コード例 #1
ファイル: xespresso.py プロジェクト: superstar54/xespresso
 def check_state(self, atoms, tol=1e-4):
     """Check for any system changes since last calculation."""
     if not os.path.exists(self.asei):
         return True
     if isinstance(self.restart_atoms, list):
         if len(self.restart_atoms) != len(atoms):
             return True
         for i in range(len(atoms)):
             if compare_atoms(self.restart_atoms[i],
                 self.logger.debug('Atoms changed, run a new calculation')
                 return True
         if compare_atoms(self.restart_atoms,
             self.logger.debug('Atoms changed, run a new calculation')
             return True
     # if self.igonre_parameters:
     # self.logger.debug('Parameter: %s are ignored, results are not affected.'%self.igonre_parameters)
     if self.changed_parameters:
         self.logger.debug('Parameter: %s changed, results are affected' %
         return True
         'Same geometry and parameters, use previous results.')
     converged, meg = self.read_convergence()
     if converged > 0:
         self.logger.debug('Not converged: %s' % meg)
         return True
     return False
コード例 #2
def test_write_to_obj_name(at):
    # compare writing to a file with a particular extension and writing to
    # a file object that has same extension
    ase.io.write('direct_to_file.xyz', at)
    with open('to_file_obj.xyz', 'w') as fout:
        ase.io.write(fout, at)

    with open('direct_to_file.xyz') as f1, open('to_file_obj.xyz') as f2:
        for l1, l2 in zip(f1, f2):
            assert l1 == l2

    # compare reading from a file with a particular extension and reading from
    # a file object that has same extension
    at1 = ase.io.read('direct_to_file.xyz')
    with open('to_file_obj.xyz') as fin:
        at2 = ase.io.read(fin)
    print('compare', compare_atoms(at1, at2, 1.0e-10))
    assert len(compare_atoms(at1, at2)) == 0

    # compare reading from a file with a particular extension and reading from
    # a file object that has same extension
    at1 = ase.io.iread('direct_to_file.xyz')
    with open('to_file_obj.xyz') as fin:
        at2 = ase.io.iread(fin)
        for a1, a2 in zip(at1, at2):
            assert len(compare_atoms(a1, a2)) == 0
コード例 #3
def test_format(fmt):
    buf = to_bytes(atoms, format=fmt)
    atoms1 = parse_atoms(buf)

    err = compare_atoms(atoms, atoms1)
    assert not err, err  # Should be empty list

    buf = to_bytes(images, format=fmt)
    images1 = parse_images(buf)
    assert len(images) == len(images1)
    for img, img1 in zip(images, images1):
        err = compare_atoms(img, img1)
        assert not err, err
コード例 #4
def main():
    if not shutil.which("cp2k"):
        raise unittest.SkipTest('cp2k command not available')

    inp = """&MOTION
                 &TRAJECTORY SILENT
                   FORMAT DCD_ALIGNED_CELL
                 &END TRAJECTORY
               &END PRINT
                 STEPS 5
               &END MD
             &END MOTION
               RUN_TYPE MD
             &END GLOBAL"""
    calc = CP2K(label='test_dcd', max_scf=1, inp=inp)
    h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc)
    h2.set_cell([10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0])
    energy = h2.get_potential_energy()
    assert not energy == None
    subprocess.call(['cp2k', '-i', 'test_dcd.inp', '-o', 'test_dcd.out'])
    h2_end = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd')
    assert (h2_end.symbols == 'X').all()
    traj = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd',
                   index=slice(0, None),
    ioITraj = io.iread('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd',
                       index=slice(0, None),

    with open('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd', 'rb') as f:
        itraj = iread_cp2k_dcd(f,
                               indices=slice(0, None),
        for i, iMol in enumerate(itraj):
            ioIMol = next(ioITraj)
            assert compare_atoms(iMol, traj[i]) == []
            assert compare_atoms(iMol, ioIMol) == []
            assert iMol.get_pbc().all()

    traj = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd', ref_atoms=h2, index=slice(0, None))
    pbc = [mol.get_pbc() for mol in traj]
    assert not np.any(pbc)
    print('passed test "CP2K_DCD"')
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_extxyz.py プロジェクト: maurergroup/ase_local
def test_constraints(constraint):
    atoms = molecule('H2O')

