def show_alignment_plot(record): duck = record.get_result() alignments = duck[:, 'alignments'].break_in().to_array().T with vstack_plots(grid=True, spacing=0.1, bottom_pad=0.1, left_pad=0.1): add_subplot() plt.plot(duck[:, 'epoch'], duck[:, 'test_init_error'], label='Init Eq. Prop: $s^f$', color='C2') plt.plot(duck[:, 'epoch'], duck[:, 'test_neg_error'], label='Init Eq. Prop: $s^-$', color='C1') plt.ylabel('Classification Test Error') plt.ylim(0, 10) plt.legend() add_subplot() n_layers = len(alignments) colors = list(get_color_cycle_map('jet', n_layers + 3)) for i, (alignments, c) in enumerate(zip(alignments[:-1], colors)): plt.plot( duck[:, 'epoch'], alignments, label= f'$S(\\nabla_{{\phi_{i+1}}} L_{i+1}, \\nabla_{{\phi_{i+1}}} L_{{{i+2}:{n_layers}}})$', color=c) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Gradient Alignment') plt.legend()
def demo_plot_stdp(kp=0.1, kd=2): t=np.arange(-100, 101) r = kd/float(kp+kd) kbb = r**(np.abs(t)) k_classic = kbb*np.sign(t) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2)) with hstack_plots(spacing=0.1, bottom=0.1, left=0.05, right=0.98, xlabel='$t_{post}-t_{pre}$', ylabel='$\Delta w$', sharex=False, sharey=False, show_x=False, remove_ticks=False, grid=True): ax=add_subplot() plt.plot(t, -kbb) plt.title('$sign(\\bar x_t)=sign(\\bar e_t)$') plt.xlabel('$t_{post}-t_{pre}$') add_subplot() plt.plot(t, kbb) plt.title('$sign(\\bar x_t)\\neq sign(\\bar e_t)$') add_subplot() plt.title('Classic STDP Rule') plt.plot(t, k_classic) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom='off')
def figure_alignment_during_training(orientation='h'): from init_eqprop.demo_energy_eq_prop_AH_grad_alignment import ex_large_alignment result_local = ex_large_alignment.get_latest_record( if_none='run').get_result() # type: Duck result_global = ex_large_alignment.get_variant( local_loss=False).get_latest_record( if_none='run').get_result() # type: Duck alignments = result_local[:, 'alignments'].break_in().to_array()[:, :-1] length = min(len(result_local), len(result_global)) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6) if orientation == 'v' else (10, 2.3)) context = \ vstack_plots(grid=True, xlabel='Epochs', left_pad=0.15, bottom_pad=0.1, right_pad=0.1, spacing=0.05) if orientation =='v' else \ hstack_plots(grid=True, xlabel='Epochs', left_pad=0.1, bottom_pad=0.2, right_pad=0.1, spacing=0.4, sharey=False, show_y=True) with context: add_subplot() plt.plot(result_local[:length, 'epoch'], result_local[:length, 'test_init_error'], label='Local $s^f$', color='C0') plt.plot(result_local[:length, 'epoch'], result_local[:length, 'test_neg_error'], label='Local $s^-$', color=modify_color('C0', modifier=None), linestyle=':') plt.plot(result_global[:length, 'epoch'], result_global[:length, 'test_init_error'], label='Global $s^f$', color='C1') plt.plot(result_global[:length, 'epoch'], result_global[:length, 'test_neg_error'], label='Global $s^-$', color=modify_color('C1', modifier=None), linestyle=':') plt.ylim(0, 10) plt.legend(loc='Upper Right') plt.ylabel('Test Classification Error') add_subplot() for i, c in zip( range(alignments.shape[1]), get_color_cycle_map('jet', length=alignments.shape[1] + 4)): plt.plot( result_local[:length, 'epoch'], alignments[:length, i], color=c, label= f'$S(\\nabla_{{\phi_{i+1}}} L_{i+1}, \\nabla_{{\phi_{i+1}}} L_{{{i+2}:{alignments.shape[1]+1}}})$' ) plt.ylabel('Alignment') plt.legend()
