コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: tschijnmo/interpPES
def interp_by_neb(initial, final, n_images, interp='idpp',
                  calculator=None, constraint=None, fmax=0.5, steps=10,
    """Interpolate between the initial and final points by NEB method.

    :param initial: The initial image.
    :param final: The final image.
    :param int n_images: The number of image between the initial and final
    :param string interp: The interpolation method.

    :param Callable calculator: The callable to generate calculators for the
        images.  It can be set to None if no real optimization is intended.
    :param constraint: The constraint for the images.
    :param fmax: The maximal force to stop the optimization.
    :param steps: The number of optimization steps allowed.

    :param kwargs:  All other keyword arguments are forwarded to the
        initializer of the ASE NEB class.

    :return: The list of images between the points.

    # To circumvent the error from interpolation when we have no middle images.
    if n_images == 0:
        return [initial, final]

    images = [initial]
    for _ in range(n_images):
        image = initial.copy()
        if calculator is not None:
        if constraint is not None:

    neb = NEB(images, **kwargs)

    if calculator is not None:
        dyn = MDMin(neb)
        dyn.run(fmax=fmax, steps=steps)

    return neb.images
コード例 #2
ファイル: neb2.py プロジェクト: misdoro/python-ase
# Make a mask of zeros and ones that select fixed atoms (the
# two bottom layers):
mask = initial.positions[:, 2] - min(initial.positions[:, 2]) < 1.5 * h
constraint = FixAtoms(mask=mask)

for image in images:
    # Let all images use an EMT calculator:

# Relax the initial and final states:

# Create a Nudged Elastic Band:
neb = NEB(images)

# Make a starting guess for the minimum energy path (a straight line
# from the initial to the final state):

# Relax the NEB path:
minimizer = MDMin(neb)

# Write the path to a trajectory:
# 564 meV
write('jump2.traj', images)
コード例 #3
ファイル: StressFilter.py プロジェクト: auag92/n2dm
atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(size,size,size), symbol="Cu", pbc=True)
defsize = atoms.get_volume()
atoms.set_cell(atoms.get_cell() * 1.1, scale_atoms=True)

def printvol(a):
    print "Volume:", a.get_volume(), " energy:",\
          atoms.get_potential_energy() + atoms.get_kinetic_energy(),\
          " stress:", atoms.get_stress()[:3]

f = StrainFilter(atoms, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
opt = MDMin(f, logfile="/dev/null", dt=0.01/(atoms.get_cell()[0,0]))
opt.attach(printvol, 10, atoms)
print "Original vol:", defsize
stress = atoms.get_stress()
for i in range(6):
    ReportTest("Stress component %d (T=0)" % (i,), stress[0], 0.0, 1e-5)

atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(size,size,size), symbol="Cu", pbc=True)
dyn = Langevin(atoms, 10*units.fs, 500*units.kB, 0.02)
dyn.attach(printvol, 100, atoms)

コード例 #4
ファイル: cp2k_stress.py プロジェクト: puckvg/ase-copy
def main():
    """Adopted from ase/test/stress.py"""

    # setup a Fist Lennard-Jones Potential
    inp = """&FORCE_EVAL
                        EMAX_ACCURACY 500.0
                        EMAX_SPLINE    1000.0
                        EPS_SPLINE 1.0E-9
                          atoms Ar Ar
                          EPSILON [eV] 1.0
                          SIGMA [angstrom] 1.0
                          RCUT [angstrom] 10.0
                        &END LENNARD-JONES
                      &END NONBONDED
                        ATOM Ar
                        CHARGE 0.0
                      &END CHARGE
                    &END FORCEFIELD
                        EWALD_TYPE none
                      &END EWALD
                    &END POISSON
                  &END MM
                &END FORCE_EVAL"""

    calc = CP2K(label="test_stress", inp=inp, force_eval_method="Fist")

    # Theoretical infinite-cutoff LJ FCC unit cell parameters
    vol0 = 4 * 0.91615977036  # theoretical minimum
    a0 = vol0**(1 / 3)

    a = bulk('Ar', 'fcc', a=a0)
    cell0 = a.get_cell()

    a.calc = calc
                      [[1.02, 0, 0.03], [0, 0.99, -0.02], [0.1, -0.01, 1.03]]),

    a *= (1, 2, 3)
    cell0 *= np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis]


