestedInline = htmlElt break if nestedInline is not None: if XbrlConst.ixbrl in nestedInline.nsmap.values(): type = Type.INLINEXBRL rootNode = nestedInline #create modelDocument object or subtype as identified if type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: from arelle.ModelVersReport import ModelVersReport modelDocument = ModelVersReport(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: from arelle.ModelRssObject import ModelRssObject modelDocument = ModelRssObject(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) else: modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) rootNode.init(modelDocument) modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.xmlRootElement = rootNode modelDocument.schemaLocationElements.add(rootNode) modelDocument.documentEncoding = _encoding if isEntry or isDiscovered: modelDocument.inDTS = True # discovery (parsing) if type == Type.SCHEMA: modelDocument.schemaDiscover(rootNode, isIncluded, namespace) elif type == Type.LINKBASE: modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.INSTANCE: modelDocument.instanceDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.INLINEXBRL: modelDocument.inlineXbrlDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: modelDocument.versioningReportDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.TESTCASESINDEX: modelDocument.testcasesIndexDiscover(xmlDocument) elif type == Type.TESTCASE: modelDocument.testcaseDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.REGISTRY: modelDocument.registryDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: modelDocument.versioningReportDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: modelDocument.rssFeedDiscover(rootNode) return modelDocument
def generateHtmlEbaTablesetFiles(dts, indexFile, lang="en"): try: import os, io from arelle import Version, XbrlConst, XmlUtil from arelle.ViewFileRenderedGrid import viewRenderedGrid from arelle.ModelRenderingObject import ModelEuTable, ModelTable numTableFiles = 0 file = io.StringIO(''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Left"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <ul class="CMSListMenuUL" id="Vertical2"/> </body> </html> ''') from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts, None) from lxml import etree indexDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=parser, base_url=indexFile) file.close() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for listElt in indexDocument.iter( tag="{}ul"): break class nonTkBooleanVar(): def __init__(self, value=True): self.value = value def set(self, value): self.value = value def get(self): return self.value class View(): def __init__(self, tableOrELR, ignoreDimValidity, xAxisChildrenFirst, yAxisChildrenFirst): self.tblELR = tableOrELR # context menu boolean vars (non-tkinter boolean self.ignoreDimValidity = nonTkBooleanVar( value=ignoreDimValidity) self.xAxisChildrenFirst = nonTkBooleanVar( value=xAxisChildrenFirst) self.yAxisChildrenFirst = nonTkBooleanVar( value=yAxisChildrenFirst) indexBase = indexFile.rpartition(".")[0] groupTableRels = dts.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euGroupTable) modelTables = [] tblCssExtras = ''' body {background-image:url('')} table {background:#fff} ''' # order number is missing def viewTable(modelTable): if modelTable is None: return if isinstance(modelTable, (ModelEuTable, ModelTable)): # status dts.modelManager.cntlr.addToLog("viewing: " + # for table file name, use table ELR tblFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(indexFile), + ".html") viewRenderedGrid(dts, tblFile, lang=lang, sourceView=View(modelTable, False, False, True), cssExtras=tblCssExtras) # generaate menu entry elt = etree.SubElement(listElt, "{}li") elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLI") elt.set("id", elt = etree.SubElement(elt, "{}a") elt.text = modelTable.genLabel(lang=lang, strip=True) elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLink") elt.set("href", "javascript:void(0)") elt.set( "onClick", "javascript:parent.body.location.href='{0}';".format( + ".html")) elt.text = modelTable.genLabel(lang=lang, strip=True) else: # just a header # generaate menu entry elt = etree.SubElement(listElt, "{}li") elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLink") elt.set("id", elt.text = modelTable.label(lang=lang, strip=True) for rel in groupTableRels.fromModelObject(modelTable): viewTable(rel.toModelObject) for rootConcept in groupTableRels.rootConcepts: sourceline = 0 for rel in dts.modelXbrl.relationshipSet( XbrlConst.euGroupTable).fromModelObject(rootConcept): sourceline = rel.sourceline break modelTables.append((rootConcept, sourceline)) for modelTable, order in sorted(modelTables, key=lambda x: x[1]): viewTable(modelTable) with open(indexBase + "FormsFrame.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: XmlUtil.writexml(fh, indexDocument, encoding="utf-8") with open(indexFile, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Head1"> <title>European Banking Authority - EBA - FINREP Taxonomy</title> <meta name="generator" content="Arelle(r) {0}" /> <meta name="provider" content="Aguilonius(r)" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <frameset border="0" frameborder="0" rows="90,*"> <frame name="head" src="{1}" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="10"/> <frameset bordercolor="#0000cc" border="10" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" cols="360, *"> <frame src="{2}" name="menu" bordercolor="#0000cc"/> <frame src="{3}" name="body" bordercolor="#0000cc"/> </frameset> </frameset> '''.format( Version.version, os.path.basename(indexBase) + "TopFrame.html", os.path.basename(indexBase) + "FormsFrame.html", os.path.basename(indexBase) + "CenterLanding.html", )) with open(indexBase + "TopFrame.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Top"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <div id="topsection"> <div id="topsectionLeft" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="location.href='';"></div> <div id="topsectionRight"></div> <div id="topnavigation"> <ul id="menuElem"> <li><a href="">Contacts</a></li> <li><a href="">Links</a></li> <li><a href="">Sitemap</a></li> <li><a href="">Legal Notice</a></li> </ul> </div> </body> </html> ''') with open(indexBase + "CenterLanding.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write(''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Center"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <div id="plc_lt_zoneContent_usercontrol_userControlElem_ContentPanel"> <div id="plc_lt_zoneContent_usercontrol_userControlElem_PanelTitle"> <div id="pagetitle" style="float:left;width:500px;"> <h1>Taxonomy Tables Viewer</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div id="contentcenter"> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt">Please select tables to view by clicking in the left column.</p> </div> </body> </html> ''') # to merge gif's and style sheets, use a zipfile sibling of the python plug-in file. #import zipfile #zf = zipfile.ZipFile(__file__.rpartition('.')[0] + "", mode="r") #zf.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(indexBase)) #zf.close() "info:saveEBAtables", _("Tables index file of %(entryFile)s has %(numberTableFiles)s table files with index file %(indexFile)s." ), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberTableFiles=numTableFiles, indexFile=indexFile) dts.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved EBA HTML Table Files"), 5000) except Exception as ex: dts.error("exception", _("HTML EBA Tableset files generation exception: %(error)s"), error=ex, modelXbrl=dts, exc_info=True)