def demo_why_kp_explanation( n_steps=2000, kd=1., kp_values = [0, 0.01, 0.1], x_cutoff = 0.03, w_cutoff = 0.01, w_fixed = False, seed = 1234, ): """ We have time varying signals x, w. See how different choices of kp, kd, and quantization affect our ability to approximate the time-varying quantity x*w. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = lowpass_random(n_samples=n_steps, cutoff=x_cutoff, normalize=True, rng=rng) w = lowpass_random(n_samples=n_steps, cutoff=w_cutoff, normalize=True, rng=rng)+1 if not w_fixed else np.ones(n_steps) xw = x*w plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) with vstack_plots(sharex=True, sharey=True, left=0.09, right=.98, spacing=0.02, remove_ticks=False): ax=add_subplot() plt.plot(x, label='$x_t$') plt.plot(w, label='$w_t$') plt.title('In all plots, $k_d={}$'.format(kd), loc='left') plt.grid() for kp in kp_values: s = pid_encode(x, kp=kp, kd=kd, quantization='herd') zprime = pid_decode(s*w, kp=kp, kd=kd) ax_mult=add_subplot() plt.plot(xw, label = '$z_t=x_t\cdot w_t$', color='C2') plt.plot(zprime, label='$\hat z_t = dec_{{k_p k_d}}(Q(enc_{{k_p k_d}}(x_t))\cdot w_t)$'.format(kp), color='C3') plt.ylabel('$k_p={}$'.format(kp)) # plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') # plt.ylim(-4.5, 4.5) plt.grid() # plt.plot(xw, label = '$z_t$', color='k', linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('t') # plt.legend() # ax.set_ylim(-2.7, 2.7) ax_mult.set_ylim(-4.5, 4.5) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles2, labels2 = ax_mult.get_legend_handles_labels() # plt.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1],bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, ncol=len(handles[::-1])) plt.legend(handles+handles2, labels+labels2,bbox_to_anchor=(.99, .99), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, ncol=len(handles+handles2), loc='upper right')
def create_gp_convergence_search_figure(): searches = [ # ('$\epsilon = 1/\sqrt{t}$', 'demo_quantized_convergence_perturbed.nonadaptive.epsilons=1_SLASH_sqrt(t)'), ('$\epsilon = \epsilon_0/t^{\eta_\epsilon}, \lambda = \lambda_0/t^{\eta_\lambda}$', 'demo_quantized_convergence_perturbed.nonadaptive.poly_schedule.parameter_search'), ('$\epsilon$ = OSA($\\bar\\nu$)', 'demo_quantized_convergence_perturbed.adaptive.optimal.parameter_search'), ('$\epsilon$ = OSA($\\bar\\nu$), $\lambda$', 'demo_quantized_convergence_perturbed.adaptive.optimal.parameter_search_predictive'), ('$\epsilon$ = OSA($\\bar\\nu$), $\lambda = \lambda_0/t^{\eta_\lambda}$', 'demo_quantized_convergence_perturbed.adaptive.optimal.OSA-lambda_sched.parameter_search_predictive'), ] relabels = {'eps_init': '$\epsilon_0$', 'eps_exp':' $\eta_\epsilon$', 'lambda_init': '$\lambda_0$', 'lambda_exp':' $\eta_\lambda$', 'error_stepsize_target': '$\\bar\\nu$', 'lambdas': '$\lambda$'} plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) set_figure_border_size(hspace=0.25, border=0.05, bottom=.1, right=0.1) for search_name, search_exp_id in searches: add_subplot() exp = load_experiment(search_exp_id) rec = exp.get_latest_record() plot_hyperparameter_search(rec, relabel=relabels, assert_all_relabels_used=False, score_name='Error') plt.title(search_name)
def demo_plot_stdp(kp=0.1, kd=2): t = np.arange(-100, 101) r = kd / float(kp + kd) kbb = r**(np.abs(t)) k_classic = kbb * np.sign(t) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2)) with hstack_plots(spacing=0.1, bottom=0.1, left=0.05, right=0.98, xlabel='$t_{post}-t_{pre}$', ylabel='$\Delta w$', sharex=False, sharey=False, show_x=False, remove_ticks=False, grid=True): ax = add_subplot() plt.plot(t, -kbb) plt.title('$sign(\\bar x_t)=sign(\\bar e_t)$') plt.xlabel('$t_{post}-t_{pre}$') add_subplot() plt.plot(t, kbb) plt.title('$sign(\\bar x_t)\\neq sign(\\bar e_t)$') add_subplot() plt.title('Classic STDP Rule') plt.plot(t, k_classic) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom='off')
