def create_current_obs_graphs(self): location_objects = [] for i in range(0, len(self.loc_names)): root_folder = "C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\Storm Chasing\Chases\\" date_path = arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD') for j in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.loc_names[i] == self.obs_list[j].code: code = self.obs_list[j].code loc_name = self.obs_list[j].loc_name lat = self.obs_list[j].lat lon = self.obs_list[j].lon height = self.obs_list[j].height break with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + self.loc_names[i] + ".csv") as f: for line in f: line = line.split(',') location_objects.append( ObservationLocation(code, loc_name, lat, lon, height)) location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].time = line[0] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].temp = line[1] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].dew = line[2] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].rain = line[3] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].pressure = line[4] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].lcl = line[5] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].rel_hum = line[6] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].wind_vel = line[7] location_objects[len(location_objects) - 1].wind_dir = str( line[8]).replace('\n', '') print t = 0 dpi_int = 40 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) for k in self.loc_names: loc_obs_temp = [] loc_obs_dew = [] loc_obs_rain = [] loc_obs_pressure = [] loc_obs_lcl = [] loc_obs_rel_hum = [] loc_obs_wind_vel = [] loc_obs_wind_dir = [] for j in location_objects: if k == j.code: loc_obs_temp.append([j.time, j.temp]) loc_obs_dew.append([j.time, j.dew]) loc_obs_rain.append([j.time, j.rain]) loc_obs_pressure.append([j.time, j.pressure]) loc_obs_lcl.append([j.time, j.lcl]) loc_obs_rel_hum.append([j.time, j.rel_hum]) loc_obs_wind_vel.append([j.time, j.wind_vel]) loc_obs_wind_dir.append([j.time, j.wind_dir]) if True: print print str( int(round(100 * float(t) / float(len(self.loc_names)), 0))) + "% Done" t += 1 print "Beginning to create graphs for", k if len(loc_obs_temp) > 1: # Code to create graphs go here. # Create temperature graph first graph_type = "temperature" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_temp: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig( root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int, ) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create dew points graph graph_type = "dew-point" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_dew: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create rain points graph graph_type = "rain" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_rain: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create Pressure Graph graph_type = "pressure" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_pressure: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create LCL Graph graph_type = "lcl" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_lcl: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create relative humidity Graph graph_type = "rel_hum" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_rel_hum: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass # Create wind speed graph graph_type = "wind" file_short_list = [] for f in listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\"): if re_match(k + "-" + graph_type, f): file_short_list.append(f) if len(file_short_list) > 1: file_short_list.sort() file_short_list.remove(file_short_list[-1]) for g in file_short_list: os_remove(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + g) print "Creating", graph_type, "graph" x = [] y = [] for m in loc_obs_wind_vel: try: y.append(float(m[1])) x.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(m[0]))) except ValueError: continue try: time_now = arrow_get(x[len(x) - 1]).format('HH-mm') with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png"): print "Graph Already Exists" except IOError: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x, y) for xy in zip(x, y): ax.annotate(xy[1], xy=xy, textcoords='data') buf = (max(y) - min(y)) * .1 ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset( False) ax.axis( [x[0], x[len(x) - 1], min(y) - buf, max(y) + buf]) fig.tight_layout(pad=3) print "Saving" fig.savefig(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + k + "-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png", dpi=dpi_int) fig.clf() except IndexError: pass