    # Verify analytical stress tensor against numerical value
    s_analytical = a.get_stress()
    s_numerical = a.calc.calculate_numerical_stress(a, 1e-5)
    s_p_err = 100 * (s_numerical - s_analytical) / s_numerical

    print("Analytical stress:\n", s_analytical)
    print("Numerical stress:\n", s_numerical)
    print("Percent error in stress:\n", s_p_err)
    assert np.all(abs(s_p_err) < 1e-5)

    # Minimize unit cell
    opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)

    # Verify minimized unit cell using Niggli tensors
    g_minimized = np.dot(a.cell, a.cell.T)
    g_theory = np.dot(cell0, cell0.T)
    g_p_err = 100 * (g_minimized - g_theory) / g_theory

    print("Minimized Niggli tensor:\n", g_minimized)
    print("Theoretical Niggli tensor:\n", g_theory)
    print("Percent error in Niggli tensor:\n", g_p_err)
    assert np.all(abs(g_p_err) < 1)

    print('passed test "stress"')
コード例 #5
ファイル: cp2k_stress.py プロジェクト: rosswhitfield/ase
def main():
    """Adopted from ase/test/stress.py"""

    if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ:
        raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined')

    # setup a Fist Lennard-Jones Potential
    inp = """&FORCE_EVAL
                        EMAX_ACCURACY 500.0
                        EMAX_SPLINE    1000.0
                        EPS_SPLINE 1.0E-9
                          atoms Ar Ar
                          EPSILON [eV] 1.0
                          SIGMA [angstrom] 1.0
                          RCUT [angstrom] 10.0
                        &END LENNARD-JONES
                      &END NONBONDED
                        ATOM Ar
                        CHARGE 0.0
                      &END CHARGE
                    &END FORCEFIELD
                        EWALD_TYPE none
                      &END EWALD
                    &END POISSON
                  &END MM
                &END FORCE_EVAL"""

    calc = CP2K(label="test_stress", inp=inp, force_eval_method="Fist")

    vol0 = 4 * 0.91615977036  # theoretical minimum
    a0 = vol0 ** (1 / 3)
    a = bulk('Ar', 'fcc', a=a0)
    a.calc = calc
                      [[1.02, 0, 0.03],
                       [0, 0.99, -0.02],
                       [0.1, -0.01, 1.03]]),

    a *= (1, 2, 3)
    sigma_vv = a.get_stress(voigt=False)
    # print(sigma_vv)
    # print(a.get_potential_energy() / len(a))
    vol = a.get_volume()

    # compare stress tensor with numeric derivative
    deps = 1e-5
    cell = a.cell.copy()
    for v in range(3):
        x = np.eye(3)
        x[v, v] += deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        x[v, v] -= 2 * deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        s = (ep - em) / 2 / deps / vol
        # print(v, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]))
        assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]) < 1e-7
    for v1 in range(3):
        v2 = (v1 + 1) % 3
        x = np.eye(3)
        x[v1, v2] = deps
        x[v2, v1] = deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        x[v1, v2] = -deps
        x[v2, v1] = -deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        s = (ep - em) / deps / 4 / vol
        # print(v1, v2, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]))
        assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]) < 1e-7

    # run a cell optimization, see if it finds back original crystal structure
    opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01, logfile=None)
    # print(a.cell)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            x = np.dot(a.cell[i], a.cell[j])
            y = (i + 1) * (j + 1) * a0 ** 2 / 2
            if i != j:
                y /= 2
            # print(i, j, x, (x - y) / x)
            assert abs((x - y) / x) < 0.01

    print('passed test "stress"')
コード例 #6
ファイル: neb2.py プロジェクト: JaniceLC/aseplayground
# Make a mask of zeros and ones that select fixed atoms (the
# two bottom layers):
mask = initial.positions[:, 2] - min(initial.positions[:, 2]) < 1.5 * h
constraint = FixAtoms(mask=mask)

for image in images:
    # Let all images use an EMT calculator:
    image.calc = EMT()