def create_gp_mnist_search_figure(): # TODO: Replace the first one with the search with LONGER when it's done. searches = [ # ('$\epsilon = \epsilon_0/t^{\eta_\epsilon}, \lambda = \lambda_0/t^{\eta_\lambda}$', 'experiment_mnist_eqprop_torch.1_hid.quantized.poly_schedule.epoch_checkpoint_period=None,n_epochs=1,quantizer=sigma_delta.parameter_search'), ('$\epsilon = \epsilon_0/t^{\eta_\epsilon}, \lambda = \lambda_0/t^{\eta_\lambda}$', X_polyscheduled_longer_psearch), # ('$\epsilon$ = OSA($\\bar\\nu$), $\lambda$', 'experiment_mnist_eqprop_torch.1_hid.adaptive_quantized.optimal.n_negative_steps=100,n_positive_steps=50.epoch_checkpoint_period=None,n_epochs=1.parameter_search') ('$\epsilon$ = OSA($\\bar\\nu$), $\lambda$', X_osa_longer_1hid_psearch) ] relabels = {'eps_init': '$\epsilon_0$', 'eps_exp':' $\eta_\epsilon$', 'lambda_init': '$\lambda_0$', 'lambda_exp':' $\eta_\lambda$', 'error_stepsize_target': '$\\bar\\nu$', 'lambdas': '$\lambda$'} plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) set_figure_border_size(hspace=0.25, border=0.05, bottom=.1, right=0.1) for search_name, search_exp_id in searches: add_subplot() exp = load_experiment(search_exp_id) if isinstance(search_exp_id, str) else search_exp_id # type: Experiment rec = exp.get_latest_record() plot_hyperparameter_search(rec, relabel=relabels, assert_all_relabels_used=False, score_name='Val. Error\n after 1 epoch') plt.title(search_name)
def create_convergence_figure(): X = demo_quantized_convergence.get_variant('scheduled') records = [ X.get_variant('epsilon_decay').get_variant(epsilons='1/2').get_latest_record(if_none='run'), X.get_variant('epsilon_decay').get_variant(epsilons='1/t').get_latest_record(if_none='run'), X.get_variant('epsilon_decay').get_variant(epsilons='1/sqrt(t)').get_latest_record(if_none='run'), X.get_variant(epsilons ='1/sqrt(t)', quantizer ='stochastic').get_latest_record(if_none='run'), X.get_variant('search').get_variant('epsilons=0.843_SLASH_t**0.0923,lambdas=0.832_SLASH_t**0.584').get_latest_record(if_none='run'), # Best Mean Error ] compare_quantized_convergence_records( records = records, ax = add_subplot(), show_now=False, include_legend_now = True, label_reference_lines=True, legend_squeeze=0.5 ) plt.xlabel('t')
def demo_create_signal_figure( w=[-.7, .8, .5], eps=0.2, lambda_schedule='1/t**.75', eps_schedule='1/t**.4', n_samples=200, seed=1247, input_convergence_speed=3, scale=0.3, ): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) varying_sig = lowpass_random(n_samples=n_samples, cutoff=0.03, n_dim=len(w), normalize=(-scale, scale), rng=rng) frac = 1 - np.linspace(1, 0, n_samples)[:, None]**input_convergence_speed x = np.clip((1 - frac) * varying_sig + frac * scale * rng.rand(3), 0, 1) true_z = [ s for s in [0] for xt in x for s in [np.clip((1 - eps) * s + eps *, 0, 1)] ] # Alternative try 2 eps_stepper = create_step_sizer(eps_schedule) # type: IStepSizer lambda_stepper = create_step_sizer(lambda_schedule) # type: IStepSizer encoder = PredictiveEncoder(lambda_stepper=lambda_stepper, quantizer=SigmaDeltaQuantizer()) decoder = PredictiveDecoder(lambda_stepper=lambda_stepper) q = np.array( [qt for enc in [encoder] for xt in x for enc, qt in [enc(xt)]]) inputs = [ for qt in q] sig, epsilons, lambdaas = unzip([ (s, eps, dec.lambda_stepper(inp)[1]) for s, dec, eps_func in [[0, decoder, eps_stepper]] for inp in inputs for dec, decoded_input in [dec(inp)] for eps_func, eps in [eps_func(decoded_input)] for s in [np.clip((1 - eps) * s + eps * decoded_input, 0, 1)] ]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 4.5)) set_figure_border_size(0.02, bottom=0.1) with vstack_plots(spacing=0.1, xlabel='t', bottom_pad=0.1): ax = add_subplot() sep = np.max(x) * 1.1 plot_stacked_signals(x, sep=sep, labels=False) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) event_raster_plot( events=[np.nonzero(q[:, i])[0] for i in