コード例 #1
ファイル: identify.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
def __identify(app, in_name):
    # TODO: identify number of independant inputs
    NL = app.nl().vector()
    M = app.matrix()
    nbits_in = M.ncols()
    nbits_out = M.nlines()
    if nbits_in != nbits_out:
        raise ValueError("do not yet support application with a different\
                number of input and output bits!")
    mba = MBA(nbits_in)
    var_in = mba.var(in_name)

    if NL != Vector(len(NL)):
        return _identify_nonaffine(app, var_in)
    C = EX.ExprCst(mba.from_vec(app.cst()).to_cst(), nbits_out)
    if M == Matrix(nbits_out, nbits_in):
        # This is just a constant
        return C

    ret = EX.ExprBV(var_in)
    matrix_empty = 0
    # Find empty columns in the matrix.
    for j in range(nbits_in):
        is_zero = reduce(operator.and_, (M.at(i, j) == imm(0)
                                         for i in range(nbits_out)), True)
        if is_zero:
            matrix_empty |= 1 << j
    matrix_and_mask = (~matrix_empty) % (2**nbits_out)
    if matrix_empty != 0:
        ret = EX.ExprAnd(ret, EX.ExprCst(matrix_and_mask, nbits_out))
    if mba.from_vec(M * var_in.vec) ^ (var_in & matrix_empty) == var_in:
        # This is a XOR
        return EX.ExprXor(ret, C)
    raise ValueError("unable to identify an expression")
コード例 #2
def eval_expr(e, use_esf=False):
    ectx = init_ctxes(e)

    ret = Vector(e.nbits)
    for i in range(e.nbits):
        ret[i] = ectx.eval(ret, i, use_esf)
    mba = MBA(len(ret))
    return mba.from_vec(ret)
コード例 #3
ファイル: llvm.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
 def setUp(self):
     self.mba = MBA(8)
     self.x = self.mba.var('x')
     self.y = self.mba.var('y')
     self.ex = EX.ExprBV(self.x)
     self.ey = EX.ExprBV(self.y)
     self.args = [self.x,self.y]
     self.eargs = [EX.ExprBV(self.x),EX.ExprBV(self.y)]
     self.func_name = "__arybo"
     self.llvm_target = llvm_get_target()
     self.machine = self.llvm_target.create_target_machine()
     self.engine = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(llvm.parse_assembly(""), self.machine)
コード例 #4
ファイル: identify.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
def identify(app_or_expr, in_):
    # type dispatching in python simply does not exist...
    if isinstance(app_or_expr, App):
        if not isinstance(in_, str):
            raise ValueError(
                "invalid arguments for identify (expect (App,string))")
        return __identify(app_or_expr, in_)
    if isinstance(app_or_expr, Vector):
        app_or_expr = MBA(len(app_or_expr)).from_vec(app_or_expr)
    if not isinstance(app_or_expr, MBAVariable) or not isinstance(
            in_, MBAVariable) or in_.name is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "invalid arguments for identify (expect (Vector|MBAVariable, MBAVariable))"
    app = app_or_expr.vectorial_decomp([in_])
    return __identify(app, in_.name)
コード例 #5
    def setUp(self):
        # Initialize the engine

        self.mba8  = MBA(8)
        self.mba16 = MBA(16)
        self.mba8.use_esf  = True
        self.mba16.use_esf = True
        # Useful variables using duringtests
        self.x8_t  = TAst.variable(ctx.newSymbolicVariable(8))
        self.y8_t  = TAst.variable(ctx.newSymbolicVariable(8))
        self.x16_t = TAst.variable(ctx.newSymbolicVariable(16))
        self.y16_t = TAst.variable(ctx.newSymbolicVariable(16))
        self.x8  = self.mba8.var(self.x8_t.getValue())
        self.y8  = self.mba8.var(self.y8_t.getValue())
        self.x16 = self.mba16.var(self.x16_t.getValue())
        self.y16 = self.mba16.var(self.y16_t.getValue())
コード例 #6
ファイル: examples.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
    def setUp(self):
        mba6 = MBA(6)
        mba6.use_esf = False
        mba8 = MBA(8)
        mba8.use_esf = False

