コード例 #1
def Minimisation_Function(cluster):
	cluster.pbc = False
	# Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
	# Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
	#Au_parameters = {'Au': [10.229, 4.0360, 0.2061, 1.7900, 2.884]}
	r0 = 4.07/(2.0 ** 0.5)
	Au_parameters = {'Au': [10.53, 4.30, 0.2197, 1.855, r0]} # Baletto
	Gupta_parameters = Au_parameters
	cutoff = 1000
	calculator = Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=cutoff, debug=False)
	original_cluster = cluster.copy()
	dyn = FIRE(cluster,logfile=None)
	converged = False
		converged = dyn.converged()
		if not converged:
			cluster_name = 'issue_cluster.xyz'
			errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(original_cluster) + ' did not optimise completely.\n'
			errorMessage += 'The cluster of issue before optimisation has been saved as: '+str(cluster_name)
			raise Exception(errorMessage)
	except Exception as exception_message:
		cluster_name = 'issue_cluster.xyz'
		errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(original_cluster) + ' did not optimise completely.\n'
		errorMessage += 'The cluster of issue before optimisation has been saved as: '+str(cluster_name)+'\n'
		errorMessage += exception_message
		raise Exception(errorMessage)
	return cluster
コード例 #2
def relax(atoms, cellbounds=None):
    # Performs a variable-cell relaxation of the structure
    calc = EMT()

    converged = False
    niter = 0
    while not converged and niter < 10:
        if cellbounds is not None:
            cell = atoms.get_cell()
            if not cellbounds.is_within_bounds(cell):
            cell = atoms.get_cell()
            if not cellbounds.is_within_bounds(cell):
                # Niggli reduction did not bring the unit cell
                # within the specified bounds; this candidate should
                # be discarded so we set an absurdly high energy
                finalize(atoms, 1e9)

        ecf = ExpCellFilter(atoms)
        dyn = FIRE(ecf, maxmove=0.2, logfile=None, trajectory=None)
        dyn.run(fmax=1e-3, steps=100)

        converged = dyn.converged()
        niter += 1

    dyn = FIRE(atoms, maxmove=0.2, logfile=None, trajectory=None)
    dyn.run(fmax=1e-2, steps=100)

    e = atoms.get_potential_energy()
    f = atoms.get_forces()
    s = atoms.get_stress()
    finalize(atoms, energy=e, forces=f, stress=s)
コード例 #3
ファイル: RunMinimisation.py プロジェクト: krim4ik/Organisms
def Minimisation_Function(cluster, collection, cluster_name):
    cluster.pbc = False
    # Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
    # Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
    Gupta_parameters = {'Cu': [10.960, 2.2780, 0.0855, 1.224, 2.556]}
    cluster.set_calculator(Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=False))
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
    startTime = time.time()
    converged = False
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
                cluster_name) + ' did not optimise completely.'
            print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
    endTime = time.time()
    # Write information about the algorithm
    Info = {}
    Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " +
                         str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
    #Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
    return cluster, converged, Info
コード例 #4
	def adjust_z_axis(self, cluster):
		if self.surface == None:
		surface_constraints = []
		for atom in self.surface:
		surface_constraints = []
		#surface_constraints.append(ExternalForce(0, 0, 10))
		all_bonds = []
		all_angles = []
		all_dihedrals = []
		for index_1 in range(len(self.surface)):
			for index_2 in range(index_1+1,len(self.surface)):
				bonds_distance = get_distance(self.surface[index_1],self.surface[index_2])
				bond = [bonds_distance, [index_1,index_2]]
				for index_3 in range(index_2+1,len(self.surface)): 
					angle_indices = [[index_1,index_2,index_3],[index_3,index_1,index_2],[index_2,index_3,index_1]]
					for angle_indice in angle_indices:
						angle = [self.surface.get_angle(*angle_indice) * pi / 180, angle_indice]
					for index_4 in range(index_3+1,len(self.surface)):  
						dihedral_indices = [[index_1,index_2,index_3,index_4],[index_1,index_2,index_3,index_4],[index_1,index_2,index_3,index_4]]
						for dihedral_indice in dihedral_indices:
							dihedral = [self.surface.get_dihedral(*dihedral_indice) * pi / 180, dihedral_indice]
		surface_constraints.append(FixInternals(bonds=all_bonds, angles=all_angles, dihedrals=all_dihedrals))

