コード例 #1
ファイル: timestep_df_dt.py プロジェクト: brryan/Bolt
def fvm_timestep_RK2(self, dt):

    f_initial = self.f
    self.f = self.f + df_dt_fvm(self.f, self, True) * (dt / 2)


    if (self.physical_system.params.charge_electron != 0
            and self.physical_system.params.fields_solver == 'fdtd'):

        # Will return a flattened array containing the values of
        # J1,2,3 in 2D space:
        self.J1 =   self.physical_system.params.charge_electron \
                  * self.compute_moments('mom_p1_bulk')  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
        self.J2 =   self.physical_system.params.charge_electron \
                  * self.compute_moments('mom_p2_bulk')  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
        self.J3 =   self.physical_system.params.charge_electron \
                  * self.compute_moments('mom_p3_bulk')  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

        # Obtaining the values for current density on the Yee-Grid:
        self.J1 = 0.5 * (self.J1 + af.shift(self.J1, 0, 0, 1))  # (i + 1/2, j)
        self.J2 = 0.5 * (self.J2 + af.shift(self.J2, 0, 1, 0))  # (i, j + 1/2)

        self.J3 = 0.25 * (
            self.J3 + af.shift(self.J3, 0, 1, 0) +
            +af.shift(self.J3, 0, 0, 1) + af.shift(self.J3, 0, 1, 1))  # (i, j)

        # Here:
        # cell_centered_EM_fields[:3] is at n
        # cell_centered_EM_fields[3:] is at n+1/2
        # cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n_plus_half[3:] is at n-1/2

        self.cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n[:3] = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[:
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n[3:] = \
            0.5 * (  self.cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n_plus_half[3:]
                   + self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3:]

            3:] = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3:]

        fdtd(self, dt)

        # Here
        # cell_centered_EM_fields[:3] is at n+1
        # cell_centered_EM_fields[3:] is at n+3/2

        self.cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n_plus_half[:3] = \
            0.5 * (  self.cell_centered_EM_fields_at_n_plus_half[:3]
                   + self.cell_centered_EM_fields[:3]

    self.f = f_initial + df_dt_fvm(self.f, self, False) * dt

コード例 #2
def fdtd_evolve_B(self, dt):
    Evolves magnetic fields from B^{n + 1/2} --> B^{n + 3/2}

    dt : double
         Time-step size to evolve the system
    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    dq1 = self.dq1
    dq2 = self.dq2

    E1 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0]  # (i, j + 1/2)
    E2 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1]  # (i + 1/2, j)
    E3 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2]  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

    E1_minus_q2 = af.shift(E1, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    E2_minus_q1 = af.shift(E2, 0, 0, 1, 0)

    E3_minus_q1 = af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    E3_minus_q2 = af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    # dB/dt = -(∇ x E)

    # dB1/dt = - dE3/dq2
    # dB2/dt = + dE3/dq1
    # dB3/dt = - (dE2/dq1 - dE1/dq2)

    # curlE_x =  dE3/dq2
    curlE_1 = (E3 - E3_minus_q2) / dq2  # (i + 1/2, j)
    # curlE_y = -dE3/dq1
    curlE_2 = -(E3 - E3_minus_q1) / dq1  # (i, j + 1/2)
    # curlE_z = (dE2/dq1 - dE1/dq2)
    curlE_3 = (E2 - E2_minus_q1) / dq1 - (E1 - E1_minus_q2) / dq2  # (i, j)

    # B1 --> (i + 1/2, j)
    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] += -dt * curlE_1
    # B2 --> (i, j + 1/2)
    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] += -dt * curlE_2
    # B3 --> (i, j)
    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] += -dt * curlE_3


    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_fieldsolver += toc - tic

コード例 #3
 def _gradUpdate():
     u_hat_af = af.to_array(u_hat)
     if len(x.shape) == 2:
         DTu_hat    = self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 0) - af.shift(self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 0), -1, 0) + \
                      self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 1) - af.shift(self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 1), 0, -1)
     elif len(x.shape) == 3:
         DTu_hat    = self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 0) - af.shift(self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 0), -1, 0, 0) + \
                      self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 1) - af.shift(self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 1), 0, -1, 0) + \
                      self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 2) - af.shift(self._indexLastAxis(u_hat_af, 2), 0, 0, -1)
     grad_u_hat = x - np.array(self.parameter * DTu_hat)
     return grad_u_hat
コード例 #4
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: gitansh95/Bolt
    def compute_divB(self):
        B1 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] # (i + 1/2, j)
        B2 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] # (i, j + 1/2)