        self.X6 = mba6.var('X')
        self.Y6 = mba6.var('Y')
        self.X8 = mba8.var('X')
コード例 #7
def AryboSimplify(bitnum, sourceExpreStr):
    """simplify the expression by arybo
		bitnum: the number of the bit of the variables.
		sourceExpreStr: expression is simplified.
		result: the result after simplification.
    mba = MBA(bitnum)
    x = mba.var("x")
    y = mba.var("y")
    z = mba.var("z")
    t = mba.var("t")
    a = mba.var("a")
    b = mba.var("b")
    c = mba.var("c")
    d = mba.var("d")
    e = mba.var("e")
    f = mba.var("f")

    res = eval(sourceExpreStr)
    fio = io.StringIO()
    print(res, file=fio)

    result = fio.getvalue()

    return result
コード例 #8
ファイル: petanque.py プロジェクト: heruix/arybo
def app_inverse(A):
    M = A.matrix()
    NL = A.nl()
    V = A.cst()
    Minv = M.inverse()
    if Minv.ncols() == 0:
        return None

    N = V.size()
    mba = MBA(N)
    Y = mba.var('Y')
    G0 = Minv * Y.vec + Minv * V
    G1nl = simplify_inplace(Minv * NL(Y.vec))

    # Check if G1 is inversible through a dependency graph
    DG = nx.DiGraph()
    idx_base = Y[0].sym_idx()
    for i, e in enumerate(G1nl):
        for d in get_depends_as_set(e):
            DG.add_edge(Y[i].sym_idx() - idx_base, d.sym_idx() - idx_base)

    if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(DG):
        return None

    # Use the graph to get the inverse of G1
    X = mba.var('X')
    resolve_order = nx.topological_sort(DG, reverse=True)
    solved = dict()
    for i in resolve_order:
        e = G1nl[i]
        if e.is_imm() and e.imm_value() == 0:
            solved[i] = X[i]
            # Doing this in the reversed topological order should make this always work!
            solved[i] = simplify_inplace(X[i] + simplify_inplace(
                subs_exprs(G1nl[i], [Y[j] for j in six.iterkeys(solved)],
    G1inv = Vector(N)
    for i in range(N):
        G1inv[i] = solved.get(i, X[i])
    G1inv = MBAVariable(mba, G1inv)
    Finv = G1inv.eval({X: G0})
    Finv = MBAVariable(mba, Finv)
    return Finv.vectorial_decomp([Y])
コード例 #9
ファイル: mba_exprs.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
    def setUp(self):
        self.mba1 = MBA(1)
        self.mba4 = MBA(4)
        self.mba4.use_esf = False
        self.mba8 = MBA(8)
        self.mba8.use_esf = False

        self.x4 = self.mba4.var('x')
        self.y4 = self.mba4.var('y')
        self.z4 = self.mba4.var('z')
        self.x4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.x4)
        self.y4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.y4)
        self.z4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.z4)

        self.x8 = self.mba8.var('x')
        self.y8 = self.mba8.var('y')
        self.z8 = self.mba8.var('z')

        self.x8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.x8)
        self.y8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.y8)
        self.z8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.z8)
コード例 #10
ファイル: petanque.py プロジェクト: jeffli678/arybo
def is_app_inversible(A):
    M = A.matrix()
    NL = A.nl()
    V = A.cst()
    Minv = M.inverse()
    if Minv.ncols() == 0:
        return False

    N = V.size()
    mba = MBA(N)
    Y = mba.var('Y')
    G0 = Minv*Y.vec + Minv*V
    G1nl = Minv*NL(Y.vec)

    # Check if G1 is inversible through a dependency graph
    DG = nx.DiGraph()
    for i,e in enumerate(G1nl):
        for d in get_depends_as_set(e):
            DG.add_edge(Y[i].sym_idx(), d.sym_idx())
    return nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(DG)
コード例 #11
ファイル: identify.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
class IdentifyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.mba8 = MBA(8)
        self.x = self.mba8.var('x')
        self.ex = EX.ExprBV(self.mba8.var('x'))

    def check(self, e, ref):
        app = e.vectorial_decomp([self.x])
        eid = identify(app,"x")
        self.assertEqual(EX.eval_expr(eid), EX.eval_expr(ref))

    def test_identify_xor(self):
        e = self.x^0xAA
        self.check(e, EX.ExprXor(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(0xAA, 8)))

    def test_identify_xor(self):
        e = self.x&0xAA
        self.check(e, EX.ExprAnd(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(0xAA, 8)))

    def test_identify_xor_and(self):
        e = (self.x&0x7F)^0xAA
        self.check(e, EX.ExprXor(EX.ExprAnd(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(0x7F, 8)), EX.ExprCst(0xAA,8)))
コード例 #12
from arybo.lib import MBA

