コード例 #1
    def __init__( self, numRows, numCols ) :
        # Create a 1-D array to store an array reference for each row.
        self._theRows = Array( numRows )

        # Create the 1-D arrays for each row of the 2-D array.
        for i in range( numRows ) :
            self._theRows[i] = Array( numCols )
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, rows, cols):
        self._rows = rows
        self._cols = cols

        # Store the rows.
        self._theRows = Array(self._rows)
        # Store the columns.
        self._theCols = Array(self._cols)
コード例 #3
def radixSort(intList, numDigits):
    # Create an array of queues to represent the bins.
    binArray = Array(10)
    for k in range(10):
        binArray[k] = Queue()

    # The value of the current column.
    column = 1  # Ones, tens, hundreds...

    # Iterate over the number of digits in the largest value.
    for d in range(numDigits):
        # Distribute the keys across the 10 bins.
        for key in intList:
            digit = (key // column) % 10

        # Gather the keys from the bins and place them back in intList.
        i = 0
        for bin in binArray:
            while not bin.isEmpty():
                intList[i] = bin.dequeue()
                i += 1

        # Advance to the next column value.
        column *= 10
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, numAgents, numMinutes, betweenTime, serviceTime):
        # Parameters supplied by the user.
        self._arrivalProb = 1.0 / betweenTime
        self._serviceTime = serviceTime
        self._numMinutes = numMinutes

        # Simulation components.
        self._passengerQ = Queue()
        self._theAgents = Array(numAgents)

        for i in range(numAgents):
            self._theAgents[i] = TicketAgent(i + i)

        # Computed during the simulation.
        self._totalWaitTime = 0
        self._numPassengers = 0
コード例 #5
    def _rehash( self ) :
        # Create a new larger table.
        origTable = self._hashTable
        newSize = len( self._hashTable ) * 2 + 1
        self._hashTable = Array( newSize )

        # Modify the size attributes.
        self._count = 0
        self._loadFactor = newSize - newSize // 3

        # Add the keys from the original array to the new table.
        for entry in origTable :
            if entry is not HashMap.UNUSED and entry is not HashMap.EMPTY :
                slot = self._findSlot( entry.key, True )
                self._hashTable[ slot ] = entry
                self._count += 1
コード例 #6
    def append(self, item):
        # If the array is out of capacity, Create a new array, add the items in the old array
        # to the new one, add the "item" to the end of the new array and destroy the old array.

        # If the array is full,
        if len(self) >= self._theArrayCapacity:
            # Create a new one,
            newArray = Array(self._theArrayCapacity * 2)
            # Add the items in the old array to the new one.
            for element in range(len(self._theArray)):
                newArray[element] = self._theArray[element]

            # Destroy the old array.
            self._theArray = newArray
            # Update the array capacity.
            self._theArrayCapacity = len(self._theArray)

            # Then add the item to the end of the vector.
            self._theArray[len(self)] = item

        # If there is still space in the array, just add the item.
            self._theArray[len(self)] = item
コード例 #7
 def __init__( self, root, size ) :
     # Creates the array and fills it with the keys.
     self._theKeys = Array( size )
     self._curItem = 0  # Keep track of the current location in the array.
     self._bstTraversal( root )
     self._curItem = 0  # Reset the current item index.
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, maxSize):
     self._elements = Array(maxSize)
     self._count = 0
コード例 #9
def mergeSort(theSeq):
    n = len(theSeq)
    # Create a temporary array for use when merging subsequences.
    tmpArray = Array(n)
    # Call the private recursive merge sort function.
    return recMergeSort(theSeq, 0, n - 1, tmpArray)
コード例 #10
 def __init__( self ) :
     self._hashTable = Array( 7 )
     self._count = 0
     self._loadFactor = len( self._hashTable ) - len( self._hashTable ) // 3
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, size=2):

        self._theArray = Array(size * 2)

        self._theArrayCapacity = len(self._theArray)
コード例 #12
    def __init__( self, numLevels ) :
        self._qSize = 0
        self._qLevels = Array( numLevels )

        for i in range( numLevels ) :
            self._qLevels[i] = Queue()
コード例 #13
# The following simple program illustrates the creation and use of an array object
# based on the Array ADT.

# Fill a 1-D array with random values then print each value, one per line.

from arrayADT import Array
import random

# The constructor is called to create the array.
valueList = Array(100)

# Fill the array with random floating-point values.
for i in range(len(valueList)):
    valueList[i] = random.random()

# Print the values one per line.
for value in valueList:
コード例 #14
 def __init__( self, maxSize ) :
     self._theArray = Array( maxSize )
     self._front = 0
     self._back = maxSize - 1
     self._count = 0