        B1_minus_q1 = af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 1) # (i - 1/2, j)
        B2_minus_q2 = af.shift(B2, 0, 0, 0, 1) # (i, j - 1/2)

        divB = (B1 - B1_minus_q1)/self.dq1 + (B2 - B2_minus_q2)/self.dq2 # (i, j)
コード例 #5
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: shyams2/Bolt
    def current_values_to_yee_grid(self):

        # Obtaining the values for current density on the Yee-Grid:
        self.J1 = 0.5 * (self.J1 + af.shift(self.J1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                         )  # (i + 1/2, j)
        self.J2 = 0.5 * (self.J2 + af.shift(self.J2, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                         )  # (i, j + 1/2)

        self.J3 = 0.25 * (self.J3 + af.shift(self.J3, 0, 0, 1, 0) + af.shift(
            self.J3, 0, 0, 0, 1) + af.shift(self.J3, 0, 0, 1, 1))  # (i, j)

コード例 #6
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: gitansh95/Bolt
    def compute_divE(self):
        communicate.communicate_fields(self, True)
        E1 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] # (i, j + 1/2)
        E2 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] # (i + 1/2, j)

        E1_plus_q1 = af.shift(E1, 0, 0, -1)    # (i + 1, j + 1/2)
        E2_plus_q2 = af.shift(E2, 0, 0, 0, -1) # (i + 1/2, j + 1)

        divE = (E1_plus_q1 - E1)/self.dq1 + (E2_plus_q2 - E2)/self.dq2 # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)
コード例 #7
ファイル: initialize.py プロジェクト: mchandra/Bolt
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m = params.mass
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    n_b       = params.density_background
    T_b       = params.temperature_background
    v1_bulk_b = params.v1_bulk_background

    eigval, eigvecs = solve_linear_modes(params)

    pert_n      = eigvecs[0, 1]
    pert_real_n = pert_n.real
    pert_imag_n = pert_n.imag

    pert_v1      = eigvecs[1, 1]
    pert_real_v1 = pert_v1.real
    pert_imag_v1 = pert_v1.imag

    pert_T      = eigvecs[2, 1]
    pert_real_T = pert_T.real
    pert_imag_T = pert_T.imag

    k_q1 = params.k_q1
    amp  = params.amplitude

    # Introducing the perturbation amounts:
    # Plugging in the value from the Eigenvectors:
    # Calculating the perturbed density:
    n = n_b + amp * (  pert_real_n * af.cos(k_q1 * q1)
                     - pert_imag_n * af.sin(k_q1 * q1)

    # Calculating the perturbed bulk velocities:
    v1_bulk = v1_bulk_b + amp * (  pert_real_v1 * af.cos(k_q1 * q1)
                                 - pert_imag_v1 * af.sin(k_q1 * q1)

    # Calculating the perturbed temperature:
    T = T_b +  amp * (  pert_real_T * af.cos(k_q1 * q1)
                      - pert_imag_T * af.sin(k_q1 * q1)

    f0 = n * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(1 / 2) \
           * af.exp(-m * (v1 - v1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \

    dq1 = af.sum(q1[0, 0, 1, 0] - q1[0, 0, 0, 0])
    f   = f0 - 0.5 * params.tau(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) * (af.shift(f0, -1) - af.shift(f0, 1)) / dq1

    return (f)
コード例 #8
def lax_friedrichs_flux(u, gv):
    u = af.reorder(af.moddims(u, params.N_LGL**2, 10, 10), 2, 1, 0)

    diff_u_boundary = af.np_to_af_array(np.zeros([10, 10, params.N_LGL**2]))

    u_xi_minus1_boundary_right = u[:, :, :params.N_LGL]
    u_xi_minus1_boundary_left = af.shift(u[:, :, -params.N_LGL:], d0=0, d1=1)
    u[:, :, :params.N_LGL] = (u_xi_minus1_boundary_right +
                              u_xi_minus1_boundary_left) / 2

    diff_u_boundary[:, :, :params.N_LGL] = (u_xi_minus1_boundary_right -

    u_xi_1_boundary_left = u[:, :, -params.N_LGL:]
    u_xi_1_boundary_right = af.shift(u[:, :, :params.N_LGL], d0=0, d1=-1)
    u[:, :, :params.N_LGL] = (u_xi_minus1_boundary_left +
                              u_xi_minus1_boundary_right) / 2