mba32 = MBA(32)
X = mba32.var('X')
Y = mba32.var('Y')

op = (((X | 0xFDFFDBF3) - ((X | 0x7C5F9972) & 0x0248AD2E)) + 0x248AD36)

op = ((~X | 0x7AFAFA69) & 0xA061440) + (X & 0x1050504 | 0x101890D)

op = ((~X | 0x3BBDA8B5) & 0xB21C528) + (X & 0x4040474A | 0x40C00A46)

op = (X & 0xD281D094) - 1461583213 - (X | 0x2D7E2F6B)
コード例 #13
ファイル: stribog.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
         0x7d, 0x47, 0x6e, 0x98, 0xde, 0xa2, 0x59, 0x4a, 0xc0, 0x6f, 0xd8,
         0x5d, 0x6b, 0xca, 0xa4, 0xcd, 0x81, 0xf3, 0x2d, 0x1b
         0x37, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0x67, 0xf1, 0x16, 0x31, 0xba, 0xd2, 0x13, 0x80,
         0xb0, 0x04, 0x49, 0xb1, 0x7a, 0xcd, 0xa4, 0x3c, 0x32, 0xbc, 0xdf,
         0x1d, 0x77, 0xf8, 0x20, 0x12, 0xd4, 0x30, 0x21, 0x9f, 0x9b, 0x5d,
         0x80, 0xef, 0x9d, 0x18, 0x91, 0xcc, 0x86, 0xe7, 0x1d, 0xa4, 0xaa,
         0x88, 0xe1, 0x28, 0x52, 0xfa, 0xf4, 0x17, 0xd5, 0xd9, 0xb2, 0x1b,
         0x99, 0x48, 0xbc, 0x92, 0x4a, 0xf1, 0x1b, 0xd7, 0x20

from arybo.lib import MBA, simplify, simplify_inplace
from pytanque import symbol, Vector
import copy, random, sys
mba8 = MBA(8)
mba64 = MBA(64)

data = [mba8.from_cst(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in range(32)]
nbits = int(sys.argv[1])
idxes = list(range(nbits))
for i in range(nbits):
    data[idxes[i]].vec[random.randint(0, 7)] = symbol("i%d" % i)
sbox_E, X = mba8.permut2expr(sbox)
sbox = sbox_E.vectorial_decomp([X])

def S(K):
    return [mba8.from_vec(simplify_inplace(sbox(K[i].vec))) for i in range(64)]
コード例 #14
def _get_mba(n, use_esf):
    mba = MBA(n)
    mba.use_esf = use_esf
    return mba
コード例 #15
ファイル: gen_mba.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
from arybo.lib import MBA
import sys

mba = MBA(int(sys.argv[1]))
X = mba.var('X')
Y = mba.var('Y')

xor = X + Y - ((X & Y) << 1)
コード例 #16
import base64

## Helpers
def flatten_vec(V):
    n = 8 * len(V)
    ret = Vector(n)
    for i in range(len(V)):
        for j in range(8):
            ret[i * 8 + j] = V[i][j].copy()
    return ret


mba8 = MBA(8)
mba128 = MBA(128)