def create_current_overlays(self): root_folder = "C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\Storm Chasing\Chases\\" date_path = arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD') config_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "range.cfg" min_temp = "-" max_temp = "-" min_dew = "-" max_dew = "-" min_pressure = "-" max_pressure = "-" min_rain = "-" max_rain = "-" min_rel_hum = "-" max_rel_hum = "-" min_lcl = "-" max_lcl = "-" min_wind_vel = "-" max_wind_vel = "-" with open(config_filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_temp = float(line_list[0]) max_temp = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_dew = float(line_list[0]) max_dew = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_rain = float(line_list[0]) max_rain = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_pressure = float(line_list[0]) max_pressure = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_rel_hum = float(line_list[0]) max_rel_hum = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_lcl = float(line_list[0]) max_lcl = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) line = f.readline() line_list = line.split(',') min_wind_vel = float(line_list[0]) max_wind_vel = float(line_list[1].replace('\n', '')) print # Temperature Graph if True: graph_type = "temp" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].temp == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].temp) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') print min(z), max(z) w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 120,, vmin=min_temp, vmax=max_temp) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # Dew Point Graph if True: graph_type = "dew" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].dew == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].dew) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_dew, vmax=max_dew) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # Rain Graph if True: graph_type = "rain" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].rain == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].rain) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_rain, vmax=max_rain) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # Pressure Point Graph if True: graph_type = "pressure" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].pressure == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].pressure) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_pressure, vmax=max_pressure) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # Relative Humidity Graph if True: graph_type = "rel_hum" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].rel_hum == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].rel_hum) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_rel_hum, vmax=max_rel_hum) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # LCL Graph if True: graph_type = "lcl" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].lcl == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].lcl) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_lcl, vmax=max_lcl) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save" # Wind Graph if True: graph_type = "wind_vel" time_now = arrow_get(self.obs_list[36].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH-mm') graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r') as f: print "Graph already created" except IOError: x = [] y = [] z = [] for i in range(0, len(self.obs_list)): if self.obs_list[i].wind_vel == "-": continue y.append(self.obs_list[i].lat) x.append(self.obs_list[i].lon) z.append(self.obs_list[i].wind_vel) resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=min_wind_vel, vmax=max_wind_vel) C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save"
