コード例 #1
    def eval_vol(self, vol_true, vol_est):
        norm_true = anorm(vol_true)

        err = anorm(vol_true - vol_est)
        rel_err = err / norm_true
        # RCOPT
        corr = acorr(vol_true.asnumpy(), vol_est.asnumpy())

        return {"err": err, "rel_err": rel_err, "corr": corr}
コード例 #2
    def eval_volmat(self, volmat_true, volmat_est):
        Evaluate volume matrix estimation accuracy
        :param volmat_true: The true volume matrices in the form of an L-by-L-by-L-by-L-by-L-by-L-by-K array.
        :param volmat_est: The estimated volume matrices in the same form.
        norm_true = anorm(volmat_true)

        err = anorm(volmat_true - volmat_est)
        rel_err = err / norm_true
        corr = acorr(volmat_true, volmat_est)

        return {"err": err, "rel_err": rel_err, "corr": corr}
コード例 #3
    def vol_coords(self, mean_vol=None, eig_vols=None):
        Coordinates of simulation volumes in a given basis
        :param mean_vol: A mean volume in the form of a Volume Instance (default `mean_true`).
        :param eig_vols: A set of k volumes in a Volume instance (default `eigs`).
        if mean_vol is None:
            mean_vol = self.mean_true()
        if eig_vols is None:
            eig_vols = self.eigs()[0]

        assert isinstance(mean_vol, Volume)
        assert isinstance(eig_vols, Volume)

        vols = self.vols - mean_vol  # note, broadcast

        V = vols.to_vec()
        EV = eig_vols.to_vec()

        coords = EV @ V.T

        res = vols - Volume.from_vec(coords.T @ EV)
        res_norms = anorm(res.asnumpy(), (1, 2, 3))
        res_inners = mean_vol.to_vec() @ res.to_vec().T

        return coords.squeeze(), res_norms, res_inners
コード例 #4
    def eval_eigs(self, eigs_est, lambdas_est):
        Evaluate covariance eigendecomposition accuracy
        :param eigs_est: The estimated volume eigenvectors in an L-by-L-by-L-by-K array.
        :param lambdas_est: The estimated eigenvalues in a K-by-K diagonal matrix (default `diag(ones(K, 1))`).
        eigs_true, lambdas_true = self.eigs()

        B = eigs_est.to_vec() @ eigs_true.to_vec().T
        norm_true = anorm(lambdas_true)
        norm_est = anorm(lambdas_est)

        inner = ainner(B @ lambdas_true, lambdas_est @ B)
        err = np.sqrt(norm_true**2 + norm_est**2 - 2 * inner)
        rel_err = err / norm_true
        corr = inner / (norm_true * norm_est)

        # TODO: Determine Principal Angles and return as a dict value

        return {"err": err, "rel_err": rel_err, "corr": corr}
コード例 #5
    def eval_coords(self, mean_vol, eig_vols, coords_est):
        Evaluate coordinate estimation
        :param mean_vol: A mean volume in the form of a Volume instance.
        :param eig_vols: A set of eigenvolumes in an Volume instance.
        :param coords_est: The estimated coordinates in the affine space defined centered at `mean_vol` and spanned
            by `eig_vols`.
        assert isinstance(mean_vol, Volume)
        assert isinstance(eig_vols, Volume)
        coords_true, res_norms, res_inners = self.vol_coords(mean_vol, eig_vols)

        # 0-indexed states vector
        states = self.states - 1

        coords_true = coords_true[states]
        res_norms = res_norms[states]
        res_inners = res_inners[:, states]

        mean_eigs_inners = (mean_vol.to_vec() @ eig_vols.to_vec().T).item()
        coords_err = coords_true - coords_est

        err = np.hypot(res_norms, coords_err)

        mean_vol_norm2 = anorm(mean_vol) ** 2
        norm_true = np.sqrt(
            coords_true ** 2
            + mean_vol_norm2
            + 2 * res_inners
            + 2 * mean_eigs_inners * coords_true
        norm_true = np.hypot(res_norms, norm_true)

        rel_err = err / norm_true
        inner = (
            + mean_eigs_inners * (coords_true + coords_est)
            + coords_true * coords_est
            + res_inners
        norm_est = np.sqrt(
            coords_est ** 2 + mean_vol_norm2 + 2 * mean_eigs_inners * coords_est

        corr = inner / (norm_true * norm_est)

        return {"err": err, "rel_err": rel_err, "corr": corr}
コード例 #6

# Convert Fourier-Bessel coefficients back into 2D images
imgs_est = ffbbasis.evaluate(coeff_est)

# Evaluate the results
# Calculate the difference between the estimated covariance and the "true"
# covariance estimated from the clean Fourier-Bessel coefficients.
covar_coeff_diff = covar_coeff - covar_coeff_est

# Calculate the deviation between the clean estimates and those obtained from
# the noisy, filtered images.
diff_mean = anorm(mean_coeff_est - mean_coeff) / anorm(mean_coeff)
diff_covar = covar_coeff_diff.norm() / covar_coeff.norm()

# Calculate the normalized RMSE of the estimated images.
nrmse_ims = (imgs_est - imgs_clean).norm() / imgs_clean.norm()
logger.info(f"Deviation of the noisy mean estimate: {diff_mean}")
logger.info(f"Deviation of the noisy covariance estimate: {diff_covar}")
logger.info(f"Estimated images normalized RMSE: {nrmse_ims}")

# plot the first images at different stages
idm = 0
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(-imgs_noise[idm], cmap="gray")
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
コード例 #7
    f"Finish normal FB expansion of original images in {dtime:.4f} seconds.")

# Reconstruct images from the expansion coefficients based on FB basis
fb_images = fb_basis.evaluate(fb_coeffs)
    "Finish reconstruction of images from normal FB expansion coefficients.")

# Calculate the mean value of maximum differences between the FB estimated images and the original images
fb_meanmax = np.mean(np.max(abs(fb_images - org_images), axis=2))
    f"Mean value of maximum differences between FB estimated images and original images: {fb_meanmax}"

# Calculate the normalized RMSE of the FB estimated images
fb_nrmse_ims = anorm(fb_images - org_images) / anorm(org_images)
logger.info(f"FB estimated images normalized RMSE: {fb_nrmse_ims}")

# plot the first images using the normal FB method
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.imshow(np.real(org_images[0]), cmap="gray")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.imshow(np.real(fb_images[0]), cmap="gray")
plt.title("FB Image")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(np.real(org_images[0] - fb_images[0]), cmap="gray")

# %%