S = [
    0xa5, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x01, 0x49, 0x2a, 0x8e, 0xed, 0x1f, 0x7c, 0xd8, 0xbb,
    0xf3, 0x90, 0x34, 0x57, 0xb3, 0xd0, 0x74, 0x17, 0x5f, 0x3c, 0x98, 0xfb,
    0x09, 0x6a, 0xce, 0xad, 0xe5, 0x86, 0x22, 0x41, 0x89, 0xea, 0x4e, 0x2d,
    0x65, 0x06, 0xa2, 0xc1, 0x33, 0x50, 0xf4, 0x97, 0xdf, 0xbc, 0x18, 0x7b,
    0x9f, 0xfc, 0x58, 0x3b, 0x73, 0x10, 0xb4, 0xd7, 0x25, 0x46, 0xe2, 0x81,
    0xc9, 0xaa, 0x0e, 0x6d, 0xfd, 0x9e, 0x3a, 0x59, 0x11, 0x72, 0xd6, 0xb5,
    0x47, 0x24, 0x80, 0xe3, 0xab, 0xc8, 0x6c, 0x0f, 0xeb, 0x88, 0x2c, 0x4f,
    0x07, 0x64, 0xc0, 0xa3, 0x51, 0x32, 0x96, 0xf5, 0xbd, 0xde, 0x7a, 0x19,
    0xd1, 0xb2, 0x16, 0x75, 0x3d, 0x5e, 0xfa, 0x99, 0x6b, 0x08, 0xac, 0xcf,
    0x87, 0xe4, 0x40, 0x23, 0xc7, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x63, 0x2b, 0x48, 0xec, 0x8f,
    0x7d, 0x1e, 0xba, 0xd9, 0x91, 0xf2, 0x56, 0x35, 0x14, 0x77, 0xd3, 0xb0,
    0xf8, 0x9b, 0x3f, 0x5c, 0xae, 0xcd, 0x69, 0x0a, 0x42, 0x21, 0x85, 0xe6,
コード例 #17
ファイル: dirac.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
from arybo.lib import MBA, boolean_expr_solve
mba = MBA(64)
x = mba.var('x')
def f(X):
  T = ((X+1)&(~X))
  C = ((T | 0x7AFAFA697AFAFA69) & 0x80A061440A061440)\
      + ((~T & 0x10401050504) | 0x1010104)
  return C
r = f(x)
sols = boolean_expr_solve(r[63], x, 1)
C0 = sols[0].get_int_be()
コード例 #18
    use_exprs = int(sys.argv[1])

def f(x):
    v0 = x * 0xe5 + 0xF7
    v0 = v0 & 0xFF
    v3 = (((((v0 * 0x26) + 0x55) & 0xFE) + (v0 * 0xED) + 0xD6) & 0xFF)
    v4 = ((((((-(v3 * 0x2)) + 0xFF) & 0xFE) + v3) * 0x03) + 0x4D)
    v5 = (((((v4 * 0x56) + 0x24) & 0x46) * 0x4B) + (v4 * 0xE7) + 0x76)
    v7 = ((((v5 * 0x3A) + 0xAF) & 0xF4) + (v5 * 0x63) + 0x2E)
    v6 = (v7 & 0x94)
    v8 = ((((v6 + v6 + (-(v7 & 0xFF))) * 0x67) + 0xD))
    res = ((v8 * 0x2D) + (((v8 * 0xAE) | 0x22) * 0xE5) + 0xC2) & 0xFF
    return (0xed * (res - 0xF7)) & 0xff

mba8 = MBA(8)
X = mba8.var('X')
if use_exprs:
    X = EX.ExprBV(X)
res = f(X)
if use_exprs:
    res = EX.eval_expr(res, use_esf=False)
if use_exprs:
    X = X.v
VD = res.vectorial_decomp([X])

print("Cst = " + hex(VD.cst().get_int_be()))
コード例 #19
ファイル: mba_exprs.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
class MBAExprsTest:
    def setUp(self):
        self.mba1 = MBA(1)
        self.mba4 = MBA(4)
        self.mba4.use_esf = False
        self.mba8 = MBA(8)
        self.mba8.use_esf = False

        self.x4 = self.mba4.var('x')
        self.y4 = self.mba4.var('y')
        self.z4 = self.mba4.var('z')
        self.x4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.x4)
        self.y4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.y4)
        self.z4_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.z4)

        self.x8 = self.mba8.var('x')
        self.y8 = self.mba8.var('y')
        self.z8 = self.mba8.var('z')

        self.x8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.x8)
        self.y8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.y8)
        self.z8_expr = EX.ExprBV(self.z8)

    def exprEqual(self, expr, e):
        expr = EX.eval_expr(expr, self.use_esf)
        if self.use_esf:
        self.assertEqual(expr, e)

    def test_leaves(self):
        self.exprEqual(self.x4_expr, self.x4)
        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprCst(0xff, 4), self.mba4.from_cst(0xff))

    def test_unary(self):
        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprNot(self.x4_expr), ~self.x4)

        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprBroadcast(EX.ExprCst(1, 4), 0, 4),

        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprBroadcast(EX.ExprCst(1, 4), 1, 4),

    def test_unaryops(self):
        ops = (
            (EX.ExprXor, operator.xor),
            (EX.ExprAnd, operator.and_),
            (EX.ExprOr, operator.or_),

        args_expr = (self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr, self.z4_expr)
        args = (self.x4, self.y4, self.z4)

        for op in ops:
            self.exprEqual(op[0](*args_expr), reduce(op[1], args))

    def test_binaryops(self):
        ops = (
            (EX.ExprAdd, operator.add),
            (EX.ExprSub, operator.sub),
            (EX.ExprMul, operator.mul),

        args_expr = (self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr, self.z4_expr)
        args = (self.x4, self.y4, self.z4)

        for op in ops:
            self.exprEqual(reduce(op[0], args_expr), reduce(op[1], args))

