コード例 #1
def assocDataTableEphysVal(dataTableOb):
    """Associates a data table object with ephys concept map objects
    dt = dataTableOb
    ds = m.DataSource.objects.get(data_table = dt)
    robot_user = m.get_robot_user()
    if dt.table_text is None:

    ephysSyns = m.EphysPropSyn.objects.all()
    ephysSynList = [e.term.lower() for e in ephysSyns]

    tableTag = dt.table_html
    soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(tableTag), 'lxml')
    headerTags = soup.findAll('th')
    tdTags = soup.findAll('td')
    allTags = headerTags + tdTags

    for tag in allTags:
        origTagText = tag.get_text()
        tagText = origTagText.strip()

        if 'id' in tag.attrs.keys():
            tag_id = str(tag['id'])
            tag_id = -1
        if len(tagText) == 0:
        if has_ascii_letters(tagText) is True:
            # SJT Note - Currently doesn't mine terms in synapse stop words list
            matched_ephys_ob = match_ephys_header(tagText, ephysSynList)
            identified_unit = get_units_from_table_header(tagText)

            if matched_ephys_ob:

                save_ref_text = origTagText[0:min(len(origTagText),199)]
                # create EphysConceptMap object
                ephysConceptMapOb = m.EphysConceptMap.objects.get_or_create(ref_text = save_ref_text,
                                                                          ephys_prop = matched_ephys_ob,
                                                                          source = ds,
                                                                          dt_id = tag_id,
                                                                          #match_quality = matchVal,
                                                                          changed_by = robot_user,
                                                                          times_validated = 0,
コード例 #2
def find_ephys_headers_in_table(table_html, early_stopping = False, early_stop_num = 2):
    """Given an html table as input, returns a dict of table cells and their found ephys concept maps
        if no ephys concepts found, returns None

    if table_html is None:

    tableTag = table_html
    soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(tableTag), 'lxml')
    headerTags = soup.findAll('th')
    tdTags = soup.findAll('td')
    allTags = headerTags + tdTags
    ret_dict = dict()

    ephysSyns = m.EphysPropSyn.objects.all()
    ephysSynList = [e.term.lower() for e in ephysSyns]

    for tag in allTags:
        origTagText = tag.get_text()
        tagText = origTagText.strip()

        if 'id' in tag.attrs.keys():
            tag_id = str(tag['id'])
            tag_id = -1
        if len(tagText) == 0:
        if has_ascii_letters(tagText) is True:
            # SJT Note - Currently doesn't mine terms in synapse stop words list
            matched_ephys_ob = match_ephys_header(tagText, ephysSynList)

            # identified_unit = get_units_from_table_header(tagText)

            if matched_ephys_ob:
                ret_dict[tagText] = matched_ephys_ob
                if early_stopping:
                    if len(ret_dict.keys()) >= early_stop_num:
                        return ret_dict

    if len(ret_dict.keys()) == 0:
        return None
    return ret_dict