def create_all_overlays(self): give_me_full_obs() root_folder = "C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\Storm Chasing\Chases\\" date_path = arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD') config_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "range.cfg" dir_list = listdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations") csv_list = [] for fn in dir_list: if fn[-3:] == "csv": csv_list.append(fn) len_loc = len(csv_list) for fn in csv_list: with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + fn, 'r') as f: i = 0 for line in f: i += 1 line_list = line.split(',') len_details = len(line_list) len_time = i len_details += 1 all_obs = [[["" for k in xrange(len_details)] for j in xrange(len_time)] for i in xrange(len_loc)] for i in range(0, len(csv_list)): fn = csv_list[i] with open(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + fn, 'r') as f: j = 0 last_time = 0 for line in f: line_list = line.split(',') this_time = int(line_list[0]) if j == 0: for k in range(0, len(line_list)): all_obs[i][j][k] = line_list[k] all_obs[i][j][-1] = str(fn).split('.')[0] last_time = this_time elif this_time - last_time != 1800: continue else: for k in range(0, len(line_list)): all_obs[i][j][k] = line_list[k] all_obs[i][j][-1] = str(fn).split('.')[0] last_time = this_time j += 1 all_obs_sorted = [[["" for k in xrange(len_loc)] for j in xrange(len_time)] for i in xrange(len_details)] for i in range(0, len_loc): for j in range(0, len_time): for k in range(0, len_details): all_obs_sorted[k][j][i] = all_obs[i][j][k] for gt in range(1, 6): if gt == 1: graph_type = "temp" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 40 elif gt == 2: graph_type = "dew" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 25 elif gt == 3: graph_type = "rain" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 80 elif gt == 4: graph_type = "pressure" min_graph = 990 max_graph = 1050 elif gt == 5: graph_type = "lcl" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 3000 elif gt == 6: graph_type = "rel_hum" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 100 elif gt == 7: graph_type = "wind_vel" min_graph = 0 max_graph = 120 w = 15 h = 12.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h), facecolor='w', frameon=False, edgecolor="Yellow") for i in range(0, len(all_obs_sorted[9])): x = [] y = [] z = [] for obs in self.obs_list: for j in range(0, len(all_obs_sorted[9][i])): if obs.code == all_obs_sorted[9][i][j]: try: z.append(float(all_obs_sorted[gt][i][j])) x.append(float(obs.lon)) y.append(float( except ValueError: continue break if True: try: time_now = arrow_get(all_obs_sorted[0][i][36]).to( 'Australia/Melbourne').format('HH-mm') except parser.ParserError: continue graph_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "vic-" + graph_type + "-" + time_now + ".png" try: with open(graph_filename, 'r'): print "Graph already exists:" print graph_filename continue except IOError: pass resolution = 100 xi = linspace(141, 150, resolution) yi = linspace(-39, -34, resolution) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 120,, vmin=min_graph, vmax=max_graph) try: C = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') ax.clabel(C, inline=1, fontsize=6, fmt='%1.0f') except ValueError: pass ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', s=.1) ax.axis([141, 150, -39, -34]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) fig.tight_layout(pad=0) print "Start Save for", graph_type, time_now print graph_filename self.SaveFigureAsImage(graph_filename, fig=fig) print "End Save"
print "Begin Imports" from arrow import get as arrow_get from arrow import now as arrow_now from arrow import parser first_time = arrow_now().timestamp from Download_Observations import give_me_vic_obs from Download_Observations import give_me_full_obs from Download_Observations import ObservationLocation from Create_KML_Observations import create_vic_obs_points from Create_KML_Observations import create_vic_overlays from datetime import datetime from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from os import remove as os_remove from os import listdir from re import match as re_match from scipy.interpolate import griddata from numpy import linspace from pprint import pprint print "End Imports" class ProcessObs: obs_list = [] loc_names = [] def __init__(self): self.obs_list, self.loc_names = give_me_vic_obs() def update_observations(self):