    diff_u_boundary[:, :, -params.N_LGL:] = (u_xi_minus1_boundary_right -

    u_eta_minus1_boundary_down = af.shift(u[:, :, params.N_LGL -
    u_eta_minus1_boundary_up = u[:, :, 0:-params.N_LGL + 1:params.N_LGL]
    u[:, :, 0:-params.N_LGL + 1:params.N_LGL] = (u_eta_minus1_boundary_down\
                                               + u_eta_minus1_boundary_up) / 2
    diff_u_boundary[:, :, 0:-params.N_LGL + 1:params.N_LGL] = (u_eta_minus1_boundary_up\

    u_eta_1_boundary_down = u[:, :,
                              params.N_LGL - 1:params.N_LGL**2:params.N_LGL]
    u_eta_1_boundary_up = af.shift(u[:, :, 0:-params.N_LGL + 1:params.N_LGL],

    u[:, :, params.N_LGL - 1:params.N_LGL ** 2:params.N_LGL] = (u_eta_1_boundary_up\
                                                              +u_eta_1_boundary_down) / 2

    diff_u_boundary[:, :, params.N_LGL - 1:params.N_LGL ** 2:params.N_LGL] = (u_eta_1_boundary_up\

    u = af.moddims(af.reorder(u, 2, 1, 0), params.N_LGL**2, 100)
    diff_u_boundary = af.moddims(af.reorder(diff_u_boundary, 2, 1, 0),
                                 params.N_LGL**2, 100)
    F_xi_e_ij = F_xi(u, gv) - params.c_x * diff_u_boundary
    F_eta_e_ij = F_eta(u, gv) - params.c_y * diff_u_boundary

    return F_xi_e_ij, F_eta_e_ij
コード例 #9
def test_surface_term():
    A test function to test the surface_term function in the wave_equation
    module using analytical Lax-Friedrichs flux.
    threshold = 1e-13
    params.c = 1

    params.N_LGL = 8
    params.N_quad = 10
    params.N_Elements = 10
    wave = 'gaussian'

    gv = global_variables.advection_variables(params.N_LGL, params.N_quad,\
                                          params.x_nodes, params.N_Elements,\
                                          params.c, params.total_time, wave,\
                                          params.c_x, params.c_y, params.courant,\
                                          params.mesh_file, params.total_time_2d)

    analytical_f_i = (gv.u_init[-1, :])
    analytical_f_i_minus1 = (af.shift(gv.u_init[-1, :], 0, 1))

    L_p_1 = af.constant(0, params.N_LGL, dtype=af.Dtype.f64)
    L_p_1[params.N_LGL - 1] = 1

    L_p_minus1 = af.constant(0, params.N_LGL, dtype=af.Dtype.f64)
    L_p_minus1[0] = 1

    analytical_surface_term = af.blas.matmul(L_p_1, analytical_f_i)\
        - af.blas.matmul(L_p_minus1, analytical_f_i_minus1)

    numerical_surface_term = (wave_equation.surface_term(gv.u_init[:, :], gv))
    assert af.max(af.abs(analytical_surface_term - numerical_surface_term)) \
        < threshold
    return analytical_surface_term
コード例 #10
def test_surface_term():
    A test function to test the surface_term function in the wave_equation
    module using analytical Lax-Friedrichs flux.
    threshold = 1e-13
    params.c = 1

    change_parameters(8, 10, 8, 'gaussian')

    analytical_f_i = (params.u[-1, :, 0])
    analytical_f_i_minus1 = (af.shift(params.u[-1, :, 0], 0, 1))

    L_p_1 = af.constant(0, params.N_LGL, dtype=af.Dtype.f64)
    L_p_1[params.N_LGL - 1] = 1

    L_p_minus1 = af.constant(0, params.N_LGL, dtype=af.Dtype.f64)
    L_p_minus1[0] = 1

    analytical_surface_term = af.blas.matmul(L_p_1, analytical_f_i)\
        - af.blas.matmul(L_p_minus1, analytical_f_i_minus1)

    numerical_surface_term = (wave_equation.surface_term(params.u[:, :, 0]))
    assert af.max(af.abs(analytical_surface_term - numerical_surface_term)) \
        < threshold
    return analytical_surface_term
コード例 #11
def upwind_flux(u_n):
    Finds the upwind flux of all the element edges present inside a domain.

    u_n : arrayfire.Array [N_LGL N_Elements M 1]
          Amplitude of the wave at the mapped LGL nodes of each element.
          This code will work for :math:`M` multiple ``u_n``.
    flux_x : arrayfire.Array [1 N_Elements 1 1]
             Contains the value of the flux at the boundary elements.
             Periodic boundary conditions are used.
    right_state = af.shift(u_n[0, :], 0, -1)
    left_state = u_n[-1, :]

    if params.c > 0:
        return flux_x(left_state)

    if params.c == 0:
        return flux_x((left_state + right_state) / 2)

    if params.c < 0:
        return flux_x(right_state)

コード例 #12
def upwind_flux_maxwell_eq(u_n):
    Finds the upwind flux of all the element edges present inside a domain
    for Mode :math:`1` of Maxwell's equations.
    Please refer to `maxwell_equation_pbc_1d.pdf`_ for the derivation
    of the modes.