range(len(w))], sep=sep, s=100) ax.legend(labels=[f'$s_{i}$' for i in range(1, len(w) + 1)], loc='lower left') ax = add_subplot() stemlight(inputs, ax=ax, label='$u_j$', color='k') # plt.plot(inputs, label='$u_j$', color='k') ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') ax.legend(loc='upper left') # plt.grid() ax = add_subplot() # ax.plot([eps_func(t) for t in range(n_samples)], label='$\epsilon$', color='k') ax.plot(epsilons, label='$\epsilon$', color='k') ax.plot(lambdaas, label='$\lambda$', color='b') ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') ax = add_subplot() ax.plot(true_z, label='$s_j$ (real)', color='r') ax.plot(sig, label='$s_j$ (binary)', color='k') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') ax.axhline(0, color='k')
def demo_pd_stdp_equivalence(kp=0.03, kd=2., p=0.05, n_samples = 2000): r = kd/float(kp+kd) rng = np.random.RandomState(1236) x_spikes = rng.choice((-1, 0, 1), size=n_samples, p=[p/2, 1-p, p/2]) e_spikes = rng.choice((-1, 0, 1), size=n_samples, p=[p/2, 1-p, p/2]) t_k = np.linspace(-5, 5, 201) x_spikes[n_samples*3/4:] = 0 e_spikes[n_samples*3/4:] = 0 x_spikes[n_samples*7/8]=1 t = np.arange(-500, 501) k = r**t * (t>=0) x_hat = np.convolve(x_spikes, k, mode='same')/(kp+kd) e_hat = np.convolve(e_spikes, k, mode='same')/(kp+kd) x_hat = pid_decode(x_spikes, kp=kp, kd=kd) e_hat = pid_decode(e_spikes, kp=kp, kd=kd) # kbb = k+(r**(-t) * (t<0)) kbb = r**(np.abs(t)) x_conv_kbb = np.convolve(x_spikes, kbb, mode='same') sig_future =(x_hat*e_spikes + x_spikes*e_hat - x_spikes*e_spikes/(kp+kd)) * (kp+kd)/float(kp**2 + 2*kp*kd) sig_stdp = x_conv_kbb*e_spikes * 1./float(kp**2 + 2*kp*kd) sig_past = pd_weight_grads(xc=x_spikes[:, None], ec=e_spikes[:, None], kp=kp, kd=kd)[:, 0, 0] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) with vstack_plots(grid=False, xlabel='t', show_x = False, show_y=False, spacing=0.05, left=0.1, right=0.93, top=0.95): add_subplot() plt.plot(x_spikes, label='$\\bar x_t$') plt.plot(x_hat, label='$\hat x_t$') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.legend(loc = 'lower right') plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.ylabel('Presynaptic\nSignal') # plt.ylabel('$\\bar x_t$') add_subplot() plt.plot(e_spikes, label='$\\bar e_t$') plt.plot(e_hat, label='$\hat e_t$') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.legend(loc = 'lower right') plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.ylabel('Postsynaptic\nSignal') # plt.ylabel('$\\bar e_t$') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_hat, label='xk', marker='.') # plt.plot(e_hat-2*np.max(np.abs(x_hat)), label='yk', marker='.') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_conv_kbb, marker='.', label='x * kbb') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_conv_kbb*e_spikes, label='$(x * kbb) \odot y$') # plt.plot(sig_future, label = 'xk*y + x*yk') # sig_kbb = -x_conv_kbb*ym + x_conv_kbb*yp # plt.plot(sig_kbb, label='new', linestyle='--') # sig_stdp= -x_conv_kstdp*ym + x_conv_kstdp*yp # sig_stdp = x_conv_kstdp * y # plt.plot(sig_stdp, label='new', linestyle='--') # plt.legend() add_subplot() plt.plot(-np.cumsum(x_hat*e_hat), label='recon') plt.plot(-np.cumsum(sig_stdp), label='STDP') plt.plot(-sig_past, label='past') plt.plot(-np.cumsum(sig_future), label='future') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.ylabel('$\sum_{\\tau=0}^t \Delta w_\\tau$') # plt.plot(np.cumsum(sig_stdp)) plt.legend(loc = 'lower right') # add_subplot(layout='v') # plt.plot(xkky, label='xkky', linestyle='--') # plt.legend() # plt.plot(kk) # plt.plot(k)