def streamingExtensionsLoader(modelXbrl, mappedUri, filepath, **kwargs): # check if big instance and has header with an initial incomplete tree walk (just 2 elements if not _streamingExtensionsCheck: return None # track whether modelXbrl has been validated by this streaming extension modelXbrl._streamingExtensionValidated = False def logSyntaxErrors(parsercontext): for error in parsercontext.error_log: modelXbrl.error("xmlSchema:syntax", _("%(error)s, %(fileName)s, line %(line)s, column %(column)s, %(sourceAction)s source element"), modelObject=modelXbrl, fileName=os.path.basename(filepath), error=error.message, line=error.line, column=error.column, sourceAction="streaming") #### note: written for iterparse of lxml prior to version 3.3, otherwise rewrite to use XmlPullParser ### #### note: iterparse wants a binary file, but file is text mode _file, = modelXbrl.fileSource.file(filepath, binary=True) startedAt = time.time() modelXbrl.profileActivity() ''' this seems twice as slow as iterparse class instInfoTarget(): def __init__(self, element_factory=None, parser=None): self.newTree = True self.streamingAspects = None self.foundInstance = False self.creationSoftwareComment = '' self.currentEltTag = "(before xbrli:xbrl)" self.numRootFacts = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib, nsmap=None): if self.newTree: if tag == "{}xbrl": self.foundInstance = True self.newTree = False else: # break raise NotInstanceDocumentException() elif not tag.startswith("{"): self.numRootFacts += 1 if self.numRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming tree check", minTimeToShow=20.0) self.currentEltTag = tag def end(self, tag): pass def data(self, data): pass def comment(self, text): if not self.foundInstance: # accumulate comments before xbrli:xbrl self.creationSoftwareComment += ('\n' if self.creationSoftwareComment else '') + text elif not self.creationSoftwareComment: self.creationSoftwareComment = text # or first comment after xbrli:xbrl def pi(self, target, data): if target == "xbrl-streamable-instance": if self.currentEltTag == "{}xbrl": self.streamingAspects = dict(etree.PI(target,data).attrib.copy()) # dereference target results else: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:headerMisplaced", _("Header is misplaced: %(target)s, must follow xbrli:xbrl element but was found at %(element)s"), modelObject=modelXbrl, target=target, element=self.currentEltTag) def close(self): if not self.creationSoftwareComment: self.creationSoftwareComment = None return True instInfo = instInfoTarget() infoParser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True, huge_tree=True, target=instInfo) try: etree.parse(_file, parser=infoParser, base_url=filepath) except NotInstanceDocumentException: pass ''' foundErrors = False foundInstance = False streamingAspects = None creationSoftwareComment = None instInfoNumRootFacts = 0 numElts = 0 elt = None instInfoContext = etree.iterparse(_file, events=("start","end"), huge_tree=True) for event, elt in instInfoContext: if event == "start": if elt.getparent() is not None: if elt.getparent().tag == "{}xbrl": if not foundInstance: foundInstance = True pi = precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") if pi is None: break else: streamingAspects = dict(pi.attrib.copy()) if creationSoftwareComment is None: creationSoftwareComment = precedingComment(elt) if not elt.tag.startswith("{"): instInfoNumRootFacts += 1 if instInfoNumRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming tree check", minTimeToShow=20.0) elif not foundInstance: break elif elt.tag == "{}xbrl": creationSoftwareComment = precedingComment(elt) if precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") is not None: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:headerMisplaced", _("Header is misplaced: %(error)s, must follow xbrli:xbrl element"), modelObject=elt) elif event == "end": elt.clear() numElts += 1 if numElts % 1000 == 0 and elt.getparent() is not None: while elt.getprevious() is not None and elt.getparent() is not None: del elt.getparent()[0] if elt is not None: elt.clear(),io.SEEK_SET) # allow reparsing if not foundInstance or streamingAspects is None: del elt _file.close() return None modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming tree check"), time.time() - startedAt) startedAt = time.time() try: version = Decimal(streamingAspects.get("version")) if int(version) != 1: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:unsupportedVersion", _("Streaming version %(version)s, major version number must be 1"), modelObject=elt, version=version) foundErrors = True except (InvalidOperation, OverflowError): modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:versionError", _("Version %(version)s, number must be 1.n"), modelObject=elt, version=streamingAspects.get("version", "(none)")) foundErrors = True for bufAspect in ("contextBuffer", "unitBuffer", "footnoteBuffer"): try: bufLimit = Decimal(streamingAspects.get(bufAspect, "INF")) if bufLimit < 1 or (bufLimit.is_finite() and bufLimit % 1 != 0): raise InvalidOperation elif bufAspect == "contextBuffer": contextBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "unitBuffer": unitBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "footnoteBuffer": footnoteBufferLimit = bufLimit except InvalidOperation: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:valueError", _("Streaming %(attrib)s %(value)s, number must be a positive integer or INF"), modelObject=elt, attrib=bufAspect, value=streamingAspects.get(bufAspect)) foundErrors = True if _streamingExtensionsValidate: incompatibleValidations = [] _validateDisclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem _disclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.EFM: incompatibleValidations.append("EFM") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.GFM: incompatibleValidations.append("GFM") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.EBA: incompatibleValidations.append("EBA") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.HMRC: incompatibleValidations.append("EBA") if modelXbrl.modelManager.validateCalcLB: incompatibleValidations.append("calculation LB") if incompatibleValidations: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:incompatibleValidation", _("Streaming instance validation does not support %(incompatibleValidations)s validation"), modelObject=modelXbrl, incompatibleValidations=', '.join(incompatibleValidations)) foundErrors = True if instInfoContext.error_log: foundErrors = True logSyntaxErrors(instInfoContext) del instInfoContext # dereference for pluginMethod in pluginClassMethods("Streaming.BlockStreaming"): _blockingPluginName = pluginMethod(modelXbrl) if _blockingPluginName: # name of blocking plugin is returned modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:incompatiblePlugIn", _("Streaming instance not supported by plugin %(blockingPlugin)s"), modelObject=modelXbrl, blockingPlugin=_blockingPluginName) foundErrors = True if foundErrors: _file.close() return None _encoding = XmlUtil.encoding(,io.SEEK_SET) # allow reparsing if _streamingExtensionsValidate: validator = Validate(modelXbrl) instValidator = validator.instValidator eltMdlObjs = {} contextBuffer = [] unitBuffer = [] footnoteBuffer = [] factBuffer = [] numFacts = 1 _streamingValidateFactsPlugin = any(True for pluginMethod in pluginClassMethods("Streaming.ValidateFacts")) class modelLoaderTarget(): def __init__(self, element_factory=None, parser=None): self.newTree = True self.currentMdlObj = None self.beforeInstanceStream = True self.beforeStartStreamingPlugin = True self.numRootFacts = 1 modelXbrl.streamingParentModelObject = None modelXbrl.isStreamingMode = True def start(self, tag, attrib, nsmap=None): modelXbrl.streamingParentModelObject = self.currentMdlObj # pass parent to makeelement for ModelObjectFactory mdlObj = _parser.makeelement(tag, attrib=attrib, nsmap=nsmap) mdlObj.sourceline = 1 if self.newTree: self.newTree = False self.currentMdlObj = mdlObj modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.INSTANCE, mappedUri, filepath, mdlObj.getroottree()) modelXbrl.modelDocument = modelDocument # needed for incremental validation mdlObj.init(modelDocument) modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.xmlRootElement = mdlObj modelDocument.schemaLocationElements.add(mdlObj) modelDocument.documentEncoding = _encoding modelDocument._creationSoftwareComment = creationSoftwareComment"streamingExtensions:streaming", _("Stream processing this instance."), modelObject = modelDocument) else: self.currentMdlObj.append(mdlObj) self.currentMdlObj = mdlObj mdlObj._init() ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName if (self.beforeInstanceStream and ( (ns == and ln not in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef")) or (ns == XbrlConst.xbrli and ln in ("context", "unit")) or (ns not in (, XbrlConst.xbrli)))): self.beforeInstanceStream = False if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.validate(modelXbrl, modelXbrl.modelManager.formulaOptions.typedParameters()) else: # need default dimensions ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) elif not self.beforeInstanceStream and self.beforeStartStreamingPlugin: for pluginMethod in pluginClassMethods("Streaming.Start"): pluginMethod(modelXbrl) self.beforeStartStreamingPlugin = False return mdlObj def end(self, tag): modelDocument = modelXbrl.modelDocument mdlObj = self.currentMdlObj parentMdlObj = mdlObj.getparent() self.currentMdlObj = parentMdlObj ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName if ns == XbrlConst.xbrli: if ln == "context": if mdlObj.get("sticky"): del mdlObj.attrib["sticky"] XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) else: if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(contextBuffer) >= contextBufferLimit: # drop before adding as dropped may have same id as added cntx = contextBuffer.pop(0) dropContext(modelXbrl, cntx) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(cntx)] cntx = None XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) if contextBufferLimit.is_finite(): contextBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: contextsToCheck = (mdlObj,) instValidator.checkContexts(contextsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: instValidator.checkContextsDimensions(contextsToCheck) del contextsToCheck # dereference elif ln == "unit": if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(unitBuffer) >= unitBufferLimit: # drop before additing as dropped may have same id as added unit = unitBuffer.pop(0) dropUnit(modelXbrl, unit) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(unit)] unit = None XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.unitDiscover(mdlObj) if unitBufferLimit.is_finite(): unitBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.checkUnits( (mdlObj,) ) elif ln == "xbrl": # end of document # check remaining footnote refs for footnoteLink in footnoteBuffer: checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) for pluginMethod in pluginClassMethods("Streaming.Finish"): pluginMethod(modelXbrl) elif ns == if ln == "footnoteLink": XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) footnoteLinks = (mdlObj,) modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover(footnoteLinks, inInstance=True) if footnoteBufferLimit.is_finite(): footnoteBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.checkLinks(footnoteLinks) if len(footnoteBuffer) > footnoteBufferLimit: # check that hrefObjects for locators were all satisfied # drop before addition as dropped may have same id as added footnoteLink = footnoteBuffer.pop(0) checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) dropFootnoteLink(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(footnoteLink)] footnoteLink = None footnoteLinks = None elif ln in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef"): modelDocument.discoverHref(mdlObj) elif not modelXbrl.skipDTS: if ln in ("roleRef", "arcroleRef"): modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover((mdlObj,), inInstance=True) elif parentMdlObj.qname == XbrlConst.qnXbrliXbrl: self.numRootFacts += 1 XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.factDiscover(mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) if _streamingExtensionsValidate or _streamingValidateFactsPlugin: factsToCheck = (mdlObj,) # validate current fact by itself if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.checkFacts(factsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: instValidator.checkFactsDimensions(factsToCheck) if _streamingValidateFactsPlugin: # plugin attempts to process batch of all root facts not yet processed (not just current one) factsToCheck = modelXbrl.facts.copy() factsHaveBeenProcessed = True # can block facts deletion if required data not yet available, such as numeric unit for DpmDB for pluginMethod in pluginClassMethods("Streaming.ValidateFacts"): if not pluginMethod(modelXbrl, factsToCheck): factsHaveBeenProcessed = False if factsHaveBeenProcessed: for fact in factsToCheck: dropFact(modelXbrl, fact, modelXbrl.facts) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(fact)] else: dropFact(modelXbrl, mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) # single fact has been processed del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(mdlObj)] del factsToCheck # dereference fact or batch of facts if self.numRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming fact {0} of {1} {2:.2f}%".format(self.numRootFacts, instInfoNumRootFacts, 100.0 * self.numRootFacts / instInfoNumRootFacts), minTimeToShow=20.0) return mdlObj def data(self, data): self.currentMdlObj.text = data def comment(self, text): pass def pi(self, target, data): pass def close(self): del modelXbrl.streamingParentModelObject return None _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser(modelXbrl, filepath, target=modelLoaderTarget()) etree.parse(_file, parser=_parser, base_url=filepath) logSyntaxErrors(_parser) if _streamingExtensionsValidate and validator is not None: _file.close() del instValidator validator.close() # track that modelXbrl has been validated by this streaming extension modelXbrl._streamingExtensionValidated = True modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming complete"), time.time() - startedAt) return modelXbrl.modelDocument
def generateSkos(dts, skosFile): try: import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst from arelle.ViewUtil import viewReferences, referenceURI skosNs = "" rdfNs = "" dts.modelManager.showStatus("initializing SKOS document") file = io.StringIO(''' <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF> <nsmap> <rdf:RDF xmlns="urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:XBRL:201204#" xml:base="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:CGI:XBRL:201204" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:owl2xml="" xmlns:p1="#" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xbrl-201204="urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:XBRL:201204#" xmlns:skos=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="" /> <!-- Annotation properties --> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Object Properties --> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Data properties --> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about="" /> <!-- Classes --> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- --> <owl:Class rdf:about="" /> <!-- Individuals --> </rdf:RDF></nsmap> <!-- Generated by the Arelle(r) --> ''') from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts, None) from lxml import etree xmlDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=parser, base_url=skosFile) file.close() xmlRootElement = xmlDocument.getroot() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for rdfElement in xmlDocument.iter( tag="{}RDF"): break numSchemes = 0 numConcepts = 0 # use presentation relationships for broader and narrower concepts relationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.parentChild) def conceptUri(concept): return concept.qname.namespaceURI + "#" + concept.qname.localName def namespaceUri(qname): return qname.namespaceURI + "#" + qname.prefix priorSchemeSibling = None schemeNamespaces = set() dts.modelManager.showStatus("setting SKOS concepts from XBRL concepts") for qn, concept in sorted(dts.qnameConcepts.items(), key=lambda item: str(item[0])): if concept.modelDocument.targetNamespace not in (XbrlConst.xbrli,, XbrlConst.xlink, XbrlConst.xl, XbrlConst.xbrldt): if qn.namespaceURI not in schemeNamespaces: # add conceptScheme numSchemes += 1 skosElt = etree.Element( "{}ConceptScheme") skosElt.set( "{}about", namespaceUri(qn)) elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}type") elt.set( "{}resource", "") elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}notation") elt.text = str(qn.prefix) schemeNamespaces.add(qn.namespaceURI) if priorSchemeSibling is not None: priorSchemeSibling.addnext(skosElt) else: rdfElement.append(skosElt) priorSchemeSibling = skosElt numConcepts += 1 skosElt = etree.SubElement( rdfElement, "{}Concept") skosElt.set( "{}about", conceptUri(concept)) elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}type") elt.set( "{}resource", "") elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}notation") elt.text = str(concept.qname) definition = concept.label( preferredLabel=XbrlConst.documentationLabel, lang="en", strip=True, fallbackToQname=False) if definition: elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = definition else: # if no definition, look for any references references = viewReferences(concept) if references: elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = references linkedReferenceURI = referenceURI(concept) if linkedReferenceURI: # link to reference elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}definition") elt.text = linkedReferenceURI labelsRelationshipSet = dts.relationshipSet( XbrlConst.conceptLabel) if labelsRelationshipSet: for modelLabelRel in labelsRelationshipSet.fromModelObject( concept): label = modelLabelRel.toModelObject if label.role == XbrlConst.standardLabel: elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}prefLabel" ) elt.set( "{}lang", label.xmlLang) elt.text = label.text.strip() for rel in relationshipSet.fromModelObject( concept): # narrower elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}narrower") elt.set( "{}resource", conceptUri(rel.toModelObject)) for rel in relationshipSet.toModelObject(concept): # broader elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}broader") elt.set( "{}resource", conceptUri(rel.fromModelObject)) elt = etree.SubElement( skosElt, "{}inScheme") elt.set( "{}resource", namespaceUri(qn)) dts.modelManager.showStatus("saving SKOS file") fh = open(skosFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close() "info:saveSKOS", _("SKOS of %(entryFile)s has %(numberOfConcepts)s concepts in SKOS RDF file %(skosOutputFile)s." ), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberOfConcepts=numConcepts, skosOutputFile=skosFile) dts.modelManager.showStatus("ready", 3000) except Exception as ex: dts.error("exception", _("SKOS generation exception: %(error)s"), error=ex, modelXbrl=dts, exc_info=True)