    .. _maxwell_equation_pbc_1d.pdf: `https://goo.gl/8FS4mv`

    u_n : arrayfire.Array [N_LGL N_Elements M 1]
          Amplitude of the wave at the mapped LGL nodes of each element.
          This code will work for :math:`M` multiple ``u_n``.
    flux_x : arrayfire.Array [1 N_Elements 1 1]
             Contains the value of the flux at the boundary elements.
             Periodic boundary conditions are used.

    right_state = af.shift(u_n[0, :], 0, -1)

    flux = right_state.copy()

    flux[:, :, 0] = -right_state[:, :, 1]
    flux[:, :, 1] = -right_state[:, :, 0]

    return flux
コード例 #13
def lax_friedrichs_flux(u_n):
    Calculates the lax-friedrichs_flux :math:`f_i` using.
    :math:`f_i = \\frac{F(u^{i + 1}_0) + F(u^i_{N_{LGL} - 1})}{2} - \\frac
                {\Delta x}{2\Delta t} (u^{i + 1}_0 - u^i_{N_{LGL} - 1})`
    The algorithm used is explained in this `document`_
    .. _document: `https://goo.gl/sNsXXK`
    u_n : arrayfire.Array [N_LGL N_Elements M 1]
          Amplitude of the wave at the mapped LGL nodes of each element.
          This code will work for :math:`M` multiple ``u_n``.
    boundary_flux : arrayfire.Array [1 N_Elements 1 1]
                    Contains the value of the flux at the boundary elements.
                    Periodic boundary conditions are used.
    u_iplus1_0    = af.shift(u_n[0, :], 0, -1)
    u_i_N_LGL     = u_n[-1, :]
    flux_iplus1_0 = flux_x(u_iplus1_0)
    flux_i_N_LGL  = flux_x(u_i_N_LGL)
    boundary_flux = (flux_iplus1_0 + flux_i_N_LGL) / 2 \
                        - params.c_lax * (u_iplus1_0 - u_i_N_LGL) / 2
    return boundary_flux 
コード例 #14
def test_check_maxwells_constraints():

    params = params_check_maxwells_contraints
    system = physical_system(domain,

    dq1 = (domain.q1_end - domain.q1_start) / domain.N_q1
    dq2 = (domain.q2_end - domain.q2_start) / domain.N_q2
    q1, q2 = calculate_q_center(domain.q1_start, domain.q2_start,
                                domain.N_q1, domain.N_q2, domain.N_ghost,
                                dq1, dq2
    rho = (  params.pert_real * af.cos(  params.k_q1 * q1 
                                       + params.k_q2 * q2
           - params.pert_imag * af.sin(  params.k_q1 * q1 
                                       + params.k_q2 * q2

    obj = fields_solver(system, 

    # Checking for ∇.E = rho / epsilon
    rho_left_bot = 0.25 * (  rho 
                           + af.shift(rho, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                           + af.shift(rho, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                           + af.shift(rho, 0, 0, 1, 1)

    N_g = obj.N_g
    assert(af.mean(af.abs(obj.compute_divB()[:, :, N_g:-N_g, N_g:-N_g]))<1e-14)

    divE  = obj.compute_divE()
    rho_b = af.mean(rho_left_bot) # background

    assert(af.mean(af.abs(divE - rho_left_bot + rho_b)[:, :, N_g:-N_g, N_g:-N_g])<1e-6)
コード例 #15
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: arrayfire/arrayfire-python
def simple_data(verbose=False):
    display_func = _util.display_func(verbose)
    print_func   = _util.print_func(verbose)

    display_func(af.constant(100, 3,3, dtype=af.Dtype.f32))
    display_func(af.constant(25, 3,3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))
    display_func(af.constant(2**50, 3,3, dtype=af.Dtype.s64))
    display_func(af.constant(2+3j, 3,3))
    display_func(af.constant(3+5j, 3,3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))

    display_func(af.range(3, 3))
    display_func(af.iota(3, 3, tile_dims=(2,2)))

    display_func(af.identity(3, 3, 1, 2, af.Dtype.b8))
    display_func(af.identity(3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))