    columns = ['symbols', 'positions', 'move_mask']
    ase.io.write('tmp.xyz', atoms, columns=columns)

    atoms2 = ase.io.read('tmp.xyz')
    assert not compare_atoms(atoms, atoms2)

    constraint2 = atoms2.constraints
    cls = type(constraint)
    if cls == FixAtoms:
        assert len(constraint2) == 1
        assert isinstance(constraint2[0], cls)
        assert np.all(constraint2[0].index == constraint.index)
    elif cls == FixCartesian:
        assert len(constraint2) == len(atoms)
        assert isinstance(constraint2[0], cls)
        assert np.all(constraint2[0].mask)
        assert np.all(constraint2[1].mask == constraint.mask)
        assert np.all(constraint2[2].mask)
    elif cls == list:
        assert len(constraint2) == len(atoms)
        assert np.all(constraint2[0].mask == constraint[0].mask)
        assert np.all(constraint2[1].mask)
        assert np.all(constraint2[2].mask == constraint[1].mask)
コード例 #6
def test_surface_stack():
    from ase.build.surface import _all_surface_functions
    from ase.build import stack
    from ase.calculators.calculator import compare_atoms

    # The purpose of this test is to test the stack() function and verify
    # that the various surface builder functions produce configurations
    # consistent with stacking.

    d = _all_surface_functions()
    exclude = {'mx2', 'graphene'}  # mx2 and graphene are not like the others

    for name in sorted(d):
        if name in exclude:

        func = d[name]

        def has(var):
            c = func.__code__
            return var in c.co_varnames[:c.co_argcount]

        for nlayers in range(1, 7):
            atoms = func('Au', size=(2, 2, nlayers), periodic=True, a=4.0)
            big_atoms = func('Au', size=(2, 2, 2 * nlayers), periodic=True, a=4.0)
            stacked_atoms = stack(atoms, atoms)

            changes = compare_atoms(stacked_atoms, big_atoms, tol=1e-11)
            if not changes:
                print('OK', name, nlayers)
            assert 0, 'Unstackable surface {}'.format(name)
コード例 #7
    def assert_atoms_almost_equal(self, atoms, other, tol=1e-15):
        """Compare two Atoms objects, raising AssertionError if different"""
        system_changes = compare_atoms(atoms, other, tol=tol)

        if len(system_changes) > 0:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Atoms objects differ by {}".format(', '.join(system_changes)))
コード例 #8
def test_read_vasp_multiple_times(outcar):
    result1 = read(outcar)
    result2 = read(outcar)
    assert isinstance(result1, Atoms)
    assert isinstance(result2, Atoms)
    assert len(compare_atoms(result1, result2)) == 0
コード例 #9
def test_abinit_inputfile_roundtrip():
    m1 = bulk('Ti')
    write('abinit_save.in', images=m1, format='abinit-in')
    m2 = read('abinit_save.in', format='abinit-in')

    # (How many decimals?)
    assert not compare_atoms(m1, m2, tol=1e-7)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_cif.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_cif_roundtrip_mixed():
    atoms = Atoms('Au', cell=[1., 2., 3.], pbc=[1, 1, 0])
    atoms1 = roundtrip(atoms)

    # We cannot preserve PBC info for this case:
    assert all(atoms1.pbc)
    assert compare_atoms(atoms, atoms1, tol=1e-5) == ['pbc']
    assert atoms.get_scaled_positions() == pytest.approx(
        atoms1.get_scaled_positions(), abs=1e-5)
コード例 #11
def test_compare_atoms():
    Check that Atoms.compare_atoms correctly accounts for the different
    types of system changes
    import numpy as np
    from ase import Atoms
    from ase.calculators.calculator import compare_atoms

    # A system property that's an attribute of Atoms, but isn't in
    # Atoms.arrays (currently this is just 'cell' and 'pbc')
    cell1 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    cell2 = cell1 * 2
    atoms1 = Atoms(cell=cell1)
    atoms2 = Atoms(cell=cell2)
    assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"cell"}

