コード例 #1
    def header(self):
        nodename, machine = os.uname()[1::3]
        self('User:  '******'USER', '???') + '@' + nodename)
        self('Date:  ', time.asctime())
        self('Arch:  ', machine)
        self('Pid:   ', os.getpid())
        self('Python: {0}.{1}.{2}'.format(*sys.version_info[:3]))
        # Espresso
        line = os.path.dirname(xespresso.__file__)
        githash = search_current_git_hash(xespresso)
        if githash is not None:
            line += ' ({:.10})'.format(githash)
        self('xespresso:  ', line)

        # ASE
        line = '%s (version %s' % (os.path.dirname(ase.__file__), ase_version)
        githash = search_current_git_hash(ase)
        if githash is not None:
            line += '-{:.10}'.format(githash)
        line += ')'
        self('ase:   ', line)
コード例 #2
def format_dependency(modname: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Return (name, path) for given module."""
        module = importlib.import_module(modname)
    except ImportError:
        return modname, 'not installed'

    version = getattr(module, '__version__', '?')
    name = f'{modname}-{version}'
    if modname == 'ase':
        githash = search_current_git_hash(module)
        if githash:
            name += '-{:.10}'.format(githash)

    # (only packages have __path__, but we are importing packages.)
    return name, str(module.__path__[0])  # type: ignore
コード例 #3
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: thonmaker/gpaw
def info():
    """Show versions of GPAW and its dependencies."""
    results = [('python-' + sys.version.split()[0], sys.executable)]
    for name in ['gpaw', 'ase', 'numpy', 'scipy']:
            module = import_module(name)
        except ImportError:
            results.append((name, False))
            # Search for git hash
            githash = search_current_git_hash(module)
            if githash is None:
                githash = ''
                githash = '-{:.10}'.format(githash)
            results.append((name + '-' + module.__version__ + githash,
                            module.__file__.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'))
    results.append(('libxc-' + _gpaw.libxc_version, ''))
    module = import_module('_gpaw')
    if hasattr(module, 'githash'):
        githash = '-{:.10}'.format(module.githash())
        ('_gpaw' + githash, op.normpath(getattr(module, '__file__',
    p = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'gpaw-python'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    results.append(('parallel', p.communicate()[0].strip().decode() or False))
    results.append(('MPI enabled', have_mpi))
    if have_mpi:
        have_sl = compiled_with_sl()
        have_elpa = LibElpa.have_elpa()
        have_sl = have_elpa = 'no (MPI unavailable)'
    results.append(('scalapack', have_sl))
    results.append(('Elpa', have_elpa))
    results.append(('FFTW', fftw.FFTPlan is fftw.FFTWPlan))
    results.append(('libvdwxc', compiled_with_libvdwxc()))
    paths = [
        '{0}: {1}'.format(i + 1, path)
        for i, path in enumerate(gpaw.setup_paths)
    results.append(('PAW-datasets', '\n{:25}'.format('').join(paths)))

    if rank == 0:
        for a, b in results:
            if isinstance(b, bool):
                b = ['no', 'yes'][b]
            print('{0:25}{1}'.format(a, b))
コード例 #4
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: essil1/ase-laser
def print_info():
    versions = [('platform', platform.platform()),
                ('python-' + sys.version.split()[0], sys.executable)]
    for name in ['ase', 'numpy', 'scipy']:
            module = import_module(name)
        except ImportError:
            versions.append((name, 'no'))
            # Search for git hash
            githash = search_current_git_hash(module)
            if githash is None:
                githash = ''
                githash = '-{:.10}'.format(githash)
            versions.append((name + '-' + module.__version__ + githash,
                            module.__file__.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] + os.sep))

    for a, b in versions:
        print('{:25}{}'.format(a, b))
コード例 #5
extra_compile_args = []
runtime_library_dirs = []
extra_objects = []
define_macros = [('NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API', 7)]
undef_macros = []

mpi_libraries = []
mpi_library_dirs = []
mpi_include_dirs = []
mpi_runtime_library_dirs = []
mpi_define_macros = []

# Search and store current git hash if possible
    from ase.utils import search_current_git_hash
    githash = search_current_git_hash('gpaw')
    if githash is not None:
        define_macros += [('GPAW_GITHASH', githash)]
        print('.git directory not found. GPAW git hash not written.')
except ImportError:
    print('ASE not found. GPAW git hash not written.')

platform_id = ''

packages = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('gpaw'):
    if '__init__.py' in filenames:
        packages.append(dirname.replace('/', '.'))

import_numpy = True
コード例 #6
    def header(self):
        self('  ___ ___ ___ _ _ _  ')
        self(' |   |   |_  | | | | ')
        self(' | | | | | . | | | | ')
        self(' |__ |  _|___|_____| ', gpaw.__version__)
        self(' |___|_|             ')

        # We use os.uname() here bacause platform.uname() starts a subprocess,
        # which MPI may not like!
        # This might not work on Windows.  We will see ...
        nodename, machine = os.uname()[1::3]

        self('User:  '******'USER', '???') + '@' + nodename)
        self('Date:  ', time.asctime())
        self('Arch:  ', machine)
        self('Pid:   ', os.getpid())
        self('Python: {0}.{1}.{2}'.format(*sys.version_info[:3]))
        # GPAW
        line = os.path.dirname(gpaw.__file__)
        githash = search_current_git_hash(gpaw, self.world)
        if githash is not None:
            line += ' ({:.10})'.format(githash)
        self('gpaw:  ', line)

        # Find C-code:
        c = getattr(_gpaw, '__file__', None)
        if not c:
            c = sys.executable
        line = os.path.normpath(c)
        if hasattr(_gpaw, 'githash'):
            line += ' ({:.10})'.format(_gpaw.githash())
        self('_gpaw: ', cut(line))

        # ASE
        line = '%s (version %s' % (os.path.dirname(ase.__file__), ase_version)
        githash = search_current_git_hash(ase, self.world)
        if githash is not None:
            line += '-{:.10}'.format(githash)
        line += ')'
        self('ase:   ', line)

        self('numpy:  %s (version %s)' %
             (os.path.dirname(np.__file__), np.version.version))
        import scipy as sp
        self('scipy:  %s (version %s)' %
             (os.path.dirname(sp.__file__), sp.version.version))
        # Explicitly deleting SciPy seems to remove garbage collection
        # problem of unknown cause
        del sp
        self('libxc: ', _gpaw.libxc_version)
        self('units:  Angstrom and eV')
        self('cores:  %d' % world.size)

        if gpaw.debug:
            self('DEBUG MODE')

        if extra_parameters:
            self('Extra parameters:', extra_parameters)