        E0 = EX.ExprAdd(self.x8_expr, self.x8_expr)
        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprAdd(E0, E0), self.x8 << 2)

        for i in range(1, 16):
            self.exprEqual(EX.ExprDiv(self.x4_expr, EX.ExprCst(i, 4)),

    def test_rotate_binop(self):
        E0 = EX.ExprRor(EX.ExprAdd(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 + self.y4).ror(1))

        E0 = EX.ExprRor(EX.ExprSub(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 - self.y4).ror(1))

        E0 = EX.ExprRor(EX.ExprMul(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 * self.y4).ror(1))

        E0 = EX.ExprRol(EX.ExprAdd(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 + self.y4).rol(1))

        E0 = EX.ExprRol(EX.ExprSub(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 - self.y4).rol(1))

        E0 = EX.ExprRol(EX.ExprMul(self.x4_expr, self.y4_expr),
                        EX.ExprCst(1, 4))
        self.exprEqual(E0, (self.x4 * self.y4).rol(1))

    def test_logical(self):
        ops = ((EX.ExprLShr, operator.rshift), (EX.ExprShl, operator.lshift),
               (EX.ExprRol, lambda x, n: x.rol(n)), (EX.ExprRor,
                                                     lambda x, n: x.ror(n)))

        for op in ops:
            for s in range(5):
                self.exprEqual(op[0](self.x4_expr, EX.ExprCst(s, 4)),
                               op[1](self.x4, s))

    def test_zx_sx(self):
        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprZX(EX.ExprCst(0xf, 4), 8),

        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprSX(EX.ExprCst(0x8, 4), 8),

    def test_extract_contract(self):
        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprSlice(self.x8_expr, slice(0, 4)), self.x4)

        self.exprEqual(EX.ExprConcat(EX.ExprCst(0xf, 4), EX.ExprCst(0, 4)),

    def test_cmp(self):
        e = EX.ExprCond(EX.ExprCmpEq(self.x8_expr, EX.ExprCst(10, 8)),
                        self.y8_expr, self.z8_expr)

        e = EX.eval_expr(e)
        for i in range(256):
            eref = self.z8 if i != 10 else self.y8
            self.assertEqual(e.eval({self.x8: i}), eref.vec)
コード例 #20
 def test_lib(self):
     mba = MBA(4)
     mba_tester = MBATester(mba)
     ret = mba_tester.test_all()
コード例 #21
from arybo.lib import MBA
mba = MBA(4)

p = mba.var('X')
v0 = (p + 2) & 15
bp = (v0 >> 1) & 1
cp = (v0 >> 2) & 1
b = (p >> 1) & 1
v1 = v0 ^ ((bp << 2) | ((b & (bp ^ cp)) << 3))
v2 = v1 ^ (b << 3)
VD = v2.vectorial_decomp([p])

print("Cst = " + hex(VD.cst().get_int_be()))
コード例 #22
from arybo.lib import MBA
import sys

m = MBA(int(sys.argv[1]))
X = m.var('X')
Y = m.var('Y')

res = (X + Y) - (X | Y)
コード例 #23
class TritonTest():
    def setUp(self):
        # Initialize the engine

        self.mba8 = MBA(8)
        self.mba16 = MBA(16)
        self.mba8.use_esf = True
        self.mba16.use_esf = True
        # Useful variables using duringtests
        self.x8_t = TAst.variable(TT.newSymbolicVariable(8))
        self.y8_t = TAst.variable(TT.newSymbolicVariable(8))
        self.x16_t = TAst.variable(TT.newSymbolicVariable(16))
        self.y16_t = TAst.variable(TT.newSymbolicVariable(16))
        self.x8 = self.mba8.var(self.x8_t.getValue())
        self.y8 = self.mba8.var(self.y8_t.getValue())
        self.x16 = self.mba16.var(self.x16_t.getValue())
        self.y16 = self.mba16.var(self.y16_t.getValue())