    # A system property other than 'initial_charges' or 'initial_magmoms'
    # that exists in the `arrays` attribute of one Atoms object but not the
    # other
    atoms1 = Atoms()
    atoms2 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]])
    assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"positions", "numbers"}

    # A change in a system property that exists in the `arrays` attribute
    # of both Atoms objects passed into this function
    atoms1 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]])
    atoms2 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[1, 0, 0]])
    assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"positions"}

    # An excluded property (re-use atoms1 and atoms2 from previous check)
    assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2, excluded_properties={"positions"})) == set()

    # Optional array (currently 'initial_charges' or 'initial_magmoms')
    # NOTE: Suppose you initialize an array of *zero charges* for atoms2
    #       but not atoms1.  The current compare_atoms function will still
    #       indicate that 'initial_charges' is in system_changes simply
    #       because it isn't in both of them.  This is despite the fact that
    #       if one were to call atoms1.get_initial_charges, you would get
    #       back an array of zeros.  However, this scenario should only ever
    #       occur rarely.
    atoms1 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]])
    atoms2 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]], charges=[1.13])
    assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"initial_charges"}
コード例 #12
ファイル: newcalculator.py プロジェクト: jonlym/py_box
    def set(self, atoms=None, **kwargs):
        if self.outputs:

        self.atoms = atoms
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        if atoms is not None:
            changes = compare_atoms(self.atoms, atoms1)
            self.atoms = atoms.copy()
        self._changes = changes
コード例 #13
def test_dcd(factory, factories):
    # (Should the cp2k_main executable live on the cp2k factory?)
    exes = factories.executables

    cp2k_main = exes.get('cp2k_main')
    if cp2k_main is None:
        pytest.skip('Please define "cp2k_main" in testing executables.  '
                    'It should point to the main cp2k executable '
                    '(not the shell)')

    calc = factory.calc(label='test_dcd', max_scf=1, inp=inp)
    h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc)
    energy = h2.get_potential_energy()
    assert energy is not None
        [cp2k_main, '-i', 'test_dcd.inp', '-o', 'test_dcd.out'])
    h2_end = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd')
    assert (h2_end.symbols == 'X').all()
    traj = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd',
                   index=slice(0, None),
    ioITraj = io.iread('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd',
                       index=slice(0, None),

    with open('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd', 'rb') as fd:
        itraj = iread_cp2k_dcd(fd,
                               indices=slice(0, None),
        for i, iMol in enumerate(itraj):
            ioIMol = next(ioITraj)
            assert compare_atoms(iMol, traj[i]) == []
            assert compare_atoms(iMol, ioIMol) == []
            assert iMol.get_pbc().all()

    traj = io.read('test_dcd-pos-1.dcd', ref_atoms=h2, index=slice(0, None))
    pbc = [mol.get_pbc() for mol in traj]
    assert not np.any(pbc)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_convert.py プロジェクト: maurergroup/ase_local
def test_convert(tmp_path, cli):
    infile = tmp_path / 'images.json'
    images = [bulk('Si'), bulk('Au')]
    write(infile, images, format='json')

    outfile = tmp_path / 'images.traj'
    cli.ase('convert', str(infile), str(outfile))
    images2 = read(outfile, ':')

    assert len(images2) == 2
    for a1, a2 in zip(images, images2):
        assert not compare_atoms(a1, a2)
コード例 #15
ファイル: calculator.py プロジェクト: sirmarcel/asax
    def update(self, atoms: Atoms):
        if atoms is None and self.atoms is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Need an Atoms object to do anything!")

        changes = compare_atoms(self.atoms, atoms)

        if changes:
            self.results = {}
            self.atoms = atoms.copy()

            if self.need_setup(changes):
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_vib.py プロジェクト: maurergroup/ase_local
    def test_get_jmol_images(self, kwargs, expected):
        # Test the private staticmethod _get_jmol_images
        # used by the public write_jmol_images() method
        from ase.calculators.calculator import compare_atoms

        jmol_images = list(VibrationsData._get_jmol_images(**kwargs))
        assert len(jmol_images) == len(expected)