# Relax the initial and final states:

# Create a Nudged Elastic Band:
neb = NEB(images)

# Make a starting guess for the minimum energy path (a straight line
# from the initial to the final state):

# Relax the NEB path:
minimizer = MDMin(neb)

# Write the path to a trajectory:
# 564 meV
write('jump2.traj', images)
コード例 #7
from ase.structure import molecule
from ase.structure import nanotube
from ase.optimize import BFGS, MDMin
from asap3 import BrennerPotential
from asap3.testtools import ReportTest
import numpy as np

atoms = nanotube(5, 5, length=10)
uc = atoms.get_cell()
l0 = uc[2,2]

e = -1e100
for eps in np.linspace(0, 0.5, 201):
    uc[2,2] = l0 * (1 + eps)
    atoms.set_cell(uc, scale_atoms=True)
    dyn = MDMin(atoms, logfile=None, dt=0.05)
    dyn.run(fmax=0.01, steps=100)
    epot = atoms.get_potential_energy()
    if epot > e:
        e = epot
    print "%.3f  %f" % (eps, epot)

print "Maximal energy:", e
ReportTest("Maximal energy", e, -969.0, 5.0)
if abs(e - -620.98) < 1.0:
    print "Bug 42 is back!"
コード例 #8
    em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    s = (ep - em) / 2 / deps / vol
    print(v, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]))
    assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]) < 1e-7
for v1 in range(3):
    v2 = (v1 + 1) % 3
    x = np.eye(3)
    x[v1, v2] = deps
    x[v2, v1] = deps
    a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
    ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    x[v1, v2] = -deps
    x[v2, v1] = -deps
    a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
    em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    s = (ep - em) / deps / 4 / vol
    print(v1, v2, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]))
    assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]) < 1e-7

opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        x = np.dot(a.cell[i], a.cell[j])
        y = (i + 1) * (j + 1) * a0**2 / 2
        if i != j:
            y /= 2
        print(i, j, x, (x - y) / x)
        assert abs((x - y) / x) < 0.01
コード例 #9
ファイル: stress.py プロジェクト: rchiechi/QuantumParse

a *= (1, 2, 3)
cell0 *= np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis]


# Verify analytical stress tensor against numerical value
s_analytical = a.get_stress()
s_numerical = a.calc.calculate_numerical_stress(a, 1e-5)
s_p_err = 100 * (s_numerical - s_analytical) / s_numerical

print("Analytical stress:\n", s_analytical)
print("Numerical stress:\n", s_numerical)
print("Percent error in stress:\n", s_p_err)
assert np.all(abs(s_p_err) < 1e-5)

# Minimize unit cell
opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)

# Verify minimized unit cell using Niggli tensors
g_minimized = np.dot(a.cell, a.cell.T)
g_theory = np.dot(cell0, cell0.T)
g_p_err = 100 * (g_minimized - g_theory) / g_theory

print("Minimized Niggli tensor:\n", g_minimized)
print("Theoretical Niggli tensor:\n", g_theory)
print("Percent error in Niggli tensor:\n", g_p_err)
assert np.all(abs(g_p_err) < 1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: cp2k_stress.py プロジェクト: uu1477/MyAse
def main():
    """Adopted from ase/test/stress.py"""

    if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ:
        raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined')

    # setup a Fist Lennard-Jones Potential
    inp = """&FORCE_EVAL
                        EMAX_ACCURACY 500.0
                        EMAX_SPLINE    1000.0
                        EPS_SPLINE 1.0E-9
                          atoms Ar Ar
                          EPSILON [eV] 1.0
                          SIGMA [angstrom] 1.0
                          RCUT [angstrom] 10.0
                        &END LENNARD-JONES
                      &END NONBONDED
                        ATOM Ar
                        CHARGE 0.0
                      &END CHARGE
                    &END FORCEFIELD
                        EWALD_TYPE none
                      &END EWALD
                    &END POISSON
                  &END MM
                &END FORCE_EVAL"""

    calc = CP2K(label="test_stress", inp=inp, force_eval_method="Fist")

    vol0 = 4 * 0.91615977036  # theoretical minimum
    a0 = vol0**(1 / 3)
    a = bulk('Ar', 'fcc', a=a0)
    a.calc = calc
                      [[1.02, 0, 0.03], [0, 0.99, -0.02], [0.1, -0.01, 1.03]]),

    a *= (1, 2, 3)
    sigma_vv = a.get_stress(voigt=False)
    # print(sigma_vv)
    # print(a.get_potential_energy() / len(a))
    vol = a.get_volume()