    a = af.randu(3, 4)
    b = af.diag(a, extract=True)
    c = af.diag(a, 1, extract=True)


    display_func(af.diag(b, extract = False))
    display_func(af.diag(c, 1, extract = False))

    display_func(af.join(0, a, a))
    display_func(af.join(1, a, a, a))

    display_func(af.tile(a, 2, 2))

    display_func(af.reorder(a, 1, 0))

    display_func(af.shift(a, -1, 1))

    display_func(af.moddims(a, 6, 2))


    display_func(af.flip(a, 0))
    display_func(af.flip(a, 1))

    display_func(af.lower(a, False))
    display_func(af.lower(a, True))

    display_func(af.upper(a, False))
    display_func(af.upper(a, True))

    a = af.randu(5,5)

    display_func(af.select(a > 0.3, a, -0.3))

    af.replace(a, a > 0.3, -0.3)
コード例 #16
def simple_data(verbose=False):
    display_func = _util.display_func(verbose)

    display_func(af.constant(100, 3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.f32))
    display_func(af.constant(25, 3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))
    display_func(af.constant(2**50, 3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.s64))
    display_func(af.constant(2+3j, 3, 3))
    display_func(af.constant(3+5j, 3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))

    display_func(af.range(3, 3))
    display_func(af.iota(3, 3, tile_dims=(2, 2)))

    display_func(af.identity(3, 3, 1, 2, af.Dtype.b8))
    display_func(af.identity(3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.c32))

    a = af.randu(3, 4)
    b = af.diag(a, extract=True)
    c = af.diag(a, 1, extract=True)


    display_func(af.diag(b, extract=False))
    display_func(af.diag(c, 1, extract=False))

    display_func(af.join(0, a, a))
    display_func(af.join(1, a, a, a))

    display_func(af.tile(a, 2, 2))

    display_func(af.reorder(a, 1, 0))

    display_func(af.shift(a, -1, 1))

    display_func(af.moddims(a, 6, 2))


    display_func(af.flip(a, 0))
    display_func(af.flip(a, 1))

    display_func(af.lower(a, False))
    display_func(af.lower(a, True))

    display_func(af.upper(a, False))
    display_func(af.upper(a, True))

    a = af.randu(5, 5)

    display_func(af.select(a > 0.3, a, -0.3))

    af.replace(a, a > 0.3, -0.3)

    display_func(af.pad(a, (1, 1, 0, 0), (2, 2, 0, 0)))
コード例 #17
ファイル: coords.py プロジェクト: mchandra/Bolt
def get_theta_bottom(q1, q2):

    x, y = get_cartesian_coords(q1, q2)

    # Extract x and y along bottom edge
    bottom_edge = 0
    x = x[0, 0, :, bottom_edge]
    y = y[0, 0, :, bottom_edge]

    y_1 = af.shift(y, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    x_1 = af.shift(x, 0, 0, 1, 0)

    print("bot x shape : ", x.dims())
    print("bot x1 shape : ", x_1.dims())
    slope = af.atan((y_1 - y) / (x_1 - x))
    #print("bot slope : ", slope)
    return (slope)
コード例 #18
ファイル: coords.py プロジェクト: mchandra/Bolt
def get_theta_top(q1, q2):

    x, y = get_cartesian_coords(q1, q2)

    # Extract x and y along top edge
    top_edge = -1
    x = x[0, 0, :, top_edge]
    y = y[0, 0, :, top_edge]

    y_1 = af.shift(y, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    x_1 = af.shift(x, 0, 0, 1, 0)

    print("top x shape : ", x.dims())
    print("top x1 shape : ", x_1.dims())
    slope = af.atan((y_1 - y) / (x_1 - x))
    #print("top slope : ", slope)
    return (slope)
コード例 #19
ファイル: coords.py プロジェクト: mchandra/Bolt
def get_theta_left(q1, q2):

    x, y = get_cartesian_coords(q1, q2)

    # Extract x and y along left edge
    left_edge = 0
    x = x[0, 0, left_edge, :]
    y = y[0, 0, left_edge, :]

    y_1 = af.shift(y, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    x_1 = af.shift(x, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    #print("x shape : ", x.dims())
    #print("x1 shape : ", x_1.dims())
    slope = af.atan((y_1 - y) / (x_1 - x))
    #print("slope : ", slope)
    return (slope)
コード例 #20
ファイル: coords.py プロジェクト: mchandra/Bolt
def get_theta_right(q1, q2):

    x, y = get_cartesian_coords(q1, q2)