def generateUpdatedTableLB(dts, updatedTableLinkbaseFile): import os, io from arelle import XmlUtil, XbrlConst from arelle.ViewUtil import viewReferences, referenceURI from arelle.ModelRenderingObject import ModelEuAxisCoord if dts.fileSource.isArchive: dts.error( "genTblLB:outFileIsArchive", _("Updated Table Linkbase file cannot be an archive: %(tableLBOutputFile)s." ), modelObject=dts, tableLBOutputFile=updatedTableLinkbaseFile) return tblAxisRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euTableAxis) axisMbrRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euAxisMember) if len(tblAxisRelSet.modelRelationships) == 0: dts.error( "genTblLB:noInputTables", _("DTS does not contain Eurofiling 2010 tables and axes: %(entryFile)s." ), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri) return file = io.StringIO(''' <nsmap> <link:linkbase xmlns:label="" xmlns:gen="" xmlns:df="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:reference="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:link="" xmlns:table="" xmlns:formula="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <link:arcroleRef arcroleURI="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> </link:linkbase> </nsmap> <!-- Generated by Arelle(r) --> ''') from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts, None) from lxml import etree xmlDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=parser, base_url=updatedTableLinkbaseFile) file.close() nsmapElt = xmlDocument.getroot() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for lbElement in xmlDocument.iter( tag="{}linkbase"): break class DocObj: # fake ModelDocument for namespaces def __init__(self): self.xmlRootElement = lbElement self.xmlDocument = xmlDocument docObj = DocObj() numELRs = 0 numTables = 0 def copyAttrs(fromElt, toElt, attrTags): for attr in attrTags: if fromElt.get(attr): toElt.set(attr, fromElt.get(attr)) def generateTable(newLinkElt, newTblElt, srcTblElt, tblAxisRelSet, axisMbrRelSet, visited): if srcTblElt is not None: for rel in tblAxisRelSet.fromModelObject(srcTblElt): srcAxisElt = rel.toModelObject if isinstance(srcAxisElt, ModelEuAxisCoord): visited.add(srcAxisElt) newAxisElt = etree.SubElement( newLinkElt, "{}ruleAxis") copyAttrs(srcAxisElt, newAxisElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}label")) newAxisElt.set("abstract", "true") # always true on root element newArcElt = etree.SubElement( newLinkElt, "{}axisArc") copyAttrs(rel, newArcElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}from", "{}to", "order")) newArcElt.set("{}arcrole", XbrlConst.tableBreakdown) newArcElt.set("axisDisposition", rel.axisDisposition) generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisElt, srcAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited) visited.discard(srcAxisElt) def generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisParentElt, srcAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited): for rel in axisMbrRelSet.fromModelObject(srcAxisElt): tgtAxisElt = rel.toModelObject if isinstance(tgtAxisElt, ModelEuAxisCoord) and tgtAxisElt not in visited: visited.add(tgtAxisElt) newAxisElt = etree.SubElement( newLinkElt, "{}ruleAxis") copyAttrs( tgtAxisElt, newAxisElt, ("id", "abstract", "{}type", "{}label")) if tgtAxisElt.primaryItemQname: newRuleElt = etree.SubElement( newAxisElt, "{}concept") newQnameElt = etree.SubElement( newRuleElt, "{}qname") newQnameElt.text = XmlUtil.addQnameValue( docObj, tgtAxisElt.primaryItemQname) for dimQname, memQname in tgtAxisElt.explicitDims: newRuleElt = etree.SubElement( newAxisElt, "{}explicitDimension") newRuleElt.set("dimension", XmlUtil.addQnameValue(docObj, dimQname)) newMbrElt = etree.SubElement( newRuleElt, "{}member") newQnameElt = etree.SubElement( newMbrElt, "{}qname") newQnameElt.text = XmlUtil.addQnameValue(docObj, memQname) newArcElt = etree.SubElement( newLinkElt, "{}axisArc") copyAttrs(rel, newArcElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}from", "{}to", "order")) newArcElt.set("{}arcrole", XbrlConst.tableAxisSubtree) generateAxis(newLinkElt, newAxisElt, tgtAxisElt, axisMbrRelSet, visited) visited.discard(tgtAxisElt) # sort URIs linkroleUris = sorted( [linkroleUri for linkroleUri in tblAxisRelSet.linkRoleUris]) firstNewLinkElt = None roleRefUris = set() for linkroleUri in linkroleUris: numELRs += 1 newLinkElt = etree.SubElement(lbElement, "{}link") newLinkElt.set("{}type", "extended") newLinkElt.set("{}role", linkroleUri) if firstNewLinkElt is None: firstNewLinkElt = newLinkElt # To do: add roleRef if needed tblAxisRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euTableAxis, linkroleUri) axisMbrRelSet = dts.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euAxisMember, linkroleUri) for srcTblElt in tblAxisRelSet.rootConcepts: if srcTblElt.tag == "{}table": numTables += 1 newTblElt = etree.SubElement( newLinkElt, "{}table") newTblElt.set("aspectModel", "dimensional") copyAttrs(srcTblElt, newTblElt, ("id", "{}type", "{}label")) generateTable(newLinkElt, newTblElt, srcTblElt, tblAxisRelSet, axisMbrRelSet, set()) if linkroleUri not in roleRefUris: srcRoleRefElt = XmlUtil.descendant(srcTblElt.getroottree(),, "roleRef", "roleURI", linkroleUri) if srcRoleRefElt is not None: roleRefUris.add(linkroleUri) newRoleRefElt = etree.Element( "{}roleRef") copyAttrs( srcRoleRefElt, newRoleRefElt, ("roleURI", "{}type", "{}href")) firstNewLinkElt.addprevious(newRoleRefElt) fh = open(updatedTableLinkbaseFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") XmlUtil.writexml(fh, xmlDocument, encoding="utf-8") fh.close() "info:updateTableLinkbase", _("Updated Table Linkbase of %(entryFile)s has %(numberOfLinkroles)s linkroles, %(numberOfTables)s tables in file %(tableLBOutputFile)s." ), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberOfLinkroles=numELRs, numberOfTables=numTables, tableLBOutputFile=updatedTableLinkbaseFile)
def generateHtmlEbaTablesetFiles(dts, indexFile, lang="en"): try: import os, io from arelle import Version, XbrlConst, XmlUtil from arelle.ViewFileRenderedGrid import viewRenderedGrid from arelle.ModelRenderingObject import ModelEuTable, ModelTable numTableFiles = 0 file = io.StringIO(''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Left"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <ul class="CMSListMenuUL" id="Vertical2"/> </body> </html> ''' ) from arelle.ModelObjectFactory import parser parser, parserLookupName, parserLookupClass = parser(dts,None) from lxml import etree indexDocument = etree.parse(file,parser=parser,base_url=indexFile) file.close() #xmlDocument.getroot().init(self) ## is this needed ?? for listElt in indexDocument.iter(tag="{}ul"): break class nonTkBooleanVar(): def __init__(self, value=True): self.value = value def set(self, value): self.value = value def get(self): return self.value class View(): def __init__(self, tableOrELR, ignoreDimValidity, xAxisChildrenFirst, yAxisChildrenFirst): self.tblELR = tableOrELR # context menu boolean vars (non-tkinter boolean self.ignoreDimValidity = nonTkBooleanVar(value=ignoreDimValidity) self.xAxisChildrenFirst = nonTkBooleanVar(value=xAxisChildrenFirst) self.yAxisChildrenFirst = nonTkBooleanVar(value=yAxisChildrenFirst) indexBase = indexFile.rpartition(".")[0] groupTableRels = dts.