def give_me_full_obs(): string_of_observation_locations = """aireys-inlet,Aireys Inlet,-38.4583,144.0883,105 avalon,Avalon Airport,-38.0287,144.4783,10.6 bairnsdale,Bairnsdale Airport,-37.8817,147.5669,49.4 ballarat,Ballarat Aerodrome,-37.5127,143.7911,435.2 bendigo,Bendigo Airport,-36.7395,144.3266,208 geelong-racecourse,Breakwater (Geelong Racecourse),-38.1737,144.3765,12.9 cape-nelson,Cape Nelson Lighthouse,-38.4306,141.5437,45.4 cape-otway,Cape Otway Lighthouse,-38.8556,143.5128,82 casterton,Casterton,-37.583,141.3339,130.6 cerberus,Cerberus,-38.3646,145.1785,12.69 charlton,Charlton,-36.2847,143.3341,131.7 mount-gellibrand,Colac (Mount Gellibrand),-38.2333,143.7925,261 coldstream,Coldstream,-37.7239,145.4092,83 combienbar,Combienbar AWS,-37.3417,149.0228,640 yanakie,Corner Inlet (Yanakie),-38.8051,146.1939,13.3 dartmoor,Dartmoor,-37.9222,141.2614,51 mount-hotham-airport,Dinner Plain (Mount Hotham Airport),-37.0491,147.3347,1295.4 east-sale,East Sale Airport,-38.1156,147.1322,4.6 edenhope,Edenhope Airport,-37.0222,141.2657,155 eildon-fire-tower,Eildon Fire Tower,-37.2091,145.8423,637 essendon-airport,Essendon Airport,-37.7276,144.9066,78.4 falls-creek,Falls Creek,-36.8708,147.2755,1765 ferny-creek,Ferny Creek,-37.8748,145.3496,512.9 frankston,Frankston AWS,-38.1481,145.1156,6 gabo-island,Gabo Island Lighthouse,-37.5679,149.9158,15.2 gelantipy,Gelantipy,-37.22,148.2625,755 mount-william,Grampians (Mount William),-37.295,142.6039,1150 hamilton,Hamilton Airport,-37.6486,142.0636,241.1 hopetoun-airport,Hopetoun Airport,-35.7151,142.3569,77.3 hunters-hill,Hunters Hill,-36.2136,147.5394,981 kanagulk,Kanagulk,-37.1169,141.8031,188.8 warracknabeal-airport,Kellalac (Warracknabeal Airport),-36.3204,142.4161,118.3 kyabram,Kyabram,-36.335,145.0638,105 laverton,Laverton RAAF,-37.8565,144.7566,20.1 longerenong,Longerenong,-36.6722,142.2991,133 mallacoota,Mallacoota,-37.5976,149.7289,22 mangalore,Mangalore Airport,-36.8886,145.1859,140.8 melbourne-olympic-park,Melbourne (Olympic Park),-37.8255,144.9816,7.53 melbourne-airport,Melbourne Airport,-37.6655,144.8321,113.4 mildura,Mildura Airport,-34.2358,142.0867,50 moorabbin-airport,Moorabbin Airport,-37.98,145.0962,12.1 mortlake,Mortlake Racecourse,-38.0737,142.7744,130 latrobe-valley,Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport),-38.2094,146.4747,55.7 mount-baw-baw,Mount Baw Baw,-37.8383,146.2747,1561 mount-buller,Mount Buller,-37.145,146.4394,1707 mount-moornapa,Mount Moornapa,-37.7481,147.1428,480 mount-nowa-nowa,Mount Nowa Nowa,-37.6924,148.0908,350 nhill-aerodrome,Nhill Aerodrome,-36.3092,141.6486,138.9 omeo,Omeo,-37.1017,147.6008,689.8 orbost,Orbost,-37.6922,148.4667,62.65 port-fairy,Port Fairy AWS,-38.3906,142.2347,10 portland-airport,Portland (Cashmore Airport),-38.3148,141.4705,80.9 portland-harbour,Portland NTC AWS,-38.3439,141.6136,0 pound-creek,Pound Creek,-38.6297,145.8107,3 redesdale,Redesdale,-37.0194,144.5203,290 rhyll,Rhyll,-38.4612,145.3101,13.4 rutherglen,Rutherglen Research,-36.1047,146.5094,175 scoresby,Scoresby Research Institute,-37.871,145.2561,80 sheoaks,Sheoaks,-37.9075,144.1303,236.7 shepparton,Shepparton Airport,-36.4289,145.3947,113.9 stawell,Stawell Aerodrome,-37.072,142.7402,235.36 swan-hill,Swan Hill Aerodrome,-35.3766,143.5416,71 tatura,Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag,-36.4378,145.2672,114 viewbank,Viewbank,-37.7408,145.0972,66.1 kilmore-gap,Wallan (Kilmore Gap),-37.3807,144.9654,527.8 walpeup,Walpeup Research,-35.1201,142.004,105 wangaratta,Wangaratta Aero,-36.4206,146.3056,152.6 warrnambool,Warrnambool Airport NDB,-38.2867,142.4522,70.8 westmere,Westmere,-37.7067,142.9378,226 wilsons-promontory,Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse,-39.1297,146.4244,95 yarram-airport,Yarram Airport,-38.5647,146.7479,17.9 yarrawonga,Yarrawonga,-36.0294,146.0306,128.9""" buf = StringIO(string_of_observation_locations) loc_names = [] list_of_csvs = [] for i in buf: loc = str(i).replace('\n', '').split(',') loc_names.append(loc[0].lstrip()) urladdy = "" reader = urlopen(urladdy) full_page = StringIO(str( print "Scraping URL" for i in full_page: line = str(i).replace('\n', '') for j in range(0, len(loc_names)): if loc_names[j] in line: if 'a href=' in line: code = str(line).split('<')[2].split('>')[0].split( '=')[1].split('.')