    # Helpers
    def astEquals(self, ast, v):
        if self.use_expr:
            e = tritonast2arybo(ast, use_exprs=True, use_esf=False)
            e = eval_expr(e, use_esf=False)
            v = expand_esf_inplace(v)
            v = simplify_inplace(v)
            e = tritonast2arybo(ast, use_exprs=False, use_esf=True)
        self.assertEqual(e, v)

    # Tests
    def test_leaves(self):
        c = random.choice(range(0xff))
        self.astEquals(TAst.bv(c, 8), self.mba8.from_cst(c))

        self.astEquals(self.x8_t, self.x8)

    def test_zx_sx(self):
        self.astEquals(TAst.zx(8, TAst.bv(0xff, 8)),

        self.astEquals(TAst.sx(8, TAst.bv(0xff, 8)),

    def test_extract_contract(self):
        self.astEquals(TAst.extract(7, 0, TAst.bv(0xffff, 16)),

        self.astEquals(TAst.concat([TAst.bv(0xff, 8),
                                    TAst.bv(0x00, 8)]),

    def test_unaryops(self):
        self.astEquals(TAst.bvnot(self.x8_t), ~self.x8)

        self.astEquals(TAst.bvneg(self.x8_t), -self.x8)

    def test_binaryops(self):
        ops = ((TAst.bvadd, operator.add), (TAst.bvsub, operator.sub),
               (TAst.bvand, operator.and_), (TAst.bvor, operator.or_),
               (TAst.bvxor, operator.xor), (TAst.bvmul, operator.mul),
               (TAst.bvnand, lambda x, y: ~(x & y)),
               (TAst.bvnor, lambda x, y: ~(x | y)), (TAst.bvxnor,
                                                     lambda x, y: ~(x ^ y)))
        for op in ops:
            self.astEquals(op[0](self.x8_t, self.y8_t), op[1](self.x8,

        # One udiv test because it can take a lot of time...
        e = TAst.bvudiv(self.x8_t, TAst.bv(15, 8))
        self.astEquals(e, self.x8.udiv(15))

    def test_shifts(self):
        # Triton interface is not consistant between sh{r,l} and ro{l,r}.
        # For the first kind, it can take any AstNode. For the second one, an
        # integer is forced.
        ops = (
            (TAst.bvlshr, operator.rshift),
            (TAst.bvshl, operator.lshift),
        for op in ops:
            for s in range(9):
                self.astEquals(op[0](self.x8_t, TAst.bv(s, 8)), op[1](self.x8,

        ops = ((TAst.bvrol, lambda x, n: x.rol(n)), (TAst.bvror,
                                                     lambda x, n: x.ror(n)))
        for op in ops:
            for s in range(9):
                self.astEquals(op[0](s, self.x8_t), op[1](self.x8, s))

    def test_mba(self):
        # x^y = (x+y) - ((x&y)<<1)
        e = TAst.bvsub(
            TAst.bvadd(self.x8_t, self.y8_t),
            TAst.bvshl(TAst.bvand(self.x8_t, self.y8_t), TAst.bv(1, 8)))
        ea = tritonast2arybo(e, use_exprs=False, use_esf=True)
        self.assertEqual(ea, self.x8 ^ self.y8)

    def test_logical(self):
        e = TAst.equal(self.x8_t, self.y8_t)
        ea = tritonast2arybo(e, use_exprs=True, use_esf=False)
        ea = eval_expr(ea, use_esf=False)
        self.assertEqual(ea.nbits, 1)

    def test_exprs_xor_5C(self):
        # Based on djo's example

        # This is the xor_5C example compiled with optimisations for x86-4
        code = [


        rdi = TT.convertRegisterToSymbolicVariable(TT.REG.RDI)
        rdi = tritonast2arybo(TAst.variable(rdi), use_exprs=False)

        for opcodes in code:
            inst = TT.Instruction(opcodes)

        rax_ast = TT.buildSymbolicRegister(TT.REG.RAX)
        rax_ast = TT.getFullAst(rax_ast)
        rax_ast = TT.simplify(rax_ast, True)
        # Check that this gives a xor 5C
        e = tritonast2arybo(rax_ast, use_exprs=self.use_expr, use_esf=False)
        if self.use_expr:
            e = eval_expr(e)
        self.assertEqual(e, ((rdi & 0xff) ^ 0x5C).vec)
コード例 #24
ファイル: llvm.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
class LLVMTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.mba = MBA(8)
        self.x = self.mba.var('x')
        self.y = self.mba.var('y')
        self.ex = EX.ExprBV(self.x)
        self.ey = EX.ExprBV(self.y)
        self.args = [self.x,self.y]
        self.eargs = [EX.ExprBV(self.x),EX.ExprBV(self.y)]
        self.func_name = "__arybo"
        self.llvm_target = llvm_get_target()
        self.machine = self.llvm_target.create_target_machine()
        self.engine = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(llvm.parse_assembly(""), self.machine)