def compare_results(results, names=None): e_ops = {} e_args = {} e_energies = {} training_scores = {} test_scores = {} e_epochs = {} for exp_name, (learning_curves, op_count_info) in results.iteritems(): infos, ops = zip(*op_count_info) e_epochs[exp_name] = [info.epoch for info in infos] ops = np.array(ops) ops[:, 1, :] = 0 # Because we don't actually have to do the backward pass of the first layer. ops = ops.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) e_ops[exp_name] = ops arg = load_experiment(exp_name).get_args() e_args[exp_name] = arg if arg['swap_mlp']: e_energies[exp_name] = estimate_energy_cost(n_ops=ops, op='mult-add', dtype='int') training_scores[exp_name] = learning_curves.get_values( subset='train', prediction_function=None, score_measure=None) test_scores[exp_name] = learning_curves.get_values( subset='test', prediction_function=None, score_measure=None) else: e_energies[exp_name] = estimate_energy_cost(n_ops=ops, op='add', dtype='int') training_scores[exp_name] = learning_curves.get_values( subset='train', prediction_function='herded', score_measure=None) test_scores[exp_name] = learning_curves.get_values( subset='test', prediction_function='herded', score_measure=None) with hstack_plots(ylabel='Temporal MNIST Score', grid=True, ylim=(85, 102)): ax = add_subplot() for exp_name in results: plt.plot() colour = next(plt.gca()._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] plt.plot(e_epochs[exp_name], training_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Training') plt.plot(e_epochs[exp_name], test_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Test') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend() plt.xlim(0, 50) ax = add_subplot() for exp_name in results: plt.plot() colour = next(plt.gca()._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] plt.plot(e_ops[exp_name] / 1e9, training_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Training') plt.plot(e_ops[exp_name] / 1e9, test_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Test') plt.xlabel('GOps') plt.legend() ax = add_subplot() for exp_name in results: plt.plot() colour = next(plt.gca()._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] plt.plot(e_energies[exp_name] / 1e9, training_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Training') plt.plot(e_energies[exp_name] / 1e9, test_scores[exp_name], color=colour, label=names[exp_name] + ':Test') plt.xlabel('Energies') plt.legend() pass
def demo_why_kp_explanation( n_steps=2000, kd=1., kp_values=[0, 0.01, 0.1], x_cutoff=0.03, w_cutoff=0.01, w_fixed=False, seed=1234, ): """ We have time varying signals x, w. See how different choices of kp, kd, and quantization affect our ability to approximate the time-varying quantity x*w. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = lowpass_random(n_samples=n_steps, cutoff=x_cutoff, normalize=True, rng=rng) w = lowpass_random( n_samples=n_steps, cutoff=w_cutoff, normalize=True, rng=rng) + 1 if not w_fixed else np.ones(n_steps) xw = x * w plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) with vstack_plots(sharex=True, sharey=True, left=0.09, right=.98, spacing=0.02, remove_ticks=False): ax = add_subplot() plt.plot(x, label='$x_t$') plt.plot(w, label='$w_t$') plt.title('In all plots, $k_d={}$'.format(kd), loc='left') plt.grid() for kp in kp_values: s = pid_encode(x, kp=kp, kd=kd, quantization='herd') zprime = pid_decode(s * w, kp=kp, kd=kd) ax_mult = add_subplot() plt.plot(xw, label='$z_t=x_t\cdot w_t$', color='C2') plt.plot( zprime, label= '$\hat z_t = dec_{{k_p k_d}}(Q(enc_{{k_p k_d}}(x_t))\cdot w_t)$' .format(kp), color='C3') plt.ylabel('$k_p={}$'.format(kp)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('t') ax_mult.set_ylim(-4.5, 4.5) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles2, labels2 = ax_mult.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles + handles2, labels + labels2, bbox_to_anchor=(.99, .99), bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, ncol=len(handles + handles2), loc='upper right')