    # compare stress tensor with numeric derivative
    deps = 1e-5
    cell = a.cell.copy()
    for v in range(3):
        x = np.eye(3)
        x[v, v] += deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        x[v, v] -= 2 * deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        s = (ep - em) / 2 / deps / vol
        # print(v, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]))
        assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]) < 1e-7
    for v1 in range(3):
        v2 = (v1 + 1) % 3
        x = np.eye(3)
        x[v1, v2] = deps
        x[v2, v1] = deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        x[v1, v2] = -deps
        x[v2, v1] = -deps
        a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
        em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
        s = (ep - em) / deps / 4 / vol
        # print(v1, v2, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]))
        assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]) < 1e-7

    # run a cell optimization, see if it finds back original crystal structure
    opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01, logfile=None)
    # print(a.cell)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            x = np.dot(a.cell[i], a.cell[j])
            y = (i + 1) * (j + 1) * a0**2 / 2
            if i != j:
                y /= 2
            # print(i, j, x, (x - y) / x)
            assert abs((x - y) / x) < 0.01

    print('passed test "stress"')
コード例 #11
ase_calculator = copy.deepcopy(ase_calculator)

images_ase = [initial_ase]
for i in range(1, n_images-1):
    image = initial_ase.copy()


neb_ase = NEB(images_ase, climb=True)

qn_ase = MDMin(neb_ase, trajectory='neb_ase.traj')

# 2.B. NEB using CatLearn

neb_catlearn = MLNEB(start='initial.traj', end='final.traj',
                     interpolation='idpp', restart=False)

neb_catlearn.run(fmax=0.05, trajectory='ML-NEB.traj')

# 3. Summary of the results

print('\nSummary of the results: \n')
コード例 #12
ファイル: cp2k_stress.py プロジェクト: rchiechi/QuantumParse
def main():
    """Adopted from ase/test/stress.py"""

    if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ:
        raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined')

    # setup a Fist Lennard-Jones Potential
    inp = """&FORCE_EVAL
                        EMAX_ACCURACY 500.0
                        EMAX_SPLINE    1000.0
                        EPS_SPLINE 1.0E-9
                          atoms Ar Ar
                          EPSILON [eV] 1.0
                          SIGMA [angstrom] 1.0
                          RCUT [angstrom] 10.0
                        &END LENNARD-JONES
                      &END NONBONDED
                        ATOM Ar
                        CHARGE 0.0
                      &END CHARGE
                    &END FORCEFIELD
                        EWALD_TYPE none
                      &END EWALD
                    &END POISSON
                  &END MM
                &END FORCE_EVAL"""

    calc = CP2K(label="test_stress", inp=inp, force_eval_method="Fist")

    # Theoretical infinite-cutoff LJ FCC unit cell parameters
    vol0 = 4 * 0.91615977036  # theoretical minimum
    a0 = vol0 ** (1 / 3)

    a = bulk('Ar', 'fcc', a=a0)
    cell0 = a.get_cell()

    a.calc = calc
                      [[1.02, 0, 0.03],
                       [0, 0.99, -0.02],
                       [0.1, -0.01, 1.03]]),

    a *= (1, 2, 3)
    cell0 *= np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis]


    # Verify analytical stress tensor against numerical value
    s_analytical = a.get_stress()
    s_numerical = a.calc.calculate_numerical_stress(a, 1e-5)
    s_p_err = 100 * (s_numerical - s_analytical) / s_numerical

    print("Analytical stress:\n", s_analytical)
    print("Numerical stress:\n", s_numerical)
    print("Percent error in stress:\n", s_p_err)
    assert np.all(abs(s_p_err) < 1e-5)