		c = FixAtoms(indices=range(len(self.surface),len(self.surface)+len(cluster)))
		cluster_constraints = [c]

		for atom in self.surface:
			atom.z -= 40.0

		system = self.surface + cluster
		dyn = FIRE(system)
		converged = False
		import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			converged = dyn.converged()
			if not converged:
				import os
				name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
				errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + name + ' did not optimise completely.'
				print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
			print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
		import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
コード例 #5
def Minimisation_Function(cluster):
    cluster.pbc = False
    # Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
    # Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
    Pt_parameters = {'Pt': [10.71, 3.845, 0.27443, 2.6209, 2.77]}
    Gupta_parameters = Pt_parameters
    cutoff = 1000
    calculator = Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=cutoff, debug=False)
    original_cluster = cluster.copy()
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
    #startTime = time.time();
    converged = False
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            cluster_name = 'issue_cluster.xyz'
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
                original_cluster) + ' did not optimise completely.\n'
            errorMessage += 'The cluster of issue before optimisation has been saved as: ' + str(
            write(cluster_name, original_cluster)
            raise Exception(errorMessage)
    except Exception as exception_message:
        cluster_name = 'issue_cluster.xyz'
        errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
            original_cluster) + ' did not optimise completely.\n'
        errorMessage += 'The cluster of issue before optimisation has been saved as: ' + str(
            cluster_name) + '\n'
        errorMessage += exception_message
        write(cluster_name, original_cluster)
        raise Exception(errorMessage)
    #endTime = time.time()
    return cluster
コード例 #6
def Minimisation_Function(cluster,collection,cluster_name):
	cluster.pbc = False
	# Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
	# Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
	#Gupta_parameters = {'Au': [10.529999999999999, 4.2999999999999998, 0.21970000000000001, 1.855, 2.8779245994292486]}
	Gupta_parameters = {'Pd': [10.867, 3.742, 0.1746, 1.718, 2.7485], 'Au': [10.229, 4.036, 0.2061, 1.79, 2.884], ('Au','Pd'): [10.54, 3.89, 0.19, 1.75, 2.816]}
	cluster.set_calculator(Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=False))
	dyn = FIRE(cluster,logfile=None)
	startTime = time.time(); converged = False
		converged = dyn.converged()
		if not converged:
			errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(cluster_name) + ' did not optimise completely.'
			print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
	except Exception:
		print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
	endTime = time.time()
	# Write information about the algorithm
	Info = {}
	Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
	Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " + str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
	Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
	#Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
	return cluster, converged, Info
コード例 #7
def Minimisation_Function(cluster, collection, cluster_dir):
    cluster.pbc = False
    rCut = 1000
    #sigma = 1; epsilon = 1; lj_calc = LennardJones(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon,rc=rCut)
    elements = [atomic_numbers[cluster[0].symbol]]
    sigma = [1]
    epsilon = [1]
    lj_calc = LennardJones(elements, epsilon, sigma, rCut=rCut, modified=True)
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
    startTime = time.time()
    converged = False
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
                cluster_dir) + ' did not optimise completely.'
            print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
    except Exception:
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
    endTime = time.time()
    # Write information about the algorithm
    Info = {}
    Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " +
                         str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
    #Info.write("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
    return cluster, converged, Info
コード例 #8
def Minimisation_Function(cluster, calculator):
    cluster.pbc = False
    from ase.optimize import FIRE
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
                cluster_name) + ' did not optimise completely.'
            print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
    except Exception:
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
    return cluster
コード例 #9
def optimse_Cu(cluster):
    Cu_parameters = {'Cu': [10.960, 2.2780, 0.0855, 1.2240, 2.556]}