def demo_pd_stdp_equivalence(kp=0.03, kd=2., p=0.05, n_samples=2000): r = kd / float(kp + kd) rng = np.random.RandomState(1236) x_spikes = rng.choice((-1, 0, 1), size=n_samples, p=[p / 2, 1 - p, p / 2]) e_spikes = rng.choice((-1, 0, 1), size=n_samples, p=[p / 2, 1 - p, p / 2]) t_k = np.linspace(-5, 5, 201) x_spikes[n_samples * 3 / 4:] = 0 e_spikes[n_samples * 3 / 4:] = 0 x_spikes[n_samples * 7 / 8] = 1 t = np.arange(-500, 501) k = r**t * (t >= 0) x_hat = np.convolve(x_spikes, k, mode='same') / (kp + kd) e_hat = np.convolve(e_spikes, k, mode='same') / (kp + kd) x_hat = pid_decode(x_spikes, kp=kp, kd=kd) e_hat = pid_decode(e_spikes, kp=kp, kd=kd) # kbb = k+(r**(-t) * (t<0)) kbb = r**(np.abs(t)) x_conv_kbb = np.convolve(x_spikes, kbb, mode='same') sig_future = (x_hat * e_spikes + x_spikes * e_hat - x_spikes * e_spikes / (kp + kd)) * (kp + kd) / float(kp**2 + 2 * kp * kd) sig_stdp = x_conv_kbb * e_spikes * 1. / float(kp**2 + 2 * kp * kd) sig_past = pd_weight_grads(xc=x_spikes[:, None], ec=e_spikes[:, None], kp=kp, kd=kd)[:, 0, 0] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) with vstack_plots(grid=False, xlabel='t', show_x=False, show_y=False, spacing=0.05, left=0.1, right=0.93, top=0.95): add_subplot() plt.plot(x_spikes, label='$\\bar x_t$') plt.plot(x_hat, label='$\hat x_t$') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.ylabel('Presynaptic\nSignal') # plt.ylabel('$\\bar x_t$') add_subplot() plt.plot(e_spikes, label='$\\bar e_t$') plt.plot(e_hat, label='$\hat e_t$') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.ylabel('Postsynaptic\nSignal') # plt.ylabel('$\\bar e_t$') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_hat, label='xk', marker='.') # plt.plot(e_hat-2*np.max(np.abs(x_hat)), label='yk', marker='.') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_conv_kbb, marker='.', label='x * kbb') # add_subplot() # plt.plot(x_conv_kbb*e_spikes, label='$(x * kbb) \odot y$') # plt.plot(sig_future, label = 'xk*y + x*yk') # sig_kbb = -x_conv_kbb*ym + x_conv_kbb*yp # plt.plot(sig_kbb, label='new', linestyle='--') # sig_stdp= -x_conv_kstdp*ym + x_conv_kstdp*yp # sig_stdp = x_conv_kstdp * y # plt.plot(sig_stdp, label='new', linestyle='--') # plt.legend() add_subplot() plt.plot(-np.cumsum(x_hat * e_hat), label='recon') plt.plot(-np.cumsum(sig_stdp), label='STDP') plt.plot(-sig_past, label='past') plt.plot(-np.cumsum(sig_future), label='future') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=2, color='k') plt.ylabel('$\sum_{\\tau=0}^t \Delta w_\\tau$') # plt.plot(np.cumsum(sig_stdp)) plt.legend(loc='lower right') # add_subplot(layout='v') # plt.plot(xkky, label='xkky', linestyle='--') # plt.legend() # plt.plot(kk) # plt.plot(k)
def demo_weight_update_figures( n_samples = 1000, seed=1278, kpx=.0015, kdx=.5, kpe=.0015, kde=.5, warmup=500, future_fill_settings = dict(color='lightsteelblue', hatch='//', edgecolor='w'), past_fill_settings = dict(color='lightpink', hatch='\\\\', edgecolor='w'), plot=True ): """ What this test shows: (1) The FutureWeightGradCalculator indeed perfectly calculates the product between the two reconstructions (2) The FutureWeightGradCalculator with "true" values plugged in place of reconstructions isn't actually all that great. (3) We implemented the "true" value idea correctly, because we try plugging in the reconstructions it is identical to actually using the reconstructions. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) linewidth=2 matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.color'] = 'w' matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 2. rx = kdx/float(kpx+kdx) re = kde/float(kpe+kde) t = np.arange(n_samples) x = lowpass_random(n_samples+warmup, cutoff=0.0003, rng=rng, normalize=True)[warmup:] e = lowpass_random(n_samples+warmup, cutoff=0.0003, rng=rng, normalize=True)[warmup:] if x.mean()<0: x=-x if e.mean()<0: e=-e # x[-int(n_samples/4):]=0 # e[-int(n_samples/4):]=0 xc = pid_encode(x, kp=kpx, kd=kdx, quantization='herd') ec = pid_encode(e, kp=kpe, kd=kde, quantization='herd') xd = pid_decode(xc, kp=kpx, kd=kdx) ed = pid_decode(ec, kp=kpe, kd=kde) w_true = x*e w_recon = xd*ed fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3)) with vstack_plots(grid=False, sharex=False, spacing=0.05, xlabel='t', xlim=(0, n_samples), show_x=False, show_y=False, left=0.01, right=0.98, top=.96, bottom=.08): ix = np.nonzero(ec)[0][1] future_top_e = ed[ix]*re**(np.arange(n_samples-ix)) future_bottom_e = ed[ix-1]*re**(np.arange(n_samples-ix)+1) future_top_x = xd[ix]*rx**(np.arange(n_samples-ix)) ix_xlast = np.nonzero(xc[:ix])[0][-1] past_top_x = xd[ix_xlast:ix] past_top_e = ed[ix_xlast:ix] past_top_area = past_top_e*past_top_x future_top_area = future_top_e*future_top_x future_bottom_area = future_bottom_e*future_top_x ax0=ax=add_subplot() plt.plot(x, label='$x$', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(xc, color='k', label='$\\bar x$', linewidth=linewidth+1) plt.plot(xd, label='$\hat x$', linewidth=linewidth) ax.fill_between(t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_x, **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between(t[ix:], 0., future_top_x, **future_fill_settings) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=2) # ax.arrow(ix-10, 1, ix, 00, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='k', ec='k') # ax.set_ylim(bottom=-.5, top=4) ax1=ax=add_subplot() plt.plot(e, label='$e$', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(ec, color='k', label='$\\bar e$', linewidth=linewidth+1) plt.plot(ed, label='$\hat e$', linewidth=linewidth) ax.fill_between(t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_e, **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between(t[ix:], future_bottom_e, future_top_e, **future_fill_settings) plt.legend(loc='upper left') ax.annotate('spike', xy=(ix+4, 0.4), xytext=(ix+70, 1.), fontsize=10, fontweight='bold', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), ) # plt.ylim(-.5, 4) ax2=ax=add_subplot() plt.plot(w_true, linewidth=linewidth, label='$\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}_t=x_t e_t$') plt.plot(w_recon, linewidth=linewidth, label='$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_t = \hat x_t \hat e_t$') ax.fill_between(t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_area, label='$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_{t,past}$', **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between(t[ix:], future_bottom_area, future_top_area, label='$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_{t,future}$', **future_fill_settings) plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=2) plt.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2) ax0.set_xlim(0, n_samples*3/4) ax1.set_xlim(0, n_samples*3/4) ax2.set_xlim(0, n_samples*3/4) ax0.set_ylim(-.5, 4) ax1.set_ylim(-.5, 4) # add_subplot() # plt.plot(np.cumsum(x*e)) # plt.plot(w_recon[:, 0, 0])
