コード例 #1
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_incorrect_mol_spec(fd_incorrect_zmatrix_var):
    ''' Tests that incorrect lines in the molecule
    specification fail to be read.'''
    # checks parse error raised when freezecode set:
    freeze_code_line = 'H 1 1.0 2.0 3.0'
    symbol, pos = _get_atoms_info(freeze_code_line)
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        _get_cartesian_atom_coords(symbol, pos)

    # checks parse error raised when 'alternate' z-matrix
    # definition is used
    incorrect_zmatrix = 'C4 O1 0.8 C2 121.4 O2 150.0 1'

    with pytest.raises(ParseError):

    incorrect_symbol = 'C1-7 0 1 2 3'
    # Checks parse error raised when
    # molecule specifications for molecular mechanics
    # calculations have been used.
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):

    # Expect warning as constants aren't supported so they're
    # set as vars instead:
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        # Expect error as undefined var appears in matrix:
        with pytest.raises(ParseError):
            read_gaussian_in(fd_incorrect_zmatrix_var, True)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_read_write_gaussian_cartesian_basis_set(fd_cartesian_basis_set,
    # Tests reading a Gaussian input file with:
    # - Cartesian coordinates for the atom positions.
    # - ASE formatted method and basis
    # - Masses defined using readiso section
    atoms, params = cartesian_setup
    atoms.pbc = None
    atoms.cell = None
    iso_params = {'temperature': '300', 'pressure': '1.0', 'scale': '1.0'}
    params['opt'] = 'tight maxcyc=100'
    params['frequency'] = 'anharmonic'
    params['basis'] = 'gen'
    params['method'] = 'g1'
    params['fitting_basis'] = 'tzvpfit'
    params['save'] = ''
    params['basis_set'] = _basis_set_text

    atoms_new = read_gaussian_in(fd_cartesian_basis_set, True)
    _check_atom_properties(atoms, atoms_new, params)

    # Now we have tested reading the input, we can test writing it
    # and reading it back in.
    # Expect warning due to g1 being a composite method:
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        _test_write_gaussian(atoms_new, params)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_read_write_gaussian_cartesian(fd_cartesian, cartesian_setup):
    '''Tests the read_gaussian_in and write_gaussian_in methods.
    For the input text given by each fixture we do the following:
    - Check reading in the text generates the Atoms object and Calculator that
      we would expect to get.
    - Check that writing out the resulting Atoms object and reading it back in
      generates the same Atoms object and parameters. '''

    # Tests reading a Gaussian input file with:
    # - Cartesian coordinates for the atom positions.
    # - ASE formatted method and basis
    # - PBCs
    # - All nuclei properties set
    # - Masses defined using nuclei properties
    atoms, params = cartesian_setup
    params['nmagmlist'] = np.array([None, -8.89, None])
    params['zefflist'] = np.array([None, -1, None])
    params['znuclist'] = np.array([None, None, 2])
    params['qmomlist'] = np.array([None, None, 1])
    params['radnuclearlist'] = np.array([None, None, 1])
    params['spinlist'] = np.array([None, None, 1])
    # Expect warning due to fragments not being supported:
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        atoms_new = read_gaussian_in(fd_cartesian, True)
    _check_atom_properties(atoms, atoms_new, params)

    # Now we have tested reading the input, we can test writing it
    # and reading it back in.

    _test_write_gaussian(atoms_new, params)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_read_write_gaussian_zmatrix(fd_zmatrix):
    # Tests reading a Gaussian input file with:
    # - Z-matrix format for structure definition
    # - Variables in the Z-matrix
    # - Masses defined using 'ReadIso'
    # - Method and basis not formatted by ASE
    # - Basis file used instead of standard basis set.
    positions = np.array([
        [+0.000, +0.000, +0.000],
        [+1.310, +0.000, +0.000],
        [-0.160, +1.300, +0.000],
        [+1.150, +1.300, +0.000],
        [-0.394, -0.446, +1.031],
        [-0.394, -0.446, -1.031],
        [+1.545, +1.746, -1.031],
        [+1.545, +1.746, +1.031],
    masses = [None] * 8
    masses[1] = 0.1134289259
    atoms = Atoms('BH2BH4', positions=positions, masses=masses)

    params = {
        'chk': 'example.chk',
        'nprocshared': '16',
        'output_type': 't',
        'b3lyp': None,
        'gen': None,
        'opt': 'tight, maxcyc=100',
        'freq': None,
        'integral': 'ultrafine',
        'charge': 0,
        'mult': 1,
        'temperature': '300',
        'pressure': '1.0',
        'basisfile': '@basis-set-filename.gbs'
    params['isolist'] = np.array(masses)

    # Note that although the freq is set to ReadIso in the input text,
    # here we have set it to None. This is because when reading in a file
    # this option does not get saved to the calculator, it instead saves
    # the temperature, pressure, scale and masses separately.

    # Test reading the gaussian input
    atoms_new = read_gaussian_in(fd_zmatrix, True)
    _check_atom_properties(atoms, atoms_new, params)

    # Now we have tested reading the input, we can test writing it
    # and reading it back in.

    # ASE does not support reading in output files in 'terse' format, so
    # it does not support writing input files with this setting. Therefore,
    # the output type automatically set to P in the case that T is chosen

    params['output_type'] = 'p'

    _test_write_gaussian(atoms_new, params)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def _test_write_gaussian(atoms, params_expected, properties=None):
    '''Writes atoms to gaussian input file, reads this back in and
    checks that the resulting atoms object is equal to atoms and
    the calculator has parameters params_expected'''

    atoms.calc.label = 'gaussian_input_file'
    out_file = atoms.calc.label + '.com'

    atoms_expected = atoms.copy()

    atoms.calc.write_input(atoms, properties=properties)

    with open(out_file) as fd:
        atoms_written = read_gaussian_in(fd, True)
        if _get_iso_masses(atoms_written):
    _check_atom_properties(atoms_expected, atoms_written, params_expected)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_read_gaussian_in_command(fd_command_set):
    # Expect error if 'command' is set in link0 section as this
    # would try to set the command for the calculator:
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        read_gaussian_in(fd_command_set, True)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_gaussian.py プロジェクト: rashidrafeek/ase
def test_read_gaussian_in_errors(fd_command_set, unsupported_file):
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        read_gaussian_in(unsupported_file, True)