def createNewWallet(wlt, rootEntry, newWalletFilePath, withEncrypt, kdfParam=None): """ This method will create a new wallet, using as much customizability as you want. You can enable encryption, and set the target params of the key-derivation function (compute-time and max memory usage). The KDF parameters will be experimentally determined to be as hard as possible for your computer within the specified time target (default, 0.25s). It will aim for maximizing memory usage and using only 1 or 2 iterations of it, but this can be changed by scaling down the kdfMaxMem parameter (default 32 MB). If you use encryption, don't forget to supply a 32-byte passphrase, created via SecureBinaryData(pythonStr). This method will apply the passphrase so that the wallet is "born" encrypted. The field plainRootKey could be used to recover a written backup of a wallet, since all addresses are deterministically computed from the root address. This obviously won't reocver any imported keys, but does mean that you can recover your ENTIRE WALLET from only those 32 plaintext bytes AND the 32-byte chaincode. We skip the atomic file operations since we don't even have a wallet file yet to safely update. DO NOT CALL THIS FROM BDM METHOD. IT MAY DEADLOCK. """ # Create the root address object rootAddr = rootEntry # Update wallet object with the new data # NEW IN WALLET VERSION 1.35: unique ID is now based on # the first chained address: this guarantees that the unique ID # is based not only on the private key, BUT ALSO THE CHAIN CODE wlt.useEncryption = withEncrypt wlt.addrMap['ROOT'] = rootAddr wlt.uniqueIDBin = (ADDRBYTE + str(random.getrandbits(48))[:5])[::-1] wlt.uniqueIDB58 = binary_to_base58(wlt.uniqueIDBin) wlt.labelName = '' wlt.labelDescr = '' wlt.lastComputedChainAddr160 = rootAddr wlt.lastComputedChainIndex = 0 wlt.highestUsedChainIndex = 0 wlt.wltCreateDate = long(RightNow()) wlt.kdf = kdfParam # We don't have to worry about atomic file operations when # creating the wallet: so we just do it naively here. wlt.walletPath = newWalletFilePath newfile = open(newWalletFilePath, 'wb') fileData = BinaryPacker() # packHeader method writes KDF params and root address headerBytes = wlt.packHeader(fileData) newfile.write(fileData.getBinaryString()) newfile.close()
def spawnDB(self, dataDir, dbDir): pargs = [self.dbExecutable] pargs.append('--db-type="' + ARMORY_DB_TYPE + '"') if USE_TESTNET: pargs.append('--testnet') if USE_REGTEST: pargs.append('--regtest'); blocksdir = os.path.join(self.satoshiHome, 'blocks') if not os.path.exists(blocksdir): raise self.BadPath, "Invalid blockdata path" randBase58 = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32).toBinStr() spawnId = binary_to_base58(randBase58) pargs.append('--spawnId="' + spawnId + '"') pargs.append('--satoshi-datadir="' + blocksdir + '"') pargs.append('--datadir="' + dataDir + '"') pargs.append('--dbdir="' + dbDir + '"') if CLI_OPTIONS.rebuild: pargs.append('--rebuild') elif CLI_OPTIONS.rescan: pargs.append('--rescan') elif CLI_OPTIONS.rescanBalance: pargs.append('--rescanSSH') if ARMORY_RAM_USAGE != -1: pargs.append('--ram-usage=' + ARMORY_RAM_USAGE) if ARMORY_THREAD_COUNT != -1: pargs.append('--thread-count=' + ARMORY_THREAD_COUNT) kargs = {} if OS_WINDOWS: #import win32process kargs['shell'] = True #kargs['creationflags'] = win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW launchProcess(pargs, **kargs) return spawnId
def readBitcoinConf(self, makeIfDNE=False): LOGINFO('Reading groestlcoin.conf file') bitconf = os.path.join(self.satoshiRoot, 'groestlcoin.conf') if not os.path.exists(bitconf): if not makeIfDNE: raise self.BitcoinDotConfError, 'Could not find groestlcoin.conf' else: LOGINFO('No groestlcoin.conf available. Creating it...') touchFile(bitconf) # Guarantee that bitcoin.conf file has very strict permissions if OS_WINDOWS: if OS_VARIANT[0].lower() == 'xp': LOGERROR('Cannot set permissions correctly in XP!') LOGERROR('Please confirm permissions on the following file ') LOGERROR('are set to exclusive access only for your user ') LOGERROR( '(it usually is, but Groestlcoin Armory cannot guarantee it ' ) LOGERROR('on XP systems):') LOGERROR(' %s', bitconf) else: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on groestlcoin.conf') import ctypes username_u16 = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(u'\0', 512) str_length = ctypes.c_int(512) ctypes.windll.Advapi32.GetUserNameW(ctypes.byref(username_u16), ctypes.byref(str_length)) CLI_OPTIONS.disableConfPermis = True #!!!GRS if not CLI_OPTIONS.disableConfPermis: import win32process LOGINFO('Setting permissions on groestlcoin.conf') cmd_icacls = [ u'icacls', bitconf, u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'%s:F' % username_u16.value ] kargs = {} kargs['shell'] = True kargs['creationflags'] = win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW icacls_out = subprocess_check_output(cmd_icacls, **kargs) LOGINFO('icacls returned: %s', icacls_out) else: LOGWARN( 'Skipped setting permissions on groestlcoin.conf file') else: if not CLI_OPTIONS.disableConfPermis: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on groestlcoin.conf') os.chmod(bitconf, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) else: LOGWARN('Skipped setting permissions on groestlcoin.conf file') with open(bitconf, 'r') as f: # Find the last character of the each line: either a newline or '#' endchr = lambda line: line.find('#') if line.find( '#') > 1 else len(line) # Reduce each line to a list of key,value pairs separated with '=' allconf = [l[:endchr(l)].strip().split('=') for l in f.readlines()] # Need to convert to (x[0],x[1:]) in case the password has '=' in it allconfPairs = [[x[0], '='.join(x[1:])] for x in allconf if len(x) > 1] # Convert the list of pairs to a dictionary self.bitconf = dict(allconfPairs) # Look for rpcport, use default if not there self.bitconf['rpcport'] = int( self.bitconf.get('rpcport', BITCOIN_RPC_PORT)) # We must have a username and password. If not, append to file if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcuser'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcuser: creating one') with open(bitconf, 'a') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('rpcuser=generated_by_armory\n') self.bitconf['rpcuser'] = '******' if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcpassword'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcpassword: creating one') with open(bitconf, 'a') as f: randBase58 = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32).toBinStr() randBase58 = binary_to_base58(randBase58) f.write('\n') f.write('rpcpassword=%s' % randBase58) self.bitconf['rpcpassword'] = randBase58 if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcuser']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcuser)!') if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcpassword']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcpassword)!') self.bitconf['host'] = ''
def readBitcoinConf(self, makeIfDNE=False): LOGINFO('Reading bitcoin.conf file') bitconf = os.path.join(self.satoshiRoot, 'bitcoin.conf') if not os.path.exists(bitconf): if not makeIfDNE: raise self.BitcoinDotConfError, 'Could not find bitcoin.conf' else: LOGINFO('No bitcoin.conf available. Creating it...') touchFile(bitconf) # Guarantee that bitcoin.conf file has very strict permissions if OS_WINDOWS: if OS_VARIANT[0].lower()=='xp': LOGERROR('Cannot set permissions correctly in XP!') LOGERROR('Please confirm permissions on the following file ') LOGERROR('are set to exclusive access only for your user ') LOGERROR('(it usually is, but Armory cannot guarantee it ') LOGERROR('on XP systems):') LOGERROR(' %s', bitconf) else: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') import ctypes username_u16 = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(u'\0', 512) str_length = ctypes.c_int(512) ctypes.windll.Advapi32.GetUserNameW(ctypes.byref(username_u16), ctypes.byref(str_length)) if not CLI_OPTIONS.disableConfPermis: import win32process LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') cmd_icacls = [u'icacls',bitconf,u'/inheritance:r',u'/grant:r', u'%s:F' % username_u16.value] kargs = {} kargs['shell'] = True kargs['creationflags'] = win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW icacls_out = subprocess_check_output(cmd_icacls, **kargs) LOGINFO('icacls returned: %s', icacls_out) else: LOGWARN('Skipped setting permissions on bitcoin.conf file') else: if not CLI_OPTIONS.disableConfPermis: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') os.chmod(bitconf, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) else: LOGWARN('Skipped setting permissions on bitcoin.conf file') with open(bitconf,'r') as f: # Find the last character of the each line: either a newline or '#' endchr = lambda line: line.find('#') if line.find('#')>1 else len(line) # Reduce each line to a list of key,value pairs separated with '=' allconf = [l[:endchr(l)].strip().split('=') for l in f.readlines()] # Need to convert to (x[0],x[1:]) in case the password has '=' in it allconfPairs = [[x[0], '='.join(x[1:])] for x in allconf if len(x)>1] # Convert the list of pairs to a dictionary self.bitconf = dict(allconfPairs) # Look for rpcport, use default if not there self.bitconf['rpcport'] = int(self.bitconf.get('rpcport', BITCOIN_RPC_PORT)) # We must have a username and password. If not, append to file if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcuser'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcuser: creating one') with open(bitconf,'a') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('rpcuser=generated_by_armory\n') self.bitconf['rpcuser'] = '******' if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcpassword'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcpassword: creating one') with open(bitconf,'a') as f: randBase58 = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32).toBinStr() randBase58 = binary_to_base58(randBase58) f.write('\n') f.write('rpcpassword=%s' % randBase58) self.bitconf['rpcpassword'] = randBase58 if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcuser']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcuser)!') if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcpassword']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcpassword)!') self.bitconf['host'] = ''
def readBitcoinConf(self, makeIfDNE=False): LOGINFO('Reading bitcoin.conf file') bitconf = os.path.join( self.satoshiHome, 'bitcoin.conf' ) if not os.path.exists(bitconf): if not makeIfDNE: raise self.BitcoinDotConfError, 'Could not find bitcoin.conf' else: LOGINFO('No bitcoin.conf available. Creating it...') touchFile(bitconf) # Guarantee that bitcoin.conf file has very strict permissions if OS_WINDOWS: if OS_VARIANT[0].lower()=='xp': LOGERROR('Cannot set permissions correctly in XP!') LOGERROR('Please confirm permissions on the following file ') LOGERROR('are set to exclusive access only for your user ') LOGERROR('(it usually is, but Armory cannot guarantee it ') LOGERROR('on XP systems):') LOGERROR(' %s', bitconf) else: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') import win32api username = win32api.GetUserName() LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') cmd_icacls = ['icacls',bitconf,'/inheritance:r','/grant:r', '%s:F' % username] icacls_out = subprocess_check_output(cmd_icacls, shell=True) LOGINFO('icacls returned: %s', icacls_out) else: LOGINFO('Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf') os.chmod(bitconf, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) with open(bitconf,'r') as f: # Find the last character of the each line: either a newline or '#' endchr = lambda line: line.find('#') if line.find('#')>1 else len(line) # Reduce each line to a list of key,value pairs separated with '=' allconf = [l[:endchr(l)].strip().split('=') for l in f.readlines()] # Need to convert to (x[0],x[1:]) in case the password has '=' in it allconfPairs = [[x[0], '='.join(x[1:])] for x in allconf if len(x)>1] # Convert the list of pairs to a dictionary self.bitconf = dict(allconfPairs) # Look for rpcport, use default if not there self.bitconf['rpcport'] = int(self.bitconf.get('rpcport', BITCOIN_RPC_PORT)) # We must have a username and password. If not, append to file if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcuser'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcuser: creating one') with open(bitconf,'a') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('rpcuser=generated_by_armory\n') self.bitconf['rpcuser'] = '******' if not self.bitconf.has_key('rpcpassword'): LOGDEBUG('No rpcpassword: creating one') with open(bitconf,'a') as f: randBase58 = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32).toBinStr() randBase58 = binary_to_base58(randBase58) f.write('\n') f.write('rpcpassword=%s' % randBase58) self.bitconf['rpcpassword'] = randBase58 if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcuser']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcuser)!') if not isASCII(self.bitconf['rpcpassword']): LOGERROR('Non-ASCII character in bitcoin.conf (rpcpassword)!') self.bitconf['host'] = ''