        for image, reference in zip(jmol_images, expected):
            assert compare_atoms(image, reference) == []
            for key, value in reference.info.items():
                if key == 'frequency_cm-1':
                    assert float(image.info[key]) == pytest.approx(value,
                    assert image.info[key] == value
コード例 #17
def test_read_write_roundtrip(atoms, vasp5, filename):
    write(filename, atoms, vasp5=vasp5)
    atoms_loaded = read(filename)

    assert len(compare_atoms(atoms, atoms_loaded)) == 0
コード例 #18
l.write_input(atoms=atoms, h=0.1, spin_typ=1, pseudo_dir='.', SPIN_TYP=1)

print('input writing functional')
# check reading and writing .ion files
     FixedLine(1, [0, 1, 0]),
     FixedPlane(2, [1, 0, 0])])
write_ion(open('in1.ion', 'w'), atoms, pseudo_dir='.')
recovered_atoms = read_ion(open('in1.ion', 'r'))
assert compare_atoms(atoms, recovered_atoms) == []

calc = SPARC(atoms=atoms, pseudo_dir='.', SPIN_TYP=1)
try:  # check that `h` is required
    raise Exception('test failed')
except CalculatorSetupError:

print('.ion reading test passed')

calc = SPARC.read('read_input')

print('reading test passed')

d = calc.todict()
コード例 #19
ファイル: kimmodel.py プロジェクト: maksimovdmitrii/ase
 def check_state(self, atoms, tol=1e-15):
     return compare_atoms(self.atoms, atoms, excluded_properties={'initial_charges',
コード例 #20
ファイル: surface_stack.py プロジェクト: essil1/ase-laser
from ase.calculators.calculator import compare_atoms

# The purpose of this test is to test the stack() function and verify
# that the various surface builder functions produce configurations
# consistent with stacking.

d = _all_surface_functions()
exclude = {'mx2'}  # mx2 is not like the others

for name in sorted(d):
    if name in exclude:

    func = d[name]

    def has(var):
        c = func.__code__
        return var in c.co_varnames[:c.co_argcount]

    for nlayers in range(1, 7):
        atoms = func('Au', size=(2, 2, nlayers), periodic=True, a=4.0)
        big_atoms = func('Au', size=(2, 2, 2 * nlayers), periodic=True, a=4.0)
        stacked_atoms = stack(atoms, atoms)

        changes = compare_atoms(stacked_atoms, big_atoms, tol=1e-11)
        if not changes:
            print('OK', name, nlayers)
        assert 0, 'Unstackable surface {}'.format(name)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_cif.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_cif_roundtrip_nonperiodic():
    atoms = molecule('H2O')
    atoms1 = roundtrip(atoms)
    assert not compare_atoms(atoms, atoms1, tol=1e-5)
コード例 #22
def assert_images_equal(images1, images2):
    assert len(images1) == len(images2), 'length mismatch'
    for atoms1, atoms2 in zip(images1, images2):
        differences = compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)
        assert not differences
コード例 #23
ファイル: compare_atoms.py プロジェクト: shuchingou/ase
Check that Atoms.compare_atoms correctly accounts for the different
types of system changes
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import compare_atoms

# A system property that's an attribute of Atoms, but isn't in
# Atoms.arrays (currently this is just 'cell' and 'pbc')
cell1 = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
cell2 = cell1 * 2
atoms1 = Atoms(cell=cell1)
atoms2 = Atoms(cell=cell2)
assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"cell"}

# A system property other than 'initial_charges' or 'initial_magmoms'
# that exists in the `arrays` attribute of one Atoms object but not the
# other
atoms1 = Atoms()
atoms2 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]])
assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"positions", "numbers"}

# A change in a system property that exists in the `arrays` attribute
# of both Atoms objects passed into this function
atoms1 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[0, 0, 0]])
atoms2 = Atoms(numbers=[0], positions=[[1, 0, 0]])
assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2)) == {"positions"}

# An excluded property (re-use atoms1 and atoms2 from previous check)
assert set(compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2,
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_xyz.py プロジェクト: maurergroup/ase_local
def atoms_equal(atoms1, atoms2):
    # Check that the tolerance is compatible with the writer's precision
    return compare_atoms(atoms1, atoms2, tol=1e-8) == []