    def get_c_func(self, e, args):
        # Get the llvm function
        M = to_llvm_function(e,self.args,self.func_name)
        # JIT the function, and compare random values
        M = llvm.parse_assembly(str(M))

        func_ptr = self.engine.get_function_address(self.func_name)
        cfunc_type = (int_size_to_type(e.nbits),) + tuple(int_size_to_type(a.nbits) for a in args)
        cfunc = CFUNCTYPE(*cfunc_type)(func_ptr)
        return M,cfunc

    def check_expr(self, e, args):
        M,cfunc = self.get_c_func(e, args)
        # Eval 'e'
        evale = EX.eval_expr(e)
        for n in range(100):
            args_v = [random.getrandbits(a.nbits) for a in args]
            self.assertEqual(cfunc(*args_v), evale.eval({a: args_v[i] for i,a in enumerate(args)}))


    def test_tree(self):
        e0 = EX.ExprXor(self.ex, self.ey)
        e = EX.ExprAdd(e0,e0)
        self.check_expr(e, self.args)

    def test_binops(self):
        for op in (EX.ExprAdd,EX.ExprSub,EX.ExprMul,EX.ExprOr,EX.ExprXor,EX.ExprAnd):
            e = op(*self.eargs)
            self.check_expr(e, self.args)

    def test_shifts(self):
        for op in (EX.ExprShl,EX.ExprLShr,EX.ExprRor,EX.ExprRol):
            for n in range(8):
                e = op(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(n, 8))
                self.check_expr(e, [self.x])

    def test_concat_slice(self):
        e = EX.ExprConcat(self.ex[:4], self.ey[:4])
        self.check_expr(e, self.args)

        e = EX.ExprConcat(self.ex[:2], self.ey[2:8])
        self.check_expr(e, self.args)

    def test_broadcast(self):
        for nbits in (8,16):
            for i in range(8):
                e = EX.ExprBroadcast(self.ex, i, nbits)
                self.check_expr(e, [self.x])

    def test_not(self):
        e = EX.ExprNot(self.ex)
        self.check_expr(e, [self.x])

    def test_cond(self):
        e = EX.ExprCond(EX.ExprCmpEq(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(10, 8)), self.ex, self.ey)
        M,cfunc = self.get_c_func(e, self.args)
        for i in range(256):
            vref = 0xff if i != 10 else 10
            self.assertEqual(cfunc(i, 0xff), vref)

        e = EX.ExprCond(EX.ExprCmpGte(self.ex, EX.ExprCst(10, 8), is_signed=True), self.ex, self.ey)
        M,cfunc = self.get_c_func(e, self.args)
        for i in range(-128,128):
            vref = i if i >= 10 else 0xff
            self.assertEqual(cfunc(i, 0xff), vref)
コード例 #25
ファイル: identify.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
 def setUp(self):
     self.mba8 = MBA(8)
     self.x = self.mba8.var('x')
     self.ex = EX.ExprBV(self.mba8.var('x'))
コード例 #26
ファイル: sstic2016_crc.py プロジェクト: whb224117/arybo
    for N in range(0, 4):
        C_ = (C >> (A * 8)) & 0xFF
        Z_ = (Z >> (N * 8)) & 0xFF
        t = Z_ ^ C_
        T_ = S[t]
        B = C >> 8
        C = B ^ T_

    C = (~C) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return C

from arybo.lib import MBA, simplify, simplify_inplace
from arybo.tools import app_inverse

mba = MBA(32)

S, X = mba.permut2expr(S)
S = S.vectorial_decomp([X])

def compute_arybo(Z):
    C = mba.from_cst(0xFFFFFFFF)
    A = 0

    for N in range(0, 4):
        C_ = (C >> (A * 8)) & 0xFF
        Z_ = (Z >> (N * 8)) & 0xFF
        t = Z_ ^ C_
        T_ = mba.from_vec(simplify(S(t.vec)))
        B = C >> 8
コード例 #27
 def setUp(self):
     mba = MBA(4)
     mba.use_esf = False
     self.X = mba.var('X')