コード例 #1
def test_get_pc_inside_box():
        test get_pc_inside_box(pc_raw,bbox) *bbox format is [p0,p1,p2,h]

                    - -------- -
                   /|         /|
                  - -------- - . h
                  | |        | |
                  . p2 --------
                  |/         |/
                 p0 -------- p1

        :test lidar data:
        x    y    z  intensity  laser_number
        0  0.0  0.0  5.0        4.0          31.0
        1  1.0  0.0  5.0        1.0          14.0
        2  2.0  0.0  5.0        0.0          16.0
        3  3.0  0.0  5.0       20.0          30.0
        4  4.0  0.0  5.0        3.0          29.0
        5  5.0  0.0  5.0        1.0          11.0
        6  6.0  0.0  5.0       31.0          13.0
        7  7.0  0.0  5.0        2.0          28.0
        8  8.0  0.0  5.0        5.0          27.0
        9  9.0  0.0  5.0        6.0          10.0
    bbox = np.array([np.array([[0], [0], [0]]), np.array([[2], [0], [0]]), np.array([[0], [5], [0]]), np.array(10)])

    pc = ply_loader.load_ply(TEST_DATA_LOC / "1/lidar/PC_0.ply")

    pc_inside = eval_utils.get_pc_inside_bbox(pc, bbox)

    assert len(pc_inside) == 3
コード例 #2
def eval_tracks(
    path_tracker_output: str,
    path_dataset: _PathLike,
    d_min: float,
    d_max: float,
    out_file: TextIO,
    centroid_method: str,
) -> None:
    """Evaluate tracking output.

        path_tracker_output: path to tracker output
        path_dataset: path to dataset
        d_min: minimum distance range
        d_max: maximum distance range
        out_file: output file object
        centroid_method: method for ground truth centroid estimation
    acc = mm.MOTAccumulator(auto_id=True)

    path_track_data = sorted(glob.glob(os.fspath(path_tracker_output) + "/*"))

    log_id = pathlib.Path(path_dataset).name
    logger.info("log_id = %s", log_id)

    city_info_fpath = f"{path_dataset}/city_info.json"
    city_info = read_json_file(city_info_fpath)
    city_name = city_info["city_name"]
    logger.info("city name = %s", city_name)

    ID_gt_all: List[str] = []

    for ind_frame in range(len(path_track_data)):
        if ind_frame % 50 == 0:
            logger.info("%d/%d" % (ind_frame, len(path_track_data)))

        timestamp_lidar = int(path_track_data[ind_frame].split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].split(".")[0])
        path_gt = os.path.join(
            path_dataset, "per_sweep_annotations_amodal", f"tracked_object_labels_{timestamp_lidar}.json"

        if not os.path.exists(path_gt):
            logger.warning("Missing ", path_gt)

        gt_data = read_json_file(path_gt)

        pose_data = read_json_file(f"{path_dataset}/poses/city_SE3_egovehicle_{timestamp_lidar}.json")
        rotation = np.array(pose_data["rotation"])
        translation = np.array(pose_data["translation"])
        ego_R = quat2rotmat(rotation)
        ego_t = translation
        egovehicle_to_city_se3 = SE3(rotation=ego_R, translation=ego_t)

        pc_raw0 = load_ply(os.path.join(path_dataset, f"lidar/PC_{timestamp_lidar}.ply"))
        pc_raw_roi = leave_only_roi_region(
            pc_raw0, egovehicle_to_city_se3, ground_removal_method="no", city_name=city_name

        gt: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
        id_gts = []
        for i in range(len(gt_data)):

            if gt_data[i]["label_class"] != "VEHICLE":

            bbox, orientation = label_to_bbox(gt_data[i])
            pc_segment = get_pc_inside_bbox(pc_raw_roi, bbox)

            center = np.array([gt_data[i]["center"]["x"], gt_data[i]["center"]["y"], gt_data[i]["center"]["z"]])
            if (
                len(pc_segment) >= min_point_num
                and bbox[3] > 0
                and in_distance_range_pose(np.zeros(3), center, d_min, d_max)
                track_label_uuid = gt_data[i]["track_label_uuid"]
                gt[track_label_uuid] = {}
                if centroid_method == "average":
                    gt[track_label_uuid]["centroid"] = pc_segment.sum(axis=0) / len(pc_segment)
                elif centroid_method == "label_center":
                    gt[track_label_uuid]["centroid"] = center

                    logger.warning("Not implemented")

                gt[track_label_uuid]["bbox"] = bbox
                gt[track_label_uuid]["orientation"] = orientation

                if track_label_uuid not in ID_gt_all:


        tracks: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
        id_tracks: List[str] = []

        track_data = read_json_file(path_track_data[ind_frame])

        for track in track_data:
            key = track["track_label_uuid"]

            if track["label_class"] != "VEHICLE" or track["height"] == 0:

            center = np.array([track["center"]["x"], track["center"]["y"], track["center"]["z"]])

            if in_distance_range_pose(np.zeros(3), center, d_min, d_max):
                tracks[key] = {}
                tracks[key]["centroid"] = center


        dists: List[List[float]] = []
        for gt_key, gt_value in gt.items():
            gt_track_data: List[float] = []
            for track_key, track_value in tracks.items():
                gt_track_data.append(get_distance(gt_value, track_value, "centroid"))

        acc.update(id_gts, id_tracks, dists)

    mh = mm.metrics.create()
    summary = mh.compute(
    logger.info("summary = %s", summary)
    num_tracks = len(ID_gt_all)

    fn = os.path.basename(path_tracker_output)
    num_frames = summary["num_frames"][0]
    mota = summary["mota"][0] * 100
    motp = summary["motp"][0]
    idf1 = summary["idf1"][0]
    most_track = summary["mostly_tracked"][0] / num_tracks
    most_lost = summary["mostly_lost"][0] / num_tracks
    num_fp = summary["num_false_positives"][0]
    num_miss = summary["num_misses"][0]
    num_switch = summary["num_switches"][0]
    num_flag = summary["num_fragmentations"][0]

    out_string = (
        f"{fn} {num_frames} {mota:.2f} {motp:.2f} {idf1:.2f} {most_track:.2f} "
        f"{most_lost:.2f} {num_fp} {num_miss} {num_switch} {num_flag} \n"