[1] list_of_csvs.append( ("" + str(code) + ".axf", loc_names[j])) reader.close() for sites in list_of_csvs: print print "Starting for", sites[1] print "Sleeping, don't wake the baby" sleep(0.5) print "Wah wah wah" url_reader = urlopen(sites[0]) line = url_reader.readline() while '[data]' not in line: line = url_reader.readline() csv_reader = csv.DictReader(url_reader) loc_obs = [] for row in csv_reader: if row['name[80]'] == None: continue code = sites[1] try: obs_time = arrow_get(row['local_date_time_full[80]'], 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss', tzinfo='Australia/Melbourne') except ValueError: continue day_start = arrow_get(str(arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD')) + " 00:00:00", 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', tzinfo='Australia/Melbourne').timestamp iter_time = arrow_get(obs_time).timestamp if iter_time < day_start: continue try: temp = float(row['air_temp']) if -50 < temp < 70: pass else: temp = "-" except ValueError: temp = "-" try: dew = float(row['dewpt']) if -50 < dew < 50: pass else: dew = "-" except ValueError: dew = "-" try: rain = float(row['rain_trace[80]'].replace('"', '')) if 0 < rain < 400: pass else: rain = "0.0" except ValueError: rain = "0.0" try: pressure = float(row['press']) if 900 < pressure < 1100: pass else: pressure = "-" except ValueError: pressure = "-" try: rel_hum = int(row['rel_hum']) if -100 < rel_hum < 100: pass else: rel_hum = "-" except ValueError: rel_hum = "-" try: wind_vel = int(row['wind_spd_kmh']) if -1 < wind_vel < 300: pass else: wind_vel = "-" except ValueError: wind_vel = "-" try: wind_dir = row['wind_dir[80]'] except ValueError: wind_dir = "-" try: lcl = 125 * (temp - dew) except TypeError: lcl = "-" loc_obs.insert( 0, str(obs_time.timestamp) + ',' + str(temp) + ',' + str(dew) + ',' + str(rain) + ',' + str(pressure) + ',' + str(lcl) + ',' + str(rel_hum) + ',' + str(wind_vel) + ',' + wind_dir) for loc_line in loc_obs: file_time = arrow_get(loc_line.split(',')[0]).to( 'Australia/Melbourne').format('HH-mm') root_folder = "C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\Storm Chasing\Chases\\" date_path = arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD') try: chdir(root_folder + date_path) except WindowsError: mkdir(root_folder + date_path) try: chdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations") except WindowsError: mkdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations") filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + code + '.csv' with open(filename, 'w') as f: for loc_line in loc_obs: f.writelines(loc_line + '\n')
def give_me_vic_obs(): string_of_observation_locations = """aireys-inlet,Aireys Inlet,-38.4583,144.0883,105 avalon,Avalon Airport,-38.0287,144.4783,10.6 bairnsdale,Bairnsdale Airport,-37.8817,147.5669,49.4 ballarat,Ballarat Aerodrome,-37.5127,143.7911,435.2 bendigo,Bendigo Airport,-36.7395,144.3266,208 geelong-racecourse,Breakwater (Geelong Racecourse),-38.1737,144.3765,12.9 cape-nelson,Cape Nelson Lighthouse,-38.4306,141.5437,45.4 cape-otway,Cape Otway Lighthouse,-38.8556,143.5128,82 casterton,Casterton,-37.583,141.3339,130.6 cerberus,Cerberus,-38.3646,145.1785,12.69 charlton,Charlton,-36.2847,143.3341,131.7 mount-gellibrand,Colac (Mount Gellibrand),-38.2333,143.7925,261 coldstream,Coldstream,-37.7239,145.4092,83 combienbar,Combienbar AWS,-37.3417,149.0228,640 yanakie,Corner Inlet (Yanakie),-38.8051,146.1939,13.3 dartmoor,Dartmoor,-37.9222,141.2614,51 mount-hotham-airport,Dinner Plain (Mount Hotham Airport),-37.0491,147.3347,1295.4 east-sale,East Sale Airport,-38.1156,147.1322,4.6 edenhope,Edenhope Airport,-37.0222,141.2657,155 eildon-fire-tower,Eildon Fire Tower,-37.2091,145.8423,637 essendon-airport,Essendon Airport,-37.7276,144.9066,78.4 falls-creek,Falls Creek,-36.8708,147.2755,1765 ferny-creek,Ferny Creek,-37.8748,145.3496,512.9 frankston,Frankston AWS,-38.1481,145.1156,6 gabo-island,Gabo Island Lighthouse,-37.5679,149.9158,15.2 gelantipy,Gelantipy,-37.22,148.2625,755 mount-william,Grampians (Mount William),-37.295,142.6039,1150 hamilton,Hamilton Airport,-37.6486,142.0636,241.1 hopetoun-airport,Hopetoun Airport,-35.7151,142.3569,77.3 hunters-hill,Hunters Hill,-36.2136,147.5394,981 kanagulk,Kanagulk,-37.1169,141.8031,188.8 warracknabeal-airport,Kellalac (Warracknabeal Airport),-36.3204,142.4161,118.3 kyabram,Kyabram,-36.335,145.0638,105 laverton,Laverton RAAF,-37.8565,144.7566,20.1 longerenong,Longerenong,-36.6722,142.2991,133 mallacoota,Mallacoota,-37.5976,149.7289,22 mangalore,Mangalore