    # Extract x and y along right edge
    right_edge = -1
    x = x[0, 0, right_edge, :]
    y = y[0, 0, right_edge, :]

    y_1 = af.shift(y, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    x_1 = af.shift(x, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    print("right x shape : ", x.dims())
    print("right x1 shape : ", x_1.dims())
    slope = af.atan((y_1 - y) / (x_1 - x))
    #print("right slope : ", slope)
    return (slope)
コード例 #21
 def constrainPupil(self, pupil, pupil_mask=None, flag_smooth_phase=True):
     #makes sure pupil amplitude is between 0 and 1.
     #if pupil mask is passed in, amplitude will become the mask
     pupil_abs = np.abs(pupil)
     pupil_phase = af.shift(af.arg(pupil), pupil.shape[0] // 2,
                            pupil.shape[1] // 2)
     #smoothen phase
     pupil_phase = af.convolve2(pupil_phase, self.gaussian_kernel)
     if pupil_mask is None:
         pupil_abs[pupil_abs > 1.0] = 1.0
         pupil_abs[pupil_abs < 0] = 0.0
         pupil_abs[:] = np.abs(pupil_mask)
     pupil = pupil_abs * np.exp(
         1.0j * af.shift(pupil_phase, -1 * int(pupil.shape[0] // 2),
                         -1 * int(pupil.shape[1] // 2)))
     return pupil
コード例 #22
ファイル: numeric.py プロジェクト: Brainiarc7/afnumpy
def roll(a, shift, axis=None):
    shape = a.shape
    if(axis is None):
        axis = 0
        a = a.flatten()
    axis = pu.c2f(a.shape, axis)
    if axis == 0:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, shift, 0, 0, 0)
    elif axis == 1:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, shift, 0, 0)
    elif axis == 2:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, 0, shift, 0)
    elif axis == 3:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, 0, 0, shift)
        raise NotImplementedError
    return afnumpy.ndarray(shape, dtype=a.dtype, af_array=s)
コード例 #23
def roll(a, shift, axis=None):
    shape = a.shape
    if (axis is None):
        axis = 0
        a = a.flatten()
    axis = pu.c2f(a.shape, axis)
    if axis == 0:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, shift, 0, 0, 0)
    elif axis == 1:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, shift, 0, 0)
    elif axis == 2:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, 0, shift, 0)
    elif axis == 3:
        s = arrayfire.shift(a.d_array, 0, 0, 0, shift)
        raise NotImplementedError
    return afnumpy.ndarray(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype, af_array=s).reshape(shape)
コード例 #24
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: shyams2/Bolt
    def cell_centered_grid_to_yee_grid(self):

        E1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0]
        E2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1]
        E3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2]

        B1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3]
        B2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4]
        B3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5]

        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1 + af.shift(E1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                            )  # (i+1/2, j)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2 + af.shift(E2, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                                            )  # (i, j+1/2)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] = 0.25 * (
            E3 + af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 1, 0) + af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 0, 1) +
            af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 1, 1))  # (i, j)

        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1 + af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                                            )  # (i, j+1/2)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2 + af.shift(B2, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                            )  # (i+1/2, j)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] = B3  # (i+1/2, j+1/2)

コード例 #25
ファイル: fdtd_explicit.py プロジェクト: brryan/Bolt
def fdtd_grid_to_ck_grid(self):

    E1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0]
    E2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1]
    E3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2]

    B1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3]
    B2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4]
    B3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5]

    # Interpolating at the (i + 1/2, j + 1/2) point of the grid to use for the
    # nonlinear solver:
    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1_yee +
                                             af.shift(E1_yee, 0, 0, -1))
    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2_yee +
                                             af.shift(E2_yee, 0, -1, 0))
    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2] = 0.25 * (
        E3_yee + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, -1) + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, -1, 0) +
        af.shift(E3_yee, 0, -1, -1))

    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1_yee +
                                             af.shift(B1_yee, 0, -1, 0))
    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2_yee +
                                             af.shift(B2_yee, 0, 0, -1))
    self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5] = B3_yee

コード例 #26
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: gitansh95/Bolt
    def yee_grid_to_cell_centered_grid(self, fields_to_transform = None):
        Making use of the optional fields_to_transform option, one can convert
        the magnetic fields or the electric fields alone. The default
        option is to convert both when the option is passed as None
        E1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] # (i, j + 1/2)
        E2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] # (i + 1/2, j)
        E3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

        B1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] # (i + 1/2, j)
        B2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] # (i, j + 1/2)
        B3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] # (i, j)