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euGroupTable) modelTables = [] tblCssExtras=''' body {background-image:url('')} table {background:#fff} ''' # order number is missing def viewTable(modelTable): if isinstance(modelTable, (ModelEuTable, ModelTable)): # status dts.modelManager.cntlr.addToLog("viewing: " + # for table file name, use table ELR tblFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(indexFile), + ".html") viewRenderedGrid(dts, tblFile, lang=lang, sourceView=View(modelTable, False, False, True), cssExtras=tblCssExtras) # generaate menu entry elt = etree.SubElement(listElt, "{}li") elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLI") elt.set("id", elt = etree.SubElement(elt, "{}a") elt.text = modelTable.genLabel(lang=lang, strip=True) elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLink") elt.set("href", "javascript:void(0)") elt.set("onClick", "javascript:parent.body.location.href='{0}';".format( + ".html")) elt.text = modelTable.genLabel(lang=lang, strip=True) else: # just a header # generaate menu entry elt = etree.SubElement(listElt, "{}li") elt.set("class", "CMSListMenuLink") elt.set("id", elt.text = modelTable.label(lang=lang, strip=True) for rel in groupTableRels.fromModelObject(modelTable): viewTable(rel.toModelObject) for rootConcept in groupTableRels.rootConcepts: sourceline = 0 for rel in dts.modelXbrl.relationshipSet(XbrlConst.euGroupTable).fromModelObject(rootConcept): sourceline = rel.sourceline break modelTables.append((rootConcept, sourceline)) for modelTable, order in sorted(modelTables, key=lambda x: x[1]): viewTable(modelTable) with open(indexBase + "FormsFrame.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: XmlUtil.writexml(fh, indexDocument, encoding="utf-8") with open(indexFile, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write( ''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Head1"> <title>European Banking Authority - EBA - FINREP Taxonomy</title> <meta name="generator" content="Arelle(r) {0}" /> <meta name="provider" content="Aguilonius(r)" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <frameset border="0" frameborder="0" rows="90,*"> <frame name="head" src="{1}" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="10"/> <frameset bordercolor="#0000cc" border="10" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" cols="360, *"> <frame src="{2}" name="menu" bordercolor="#0000cc"/> <frame src="{3}" name="body" bordercolor="#0000cc"/> </frameset> </frameset> '''.format(Version.version, os.path.basename(indexBase) + "TopFrame.html", os.path.basename(indexBase) + "FormsFrame.html", os.path.basename(indexBase) + "CenterLanding.html", )) with open(indexBase + "TopFrame.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write( ''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Top"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <div id="topsection"> <div id="topsectionLeft" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="location.href='';"></div> <div id="topsectionRight"></div> <div id="topnavigation"> <ul id="menuElem"> <li><a href="">Contacts</a></li> <li><a href="">Links</a></li> <li><a href="">Sitemap</a></li> <li><a href="">Legal Notice</a></li> </ul> </div> </body> </html> ''') with open(indexBase + "CenterLanding.html", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fh: fh.write( ''' <html xmlns=""> <head id="Center"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://" /> </head> <body class="LTR IE7 ENGB"> <div id="plc_lt_zoneContent_usercontrol_userControlElem_ContentPanel"> <div id="plc_lt_zoneContent_usercontrol_userControlElem_PanelTitle"> <div id="pagetitle" style="float:left;width:500px;"> <h1>Taxonomy Tables Viewer</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div id="contentcenter"> <p style="text-align: justify; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt">Please select tables to view by clicking in the left column.</p> </div> </body> </html> ''') # to merge gif's and style sheets, use a zipfile sibling of the python plug-in file. #import zipfile #zf = zipfile.ZipFile(__file__.rpartition('.')[0] + "", mode="r") #zf.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(indexBase)) #zf.close()"info:saveEBAtables", _("Tables index file of %(entryFile)s has %(numberTableFiles)s table files with index file %(indexFile)s."), modelObject=dts, entryFile=dts.uri, numberTableFiles=numTableFiles, indexFile=indexFile) dts.modelManager.showStatus(_("Saved EBA HTML Table Files"), 5000) except Exception as ex: dts.error("exception", _("HTML EBA Tableset files generation exception: %(error)s"), error=ex, modelXbrl=dts, exc_info=True)
def streamingExtensionsLoader(modelXbrl, mappedUri, filepath): # check if big instance and has header with an initial incomplete tree walk (just 2 elements def logSyntaxErrors(parsercontext): for error in parsercontext.error_log: modelXbrl.error("xmlSchema:syntax", _("%(error)s, %(fileName)s, line %(line)s, column %(column)s, %(sourceAction)s source element"), modelObject=modelDocument, fileName=os.path.basename(filepath), error=error.message, line=error.line, column=error.column, sourceAction="streaming") #### note: written for iterparse of lxml prior to version 3.3, otherwise rewrite to use XmlPullParser ### #### note: iterparse wants a binary file, but file is text mode _file, = modelXbrl.fileSource.file(filepath, binary=True) startedAt = time.time() modelXbrl.profileActivity() parsercontext = etree.iterparse(_file, events=("start","end"), huge_tree=True) foundInstance = False foundErrors = False streamingAspects = None numRootFacts1 = 0 numElts = 0 elt = None for event, elt in parsercontext: if event == "start": if elt.getparent() is not None: if elt.getparent().tag == "{}xbrl": if not foundInstance: foundInstance = True pi = precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") if pi is None: break else: streamingAspects = dict(pi.attrib.copy()) if not elt.tag.startswith("{"): numRootFacts1 += 1 if numRootFacts1 % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming tree check", minTimeToShow=20.0) elif not foundInstance: break elif elt.tag == "{}xbrl" and precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") is not None: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:headerMisplaced", _("Header is misplaced: %(error)s, must follow xbrli:xbrl element"), modelObject=elt) elif event == "end": elt.clear() numElts += 1 if numElts % 1000 == 0 and elt.getparent() is not None: while elt.getprevious() is not None and elt.getparent() is not None: del elt.getparent()[0] if elt is not None: elt.clear(),io.SEEK_SET) # allow reparsing if not foundInstance or streamingAspects is None: del elt, parsercontext _file.close() return None modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming tree check"), time.time() - startedAt) startedAt = time.time() try: version = Decimal(streamingAspects.get("version")) if int(version) != 1: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:unsupportedVersion", _("Streaming version %(version)s, major version number must be 1"), modelObject=elt, version=version) foundErrors = True except (InvalidOperation, OverflowError): modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:versionError", _("Version %(version)s, number must be 1.n"), modelObject=elt, version=streamingAspects.get("version", "(none)")) foundErrors = True for bufAspect in ("contextBuffer", "unitBuffer", "footnoteBuffer"): try: bufLimit = Decimal(streamingAspects.get(bufAspect, "INF")) if bufLimit < 1 or (bufLimit.is_finite() and bufLimit % 1 != 0): raise InvalidOperation elif bufAspect == "contextBuffer": contextBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "unitBuffer": unitBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "footnoteBuffer": footnoteBufferLimit = bufLimit except InvalidOperation: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:valueError", _("Streaming %(attrib)s %(value)s, number must be a positive integer or INF"), modelObject=elt, attrib=bufAspect, value=streamingAspects.get(bufAspect)) foundErrors = True if parsercontext.error_log: foundErrors = True logSyntaxErrors(parsercontext) if foundErrors: _file.close() return None parsercontext = etree.iterparse(_file, events=("start","end"), huge_tree=True) _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser(modelXbrl,filepath) eltMdlObjs = {} beforeInstanceStream = True validator = None contextBuffer = [] unitBuffer = [] footnoteBuffer = [] factBuffer = [] numFacts = numRootFacts2 = 1 for event, elt in parsercontext: if event == "start": mdlObj = _parser.makeelement(elt.tag, attrib=elt.attrib, nsmap=elt.nsmap) mdlObj.sourceline = elt.sourceline eltMdlObjs[elt] = mdlObj if elt.getparent() is None: modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.INSTANCE, mappedUri, filepath, etree.ElementTree(mdlObj)) modelDocument.xmlRootElement = mdlObj modelXbrl.modelDocument = modelDocument # needed for incremental validation mdlObj.init(modelDocument)"streamingExtensions:streaming", _("Stream processing this instance."), modelObject = modelDocument) else: eltMdlObjs[elt.getparent()].append(mdlObj) mdlObj._init() ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName if (beforeInstanceStream and ( (ns == and ln not in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef")) or (ns == XbrlConst.xbrli and ln in ("context", "unit")) or (ns not in (, XbrlConst.xbrli)))): beforeInstanceStream = False if _streamingExtensionsValidate: validator = Validate(modelXbrl) validator.instValidator.validate(modelXbrl, modelXbrl.modelManager.formulaOptions.typedParameters()) else: # need default dimensions ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) mdlObj = None # deref elif event == "end": mdlObj = eltMdlObjs.pop(elt) if elt.text: # text available after child nodes processed mdlObj.text = elt.text ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName parentMdlObj = mdlObj.getparent() if ns == XbrlConst.xbrli: if ln == "context": if mdlObj.get("sticky"): del mdlObj.attrib["sticky"] modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) else: if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(contextBuffer) >= contextBufferLimit: # drop before adding as dropped may have same id as added cntx = contextBuffer.pop(0) dropContext(modelXbrl, cntx) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(cntx)] cntx = None modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) if contextBufferLimit.is_finite(): contextBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: contextsToCheck = (mdlObj,) validator.instValidator.checkContexts(contextsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: validator.instValidator.checkContextsDimensions(contextsToCheck) del contextsToCheck # dereference elif ln == "unit": if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(unitBuffer) >= unitBufferLimit: # drop before additing as dropped may have same id as added unit = unitBuffer.pop(0) dropUnit(modelXbrl, unit) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(unit)] unit = None modelDocument.unitDiscover(mdlObj) if unitBufferLimit.is_finite(): unitBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: validator.instValidator.checkUnits( (mdlObj,) ) elif ln == "xbrl": # end of document # check remaining footnote refs for footnoteLink in footnoteBuffer: checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) elt.clear() elif ns == if ln in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef"): modelDocument.discoverHref(mdlObj) elif ln in ("roleRef", "arcroleRef"): modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover((mdlObj,), inInstance=True) elif ln == "footnoteLink": footnoteLinks = (mdlObj,) modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover(footnoteLinks, inInstance=True) if footnoteBufferLimit.is_finite(): footnoteBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: validator.instValidator.checkLinks(footnoteLinks) if len(footnoteBuffer) > footnoteBufferLimit: # check that hrefObjects for locators were all satisfied # drop before addition as dropped may have same id as added footnoteLink = footnoteBuffer.pop(0) checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) dropFootnoteLink(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(footnoteLink)] footnoteLink = None footnoteLinks = None elt.clear() elif parentMdlObj.qname == XbrlConst.qnXbrliXbrl: numRootFacts2 += 1 modelDocument.factDiscover(mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: factsToCheck = (mdlObj,) validator.instValidator.checkFacts(factsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: validator.instValidator.checkFactsDimensions(factsToCheck) del factsToCheck dropFact(modelXbrl, mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(mdlObj)] if numRootFacts2 % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming fact {0} of {1} {2:.2f}%".format(numRootFacts2, numRootFacts1, 100.0 * numRootFacts2 / numRootFacts1), minTimeToShow=20.0) # get rid of root element from iterparse's tree elt.clear() while elt.getprevious() is not None: # cleans up any prior siblings del elt.getparent()[0] mdlObj = None # deref logSyntaxErrors(parsercontext) del parsercontext if validator is not None: validator.close() _file.close() modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming complete"), time.time() - startedAt) return modelDocument
def create(modelXbrl, type, uri, schemaRefs=None, isEntry=False): normalizedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl( uri, None) if isEntry: modelXbrl.uri = normalizedUri modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = normalizedUri modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) for i in range(modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem. maxSubmissionSubdirectoryEntryNesting): modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(modelXbrl.uriDir) filepath = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename(normalizedUri) # XML document has nsmap root element to replace nsmap as new xmlns entries are required if type == Type.INSTANCE: # modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) Xml = ('<nsmap>' '<xbrl xmlns=""' ' xmlns:link=""' ' xmlns:xlink="">') if schemaRefs: for schemaRef in schemaRefs: Xml += '<link:schemaRef xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="{0}"/>'.format( schemaRef.replace("\\", "/")) Xml += '</xbrl></nsmap>' elif type == Type.SCHEMA: Xml = ( '<nsmap><schema xmlns="" /></nsmap>' ) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: Xml = '<nsmap><rss version="2.0" /></nsmap>' elif type == Type.DTSENTRIES: Xml = None else: type = Type.UnknownXML Xml = '<nsmap/>' if Xml: import io file = io.StringIO(Xml) _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser( modelXbrl, filepath) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=_parser, base_url=filepath) file.close() else: xmlDocument = None if type == Type.RSSFEED: from arelle.ModelRssObject import ModelRssObject modelDocument = ModelRssObject(modelXbrl, type, uri, filepath, xmlDocument) else: modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, type, normalizedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) if Xml: modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.documentEncoding = "utf-8" rootNode = xmlDocument.getroot() rootNode.init(modelDocument) if xmlDocument: for semanticRoot in rootNode.iterchildren(): if isinstance(semanticRoot, ModelObject): modelDocument.xmlRootElement = semanticRoot break if type == Type.INSTANCE: modelDocument.instanceDiscover(modelDocument.xmlRootElement) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: modelDocument.rssFeedDiscover(modelDocument.xmlRootElement) elif type == Type.SCHEMA: modelDocument.targetNamespace = None modelDocument.isQualifiedElementFormDefault = False modelDocument.isQualifiedAttributeFormDefault = False modelDocument.definesUTR = False return modelDocument
def load(modelXbrl, uri, base=None, referringElement=None, isEntry=False, isDiscovered=False, isIncluded=None, namespace=None, reloadCache=False): if referringElement is None: # used for error messages referringElement = modelXbrl normalizedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl( uri, base) if isEntry: modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = normalizedUri # for error loggiong during loading modelXbrl.uri = normalizedUri modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(normalizedUri) for i in range(modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem. maxSubmissionSubdirectoryEntryNesting): modelXbrl.uriDir = os.path.dirname(modelXbrl.uriDir) if modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem and \ not normalizedUri.startswith(modelXbrl.uriDir) and \ not modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.hrefValid(normalizedUri): blocked = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.blockDisallowedReferences modelXbrl.error( ("EFM.6.22.02", "GFM.1.1.3", "SBR.NL." if normalizedUri.startswith("http") else "SBR.NL."), _("Prohibited file for filings %(blockedIndicator)s: %(url)s"), modelObject=referringElement, url=normalizedUri, blockedIndicator=_(" blocked") if blocked else "") if blocked: return None if normalizedUri in modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedFiles: mappedUri = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedFiles[ normalizedUri] else: # handle mapped paths mappedUri = normalizedUri for mapFrom, mapTo in modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.mappedPaths: if normalizedUri.startswith(mapFrom): mappedUri = mapTo + normalizedUri[len(mapFrom):] break if isEntry: modelXbrl.entryLoadingUrl = mappedUri # for error loggiong during loading if modelXbrl.fileSource.isInArchive(mappedUri): filepath = mappedUri else: filepath = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.getfilename( mappedUri, reload=reloadCache) if filepath: uri = modelXbrl.modelManager.cntlr.webCache.normalizeUrl(filepath) if filepath is None: # error such as HTTPerror is already logged modelXbrl.error("FileNotLoadable", _("File can not be loaded: %(fileName)s"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=mappedUri) return None modelDocument = modelXbrl.urlDocs.get(mappedUri) if modelDocument: return