def demo_weight_update_figures(n_samples=1000, seed=1278, kpx=.0015, kdx=.5, kpe=.0015, kde=.5, warmup=500, future_fill_settings=dict( color='lightsteelblue', hatch='//', edgecolor='w'), past_fill_settings=dict(color='lightpink', hatch='\\\\', edgecolor='w'), plot=True): """ What this test shows: (1) The FutureWeightGradCalculator indeed perfectly calculates the product between the two reconstructions (2) The FutureWeightGradCalculator with "true" values plugged in place of reconstructions isn't actually all that great. (3) We implemented the "true" value idea correctly, because we try plugging in the reconstructions it is identical to actually using the reconstructions. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) linewidth = 2 matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.color'] = 'w' matplotlib.rcParams['hatch.linewidth'] = 2. rx = kdx / float(kpx + kdx) re = kde / float(kpe + kde) t = np.arange(n_samples) x = lowpass_random(n_samples + warmup, cutoff=0.0003, rng=rng, normalize=True)[warmup:] e = lowpass_random(n_samples + warmup, cutoff=0.0003, rng=rng, normalize=True)[warmup:] if x.mean() < 0: x = -x if e.mean() < 0: e = -e # x[-int(n_samples/4):]=0 # e[-int(n_samples/4):]=0 xc = pid_encode(x, kp=kpx, kd=kdx, quantization='herd') ec = pid_encode(e, kp=kpe, kd=kde, quantization='herd') xd = pid_decode(xc, kp=kpx, kd=kdx) ed = pid_decode(ec, kp=kpe, kd=kde) w_true = x * e w_recon = xd * ed fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3)) with vstack_plots(grid=False, sharex=False, spacing=0.05, xlabel='t', xlim=(0, n_samples), show_x=False, show_y=False, left=0.01, right=0.98, top=.96, bottom=.08): ix = np.nonzero(ec)[0][1] future_top_e = ed[ix] * re**(np.arange(n_samples - ix)) future_bottom_e = ed[ix - 1] * re**(np.arange(n_samples - ix) + 1) future_top_x = xd[ix] * rx**(np.arange(n_samples - ix)) ix_xlast = np.nonzero(xc[:ix])[0][-1] past_top_x = xd[ix_xlast:ix] past_top_e = ed[ix_xlast:ix] past_top_area = past_top_e * past_top_x future_top_area = future_top_e * future_top_x future_bottom_area = future_bottom_e * future_top_x ax0 = ax = add_subplot() plt.plot(x, label='$x$', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(xc, color='k', label='$\\bar x$', linewidth=linewidth + 1) plt.plot(xd, label='$\hat x$', linewidth=linewidth) ax.fill_between(t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_x, **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between(t[ix:], 0., future_top_x, **future_fill_settings) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=2) # ax.arrow(ix-10, 1, ix, 00, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='k', ec='k') # ax.set_ylim(bottom=-.5, top=4) ax1 = ax = add_subplot() plt.plot(e, label='$e$', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(ec, color='k', label='$\\bar e$', linewidth=linewidth + 1) plt.plot(ed, label='$\hat e$', linewidth=linewidth) ax.fill_between(t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_e, **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between(t[ix:], future_bottom_e, future_top_e, **future_fill_settings) plt.legend(loc='upper left') ax.annotate( 'spike', xy=(ix + 4, 0.4), xytext=(ix + 70, 1.), fontsize=10, fontweight='bold', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), ) # plt.ylim(-.5, 4) ax2 = ax = add_subplot() plt.plot(w_true, linewidth=linewidth, label='$\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}_t=x_t e_t$') plt.plot( w_recon, linewidth=linewidth, label= '$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_t = \hat x_t \hat e_t$' ) ax.fill_between( t[ix_xlast:ix], 0., past_top_area, label= '$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_{t,past}$', **past_fill_settings) ax.fill_between( t[ix:], future_bottom_area, future_top_area, label= '$\widehat{\\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial w}}_{t,future}$', **future_fill_settings) plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=2) plt.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2) ax0.set_xlim(0, n_samples * 3 / 4) ax1.set_xlim(0, n_samples * 3 / 4) ax2.set_xlim(0, n_samples * 3 / 4) ax0.set_ylim(-.5, 4) ax1.set_ylim(-.5, 4) # add_subplot() # plt.plot(np.cumsum(x*e)) # plt.plot(w_recon[:, 0, 0])