        # Interpolating at the (i + 1/2, j + 1/2) point of the grid:

        if(fields_to_transform == 'E' or fields_to_transform == None):
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1_yee + af.shift(E1_yee, 0, 0, -1,  0))
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2_yee + af.shift(E2_yee, 0, 0,  0, -1))
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2] = E3_yee

        if(fields_to_transform == 'B' or fields_to_transform == None):
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1_yee + af.shift(B1_yee, 0, 0,  0, -1))
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2_yee + af.shift(B2_yee, 0, 0, -1,  0))
            self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5] = 0.25 * (  B3_yee 
                                                      + af.shift(B3_yee, 0, 0,  0, -1)
                                                      + af.shift(B3_yee, 0, 0, -1,  0)
                                                      + af.shift(B3_yee, 0, 0, -1, -1)

コード例 #27
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: shyams2/Bolt
    def yee_grid_to_cell_centered_grid(self):

        E1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0]  # (i + 1/2, j)
        E2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1]  # (i, j + 1/2)
        E3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2]  # (i, j)

        B1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3]  # (i, j + 1/2)
        B2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4]  # (i + 1/2, j)
        B3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5]  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

        # Interpolating at the (i + 1/2, j + 1/2) point of the grid:
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1_yee +
                                                 af.shift(E1_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2_yee +
                                                 af.shift(E2_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2] = 0.25 * (
            E3_yee + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1) +
            af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0) + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, -1, -1))

        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1_yee +
                                                 af.shift(B1_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2_yee +
                                                 af.shift(B2_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5] = B3_yee

コード例 #28
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: gitansh95/Bolt
    def cell_centered_grid_to_yee_grid(self, fields_to_transform = None):
        Making use of the fields_to_transform option, one can convert
        the magnetic fields or the electric fields alone. The default
        option is to convert both when the option is passed as None
        E1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0]
        E2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1]
        E3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2]

        B1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3]
        B2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4]
        B3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5]

        if(fields_to_transform == 'E' or fields_to_transform == None):
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1 + af.shift(E1, 0, 0, 1, 0))  # (i, j+1/2)
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2 + af.shift(E2, 0, 0, 0, 1))  # (i+1/2, j)
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] = E3  # (i+1/2, j+1/2)

        if(fields_to_transform == 'B' or fields_to_transform == None):
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1 + af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) # (i+1/2, j) 
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2 + af.shift(B2, 0, 0, 1, 0)) # (i, j+1/2)
            self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] = 0.25 * (  B3 
                                                 + af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                                                 + af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 0, 1) 
                                                 + af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 1, 1)
                                                ) # (i, j)

コード例 #29
def surface_term(u_n):

    Calculates the surface term,
    :math:`L_p(1) f_i - L_p(-1) f_{i - 1}`
    using the lax_friedrichs_flux function and lagrange_basis_value
    from params module.
    u_n : arrayfire.Array [N_LGL N_Elements M 1]
          Amplitude of the wave at the mapped LGL nodes of each element.
          This code will work for multiple :math:`M` ``u_n``
    surface_term : arrayfire.Array [N_LGL N_Elements M 1]
                   The surface term represented in the form of an array,
                   :math:`L_p (1) f_i - L_p (-1) f_{i - 1}`, where p varies
                   from zero to :math:`N_{LGL}` and i from zero to
                   :math:`N_{Elements}`. p varies along the rows and i along
    **See:** `PDF`_ describing the algorithm to obtain the surface term.
    .. _PDF: https://goo.gl/Nhhgzx


    shape_u_n = utils.shape(u_n)

    L_p_minus1 = af.tile(params.lagrange_basis_value[:, 0],
    L_p_1 = af.tile(params.lagrange_basis_value[:, -1],
    #[NOTE]: Uncomment to use lax friedrichs flux
    #f_i          = lax_friedrichs_flux(u_n)

    #[NOTE]: Uncomment to use upwind flux for uncoupled advection equations
    f_i = upwind_flux(u_n)

    #[NOTE]: Uncomment to use upwind flux for Maxwell's equations
    #f_i          = upwind_flux_maxwell_eq(u_n)

    f_iminus1 = af.shift(f_i, 0, 1)

    surface_term = utils.matmul_3D(L_p_1, f_i) \
                 - utils.matmul_3D(L_p_minus1, f_iminus1)

    return surface_term
コード例 #30
ファイル: minmod.py プロジェクト: brryan/Bolt
def slope_minmod(input_array, axis):

    if (axis == 0):

        f_i_plus_one = af.shift(input_array, -1)
        f_i_minus_one = af.shift(input_array, 1)

    elif (axis == 1):

        f_i_plus_one = af.shift(input_array, 0, -1)
        f_i_minus_one = af.shift(input_array, 0, 1)