Airport,-36.8886,145.1859,140.8 melbourne-olympic-park,Melbourne (Olympic Park),-37.8255,144.9816,7.53 melbourne-airport,Melbourne Airport,-37.6655,144.8321,113.4 mildura,Mildura Airport,-34.2358,142.0867,50 moorabbin-airport,Moorabbin Airport,-37.98,145.0962,12.1 mortlake,Mortlake Racecourse,-38.0737,142.7744,130 latrobe-valley,Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport),-38.2094,146.4747,55.7 mount-baw-baw,Mount Baw Baw,-37.8383,146.2747,1561 mount-buller,Mount Buller,-37.145,146.4394,1707 mount-moornapa,Mount Moornapa,-37.7481,147.1428,480 mount-nowa-nowa,Mount Nowa Nowa,-37.6924,148.0908,350 nhill-aerodrome,Nhill Aerodrome,-36.3092,141.6486,138.9 omeo,Omeo,-37.1017,147.6008,689.8 orbost,Orbost,-37.6922,148.4667,62.65 port-fairy,Port Fairy AWS,-38.3906,142.2347,10 portland-airport,Portland (Cashmore Airport),-38.3148,141.4705,80.9 portland-harbour,Portland NTC AWS,-38.3439,141.6136,0 pound-creek,Pound Creek,-38.6297,145.8107,3 redesdale,Redesdale,-37.0194,144.5203,290 rhyll,Rhyll,-38.4612,145.3101,13.4 rutherglen,Rutherglen Research,-36.1047,146.5094,175 scoresby,Scoresby Research Institute,-37.871,145.2561,80 sheoaks,Sheoaks,-37.9075,144.1303,236.7 shepparton,Shepparton Airport,-36.4289,145.3947,113.9 stawell,Stawell Aerodrome,-37.072,142.7402,235.36 swan-hill,Swan Hill Aerodrome,-35.3766,143.5416,71 tatura,Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag,-36.4378,145.2672,114 viewbank,Viewbank,-37.7408,145.0972,66.1 kilmore-gap,Wallan (Kilmore Gap),-37.3807,144.9654,527.8 walpeup,Walpeup Research,-35.1201,142.004,105 wangaratta,Wangaratta Aero,-36.4206,146.3056,152.6 warrnambool,Warrnambool Airport NDB,-38.2867,142.4522,70.8 westmere,Westmere,-37.7067,142.9378,226 wilsons-promontory,Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse,-39.1297,146.4244,95 yarram-airport,Yarram Airport,-38.5647,146.7479,17.9 yarrawonga,Yarrawonga,-36.0294,146.0306,128.9""" print "Beginning URL Load" buf = StringIO(string_of_observation_locations) loc_names = [] obs_list = [] for i in buf: loc = str(i).replace('\n', '').split(',') obs_list.append( ObservationLocation(loc[0].lstrip(), loc[1], float(loc[2]), float(loc[3]), float(loc[4]))) loc_names.append(loc[0].lstrip()) urladdy = "" print "Opening URL" reader = urlopen(urladdy) full_page = StringIO(str( print "Scraping URL" for i in full_page: line = str(i).replace('\n', '') for j in range(0, len(obs_list)): if obs_list[j].code in line: if '-datetime ' in line: obs_list[j].time = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0].split( '/')[1] if '-tmp ' in line: obs_list[j].temp = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-dewpoint ' in line: obs_list[j].dew = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-rainsince9am ' in line: obs_list[j].rain = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-press ' in line: obs_list[j].pressure = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-relhum ' in line: obs_list[j].rel_hum = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-wind-spd-kmh ' in line: obs_list[j].wind_vel = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] if '-wind-dir ' in line: obs_list[j].wind_dir = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] for i in range(0, len(obs_list)): temp_ = obs_list[i].temp dp_ = obs_list[i].dew if temp_ == "-" or dp_ == "-": obs_list[i].lcl = "-" continue lcl = 125 * (float(temp_) - float(dp_)) obs_list[i].lcl = lcl + obs_list[i].height print "Saving CSV Files" temp = [] dew = [] rain = [] pressure = [] rel_hum = [] lcl = [] wind_vel = [] for j in range(0, len(obs_list)): root_folder = "C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\Storm Chasing\Chases\\" date_path = arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD') try: chdir(root_folder + date_path) except WindowsError: mkdir(root_folder + date_path) try: chdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations") except WindowsError: mkdir(root_folder + date_path + "\Observations") try: temp.append(float(obs_list[j].temp)) except ValueError: pass try: dew.append(float(obs_list[j].dew)) except ValueError: pass try: rain.append(float(obs_list[j].rain)) except ValueError: pass try: pressure.append(float(obs_list[j].pressure)) except ValueError: pass try: rel_hum.append(float(obs_list[j].rel_hum)) except ValueError: pass try: lcl.append(float(obs_list[j].lcl)) except ValueError: pass try: wind_vel.append(float(obs_list[j].wind_vel)) except ValueError: pass last_line = "" csv_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + obs_list[ j].code + ".csv" print obs_list[j].time local_time = str(arrow_now().format('YYYY-MM-DD')) + " " + str( arrow_get(obs_list[j].time, 'HH:mmA').format('HH:mm')) ts = arrow_get(local_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', tzinfo='Australia/Melbourne').timestamp write_line = str(ts) + "," + str(obs_list[j].temp) + "," + str( obs_list[j].dew) + "," + str(obs_list[j].rain) + "," + str( obs_list[j].pressure) + "," + str(obs_list[j].lcl) + "," + str( obs_list[j].rel_hum) + "," + str( obs_list[j].wind_vel) + "," + str( obs_list[j].wind_dir) + "\n" try: with open(csv_filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: last_line = line if write_line == last_line: pass else: with open(csv_filename, 'a') as g: g.write(write_line) except IOError: with open(csv_filename, 'a') as g: g.write(write_line) config_filename = root_folder + date_path + "\Observations\\" + "range.cfg" min_temp = "-" max_temp = "-" min_dew = "-" max_dew = "-" min_pressure = "-" max_pressure = "-" min_rain = "-" max_rain = "-" min_rel_hum = "-" max_rel_hum = "-" min_lcl = "-" max_lcl = "-" min_wind_vel = "-" max_wind_vel = "-" try: with open(config_filename, 'r') as f: # Determine min / max temp line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(temp) < float(line_vals[0]): min_temp = min(temp) else: min_temp = float(line_vals[0]) if max(temp) > float(line_vals[1]): max_temp = max(temp) else: max_temp = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max dew line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(dew) < float(line_vals[0]): min_dew = min(dew) else: min_dew = float(line_vals[0]) if max(dew) > float(line_vals[1]): max_dew = max(dew) else: max_dew = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max rain line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(rain) < float(line_vals[0]): min_rain = min(rain) else: min_rain = float(line_vals[0]) if max(rain) > float(line_vals[1]): max_rain = max(rain) else: max_rain = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max pressure line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(pressure) < float(line_vals[0]): min_pressure = min(pressure) else: min_pressure = float(line_vals[0]) if max(pressure) > float(line_vals[1]): max_pressure = max(pressure) else: max_pressure = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max rel_hum line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(rel_hum) < float(line_vals[0]): min_rel_hum = min(rel_hum) else: min_rel_hum = float(line_vals[0]) if max(rel_hum) > float(line_vals[1]): max_rel_hum = max(rel_hum) else: max_rel_hum = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max lcl line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(lcl) < float(line_vals[0]): min_lcl = min(lcl) else: min_lcl = float(line_vals[0]) if max(lcl) > float(line_vals[1]): max_lcl = max(lcl) else: max_lcl = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass # Determine min / max wind_vel line = f.readline() line_vals = line.split(',') try: if min(wind_vel) < float(line_vals[0]): min_wind_vel = min(wind_vel) else: min_wind_vel = float(line_vals[0]) if max(wind_vel) > float(line_vals[1]): max_wind_vel = max(wind_vel) else: max_wind_vel = float(line_vals[1]) except ValueError: pass except IOError: min_temp = 0 max_temp = 45 min_dew = -10 max_dew = 25 min_pressure = 995 max_pressure = 1030 min_rain = 0 max_rain = 40 min_rel_hum = 0 max_rel_hum = 100 min_lcl = 0 max_lcl = 3000 min_wind_vel = 0 max_wind_vel = 5 with open(config_filename, 'w') as f: line = str(min_temp) + "," + str(max_temp) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_dew) + "," + str(max_dew) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_rain) + "," + str(max_rain) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_pressure) + "," + str(max_pressure) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_rel_hum) + "," + str(max_rel_hum) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_lcl) + "," + str(max_lcl) + "\n" f.writelines(line) line = str(min_wind_vel) + "," + str(max_wind_vel) + "\n" f.writelines(line) print "Finished Saving CSV Files" return obs_list, loc_names