modelDocument # load XML and determine type of model document modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("parsing {0}").format(uri)) file = None try: if (modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem and modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem.validateFileText): file, _encoding = ValidateFilingText.checkfile(modelXbrl, filepath) else: file, _encoding = modelXbrl.fileSource.file(filepath) _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser( modelXbrl, filepath) xmlDocument = etree.parse(file, parser=_parser, base_url=filepath) file.close() except (EnvironmentError, KeyError) as err: # missing zip file raises KeyError if file: file.close() # retry in case of well known schema locations if not isIncluded and namespace and namespace in XbrlConst.standardNamespaceSchemaLocations and uri != XbrlConst.standardNamespaceSchemaLocations[ namespace]: return load(modelXbrl, XbrlConst.standardNamespaceSchemaLocations[namespace], base, referringElement, isEntry, isDiscovered, isIncluded, namespace, reloadCache) modelXbrl.error("IOerror", _("%(fileName)s: file error: %(error)s"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=os.path.basename(uri), error=str(err)) return None except ( etree.LxmlError, ValueError ) as err: # ValueError raised on bad format of qnames, xmlns'es, or parameters if file: file.close() if not isEntry and str( err) == "Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1": return ModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.UnknownNonXML, mappedUri, filepath, None) else: modelXbrl.error( "xmlSchema:syntax", _("%(error)s, %(fileName)s, %(sourceAction)s source element"), modelObject=referringElement, fileName=os.path.basename(uri), error=str(err), sourceAction=("including" if isIncluded else "importing")) return None # identify document #modelXbrl.modelManager.addToLog("discovery: {0}".format( # os.path.basename(uri))) modelXbrl.modelManager.showStatus(_("loading {0}").format(uri)) modelDocument = None rootNode = xmlDocument.getroot() if rootNode is not None: ln = rootNode.localName ns = rootNode.namespaceURI # type classification if ns == XbrlConst.xsd and ln == "schema": type = Type.SCHEMA elif ns == if ln == "linkbase": type = Type.LINKBASE elif ln == "xbrl": type = Type.INSTANCE elif ns == XbrlConst.xbrli: if ln == "xbrl": type = Type.INSTANCE elif ns == XbrlConst.xhtml and \ (ln == "html" or ln == "xhtml"): type = Type.UnknownXML if XbrlConst.ixbrl in rootNode.nsmap.values(): type = Type.INLINEXBRL elif ln == "report" and ns == XbrlConst.ver: type = Type.VERSIONINGREPORT elif ln == "testcases" or ln == "documentation": type = Type.TESTCASESINDEX elif ln == "testcase": type = Type.TESTCASE elif ln == "registry" and ns == XbrlConst.registry: type = Type.REGISTRY elif ln == "rss": type = Type.RSSFEED elif ln == "ptvl": type = Type.ARCSINFOSET elif ln == "facts": type = Type.FACTDIMSINFOSET else: type = Type.UnknownXML nestedInline = None for htmlElt in rootNode.iter( tag="{}html"): nestedInline = htmlElt break if nestedInline is None: for htmlElt in rootNode.iter( tag="{}xhtml"): nestedInline = htmlElt break if nestedInline is not None: if XbrlConst.ixbrl in nestedInline.nsmap.values(): type = Type.INLINEXBRL rootNode = nestedInline #create modelDocument object or subtype as identified if type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: from arelle.ModelVersReport import ModelVersReport modelDocument = ModelVersReport(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: from arelle.ModelRssObject import ModelRssObject modelDocument = ModelRssObject(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) else: modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, type, mappedUri, filepath, xmlDocument) rootNode.init(modelDocument) modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.xmlRootElement = rootNode modelDocument.schemaLocationElements.add(rootNode) modelDocument.documentEncoding = _encoding if isEntry or isDiscovered: modelDocument.inDTS = True # discovery (parsing) if type == Type.SCHEMA: modelDocument.schemaDiscover(rootNode, isIncluded, namespace) elif type == Type.LINKBASE: modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.INSTANCE: modelDocument.instanceDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.INLINEXBRL: modelDocument.inlineXbrlDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: modelDocument.versioningReportDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.TESTCASESINDEX: modelDocument.testcasesIndexDiscover(xmlDocument) elif type == Type.TESTCASE: modelDocument.testcaseDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.REGISTRY: modelDocument.registryDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.VERSIONINGREPORT: modelDocument.versioningReportDiscover(rootNode) elif type == Type.RSSFEED: modelDocument.rssFeedDiscover(rootNode) return modelDocument
def streamingExtensionsLoader(modelXbrl, mappedUri, filepath, **kwargs): # check if big instance and has header with an initial incomplete tree walk (just 2 elements if not _streamingExtensionsCheck: return None # track whether modelXbrl has been validated by this streaming extension modelXbrl._streamingExtensionValidated = False def logSyntaxErrors(parsercontext): for error in parsercontext.error_log: modelXbrl.error("xmlSchema:syntax", _("%(error)s, %(fileName)s, line %(line)s, column %(column)s, %(sourceAction)s source element"), modelObject=modelXbrl, fileName=os.path.basename(filepath), error=error.message, line=error.line, column=error.column, sourceAction="streaming") #### note: written for iterparse of lxml prior to version 3.3, otherwise rewrite to use XmlPullParser ### #### note: iterparse wants a binary file, but file is text mode _file, = modelXbrl.fileSource.file(filepath, binary=True) startedAt = time.time() modelXbrl.profileActivity() ''' this seems twice as slow as iterparse class instInfoTarget(): def __init__(self, element_factory=None, parser=None): self.newTree = True self.streamingAspects = None self.foundInstance = False self.creationSoftwareComment = '' self.currentEltTag = "(before xbrli:xbrl)" self.numRootFacts = 0 def start(self, tag, attrib, nsmap=None): if self.newTree: if tag == "{}xbrl": self.foundInstance = True self.newTree = False else: # break raise NotInstanceDocumentException() elif not tag.startswith("{"): self.numRootFacts += 1 if self.numRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming tree check", minTimeToShow=20.0) self.currentEltTag = tag def end(self, tag): pass def data(self, data): pass def comment(self, text): if not self.foundInstance: # accumulate comments before xbrli:xbrl self.creationSoftwareComment += ('\n' if self.creationSoftwareComment else '') + text elif not self.creationSoftwareComment: self.creationSoftwareComment = text # or first comment after xbrli:xbrl def pi(self, target, data): if target == "xbrl-streamable-instance": if self.currentEltTag == "{}xbrl": self.streamingAspects = dict(etree.PI(target,data).attrib.copy()) # dereference target results else: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:headerMisplaced", _("Header is misplaced: %(target)s, must follow xbrli:xbrl element but was found at %(element)s"), modelObject=modelXbrl, target=target, element=self.currentEltTag) def close(self): if not self.creationSoftwareComment: self.creationSoftwareComment = None return True instInfo = instInfoTarget() infoParser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True, huge_tree=True, target=instInfo) try: etree.parse(_file, parser=infoParser, base_url=filepath) except NotInstanceDocumentException: pass ''' foundErrors = False foundInstance = False streamingAspects = None creationSoftwareComment = None instInfoNumRootFacts = 0 numElts = 0 elt = None instInfoContext = etree.iterparse(_file, events=("start","end"), huge_tree=True) for event, elt in instInfoContext: if event == "start": if elt.getparent() is not None: if elt.getparent().tag == "{}xbrl": if not foundInstance: foundInstance = True pi = precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") if pi is None: break else: streamingAspects = dict(pi.attrib.copy()) if creationSoftwareComment is None: creationSoftwareComment = precedingComment(elt) if not elt.tag.startswith("{"): instInfoNumRootFacts += 1 if instInfoNumRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming tree check", minTimeToShow=20.0) elif not foundInstance: break elif elt.tag == "{}xbrl": creationSoftwareComment = precedingComment(elt) if precedingProcessingInstruction(elt, "xbrl-streamable-instance") is not None: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:headerMisplaced", _("Header is misplaced: %(error)s, must follow xbrli:xbrl element"), modelObject=elt) elif