    # Minimize unit cell
    opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)

    # Verify minimized unit cell using Niggli tensors
    g_minimized = np.dot(a.cell, a.cell.T)
    g_theory = np.dot(cell0, cell0.T)
    g_p_err = 100 * (g_minimized - g_theory) / g_theory

    print("Minimized Niggli tensor:\n", g_minimized)
    print("Theoretical Niggli tensor:\n", g_theory)
    print("Percent error in Niggli tensor:\n", g_p_err)
    assert np.all(abs(g_p_err) < 1)

    print('passed test "stress"')
コード例 #13
ファイル: stress.py プロジェクト: PHOTOX/fuase
    em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    s = (ep - em) / 2 / deps / vol
    print(v, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]))
    assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v, v]) < 1e-7
for v1 in range(3):
    v2 = (v1 + 1) % 3
    x = np.eye(3)
    x[v1, v2] = deps
    x[v2, v1] = deps
    a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
    ep = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    x[v1, v2] = -deps
    x[v2, v1] = -deps
    a.set_cell(np.dot(cell, x), scale_atoms=True)
    em = a.calc.get_potential_energy(a, force_consistent=True)
    s = (ep - em) / deps / 4 / vol
    print(v1, v2, s, abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]))
    assert abs(s - sigma_vv[v1, v2]) < 1e-7

opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        x = np.dot(a.cell[i], a.cell[j])
        y = (i + 1) * (j + 1) * a0**2 / 2
        if i != j:
            y /= 2
        print(i, j, x, (x - y) / x)
        assert abs((x - y) / x) < 0.01
コード例 #14
ファイル: stress.py プロジェクト: yfyh2013/ase

a *= (1, 2, 3)
cell0 *= np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis]


# Verify analytical stress tensor against numerical value
s_analytical = a.get_stress()
s_numerical = a.calc.calculate_numerical_stress(a, 1e-5)
s_p_err = 100 * (s_numerical - s_analytical) / s_numerical

print("Analytical stress:\n", s_analytical)
print("Numerical stress:\n", s_numerical)
print("Percent error in stress:\n", s_p_err)
assert np.all(abs(s_p_err) < 1e-5)

# Minimize unit cell
opt = MDMin(UnitCellFilter(a), dt=0.01)

# Verify minimized unit cell using Niggli tensors
g_minimized = np.dot(a.cell, a.cell.T)
g_theory = np.dot(cell0, cell0.T)
g_p_err = 100 * (g_minimized - g_theory) / g_theory

print("Minimized Niggli tensor:\n", g_minimized)
print("Theoretical Niggli tensor:\n", g_theory)
print("Percent error in Niggli tensor:\n", g_p_err)
assert np.all(abs(g_p_err) < 1)
コード例 #15
images = [Atoms(initial)]
images += [Atoms(initial.copy()) for i in range(n_images)]
images += [Atoms(final)]

neb = NEB(images, k=0.1)
for img in images:
    ase.io.write(sys.stdout, img, 'extxyz')

# perturb intermediate images
for img in images[1:-1]:

# optimizer = FIRE(neb)
optimizer = MDMin(neb, dt=0.05)

neb_traj = open('model-' + model.name + '-vacancy-path.neb.xyz', 'w')
ase.io.write(neb_traj, neb.images, format='extxyz')

Es = []
for img in images:
    Es.append(img.get_potential_energy() - e_bulk_per_atom * len(img))
    ase.io.write(sys.stdout, img, 'extxyz')

# dictionary of computed properties - this is output of this test, to
#   be compared with other models
properties = {'vacancy_path': Es}
コード例 #16
            temp.translate([x * a, y * a, z * a])
            for i in range(4):
                print((x, y, z, i))

tempPos = initial[0].position
del initial[0]
final = initial.copy()
final[1].position = tempPos


images = [initial]
images += [initial.copy() for i in range(3)]
images += [final]

neb = NEB(images)


for image in images[1:4]:

print("its go time")
optimizer = MDMin(neb, trajectory='neb.traj')

time = datetime.now().time()