コード例 #1
def read_table_rg(filename):
    # astropy.io.ascii.convert_numpy
    converters = { 'col1': [asciitable.convert_list(str)],
    'col2': [asciitable.convert_list(float)],
    'col3': [asciitable.convert_list(float)],
    'col4': [asciitable.convert_list(float)],
    'col5': [asciitable.convert_list(float)],
    'col6': [asciitable.convert_list(str)],
    'col7': [asciitable.convert_list(str)],
    'col8': [asciitable.convert_list(str)],
    'col9': [asciitable.convert_list(str)],
    'col10': [asciitable.convert_list(float)]}


    data = asciitable.read(filename, delimiter='|', converters=converters)
    npoint = data.size

    name = data['col1'].tolist()

    back = data['col4']
    nh   = data['col5']

    m1filt = data['col6'].tolist()
    m2filt = data['col7'].tolist()
    pnfilt = data['col8'].tolist()

    timestamp = data['col9']
    area = data['col10']

    return (name, back, nh, m1filt, m2filt, pnfilt, timestamp, area, npoint)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: andyjacobson/asciitable
def test_types_from_dat(numpy):
    if numpy:
        converters = {'a': [asciitable.convert_numpy(np.float)],
                      'e': [asciitable.convert_numpy(np.str)]}
        converters = {'a': [asciitable.convert_list(float)],
                      'e': [asciitable.convert_list(str)]}

    dat = asciitable.read(['a b c d e', '1 1 cat 2.1 4.2'], Reader=asciitable.Basic,
                          converters=converters, numpy=numpy)

    reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.Memory, numpy=numpy)

    print('numpy=%s' % numpy)
    print('dat=%s' % repr(dat))
    print('reader.table=%s' % repr(reader.table))
    print('types=%s' % repr([x.type for x in reader.cols]))

    assert_true(issubclass(reader.cols[0].type, asciitable.FloatType))
    assert_true(issubclass(reader.cols[1].type, asciitable.IntType))
    assert_true(issubclass(reader.cols[2].type, asciitable.StrType))
    assert_true(issubclass(reader.cols[3].type, asciitable.FloatType))
    assert_true(issubclass(reader.cols[4].type, asciitable.StrType))
コード例 #3
def read_NX2(self, filename, date, corr_bsp=1., origin=None, timeoffset=2, verbose=True):
    '''read in csv data and initialize table

    filename : string
        filename as string or other input compatible with asciitable
    date: tuple of integers ``(day, month, year)``
        date of measurement
    corr_bsp: float
        multiplictive correction factor for BSP
    origin: tuple
        (lat, lon) in deg of x,y origin
        default: lat, lon at first datapoint
    timeoffset: float
        hours to be added to convert UT to local
    include_names = ['TIME', 'LAT', 'LON', 'AWA', 'AWS',
                     'BSP', 'COG', 'DFT', 'HDC', 'SET', 'SOG', 'TWA', 'TWS']
    converters = {'TIME': asciitable.convert_list(float)}

        atpy.Table.__init__(self, filename, type='ascii', delimiter=',', fill_values=(
            '', 'nan'), data_start = 5, include_names = include_names, guess = False)
        if verbose:
            print 'Reading new format NX2 table - Export with 1.08 or later'
    except InconsistentTableError:
        if verbose:
            print 'Reading NX2 table, which was exported with 1.05'
        # 30 header values, but only 29 table entries, manually delete the last header value
        names = [
            'DATE', 'TIME', 'LAT', 'LON', 'AWA', 'AWS', 'BOD', 'BSP', 'BTW', 'CMG', 'COG', 'CTS', 'DEP', 'DFT',
            'DMG', 'DST', 'DTW', 'HDC', 'LOG', 'RDR', 'SET', 'SOG', 'TBS', 'TEMP', 'TWA', 'TWS', 'VAR', 'VMG', 'WCV']
        atpy.Table.__init__(self, filename, type='ascii', delimiter=',', names=names, fill_values=(
            '', 'nan'), data_start = 5, include_names = include_names)

    self.read_date = date
    self.filename = filename
    if origin:
        self.origin = origin
        self.origin = (self.LAT[0], self.LON[0])

    # remove all columns which contain only NaNs
    # interpolate nans in those columns with only a few nans
    for name in self.names:
        valid = np.isfinite(self[name])
        if valid.all():
        elif (~valid).all():
        elif (np.sum(valid, dtype=np.float) / len(valid)) >= 0.98:
        elif name == 'TIME':
            warn('TIME contains > 2 % nans. Interpolating ...', NX2InterpolationWarning)

    self.add_empty_column('year', np.int_)
    self.add_empty_column('month', np.int_)
    self.add_empty_column('day', np.int_)
    self.add_empty_column('hour', np.int_)
    self.add_empty_column('minute', np.int_)
    self.add_empty_column('sec', np.int_)
    self.year[:] = date[2]
    self.month[:] = date[1]
    self.day[:] = date[0]
    # TBD: self.TIME has non-unique entries
    # change [1,1,1] -> [1,1.33,1.66] ? Needs sub-s times then
    TIME = timeoffset * 3600 + self.TIME
    h, m, s = sec2hms(TIME)
    self.hour[:] = h
    self.minute[:] = m
    self.sec[:] = s

    r_earth = 6300e3  # in Si unit - meter
    self.add_column('y', 2.*np.pi*r_earth/360.*(self.LAT-self.origin[0]))
    self.add_column('x', 2.*np.pi*r_earth*np.cos(

    # 2012 Haltern data was taken / exported without all sensers available
    if 'BSP' in self.columns:
        self.BSP = self.BSP * corr_bsp

    if 'TWS' in self.columns:
        self.TWS = self.TWS / mps2knots
    if 'AWS' in self.columns:
        self.AWS = self.AWS / mps2knots