event == "end": elt.clear() numElts += 1 if numElts % 1000 == 0 and elt.getparent() is not None: while elt.getprevious() is not None and elt.getparent() is not None: del elt.getparent()[0] if elt is not None: elt.clear(),io.SEEK_SET) # allow reparsing if not foundInstance or streamingAspects is None: del elt _file.close() return None modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming tree check"), time.time() - startedAt) startedAt = time.time() try: version = Decimal(streamingAspects.get("version")) if int(version) != 1: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:unsupportedVersion", _("Streaming version %(version)s, major version number must be 1"), modelObject=elt, version=version) foundErrors = True except (InvalidOperation, OverflowError): modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:versionError", _("Version %(version)s, number must be 1.n"), modelObject=elt, version=streamingAspects.get("version", "(none)")) foundErrors = True for bufAspect in ("contextBuffer", "unitBuffer", "footnoteBuffer"): try: bufLimit = Decimal(streamingAspects.get(bufAspect, "INF")) if bufLimit < 1 or (bufLimit.is_finite() and bufLimit % 1 != 0): raise InvalidOperation elif bufAspect == "contextBuffer": contextBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "unitBuffer": unitBufferLimit = bufLimit elif bufAspect == "footnoteBuffer": footnoteBufferLimit = bufLimit except InvalidOperation: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:valueError", _("Streaming %(attrib)s %(value)s, number must be a positive integer or INF"), modelObject=elt, attrib=bufAspect, value=streamingAspects.get(bufAspect)) foundErrors = True if _streamingExtensionsValidate: incompatibleValidations = [] _validateDisclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.validateDisclosureSystem _disclosureSystem = modelXbrl.modelManager.disclosureSystem if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.EFM: incompatibleValidations.append("EFM") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.GFM: incompatibleValidations.append("GFM") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.EBA: incompatibleValidations.append("EBA") if _validateDisclosureSystem and _disclosureSystem.HMRC: incompatibleValidations.append("EBA") if modelXbrl.modelManager.validateCalcLB: incompatibleValidations.append("calculation LB") if incompatibleValidations: modelXbrl.error("streamingExtensions:incompatibleValidation", _("Streaming instance validation does not support %(incompatibleValidations)s validation"), modelObject=modelXbrl, incompatibleValidations=', '.join(incompatibleValidations)) foundErrors = True if instInfoContext.error_log: foundErrors = True logSyntaxErrors(instInfoContext) del instInfoContext # dereference if foundErrors: _file.close() return None _encoding = XmlUtil.encoding(,io.SEEK_SET) # allow reparsing if _streamingExtensionsValidate: validator = Validate(modelXbrl) instValidator = validator.instValidator eltMdlObjs = {} contextBuffer = [] unitBuffer = [] footnoteBuffer = [] factBuffer = [] numFacts = 1 class modelLoaderTarget(): def __init__(self, element_factory=None, parser=None): self.newTree = True self.currentMdlObj = None self.beforeInstanceStream = True self.numRootFacts = 1 def start(self, tag, attrib, nsmap=None): mdlObj = _parser.makeelement(tag, attrib=attrib, nsmap=nsmap) mdlObj.sourceline = 1 if self.newTree: self.newTree = False self.currentMdlObj = mdlObj modelDocument = ModelDocument(modelXbrl, Type.INSTANCE, mappedUri, filepath, mdlObj.getroottree()) modelXbrl.modelDocument = modelDocument # needed for incremental validation mdlObj.init(modelDocument) modelDocument.parser = _parser # needed for XmlUtil addChild's makeelement modelDocument.parserLookupName = _parserLookupName modelDocument.parserLookupClass = _parserLookupClass modelDocument.xmlRootElement = mdlObj modelDocument.schemaLocationElements.add(mdlObj) modelDocument.documentEncoding = _encoding modelDocument._creationSoftwareComment = creationSoftwareComment"streamingExtensions:streaming", _("Stream processing this instance."), modelObject = modelDocument) else: self.currentMdlObj.append(mdlObj) self.currentMdlObj = mdlObj mdlObj._init() ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName if (self.beforeInstanceStream and ( (ns == and ln not in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef")) or (ns == XbrlConst.xbrli and ln in ("context", "unit")) or (ns not in (, XbrlConst.xbrli)))): self.beforeInstanceStream = False if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.validate(modelXbrl, modelXbrl.modelManager.formulaOptions.typedParameters()) else: # need default dimensions ValidateXbrlDimensions.loadDimensionDefaults(modelXbrl) return mdlObj def end(self, tag): modelDocument = modelXbrl.modelDocument mdlObj = self.currentMdlObj parentMdlObj = mdlObj.getparent() self.currentMdlObj = parentMdlObj ns = mdlObj.namespaceURI ln = mdlObj.localName if ns == XbrlConst.xbrli: if ln == "context": if mdlObj.get("sticky"): del mdlObj.attrib["sticky"] XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) else: if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(contextBuffer) >= contextBufferLimit: # drop before adding as dropped may have same id as added cntx = contextBuffer.pop(0) dropContext(modelXbrl, cntx) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(cntx)] cntx = None XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.contextDiscover(mdlObj) if contextBufferLimit.is_finite(): contextBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: contextsToCheck = (mdlObj,) instValidator.checkContexts(contextsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: instValidator.checkContextsDimensions(contextsToCheck) del contextsToCheck # dereference elif ln == "unit": if _streamingExtensionsValidate and len(unitBuffer) >= unitBufferLimit: # drop before additing as dropped may have same id as added unit = unitBuffer.pop(0) dropUnit(modelXbrl, unit) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(unit)] unit = None XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.unitDiscover(mdlObj) if unitBufferLimit.is_finite(): unitBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.checkUnits( (mdlObj,) ) elif ln == "xbrl": # end of document # check remaining footnote refs for footnoteLink in footnoteBuffer: checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) elif ns == if ln == "footnoteLink": XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) footnoteLinks = (mdlObj,) modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover(footnoteLinks, inInstance=True) if footnoteBufferLimit.is_finite(): footnoteBuffer.append(mdlObj) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: instValidator.checkLinks(footnoteLinks) if len(footnoteBuffer) > footnoteBufferLimit: # check that hrefObjects for locators were all satisfied # drop before addition as dropped may have same id as added footnoteLink = footnoteBuffer.pop(0) checkFootnoteHrefs(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) dropFootnoteLink(modelXbrl, footnoteLink) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(footnoteLink)] footnoteLink = None footnoteLinks = None elif ln in ("schemaRef", "linkbaseRef"): modelDocument.discoverHref(mdlObj) elif not modelXbrl.skipDTS: if ln in ("roleRef", "arcroleRef"): modelDocument.linkbaseDiscover((mdlObj,), inInstance=True) elif parentMdlObj.qname == XbrlConst.qnXbrliXbrl: self.numRootFacts += 1 XmlValidate.validate(modelXbrl, mdlObj) modelDocument.factDiscover(mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) if _streamingExtensionsValidate: factsToCheck = (mdlObj,) instValidator.checkFacts(factsToCheck) if modelXbrl.hasXDT: instValidator.checkFactsDimensions(factsToCheck) del factsToCheck dropFact(modelXbrl, mdlObj, modelXbrl.facts) del parentMdlObj[parentMdlObj.index(mdlObj)] if self.numRootFacts % 1000 == 0: modelXbrl.profileActivity("... streaming fact {0} of {1} {2:.2f}%".format(self.numRootFacts, instInfoNumRootFacts, 100.0 * self.numRootFacts / instInfoNumRootFacts), minTimeToShow=20.0) return mdlObj def data(self, data): self.currentMdlObj.text = data def comment(self, text): pass def pi(self, target, data): pass def close(self): return None _parser, _parserLookupName, _parserLookupClass = parser(modelXbrl, filepath, target=modelLoaderTarget()) etree.parse(_file, parser=_parser, base_url=filepath) logSyntaxErrors(_parser) _file.close() if _streamingExtensionsValidate and validator is not None: del instValidator validator.close() # track that modelXbrl has been validated by this streaming extension modelXbrl._streamingExtensionValidated = True modelXbrl.profileStat(_("streaming complete"), time.time() - startedAt) return modelXbrl.modelDocument