    cluster.set_calculator(Gupta(Cu_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=True))
    dyn = FIRE(cluster)
        import time
        startTime = time.time()
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        endTime = time.time()
        if not dyn.converged():
            import os
            name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + name + ' did not optimise completely.'
            print >> sys.stderr, errorMessage
            print errorMessage
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
コード例 #10
def Minimisation_Function(cluster,collection,cluster_dir):
	# Read the BeforeOpt file and record the elements, the
	# number of each element in the cluster and their positions
	#cluster = ase_read("BeforeOpt",format='vasp')
	cluster.pbc = False
	#Construct atoms using the ASE class "Atoms".
	# Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
	# Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
	rCut = 1000
	#sigma = 1; epsilon = 1; lj_calc = LennardJones(sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon,rc=rCut)
	elements = [atomic_numbers[cluster[0].symbol]]; sigma = [1]; epsilon = [1]; 
	lj_calc = LennardJones(elements, epsilon, sigma, rCut=rCut, modified=True)
	dyn = FIRE(cluster,logfile=None)
	startTime = time.time(); converged = False
		converged = dyn.converged()
		if not converged:
			import os
			name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
			errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + name + ' did not optimise completely.'
			print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
		print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
	endTime = time.time()
	# Write information about the algorithm
	Info = {}
	Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
	Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " + str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
	Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
	#Info.write("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
	return cluster, converged, Info
コード例 #11
ファイル: TSCM_Plot.py プロジェクト: krim4ik/Organisms
def Minimisation_Function(cluster, collection, cluster_dir):
    # Read the BeforeOpt file and record the elements, the
    # number of each element in the cluster and their positions
    #cluster = ase_read("BeforeOpt",format='vasp')
    cluster.pbc = False
    #Construct atoms using the ASE class "Atoms".
    # Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
    # Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
    Gupta_parameters = {'Cu': [10.960, 2.2780, 0.0855, 1.224, 2.556]}
    cluster.set_calculator(Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=False))
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
    startTime = time.time()
    converged = False
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            import os
            name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + name + ' did not optimise completely.'
            #print sys.stderr >> errorMessage
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
    endTime = time.time()
    # Write information about the algorithm
    Info = {}
    Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " +
                         str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
    #Info.write("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
    return cluster, converged, Info
コード例 #12
def Minimisation_Function(cluster, collection, cluster_name):
    cluster.pbc = False  # make sure that the periodic boundry conditions are set off
    # Perform the local optimisation method on the cluster.
    # Parameter sequence: [p, q, a, xi, r0]
    # RGL parameters below from:
    # Crossover among structural motifs in transition and noble-metal clusters
    # F. Baletto, R. Ferrando, A. Fortunelli, F. Montalenti and C. Mottet, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 116, 3856–3863.
    # https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1448484
    r0 = 4.07 / (2.0**0.5)
    Gupta_parameters = {'Au': [10.53, 4.30, 0.2197, 1.855, r0]}
    cluster.set_calculator(Gupta(Gupta_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=False))
    dyn = FIRE(cluster, logfile=None)
    startTime = time.time()
    converged = False
        dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=5000)
        converged = dyn.converged()
        if not converged:
            errorMessage = 'The optimisation of cluster ' + str(
                cluster_name) + ' did not optimise completely.'
            print(errorMessage, file=sys.stderr)
    except Exception:
        print('Local Optimiser Failed for some reason.')
    endTime = time.time()
    # Write information about the algorithm
    Info = {}
    Info["INFO.txt"] = ''
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("No of Force Calls: " +
                         str(dyn.get_number_of_steps()) + '\n')
    Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Time (s): " + str(endTime - startTime) + '\n')
    #Info["INFO.txt"] += ("Cluster converged?: " + str(dyn.converged()) + '\n')
    return cluster, converged, Info