    elif (axis == 2):

        f_i_plus_one = af.shift(input_array, 0, 0, -1)
        f_i_minus_one = af.shift(input_array, 0, 0, 1)

    forward_diff = (f_i_plus_one - input_array)
    backward_diff = (input_array - f_i_minus_one)
    central_diff = backward_diff + forward_diff

    slope_lim_theta = 2

    left = slope_lim_theta * backward_diff
    center = 0.5 * central_diff
    right = slope_lim_theta * forward_diff

    return (minmod(left, center, right))
コード例 #31
ファイル: fdtd_explicit.py プロジェクト: shyams2/Bolt
def fdtd_evolve_E(self, dt):

    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    dq1 = self.dq1
    dq2 = self.dq2

    B1 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3]
    B2 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4]
    B3 = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5]

    # dE1/dt = + dB3/dq2
    # dE2/dt = - dB3/dq1
    # dE3/dt = dB2/dq1 - dB1/dq2

    B1_shifted_q2 = af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    B2_shifted_q1 = af.shift(B2, 0, 0, 1, 0)

    B3_shifted_q1 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    B3_shifted_q2 = af.shift(B3, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] += (dt / dq2) * (B3 -
                                                B3_shifted_q2) - self.J1 * dt
    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] += -(dt / dq1) * (B3 -
                                                 B3_shifted_q1) - self.J2 * dt
    self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] +=   (dt / dq1) * (B2 - B2_shifted_q1) \
                                  - (dt / dq2) * (B1 - B1_shifted_q2) \
                                  - dt * self.J3


    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_fieldsolver += toc - tic

コード例 #32
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: gitansh95/Bolt
    def initialize_electric_fields(self):

        if('initialize_E' in dir(self.initialize)):
            E1 = self.initialize.initialize_E(self.q1_left_center,

            E2 = self.initialize.initialize_E(self.q1_center_bot,

            E3 = self.initialize.initialize_E(self.q1_center,

        elif('initialize_A_phi' in dir(self.initialize)):

            A1 = self.initialize.initialize_A_phi(self.q1_center_bot,

            A2 = self.initialize.initialize_A_phi(self.q1_left_center,

            A3 = self.initialize.initialize_A_phi(self.q1_left_bot,

            phi = self.initialize.initialize_A_phi(self.q1_center,

            dA3_dq2 = (af.shift(A3, 0, 0,  0, -1) - A3) / self.dq2
            dA3_dq1 = (af.shift(A3, 0, 0, -1,  0) - A3) / self.dq1
            dA2_dq1 = (af.shift(A2, 0, 0, -1,  0) - A2) / self.dq1
            dA1_dq2 = (af.shift(A1, 0, 0,  0, -1) - A1) / self.dq2

            dphi_dq1 = -(af.shift(phi, 0, 0, 1, 0) - phi) / self.dq1
            dphi_dq2 = -(af.shift(phi, 0, 0, 0, 1) - phi) / self.dq2

            E1 =  dA3_dq2 - dphi_dq1
            E2 = -dA3_dq1 - dphi_dq2
            E3 = dA2_dq1 - dA1_dq2

            raise NotImplementedError('Initialization method for electric fields not valid/found')

        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[:3] = af.join(0, E1, E2, E3)
コード例 #33
a = af.randu(3, 4)
b = af.diag(a, extract=True)
c = af.diag(a, 1, extract=True)


af.display(af.diag(b, extract = False))
af.display(af.diag(c, 1, extract = False))

af.display(af.tile(a, 2, 2))

af.display(af.reorder(a, 1, 0))

af.display(af.shift(a, -1, 1))

af.display(af.moddims(a, 6, 2))


af.display(af.flip(a, 0))
af.display(af.flip(a, 1))

af.display(af.lower(a, False))
af.display(af.lower(a, True))

af.display(af.upper(a, False))
af.display(af.upper(a, True))
コード例 #34
a = af.randu(3, 4)
b = af.diag(a, extract=True)
c = af.diag(a, 1, extract=True)


af.print_array(af.diag(b, extract = False))
af.print_array(af.diag(c, 1, extract = False))

af.print_array(af.tile(a, 2, 2))

af.print_array(af.reorder(a, 1, 0))

af.print_array(af.shift(a, -1, 1))

af.print_array(af.moddims(a, 6, 2))


af.print_array(af.flip(a, 0))
af.print_array(af.flip(a, 1))

af.print_array(af.lower(a, False))
af.print_array(af.lower(a, True))

af.print_array(af.upper(a, False))
af.print_array(af.upper(a, True))