コード例 #1
def get_units_from_table_header(header_str):
    (a, parens_str, comma_str) = resolve_table_header(header_str)
    if parens_str:
        matched_units = parse_units_from_str(parens_str)
        if matched_units:
            return parens_str
    elif comma_str:
        matched_units = parse_units_from_str(comma_str)
        if matched_units:
            return comma_str
        # split header using whitespace and check if any are units
        for e in reversed(a.split()):
            matched_units = parse_units_from_str(e)
            if matched_units:
                return e
    return None
コード例 #2
def match_ephys_header(header_str, ephys_synonym_list):
    """Given a data table header string, returns closest matching ephys prop object
        or None if no ephys synonym has a high match

        header_str: header string from a data table
        ephys_synonym_list: the list of strings representing ephys synonyms

        An EphysProp neuroelectro.models object whose Ephys Synonym
        best matches the header_str if match is higher than threshold,
        or None otherwise

        <EphysProp: Input resistance>

    synapse_stop_words = get_synapse_stop_words()  # a list of stop words relating to synapse terms

    (normHeader, insideParens, commaStr) = resolve_table_header(header_str)
    best_matching_ephys_syn = fuzzy_match_term_to_list(normHeader, ephys_synonym_list)
    if best_matching_ephys_syn: # if it's not None
        if any(substring in normHeader for substring in synapse_stop_words):
            # if header contains a synaptic plasticity term, then dont associate it to anything
            return None

        # find ephys prop matching synonym term
        ephysPropQuerySet = m.EphysProp.objects.filter(synonyms__term = best_matching_ephys_syn)
        if ephysPropQuerySet.count() > 0:
            ephysPropOb = ephysPropQuerySet[0]
            if ephysPropQuerySet.count() > 1:
                print 'Multiple ephys properties found matching synonym: %s' % best_matching_ephys_syn
            return ephysPropOb
            return None
        return None